
How to make colored cream cake. Natural food colorings: at home, with your own hands, for confectionery, for cake, for drawing

The right dessert pleases the eye and awakens the appetite with its very appearance - just add a few bright colors. This is where colored creams for cakes without dyes come to the rescue.

To decorate homemade cakes, pastries and other pastries, you can use a variety of. The airy protein cream looks spectacular and holds its shape well. To prepare it, the egg whites are separated from the yolks, a pinch of salt, a little citric acid are added and whipped into a strong foam. Sugar or powdered sugar is gradually introduced into the resulting mass. Various oil creams are very popular. The simplest is prepared from butter with the addition of egg yolks, powdered sugar and water. You can replace the eggs with condensed milk, and you get an equally appetizing decoration. A very tasty and quick cream is made from sour cream with a fat content of at least 35%, powdered sugar and vanilla.

How to prepare a cream without dye for decorating a cake, or rather, without synthetic coloring additives? To do this, you need to explore the stocks of products available in the kitchen, which will serve as natural dyes for us. By processing them in a certain way and mixing them with cream, you will get original colored cake decoration, tasty and absolutely harmless.

sun on the cake

Bright yellow color can be obtained in a variety of ways. The easiest is to add some fresh carrot juice or raw egg yolk to it. Saffron and turmeric have a rich yellow color. To make a natural dye out of them, you need to carefully grind the seasoning, dilute it in water and insist for a day. After that, the mixture can be added to the cream. Iridescent yellow hue gives lemon peel. To do this, finely grate it on a grater, wrap it in gauze and squeeze out the juice. The juice from yellow buckthorn fruits can also be used as a natural dye.

All shades of red

The persistent coloring properties of beets are well known. By adjusting the saturation of its juice, you can easily prepare an excellent dye-free cake at home, from pink to deep red. To do this, grate a small beetroot, pour water over it and cook for an hour. To make the color intense and beautiful, add a pinch of citric acid to the broth. Do not forget about all kinds of red berries: raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries, currants, cranberries, dogwood. By the way, jams, jams and syrups based on them can be used to create creams of red shades with the same success. Cherry and pomegranate juices will also do the job perfectly. And red wines will give the cake cream not only a pleasant color, but also exquisite aromatic and flavor notes.

orange joy

Carrots not only have a rich orange color, but also generously share it with others. To do this, grate it and fry a little in butter in a ratio of 1: 1. As soon as the carrots soften enough and the butter turns orange, remove the pan from the stove and let it cool. Next, we transfer the resulting mass to gauze and carefully wring it out - the natural dye is ready. You can resort to the help of an orange and color the cream with fresh citrus juice or chopped zest. You can also experiment with the already mentioned yellow and red dyes and mix them together.

sweet coolness

How to make cake cream in cold colors? Blue and purple shades give the juice of blueberries, blackberries and grapes of rich dark varieties. A decoction of the leaves of red cabbage will allow you to get light blue shades. Eggplant can be used as a dye. First you need to freeze them a little, carefully cut off the skin and squeeze the juice out of it.

There are many green vegetables, and spinach has the best coloring properties. Pass it through a meat grinder or wrap it in clean cheesecloth and wring it out well, and you will get a natural dye of a delicate green color. Want to achieve a more intense shade? Squeeze the spinach juice and boil it for half an hour.

Chocolate palette

The easiest way to get a noble brown color is to mix the cream with regular coffee, cocoa powder or melted chocolate. However, you can resort to a more sophisticated method - using burnt sugar. To do this, granulated sugar is diluted in water in a ratio of 5: 1, the mixture is poured into a pan and put on a small fire. We stand the mass on the stove until it acquires a rich brown color. Then remove it from the heat and pour in a little more water in a thin stream. Then carefully filter the resulting dye. The main thing is not to overdo the sugar, otherwise hard lumps will form in it.

Everyone knows that artificial colors used in cooking are very dangerous to health. Therefore, many try to use natural products to obtain color. It is not difficult to do this, and the naturalness and safety of the dishes will be guaranteed.

Why dyes are needed

Dyes are divided into natural and synthetic. Natural dyes are plant products and do not contain chemicals. Synthetic dyes can be gel, liquid and dry. Food coloring is used in the food industry to turn ordinary foods into works of art and boost sales. They do not have any taste properties, so they do not affect the taste of the products.

