
How to cook roast rabbit with potatoes. How to cook roast rabbit

Roast rabbit with potatoes contains a lot of vitamins C and B, which are vital for our body. Well-cooked tender, extraordinarily tasty, dietary rabbit meat along with potatoes is the perfect combination, in my opinion.

There are many such recipes. But sometimes it’s worth experimenting with dishes, adjusting them to your ingredients so that the dish turns out to be different from the rest, and at the same time very tasty. Each recipe has something that makes the taste of the dish unique. Best of all, the rabbit is combined with a side dish of vegetables. Potatoes are the perfect combination for this. As they say: "Potatoes are also potatoes in Africa." And this simple phrase perfectly describes this situation.

It does not take many ingredients, especially those available to everyone. All of them can be purchased at a regular store. Very pleasant is the fact that the dish is very easy to prepare, and in the end it will definitely look not only appetizing, but also rich enough. It does not take much time and effort to cook, and the result is excellent.

Cooking time:

20 minutes to prepare the ingredients.

15 minutes to roast the rabbit, potatoes and vegetables separately.

40 minutes to bake in the oven.

Total: 1 hour 15 minutes + 10 minutes in the oven.


This makes about 3 full servings.

Prepared: on the stove


  • 1 rabbit carcass - approximately 1400 g.
  • Potatoes - 600 g.
  • Bulbs - 2 pcs. (large)
  • Tomatoes - 400 g.
  • Sour cream - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices
  • Greenery

Roast rabbit with potatoes recipe step by step with photo

It is necessary to prepare and weigh all the ingredients necessary for cooking.

For this, it is best to take the scales. If done by eye, the result is not always satisfactory. Having weighed everything, you will be sure of the final result.

You need to take a whole rabbit carcass, chop it into small pieces, put it in a suitable container and pour cold water over it. After a few minutes, the water must be changed. Do the same a few more times until the meat turns white. It usually takes 30 minutes.

Because of such a simple fraud, rabbit meat is not only washed well, but also saturated with water. After that, it becomes very soft and tender.

Cut already peeled potatoes into medium cubes. Be sure to put in water so that it does not turn black.

Potatoes can be cut not only into large pieces, but also into small ones, or into strips. In this case, the rabbit should also be chopped into smaller pieces so that everything is evenly baked.

After washing the onion, chop it into half rings. Do the same with garlic.

Try washing the onion before slicing. So he can't make you cry. Another simple secret is a mouthful of water. This method is used by chefs when cutting onions in their kitchens.

Cut the tomatoes into small pieces.

If there are no tomatoes, you can replace them with tomato paste or ketchup. The taste of the dish will be just as impeccable.

Grate carrots on a large grater. If your cutting is good, then why not cut it by hand. It will look even more appetizing.

After these preparatory processes, you need to get down to business. Pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan. Can be replaced with butter. So the meat will be even juicier. Add some salt and spices. Fry the rabbit pieces on both sides. Do not bring to readiness.

It is the roasting of meat before baking or stewing that gives it such juiciness and impeccable taste. Moreover, this method of cooking is a great time saver for housewives.

So that the potato against the background of the rabbit is not raw, it must also be fried a little in a pan. In the end, it will be very soft and tender. This will give the dish a very refined touch.

Now you need to fry all the vegetables together (onions, garlic, tomatoes, carrots). Just do not overdo it, but fry them lightly. So they will brown and in the oven they will reach the perfect taste.

Everyone remembers the joke about the rabbit, which, according to humorists, provides not only valuable fur, but also 3-4 kg of dietary meat, which is easily absorbed by the human body. Rabbit meat really belongs to dietary meats, and in combination with potatoes and other vegetables, it makes a very satisfying, but at the same time light dish.

Important! Despite the fact that rabbit meat almost never causes allergies and contains essential amino acids, important vitamins and minerals, rabbit meat can be harmful. It will have to be excluded from the menu of patients with gout and various types of arthritis.

