
How to make a person out of salt dough step by step. Salt Dough Bird Crafts

Olga Pakhomova

Master class on testoplasty. Step by step description of working with salt dough. From work experience.

Target: Development of fine motor skills and intelligence; creativity and imagination. Cultivate patience and perseverance. Encourage children to create dynamic expressive images and collective plot compositions, independently choosing a topic.

Items made from test, often call "Bread Sculpture", referring to the ingredients used - flour, salt and water, that is, the very ones from which bread is baked. Salty dough- an excellent material for making dreams and ideas come true, and it is also an excellent "medicine for the soul" relieving stress and depression.

Ingredients and Proportions: Flour, fine salt, wallpaper paste powder, water. Flour and salt 2 :1 wallpaper paste 1 tablespoon

All thoroughly knead. You must "feel" dough with hands. This is very important, because from the consistency test all further work depends. It should not be too soft, not too hard. Density test you can always correct: for this, sometimes it is enough to add a few drops of water or vice versa, art. l a mixture of flour, salt and glue.

How to color dough.

There are practically unlimited possibilities here. Can be added directly to dough dye how i do (acrylic paint, tempera, also cocoa, dry yuppie juice, ground turmeric), or you can color the finished product. It is best to dilute the selected paint (I use food coloring) in a small amount of water and add it to the mixture of flour and salt.


You can easily find the tools you need at the initial stage of work at your place. Houses: this is a glass or plastic bowl, a glass, a rolling pin, a knife, foil, toothpicks, a pizza cutting wheel, caps from felt-tip pens, bottle caps, cookie cutters, almost any item can be used to give the future product the desired shape

So, salty dough provides freedom of imagination, ingenuity, creativity.

Storage dough and drying products.

Salty dough can be stored for 4-5 days. This storage time limit depends on the property of the salt, which makes the dough is too loose. Salty dough should be stored in a tightly sealed bag in a cool place

To make a product from salt dough became hard, you need to dry it, that is, remove as much water from it as possible. The best way is to put it in the oven, preferably an electric one. The product must be dried, but not baked. The oven temperature should be minimum: 50 C. This process takes enough time a lot of: need about 1 hour, for a layer dough thickness 50 mm. In order for your compositions to please you for a long time, try to protect them from dampness. For strength, the finished product can be coated with a colorless varnish. Children love to sculpt salt dough

I am absolutely convinced that salt dough is made for to bring great pleasure and incomparable joy of creativity to those who model products from it.

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Sculpting is a very useful activity. Thanks to her, children train their fingers, developing fine motor skills. In addition, modeling allows you to develop imagination.

Together they sculpted Christmas trees, Decorated them later. Moms, dads were presented - Surprised by skill! Every child loves to receive gifts on New Year's Eve.

In 2016, the anniversary year, and we decided with the kids to make magnets on the "Space" theme. We needed: 1. Salty dough. There are a lot of recipes.

Master class "Basket with roses" from salt dough teacher MADOU "Kindergarten No. 6", Perm Drozdova Nadezhda Ivanovna Dear colleagues.

At the beginning of my work, when the children were still small, I always kneaded the dough in the presence of the children. Gives you the opportunity to participate.

In this article, you will learn how to make your own salt dough and how to dry it. Many photos and step-by-step instructions will help you make a dough craft for any holiday.

For modeling with young children, it is better to use salt dough or Play Doh plasticine.

How to make dough for crafts: recipe

You can make your own dough with just a few simple ingredients: flour, fine salt, citric acid, vegetable oil and water.

Mix first 1 cup of flour with 0.5 cups of salt and 2 teaspoons of citric acid. Pour into a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of oil to the dry mixture. Place over medium heat, gradually add water and stir. Water should go no more than 0.5 cups. When the mass lags behind the walls of the pan and becomes one lump, remove the pan from the heat. Take out the mass, put it on a board sprinkled with flour, and, like a regular dough, knead with your hands.

If you want to make colored dough for modeling, you first need to dilute dry food coloring in water. You can also add a little gouache to the finished dough and knead it well so that the color becomes uniform.

How to prepare salt dough for modeling?

Prepare salt dough. Color it in different colors, depending on what you want to mold. The dough can be made uncolored, divided into balls and a little gouache of the desired color can be added to each and kneaded. It is better to make a dough of regular colors, and then mix them to achieve the desired.

Keep the dough in a bag, or wrap it in cling film, you can put it in a closed container so that it does not dry out. If it still dries out, add a little water, and if it is too wet, add a little flour.

  1. Make the dough thinner and just spread it on the base of the craft, so you can make butter on a slice of bread, or make chocolate icing for a cake from brown dough.
  2. Try on food you've made with toy plates that you'll play with later to match.
  3. To stick pieces of salt dough together, use a wet brush. Spread the junction with a brush, and stick the parts to each other
  4. When sculpting food for dolls, it is very important to make the dough the same color as the original as possible, for example, carrots should be orange, not yellow or red.
  5. So that the colors do not fade, open the craft with varnish. For classes with children, you need to use special harmless varnishes, they do not have an unpleasant odor, because they are made on a water basis

Drying figures from salt dough for modeling

There are two ways to dry salt dough crafts.

