
How to make figures from mastic. Mastic: how to store confectionery paste, cakes and figurines from it

Mastic is a sweet mass, which is used in the work of confectioners to decorate cakes and cupcakes. From it you can make various figures, voluminous flowers, inscriptions on cakes and more. Decorations and figurines made of mastic on cakes are very popular, because with the help of them you can create a sweet gift of any theme and please every client.

There are quite a few mastic recipes developed by chefs. Their types are suitable for a variety of moments. For example, to create a figurine where there should be many small details, gelatin mastic is well suited.

Made on the basis of honey, it has good plasticity, is quite soft and does not crumble. However, the most common type is dairy. It is mainly used for wrapping cakes and confectionery. For the same purposes, marzipan mastic is sometimes used.

In addition, there is an industrial type of sweet mass. It is sold in supermarkets ready-made and the cook can immediately start working with it. Only if necessary, you can change the color.

As already mentioned, milk mass is the most popular. To prepare it, you will need the following components:

After preparing the ingredients, you can start cooking. Doing this is not difficult at all. First, mix the milk powder with powdered sugar well. Then add condensed milk to the resulting mixture and knead the dough, in which lemon juice and flavoring should also be added. If required, you can add food coloring to the mass. In this way, you can get completely different shades.

Mass on gelatin

Another recipe that you can use is mastic prepared on gelatin. However, it should be noted that this type of sugar mass is more suitable for sculpting sweet figures than for covering cakes. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon of gelatin;
  • 8-9 teaspoons of water;
  • 5 drops of lemon juice;
  • 250-300 g of powdered sugar;
  • a small amount of flavoring, if desired.

When preparing such a recipe, special attention should be paid to the choice of gelatin, because it must be of high quality. If it is chosen correctly, the mass will turn out well. You can determine its quality by soaking it in water for an hour: it should become like gruel, the consistency of which is similar to thick sour cream.

When soaking is carried out, periodically gelatin must be stirred from time to time. If the gruel does not come out, then you can try to remedy the situation by adding a small amount of this ingredient. And if the mixture turns out to be too thick and is difficult to stir with a spoon, then a little water should be added to it.

After that, the mass of gelatin must be heated in a water bath. At the same time, it must be constantly stirred until all the gelatin is completely dissolved. However, it should not be brought to a boil. At the same time, you need to add flavoring, lemon juice and mix.

A small amount of icing sugar (about a handful) should be sifted into a bowl and pour the mass of hot gelatin directly onto it. You can start kneading gently. Gradually add the remaining powdered sugar to the bowl, and then you can transfer the mastic to a flat surface and continue kneading with your hands.

The result is a soft and plastic lump that is able to keep its shape well. It should be borne in mind that, when hardening, the mastic hardens even more, so the powder must be added in parts and mixed until the mass becomes homogeneous and stops “floating”. Then you can start sculpting figures and different patterns. This should be done as quickly as possible, because the mastic quickly begins to harden and becomes brittle. To make it more convenient to work with, hands can be lubricated with vegetable oil.

You can also use dyes to get any desired shade. You should pinch off a small piece of the mass and add the dye of the desired color to it, after which you need to knead the sugar dough until a uniform and even color is obtained.

Modeling from mastic for beginners may seem like a difficult task, but everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Consider, how to make a baby figurine from a sweet mass step by step:

In the same way as the arms, the legs are made. Here the little one is ready. It can also be turned into a girl, for which it will be necessary to blind two pigtails and decorate with bows. They will need to be attached to the head of the figure. After you manage to make a little man, you can start experimenting with his clothes. Here's how to sculpt figures from mastic step by step.

Floral decorations look original and beautiful on confectionery. You can start training in creating sweet flowers with a simple rose. For this you need:

When the required number of flowers is ready, they need to be given time to dry. This will take about twelve hours, after which it will be possible to decorate a cake or cupcakes with them. The original eustoma is also made in a similar way.

The simplest master class of mastic figures for beginners is to sculpt a bow. This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to make a cake beautiful, original and give it a solemn look. Making a bow is a task that any novice confectioner can handle. For this you need:

Such crafts must be allowed to dry. After that, it remains only to attach it to the cake.

