
How to breed wet yeast. How to use dry yeast


  • Dry yeast
  • Wheat flour
  • Sugar

How to work with dry yeast

Housewives are increasingly using dry yeast in their work. This is very convenient, because they can be bought in reserve, stored for several months and used as needed. But often housewives do not pay attention to the fact that not all dry yeast is the same.

Each housewife, before starting work, should carefully read the information that the manufacturer places on top of the bag of dry yeast. It may say "Dry Active Yeast" and "Dry Fast Acting Yeast". What is the difference between them?

The thing is, they work differently. Dry active yeast must be activated before use, and dry fast-acting yeast is ready to work without special activation, because it is a living yeast cell that retains its properties thanks to a special vacuum packaging. Our advice will help you figure out how to work with instant dry yeast.

How to work with dry instant yeast step by step instructions with photos:

Step 1

For work, we need dry quick-acting yeast, flour, salt, sugar and water. The proportions of these ingredients, as well as additional ingredients in the form of eggs, fat, milk, will depend on the specific dough recipe.

Step 2

Dry fast acting yeast is living yeast cells and retains its activity due to vacuum packaging. The integrity of this package is very important for this type of yeast. Also, when buying fast acting dry yeast, pay special attention to the release date and make sure the yeast is fresh. An 11 gram bag of fast-acting dry yeast is designed for 1 kg of flour.

Pressed yeast- This is a product that was obtained through the fermentation of a special type of mushroom. Mentions of it are found in the writings of eight thousand years ago, due to which we can conclude that the recipe for pressed yeast has gone through more than one change.

Fresh pressed yeast has a light pinkish hue, a firm texture, and also crumbles well (see photo). However, they should not be sticky and watery. In fresh form, the caloric content of yeast is 108 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

How to cook?

Preparing pressed yeast at first glance is quite difficult, however, if you follow all the recommendations, it is not so difficult. You can prepare pressed yeast from various products:

The easiest way to make yeast is to use beer. To prepare pressed yeast at home, you need to add a glass of flour to warm water, after six hours add a glass of beer, one tablespoon of sugar, mix it all thoroughly and leave to infuse in a warm place. Ready yeast should be pressed and stored in a cold place.

How to store?

The main disadvantage of yeast is that it can be stored for a fairly short amount of time. At room temperature, the shelf life of pressed yeast is no more than a day, and they can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks. After that, the yeast begins to ferment, and if you use it for baking, you can even get poisoned.

How to use: breed and activate?

Breeding and activating pressed yeast is very easy. To do this, you just need to dilute them with water or milk (following the recipe). That is, you need to pour the yeast into a container, add a little sugar, and then pour it all with warm water, which should be three times more than the yeast. Then the mass should be stirred, covered with a napkin and sent to a warm place to infuse. When you see that the yeast has risen, it is ready to use.

How to calculate?

It is often necessary to calculate yeast based on the recipe, but if the amount of yeast is not indicated in the recipe, then it must be calculated based on the following proportion: for one kilogram of flour, they usually take about forty grams of yeast (+/- 10 grams).

How to replace pressed yeast with dry yeast?

Pressed yeast in the amount of three grams is absolutely equal to dry yeast in the amount of one gram. If you want to replace pressed yeast with dry yeast, then you should be calculated based on the ratio of 3: 1.

What is the difference between dry yeast and pressed yeast?

Dry yeast is very easy to distinguish from pressed yeast by several distinct features. First, dry yeast looks like small, crumbly granules that can sometimes last up to two years if stored properly. They do not spoil as quickly, which is not the case with pressed yeast, which has the appearance of pinkish-brown blocks wrapped in paper. Pressed yeast can be stored for no more than two weeks in the refrigerator, and even a day without a refrigerator.

Use in recipes

Live pressed yeast is very often used in cooking in many recipes, yeast is especially often used to make pies or buns, as well as other bakery products. Often, by adding yeast to the dough, you can cook very tasty pies, Easter cakes, donuts and other pastries. Yeast dough is not in vain so popular, it is famous for its splendor and tenderness. From it you can cook any dish, and at the same time be sure that it will certainly be tasty.

Benefit and harm

If you believe the connoisseurs of traditional medicine, then the use of pressed yeast is that, thanks to its unique composition, they are able to relieve various pains in the stomach or intestines, facilitate digestion and relieve symptoms of heartburn. In addition, pressed yeast can be added to various creams, as well as homemade masks that will help improve the condition of the skin and hair.

