
How to make live yogurt at home. How to make homemade yogurt using dry sourdough

The fact that not all purchased products are equally useful is a long-known fact, in this regard, it is increasingly possible to notice that young modern housewives prefer home-made products: home-made mayonnaise, cheese, kefir and even yogurt. The popularity of home-made products is not in vain so great, because the absence of thickeners, dyes and preservatives plays in our favor, and making a home-made product, for the most part, is much cheaper than buying it.

In this article, we will learn how to make yogurt at home, and consider all the nuances of this process.

How to make natural yogurt?

Making yogurt at home, at first, is not so easy, however, having dealt with the technological and microbiological details of this process, it becomes clear that making yogurt with your own hands is not much more difficult than buying it in a supermarket.

So, for starters, we choose a starter: pharmacy or store-bought liquid, or powdered starter of lactobacilli, lactococci, or thermophilic streptococci, together - the first component of the future product. No matter how hard you try, it is impossible to make your own sourdough for yogurt, but concentrated cultures can be replaced with a few tablespoons of ready-made yogurt, without filler.

The second key to successful cooking is compliance with the cooking technology. Before starting cooking, it is necessary to sterilize the utensils used: a saucepan and a spoon, using steam or simply dousing with boiling water. It is better to use a thick-walled or double-bottomed pan to better retain heat. By the way, the ideal temperature for fermenting yogurt is in the range of 40 to 44 degrees.

Yogurt without a yogurt maker is cooked for about 5-6 hours, the longer it takes, the more sour the finished product will be, but do not overdo the delicacy, otherwise it may turn into sour milk. The consistency of the finished product is moderately thick and dense, slightly viscous, but not lumpy.

To stop cooking, at the end of the fermentation process, the pot of yogurt is placed in the refrigerator and consumed within a period of 4-5 days.

How to make yogurt at home?

This recipe describes the preparation of yogurt without a special starter, but on the basis of an already finished product. When buying yogurt for sourdough, be sure to pay attention to its composition: it should not contain any additives and fillers (the composition is only milk and sourdough), and the shelf life should not exceed 1 month. Also avoid anything that has been cooked or labeled as a "yogurt product".


  • milk (fatty) - 1 l;
  • yogurt - 100 g.


Bring the milk to a boil, boil for about 5 minutes, and then cool to 40 degrees, do not forget to remove the resulting foam. Pour the yogurt into the cooled milk and mix well with a whisk. Next, our task is to keep the temperature at 40 degrees. This can be achieved in several ways: pour the mixture into a thermos, wrap the pan with a blanket and put it on the battery, or place the container in the oven with a constant 40 degrees. In any case, the fermentation time will take an average of 5-6 hours, during this period the pan must not be opened or moved! After fermentation, we check the consistency - if the yogurt is moderately liquid, then it can be taken out and cooled, because over time it will thicken a little more.

Homemade sourdough yogurt recipe

Using ready-made starter cultures is even more convenient.


Yogurt is a delicious fermented milk product.

It is obtained due to the fact that lactic acid bacteria ferment milk under certain conditions, which gives the finished product a characteristic color, taste and texture.

In addition, yogurt is a healthy fermented milk product that has a beneficial effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, regular consumption of yogurt stimulates metabolic processes and normalizes bowel function.

How to make yogurt at home: is it possible?

Today, on the shelves of stores you can find a huge assortment of various yogurts, but it is quite difficult to find a truly healthy and safe product. However, yogurt can be made at home, and it's not difficult as it may seem. But the advantages of homemade yogurt in comparison with the goods sold are obvious:

1. Homemade yogurt is a natural, environmentally friendly product, without dyes, preservatives and other chemicals, and harmful additives.

2. You can easily control the calorie content of the finished product, for this it is enough to use milk of different fat content.

3. Homemade yogurt is an opportunity to show your imagination. Experimentally, you can achieve different densities. In addition, many different variations can be made from classic yogurt, resulting in a lot of unique and interesting desserts. Use fillers such as fresh berries, fresh and canned fruits, dried fruits, muesli, cereal, chocolate or coconut chips.