Thus, making figures from mastic is not so difficult. They can decorate any cake for both children and adults. Recently, cakes for a children's party, where a stork brings a baby, cakes with minecraft, have been especially popular.

Thanks to mastic, you can also make a cake in the shape of a gun, etc. If you mold a person with your own hands on a cake, then he can be a fisherman, and if you put a tractor, a small house, a fence and animal figures next to him, then a farmer.

That is, sweets decorated in this way can correspond to any theme of the holiday. Football players - boots, employees can make a soldier, a small child - a favorite toy or cartoon character.

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What is mastic? It is a tight, sweet mass based on powdered sugar, reminiscent of dough in consistency. It is used to decorate cakes, muffins, gingerbread. A continuous coating is made from mastic, and various flowers, figures, numbers are also molded. You can cook it in several ways, and from the most affordable products. We bring to your attention mastic recipes tested by thousands of housewives, and share useful tips.

You will need:

With condensed milk


  • Powdered milk 150 g
  • Powdered sugar 150 g
  • Condensed milk 100 g
  • Lemon juice 2 tbsp

Mix milk powder and powdered sugar, add condensed milk and knead until smooth. Add lemon juice. If the mass turned out to be viscous, add more milk and powder (necessarily in equal proportions). For piquancy, you can add a spoonful of cognac to the dough.

The finished mastic must be removed in the refrigerator for 12 hours, wrapped in cling film. Before rolling, it should lie down at room temperature for at least half an hour. Roll out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1-2 mm. It is better to do this on cling film.

The amount indicated in the recipe is enough to cover a cake with a diameter of 24 cm.

Marshmallow mastic

Who does not know, these are small marshmallows of one or more colors. Mastic from them turns out non-sticky and convenient for work.

Option 1

  • Powdered sugar 1.5 tbsp.
  • Marshmallow 100 g
  • Boiled water 1 tbsp.

Put the sweets in a bowl, add water and put in the microwave or in a water bath so that they spread. Mix well with a spoon until smooth.

When melting marshmallows in the microwave, select the maximum power and set the timer for 10 seconds.

Pour powdered sugar into a bowl and knead with your hands until the mass becomes elastic, similar to plasticine.

Option 2

  • Powdered sugar 1-1.5 tbsp.
  • Marshmallow 100 g
  • Starch 0.5 tbsp.
  • Melted butter 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice 1 tbsp

Cooking is a little different from the previous one. Instead of water, give lemon juice and melted butter.

  1. Powder can be mixed with starch in a ratio of 2: 1, but this is not necessary.
  2. Put the dough on a table sprinkled with starch or powder, knead.

Marshmallow mastic should lie in the refrigerator for only 30 minutes. Wrap it in cling film first. The color of the finished dough will be the same as that of the marshmallow.


  • Honey 130 ml
  • Powder 950 g
  • Water 50 ml
  • Gelatin 1 pack
  • Pour gelatin with water to swell. Mix with honey and keep in a steam bath until all the crystals melt.
  • Sift the powder and knead with honey until elastic.

Don't be alarmed if the dough is very stiff at first, it will get a nice texture as you knead it.

  • Further steps are standard - wrap in film and put in the refrigerator.


Suitable for both covering the cake and sculpting figures of any complexity.

  • Powdered sugar 500 g
  • Gelatin 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice 1 tsp
  • Water 60 ml
  • Vanillin pinch
  1. Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell.
  2. Heat in a water bath, at the end add lemon juice and vanillin. Cool down.
  3. Add half the norm of powder and knead, gradually adding the rest.


  • Gelatin 10 g
  • Powder 500 g
  • Boiled water 50 ml
  1. Pour gelatin with water for half an hour.
  2. Then heat it over low heat until it boils, stirring constantly.
  3. Cool to room temperature.
  4. Enter half the required amount of powder and knead with a spoon.
  5. Transfer to the table and knead with your hands, adding the rest of the powder.
  6. Wrap in cling film and put in the refrigerator.