The harm of yeast is especially noticeable for women. Very often, with excessive use of yeast or yeast dough, fungi that live in the vagina begin to multiply in the body of a woman, which causes candidiasis. Therefore, when such a disease appears, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist about the advisability of excluding yeast from your diet.

Among other things, yeast can harm people who have kidney and endocrine problems Therefore, such people should use yeast with caution.

How much yeast is needed to get high-quality brew for moonshine.

In order to make it possible to get moonshine, first of all, yeast is needed. It is thanks to their presence that alcohol is produced from sugars, which is obtained using moonshine. The amount of yeast that is used to make the mash is important. Consider recipes based on the use of sugar as the main ingredient for home brew.

If you have a moonshine, with which you get high-quality alcohol, you need special alcohol yeast. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get this ingredient.

Recipe for mash using pressed yeast.

To get a bucket (10 liters) of good 40 percent moonshine from a moonshine still, the following components are required:

  • 8 kg of granulated sugar
  • 25 liters of pure water.
  • 0.5 kg raw pressed yeast.
  • 2-3 pieces of raw potatoes.
We offer these proportions, which have been tested in practice to obtain high-quality alcohol, using moonshine. You can find other proportions on the Internet, but we advise you to stick with our recipe.
Potatoes are used as a fermentation accelerator. It is passed through a meat grinder and the resulting slurry, along with yeast, is added to the water.

The optimal amount of dry yeast for making mash.

It is often said that it is impossible to get high-quality brew for moonshine if you use dry yeast. This is wrong. The most important thing is to know the correct proportions and subtleties when preparing mash, and everything will work out!

For the preparation of mash, you can use any dry that are sold in the store. Packaging is usually 100 grams.
In order to expel high-quality moonshine from the mash, the following ratio between dry and raw yeast is required - 1 to 5, or 1 to 6.
Yeast is diluted and added to the sugar solution. Dishes are taken, where half a liter of warm water is poured and yeast is slowly poured into it. For five minutes, the yeast gets wet, then they begin to stir slowly so that they completely dissolve.

The sugar solution, before diluted yeast is added to it, must have a temperature of at least 24 degrees.
Braga prepared with dry yeast, at the beginning, behaves unpredictably. Abundant foam formation may begin. To somehow reduce this, add 50 grams of vegetable oil. Sometimes this procedure is repeated several times. Do not cover the container with the mash when foaming is active.

Braga for moonshine will be ready in 5-7 days, regardless of the type of yeast you used. You can check whether the mash is ready for pouring it into the moonshine still by tasting it. She must be a little bitter. If you feel that there is sweetness, then stir the mash and let it stand for another two to three days.

If you used the optimal amount of yeast, then you will get a high-quality mash, from which, with the help of , you can expel high-quality alcohol.

The basis of moonshine is mash, the quality of which depends on the yeast used. If earlier on the shelves of shops it was possible to meet only one name - baker's yeast, today, the industry offers a fairly wide selection of these products. Each type of sourdough has its own distinctive characteristics.

Baker's yeast

Used for the manufacture of flour products. The use of such a starter in order to put mash for further preparation of moonshine is not the best option.

wine crops

They are a specific product used mainly by winemakers. Such yeast for home brewing has not been widely used - they have special, special characteristics and are expensive.

Beer sourdough

They are used in the beer production process, replacing wild yeast. Such a specific product, sometimes used for medical purposes as vitamin supplements, is not suitable for the production of strong alcohol.

alcohol yeast

Used for the industrial production of alcohol. Such a starter for the preparation of mash based on sugar and grains is the most suitable. Compared to its "brothers", spirit yeast has a number of advantages.

  • Fermentation temperature should be in the range of 22 to 28 degrees. If necessary, the temperature of the liquid can be raised using an aquarium heater and wrap the container with mash in a heater. The vessel with the material must be protected from the sun's rays.
  • Mandatory installation in order to seal the vessel, a water seal consisting of a tube and a can of water or its equivalent - a rubber glove with a hole for gas to escape.
  • Do not use boiled or chlorinated water. For the production of mash, well or settled tap water for 1 - 2 days is suitable.
  • Braga should be stirred daily.
  • The wort should be poured into a container with the dissolved yeast already there.