  1. Air dry crafts. It is best if you put them on a smooth surface and leave for a few days. When the craft is dry, turn it over or lay it on its side so that it dries on all sides.
  2. Baking in the oven. Preheat the oven well, put baking paper on a baking sheet, lay out the crafts on top, put in the oven and turn off the heat. The oven must be closed and not opened until completely dry. You can also bake crafts at a temperature of 100 ° C, but in this case, you need to watch them so that they do not burn.

These two methods can be combined, for example, dry for an hour in the oven, then leave in the air, after a while still in the oven, and so on until it dries.

Of course, if there are other decorations (beads, beads) in the craft, you need to dry it in the first way.

New Year's crafts from salt dough

The child will really like to decorate the house before the New Year and do crafts with their own hands with their parents.

Christmas tree toys made of dough

Salt dough can make great Christmas decorations, and even toddlers can handle making them.

  1. Prepare dough for modeling in different colors or uncolored
  2. Roll out a cake from it and squeeze out a figure, you can use cookie cutters
  3. Make a hole with a cocktail tube so that you can hang the figurine on the Christmas tree
  4. Decorate the toy as you and your child want: stick colorful balls on the Christmas tree, make a garland for it, let it rain, add white snow to the toy
  5. Uncolored dough can be dried first, and then painted with paints or markers
  6. Dry the dough or bake in the oven
  7. Pass the ribbon through the hole and hang the toy on the Christmas tree

You can make a lot of holes in the figures.

Or stick beads, beads and other beautiful pebbles into the dough, but in this case, these toys cannot be baked in the oven.

You can decorate toys with ribbons or decorative strings.

After the dough dries, apply PVA glue to it and sprinkle the figures with sparkles.

Color the uncolored dried dough with a permanent marker.

Cut out a mitten-shaped figurine, make it a beautiful colored ribbon from colored dough and decorate it with a homemade button. This figurine can be baked in the oven.

Print the baby's palm and draw Santa Claus in it - it will not only be a wonderful toy for the New Year tree, but will also remain in memory.

You can also make just such a toy-Santa Claus. To give him a beard, use a garlic press.

Make these brown dough gingerbread toys.

We sculpt a New Year's candle from dough

To mold a New Year's candle, you will need dough for modeling different colors, a cardboard cylinder, for example, from a roll of paper napkins and red and yellow napkins.

  • Let the child roll up colorful sausages.
  • Wrap them around our cardboard base

  • Decorate it with colorful balloons
  • You can simply stick around the cardboard cylinder with one color and then decorate it

  • Make a fire out of napkins and fix it at the top of our candle

Christmas tree made of dough

  • First make a blank for the Christmas tree, for this you will need a cardboard box of juice or milk. First cut off its top, cut along the side folds, open. From the rectangles you need to cut off the excess so that you get isosceles triangles. See how to do it in the diagram below.

  • Glue the cardboard base for your Christmas tree

  • Now let the child decorate it: let it stick around it with green dough - you will get a Christmas tree. It remains only to add balls, a garland, a star to it, and do not forget about the gifts under the Christmas tree

Can you make a tree like this?

Easter crafts from salt dough

For Easter, you can make the following crafts from salt dough:

  • Decorated eggs from pastry

  • Bunny figurines cut out of salt dough.
  • Decorated easter egg

  • Egg stand

Easter eggs from dough

Even a toddler can handle this task.

  • Take the dough, mold it into an egg-shaped figure.
  • Decorate it however you and your child like.

You can use mixed dough of different colors for the base, you can make the base from unpainted and then paint with paints or markers. Open the eggs with glue and sprinkle with cosmetic sparkles. Glue multi-colored balls, for this, moisten the junction with a wet brush. Press beads, pasta, cereals, and other decorations into the eggs. Make prints with different objects.

In general, fantasize!

Dough egg holder

To do this, you will need a cardboard cylinder, dough and paints.

Cover the cut circle of cardboard with unpainted dough, blind its tail, head and other parts, as shown in the diagrams below.

Do not forget to close the stand on all sides with dough.

Decorate the craft as fantasy tells, you can use gouache or watercolors.

Open with a water-based varnish to make the colors brighter and keep the craft longer.

Crafts from the test for February 14 for Valentine's Day

What does everyone associate with this wonderful holiday? Of course the heart! Let's make a festive heart with a child and give it to parents.

Salt dough heart

Here, as everywhere, we first make the base, in our case, the heart, and decorate it!

You can decorate with roses, it will be very beautiful. How to sculpt roses, see step-by-step instructions with a photo below.

You can make such a keychain with paws.

These cute couples are made very quickly and simply.

You can make many of these heart figures, make holes in them and make a garland out of them, which will decorate the wall in the house.

Dough photo frame

Make an empty heart, decorate it and use it as a frame for a family photo, fasten it with colored cardboard on the back.

salt dough decoration

Here is such a fish in love that will definitely suit mother's outfit on this holiday.

Crafts from the test for March 8

On March 8, you can make such flower keychains for mothers, grandmothers, aunts and sisters. They can be made with younger children. You can use multi-colored dough or unpainted, and then decorate it with paints.

You can make such a flower candlestick as a gift.

Make such interesting medals with your children, and most importantly, everyone is different. Let the child give them himself.

