
How to make icing for cake? Easter cake glazing recipes. Icing for Easter cake - recipes and design options

Icing for Easter cakes can be made in several ways. It can be protein icing, chocolate icing or sugar icing without eggs. In this article, read three options for step-by-step preparation of icing for Easter cakes. Choose the option that you like the most. Let your cakes be very tasty!

This is my favorite cookie icing recipe. Preparing such a glaze is very simple, it turns out white, dense, dries quickly, does not stick, does not crumble and does not sprinkle. To make this frosting you will need:

  • gelatin - 1 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • water - 6 tbsp.

Icing sugar with gelatin: preparation.

1 tsp gelatin pour 2 tablespoons of cold water. Leave to swell.

Meanwhile, 1 st. sugar pour 4 tbsp. water and put on a small fire to boil the sugar syrup. Cook until the sugar dissolves, be sure to stir so that the sugar does not burn.

Once the sugar has dissolved, remove the syrup from the heat. Add the swollen gelatin to it and stir until the gelatin dissolves.

Now take a mixer and beat the resulting mass until it becomes white and thick.

Spread this frosting over your cakes right away as it sets quickly. After the Easter cake has been anointed, immediately pour in the decorations, the gelatin pack has not done its job.

Such a glaze is both beautiful and will not crumble in a few days, will not crumble when cut, dries quickly, it does not need to be dried additionally.

Protein glaze with powdered sugar.

Traditionally, it is customary to prepare sugar icing for Easter cakes from egg whites and sugar. You can also make this frosting with this recipe. For the white frosting you will need:

  • egg white - 1 pc.
  • powdered sugar - half a glass (can be replaced with sugar, but powdered is better)
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. (can be replaced with citric acid at the tip of a knife)
  • salt - a pinch
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar - optional for flavor

How to make icing with protein and powdered sugar.

Separate the protein from the yolk. Add a pinch of salt to the protein and beat with a mixer for 1 minute. A thick foam should appear.

Now put powdered sugar (half a glass, or 60 gr.) To the protein and pour lemon juice (1 tbsp.).

Beat the protein with powder with a mixer at high speed until a thick foam forms. Cover the cakes with this glaze and decorate as you like. If you want the icing to not stick, put the cakes in the oven for a couple of minutes to dry the protein.

Chocolate icing for Easter cake.

If you want to diversify your cakes a little, you can make chocolate icing. It is done very simply and quickly.

Take milk or dark chocolate without additives and butter. Proportions 1:1. That is, 100 gr. chocolate need 100 gr. oils.

Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in the microwave or in a water bath. Add soft butter (you need to get it out of the refrigerator in advance!) Add to soft chocolate, mix. And again melt everything together until a homogeneous mass is formed. Everything, the icing is ready!

Wait for the frosting to cool and thicken. After that, you can apply it on Easter cakes. You can decorate with grated chocolate and orange zest or sprinkles for Easter cakes.

Bake cookies with love! Happy Easter to you!

The recipes for the fondant glazes below are suitable for those who are fasting. They do not contain eggs and other forbidden products. So these recipes can be safely kept for themselves and vegans.

We will share with you four recipes that are very similar to each other, but at the same time they are very different. To find out how they differ, you need to try them out as soon as possible!

The easiest recipe

Sugar icing without eggs for Easter cake is prepared as follows:

White glaze that does not crumble

  • 50 ml of lemon juice;
  • 120 g of powdered sugar;
  • 35 g butter.

Time - 10 minutes.

Calorie content - 341 calories.


  1. Place the oil in a small saucepan, put it on the stove and turn on a low heat;
  2. Let the butter melt completely;
  3. Pour the powder, mix well, add citrus juice;
  4. Stirring non-stop cook for two minutes;
  5. Pour over the cooled cookies.

Double gelatin based icing

  • 5 g gelatin;
  • 220 g of granulated sugar;
  • 85 ml of water;
  • 10 g cocoa.

Time - 30 minutes.

Calorie content - 397 calories.

Preparation of such glaze without eggs for Easter cakes:

  1. Place dry gelatin in a bowl, add a third of water to it and wait until the mass swells (about five minutes);
  2. Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour the rest of the water;
  3. Remove to the stove and bring to complete dissolution of sugar;
  4. Then remove the pan from the stove and give the swollen gelatin;
  5. Stir with a whisk until the swollen mass is completely dissolved;
  6. Then turn on the whisk, if it is electric, and beat the mass until white (about two minutes). You can use a mixer;
  7. Set aside until frosting is warm;
  8. Next, divide the mass in half and give cocoa in half, mix thoroughly;
  9. Apply both glazes in random order on a cooled cake, wait for solidification (about five minutes).