This mastic is perfect for sculpting figures - it quickly hardens and does not lose shape. But this property makes it unsuitable for covering the entire area of ​​the cake.

Chocolate mastic

This is the easiest mastic recipe at home.

  • Chocolate 200 g
  • Honey 70 g

You can take any chocolate: milk, white, black. The main thing is that it does not contain nuts, raisins or other additives.

  1. Melt the tiles in a water bath, but try not to overheat the chocolate, otherwise it will curdle.
  2. When the mass becomes liquid, add honey and mix thoroughly.
  3. Put the mastic on the film, wrap tightly and put in the refrigerator for a day.

Working with such a mastic is not very convenient: it hardens very much in the cold, so you need to warm it up in the microwave for several minutes before rolling it out. She can melt. To avoid this, use only the right amount of mass or periodically place it in the refrigerator.

On vegetable oil

  • Powder 2 tbsp.
  • Gelatin 1 tbsp
  • Protein 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp
  • Water 30 ml
  • Glucose 1 tbsp.

Melt gelatin after swelling and cool. Add the rest of the ingredients to it and mix until smooth. Roll into a ball, put in a bag and send to the cold.

The dough is soft, elastic, shiny. It rolls out beautifully and lays down on the cakes without creating wrinkles.


  • Gelatin 10 g
  • Water 25 g
  • Honey 40 g
  • Butter 10 g
  • Protein 1 pc.
  • Powder 0.5 kg
  • SMS (CMC) 4 g
  1. Pour gelatin with water. After it swells, we give honey (artificial or natural), oil and put it in the microwave for a few seconds. We stir, we filter.
  2. Separately, mix the sifted powder with 4 grams of SMS. Add protein and beat with a mixer for 5-7 minutes. Pour in the gelatin mixture and continue beating. Then switch to manual mixing.
  3. Roll into a ball, place in a sealed bag and leave on the table for 8 hours, after which you can get to work.

Flower fondant allows you to make various cake decorations, including very delicate and small elements. It is easy to sculpt from it, the figures become hard and not brittle.

  • Almonds 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp
  • Lemon for zest 2 pcs.
  • Protein 2 pcs.

Peel nuts, wash and grind into powder. Add sugar and zest first, and then add proteins. Thoroughly and conscientiously knead the mass and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Suitable for wrapping and sculpting. If you need to create figurines with small details, use slightly fewer nuts than the recipe calls for.

  • Powdered sugar should be taken of the finest grinding and always sifted - the smallest grains will tear the dough.
  • During cooking, food coloring and flavorings can be added to the mixture. It is best to use special paints for mastic.

Sometimes the finished mastic begins to crumble. In this case, it is enough to add a little water or lemon juice to it and knead again.

  • If the dough is too sticky, add a little powder.
  • It happens that when wrapping the cake, the mastic breaks. No need to be nervous, just dip a brush in water and “plaster” the gap.

A very dense mass is difficult to roll out, but it is great for cakes with a lot of cream. Although in general, wet cakes are not covered with mastic.

Video to the material

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Today it is one of the most popular materials for making decor, and not only for cakes, but also for cakes, muffins and other baked goods. This demand is understandable - the material is malleable, looks elegant, allows you to create the most natural and similar to the original jewelry, and, most importantly, it is edible. It is especially convenient to make figures from mastic for children's cakes.

What is mastic?

Mastic is a plastic, homogeneous substance, which is similar in consistency to plasticine. It is created on the basis of powdered sugar, marzipan and other components, the easiest way to prepare it is from ready-made marshmallow marshmallows.

With your own hands, you can make at least 5 types of mastic, in addition to the fact that you can buy ready-made:

  • dairy;
  • gelatinous;
  • honey;
  • from marzipan;
  • from marshmallow.

For beginners, the simplest mastic recipe is suitable, which is also suitable for creating voluminous or flat figures on a cake:

  1. Melt a pack of marshmallows weighing 100 g in a steam bath or in a microwave.
  2. Pour fresh lemon juice (20 ml) into a slightly chilled mastic and add 1–1.5 cups of finely ground powdered sugar.