Amount of starter

The most popular mash recipe is one that uses sugar, yeast, and water. The recipe is simple, but among the producers of moonshine there are constant disputes about the ratio of ingredients, their proportions and quantity. There are various successful recipes that allow you to make high-quality mash using different ratios of sugar, sourdough and water - the main thing is to use high-quality raw materials and follow the mash preparation technology and temperature regime.

Practice shows that there is no clear definition of the number of components, if a reasonable ratio is observed. With a large amount of starter, the wort transformation process will be quick, but the material will be of poor quality, with a smaller amount of yeast, the final product will be clean, of high quality, but the process itself will be delayed. The most popular ratio is 10/1/3. In accordance with this proportion, 100 g of yeast and 3 liters of water are needed for 1 kg of sugar. The use of such a recipe will make it possible to obtain an output of 1,200 liters of an alcoholic product, with a strength of at least 40 grams. - but it's in

case of the inversion process.

In the manufacture of mash for moonshine, it is better to give preference to alcohol yeast - they are intended for the production of alcoholic beverages and there is an instruction on their packaging that indicates the required amount of sugar for their use. But taking into account the fact that such products are not available on all store shelves, the manufacturer of strong drinks has to replace them with raw pressed and dry yeast, which are used for baking - if desired, using such yeast, you can also make a good strong alcoholic product.

The use of pressed yeast "Lux"

In order to properly put the mash for making 5 liters of moonshine with a strength of 40 gr. the following ingredients will be needed:

  • 4 kg of sugar;
  • 12 liters of water;
  • 250 g of pressed yeast "Lux Extra";
  • 2 pcs. potatoes (optional).

The use of Lux Extra according to this recipe is very simple. Not boiled, but heated to 30 - 32 gr. is poured into the prepared container. water. Water can be from a well, bottled or tap water. But the water used "from the tap" must be settled in advance. This procedure will make it soft.

Sugar is poured into the water, and the solution is thoroughly mixed until it is completely dissolved. To use Lux Extra, the water must cool down to 22 - 24 gr. Crushed raw yeast is poured into the water, which is diligently stirred. After this procedure, it is advisable to add grated raw potatoes, which are top dressing for the culture - this will speed up the fermentation process. The whole mixture is mixed, and the container is covered. After one to two hours, the process of foam formation will begin.

Braga with dry yeast

Knowing the features of the use of dry yeast and their required amount, it is not difficult to put mash with their use. The ratio that dry starters have to their raw counterparts is presented as 1/5 or 1/6 - it depends on their brand and expiration date. In order to make mash, which includes 4 kg of sugar and 12 liters of water, you will need 100 g (one bag) of dry yeast.

The procedure for applying the culture is the same as in the variant with “Lux” starter cultures. But before adding them to the sugar solution, the yeast must be diluted. They are poured into warm (up to 30 g) water, 0.5 l in volume, where they should stand for about 5 minutes, then the mixture is stirred. The temperature of the sugar solution into which they will be poured should be 22 - 24 gr. After adding the yeast, all the liquid is mixed.

The use of dry yeast has the peculiarity of unpredictable foam formation: it can be very quiet, or too active, forcing the use of agents to extinguish it.

Braga, which can be made both on the basis of pressed and raw starters, will be ready in 6-7 days. If a sweet taste is present in it, the liquid should be mixed and allowed to stand until bitterness appears in it.

Unicellular distillers

High-quality yeast is the key to good home brew. When choosing this important component, many home-brewing lovers stop at dry yeast such as Saf-Levure and Saf-Moment. Why is explained below.

Single-celled mushrooms are the cornerstone in the production of mash. It is they who transform the sugar-containing wort into a ready-made low-alcohol drink or an alcohol-containing mass suitable for further distillation into moonshine.

There are several types of yeast suitable for the production of mash: alcohol, wine, beer. However, the leadership is held by bakeries. Among the advantages of such a product is that it is easy to find (sold in any convenience store); low cost and ease of use; long shelf life; at the output gives good indicators on the content of alcohol in the drink.

living water

Home brew recipes that offer the most out of Saf-Levure and Saf-Moment dry yeast tell you to follow a few simple water rules:

  • Use drinking water of medium softness, because. in hard fermentation is inhibited.
  • Do not boil the water before mixing the ingredients to keep the oxygen in the liquid, which is necessary for the development of the yeast.
  • Do not breed unicellular fungi in distilled water, because it does not contain enough trace elements for their full growth.