Substances obtained through a chemical process are harmful to the body. Therefore, many people prefer to prepare dyes on their own from more natural products. Thus, you can not only make the dish colorful, but absolutely safe. And for this you don’t need to buy expensive components at all, since ordinary products will do.

Harm of artificial dyes

The chemical industry produces a huge amount of substances, which are then used to make products more attractive. But not everyone knows what exactly is hidden behind synthetic dyes. For example, even the composition of most of these mixtures cannot be determined without lengthy laboratory studies.

And manufacturers do not always adhere to standards and easily violate the amount of dangerous components contained in dyes. At the same time, the harm of such substances is not only in possible allergies. Some preservatives can cause oxygen starvation, adversely affect the nervous system and provoke the development of tumors. Therefore, it is important to limit the use of such products, and use only natural dyes for homemade dishes.

How to make dye at home

To do this, just open the refrigerator and choose any vegetable or fruit that matches the color. You can take juices, jams, herbs and even seasonings for this purpose. As for the storage of natural dye, without sugar it will only be good for a few days. But with the addition of sugar, the dye will quietly stand for 10-14 days. The main thing is to place it in a glass container with a tight lid and do not leave it warm.

Red color
In order to give the dish such a shade, you can use the juices of raspberries, strawberries, cherries or cranberries. Ordinary red wine and various jams are also suitable. It is advisable to add several components, then the red color will be more saturated. Often, housewives use ordinary beets to prepare dishes with a red tint. And for good reason, because this vegetable is considered the strongest natural dye.

It is not difficult to get a coloring pigment from beets. To do this, 1-2 fruits must be washed, peeled and grated. Then the beets are poured with water and boiled for about an hour over low heat. Also, 0.5 tsp must be added to the broth. citric acid, otherwise the dye will discolor from air oxidation. Once the beetroot has cooled, it must be strained and used to color the dish.

Orange color
The easiest way to get orange natural dye is to use carrots. It also needs to be cleaned and grated. Then the vegetable is laid out in a pan and poured with butter, previously melted in a water bath. The ratio of carrots and butter should be 1:1. Next, the mixture should be darkened on the stove for about 5 minutes. The oil should acquire the desired shade, after which the cooled carrots should be squeezed through cheesecloth.

To give the dish a yellow color, lemon is most often used. Its zest is rubbed on a very fine grater, and then squeezed and filtered juice. You can also get a great yellow tint by mixing a little turmeric in warm water.

Green color
For a rich green color, you can use fresh spinach. It must be rubbed through a sieve or crushed with a meat grinder. The resulting mixture must be boiled for half an hour, and then filtered through cheesecloth.

Purple and blue colors
They can be obtained by using eggplant skins, dark grapes or blueberries. Purple cabbage is also perfect, which you just need to cut and boil. If you need to get a brown color, then the easiest way to achieve this shade is with sugar. It must be mixed with water in a ratio of 5: 1 and placed in a pan.

It is necessary to fry sugar on a small fire and at the same time stir it constantly. After the mixture has acquired the desired shade, water is added to it and filtered. In addition to burnt sugar, chocolate, coffee or cocoa can be used to obtain brown color.

Black color
Often black is used to decorate dishes. Achieving such a shade is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. For sweet dishes, for example, for a cake, you need to use cocoa powder. But not ordinary, but a special grade powder called "Dutch Ultra". It contains more chocolate and is itself much darker than traditional cocoa. And for salty dishes, squid ink is ideal.

Beige color
In order to get a beige color, many chefs recommend adding, for example, a little tomato paste to the cream. The color depends on the amount of paste, so when you add a large amount of tomato, the cream will turn out not beige, but closer to orange. Tomato paste does not affect the taste of dessert.

If several natural dyes prepared earlier are stored in the refrigerator, then you do not need to look for ingredients to get a new color. You can mix existing colors and get the one you need. For example, for the color of the sea wave, you can mix blue and green, and to get a blue dye, just mix green with red. In order to get a black tint, you need green, blue and red dyes. And a beautiful pistachio color will turn out if you mix yellow and blue.

A lot depends on when exactly the coloring matter is added to the dish. Therefore, it is important to know:

  1. Dyes should not be added to fresh dough. It is better to saturate pastries with dye. But this rule does not apply to meringues.
  2. If the dough is needed not for baking, but for noodles or dumplings, then dyes, on the contrary, are recommended to be added immediately during kneading. After all, then it will not work to paint the finished product.
  3. In the cream that is used for decoration, the dye also needs to be added at the last moment. Otherwise, excess components may adversely affect the stability of the cream during whipping.
  4. Do not rush and add as much dye as possible. 1-2 drops are enough to see what color will turn out. Yes, and make it richer then much easier.