Blind figures in the shape of a figure eight and decorate with flowers, stones, beads, in general, what is enough imagination.

Make a pendant with your child, for example, in the shape of a heart and decorate it: make flowers, leaves, decorate with paints, sign a congratulation.

Salt dough roses

  • We take the dough for modeling, you need colors
  • We sculpt a cone

  • We roll the ball, flatten it gently into a round cake
  • Glue the ball to the cone

  • We make the second ball and glue it on the other side - we have a bud
  • We make a few more balls and also sculpt petals from them. We chain them around

  • We bend the upper edges of the petals back a little, and press the sides to the center

  • We make a few side by side, depending on how lush you want to get a flower

The rose is ready!

If necessary, make leaves from green dough, push the veins with a toothpick. Make legs out of sausages. Connect all the details in one flower.

Crafts from the dough by February 23

Here's a medal you'll love.

Airplane - salt dough craft

A wonderful gift for dad or grandfather would be a salt dough airplane.

  • Roll up the base for the figure - this will be the body
  • Bend one side of it a little - this will be the tail. Attach the remaining parts to it

  • Roll up the wheels for it and the fender liner

  • Walk with a wet brush and attach the parts to the body

  • Blind and attach wings in the form of triangles on toothpicks

  • Make a propeller and use a toothpick to also attach to the body

  • Let the figurine dry for a few days.

  • Paint an airplane with gouache

Crafts from dough for Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa is an ancient holiday with many symbols and traditions. Crafts for this holiday are very diverse, you have plenty to choose from.

For the smallest, you can offer to make the sun, which symbolizes the onset of spring.

Here is such a sun for older children.

Invite your child to make their own salt dough pancakes.

Keychain pancakes

Salt dough panels and pictures

With older children, you can make a picture from salt dough.

For example, it could be a fruit basket. Follow the step by step photo instructions below.

  • Roll out the uncolored dough to a thickness of about 0.5 cm.
  • Prepare a basket template and, attaching to the dough, cut out a basket from it
  • Squeeze out the dough with a garlic press, twist it into flagella, stick it, moistening the junction before that, on the handle of your future basket. You can add flagella to the rim

  • Using a stack or a knife, push through the lines imitating basket weaving

  • Squeeze out a few leaves from the rolled dough with a mold or cut out a few leaves according to the template. Sell ​​them veins
  • Stick the leaves on the basket

  • Now prepare fruits: apples, plums, grapes, etc. Roll them into balls of different sizes and give them the desired shape. For apples, in the place where the dried inflorescence should have been, stick a clove seasoning, the apples will look like real ones
  • Connect everything in one picture

  • Leave your craft to dry for a few days, preferably naturally.
  • Decorate as you wish

Here is a simpler picture you can make with smaller children.

  1. Draw a background for it
  2. Draw the outlines of the character figures
  3. Ask the child to stick the dough without going beyond the contour.
  4. Leave the painting to dry
  5. When it has dried, invite the child to decorate the characters with paints.
  6. Draw small details
  7. Open the picture with varnish, put it in a frame and you can hang it on the wall

Step-by-step dough crafts

Below are a few step-by-step instructions with photos for modeling salt dough with children.

Salt dough beads

  1. We take colored dough, it can be the same color, it can be different
  2. We roll balls out of it, preferably evenly and of the same size. Can be sized in descending order
  3. We pierce the balls carefully in the center with a toothpick
  4. Let them air dry for a few days. Flip them over from time to time.
  5. When the balls are dry, carefully remove the toothpicks
  6. The resulting beads are strung on a cord or ribbon.
  7. You can paint the beads with paints or markers

Salt dough horseshoe

  1. Roll out the dough into a cake, 1 cm thick
  2. Attach a horseshoe template and cut out a figure with a knife
  3. Blind the leaves, cut off the excess, push the veins on them
  4. Blind the berries and flower, use a toothpick to make holes in the berries and stripes on the flower
  5. Lubricate the horseshoe with water and stick all the details
  6. Use a toothpick to make holes around the perimeter of the horseshoe. Make two holes through the top to hang the figurine on a string.
  7. Leave the horseshoe to dry completely or bake in the oven
  8. The dough can initially be taken in a certain color for each detail, or you can decorate it with paints at the end

test star

  1. Roll out the dough into a layer about 1cm thick.
  2. Cut out an asterisk or other figure with a cookie cutter
  3. Lubricate the corners gently with a wet finger so that they are smooth
  4. We decorate the figurine: we make her eyes, mouth, nose, pierce holes with a toothpick, add decorations
  5. Bake in the oven or air dry
  6. We open with varnish

Dough caterpillar

  1. We roll sausage from green dough
  2. Cut it into equal circles, roll them into balls
  3. We stick the balls together, do not forget to moisten the junction.
  4. Making a caterpillar face
  5. We pierce the figurine with a toothpick or a pin in the place where we will attach it to the ring
  6. We dry our craft

salt dough apple

  1. Roll out a ball of dough in the form of half an apple. To make the cut even, press it against some even surface.
  2. Adding a Flat White Center
  3. We roll seeds for an apple and a tail from brown dough. We make leaves from green
  4. We collect the figurine and dry

Salt Dough Crafts - Hedgehog

  • Form the body and head of a hedgehog from uncolored dough.