This recipe also has its own tricks. For example, if you bought a two-color marshmallow (white-pink), then the mastic will turn out to be light pink. And the cake may require other colors. In this case, you need to look for white marshmallows or separate the pink part, but take twice as much white marshmallow. Dyes are used only liquid food, you need to add them when you got the mass out of the microwave, and it has not yet frozen, and only then make the mastic completely.

The material is kneaded on a table sprinkled with powdered sugar. Too much powder - it will not roll well and harden quickly. Not enough powder - it will stick to your hands and the figures from it will quickly lose their shape, especially voluminous ones. Therefore, focus on the master class and your own feelings.

Flowers from mastic

The simplest mastic flowers for beginners consist of mastic of two colors - pink and green. The master class is simple, everyone can make figurines for a cake with their own hands:

  1. Prepare the mastic, paint half pink, the other half green.
  2. We start making a flower from the petals, so wrap the green part tightly with a film.
  3. Tear off a small piece of mastic for the first petal to make it easier to work with the material, grease your hands with butter.

  1. Roll out the layer, cut out circles of different diameters with a sharp-edged shape or an ordinary glass. This should be done on a table or other flat surface.
  2. With a sharp knife, you can make furrows, imitating the structure of the petal.
  3. The wavy edge can be made with the underside of a teaspoon, do not forget to dip it in powdered sugar. Do the same with all the petals and lay them out to dry. They should dry vertically, for this you need to use a container for storing eggs.

  1. The leaves must be made oblong from the green part, also give them a relief with a knife and process the edge with a spoon.
  2. Assembling a flower: with a thick syrup or a special gel, grease each petal from below - first the largest, then the smaller in diameter. Attach the leaves, this must be done carefully. The core of the flower can be decorated with golden dragees or powder (refer to the master class). Then the flower is transferred to the cake.

You can also make other figurines from mastic with your own hands - roses, for example. Flat flowers like daisies are even easier to make - just cut out a few thin petals and gather them to the core with a gel or syrup.

More on the topic:

Animal figurines

Figurines made of mastic for a cake in the form of animals look especially organic on children's confectionery. You can make a cartoon character or any animal that the child likes. A master class on creating a donkey figurine from a cartoon about Winnie the Pooh and his friends for beginners will help you.

You will need mastic in the following colors: blue, lilac, pink, light orange, black and white. In addition, powdered sugar for rolling, a handy rolling pin especially for mastic, a sharp knife and a board. The material can be any, but keep in mind that the gelatinous mastic dries and hardens quickly, and on the basis of marzipan it turns out to be insufficiently plastic and homogeneous. The ideal option in this master class is the usual mastic based on powdered sugar or marshmallows.

Making a donkey step by step is easy even with your own hands:

  1. Roll out the mastic, divide it into several parts, color the largest one blue. Wrap unused parts of mastic with a film.
  2. Blind the lower part of the donkey's body in the shape of a pear, form the "legs". Lubricate your hands with oil if the mastic is too thick.

  1. Roll out a piece of lilac mastic, cut out an oval and use adhesive gel to glue it on the donkey's stomach.
  2. Then you need to make "hands". To visually shade them, add a piece of lilac to the blue part and mix thoroughly. Blind 2 cylinders, attach to the body with toothpicks.

  1. On the inner surface of the "arms", glue 2 ovals of lilac-colored material.
  2. Make the head of the donkey in two parts: blue and nose in light orange. Fasten them together with a toothpick. Make notches on the nose with a knife. Attach with a toothpick to the neck.

  1. Make 2 ears from blue mastic, glue 2 petals from pink mastic inside with gel. Glue the ears with gel.
  2. Attach a ponytail with a tip of black mastic at the back. Put a bow on it.
  3. Attach mastic white eyes with black dots, on the head - a “mane” from a piece of black.

The master class shows only the basics of making figurines for decorating a cake. You can do whatever your heart desires and the overall decoration of the cake. The easiest way for beginners is to create simple flat figures, voluminous ones require some skill.