These are just the basic ways to get different colors. If you approach the matter with imagination, you can get unusual shades. They will decorate any dish and surprise guests very much. And safe components will not harm health, so all the goodies can be eaten by children.

Video: do-it-yourself natural food coloring

Dyes from natural ingredients. How to make them correctly and how to use them in everyday life?

Cakes, pastries, marmalade and other goodies look, of course, very beautiful and appetizing in tandem with bright synthetic dyes, but this is harmful and even dangerous to health. Natural dyes can come in handy anywhere. Children's cakes are often made from them, on which various figures of cartoon characters made of mastic flaunt on top.

Dyes of this kind are also used to create finger paints for children, they can also be used by adults who are allergic to the components of conventional paints. In our article, we will talk about how you can make dyes at home, which will not only give a beautiful shade to food, but also make them more useful. And children's creativity with such dyes will turn into a safe and useful game.

How to make natural food coloring, red natural coloring

The dominant role of all products with a red tint is occupied by beets. From this common vegetable in our country, you can get natural and healthy dyes from a delicate pink hue to a rich crimson color.

The dye based on this bright root crop is prepared according to several recipes. We will talk about the method of digesting the dye from the beet, and also tell about the express method for obtaining the desired color from the beet mass.

So, first, let's talk about a quick way to get red paint. To do this, a blender will rush to your aid. Just throw a couple of small beets into the bowl of this miracle food processor. But first wash the vegetable with diligence. You can use a metal sponge for this purpose, with it you can perfectly wash the beets.

Cut the washed beets with a knife into small pieces. Pour half a glass of clean water into the blender to the beets. Then turn on the blender and grind the root crops almost into a puree. Then move the gruel to cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. So you got a biologically pure dye, congratulations!

Now let's talk about the second method of obtaining dye from beets. First, wash the root crop and remove the skin from it. Then prepare a grater and grate the beets coarsely. After this manipulation, move the beet mass into a saucepan and fill it with water so that the beets are just hiding there.

Now start cooking the dye vegetable. The fire must be small. Make sure the lid on the saucepan is tightly closed. Boil beets for an hour. In order for the dye not to become less bright, throw half a teaspoon of "lemon" into the saucepan during the cooking process.

As an hour passes, turn off the fire, and open the lid on the pan. Let the dye cool, and then use it for its intended purpose. Cake from beets can be separated using gauze or a strainer.

Another red color eco dye can be obtained from berries such as raspberries, cranberries, cherries and so on. Pomegranate juice can also be an excellent coloring agent. These products can not be cooked. With him, things are easier. Just squeeze out the juice and start painting.

Be careful. In the process of extracting juice from beets, pomegranates or berries, you can get your hands so dirty that washing them with simple soap and water will be unrealistic. Therefore, we recommend using ordinary thin rubber gloves as protective clothing. They can often be found on the hands of cooks.

If your hands are still dirty, and now they need to be washed urgently, resort to the help of citric acid. Just dissolve a bag of "lemon" in a deep bowl of hot water, and then dip your hands into it. You will see, the beet juice will be washed off quickly.

How to make green food coloring

The king among biologically pure dyes of green shades is spinach. With it, you can get both a rich green color and a delicate color of young grass.

If you want to color your food a light green, reminiscent of spring greens, then squeezing the juice from spinach will be enough. To do this, wash the spinach leaves and turn them in a meat grinder. Then fold it onto gauze, substitute a plate to collect juice from below and press harder. Juice will flow instantly. It is completely ready to be used in the kitchen.

If you want to achieve a rich green color, then you need to boil this juice along with chopped spinach. To do this, move the green mass twisted in a meat grinder into a saucepan or a large iron mug and put on a slow fire. Boil it for about 40 minutes. You will see how the juice gradually begins to become more intense in color. Then cool it, strain through a fine sieve or gauze cloth and use in cooking.

How to make blue food coloring

If you already have other natural food colorings in your arsenal, then blue can be obtained by mixing green and red. Yes, yes, the same ones that we made from beets and spinach. If there are none, then go to the store for red cabbage, and then start creating blue eco paint in your kitchen.

An excellent blue color can be obtained from red cabbage. Chop it or just cut it into pieces. Then put in a saucepan and pour water there. Don't pour too much liquid. Just let the cabbage lightly cover with water.

