
How to dilute granular gelatin. Cooking Tricks: How to Breed Gelatin

Gelatin is a substance of animal origin, which is quite actively used in cooking. It has no smell, color or taste. In the production of gelatin, tendons, ligaments and bones of livestock are used. It is thanks to these components that gelatin is used to prepare various jelly-like dishes, aspic, jelly and much more. But in order to prepare a really tasty dish of the desired consistency, you need to know how to properly dilute the gelatin.

How to dissolve gelatin

There are no secrets here. It is enough that the gelatin dissolves in cold water, after which, as a rule, a certain amount of liquid is added to the desired volume and heated.

When preparing a dish of a certain consistency, you need to know how to dissolve gelatin correctly.

  • Keep proportion. To get the so-called "trembling jelly" you need to dilute only 20 grams of pure gelatin in a liter of water. If you want to get a denser jelly (about the same as in jelly), use about 50 grams of gelatin per 1 liter of water.
  • During heating, do not let the solution boil, otherwise the gelatin will lose its properties.
  • When making fruit jelly, try to cut the fruit as small as possible. Otherwise, fruit jelly will peel off easily.
  • Do not chill the mixture in the freezer. The dish will not become jelly-like, but will simply crystallize.
  • When buying a pack of gelatin, always pay attention to the expiration date of the product. Expired gelatin loses its properties.

jelly recipe

Here is one of the easiest jelly recipes. As a basis, you can take any jam, fresh fruit or juice. To get started, take 15 grams of gelatin and dilute in 100 grams of water, after which, add 1.5 cups of preheated juice. After that, you need to send the mixture to a small fire for 15 minutes, then pour it into molds and let it harden. Now you know how to dilute gelatin.

Gelatin is commercially available in the form of coarse-grained powder or plates. In order for it to be used in dishes, both one and the other must be diluted. Gelatin is diluted with any liquid (water, juice, broth) - it depends on which dish it will then be added to. It can be fruit jelly, sour cream soufflé, meat or fish aspic. Using gelatin, you can even make a cake. Now we will tell you how to dilute gelatin, and give some of the simplest recipes using it.

Dilute gelatin powder as follows:

  1. Pour as much gelatin into the ladle as indicated in a particular recipe. For reference: 15 g of gelatin (without top) is placed in one standard tablespoon.
  2. Pour it with five tablespoons of warm water, juice or broth.
  3. Let the gelatin swell - it will take 10-15 minutes.
  4. Pour half a glass of the same liquid in which it swelled into the swollen gelatin.
  5. Put the ladle in a water bath and, constantly stirring the contents, ensure that a thick, viscous mass is obtained in the ladle. Make sure that the contents do not boil.
  6. If, after a water bath, undissolved grains of gelatin remain in the container, then strain the contents through a kitchen strainer.
Add the diluted gelatin to the main liquid that you will use for the dish. At the same time, make sure that the amount of liquid required in the recipe is not violated. For example, if 1 liter of juice is provided for making jelly, then take 5 tablespoons (see No. 2 in point 1) and half a glass (see No. 4 in point 1) from this liter.

Gelatin, which goes on sale in the form of plates, is diluted a little differently:

  1. Pour the required number of plates with cold water.
  2. After 5-7 minutes, drain the water, and squeeze the plates well from moisture.
  3. Place the swollen plates in a ladle and fill with juice, broth or water.
  4. Place the ladle in a water bath and constantly stir the mixture. Make sure it doesn't boil.
  5. Pour the prepared gelatin mass into the main liquid.

For any dishes (jelly, aspic, jelly) the following amount of gelatin is required, calculated per liter of liquid:

  • for a slightly gelled dish, as if "breathing" - 15 g;
  • for normal jelly - 20 g;
  • for very strong jelly - 25 g.

Strong jelly can be used to cut decorations from it for any dishes.

With the help of gelatin, you can cook delicious and original fruit-sour cream jelly:

  1. Dilute 10 g of gelatin in water.
  2. Beat 500 ml of sour cream and 1 cup of sugar.
  3. Pour diluted gelatin into whipped sour cream and mix well.
  4. Take four transparent glasses and pour 125 ml of sour cream into each.
  5. Put the glasses in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  6. From 10 g of gelatin and 500 fruit juice, make the second part of the jelly.
  7. Put pieces of fresh fruit or berries on the frozen sour cream jelly.
  8. Fill them with the prepared fruit mixture.
  9. Place glasses with two-layer jelly again in the refrigerator to solidify.

Do you want to surprise your friends and family? Prepare an unusual cake using gelatin.

  1. Bake a biscuit or buy a store-bought one - only 500 g.
  2. Cut the biscuit into 2cm x 2cm cubes.
  3. Cut banana, kiwi, strawberries, tangerines into the same cubes. Take any fruits, but in general they should also be 500 g.
  4. From one liter of sour cream and 25 g of gelatin, prepare a sour cream mixture. Before adding diluted gelatin to sour cream, beat it with two glasses of sugar.
  5. Take a deep bowl and cover it with cling film.
  6. Pour one cup of the sour cream-gelatin mixture into the bottom of the bowl.
  7. Mix the biscuit slices and fruit slices on the sour cream.
  8. Fill this layer with sour cream.
  9. Next, lay out the biscuit and fruit again.
  10. Fill the bowl to the top, alternating sour cream and biscuit-fruit layers.
  11. Place the bowl in the refrigerator overnight.
  12. Before serving, dip the bowl of cake for a couple of seconds in hot water.
  13. Place a large flat dish on top of the bowl and turn everything together so that the cake is on the dish.
  14. Remove the film from the cake and cut it into portions.

If you have cooked aspic, but it has not frozen, then heat it up and dilute the gelatin in this broth. Add it to a dish and put it in a cold place - the jelly will be saved.