In addition, it will be easier for beginners to work with large figures. For example, the same donkey can be molded from a single piece, attaching only the eyes and tail. You can make your work even easier if you make a voluminous white figure and simply paint it in the desired colors with a thin brush and liquid dyes.

Cake figures can be made from chocolate icing, various pastes. But, basically, the most convenient is sugar paste or mastic. If earlier you were sure that this is impossible, we suggest you start doing it right now.

Before making figurines and decorations, consider the recipe for making mastic with your own hands.

For this we need:

  • Gelatin - 2 teaspoons;
  • Water - 10 teaspoons;
  • Powdered sugar - 450 gr.;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • Egg - 1 protein;
  • Lemon juice - ½ lemon;

Cooking gelatin

It swells long enough. It should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. In order to soak the gelatin, you need cold water. Some people add warm water to make the gelatin dissolve faster. But, in no case should this be done, since gelatin can lose all its properties. The resulting mass should stand at room temperature for 30 minutes.

  • Sift the powdered sugar through a sieve, in order for the mass to be very elastic and elastic for the mastic, the powdered sugar must be of high quality;
  • We make a deepening and add vegetable oil, then 1 protein, lemon juice;
  • After the gelatin has swollen, it is best to dissolve it in a water bath to a liquid state. Within one minute, gelatin turns into a liquid base;
  • Melted gelatin is introduced into powdered sugar. We knead the mastic;
  • As soon as we knead the mastic, add 1 tsp. vegetable oil. This will make it plastic, it will not tear when you roll it out;
  • As soon as you knead it, wrap it in a film and leave it for 30 minutes to lie down, it will be much easier to make products from it;
  • After she lies down, we proceed to rolling. The mastic should be elastic. If it turned out that it is torn, then it is best to knead it again;
  • Roll out on a surface covered with powdered sugar and starch, very thinly. The thinner, the more accurate your work will look. Sculpting is a very exciting activity.

So, let's begin:

Figurines made of mastic perfectly complement the birthday cake. In order to make it look even better, we suggest covering it with mastic first. Therefore, for the cake, we roll out a thin layer of mastic and cover it.

In order to cover the cake with mastic, we need:

  • A silicone mat that you can buy at a candy store. He is not afraid of not cold temperatures, not hot ones;
  • Rolling pin. It must be perfectly flat. Traditional wood leaves notches on the coating;
  • Roll out the mastic and cover the cake with it.

A covered cake should certainly be decorated with hand-made frills or roses.

Preparatory stage:

  • In order to cut frills for decoration, a glass is best. Use it to cut out circles.
  • To ensure that the mastic does not dry out, and it dries very quickly. Put all the circles that you cut out in a pile, then they will not have time to dry out.

Fold the remaining mastic into a ball and put it in the refrigerator. Mastic can be stored in the refrigerator for one month.

Modeling shuttlecocks from mastic consists of the following steps:

  • We take one circle, cut it with a glass, you should get a “crescent”.
  • Then we take a pastry stick. If you do not have it, then take a stick with a diameter of 1 cm.
  • Cut out the cone with a knife. And with such a cone we roll the mastic, you should press hard enough on the cone. The result should be a wavy line, “ruffle”.
  • In order to give the shuttlecocks more volume, they need to be glued to each other.
  • To do this, we lubricate the edge of the shuttlecock with water, and put the next one on it, press it. Let's do this process again. It turns out that one consists of three.
  • Lightly grease the edges of the cake with water, and glue the shuttlecocks with wavy edges down.
  • Using a stick, we fix the edges of the shuttlecocks on the cake, making holes. This will make the mastic shuttlecocks more airy.


What's a birthday cake without roses! Do you think that sculpting them is very difficult? But, it's not. We suggest you make them yourself, suitable even for beginners.


It is better to make a pestle for a mastic rose in advance with your own hands. It should be firm when you apply the petals to it.


In order for the roses to be not just white, but marbled red:

  • Let's add some red mastic;
  • In order to make red putty, you need to add red dye;
  • In the middle of the white mastic, put the red one (it should not be very much, 5-6 petals). Mix until marbling appears.