Rabbit with potatoes in the oven - step by step photo recipe

Cooking rabbit with potatoes according to this recipe is quick and easy. The main work will be done by the oven, and the family will receive a full dinner.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 3 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 8 servings


  • Rabbit: gutted carcass weighing 1.8-2.0 kg
  • Potatoes: 1 kg
  • Salt, black pepper: taste
  • Water: 0.5-0.6 l
  • Spicy herbs: optional
  • Vegetable oil: 100 ml

Cooking instructions

    Wash and dry the meat carcass.

    Mix 10-12 g of salt with ground pepper and other herbs.

    For rabbit meat, you can take basil, oregano, bay leaf, a ready-made mixture of suneli hops. Be sure to leave a small amount of seasoning for potatoes.

    Spread the spicy mixture over the entire surface of the carcass and leave it to marinate on the table for 2-3 hours.

    Pour water into the bottom of a suitable heat-resistant dish, such as a roaster. Put the rabbit and cover it with coarsely chopped peeled potatoes, which are sprinkled with the remaining spices and salt. Pour 50 ml of oil on top. Close with a lid or foil and put in the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 190-200 °.

    After an hour, open the lid and pour in the remaining oil and bake for another 70-80 minutes.

    Cut the stewed rabbit into pieces and serve it in portions with potatoes.

    Recipe for the oven in the sleeve

    The main feature of this cooking method is the complete rejection of the need to use vegetable oil and other fats. Thanks to this, rabbit meat with potatoes turns out to be the most useful and completely non-greasy.

    What they do:

    1. Having cut off a piece of the film of the desired length, close it on one side with a clip and fill it with a mixture of pieces of rabbit meat, raw potatoes, onions and carrots.
    2. All this is salted, spices are added to taste, and, if desired, pieces of any other vegetables (for example, eggplant and cauliflower).
    3. Another clip is fixed at the open end of the bag and the sleeve filled with products is sent to the oven, heated to 180 °, for about an hour. Moreover, it should be laid on a baking sheet with the side up, where there are holes for steam to escape.

    It must be remembered that when using the sleeve, do not turn on the convection mode or grill, as this may melt the polyethylene terephthalate film. By the way, studies have been conducted that have proven the safety of this material for health.

    in foil

    This method is similar to the previous one, only instead of a heat-resistant polyethylene film, the ingredients are wrapped in foil, which is previously lubricated with vegetable oil from the inside.

    It is necessary to make sure that the pieces of rabbit, potatoes, onions and carrots are completely covered with foil, and carefully wrap and pinch the places of its connection, creating an airtight coating if possible.

    However, it is not always possible to achieve the same tightness as when cooking in a film, so some of the juice may leak onto the baking sheet. The rest of the cooking process is similar to the previous one.

    Features of cooking rabbit with potatoes in a pan

    To cook rabbit this way, use a heavy-bottomed pan. The products must be laid in sequence: first of all, brown the rabbit, then pour in the chopped onions and carrots, and only then the chopped potatoes.

    The proportions of products can be taken in any quantity, in any case, the dish will turn out delicious. And to make the meat softer and juicier, it is worth adding sour cream to the roast.

    It should be remembered that rabbit meat is dry and has a specific smell. Therefore, it is advisable to pre-soak it for an hour in plain cold water or with the addition of a spoonful of table vinegar. After pickling, be sure to rinse the carcass under cold running water.

    Recipe variation in sour cream

    Rabbit in sour cream is one of the traditional dishes of Russian cuisine. If you cook it with potatoes, then you don’t have to think about a side dish, so you get a full lunch or dinner.

    1. First you need to take care of the rabbit: divide it into several parts and cut the meat. From the remaining bones, you can cook a strong broth with the addition of aromatic herbs (parsley, dill, basil, etc.).
    2. Fry the fillet pieces over high heat in a greased frying pan until golden brown.
    3. Reduce the fire, chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and send to the meat, simmer for 5 minutes.
    4. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices of arbitrary shape, but approximately the same size, put in a pan.
    5. Mix, salt, add spices and pour sour cream. Simmer over low heat for half an hour.

    with mayonnaise

    Mayonnaise is usually used to dress cold appetizers and salads. In other cases, it is best to take it as a cover. That is, the dish must be brought to half-cookedness, and only at the last stage pour mayonnaise on top of it. It is better to continue cooking in the oven.