Boil the vegetable for half an hour. When you open the lid after 30 minutes, you will see that the water has turned blue. If you want to achieve a more saturated shade, throw a spoonful of baking soda into the water, the water will immediately become brighter. Hold the cabbage in water until it cools completely, and then drain the resulting natural dye into a separate container to use it later for any purpose.

If you need blue with a hint of purple, then an ordinary eggplant will come to the rescue. To meet him on the shelves of supermarkets is not a problem at all. First, place the "blue friend" from the garden in the freezer. Let him lie there for about half an hour.

Then remove the “clothes” in the form of a peel from the vegetable. Then move these eggplant crusts to a blender and turn into a pulp. And after this operation, squeeze the juice out of them using gauze.

Blueberries can also give a blue-violet hue. Well, if you want to get such a dye in the summer, during the ripening period of this dye-berry. Take half a glass of fresh berries and mix with a quarter glass of water. Then wipe thoroughly with a fork to get a homogeneous gruel.

After that, it is better to put on gloves on your hands so that the skin does not turn blue. Blueberry juice is very difficult to wash off hands, and it is unlikely to be washed off clothes at all. So, armed with protective seals, move the gruel from the blueberries to the cheesecloth and squeeze the juice with pressing movements.

How to make black food coloring

In the process of preparing, say, a children's cake, one cannot do without black paint. For example, when creating characters from a cartoon on a cake, the culinary specialist draws eyes, a nose and some items of clothing with black paint. For boys, soccer ball cakes are often made. Of course, here you can not do without black natural dye.

Cocoa acts as a black coloring pigment among the products. But do not think that this is the usual variety of this drink. Cocoa should be bought only special, varieties "Dutch Ultra". This cocoa has a darker color compared to its relatives. The dye from such cocoa turns black.

To get the desired shade, simply mix a couple of tablespoons of cocoa with a little water and heat. And then the cooled mixture can be used to color something. Another black color can also be obtained from cuttlefish ink, but in this case the salty taste of this biological dye will be transferred to the dish.

How to make yellow food coloring

To give the dough, cream or anything else a yellow color, a spice called turmeric will help. It can be found on the shelves of the store, packaged in bags. This spice has a spicy taste with hints of orange.

To make eco dye, mix a tablespoon of this colorful spice with a glass of water. Then put this mixture on fire and boil for a couple of minutes. Next, let it cool down. When the mixture becomes cold, you can use it for its intended purpose.

Remember that turmeric "likes" to color the wrong things. For example, clothes, skin, furniture, floor and so on can suffer from it. Everything that comes into contact with this miracle spice turns into a sunny color. Therefore, take precautions when working with such a natural dye. And it is also worth noting that such a dye is stored in the refrigerator, in a closed jar for no more than 15 days.

A delicate yellow shade can be obtained from citrus. More precisely, you will need a lemon for this purpose. Take a large fruit and rinse it under running warm water. Then prepare a grater with small holes. Grate the zest of the lemon, and then put it on cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. You will get a fragrant and very delicate, sunny shade of yellow.

There is another option for extracting a yellow natural dye. This time, saffron will be used. Just grind it with a knife or with a blender. then pour a small amount = m of vodka and put in a dark place for a day. It is best to choose a glass jar with a tight lid as a container.

As the day passes, remove the jar and strain the mixture in it. Then use this yellow tincture to cook or color anything you like. Vodka will give dishes a spicy taste and delicate aroma. For children's paints, of course, it is better not to use such a dye, but to replace it with a non-alcoholic version.

How to make blue food coloring

Blue dye of natural food origin can be obtained by diluting with milk the blue dye that we extracted from red cabbage. Just add a few tablespoons of milk to the juice obtained from boiling cabbage.

Adjust the intensity to your liking. If you need a rich blue. then do not pour a lot of milk, and if you need a slightly bluish shade, then pour in more milk.

How to use natural food coloring:

In the business of coloring food and creating cakes with homemade dyes, you need to know certain subtleties.

for cream

If you use natural eco dye as a cream color, then add dye at the end of preparation. Do not pour in the dye before whipping. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve the desired consistency from the cream. During whipping, the dye can only interfere.

Do not put a lot of dye at once in order to achieve a rich cream color. As soon as you whip the cream, drop a little coloring liquid, mix gently and see what color the product turns out. Basically, a few drops of food coloring are enough for the cream to “dress” in the shade that you need.

for meringue

If you are preparing meringue, then also pour in the dye as a last resort and very carefully. Note that meringues are rarely dyed; even in white, they ask to be put into the mouth. If we warned that you need to be careful with the cream so as not to harm the consistency, then you need to be even more careful with the meringue. An extra drop of liquid may not play in favor of a beautiful and mouth-watering meringue.