The ingredients of the recipe for making the perfect home brew indicate water without impurities. You can put the mash on ordinary tap water, only before filling it must be passed through a filter or allowed to stand in an open container for 2-3 days. For the sake of better yeast growth, it is advisable to aerate the water (a clean aquarium compressor is suitable for this).

Temperature and time

Unicellular fungi feel comfortable at temperatures from 18 to 30 ° C. At a lower indicator on the thermometer, the reproduction of unicellular fungi is inhibited, and at a higher

overheating and even death are possible.

High-quality mash, made strictly according to the recipe, can ripen up to two weeks. During this time, the sugar contained in the wort is completely processed. By the way, the taste of the liquid helps to determine the readiness - it is necessary that it be bitter with sourness.

Saf-Levure plus Saf-Moment

Dry yeast "Saf-Levure" is very popular with home-grown distillers, because it was originally intended not only for making dough, but also for drinks. In addition, they are packaged in 100 gr., which is convenient for accurately calculating the amount of ingredients of the "mash" recipe.

Moonshiners note that on "Saf-Levur" mash is obtained without a strong odor and does not have an unpleasant aftertaste. Alcohol on such a mash is of good quality. Best of all, this baker's yeast reveals its potential in tandem with Saf-Moment. Many recipes include this fast-acting product as a defoamer.

For the braga to play

The optimal combination of the amount of mash ingredients: 1 part of dry yeast to 5-6 parts of sugar. This means that a 100-gram bag of "Saf-Levure" is enough for 5-6 kg of sugar. For the sake of full growth, dry yeast is fermented before being added to sugar syrup. To do this, a bag of "Saf-Levure" is poured into 500 ml. warm water and without stirring, leave for 5 minutes. Next, the powder must be gently mixed until completely dissolved. After that, you can add the mixture to the sugar syrup, the temperature of which should be about 20 ° C.

If in the first hours the mixture ferments too much, then Saf-Moment will come to the rescue, removing excess foam. There are a lot of recipes for making mash with dry yeast and sugar. Perhaps the most

common: 300 gr. dry yeast "Saf-Levure", 11 gr. dry yeast "Saf-Moment", 15 kg of sugar and 60 liters of warm water.

In order for less harmful impurities to be released during fermentation, “feed” it with fruit juice, chopped fruits or crushed berries.

Braga almost does not roam? You may not have added enough yeast, or it may be lacking something. Add brown bread to the mixture: it contains many mineral nutrients, in particular phosphorus and nitrogen, which are loved by yeast. For "feeding" tomato paste is also suitable at the rate of 100 gr. per 10 l, as well as pea or corn grains (1 kg per 10 l).

Treat yeast with all your heart and end up with a great drink!

Braga with dry yeast

Braga recipe with dry yeast. Many people think that it is impossible to make good mash with dry yeast. But in fact, you just need to know the correct proportions and some nuances, then everything will work out.

The optimal amount of yeast for mash, the material is devoted to the correct choice of the amount of yeast

Yeast is the product without which moonshine is impossible in principle. These living organisms are responsible for the production of alcohol which we will get later. This material is devoted to the correct choice of the amount of yeast for mash. We will use sugar as the basis for fermentation.

In an article on choosing yeast for moonshine, I already mentioned that it is best to use special alcohol yeast. But not everyone can get them, so today we will look at the mash recipe based on raw pressed and dry yeast.

For cooking 10 liters forty-degree moonshine we need the following ingredients:

sugar - 8 kg;

water - 25 liters;

raw pressed yeast - 0.5 kg;

raw potatoes - 2-3 pieces.

On specialized forums on the Internet, there is a constant debate about how much yeast is needed for mash, there is no consensus here. Many recipes use more sugar and water than I suggest. But it has been practically verified that an increase in the volume of mash does not lead to an increase in the yield of moonshine or an improvement in its quality, so I recommend stopping at the current proportions.

Raw potatoes must be passed through a meat grinder and added to water along with yeast as a top dressing, this will significantly speed up fermentation.

Braga recipe with dry yeast

Many people think that it is impossible to make good mash with dry yeast. But in fact, you just need to know the correct proportions and some nuances, then everything will work out.

For mash, you can use any dry yeast, for example, Saf-Levure, Saf-Moment or Pakmaya. They are usually sold in bags of 100 g. The optimal ratio between dry and raw yeast should be 1:5 or 1:6. That is, if in the previous recipe we used 8 kg of sugar, now we need to add one and a half bags of dry yeast.