4. Homemade yogurt is great for preparing various types of sauces, for dressing fruit and vegetable salads. Thanks to this product, the usual salty, sweet, spicy dishes acquire new interesting tastes.

5. Homemade yogurt will keep in the refrigerator for three to four days. The main condition is that the container with yogurt is tightly sealed. After this time, homemade yogurt is not suitable for consumption. But this fact is another proof that the product is natural and does not look like store-bought long-term storage, which, unfortunately, has only a name from real yogurt.

6. It is noteworthy that it is not necessary to have a yogurt maker to make yogurt, the product can be prepared using improvised means, such as a saucepan, slow cooker, jar, thermos and others.

How to make yogurt at home: what you need for this

To make homemade yogurt, two ingredients are required: milk and sourdough. The rest can be added, focusing on your taste preferences.

Milk. Ideally, it is best to purchase fresh country milk, you can also purchase 10% cream. To prepare low-calorie yogurt, it is enough to take milk with 3.5-5% fat content. The main thing is that the original product should be pasteurized, not sterilized, and not be stored for a long time. It is also acceptable to use baked milk, the taste of the finished yogurt will be delicate, caramel.

Milk is poured into an enamel pan, brought to a boil, and then cooled to 45 degrees. You can use a kitchen thermometer to measure the temperature. If the milk is hotter than necessary, all useful microelements and bacteria will simply die.

Leaven. Also, to prepare a delicious dessert, you need sourdough. You can use ready-made sourdough or "live" natural yogurt with a short shelf life.

Let's take a closer look at what is better to buy for making dessert.

dry sourdough you can buy in specialized stores or a pharmacy, they are sold in small bottles. Two capsules are enough for a liter of milk.

The advantages of this type of sourdough are in the duration of storage, the resistance of bacteria and in the amazing taste of the finished product.

Liquid starter cultures, unlike dry ones, are not so popular, as they have some disadvantages. Firstly, their shelf life is not so long, only 3 months, but it was found that at the end of the first month, many living bacteria simply die. Secondly, the taste of the finished product is not so delicious. Usually, yogurt made from liquid sourdough is slightly sour and not very pleasantly viscous.

But although it is permissible to use “live” yogurt, many experienced chefs do not advise doing this, believing that when combined with milk, not only the necessary beneficial microorganisms, but also hidden pathogens will begin to multiply. And then, homemade yogurt will be no different from desserts sold in stores. In addition, if they exceed the permissible norm, there is a possibility of poisoning and getting foodborne infectious diseases.

Therefore, if you want to get a really useful product, use a special dry sourdough of any company for its preparation, especially since it is not difficult to purchase it.

How to make yogurt at home: cooking technology

As we have already found out above, you can cook not only natural yoghurts, but also with additives, however, the cooking technology in any case begins with the classics, and any fillers and additives you like can be added to the finished product.

1. Recipe for homemade yogurt prepared in a yogurt maker

Of course, the presence of a yogurt maker facilitates the process of preparing a healthy product. Its undoubted advantage is that the "machine" maintains a constant desired temperature. To make yogurt in a yogurt maker, mix two dry dressing capsules or a tablespoon of liquid dressing with one liter of milk. Pour the mixture into a container, soak for 10 hours.

2. How to make yogurt at home in a thermos

If there is no yogurt maker, but you want a tasty and healthy product, then you can use an ordinary thermos to make yogurt, the main thing is that the neck is wide - it will be more convenient to cook.

The cooking technology does not differ from the previous recipe, you need to pour in the milk cooled to 45 degrees, add the starter, mix. Remove to an inaccessible place and hold for 6-8 hours without disturbing the product - the thermos should not be rearranged, shaken, yogurt should not be mixed. Ready yogurt is poured into a sterile container and put in the refrigerator.

3. How to make homemade yogurt in a pot

To cook the product in this way, you need a thick-walled pan that retains heat for a long time. So, warm milk mixed with sourdough is poured into the pan, covered with a lid. They put the container on a heating pad with hot water or a hot battery and wrap it in a thick warm blanket, leave it like that for 6-8 hours. It is permissible to use a glass jar, a ceramic pot instead of a saucepan.