Egg-Free Lemon Chocolate Fudge

  • ½ lemon;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 orange;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 50 g cocoa;
  • 260 g powdered sugar.

Time - 10 minutes.

Calorie content - 313 calories.

Preparing the icing for the cake:

  1. Grind the butter and place it in a small saucepan;
  2. Melt it over low heat and add the juice of half a lemon to it, mix and remove from heat;
  3. Whole lemon and orange wash, wipe;
  4. Remove the peel from citruses with a special zest grater and add to the saucepan;
  5. Send powdered sugar and cocoa there through a sieve;
  6. Mix and grind into a homogeneous mass, which can literally be poured over Easter cake. But, the mass should not be very liquid!

If your glaze was not used immediately, and has already dried, then you need to add a little water or citrus juice to it. Maybe even orange, lime, grapefruit juice. Next, stir the mass to the desired consistency and use as directed.

To check if the glaze is already the right consistency, you can put a little (literally one drop) on a dry table / cutting board surface and look at its behavior. If it spreads, it's too liquid. If it stands firmly, then you can already use it.

In any of the recipes, you can use granulated sugar instead of powdered sugar, since in each of them this component still melts. So it is quite possible to replace sand with powder.

To diversify the Easter cake hat, add a few drops of dye to your snow-white icing. You can even split the frosting into five or ten pieces and paint each one a different color. Imagine how bright your table can be for the holiday!

Although this advice does not apply directly to the icing, but to the Easter cake. You can add dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits and even fresh berries or fruits to raw dough. Yes, and if you really want, then the glaze can be sprinkled with these additives. But it is better without fresh berries and fruits. You can replace them with poppy seeds. And chopped nuts will look very appetizing!

If you are a fan of home baking, then by the holiday in your kitchen there will definitely be a couple of Easter cakes. This article is for them today. Decorate their hats with delicious, sweet egg-free icing and serve at the festive table. They are so beautiful that they can be not only a treat, but also a table decoration.

The beautiful Christian holiday Easter is coming soon and we have already begun to prepare for it with might and main. Choose and look for the most interesting ways to color Easter eggs using paints or other products. There is still a lot of work. But today I want to propose to focus on only one topic. For example, I have already chosen how I will bake the Easter cake, but I have not yet decided how to cook the icing for the Easter cake. As it turned out, there are a lot of such cooking recipes and you can easily get lost in them, because even the icing can be different, and how many related problems can arise with it. For example, classic sugar icing can crumble and fall off the cake ahead of time, which will spoil its festive look. And what if you want colored glaze or chocolate. How to choose and what to cook in the end? Let's figure it out together.

How to make icing for Easter cake - the easiest recipe without eggs

The simplest and most popular icing for Easter cake is white sugar, made from powdered sugar. Contrasting with a ruddy Easter cake, it looks very beautiful, and it tastes great complements it. Personally, since childhood, I liked pieces of Easter cake with icing, if it fell off, I didn’t want to eat such a cake anymore. Icing is an essential element of Easter cake, without it I can hardly imagine this pastry.

For icing sugar you will need:

  • powdered sugar - 100 grams,
  • hot milk - a few tablespoons.


This is the most basic recipe for making icing sugar. It uses a minimum of ingredients and is suitable for those who doubt their abilities and have never prepared icing for Easter cake before.

The basis of this glaze is powdered sugar. Moreover, I suggest grinding it yourself in a coffee grinder in order to personally make sure that there will be no lumps and the icing will turn out smooth and uniform.

Pour powdered sugar into a deep bowl. Heat half a cup of milk and pour a tablespoon of milk into the powder and stir until no lumps disappear.

Stir step by step. They poured a spoon, stirred, realized that the powder was not all soaked, added another spoon. So you do not pour milk and do not have to add powder. It may turn out that there is no more ready-made powder left. Why take the risk of ruining the icing.

The icing of the desired consistency will stretch well and fit into a plate with a snake, and then slowly spread. In appearance, it looks like high-quality condensed milk, maybe a little thicker.