Gelatin is a product in the form of crystals or plates, odorless and tasteless, obtained from the tissues of fish and animals. From Latin, its name is translated as "frozen" or "frozen". In its composition, gelatin is 85% protein. Most of the benefit of this product lies in the collagen, which is contained in it in considerable quantities.

The first time gelatin was obtained and patented was in 1845 by engineer Peter Cooper. Almost 50 years after its invention, no one could understand its benefits and find a way to use it. Most people considered gelatin to be an absolutely useless product, until another inventor, Pearl Waite, prepared a very tasty dessert using it, which he called "jelly". After that, the benefits of gelatin were fully revealed, and he received his place of honor in cooking.

Today, with the use of gelatin, many tasty and healthy dishes are prepared - meat and fish aspic, jelly, jelly, soufflé, marshmallows, creams. Before use, it is better to soak it in cold water, where it will swell 2-3 times. And this substance dissolves only in a warm liquid.

But gelatin is used not only in cooking, but also in pharmaceuticals - candles and capsules are prepared from it; in the photo and film industry - for the manufacture of film and photographic paper - - it is a very useful restorative additive in masks, shampoos, balms. Gelatin also has vegetable analogues - agar-agar and pectin, obtained from seaweed.

The substance that forms the basis of gelatin is collagen. Along with this, it includes water, proteins, ash, starch, fats, carbohydrates, micro and macro elements, vitamin PP, amino acids in its composition. There is no doubt about the benefits of this product for the human body, because it contains magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and the amino acid glycine. It also contains 2 more very useful amino acids - proline and hydroxyproline, which contribute to the development, restoration and preservation of connective cartilage and tissues.

Gelatin is an excellent dietary product, all dishes that include it in their composition are perfectly absorbed by the body and do not cause increased secretion of the digestive glands. Many people know that gelatin is very useful for cracks and fractures of bones, because it contributes to the speedy fusion of bone tissue and the restoration of joint tissues after injuries.

Eating gelatin, which is so rich in collagen, can significantly improve the condition of nails and hair, make joints mobile and elastic. Experts recommend that people who suffer from osteochondrosis and arthritis regularly include in their diet those dishes that were prepared on the basis of gelatin. By the way, it is also useful for external use, for example: in the form of strengthening baths for nails and face masks.

Those amino acids that are part of gelatin are a source of energy for the body, help strengthen the heart muscle, and have a positive effect on mental activity. With low blood clotting, gelatin will also be useful. Its use is also recommended in the form of jelly, kissels and mousses for pulmonary, gastric, intestinal and other bleeding.

By the way, there are no special contraindications to eating this product. Very rarely, it can cause an allergic reaction. With caution, gelatin should be used by those people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and are prone to oxaluric diathesis, because this substance itself is an oxalogel.

How to properly dilute gelatin?

Gelatin is widely used in cooking. You can buy it in the store in the form of transparent plates or powder. But buying it is not enough, you still need to know how to properly breed it.

If gelatin is in the form of a powder, then you need to put it in a bowl, pour 4-5 tbsp. l. boiled water, milk, fruit drink or other liquid, which is indicated in the recipe for cooking. Now the mixture should be stirred and allowed to stand, the granules should swell and increase in size. If the gelatin is in the plates, then it should also be pre-soaked in water for 5-7 minutes, then drain the water and squeeze the plates a little from the water, put in a bowl.

Cooking gelatin is best in a water bath, for this you need to boil water in a saucepan and cover it with a container of gelatin on top. Stirring constantly, gelatin should be slowly melted. The temperature of the mass should not be understood above 80 degrees. The more thoroughly the gelatin was stirred during the cooking process, the better it will solidify later.

After the gelatin has melted almost completely, the container should be removed and the liquid filtered through a sieve so that films and undissolved granules remain in it.

Now the gelatin is ready to be added to the hot liquid that was indicated in the recipe, then everything needs to be mixed, poured into molds, cooled to room temperature and put in the refrigerator.

Fruit jelly is a light, tasty and also healthy dessert that will appeal not only to children, but also to adults! But the frozen structure of this dish will help provide gelatin.

The consistency of the dish will depend on the amount of gelatin taken. If you want the jelly to turn out “trembling”, then you need to take 20 g of the substance for 1 liter of water. You should not reduce the amount, otherwise the dessert will not harden. To get a "rubber" jelly that will be cut with a knife, gelatin should be taken 50 g per 1 liter of water.

The swollen product should be heated. To do this, it should be poured into a saucepan and put on a minimum fire. You can do this in a water bath. It is impossible to move away from the stove, because the mixture must be constantly stirred. After the product is completely dissolved, without bringing the liquid to a boil, the pan must be removed from the heat.

Cooked hot gelatin can be combined in a separate container with a jelly base: puree, fruit juice, jam or compote. The mixture must be cooled to room temperature, and then placed in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

But when making jelly, there are some little tricks:

  1. Gelatin must not be brought to a boil, otherwise it will not thicken;
  2. It is impossible to take aluminum dishes to heat gelatin, otherwise the product will become dark in color and have an unpleasant taste;
  3. To avoid lumps when diluting gelatin, you need to pour it into a warm container, heating it with warm water. And if lumps still appear, then they should be filtered through a sieve;
  4. The mass should be cooled in the refrigerator, it will crystallize in the freezer;
  5. If you need to add fruits to the jelly, then they must first be crushed.

Thanks to gelatin, the jellied meat turns out to be exquisite and beautiful. But first you need to know - how to properly dilute gelatin for making jelly?

First you need to dissolve it in a glass of cold water and leave for an hour to swell a little.

Then the mixture should be poured into an enamel pan and put on a small fire. Boil gelatin should be, constantly stirring, until it is completely dissolved, but you can not bring it to a boil!

Then the solution must be filtered through cheesecloth and mixed with broth, which is intended for jelly.

By the way, in the case of cooking jelly with gelatin, carrots need to be cut very finely. For 1 liter of water, exactly 20 g of the substance should be taken. Excessive use of gelatin can over-harden the jelly, while spoiling its aroma and taste. You can check the rate of gelatin with your finger - for this you need to draw liquid into a spoon, wet your fingers in it. If they stick but come off easily, then you're good.