Before adding to the sugar solution, dry yeast must first be diluted. To do this, they are poured into a container with 0.5 liters of warm water (temperature not more than 30-32°C), allow to stand for 5 minutes, and then slowly stir until completely dissolved. The optimum temperature of the sugar solution before adding yeast is 20-24 degrees, no more.

In the first few hours, dry yeast mash can behave unpredictably. Sometimes a lot of foaming begins, which must be stopped. To do this, just add to the container 50 g vegetable oil. In some cases, the oil is added 2-3 times. With abundant foaming, in no case should you cover the container with a lid, otherwise you may experience a small “explosion”.

Regardless of which yeast you used, the mash will be ready no earlier than after 5-7 days. It is best to check its suitability for distillation by taste. Ready mash is a little bitter. If sweetness is felt in its taste, you should thoroughly mix the contents of the container and let stand for another couple of days.

To make moonshine, be sure to have the required amount of yeast, whether they are wild or artificial. Yeast is the most important "tool" that allows you to process glucose into alcohol. It is useful to have information about how much yeast is needed for mash, as well as to know certain subtleties associated with the process of its preparation.

Most often, for home brewing, alcohol yeast is preferred, which best cope with the task. On the instructions printed on the package, the manufacturer always indicates the ratio of sugar and yeast. When alcoholic yeast is difficult to obtain, dry yeast is used, which is more often used for baking. If the proportions are correctly calculated, then moonshine is of excellent quality.

Braga made with pressed yeast

To get ten liters of moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees, take:

  • 8 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 25 liters of water;
  • 0.5 kg of pressed (raw) yeast;
  • 2-3 pcs. raw potatoes (optional)

In many recipes that are used to make moonshine, they take more water than in this recipe. Practice has shown that an increase in the amount of water does not affect the improvement in the quality of moonshine. Raw potatoes are added to the overall composition to speed up the fermentation process. First it is cleaned, then crushed and then added to the general composition along with yeast.

Recipe for mash made with dry yeast

There is an opinion that using dry yeast it is impossible to get good quality moonshine. In fact, this is absolutely not true. Knowing certain proportions, some secrets, it’s enough just to get moonshine that many will like. Dry yeast is sold in small packets of approximately 100 g each. The correct ratio of dry and raw yeast is optimally 1:6 or 1:5.

Raw yeast is immediately introduced into the sugar solution, and dry yeast needs preliminary preparation, many call this process “fermentation”. Yeast is poured into 0.5 liters of water, which does not exceed 30 degrees, allowed to stand for about five minutes, then slowly stirred so that they are completely dissolved.

The sugar syrup should be around 24 degrees before yeast is added to it. After adding dry yeast, unforeseen moments happen. Braga either does not manifest itself at all, or a process starts with abundant foaming. To calm down a little strong foam, add 50 g of vegetable oil. There are times when the oil has to be added 2-3 times. When strong foaming is noted, in no case should the container be covered with a lid, since the accumulated gas can simply break this container.

Usually mash "ripens" in 5-7 days. It brightens enough and it feels a little bitterness. If at least a little sweetness is still felt, the contents are allowed to stand for a couple more days.

Yeast is a fungus that requires favorable conditions to reproduce. This living microorganism absorbs sugar, converting it into alcohol and carbon dioxide, leaving and rising the dough.

Yeast loses its properties when interacting with boiling water and when re-freezing. In order not to kill the fungus, the temperature of the liquid should be no higher than thirty-two degrees.

Today there are three types of yeast:

Fresh. Pressed, alive, they are distinguished by the smell of fresh bread. They are diluted with a small amount of water with a temperature of up to 32 degrees. Too hot or too cold liquid prevents the dough from rising. A product from 600 to 700 grams contains an average of 15-20 grams of pressed yeast. Baking requires doubling this dose, since the butter, margarine, sugar used to knead such a dough inhibit the fermentation process;

Dry. Active. Most often produced in the form of round granules, which are soaked in water before use, softened for several minutes and then mixed;

Dry. High-speed (instant). They differ from active ones in the mode of drying and the method of application. As a rule, they look like granules in a cylindrical shape. They should not be dissolved, you can immediately add them to the flour.