To apply icing on a small cake, you can simply dip the top of it into a plate with icing.

Large Easter cakes can be spread with a spatula or spoon. Be sure to let the glaze drip nicely on the sides of the cake in drops.

Now you can lay dried fruits, candied fruits and nuts on the glaze. You can sprinkle with multi-colored confectionery topping. Let the icing harden and the beautiful Easter cake decorations are ready.

Protein glaze for Easter cake

Icing for Easter cake made from proteins and powdered sugar is also very quick and easy to prepare. As in the previous recipe, the base of the glaze will be very finely ground powdered sugar. The smaller the better. And we will knead it on egg white, which will make the glaze more durable, but at the same time airy. You love meringue, it is prepared in a similar way.

For the white frosting you will need:

  • powdered sugar - 200 grams,
  • egg white - 1 pc,
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.


1. Wash a raw egg thoroughly with baking soda. Then break and separate the protein from the yolk. Put the protein in a bowl where it will be convenient to beat the icing.

2. Grind the sugar into powder, for example using a coffee grinder. Then sift the powder through a sieve so that no large particles and lumps remain. From them, the glaze will not turn out so homogeneous and smooth, and large particles of sugar will not allow it to thicken. Add part of the powder, a third or a quarter, to the bowl of protein.

3. Beat the powder with the protein with a mixer until the glaze thickens and becomes opaque white.

4. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the frosting. If there is no fresh lemon, then you can make a solution of citric acid. Beat further until strong peaks.

5. The protein glaze for the Easter cake should turn out thick and smooth, spreading quite a bit when you water or spread the cake with it.

Protein glaze is ready, you can spread it on Easter cake and sprinkle with dried fruits and nuts. As long as the icing is not frozen, they will stick well and will not crumble.

Icing for Easter cakes on gelatin - how to make sure that it does not crumble

White glossy and elegant sugar icing can be made not only from pure powder or eggs, but also with gelatin. Thanks to this ingredient, the icing becomes less brittle and, when finished, does not crumble on the cake at the moment when the cake is cut with a knife. It freezes very beautifully, tastes wonderful and sweet and keeps well on Easter cakes. What you need on the holy holiday of Easter.

For cooking you will need:

  • sugar - 1 glass,
  • gelatin - 1 teaspoon,
  • water - 6 tablespoons.


1. In a small cup, mix a teaspoon of gelatin and two tablespoons of water. Mix thoroughly and leave for a few minutes to swell the gelatin.

2. Pour sugar into a small saucepan and pour 4 tablespoons of water. Stir and put on low heat. Heat to dissolve sugar.

3. As soon as the syrup boils, remove it from the heat, let it cool a little and put the swollen gelatin into it. Stir until the gelatin lumps are completely dissolved. In warm syrup, it should dissolve without a trace.

4. Pour the gelatin syrup into a suitable container and beat with a mixer until the icing turns white and thick.

Thick and elastic glaze for Easter cakes can already be spread. The longer it sits and cools, the thicker it will become. The finished icing will not harden like egg white icing, it will remain slightly soft and therefore will not break or crumble.

Feel free to decorate Easter cakes with such icing, then cut into even pieces, icing on gelatin will keep its shape and appearance perfectly. No cracks or broken pieces. Perfect beauty.

Chocolate icing on gelatin that does not crumble

Chocolate icing, prepared according to this recipe, holds its shape just as well as sugar on gelatin. It is perfect for both cake and Easter cake, as it will not spread too much and will not crumble when cut. Gelatin makes it elastic enough to keep it beautiful and even under any conditions. It is prepared from cocoa powder and cream, so it tastes just excellent, like milk chocolate loved by many.

You will need:

  • cocoa powder - 65 gr,
  • cream 30% - 100 ml,
  • water - 175 ml,
  • sugar - 150 gr,
  • gelatin - 10 gr.


1. First, soak 10 grams of gelatin powder with two tablespoons of water. Mix gelatin with water in a small bowl and leave for a while to swell.

2. In a separate small saucepan, combine sugar, water and cream. And put it on fire.

3. While stirring, bring this mixture to a boil. But do not boil too much, it should just start to boil. The sugar must be completely dissolved.

4. As soon as it boils, put cocoa powder in a saucepan. It must be sifted through a sieve so that lumps do not come across. Lumps will not dissolve well and may remain in the finished glaze.