  • Make him a nose and eyes, you can use black dough or peppercorns

  • Cut the dough with nail scissors, making needles, slightly lift them up. Cut the second row in a checkerboard pattern, and so on until the end

  • Leave the hedgehog to dry. When it is completely hardened, you can decorate it with paints and sprinkle it with varnish.

Salt Dough Crafts - Animals

From salt dough with children, you can sculpt many animals. Below are some step-by-step instructions with photos.

Dough sheep

  1. Roll 4 balls - these will be the legs of the lamb. Place them in a square, pressing them tightly against each other (see photo)
  2. Roll up a piece of foil and place it inside the pastry. Roll a ball out of it - this will be the body of a lamb
  3. Add a sheep's head, blind balls-eyes, horns and ears from sausages
  4. To imitate wool, make many small balls and wrap them around the back of the figure, pressing them down a little
  5. Dry your craft and decorate with paints and/or markers

Salt Dough Owl

  1. Roll out the dough into a round cake
  2. Use a cap from a felt-tip pen to push through the waves, imitating plumage
  3. Wrap the sides inward - these will be the wings
  4. Wrap the upper part towards the center too, stretching it out a little on the sides - this will be the head and ears
  5. Stamp the eyes with the cap and add the beak with a toothpick
  6. Dry and paint

Dough elephant

  1. Roll up the ball, pull it out a little - this will be the body of the elephant
  2. Make 4 thick sausages - these will be the legs
  3. Blind a trunk from another one
  4. Make a ponytail from a thin sausage
  5. Roll out two cakes, put plates of smaller diameter and pink color on them - you will get ears
  6. Collect everything in one figure and don't forget about the eyes
  7. Dry the elephant and open with varnish

Dough crafts - cat

  • Cut out the cat template from cardboard

  • Roll out the dough with a layer of 0.5 cm
  • Attach the template and cut out the cat from the dough

  • Let the dough dry
  • Use sandpaper to sand around the perimeter of the figurine.

Paint the cat with a pencil and then with paints, let dry

Frame the panel

Sculpt fish from salt dough

  1. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.5 to 1 cm
  2. Cut out the fish according to the pattern.
  3. Decorate it: make voluminous eyes, fins and tail, imitate scales with felt-tip pen caps or other improvised means
  4. Let the mushroom dry and decorate it

    Dough Crafts - Fruits and Vegetables

    Many different vegetables and fruits can be molded from salt dough, with which you can then play and feed the dolls.

    Remember that the colors of food for dolls should be matched as closely as possible to the original ones.

    Following step-by-step instructions and photos, you can make interesting figures from salt dough, which you can then give to friends and family for different holidays. We hope you found a lot of interesting works and useful information in this article. Have fun and beautiful crafts!

    VIDEO: Craft from salt dough "Owl"

I have already written many times about how important the baby is. Yes, I think you know this very well without me. Therefore, today, without further ado, I want to tell you about another exciting and very useful activity - about modeling with kids and how you can play if you have a piece of dough at hand. All these games are useful not only for the development of fine motor skills, but also for the development of imagination, thinking, perseverance of the baby.

Often, mothers ask themselves the question: “What is better to choose for classes with a baby: dough or plasticine?” In my opinion, it would be better if you give the child the opportunity to get acquainted with different substances and sensations, you will conduct classes with both dough and plasticine. But here for the smallest (from 1 year old) it is better to use dough in modeling classes and that's why:

    The dough is much softer and more pliable than clay, and for kids who still find it difficult to knead clay, this is important.

    Considering the fact that many kids will want to taste the modeling mass, the dough (home-made) is much safer from this point of view, since its main components are flour, salt and water, and plasticine is still a combination of chemical components.

The dough can be prepared independently, or can be purchased at a store (for example, "Play Doh"). But if at least once you knead the dough at home, then, for sure, you will no longer want to deal with the purchased one. Homemade dough is more plastic, softer, more pleasant, and there is a lot of it! In addition, the process of preparing the dough is quite simple and does not take much time.

So how do you make play dough? Here are two test recipes that I have repeatedly tested and I really like. The first recipe can be called a classic salt dough recipe. The dough on it is prepared very quickly and simply, it is often used to create durable crafts, after drying it can be painted.

Salt dough for modeling - a classic recipe

1 cup flour

½ cup salt (preferably "extra")

½ glass of water

1 tbsp vegetable oil

Mix all ingredients and mix well until smooth.

Recipe for a very plastic dough

And one more recipe for a very, very soft, plastic, homogeneous and, I would even say, ideal dough! :) It is not suitable for drying and painting, but it is the best for fun games with dough.

1 cup flour

1 glass of water

¼ cup salt

1 tbsp vegetable oil

2 tsp citric acid

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan, stir, then place over medium heat. After that, we begin to actively stir the dough with a spoon until it forms a ball and stops sticking to our hands. It will take no more than 3 minutes to mix. After the dough has cooled, you can start playing with it.

Do not neglect such a seemingly insignificant ingredient as citric acid! If you do not add it, then after storage in the refrigerator, the dough will begin to stick to your hands.