First, beat the protein with sugar. Usually taken for every 50 grams of sugar 1 protein of a large egg. Remember that sugar must be added gradually so that the meringue turns out to be tender and fluffy, without sugar crystals in its composition. At the end of cooking, when you no longer feel sugar on your teeth, you can add dye, but very carefully. A drop of paint will be enough.

for biscuit

If you bake a cake yourself and want to decorate the cakes for it, then it is better to do this when the cake is already removed from the oven, and not at the time of kneading the dough. This is especially true of various intense colors, such as red, blue, green. But yellow or brown can be added to the dough during the kneading process.

Cocoa is often added to the dough during kneading to make the cake brown. According to the recipe, this is done when baking the Zebra cake. Cocoa is placed in one part of the dough in this recipe, and nothing is added to the other and it remains white.

Then one, then the second part of the dough is alternately poured onto the baking sheet and circles are drawn on the surface of the dough with a fork or knife. As a result, you will get a beautiful striped cake.

The use of natural food coloring in drawing

Natural dyes are widely used in art. For example, finger paints for children's creativity are often made on the basis of home dyes. They differ from purchased ones in that they can be eaten. Agree, because small children put everything in their mouths to try it by mouth. You can draw with finger paints from 6 months, as soon as the baby began to sit.

With such natural paints, you will be calm for the health of your child. Even if he tastes colors in the process of his creative impulse, this will not harm his health in any way, because there is no chemistry there. On the contrary, if you choose colors taking into account the child's food preferences, you can get 2 in 1, that is, a full snack or afternoon snack, and satisfy the baby's needs for creativity.

And how well such activities affect the mental abilities of the baby! Finger painting gives the child the opportunity to develop both hemispheres of his brain. As a result, you will grow up a very smart and creative child who will strive for new knowledge and skills. This is very important in today's world.

Dyes for finger paints can be taken any. You already have them ready. Now the matter has risen behind the basis for such paints.

To prepare eco paints, you will need the following:

  • Wheat flour - 2 cups
  • Salt - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Sunflower vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Food eco dyes - at your discretion

The components for finger paints just need to be mixed together. Pour water into flour, and not vice versa, to avoid the formation of a large number of lumps. It is better to take cold water.

After you mix all the ingredients (except dyes) in one container, spread the resulting mixture into jars that have lids. For this purpose, you can use jars of gouache, if available, or jars of baby puree or a hundred more of that kind.

After that, start adding dyes. How to do them, we told a little higher. Then mix the base thoroughly so that the dye covers it completely. Store paints in the refrigerator with a tightly closed lid.

It is better not to store such paints for longer than 2-3 days. This can lead to the formation of harmful organisms inside the paints, and they can dry out. If possible, make finger paints new each time so that the baby receives only fresh food.

Note that a child can draw on paper with a finger with a simple tomato paste or spinach gruel. And if you give him a peeled carrot, then it will also leave traces on paper. Berry gruel is also good to draw. In addition, it is very tasty and healthy.

Now you know how to make natural eco dyes in your kitchen, which can be used not only for preparing a wide variety of culinary masterpieces, but also for creativity.

In glossy magazines, pictures with mouth-watering dishes decorated with colored creams are full of pictures. Making a culinary masterpiece is not difficult. The ingredients for food coloring are natural. Therefore, they will not cause harm to health, unlike additives in store products.

To make red food coloring:
  1. You will need one small beetroot. Peel it from the peel and rub it on a grater. Put the root vegetable in a saucepan and fill it with water, close the lid. Put the broth on low heat and cook for 45-60 minutes. Add 1/2 tsp. citric acid to give color saturation. When the broth has cooled, strain it through a sieve.
  2. Crush currants, cherries, cranberries or raspberries. Use the resulting juice.
  3. Use the pulp of tomatoes or boil red cabbage. Also, a red tint is obtained from red paprika powder and boiled pomegranate juice.
To get yellow food coloring:
  1. Chop the saffron leaves. Transfer them to a vessel and add vodka. For children's dishes, it is better to use warm water. Put the mixture in a dark place for 1 day. Strain the tincture.
  2. Grate the lemon zest. Put the mixture in cheesecloth and squeeze until juice is obtained.
  3. Mix turmeric powder with water. The proportions depend on the desired intensity of the paint.
Ways to make blue food coloring:
  1. Finely chop red cabbage. Transfer it to a saucepan and cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Strain the decoction.
  2. A blue or purple hue is given by juice from blueberries, grapes or eggplants.
  3. Purchase indigo carmine dye at the pharmacy. This is a dark blue paste. Dilute it in water to the desired shade.
Prepare green food coloring like this:
  1. Grind spinach through a meat grinder or through a blender. Wrap the resulting mass in gauze and squeeze. This will result in a light green color.
  2. To get a rich color, put the spinach in a saucepan, cover it with water. Cook over low heat for 35-40 minutes.
  3. A pistachio shade will occur when mixing blue and yellow dye.