5. Mix the cocoa powder well in this solution and after the mass becomes homogeneous, remove it from the stove and put it in the still hot swollen gelatin.

6. Thoroughly stir the gelatin into the hot chocolate. All lumps should disperse. If it is not possible to stir them completely, then you can strain the glaze through a sieve.

7. In order for the icing to thicken to the desired consistency and it can be applied to the cake, it must cool to about 35 degrees. Then it will slowly spread and leave beautiful streaks on the sides of the cake.

Chocolate icing for the cake is ready. It will look very nice if the Easter cake poured with such icing is sprinkled with coconut flakes.

Happy holidays!

Pink glaze on beetroot juice

I want to recommend this recipe to those who want to make icing for Easter cake, but leave it in its usual white color, and add variety and colors. In this case, not food coloring in the form of a powder is used, but natural, which means it is more useful and suitable even for small children. Who wouldn't want to cook such a bright and healthy Easter cake for Easter?

You will need:

  • powdered sugar - 200 grams,
  • egg white - 1 pc,
  • beets - 1 pc. small,
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.


1. In a large bowl, separate the protein from the yolk. Try to break so that not a single drop of yolk gets in. Beat it with a whisk until it foams and turns a little white.

2. Now gradually add powdered sugar. Sift it through a sieve, and rub the lumps that come across with a spoon.

3. First add a third of a pood and mix it with protein until the lumps disappear. Then put the next part and so gradually mix in the whole.

4. When the protein with powder turns into a thick pasty mass, add lemon juice. Stir further until all the juice is dissolved in the glaze.

5. Peel and grate small beets on a fine grater.

6. Put the grated beets in a bag of several layers of cheesecloth and squeeze the juice out of it into a small cup.

7. Now add the resulting beetroot juice to the glaze by a teaspoon and mix. Depending on how intense you want the color, put as many spoons. But I do not recommend that you put too much, too pronounced beet flavor may appear.

8. The finished pink icing for Easter cake will be thick and glossy. When covering baking, it will harden and remain lying in a beautiful cap.

In the same way, you can prepare icing for Easter cake and other colors. Carrot juice will give an orange color, spinach juice will give a green color, and blue will come from red cabbage. Try it and you will be able to decorate your Easter cake.

Caramel icing for Easter cake at home

And for dessert, if I may say so in this article, real caramel icing. I can bet that not many people prepare such a glaze for Easter cakes, and in my opinion it’s very in vain. Her taste is simply delicious candy, which is simply impossible to break away. It is especially good if you cook not too sweet Easter cakes, then it will create the necessary balance of tastes.

To prepare such a glaze, sugar, condensed milk, chocolate and gelatin are used, which makes it soft and tender. Such a glaze does not crumble and does not crumble from the cake, keeps its shape perfectly and does not dry out. True, quite a bit sticky. But this, as you know, in order for the expression "lick your fingers" to become literal.

With this, I’ll probably end our short digression into the variety of icing recipes until your head is spinning.

See you soon and don't forget to share your recipes!

This option for creating a sweet decoration is suitable for those who do not use raw eggs for cooking. Glaze can be used to decorate rolls, Easter pastries, profiteroles and gingerbread. This is a great alternative to purchased glaze, which contains preservatives and harmful substances in its composition. It will take only a few minutes of free time and banal ingredients that can be found in every kitchen. And you can already decorate any everyday or holiday pastries with a sweet mass.

For Easter cakes, lemon icing is also suitable. Sweet and sour mass will give the Easter cake or roll a pleasant taste and a delicate lemon flavor that your guests will like. If you want a more sophisticated frosting, replace the yellow fruit with natural lime, orange, or kumquat juice.

To make the Easter cake even more interesting and bright, add a pinch of food coloring (of any shade) to the blank. If you use only wholesome and natural ingredients to create food, add a spoonful of beet juice, red cabbage or a pinch of turmeric to the preparation. "Playing" with spices, you can get a variety of shades of glaze.

Taste Info Syrup and cream


  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • food coloring - optional;
  • lime or lemon juice - 3 tsp

How to make Lemon Icing with Powdered Sugar and Lemon Juice

For the manufacture of colorful mass we use sweet powder and natural juice. We can take a purchased sweet powder or create it ourselves (from granulated sugar using a coffee grinder or blender). We measure the recommended amount of powder.