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It is very difficult to imagine modern cooking without gelatin. Cakes, sweets, marshmallows, mousses, jellies and jellies are unlikely to be prepared without this additive. Although for the first time food gelatin in its pure form appeared not so long ago - in the 19th century.

However, many housewives, especially after the first unsuccessful experience, are afraid to deal with gelatin - either it will not completely dissolve, or it will not harden. Indeed, in order for the result to turn out as it should, it is important to know how to work with it correctly. And there are a lot of nuances here - what to dissolve, at what temperature, what proportions, how to make it so that it turns out without lumps, etc. I, too, at first did not understand well what gelatin was and how to make friends with it. But, believe me, there is nothing complicated!

Types of gelatin

This indispensable ingredient is made either from animal products (tendons, cartilage, skins, etc.), or from fish waste. The latter is more expensive and less common, since the manufacturing technology is more complicated.

By the way, vegetarians and representatives of some nationalities may refuse dishes with gelatin. But agar-agar and pectin are suitable for everyone - they are made from plant products.

There are 3 types of edible gelatin on the shelves of our stores:

  1. in granules;
  2. in powder;
  3. in the form of thin plates.

It is impossible to say which one is better - each has its own advantages. Leaf gelatin swells faster. In granules it is cheaper, and in powder it takes less time to dissolve. Here it is more correct to build on a specific recipe and your personal preferences.

Proportions: why observe

The main rule of successful jelly, aspic, etc. - Compliance with the ratio of dry gelatin and liquid. In general, there are instructions on each pack, but it’s better to remember:

  • for dense jelly, it should be taken at the rate of 40-50 g per 1 liter of liquid;
  • for the usual, 25-30 g will be enough.

If you are preparing very sweet jelly or pork jelly, then it is better to increase the amount of gelatin by 5-10 g. The fact is that sugar and fat have a bad effect on gelling qualities.

Compliance with proportions is also important during soaking. In order for gelatin to swell properly, we take 10 parts of liquid for 1 part of dry matter. If you take less, you get just a clot that looks like a jellyfish. If you take more, then the taste of the finished dish may turn out to be not so rich.

In what water for how long to soak

An equally important question is at what temperature to soak and dissolve gelatin. Almost everywhere, the recommendations are the same - soak in cold, warm up to dissolve, but do not boil. True, before dissolving the sheet, you must first squeeze out a little, and only then send it to the liquid.

Indeed, soaking in cold water is indispensable. In granules it swells in 40 minutes, in sheets - in 10-15, in powder - 5-10. If you pour hot water immediately, then the gelatin will stick together and it will take more time. This does not apply to instant powder. You can not soak it at all - it is perfectly diluted with hot water.

The swollen gelatin is dissolved by heating the mixture and adding liquid, depending on the recipe - broth, juice. It is better to do this in a water bath or over low heat, stirring constantly.

By the way, gelatin can be soaked not only in water - in milk, in broth, in cream, this substance also swells well. But it will take twice as long. And in this case it is better not to experiment with boiling.

Everywhere they write that it is strictly forbidden to boil gelatin, they say, peptide compounds are destroyed. This is a myth, I will say right away. Practice shows that even prolonged boiling does not affect the gelling properties. Perhaps the ban on boiling was simply generalized, since some products are really better not to boil, for example, sour cream. Or maybe the fact is that a concentrated solution of gelatin burns quickly and then the smell spoils the whole dish.


Gelatin for jellied or aspic

Let's move on to the recipes. Let's figure out for a start how to dilute gelatin for jelly, jelly or aspic:

  • soak gelatin in cool water (remember the proportions and time);
  • add 1 cup of broth and heat, stirring, until the grains disappear completely;
  • filter the solution through a sieve or gauze;
  • we introduce a gelling solution at the end of preparation.

Do not forget that if we are preparing a dish of fatty meat, then we take dry gelatin a little more than the norm, but for aspic or jellied chicken, fish, standard 40-50 g and 1 liter is enough.

Separately, I will dwell on the question "What to do if the aspic (jelly) is not frozen?". Everything is simple here - we calculate the required amount of dry gelatin, soak it and dissolve it in the usual way. We boil our failed aspic and pour in the gelatin solution. Well, then as usual - cool and in the refrigerator. I recommend adding a little salt and spices so that the reanimating procedure does not affect the taste in any way.

cooking jelly

For jelly, the scheme is the same - soaked, dissolved, filtered and combined with juice, broth, cocoa, milk, etc. There are secrets in this simple procedure.

The easiest way is to take instant gelatin and pour it into a hot liquid, stirring. Then you do not need to neither filter nor warm up.

Some fruits contain special substances that destroy the very peptide compounds that make it possible to obtain jelly. Kiwi, pineapple, raw papaya are not suitable for jelly. But if these fruits are boiled, then the substances break down into simpler ones, which do not affect gelatin in any way.

Gelatin for cream

For cakes, buttercreams and more, gelatin often needs to be dissolved without the use of water. Then soak in either cream or milk. The time for the usual one is 1.5-2 hours, for the instant one - 20-30 minutes. Then warm in a water bath, stirring. Strain through a sieve and refrigerate.

While the gelling mixture is cooling down, make the cream. In a ready-made cream, in a thin stream, with constant stirring, we introduce the dissolved gelatin. In this case, I prefer to use the blender at a low speed.

We soak the leaf in water and then, after squeezing it well, we immediately send it to the heated mixture. Mix thoroughly several times. It is better to do this in a water bath.

In this case, a microwave oven is simply indispensable. We place the liquid with gelatin for 30 seconds in the microwave, the power is maximum. The gelatin should completely dissolve. If not, send another 10-20 seconds.