Food coloring can be added to any version of the dough. If you do not have a dye to tint the dough, you can use beet or carrot juice, turmeric, brilliant green, gouache. Well, if you divide the dough into several parts and paint them in different colors, it will be even more interesting!

Both doughs keep in the refrigerator in a closed container for quite a long time (several weeks).

Test games

So, you have the dough, what to do with it next? First of all, of course, you need to introduce the baby to the test. Give him the opportunity to touch, crush him. You can mold some kind of bun or bunny in order to show what the dough is capable of. If the acquaintance went well, you can move on to games.

Remember that the whole lesson should not last longer than 5-10 minutes. Do not try to include all the games in one lesson, watch the baby and always stop before he gets tired of the lesson. If a child loses interest in a particular game, it may be too easy or too difficult for him. Try to simplify or make the task easier.

1. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin

The kid, most likely, will begin to roll out the dough with pleasure, because he has seen more than once how his mother does it. If the crumbs are not good at wielding a rolling pin, help him by clasping his hands with yours.

Both a toy and a real kitchen rolling pin are suitable for the game. My daughter likes to roll with a big rolling pin even more.

2. Press various objects into the dough

Further, you can declare that the resulting cake is not just a cake, but a pizza or cake, which now needs to be decorated. And for this purpose, you can use a variety of items: matches, pasta, beans, counting sticks, small toys, lids, etc. Try to use objects of different shapes and sizes to diversify the child's tactile sensations.

3. Create simple crafts based on pressing objects into the dough

Here are some examples:

  • Hedgehog

For the smallest, toothpicks can be replaced with matches or counting sticks.

  • little man

Be sure to involve the child in rolling the torso and head. If the baby is not doing well yet, take his hands in yours and make rotational movements together.

4. Pinch off small pieces of dough, put them in a jar / bowl

This activity is very useful for the development of fine motor skills, as it trains the "plucked" grip. Beating the lesson is quite simple: invite the baby to feed his favorite bear with sweets. The game is likely to appeal to the smallest - children about a year old. At this age, kids really like to mess with small objects, fold and shift them.

5. Prick the dough on a fork

The same sweets that you made for the bear, try also to stick on the fork. You can tell the baby that the bear prefers to eat only from a fork, but refuses in a different way. So in the game we will quietly work out a very useful skill.

6. Cut with a knife

In this lesson, the main thing is to teach the child to hold the knife correctly and, importantly, to hold the dough on his own with his left hand (if the baby is right-handed). A toy plastic knife, a special plastic dough knife or a butter knife are well suited for playing. The lesson will be interesting for a baby from about 1 year 3 months.

7. Leave prints on the test

We press the toy into the dough, carefully remove it and ale-op, a beautiful pattern is obtained on the dough! Taisiya was simply delighted with this activity, and could get carried away for a long time, imprinting pasta on the dough.

Good for printing sorter figures, pasta tubes, small toys, designer parts, fork, comb . Well, if a car passes through the test, leaving traces (preferably with large wheels and protectors on them), then the baby will most likely appreciate it.

And, of course, it is worth mentioning the cookie cutters separately. With the help of them, you can not only make beautiful prints. With older kids, you can try to remove the "excess" dough around the molds so that you get "cookies".

Fingerprints can also be made with just a finger. After that, it will be very interesting to “sow” the seeds into the resulting holes. It will turn out another wonderful exercise for the development of a "tweezer" grip.

8. Pass the dough through a garlic press

9. Put the dough into a mold - make a pie

For this game, you can use both cupcake molds and clean molds from the sand set. Putting the dough in a mold, we try to properly compact each piece. Most likely, you will have to get the pie out of the mold with your mother's help, because. this job is not easy.

10. Hiding surprises in the dough and finding them

This is our favorite game. I think all children love when there is a surprise moment in the game. They are ready to open intricate locks, unscrew stubborn covers, just to see what is hidden behind them. Children are happy to find surprises, even if they themselves hid them!

Therefore, in this lesson, first, together with the baby, we hide the toy in the dough, putting it on one half of the cake and closing the second. Older kids can be offered to pinch the edges, as when sculpting a pie. For younger children, mom can do it. Well, then we ask ourselves the question “Where is our hedgehog?” or “Oh, who is hiding here?”. Perhaps, at the first games, the baby will have to show how to "dig" to the toy. Most likely, the baby will catch everything very quickly and will subsequently pick up the dough with impatience.

Even such a seemingly simple task is incredibly useful for children's fingers.

11. Sculpt sausages, koloboks and simple figures with my mother's help.

And of course, in addition to simple games, you can try to mold the simplest figures together with your baby - a gingerbread man, a sausage, a snail, a bunny, etc. I will definitely write more about what you can mold with our young sculptors in a separate article in the near future. Do not miss .

That's all for me, I wish you pleasant joint games and more happy smiles on your baby's face! I would be very grateful if you share this article with your friends on social networks (there are special buttons for this at the bottom of the article).

decorate the fashionable interiors of apartments and shops, handmade jewelry complements the collections of costumes of fashion designers, gifts, hand-made toys are very popular among adults and young people

I want to tell about

salt dough products

which today occupy their niche among handicrafts

Modeling from salt dough gives great freedom to imagination, and products from it, at times, amaze with their beauty and grace.