Pour sour and aromatic citrus juice into a container. It is better to pre-squeeze it and strain from the white pulp and seeds. It is thanks to the lemon juice that the sugar mixture will have a snow-white color.

We begin to combine products for cooking. Use a spatula, mixer or hand whisk as desired.

Mixing the ingredients, we try to make the workpiece uniform and shiny. By adding sweet powder or squeezed juice to the container, we can independently regulate the density and density of the mass.

Pour a few pinches of coloring powder into a container with a sweet mixture. Or use natural juice - green from spinach, pink from cranberries, orange from carrots, and purple from blueberries. We mix the ingredients, independently adjusting the desired shade and color of the glaze.

We cover cakes, gingerbread or rolls with a sweet and colorful mass. We make not only healthy, but also colorful homemade dishes for our family. Glaze made from lemon juice and powdered sugar for Easter cakes is perfect. It has an appetizing appearance, sweet taste. It is also easy to prepare at home and evenly applied to fresh pastries.

Cooking Tips

  • Use this recipe to cover homemade cookies, shortcakes, muffins or biscuits with a sugar crust.
  • To decorate pastries with a colorful pattern or glaze pattern, use brushes of different sizes and diameters. You can also use a pastry bag with a thin opening.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Easter is a holiday that is important not only for believers. Absolutely everyone, in my opinion, perceives it as a kind of symbol of spring, rebirth, new achievements ... That is why on Easter days we congratulate each other with pleasure, go to visit relatives, relatives and friends, set tables with plentiful treats. Yes, a generously laid table is an obligatory attribute of Easter. Meat dishes, all kinds of snacks and salads, colored eggs - all this the hostess gladly offers to guests. And he certainly cooks - fragrant, lush, soft and very, very tasty. There are many recipes for Easter cakes - with raisins, with citrus fruits, on Alexandrian dough ... But today I didn’t want to talk about the Easter cakes themselves, but about decorating them. No, we are not talking about Easter multi-colored sprinkles, but about icing: a classic white "hat" that is applied to the top of the cake. I usually make a glaze of lemon juice and powdered sugar - I like it the most in taste and appearance. In addition, this glaze is the easiest to make and takes the least time. But still there are subtleties and secrets of its preparation. I will be happy to tell you how I cook it. Lemon icing for Easter cakes - a recipe without proteins.

- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice;
- 6 tablespoons of powdered sugar;

for decoration (optional):
- multi-colored topping for Easter cakes.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Pour lemon juice into a deep container in which it will be convenient to work with a mixer or a whisk (ideal - a mixer bowl).

Sift the icing sugar through a fine sieve into a bowl of a suitable size. Then pour 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar into a container with lemon juice.

Intensively, with rotational movements, mix until the mass becomes homogeneous. While it is almost colorless liquid mass.

Gradually, a couple of teaspoons, add the remaining powdered sugar, stirring vigorously all the time. Gradually, the mass will turn white, become somewhat thicker, but will still spread well. The taste of the finished glaze is excellent - sweet and sour, with a pronounced lemon aroma.

And although the mass is still spreading, we immediately proceed to applying it to Easter cakes. This glaze hardens right before your eyes. Therefore, if you delay applying it, it will harden and there will be no way to apply it on Easter cakes. Apply the glaze with a teaspoon or a culinary brush.

On this, all the steps for preparing the glaze are over - you can set the Easter cakes aside until the glaze has completely solidified.

And you can immediately sprinkle Easter cakes with colorful Easter sprinkles - it will be much more elegant and festive.

Tips & Tricks:
Before starting work, we line up the finished cakes in a row so that it is convenient to cover them with icing. Easter cakes must be completely cooled down.
Coloring can be added to the glaze - if desired. Food coloring can often be found on store shelves, but natural coloring is best - turmeric, beetroot, carrot, or spinach juice can help. But, in my opinion, a white hat on Easter cake is much more elegant.
If the icing is too runny, don't worry, add more powdered sugar (up to 1 tablespoon).
Such a glaze can only be used to completely cover the top of the Easter cakes, it is impossible to draw on the surface with it, since it is very blurry until it hardens. And you won’t be able to draw with hardened glaze.
In addition to icing based on lemon juice and powdered sugar, protein icing is very popular - it is also easy to make, but has one drawback: proteins that are too fresh do not beat well, and in this case a good icing will not work. My version of the glaze always comes out.