Dry yeast produced by different companies do not have the same strength, which determines the time spent on raising the dough. In one case, its volume increases in half an hour, in the other, in an hour and a half.

The lifting force is reduced with prolonged storage of dry yeast, by about five percent in one month compared to the original characteristics. Most manufacturers prefer to produce a bag of yeast that is enough to lift one kilogram of flour, although there are bags designed for half a kilogram (for example, Dr. Oetker).

The weight of dry yeast can easily be measured with a teaspoon. About four grams of yeast is placed in it with a slide. A piece of pressed yeast, about the size of a matchbox, weighs twenty-five grams.

Dry yeast can be replaced with fresh and vice versa. The proportions here also depend on the manufacturer. For example, fifty-five grams of fresh yeast is equal to ten grams of dry yeast, SAF-MOMENT brand. The same amount of fast-acting Dr.Oetker is replaced with thirty grams of fresh yeast.

Measures of weight:

  • A standard calculation has been developed for replacing one yeast with another: 1:3 - instead of ten grams of high-speed, take thirty grams of fresh yeast.
  • One level teaspoon contains three and a half grams of dry yeast, replaced by ten grams of fresh.
  • One and a half teaspoons equals fifteen grams of fresh yeast.
  • Two teaspoons can replace twenty grams of pressed yeast.
  • Two and a half teaspoons is equivalent to twenty-five grams of fresh pressed yeast.

The use of dry yeast in baking. Dear cooks, looking through recipes today, I came across a dialogue between our respected cook alarm clock (Allochka) and a new cook. The dispute was about yeast. I was horrified by my ignorance after reading their messages. It turns out that I make pastry dough with little to no knowledge of yeast. And when something doesn’t work out for me, I blame the products, not myself. So I decided to look for information on the Internet. Dear chefs, I understand that I won’t reveal this information to many of you in America, but I really hope that it will be useful to those who are just starting their friendship with baking.

Yeasts are living organisms, they belong to unicellular fungi. Under their influence, starch or sugar is converted into carbon dioxide or alcohol. Yeast is especially valued by bakers, brewers and winemakers: without it, no good bread, no wine or beer would have been made.

Yeast, which is used to make yeast dough, is called baker's. Such a product is divided into fresh and pressed yeast, dry or "live". Dry yeast, in other words inactive, is obtained as a result of artificial dehydration.

To use dry yeast for its intended purpose, you, in addition to themselves, will need water and granulated sugar. And remember: dry yeast is divided into active and instant. There are no differences in the choice and storage conditions of both types, but they are used in different ways.
How to breed active dry yeast

Active dry yeast in their appearance resembles fractional beads of a beige tone. Just such yeast is discussed in almost all cookbooks compiled by Western authors. There it is written about the amount of yeast: a bag or a certain amount of grams.

To bring dry yeast into an active state, it is necessary to pour the right amount of warm water or milk into the container (how much liquid to take is indicated in the recipe or on the package itself). Since you are dealing with live yeast, you should “wake up” the product, but in no case “brew” it! That is why the temperature of the water or milk with which you will breed dry yeast should fluctuate between 35-42 degrees Celsius.

A few teaspoons of sugar will become a kind of "nutrition" for the yeast. Sugar should be added to a warm liquid and make sure that it is completely dissolved there.

Next, sprinkle dry yeast on the surface of warm milk and after a few seconds, crack the liquid with yeast. This time will be enough for the granules to be saturated with liquid and turn into a pasty mass.

If it is warm in the kitchen, then it will be enough to cover the container with yeast with polyethylene; if it is cold, add a towel to it. After 5-10 min. yeast should play, foam. If this did not happen, then it is not worth using them in baking, they were never able to “wake up”. The reasons for this may be different: the expiration date has expired, storage conditions have been violated, the liquid in which they were dissolved was too hot. If, as a result, the yeast began to play, feel free to put them in the dough.
How to use instant dry yeast

Instant dry yeast is also called instant, fast, fast growing, in other words, fast (fast) yeast. (Any of these names will certainly meet you in one of the recipes). Such yeast in appearance resembles a finely ground powder of a light brown hue.

Instant yeast does not need to be activated, it can be immediately combined with dry ingredients. Plus, during kneading, the dough with this type of yeast is put on proofing only once.

However, with all the visible advantages of this yeast, baking as a result is not so fragrant. True, this circumstance does not play a role if you put a lot of sugar and aromatic spices in the products.