This type of creativity gives pleasure and joy, like any other.

Many people think: well, just think, some kind of salty dough - all these are crafts (implying the childishness of the product).

But, only those who do not know that think so

Since ancient times, people have sculpted from salt dough, not only in Russia, but in all European countries, it was customary to give wreaths, doll figures or other amulets from salt dough.

Why from the test?

It's very simple - salt dough is a surprisingly energetically capacious material.

Everyone who has ever sculpted figurines from salt dough or received them as a gift has felt this positive impact on themselves.

Salt dough, like clay, has amazing energy, but if clay draws out all the negativity, salt dough, on the contrary, gives positive energy - goodness and warmth with this material is very pleasant to work with.

If you liked the idea of ​​​​interesting creativity that you can create with your child, then be sure to remember and try the following recipe in practice:

salt dough recipe

1 cup flour
1 glass of salt
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/2 cup water
The process of making salt dough is incredibly simple. Pour a glass of salt into a deep bowl (or any other convenient container) and pour half a glass of hot water.
Next, we stir the salt with water and add a glass of flour. Stir the salty dough until smooth. For convenience, you can use a mixer.

In the salty dough, you need to add one or two tablespoons of vegetable oil, dry wallpaper paste or a spoonful of hand cream.

Vigorously mix everything in the bowl with your hands, if the dough is too sticky to your hands, add a little flour mixed with salt.

Put the resulting mass of salt dough in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After that, you can sculpt from salt dough. If after modeling you still have dough left, then store it in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.

The dough is ready, now you can mold all kinds of figures from it. Put the finished crafts on a baking sheet and put in a cold oven, where we keep it on low heat (80%) for about an hour or a little more if the figures have not had time to completely harden. After drying, the figures can be painted and varnished.

Salt Dough Tips:

1. Keep the container with salt dough closed, because left open, in the air, salt dough dries very quickly.
2. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, you need to add a little flour to it.
3. To prevent the dough from crumbling, you need to pour a little water into it.
4. Unused dough should be stored in the refrigerator - there it will last one to two days.
5. To give the dough a pleasant smell and color, spices can be added to it, such as cumin, pepper, curry, nutmeg, cinnamon, etc.
6. In order to check whether the figures have dried well, tap them with your finger. If the sound is sonorous, the dough has dried out, and if it is deaf, then it is not yet.
7. After the oven, the dough figures can be painted with gouache and then varnished.
8. If cracks appear on the figurine after drying, dilute a little PVA glue, mix well and apply this mass to the crack, rubbing it.

Salt Dough Coloring Methods

Salt dough can be tinted with food coloring, watercolor or gouache. You can also color while preparing the dough, introducing the dye during kneading, and already the finished product itself - on the surface.

An excellent chocolate color is obtained by adding cocoa. You can experiment with other natural dyes - soot, beet juice, carrots, ocher, etc. You can brown the salt dough product in the oven for a natural color.

When tinting, keep in mind that after drying, the color will become less saturated, but if you cover the craft with varnish, it will become brighter again. What varnish can be used? Acrylic and artistic is very good. It is also possible to use a conventional water-based construction material for breathable surfaces, i.e. for parquet or wood.

Features and methods of preparing salt dough:

There are a few things you can't do with salt dough. So, for example, you can’t add pancake flour (or flour with any other additives) to salted dough, since the figures will rise like good pie dough and crack when dried.

Also, you can not add iodized salt, large inclusions do not dissolve, subsequently the dough is not homogeneous - into a grain. Likewise, you can not add rock salt without first dissolving.

About water. So, in the test it is best to use very cold water; be sure to add in parts of 50 ml after each addition, knead (due to the fact that different flours may require different amounts of water).

Salt is first mixed with flour, and only then water is poured into the finished mass.

Salt dough is stored in a plastic bag or a tightly sealed container. It is better to take out salt dough from a plastic bag in small pieces, since lumps of dough quickly become covered with a crust and when rolled out or molded, these dry crusts spoil the look.

And one more thing, if the figures are thick (more than 7 mm), then after the first stage, you need to remove the excess dough from the back

The dough may be too soft. Then proceed as follows: mix a tablespoon of flour with a tablespoon of salt at the bottom of a bowl. Press the ball of dough into this mixture and then knead it. Do this until the dough becomes more dense.

You can sculpt or cut out figures immediately on a baking sheet. The baking sheet should first be moistened with water, in which case bubbles will not form between the product and the surface of the baking sheet, therefore, the surface of the product will be even and stable.

Everything that falls off is just wonderful and, most importantly, it is not noticeably glued with PVA glue.

Swelling or crackling of salt dough crafts occurs in three cases:

  1. If the flour is incorrectly selected. For greater strength, you can add rye flour to the dough (the color will be warmer and there should be no crackling) (for example, a glass of ordinary + a glass of rye, 1 to 1), 50 gr. starch - also give the dough elasticity and prevent cracking. You can also add PVA glue, since it also gives plasticity and prevents the dough from rising.
  2. If drying is not done correctly (see next section)
  3. If crackling occurs after painting, this means that the product has not completely dried out (the product continues to dry and the air needs to go somewhere), so the surface of the paint or varnish is cracking. Do not rush to paint or varnish the product, so that later you do not regret and do not redo it.