We cool correctly

In the end, I will dwell on the cooling of dishes with gelatin. There is no way to do without this stage. Just put it in the fridge for a few hours.

Some, seeking to speed up the solidification, are sent to the freezer. You can't do that - it's not ice cream! The fact is that the water that is in the gelling mixture freezes, and ice crystals violate the integrity of the consistency. It turns out a loose, unattractive outwardly substance with grains of ice.

Soak video:

As you can see, in order to make friends with gelatin, you need to know something. But just a little practice, and you can be sure - jellies, aspics, soufflés and everything else will definitely turn out. And every time it gets better and better!

Gelatin is a glue of animal origin. For its production, tendons, bones, ligaments of cattle are used, and fish scales and bones are also used. It has no smell, color, taste. It is a transparent substance. Has the designation E441. Sold in sachets in powder form. There are two types: A and B. Gelatin A is the treatment of pig skins with acid. Gelatin B is an alkaline treatment of bovine bones. But the properties of both types are the same. Gelatin is used in the preparation of various dishes: jelly, second courses, cream, jelly, decorations for cakes, pies.

Dissolving gelatin is simple: dissolve in cold water, then add liquid to the desired volume, heat.

It is also very important to remember:

1. It is important to observe proportions, otherwise a rubber product may turn out. 20 grams of gelatin + a liter of water = "trembling jelly"; 40-60 grams of gelatin + 1 liter of water = jelly that is cut with a knife;

2. Gelatin must not be boiled. Otherwise, it will not thicken;

3. The fruits in the recipe are finely chopped, because gelatin slides over coarsely chopped fresh fruits;

4. You can not cool the gelatin mixture in the freezer, it will crystallize;

5. Shelf life is important - expired gelatin can spoil the whole dish.

Jelly preparation. The simplest and lightest jelly can be made from jam, syrup, juice or fresh berries. Soak 15 g of gelatin for one hour in 0.5 cups of water. Add 1.5 cups of juice of your choice, preheated to 60 degrees. Then everything for 15 minutes on a slow fire. Pour the jelly into molds and refrigerate until set. It remains only to get and remove from the molds, lowering them for a minute in hot water. Only water should not touch the jelly.

Cold preparation. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin into one glass of chicken broth for 40 minutes. Add three cups of broth and simmer until completely dissolved. Then follow the main recipe.

Preparation of cream for the cake. Dilute gelatin in a glass of cream for 2 hours. Mix in a water bath for 10 minutes, stirring continuously. Cool and mix with the main cream. Coat the cake with cream and put it in the refrigerator to cool for 4 hours.

Dishes using gelatin are very tasty, interesting, and also useful, since gelatin vitamins, amino acids, improves blood clotting.

It is very difficult to imagine modern cooking without gelatin. Cakes, sweets, marshmallows, mousses, jellies and jellies are unlikely to be prepared without this additive. Although for the first time food gelatin in its pure form appeared not so long ago - in the 19th century.

However, many housewives, especially after the first unsuccessful experience, are afraid to deal with gelatin - either it will not completely dissolve, or it will not harden. Indeed, in order for the result to turn out as it should, it is important to know how to work with it correctly. And there are a lot of nuances here - what to dissolve, at what temperature, what proportions, how to make it so that it turns out without lumps, etc. I, too, at first did not understand well what gelatin was and how to make friends with it. But, believe me, there is nothing complicated!

Types of gelatin

This indispensable ingredient is made either from animal products (tendons, cartilage, skins, etc.), or from fish waste. The latter is more expensive and less common, since the manufacturing technology is more complicated.

By the way, vegetarians and representatives of some nationalities may refuse dishes with gelatin. But agar-agar and pectin are suitable for everyone - they are made from plant products.

There are 3 types of edible gelatin on the shelves of our stores:

  1. in granules;
  2. in powder;
  3. in the form of thin plates.

It is impossible to say which one is better - each has its own advantages. Leaf gelatin swells faster. In granules it is cheaper, and in powder it takes less time to dissolve. Here it is more correct to build on a specific recipe and your personal preferences.

Proportions: why observe

The main rule of successful jelly, aspic, etc. - Compliance with the ratio of dry gelatin and liquid. In general, there are instructions on each pack, but it’s better to remember:

  • for dense jelly, it should be taken at the rate of 40-50 g per 1 liter of liquid;
  • for the usual, 25-30 g will be enough.

If you are preparing very sweet jelly or pork jelly, then it is better to increase the amount of gelatin by 5-10 g. The fact is that sugar and fat have a bad effect on gelling qualities.

Compliance with proportions is also important during soaking. In order for gelatin to swell properly, we take 10 parts of liquid for 1 part of dry matter. If you take less, you get just a clot that looks like a jellyfish. If you take more, then the taste of the finished dish may turn out to be not so rich.

In what water for how long to soak

An equally important question is at what temperature to soak and dissolve gelatin. Almost everywhere, the recommendations are the same - soak in cold, warm up to dissolve, but do not boil. True, before dissolving the sheet, you must first squeeze out a little, and only then send it to the liquid.

Indeed, soaking in cold water is indispensable. In granules it swells in 40 minutes, in sheets - in 10-15, in powder - 5-10. If you pour hot water immediately, then the gelatin will stick together and it will take more time. This does not apply to instant powder. You can not soak it at all - it is perfectly diluted with hot water.

The swollen gelatin is dissolved by heating the mixture and adding liquid, depending on the recipe - broth, juice. It is better to do this in a water bath or over low heat, stirring constantly.

By the way, gelatin can be soaked not only in water - in milk, in broth, in cream, this substance also swells well. But it will take twice as long. And in this case it is better not to experiment with boiling.

Everywhere they write that it is strictly forbidden to boil gelatin, they say, peptide compounds are destroyed. This is a myth, I will say right away. Practice shows that even prolonged boiling does not affect the gelling properties. Perhaps the ban on boiling was simply generalized, since some products are really better not to boil, for example, sour cream. Or maybe the fact is that a concentrated solution of gelatin burns quickly and then the smell spoils the whole dish.