4. Alternative Cooking Options

In addition, you can cook the product in a slow cooker. The technology is similar. Many modern multicookers have a built-in “Yogurt” mode, but if there is none, then you can use the “Heating” function.

You can also use an oven to prepare a dessert, in this case the oven is heated to 40 degrees, the container with milk and sourdough is kept for 5 hours. In this case, it is better to use glass containers.

How to make yogurt at home: reasons for failure

It happens that the technology is observed, but the yogurt did not work out. Why is this happening and what could be the reason for failure?

The main secrets of successful preparation of the product are properly selected fresh starter, high-quality milk, sterile containers and a constant uniform temperature at which yogurt ferments.

In addition, the product cannot be cooked in aluminum and plastic containers. All containers must be clean, including containers, thermometers, pots in which milk is boiled, spoons and other necessary utensils.

Fillers and additives: berries, chocolate and others, it is best to add not during cooking, but to the finished product. Bacteria need only a milky environment to function normally. Sugar, fruits and other fillers will lead to the development of unnecessary yeast and putrefactive bacteria, which will ruin the product at the cooking stage.

Also, do not add starch or milk powder to thicken, this is the task of ordinary milk. The density and calorie content of the finished product depends on the fat content of the original product.

It is best to immediately remove the finished product to a cold place so that the process of fermentation and reproduction of bacteria stops, otherwise the finished yogurt will turn out sour.

It happens that yogurt does not ferment. The reason may be hot milk or low-quality sourdough. The temperature of milk should be 45 degrees, no more.

By the way, if the milk is too cold, then the yogurt will turn out to be too liquid or viscous.

How is yogurt served?

Yogurt goes well with all fruits, you can serve the product with peaches, bananas, berries, pears and others. Yogurt with berries is also delicious: strawberries, raspberries, currants and others. In addition to fresh fruits and berries, you can add jam, freshly squeezed juice to yogurt.

For breakfast, you can serve yogurt with oatmeal and honey or muesli. Yogurt can be seasoned with salads, ice cream and various desserts can be prepared on its basis.

As you can see, making yogurt at home is easy, the main thing is to choose the right products and containers used for cooking. Do not forget that desserts prepared at home are always healthier and tastier than store-bought ones. Cook with pleasure.

Despite the incredible usefulness and excellent taste of such a product as yogurt, you don’t always want to buy it in a store, especially for a child. After all, the vast majority of industrial-made yoghurts are crammed with dyes, preservatives and other "usefulness". At the same time, one can argue about the presence of live bacteria in them, because the expiration date stamped on the package often exceeds 2 weeks, or even reaches a month. Way out - make dairy products yourself. The Eco-Life website offers to make yogurt at home without a yogurt maker: a recipe with sourdough or the addition of a natural product.

If you are not too lazy and make such a product at home, you will get a lot of pleasure not only due to its taste, but also the moral satisfaction from using it. environmentally friendly and absolutely healthy food product.

Homemade yogurt: a recipe without a yogurt maker

To prepare such a healthy lactic acid product, let's take one or two liters of whole milk and yogurt starter (this can be a special dry starter, usually sold in pharmacies, or ordinary store-bought live yogurt with a shelf life of no more than 7 days).

  • Milk must be brought to a boil and boiled for at least 15 minutes.

And if you evaporate the milk well (up to half initial volume)- the product will turn out to be thicker, denser and more uniform. But it will be less ;)

  • Then we cool the milk. It should acquire a temperature of no more than 39-43 degrees ("favorite temperature of bacteria"). You can determine by dipping your finger into milk: if you can hold your finger without burning yourself for a long time, the temperature is normal.
  • Pour a little cooled milk into a cup and add the leaven. After mixing thoroughly, pour into the rest of the milk and mix again.
  • Now we cover the vessel with milk with a lid, wrap it in a towel and put it in a warm place, for example, by the battery, for 4-8 hours. Milk should stand motionless, its temperature should be constantly warm.