    Being exposed to high temperatures, the mayonnaise will melt and the fat contained in it will saturate all the components, making them juicier. A beautiful and very tasty crust will appear on top.

    You can do the same with rabbit and potatoes: when it is stewed a little with vegetables on the stove, pour mayonnaise on top and send for 15 minutes in a hot oven.

    With the addition of mushrooms

    Mushrooms are able to give a touch of originality to any dish and they will be appropriate almost everywhere. You can take forest mushrooms, but they must be boiled in advance.

    Much more often in modern cuisine, cultivated champignons are used. They do not require long-term heat treatment, they can even be eaten raw, so it is customary to add them last.

    How to cook:

    1. Cut the rabbit carcass into pieces and soak for an hour in white wine.
    2. Then dry on a towel and fry in a greased frying pan.
    3. Add chopped onions and carrots, mix.
    4. Cut the mushrooms into slices, pour over the meat, salt and mix.
    5. Simmer, covered, stirring regularly, for about 1 hour.
    6. At the end of the stew, add half a glass of fat sour cream - it will be even tastier.

    Delicious roast rabbit with potatoes in a cauldron

    The main feature of the cauldron is its thick walls and concave bottom, which is why any stew is so successful in it.

    1. Previously, the carcass of the rabbit is divided into pieces and fried in a pan.
    2. Then spread on the bottom of the cauldron in layers: chopped onions, then carrots grated on a coarse grater, slices of raw potatoes, and fried pieces of rabbit on top.
    3. Pour a little broth or plain hot water mixed with sour cream, cover with a lid and set to cook on fire for about 1 hour.

    Recipe for a multicooker

    Rabbit meat is low-fat, so it turns out a little dry during the cooking process. However, if you cook rabbit meat in a slow cooker, it will become softer and juicier.


    1. At the first stage, turn on the “Frying” mode and fry the rabbit pieces for 10 minutes in a multicooker bowl greased with vegetable oil.

Rabbit meat is considered dietary, and cooking roast from it is perhaps the most successful and troublesome option. With rabbit meat, you can combine various vegetables, and each time the taste of the dish will change. Thanks to vegetables, the meat becomes very juicy and just melts in your mouth. Roast can be cooked on the stove in a saucepan, in a frying pan, cauldron, simmer in the oven in a roaster or pots.

Today I will tell you how to cook a delicious roast rabbit with potatoes in a cauldron.

All necessary products should be prepared. Rabbit meat should be cut into portions and poured with cold water while we clean and cut vegetables.

Wash the potatoes with a brush, peel and cut into slices. Sprinkle potatoes with seasoning and salt, mix.

Cut onions into quarter rings, carrots into circles.

Drain the water from the rabbit, rinse again and dry the meat. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with spices and pepper. As seasonings, I used rosemary and dry adjika, as well as a mixture of peppers.

Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the rabbit pieces on it until lightly browned. Salt the meat at the end of frying. Then transfer the meat to the cauldron.

In the same oil, fry the onion and carrots until soft.

Put potatoes on top of the rabbit in a cauldron, and then fry onions with carrots.

Mix sour cream with tomato paste, pour over vegetables.

Fill the cauldron with water, without adding vegetables to the top of the finger.

Cover with a lid, put on fire. Cook roast for 1 hour.

Well, that's it! Divide the roast rabbit with potatoes into portions and serve immediately.

Bon appetit!

Rabbit is known to have tasty and dietary meat. Experienced chefs do not recommend baking it whole, like a duck or a goose (however, if you wish, nothing is impossible). Roast rabbit is considered the most successful way to prepare it for use. Firstly, under the beneficial influence of accompanying vegetables, the meat becomes more juicy, secondly, the dish is prepared without stress and with techniques accessible even to inexperienced cooks, and thirdly, here you have both meat and a side dish. We note in passing that a variety of vegetables can be added to a rabbit roast. So the taste of the finished dish is different every time.