Gelatin for jellied or aspic

Let's move on to the recipes. Let's figure out for a start how to dilute gelatin for jelly, jelly or aspic:

  • soak gelatin in cool water (remember the proportions and time);
  • add 1 cup of broth and heat, stirring, until the grains disappear completely;
  • filter the solution through a sieve or gauze;
  • we introduce a gelling solution at the end of preparation.

Do not forget that if we are preparing a dish of fatty meat, then we take dry gelatin a little more than the norm, but for aspic or jellied chicken, fish, standard 40-50 g and 1 liter is enough.

Separately, I will dwell on the question "What to do if the aspic (jelly) is not frozen?". Everything is simple here - we calculate the required amount of dry gelatin, soak it and dissolve it in the usual way. We boil our failed aspic and pour in the gelatin solution. Well, then as usual - cool and in the refrigerator. I recommend adding a little salt and spices so that the reanimating procedure does not affect the taste in any way.

cooking jelly

For jelly, the scheme is the same - soaked, dissolved, filtered and combined with juice, broth, cocoa, milk, etc. There are secrets in this simple procedure.

The easiest way is to take instant gelatin and pour it into a hot liquid, stirring. Then you do not need to neither filter nor warm up.

Some fruits contain special substances that destroy the very peptide compounds that make it possible to obtain jelly. Kiwi, pineapple, raw papaya are not suitable for jelly. But if these fruits are boiled, then the substances break down into simpler ones, which do not affect gelatin in any way.

Gelatin for cream

For cakes, buttercreams and more, gelatin often needs to be dissolved without the use of water. Then soak in either cream or milk. The time for the usual one is 1.5-2 hours, for the instant one - 20-30 minutes. Then warm in a water bath, stirring. Strain through a sieve and refrigerate.

While the gelling mixture is cooling down, make the cream. In a ready-made cream, in a thin stream, with constant stirring, we introduce the dissolved gelatin. In this case, I prefer to use the blender at a low speed.

We soak the leaf in water and then, after squeezing it well, we immediately send it to the heated mixture. Mix thoroughly several times. It is better to do this in a water bath.

In this case, a microwave oven is simply indispensable. We place the liquid with gelatin for 30 seconds in the microwave, the power is maximum. The gelatin should completely dissolve. If not, send another 10-20 seconds.

We cool correctly

In the end, I will dwell on the cooling of dishes with gelatin. There is no way to do without this stage. Just put it in the fridge for a few hours.

Some, seeking to speed up the solidification, are sent to the freezer. You can't do that - it's not ice cream! The fact is that the water that is in the gelling mixture freezes, and ice crystals violate the integrity of the consistency. It turns out a loose, unattractive outwardly substance with grains of ice.

Soak video:

As you can see, in order to make friends with gelatin, you need to know something. But just a little practice, and you can be sure - jellies, aspics, soufflés and everything else will definitely turn out. And every time it gets better and better!

Edible gelatin is often added to recipes for making jelly, second courses, fruit jelly, cream or cake decorations. Breeding edible gelatin is not at all difficult, the main thing is to know a few elementary rules.


1. First of all, dilute the gelatin in cold water, and then warm it up a little. In the thesis, how to dilute gelatin is indicated on its packaging. And by all means pay attention to the expiration date of gelatin, tea an expired product can ruin your culinary work.

2. In order to dilute food gelatin for preparing chicken jelly, take 1 tablespoon of gelatin, pour into a large bowl and pour 1 cup of cold chicken broth. Leave for 30-40 minutes to swell. After that, pour another 2.5 cups of broth into the gelatin and put on fire. Stir continuously so that the gelatin granules are completely dissolved. Do not bring to a boil.

3. To dilute gelatin for making jelly, soak 15 grams of gelatin in half a glass of cold water and leave for 1 hour. After that, add 1.5 cups of any juice to it, preheating it to 60 degrees. Put on a slow fire, and stirring constantly, heat for 15-20 minutes. Pour the jelly into molds and refrigerate for 4 hours. Fruit jelly is one of the favorite treats for children. Gelatin tends to increase blood clotting, but is contraindicated in mental and vascular diseases. In addition, it can cause allergic reactions, so it must be introduced into the children's diet very carefully.

4. In order to dilute edible gelatin for making cake cream, soak 15 grams of gelatin in 1 cup of cream and leave to swell for 2 hours. After that, heat the mass in a water bath, stirring continuously for 10-15 minutes until the gelatin grains are completely dissolved. Let cool. Separately, beat 2 cups of cream into a thick foam. Add to them 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar, a little vanillin and cooled gelatin. Whisk vigorously again. Gelatin cream is ready.

Gelatin refers to products of animal origin. It is obtained by gradual digestion, drying and then grinding of a decoction of tendons, bones, ligaments and some other animal tissues, which include collagen. In appearance and consistency, it is a natural, viscous, transparent substance, which has been used for many hundreds of years in cosmetology, medicine and cooking.


1. To simplify sewing from viscose and chiffon, the fabric must be soaked in brewed gelatin based on the calculation: 1st. spoon for 1 liter of water. After that, the fabric is dried, ironed and allowed to be cut. It is more comfortable to use gelatin than starch, because it does not stick to the iron when ironing, does not break out of the fabric, and is easy to wash when washing.

2. Easily soluble gelatin with a high degree of cleanliness does not need to be soaked. It is necessary to pour a small amount of warm broth into the gelatin and mix thoroughly. Take out to swell for 5 minutes and pour into the gelatin solution in a thin stream into the warm broth mixture, stirring constantly. Heat, but not over an open fire, but in a water bath, until completely dissolved, without bringing to a boil.