Of course, if you have such a miracle of modern technology as a yogurt maker, you will only need to pour milk with sourdough into jars, put it in a yogurt maker and turn it on. The cooking process itself is no different.

We ALWAYS put the finished product in the refrigerator to stop the growth of bacteria. Otherwise, your homemade yogurt will go sour.

Such a product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week, ideally - 4-5 days.

Do not forget to leave the starter each time for the preparation of the next batch (about 100-150 g per liter and a half of milk).

Benefits of homemade yogurt

  • It is full of living bifidus and lactobacilli, which inhabit the intestinal microflora, having a beneficial effect on the digestive system and immunity in general.
  • It has an anti-allergic effect, helps the body cope with dysbacteriosis.

With dysbacteriosis, it is often prescribed to drink type probiotics. However, it is not at all necessary to drink capsules - it is quite possible to make a homemade lactic acid product from their contents 🙂 One capsule for about 200 grams of milk.

  • Its use is possible for people with lactase deficiency and with an allergy to milk.
  • In addition to using directly homemade yogurt, it can be added to cereal dishes, fruit and vegetable salads, sprouted wheat, and even in. Well, the kids will love it with fresh berries and fruits!

As you can see, making yogurt at home without a yogurt maker is very simple. Moreover, you can do it in a more “advanced” way - in a yogurt maker, in, in a thermos. As a starter, you can use both pharmaceutical dry starter cultures and purchased natural yogurt like Activia, only with a minimum shelf life.

The maximum information about yogurt makers, yogurt, as well as a variety of yogurt recipes at home without or with a yogurt maker can be found on a specialized website Yoghurt.ru. Here you can ask questions of interest and even buy your favorite yogurt maker, using the offers of online stores.

High-quality yogurt made from natural ingredients is able to perform several tasks at the same time: normalize the work of the digestive tract, get rid of the hated centimeters in the waist, suppress raging hunger, replace a full meal. Partly for this reason, PP people are looking for ways to make their own yogurt. In fact, it is not difficult to make it from milk at home. We offer for consideration not one recipe, but several variations at once.

The subtleties of making homemade yogurt from milk

Since you can cook yogurt yourself, learn all the intricacies of the procedure at home. Below we will present the available recipes.

1. Choose natural milk as the basis. If this is not possible, buy a high-fat product.

2. Before the main manipulations, the milk is boiled. In this way, pathogenic microflora, which sometimes causes indigestion, can be killed. Even a store-bought pasteurized product needs to be boiled.

3. Since homemade yogurt must contain beneficial bacteria, the recipe must be followed. After boiling, let the milk cool down to a temperature of 38-40 degrees, only after that start the process.

4. Take care in advance of the sterilization of containers and all cutlery that will be used in cooking.

5. If you care about your figure, you need to take milk with a low fat content ratio (1-3.2%). In other cases, it is better to buy a composition of 6%.

6. Since making yogurt from milk, following all the rules, does not always work the first time at home, stick to the recipe. Keep in mind that during the fermentation process, you can not interfere or shake the fermented composition. Otherwise, the fermented milk drink will not ripen.

Yoghurt from sourdough milk: "classic"

  • milk - 1 l.
  • sourdough (available at the pharmacy) - 1 pack

1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and boil, then leave to cool. The composition should reach 38-40 degrees.

2. Measure a small amount, dissolve the starter powder in it. Enter into cooled milk.

3. Sterilize the bottles in which the yogurt will be prepared. Pour the mixture into them and cover with nylon lids. Insulate each jar with a towel.

4. Keep the product in a warm place for about 13 hours. After the specified time, send to the refrigerator, cool and taste.

Milk yogurt in a thermos

  • milk - 0.9-1 l.
  • fresh yogurt - 0.2 kg.

1. Boil the milk, then remove from the stove and let cool to 40-42 degrees. Fill a thermos with boiling water, close, shake, dry. Steam and water must go.