  • We roll out a layer of mastic. The thinner you roll, the thinner you will get rose petals;
  • Using a glass, cut out circles;
  • We begin to impose petals;
  • We take the first circle, rub the edges of half the circle with a tablespoon, do not touch the second;
  • We take a leaf and put it on a bud, fix it;
  • Now we take the second one, we put the next petal with a seam away from us;
  • When you make a petal, it should be slightly higher than the previous one;
  • First we turn on the right, then on the left. Do not forget from below, each time to give the shape of a bud.

So we need to make five petals. The more roses you make for the cake, the prettier it will be.

Bear from mastic

For beginners to work with mastic, you can safely take on the modeling of animal figurines.

To make a bear figurine from sugar mastic, we need a minimum of tools:

  • skewer;
  • set for modeling from a set of plasticine.

Modeling step by step:

  • Roll out the mastic into a sausage;
  • We divide the sausage into legs. Two equal small pieces. Cut off a piece for the body. And two identical pieces for the front paws. The main part of the head. A small piece for the muzzle and two ears;
  • First of all, we make our bear's torso. We also roll it into a sausage and make it a little flattened.
  • Legs. We roll balls. Then we roll them into sausages - droplets.
  • We make the bear sit. We attach the legs to the sides of the body with a skewer. You can still make him soles with fingers using a tool.
  • Head. The bear's head is round and slightly flattened.
  • Muzzle. We make a ball and flatten slightly from the sides.
  • We attach the muzzle to the head. On the muzzle we draw eyes with a toothpick, and a small nose. The spout can be made from a small ball molded from mastic. We attach the head to the body.
  • Pens. Roll out circles. We recommend making handles in the form of a droplet. Stack also draw fingers;
  • Ears. We roll up two circles, press them, we get “flat cakes”. Make dents in the middle of the ears;
  • We attach the ears to the head.

We managed to make such an interesting figure of a bear with our own hands for the cake.

And now we suggest trying to make a figurine of a charming bunny with your own hands to decorate the cake.

It is important to know!

According to the Ministry of Health, diets today are the main methods weight loss. However, the number of obese people continues to grow! In this regard, "Bee Slim" appeared - drops for burning up to 80% fat.

To make a hare figure, we need:

  • White mastic;
  • Pink mastic;

Manufacturing process:

  • Mash white mastic well;
  • Roll up the sausage and mark on it where the head, torso, paws and ears of the hare will be;
  • From a piece of pasta intended for the calf, first roll a ball, and then form a cone;
  • We roll out a 1 cm thick layer of pink mastic. We recommend that you sprinkle the surface with potato starch in advance. Cut out the blank in the form of a drop. Glue it to the surface of the part. And then give it the shape of a "belly";
  • From a piece of mastic intended for the head, first roll a ball, and then form a cone;
  • Cheeks are very easy to make. From small pieces, form small blanks and attach them to the surface of the part, giving them the shape of cheeks. Using a modeling stick, make a mouth;
  • Make a spout out of pink modeling sugar paste and attach it in the same way. Using a toothpick, connect the manufactured parts;
  • From a piece of sugar paste intended for paws, first roll into balls, then form cones and flatten slightly. Using a knife, make cuts on the blanks, giving them the shape of fingers;
  • Roll up the pink modeling paste, make oval blanks and attach them to the surface of the part where the recesses were previously made. Attach the legs to the body;
  • From the pieces of sugar paste intended for other paws, first roll up sausages, then flatten slightly on one side and also attach to the body;
  • From a piece of sugar paste intended for the ears, first roll up sausages, and then flatten slightly. Roll out the pink modeling paste on a starched surface with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1 mm. And cut out two identical blanks in the shape of a drop, and then attach them to the ears. Next, attach them to the head.
  • We recommend sculpting eyes from black mastic, and teeth from white mastic in the shape of a rectangle.

These interesting figures can become a decoration for the cake! Kids will love this craft very much. Try and fantasize, make decorations from fondant for the cake with your own hands, you will definitely succeed!