3. To acquire a delicate jelly, it is enough to use 20 grams of gelatin per 1 liter of liquid, and for a more dense one, you need to pour from 30 to 50 grams per liter. To purchase jelly and mousse, gelatin must be soaked in 1 liter of cold water, and when it swells in an hour, you need to drain the excess water and add the swollen gelatin to the boiling syrup with constant stirring. Bringing it to complete dissolution, you need to remove from heat.

4. Gelatin rich in protein, the one that is needed for the "building" of hair and nails. It will help to quickly grow unimaginable volume and shine of hair. Gelatin 1 st. spread a spoon 3 tbsp. tablespoons of warm water and mix well so that no lumps remain. Let it stand until it swells and mix with 1 teaspoon of shampoo. Apply to hair. Having covered with polyethylene, take out 20-30 minutes.

5. Traditional medicine advises treating certain diseases of the joints, weakness of hair and nails with gelatin. Half a glass of cold boiled water pour 1 teaspoon of gelatin overnight. In the morning, you need to put 1 teaspoon of honey into the gelatin that has swollen overnight and add a glass of burning boiled water to full. Having mixed everything perfectly, you need to drink the resulting mixture on an empty stomach while it is warm.

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Edible gelatin came from the French gelatin, from the Latin gelatus - frozen. It is produced by the denaturation of collagen, the one found in animals. Its composition: 50% carbon, 25.1% oxygen, 18.3% nitrogen, 6.6% hydrogen, there are also traces of sulfur, phosphorus, calcium and some other substances. Appearance is traditionally granules or grains, less often powder or plates. The transparent color varies from clear yellow to yellow. There is no smell. Gelatin is heavier than water, it swells in cold water and dissolves when heated. But if you boil it, then it will lose the ability to give jelly.

Helpful advice
Gelatin is used to treat joint diseases. It is also used in soup advertisements, as a substrate, so that all the ingredients do not drown, as thickeners for sauces, purees and cereals, so that beautiful curls can be made. In cooking, it is used in the preparation of jellies, jellies, cakes, candied fruits, and various sweets. Do not do without it and yoghurts, chewing gums, marmalades, marmalades, soufflés. Edible gelatin is used for the manufacture of glue and photographic materials, purified animal or fish glue, etc.

Gelatin is widely used in cooking for the preparation of various kinds of jelly, blancmange, aspic dishes. It is occasionally added to jelly, if there is no certainty that it will harden. It is made from natural protein substances that are of animal origin, it is an extract from sticky substances that form when meat is boiled, exclusively bones. In the store, gelatin can be purchased in the form of a coarse-grained powder or small transparent plates. How to positively dilute gelatin, we will tell you.

You will need

  • Gelatin in powder or plates,
  • Boiled water.


1. If the gelatin is in powder, then put it in a bowl, pour 4-5 tablespoons of boiled water into it or the liquid that should be according to the recipe - milk, fruit juice, etc. Stir the gelatin with the liquid and let it stand, its granules must swell and increase in size. If the gelatin is in the plates, then it must first also be soaked in water for 5-7 minutes, and then drain the water and slightly squeezing the gelatin plates, put in a bowl.

2. It’s cooler than everyone to cook gelatin in a water bath. To do this, boil water in a saucepan and cover it with a bowl of gelatin. Whisking constantly, slowly heat it up. The temperature of the gelatin mass should not exceed 80°C. The more thoroughly you stir the gelatin during cooking, the cooler it will then harden.

3. When the gelatin has virtually melted, remove the bowl and strain the liquid gelatin through a fine sieve, the undissolved granules and films should remain on it.

4. Now it is allowed to add a burning liquid to gelatin, which must be in accordance with the recipe - fish or beef broth, fruit drink or fruit juice. Mix well, pour into molds, cool to room temperature and refrigerate.

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If the gelled contents need to be put on a plate, then place the form for 3-5 seconds in hot water. When its walls are heated, the contents will be allowed to lay out without hitches.

Gelatin- a transparent, viscous mass, which is a product of the processing of animal connective tissues. Gelatin acts as a thickener, gelling agent, nutrient, clarifier, former and foam stabilizer. It is used in the preparation of aspic dishes, jellies, cakes, yogurts and other recipes. Gelatin contains 18 amino acids, incl. glycine, proline, glutolic and aspartic acids. The product is suitable for improving the performance of joints after injuries, fractures, in sports nutrition, improves metabolism, strengthens the mental muscle.


1. The preparation of gelatin, its dilution depends on the desired result and the choice of the dish for which it is used. Traditionally, for making cakes, gelatin is diluted in cream, for purchasing jelly - in fruit juice or syrup, for jelly, chicken or meat broth will be the main component. To dissolve dry gelatin, dilute a tablespoon of the product in a glass of cold boiled water, juice or broth and leave for 40-60 minutes to swell. Heat the resulting mixture over a slow fire, stirring constantly, up to 60 - 80 degrees. After that, strain through cheesecloth to eliminate the smallest lumps. Add the remaining mass of one or another main component and cool in the refrigerator. The quantitative ratio of gelatin and liquid depends on the desired outcome. To purchase "trembling jelly" follow the proportion: 20 gr. gelatin per 1 liter of liquid. If you want to make jelly that can be cut with a knife, use a ratio of 40 - 60 gr. per 1 liter.

2. In addition to granular, there is gelatin in the form of thin, transparent plates. When preparing the dish, soak the desired number of plates alternately in cold water. After that, squeeze them out and heat them in a water bath until completely dissolved. To determine the correct amount of liquid, keep in mind that after swelling, the mass of gelatin increases by 6 times. One plate corresponds to 2 gr. dry gelatin, and immediately six - about one tablespoon.

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Do not boil or boil gelatin. Do not add salt to it, it may prevent the formation of a gel.

Helpful advice
In order to transfer the frozen gelatin to a plate, place the container in which it is located in hot water for a while. When the sides of the dish are warm, tip it over. Remember that 1 tsp. dry gelatin is equal to 6 gr., 1 tbsp. - 15 gr., And a faceted glass - 200 gr. powdered gelatin.