Frequently asked question: how to dry salt dough?

It is best to dry in the air in natural conditions, but this is a long time (complete drying can take a week or more - especially if the humidity during drying is high - as salt draws moisture), so you can dry it in the oven, following a few rules.

  1. The oven must be at the lowest temperature
  2. It’s good if drying goes with the oven lid ajar
  3. You can not put products in a hot oven immediately, heating should occur gradually. As well as pulling the product out of the oven, it is better if it cools down gradually instead of with the oven
  4. It is ideal to dry in several stages: an hour dried on one side, turned the craft over, dries from the inside out. I still take breaks between drying, it dries in the oven for an hour - it dries itself for a day - then again for an hour and a half in the oven on the reverse side.

The drying time of a salt dough product depends on the thickness of the product itself. And also from the applied manufacturing recipe. So, dough containing butter, cream, etc. dries much longer than dough without oil-containing additives.

In order to avoid cracking of the product, it is possible to dry it in three to four stages, in the oven at the very minimum and always with the lid open for about an hour and a half, then a break for two or three hours, or all night, the craft dries itself, and then again turn on the oven to minimum with the lid open.

With natural and oven drying, the craft must be rotated at each stage of drying, i.e. hour dries with the front side, rests, turned over at the next stage and dries with the reverse side.

Thus, we have covered the basic recipes and methods for modeling salt dough.

Successful creativity!

If you don't know how to make DIY salt dough and are looking for ideas for your little one or for your own crafts, this article lists a lot of interesting recipes.

Salt dough modeling is interesting for both children and adults. The advantages of salt dough are obvious:

  • safe for the baby, because the ingredients are natural;
  • easy to make yourself at home at any time;
  • does not leave marks on clothes, hands and furniture, can be easily washed;
  • the baby, having tasted it once, will stop pulling it into his mouth;
  • has a good texture, is remarkably molded, more plastic than the highest quality store plasticine, does not stick to the palms;
  • this material does not need special storage conditions;
  • can be painted in any way, decorate and paint, varnish to preserve the appearance of the product;
  • it can be dried in the air and in the microwave;
  • the finished product can serve as a toy or a souvenir, without losing its shape and aesthetic appearance during a variety of fun;
  • its cost is lower than that of plasticine.

The disadvantage of salt dough is insufficient plasticity. It is problematic to make a doll or an elegant product with small details from this material without proper preparation. Although craftsmen are known who are capable of this. However, even a beginner can make a beautiful magnet as a gift or a Christmas decoration for a Christmas tree or home.

Salt dough in 5 minutes

The dough prepared according to the recipe below is suitable for everyone who loves modeling and can be stored for several months in the refrigerator.


  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • a third of a glass of salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of soda;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil;
  • food coloring.

The process of preparing the dough in 5 minutes consists of 5 stages.

  1. It is necessary to pour flour, soda and salt into the pan, pour in water and sunflower oil, mix the mixture well.
  2. Put the container on the stove and heat over low heat for several minutes.
  3. Add food coloring and stir.
  4. When the dough sticks to the metal spoon, it is ready.
  5. Put the mass on a plate, cool and knead with your hands.

Easy no-boil salt dough recipe

How to cook salt dough for crafts without cooking? There is a wonderful recipe that is not at all difficult to implement. Mix three quarters of a glass of salt with a glass of flour, five tablespoons of sunflower oil, add water heated to 40-50 degrees Celsius.

If you want to make the dough more plastic for the most fragile figures, use starch jelly instead of water.

From flour and salt

For such a test, you need to take a glass of flour and Extra salt filled by three quarters, mix the mixture in a bowl. It should be poured with half a glass of pre-chilled water until a stiff dough is obtained, continuously stirring the mass to achieve uniformity.

Voila, the dough is ready, let's get creative!

With PVA glue

Pour a glass of extra salt and flour into a bowl. Pour 1 tablespoon of PVA into 100-150 milliliters of water. Pour this liquid with a white tint little by little to a mixture of flour and salt, kneading the dough.

It can be used immediately for crafts or sent to the refrigerator for storage.

With glycerin

How to make salt dough for crafts with glycerin? It contains glue, which helps the mixture to set and dry faster, but it is not suitable for babies.

Mix 1.5 cups of flour with the same amount of water, a glass of fine salt and a fifth of a glass of glycerin. The consistency of the dough should be like dumplings. Then pour in 5 teaspoons of water-diluted wallpaper glue, or PVA. The mass should be thoroughly mixed.

Without flour

To make play dough for kids, you can choose a recipe without flour (a paradox, but a fact, it is possible!). In this case, you need to take 2 cups of soda, a bag of food coloring and a glass of starch. Then you should add half a glass of water, stirring constantly, simmer the mixture over low heat until a ball forms. Cool the mass and use it for crafts.

The simplest crafts from salt dough


To make them, you need to roll out a thin layer of salty dough, then apply the contours of the future puzzle with a toothpick, paint with gouache. Then you need to cut it into pieces with a knife or a stack and dry it.


We sculpt balls from salt dough prepared according to one of the above recipes, trying to make them the same size (for example, 3 centimeters in diameter), and then string them on wire or twine after staining with gouache or acrylic and the paint dries.