2. Mix part of the milk with natural yogurt, make sure there are no lumps. Add this mixture to the cooled milk.

3. Move the ingredients to a thermos, cork. Expect 7-9 hours. Then pour into containers, refrigerate for 8 hours and taste.

Fruit and berry yogurt in a slow cooker

  • milk - 1 l.
  • fruits / berries - 0.2 kg.
  • natural yogurt - 0.2 kg.

Since it is possible to make yogurt from milk not only by the above methods, we recommend using the “assistant” that almost everyone has at home. The recipe is simple.

1. Rinse fruit or berry platter, dry, pass through a blender and turn into a puree. Next, wipe with a sieve to remove the peel and seeds.

2. Pour milk into fireproof dishes, boil, cool to 38 degrees. Add to it a fruit and berry mixture and yogurt according to the recipe. Mix it up.

3. Sterilize the container, pour the base over it. Prepare the slow cooker for work: line the bowl with a cotton towel, put jars of yogurt on top.

4. Pour in warm water so that it reaches 1/3 of the multibowl. Turn on the Yoghurt function for 7.5 hours.

5. When the signal sounds, remove the composition and cool. Then transfer to the cold for another 8 hours and taste homemade yogurt. This is such an easy slow cooker recipe!

Thick greek yogurt

  • natural yoghurt - 250 ml.
  • whole milk - 0.9 l.

Such yogurt is distinguished by the technology of creating at home. The recipe allows you to get a composition of a thicker consistency without a yogurt maker.

1. Before making yogurt from milk, send it to the stove and wait for it to boil, then cool it to 40 degrees at home. According to the recipe, it is necessary to dilute yogurt in a small amount of milk.

2. After that, mix the prepared mass in a saucepan with the rest of the milk. Cover the container with a lid and wrap with a warm cloth. For convenience, it is recommended to use a blanket.

3. Leave at room temperature for 7.5 hours. After that, rearrange the workpiece in the cold. It is important to know that the product is strictly forbidden to stir.

4. Use a colander and cover with gauze folded in 4 layers. Carefully pour in the yogurt. Leave the mass for 4 hours. Over the allotted time, excess whey will drain. As a result, you will get about 400 gr. thick Greek yogurt

Homemade yogurt in the oven

  • milk - 1 l.
  • 20% sour cream - 0.2 kg.

If you do not yet know how to make yogurt from milk, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the method of cooking in the oven. At home, it is quite simple to translate the recipe into reality.

1. Bring the milk to a boil, then cool to an acceptable temperature. Dilute sour cream in half the volume of milk. After that, the workpiece must be carefully mixed with the rest of the milk.

2. Distribute the mass into portioned glass containers. Preheat the oven to 50-60 degrees. After that turn it off. Set the filled jars on a baking sheet.

3. Wrap each tightly with foil. Put in the oven and close the door. Every hour, the oven must be turned on for about 6 minutes at a temperature of 50-60 degrees.

4. The total time of the procedure will be about 7-8 hours. After that, put the workpiece in the refrigerator. Lie down to rest. After waking up, the yogurt is completely ready, it can be combined with jam.

Since making yogurt is easy, you just have to be patient. Consider making treats out of milk. Try different variations of blanks at home. Each recipe is very easy to translate into reality.

The growing popularity of homemade fermented milk treats makes any yogurt recipe a godsend. Here are some popular recommendations and original recipes that will help you prepare this tasty and nutritious product.

The set of ingredients for homemade yogurt can be extensive and consist of many items. As additives to the main elements, you can use:

  • fresh or frozen berries and chopped fruits, candied fruits;
  • cereals, bran, any nuts;
  • cocoa or melted chocolate bars;
  • coffee or honey;
  • condensed milk, various jams, jams;
  • vanilla sugar and vanilla;
  • freshly squeezed juices, fruit puree, syrups.

But the basis is always sourdough and, used for mixing with it, milk. Both ingredients are widely represented on the market, but the relative quality of the first can only be guaranteed by a purchase in a pharmacy, in extreme cases, in a health food store. Popular options for this ingredient are:

  • sour sour cream or kefir;
  • natural types of yogurt or cottage cheese;
  • probiotics Symbilact, Vitalact, Acidolact;
  • starter cultures from Vivo Streptosan or Bifivit;
  • serum acidophilus.