For a vibrant orange color:
  1. Grate 100 g carrots and transfer them to the pan. Fry the carrots over high heat, adding 100 g of butter. Switch off the stove after 2-3 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, squeeze it through cheesecloth. If there is no time for cooking, use store-bought carrot juice.
  2. Take the zest of an orange or tangerine and grate it on a fine grater. Next, strain the juice through cheesecloth.
To make brown food coloring at home:
  1. Mix sugar with water in a ratio of 5:1. Fry the mixture in a pan until a dark mass is obtained. Constantly stir the sugar mass with a wooden stick so that there are no lumps. Well-roasted sugar gives a bright brown tone. Turn off the stove, add some more water. Strain the solution through a sieve.
  2. A pleasant chocolate shade is given by chocolate, coffee and cocoa powder.

Try making food coloring at home, it will add sophistication to your dishes. Your table will be perfect for any occasion. Just remember that homemade food coloring has a short shelf life. It is better to use it immediately or store it in a dark place.

Dear BBs! Very often there are questions about how to make a dye for a cake, cream and mastic at home, if they are not in stores.

Yes, to be honest, I myself faced this issue. In stores, they make big eyes at the question of food dyes, but I really want a cake with a beautiful design. So, in the vastness of our beloved and ubiquitous Internet, I still found a few words about how to make color.

The color of the cream can be given:
Chocolate - cocoa powder;
Yellow - egg yolks or carrot juice;
Pink - beetroot juice or jam;
Green - spinach juice or a few drops of greenery;
Orange - burnt sugar diluted with water;

And it’s already according to the right cookbooks)

In cooking, vegetable dyes are used to give a certain color. or shades of food, dishes that make dishes bright, beautiful and attractive in those cases when, as a result of heating or any heat treatment, their components, especially vegetables, lose their natural color, wither, become gray or dirty brown, and thus the dish as a whole loses attractiveness, appetite.
Food colorings are usually introduced into soups, sauces, creams, vegetable purees, pilafs, kissels, soufflés, mousses, blancmange, confectionery, lean and candy sugar, jams, various drinks, especially fruit waters, fruit drinks, sherbets, etc. . beverages.
To create a certain color, which is then not lost before serving dishes to the table, the following food colors can be introduced into the dish at the last moment of cooking or immediately after it.
White color: washed chalk, the finest chalk food powder or special white clay, also in a dusty state.
Red color: Armenian clay - bolus, barberry juice, redcurrant, cranberry and cherry juice.
Raspberry, pink color: beetroot juice, raspberry juice.
Burgundy color: buzgun (buggun, buzguncha) - galls of the pistachio tree, their decoction.
Carmine color: albedo (pomace from the skin of red grapes).
Yellow: turmeric, saffron, buckthorn fruits, marigolds, carrot juice.
Orange color: mixtures of yellow and red dyes.
Blue color: starch tinted with indigo.
Purple: mixtures of blue and red dyes, blackcurrant juice.
Green color: spinach juice, lacao (Chinese greens), rhamnus, green (unripe) apple peel juice, unripe pistachios.
In addition, they make a special mixture called herbs for coloring jams and liqueurs. It is prepared from an aqueous infusion of 1 g of saffron in 20 cubic meters. cm of water and an aqueous solution of indigo carmine (1:20). The indigo carmine solution is added dropwise to the saffron solution until the desired shade is obtained.
If you then turn this infusion into syrup, adding sugar to it as a fixative, then the resulting dye will remain in a good, bright form for quite a long time. To do this, you need to take 10 cubic meters. cm solution, 20 cu. cm of water and 60 g of sugar. You will get a thick, bright paint of good preservation.
I hope that helped you! Bon appetit!