You can flatten them out a little. You can color the beads in 5 pcs. one color or apply an ornament. After coating the beads with acrylic varnish, the product will become stronger and acquire a more aesthetic appearance.

Do not allow a child to play with beads himself, only if he is supervised so that he does not accidentally swallow them.

Beads are ready, you can try on!


First, we make a sausage-shaped leg from salt dough, then we make a mushroom cap. You can use the lid, sprinkling it with flour, so that it is convenient to remove it. It should be noted that during drying the dough will settle a little, therefore it is better to make a hat a little larger.

Ready-made mushrooms can be laid out on a baking sheet, which is previously covered with foil, and put in the oven (at temperatures up to 100 degrees Celsius) to dry. Turn the mushrooms from time to time until the products harden.

Then the coloring stage follows: you can, for example, paint the bottom of the hat, and then the leg with acrylic paint or gouache (mixed with PVA) in white, and the top of the hat with light brown, dark gray or dark red paint.

When the product dries, glue the hats to the legs using Moment glue. When the mushrooms dry on the balcony, veranda or loggia, they are ready for use in the game.


From the dough prepared according to one of the recipes, we squeeze the circles using a glass or cup from a set of toy dishes. These are rose petals. Let's form the center of the flower with our hands. Then alternately add 1 petal to the middle.

When you collect all the petals together, leave the rose to dry for a day in a dry room (not on the battery, to avoid cracking). The cup can be used as a stand. After drying, you can color the flower by applying gouache of different shades of red to the petals, starting with crimson.

Christmas decorations

Using a cocktail tube, you can make holes in the dough for an openwork pattern.

You can decorate salt dough Christmas tree toys with beads. Please note that when using plastic beads, drying the product in the oven is not suitable, otherwise they will melt.

Instead of beads, you can take shells, pebbles from the bottom of the sea, cereals, buttons, even ... fragments from broken pottery will do. Ribbons and floss will also be used to decorate crafts.

The household does not have the necessary mold for sculpting a figure of a suitable size? Take a cardboard stencil for cutting salt dough for a Christmas tree decoration.

The finished product can be decorated with sparkles, after applying glue to them.

You can stick a picture from a napkin or a sticker on a craft. Use PVA diluted 1 to 1 with water. Cut out the pattern from the napkin, remove the topmost layer and stick it on the dough product. On top of the picture you need to apply another 1 layer of PVA.

A very original way of decorating products made from salt dough is prints with various objects that have an interesting texture, which will be at hand. For this purpose, molds for baking, for plasticine, for ice, children's dishes, from a toy set for a sandbox, etc. are suitable. It is also interesting to sculpt by hand!

For decoration, it is recommended to prepare acrylic paints of different colors or mother-of-pearl paints, gouache mixed with PVA, sequins, acrylic varnish, stained glass contours, gold and silver glitters, ribbon, braid, twine, cotton and acrylic threads, "iris", sequins, lace , rhinestones, etc.

How and with what to paint crafts?

Would you like to color your salt dough in different colors? For the manufacture of crafts with preschoolers from 3 years old, you can use gouache and diluted watercolor, painting the crafts on top or adding it when preparing the dough. For modeling with kids, it is better to use freshly squeezed juice of carrots, beets and even ... brewed coffee.

You can divide the dough into as many parts as you have dyes, make a hole in each ball, put juice into it and knead the dough for even coloring. A wonderful option “for advanced” is mixing gouache with PVA to evenly cover the product.

Drying methods for finished products

In a preheated oven

You can dry the finished product in an ajar oven, after setting the temperature from 55 to 80 degrees Celsius. Put it in a preheated oven on a baking sheet lined with parchment, or place it in a heat-resistant glass container. Drying time - from 1 hour or more, depending on the size of the craft.

On open air

You can air-dry the finished craft by laying it on a plastic or wood surface, out of direct sunlight. It will take more time, but is more effective. Such drying will take approximately 3-4 days.

In a cold oven

Put the craft in a cold oven and only then turn it on, setting the temperature to 150 degrees Celsius. Products must cool in the oven.

  1. If the dough, after drying, turned out to be covered with bubbles, cracks, most likely you chose the wrong type of flour or did not follow the drying rules. It is better to choose the cheapest flour for salt dough - from rye or wheat of the 2nd grade. We recommend drying the product next time without haste in an oven heated to 60-80 degrees, while opening the door or placing the tray on the balcony.
  2. Are there cracks after painting? This is possible if you started painting a poorly dried product. Let them dry in the air, touch up the roughness with sandpaper, and then paint a second time.
  3. Is the product cracked? This was probably due to its great thickness. In this case, you should fix this by removing excess salt dough from the back or at the bottom of the craft. To dry the product evenly in the oven, it should be turned over from time to time.
  4. Did the element break off? Try to glue it with PVA or make up for the oversight by attaching a decoration.
  5. Has there been any fading after coloring? By covering the product with acrylic varnish, you can restore saturation and brightness to the colors.


Salt dough modeling is suitable both for classes with children and for the creativity of adults. Both of them can create masterpieces that will be decorations for any home or wonderful gifts for the holidays.

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Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.