Milk for mixing with sourdough is easier to purchase at any available outlet. It is important that it is not a milky drink, and it must be boiled before mixing.

In the process of searching for suitable elements, it is worth listening to some recommendations from experienced housewives, for example:

  • ladies who are worried about the calorie content of their menu should pay attention to this indicator in the initial components, on which the calorie level in the final result depends, but you should not worry too much, the delicacy is well absorbed and is not deposited in the form of fat;
  • when using live yogurt as a starter, it is advisable to take the most expensive one, in which there are no additives, with a minimum shelf life, which allows us to hope for a minimum of dyes and flavors in the composition;
  • for a home-made recipe, starter cultures under the brands of Evitalia or Activia are most often recommended, their use eliminates the appearance of extraneous tastes and odors, provides maximum benefit;
  • to make the mass thick and tender, the best option would be to choose homemade milk, fresh only from under the cow;
  • the pasteurized analogue from the store should be as fat as possible, this affects the density of the mixture, in this case boiling is not required, warming up within 40 ° C is enough;
  • many positive reviews can be heard about fermented analogues prepared at home by fermenting fresh milk.

To make such a starter, 130 grams of milk is enough. If the product is from under the cow, it must be boiled, then cooled to body temperature, removing the foam from the surface. It is enough to heat the store analogue to the same temperature. In the milk prepared in this way, add:

  • vial of Bifidumbacterin;
  • up to three sachets of Narine.

The components are thoroughly mixed, the finished mixture is left alone for a day, ensuring the temperature regime is not more than 40 ° C. For this purpose, a container with the mixture is placed in any warm place wrapped in a towel or placed in a yogurt maker.

Classic recipe

Classic yogurt excludes the addition of sugar and its analogues during the preparation process. Various sweetening options, such as jam or fruit syrup, finely chopped fresh fruit, are added later when the mass has cooled and is ready to eat. You need to prepare such yogurt exclusively from two elements:

  • milk with a fat content of at least 3.5% from 750 ml to 1 liter;
  • packages of dry fermenting substance or a jar of Activia.

In a step-by-step version, the cooking process is as follows:

  1. The first step is to prepare the milk. If a fresh product is selected, it will need to be brought to a boil and immediately cooled under ice water. It is important that the temperature does not exceed 40°C. It’s easy to check it, dip your finger into a container with a drink, if you don’t feel heat, then everything has cooled down to body temperature and is ready for use. If available, you can use a cooking thermometer, which will be more reliable.
  2. Containers and lids for them must be boiled. If you have a dishwasher, washing at high temperatures will suffice. After drying, the jars will need to be closed with sterile lids and left until the ingredients are mixed.
  3. Prepared Activia should be transferred to a small cup of about 50 ml. Add the same amount of milk and mix thoroughly. This will achieve greater homogeneity of the mixture. If you mix the entire volume of the components at once, it will be more difficult to achieve good uniformity. Pour the prepared mixture into a container with milk and mix thoroughly again.
  4. If a fermenting substance is used, add a teaspoon of milk to the bottle with it and shake well. Dry analogue is poured into Art. spoon of the dairy product and beat with a whisk or blender until completely dissolved. Then the fermenting composition is poured into the rest of the milk and mixed again.
  5. The prepared mass is poured into jars from the yogurt maker kit. For insurance, they can again be doused with boiling water. The containers are closed with scalded lids.
  6. Banks are placed in the tray of the device and covered with a lid. At a temperature of 38 to 40°C, the cooking time will be from 6 to 8 hours. We set the desired hours on the timer and set an alarm for insurance. When using Activia or Evitalia, the cooking time will be less. In any case, it is advisable to first familiarize yourself with.
  7. When the timer goes off and the alarm goes off, the jars need to be moved to a cold place and held there for 4 to 6 hours. This will make the final product denser.