Gelatin is a natural product of the processing of animal collagen tissues. The product is quite suitable and improves the condition of human skin and joints. It is used in the manufacture of jelly, marmalade, marshmallows, jelly, aspic and other dishes. Edible gelatin can be bought in the form of a powder consisting of grains, or in the form of sheets. One sheet of gelatin is equivalent to one teaspoon of powder.

You will need

  • 1 tablespoon gelatin
  • 1 glass of water
  • 3 liters of broth


1. Dissolve the gelatin in a glass of cold water.

2. Leave to swell for 1-1.5 hours.

3. After that, stir and, heating over low heat, stir until it is completely dissolved.

4. Remove the gelatin from the heat and strain the solution through cheesecloth.

5. Stir the prepared gelatin with the broth for the jelly.

When heating, do not bring to a boil.

Before diluting edible gelatin, pay attention that it is not instant, because for such gelatin the soaking time will be much shorter.

Homemade jelly, aspic or jelly are traditional dishes of Russian cuisine, which are often prepared for holidays, for example, for the New Year, or served on weekdays. Various types of meat are used for cooking: pork, beef, chicken. Some housewives make jelly from fish. A distinctive feature of the dishes is a jelly-like structure with the addition of pieces of meat, vegetables and spices.

What is gelatin

To obtain a jelly-like mass of jelly, cartilage, bones, and skin are used. Shanks, pig heads, hooves and other bony parts of animals are taken for this. They contain sticky substances that have an important property. They help the broth turn into a dense, elastic jelly when cooled. If there are few or no such parts, then jelly can be cooked from gelatin and meat pulp.

Gelatin is made from various animal parts by collagen denaturation. The technological method was discovered by Peter Cooper in the 18th century. In production, those parts are taken that are used by chefs when preparing natural jelly. These are bones, cartilage, tendons of cattle and fish. The protein extract from them is called gelatin. Note to vegetarians: desserts on this basis are not for you, take vegetable analogues, such as agar-agar or pectin.

Dishes based on this substance of animal origin should be included in the diet of those who have diseases of the tendons and cartilage. It is used not only in cooking. Gelatin is used by pharmaceutical companies in the manufacture of drugs, where it is used to make capsules and drug bases. In cosmetology, it is actively used as a component of masks, creams, lotions. Collagen plays the role of a rejuvenating substance.

Edible gelatin is sold in two forms:

  1. Granulated. Outwardly, it is a small balls up to 1-2 mm in diameter from light yellow to brownish.
  2. plates. Sold in the form of thin plates of a yellowish-brown color.

When to add gelatin for jelly

Instant gelatin in the manufacture of jelly is added at the end. First you need to cook the meat, it takes an hour and a half. During this time, you need to add vegetables: onions, carrots, herbs. After the time has elapsed, the meat is removed from the broth and divided into small pieces. The broth must be filtered - fragments from the bones may remain. Gelatin powder is added to the filtered yushka. The resulting base should be poured over the meat, laid out in portions, and only then removed in the cold to solidify.

Breeding methods

There are several ways to dilute the powder:

  1. In cold water. Take 1 glass of water, soak the granules. When the mass swells, put it in the microwave at minimum power. It should turn into a homogeneous colorless liquid. Check that there are no grains. Once everything is dissolved, pour the liquid into the broth and mix thoroughly. Instead of a microwave, you can use a water bath.
  2. In the broth. Here the gelatin is diluted in the broth itself. Take a glass of liquid, cool, pour out the powder and wait an hour until completely dissolved. Pour the mixture in a thin stream into the remaining broth and stir.

How to cook jelly with gelatin

The recipe for jelly on gelatin is simple. You will need:

  • meat (beef, pork, chicken) - 1.5 kg;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • spices - to choose from;
  • salt - to taste;
  • gelatin - 20-60 grams per liter of broth (depending on the desired strength).


  • Pour the meat with 3.5 liters of water in an enamel saucepan.
  • When the water boils, drain it and fill with new water.
  • Salt, add spices.
  • After an hour, add onions cut in half and carrots chopped randomly.
  • Leave to simmer for one hour. Don't forget to remove the scale with a slotted spoon.
  • Put the meat, strain the broth through cheesecloth.
  • Boil gelatin in one glass of hot water. Wait for swelling. Mix with the rest of the broth.
  • Cut up the meat. Sort into shapes. For containers, you can take plastic or metal trays, vessels, bowls, silicone molds. Add boiled carrots, if desired, put some greens.
  • Pour the contents of the molds with the broth.
  • Put it in the refrigerator, wait until it hardens.

Correct Proportions

If you want to know how much gelatin to add to jelly, then remember the correct proportions:

  • "Trembling" jelly. If you want to make a “weak” jelly that will shake on a spoon, then the amount of cooking powder per liter of liquid will be 20 grams.
  • Medium elasticity. If your goal is a classic version of the dish, then you will need more gelatin. Put 40 grams of dry matter per liter of broth.
  • Hard cold. Such jelly is poured into molds, and after hardening, they are taken out and laid upside down on a flat plate. The dish can be beautifully cut with a knife, like a cake. If you pour jelly into silicone molds or use cupcake molds for this, you can get a portioned dish. The amount of gelatin per liter of broth will be 60 grams.

Edible gelatin goes on sale in the form of a powder or in plates. It has no taste or smell and is almost colorless. It is obtained in the process of long-term processing of tissues of fish and animals. The powder contains 85% proteins. Most of its benefits lie in collagen, which is found in gelatin in considerable quantities.

Dishes, which include gelatin, are perfectly absorbed by the body. There are a lot of such dishes in cooking - these are main courses, cake cream, jelly, fruit jelly, etc. A novice cook needs to familiarize himself with all the intricacies of this dietary product. An experienced hostess can use the powder and dilute it in the right proportion “by eye”, but for a beginner you need to “fill your hand” for this. The process is quite simple.