It can be served in its pure form or with natural additives from fruits, freshly squeezed juices, and other additional components.

Treats for the little ones

Homemade fermented milk products are often recommended for babies from an early age, usually from ten months. This will minimize the baby's intake of harmful food additives, which are still present in factory-made baby food, albeit in small doses. For mothers who are familiar with the classic way, preparing a fermented milk treat for babies is not difficult. However, in this case, you need to take into account several important nuances:

  • it is undesirable to use store-bought types of starter cultures, it is better to cook it yourself;
  • no need to add sugar or honey to the composition, which has strong allergenic properties;
  • sweet aftertaste can be created with natural additives from applesauce or its analogue prepared from other fruits;
  • do not forget that a fermented milk product prepared in this way is stored for a maximum of 3 days, and with the addition of fruits up to 12 hours, so it is recommended to use it immediately after preparation and carefully calculate the required volume in advance.

In this case, it is not necessary to describe a detailed method of cooking, the procedure differs little from the classic version, taking into account the listed features. The milk component is brought to the desired temperature, mixed with sourdough, then mixed with one of the types of puree. The cooking time is at least 5 hours.

List of original recipes

Yogurt with Activia

In this case, instead of the standard fermenting component, Danone drinking Activia is offered in the amount of 5 tbsp. spoons. The only condition is to make sure that this ingredient is extremely fresh. To the two main components, you can add nuts or bran of any kind. The cooking process is identical to the one described above:

  1. boil and cool the homemade dairy ingredient, bring the store to the desired temperature;
  2. pour a small amount of it into a bowl with Activia and mix until smooth;
  3. then mix the workpiece with the remaining milk;
  4. if additional components are used, lay out a small amount of them at the bottom of each jar;
  5. we lay out the mixture in containers and rearrange them in the pallet of the apparatus;
  6. Set a timer for 6 to 8 hours.

The longer the time, the thicker the consistency will be at the end. But you need to be careful, busting over time can result in excessive acidity and loss of taste. After the device is finished, we rearrange all the containers in the refrigerator and keep it there for up to 4 hours.

Sour-milk dessert with jam

This recipe is almost similar to the previous one; Activia is also recommended as a fermenting substance. But an additional element in the composition is jam, which can be supplemented with nuts. The composition contains:

  • fatty dairy product from 3.5 to 6%;
  • Danone up to 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • any kind of jam spoon for each jar;
  • nuts of your choice.

We prepare according to the well-known scheme:

  1. boil the milk base;
  2. pre-mix a small amount of it with Activia;
  3. mix the components completely;
  4. put a spoonful of jam on the bottom of all containers and add nuts if desired;
  5. we rearrange in the pallet and set the timer for 4 - 8 hours.

After cooking, give time to cool in any cold place. It is advisable to mix the complex composition before use.

Greek yogurt with vegetables

This type of fermented milk treat is an important an element of the popular Greek appetizer sauce Tzatziki. From it you can make a topping for a cake or use it for the same purposes with ice cream. True, the latter is an amateur. Naturally, it is useful in itself. In the recipe:

  • a liter of milk component of medium fat content;
  • sourdough from Evitalia.

Below is a step-by-step recipe for preparing a Greek delicacy.

  1. We mix the last one with a small amount of the first ingredient so that the mixture comes out homogeneous. Then finally mix with the rest of the composition.
  2. We put it in jars and put it in the container of the device for a known time. If there is no special apparatus, you can get by with an ordinary stainless steel pan, which we wrap with a towel and keep overnight to thicken.
  3. To bring to readiness, wrap the mixture in several layers of gauze and hold for up to 4 hours. The output should be up to 500 gr. soft and thick texture.
  4. Then it can be used as a cream on the cake or served on its own, mixed with finely chopped banana or sprinkled with chocolate chips.

After reading the rules for choosing products and instructions for making homemade yogurt, it will not be difficult for you to treat your family and guests with a healthy dessert. Original recipes for a fermented milk delicacy will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. And if the delicacy starts to take on an ordinary taste, you can always diversify it with a variety of delicious fillers.