A bit of history

Gelatin was obtained and patented for the first time in 1845. This was done by engineer Peter Cooper. For the next almost 50 years, people did not understand its benefits and could not think of a way to use it. For such people, the resulting powder has become an absolutely useless product.

The benefits of gelatin were proved by another inventor, Pearl Waite, who used it in the preparation of a delicious dessert called "jelly". After that, the dietary product took pride of place and began to be used in almost every kitchen.

Nowadays, gelatin is used to prepare dishes such as:

  • aspic;
  • fish and meat aspic;
  • souffle;
  • jelly;
  • marshmallow;
  • marmalade;
  • cake cream.

In order for the substance to show its gluing properties, you need to know how to dissolve gelatin correctly. There are no secrets in this, you just need to carefully read the instructions on the package.

If in the process of cooking you dilute gelatin 2-3 times, you will already be able to understand what should be its optimal ratio with the liquid. It should also be taken into account that for the solidification of a particular dish, the amount of powder can be different.

Before use, the powder is soaked in cold boiled water, where it swells 2-3 times. It can only be dissolved in warm liquid.

Breeding rules

A prerequisite for complete dissolution of gelatin is its soaking in cold water. If this rule is neglected, then by pouring the powder directly into the broth, juice or milk, it will not be possible to achieve complete dissolution of the granules.

A certain amount of powder must be poured into a small metal bowl and pour cold boiled water. The swelling time of ordinary gelatin is 50 minutes, and for instant gelatin, 25 minutes will be enough.

When the indicated time has passed, the bowl of powder must be placed over a pot in which water is boiling. In a water bath, you need to constantly stir the contents of the bowl until the granules are completely dissolved. The better the gelatin is mixed during the cooking process, the better and faster it will solidify in the finished dish.

If everything is done correctly, then after 7-10 minutes the granules will completely dissolve, and there will be an absolutely transparent liquid in the bowl.

In no case should the “gelatin liquid” boil. If this happens, then without regret the resulting product can be poured out and the dilution of the powder can be started from the beginning.

The finished powder, completely dissolved in water, must be cooled to 50-60 ° and only after that it should be introduced into the dish being prepared. If you notice a film on it, then such a mixture should be added to the dish only through a sieve - this will save it from lumps.

Ready gelatin is added to the dish according to the recipe and mixed. It is poured into molds, cooled to room temperature and only then placed in the refrigerator for complete solidification.

If we consider gelatin in plates, then it must first be dissolved in water for 5-7 minutes. After that, the water must be drained, and the plates should be squeezed a little and put them in a bowl for further use.

Jelly making

Jelly is considered a healthy, tasty and light dessert. He is loved by both children and adults. To get a quality dish at home, you need to properly prepare gelatin for it.

The consistency of the dish will depend on the amount of powder taken. To get a gentle, "trembling" jelly, you need to use 20 grams of powder per liter of liquid. If it is less, then the jelly simply will not harden.. A denser mass can be obtained using 50 grams of powder for the same volume of liquid.

The swollen powder is poured into a saucepan and placed on the stove, on a small fire. You can also do this in a water bath. The contents must be constantly and thoroughly stirred so that the granules are completely dissolved and the liquid does not boil. The container is removed from the fire.

The finished product is poured into another container, in which it is combined with juice, puree, compote or jam. The contents are mixed and cooled to room temperature. After that, the liquid is poured into containers and placed in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

If you decide to add fruits to the jelly, then you must first chop them.

Breeding gelatin for jelly

Jelly does not always freeze without gelatin. In order not to spoil the dish with them, you need to know how to properly dilute it specifically for jelly.

The powder is pre-soaked in a glass of cold boiled water for one hour. When the granules swell, the mixture is poured into a suitable container and placed on a small fire or on a steam bath. With constant stirring, the container with the contents should be on fire until the granules are completely dissolved. But liquid must not be allowed to boil., since its properties will be lost.

The granules dissolved in water must be filtered and combined with broth for jellied meat. Mix thoroughly.

If you know in advance that powder will be used to prepare the jellied meat, then the carrots for it need to be cut very finely.

To get the normal consistency of jelly, it is enough to take 20 grams of powder per liter of liquid. If you take a larger portion of the powder, then the dish will turn out harder and denser. But it will not affect its taste and appearance in any way.

You can make sure that the right amount of powder is taken with your own fingers. To do this, they need to be wetted with the prepared liquid. If they stick, but separate easily enough from each other, then this means that the powder for cooking is taken in sufficient quantity.

Beneficial features

Collagen is the basis of gelatin.. And also it includes:

  • water;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • starch;
  • carbohydrates;
  • micro and macro elements;
  • vitamin PP;
  • amino acids.


To improve the condition of nails and hair, you need to eat gelatin - it is rich in collagen. It is used to prepare strengthening baths for nails and face masks. It also has a positive effect on the joints - they become elastic and mobile.

Patients with osteochondrosis or arthritis, experts recommend adding dishes containing powder to your diet. If a person has poor blood clotting, it will also be useful.

The amino acids that make up the powder are a source of energy for the body, help strengthen the heart muscle, and have a positive effect on mental activity.

This product is contraindicated for people:

  • with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • prone to oxaluric diathesis.

And all because he himself is an oxalogen.

Otherwise, there are no special contraindications for its use in food.

When buying granules, pay attention to the date of their manufacture and expiration date.

When using gelatin for different dishes, the main thing is to keep the proportion.

In addition to cooking, the substance is used:

  • in the pharmaceutical industry;
  • for the manufacture of photographic paper and film;
  • in cosmetology.

It is impossible to prepare the powder in aluminum utensils, as the substance will become dark in color and have an unpleasant taste.

Diluted granules can not be stored and even put in the freezer for a while. The fact is that the solution during freezing crystallizes and exfoliates. Diluted granules will no longer be able to retain their properties after thawing.

Plant analogues of gelatin include pectin and agar-agar, which are obtained from seaweed.


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