Basic Recipe

First, let's prepare the option with the least variety of ingredients - rabbit roast with potatoes. The carcass of the animal is cut into medium-sized pieces, peppered and salted, and then fried to a nice blush. The meat is transferred to the ducklings, and carrot circles and quarters of onion rings are fried in rabbit fat. Half of the roast is added to the rabbit, water is poured - just so that the parts of the body do not stick out of it, no more.

After forty minutes of stewing, the rest of the frying, tomato cubes and potato cubes are introduced. Dilute a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste and sour cream with a little water, salt, add spices (oregano and rosemary are a good choice; you can take Provencal or Italian herbs), pour into a bowl and put it in the oven for an hour. Mix already prepared.

Roast with cabbage

Potatoes are good, but don't get hung up on them. The rabbit roast is very tender and juicy, the recipe of which includes cabbage. Pieces of meat are again flavored with salt and pepper and quickly fried, after which they are poured with hot water and put out to stew.

Cabbage is chopped into short straws; about an hour after the start of the extinguishing, the rabbit is laid to him, and the process continues. Frying is made from cubes of carrots and onions (it is not necessary to cut them coarsely so that these vegetables are in harmony with cabbage in size) and added to the cauldron when the rabbit is almost ready. At the same time, a couple of bay leaves are heated in a dry frying pan (for greater aroma) and thrown into the rabbit roast. At the very end, a little sour cream is poured, and after five minutes you can turn it off and call everyone to dinner.

Bunny like grandma

Our ancestors knew how to make food tasty and tempting. Here, for example, is a rabbit roast, the recipe of which, so to speak, is multi-component, but the result of its implementation is simply amazing.

A small carcass (a little more than one and a half kilograms) is cut into eight pieces of approximately the same weight, salted, sprinkled with herbs and poured with an incomplete glass of sour cream. The contents of the bowl are mixed directly with your hands, pressed down with a smaller diameter plate and put in the cold for two hours. After the allotted time, finely chopped bacon (200 g) is placed on the bottom in a dry roaster, half rings of a large onion are placed on top of it, then slices of five sour green apples, pickled rabbit along with sour cream marinade and coarsely chopped pieces of potatoes (kilogram) and carrots (large root vegetable). The whole structure is salted; in addition to ordinary black pepper, chili can also be flavored; the brazier is covered with a lid and placed in an oven heated to 150 degrees for four hours. In addition to the fact that the rabbit roast itself is soft and fragrant, it also comes with a lot of delicious gravy. But, we do not argue, it takes a long time to prepare.

Roast in pots

What makes “potted” dishes convenient is their portion size and ease of preparation. To cook rabbit roast in such a dish, each pot is smeared with butter inside, potato cubes are placed on the bottom, pieces of rabbit meat are placed on top, half rings of small onions are on them, the next layer is thin carrot mugs. At the very top are chopped mushrooms (champignons are ideal), mixed with garlic and chopped herbs. Each pot is poured with sour cream diluted in broth (it can also be in water), closed with its lid and put in the oven for forty minutes - an hour (depending on the size of the dishes). And no more hassle!

Miracle machine in action

If you prefer to use the latest engineering cooking tools in the kitchen, cook rabbit roast in a slow cooker. It would be nice to pour a chopped carcass with water for four hours; A couple of times during this time the water should be changed. Then vegetable oil is poured into the bowl, meat and finely chopped two onions are added. After mixing, the quenching mode is turned on for an hour. Then the contents of the bowl are salted and seasoned, a glass of water is poured and all the other components are poured: six potato cubes, three tomato cubes and garlic cloves. The mode changes to baking, and the timer is set for half an hour. It is done!


Rabbit meat is considered a dietary product, and perhaps it is not necessary to talk about its enormous benefits. This is already known to many. There are some nuances and some tricks in cooking a rabbit. Many housewives love to cook rabbit roast with potatoes in the oven. Find the best roast recipes in today's article.

Roast meat was prepared by our ancestors in a Russian oven in a clay pot. Today, the recipes for this dish have changed. Let's discuss how to make roast rabbit with potatoes.


  • potato tubers - 0.6-1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 root crop;
  • fresh mushrooms - 200 g;
  • sour cream with an average percentage of fat content - 200 ml;
  • filtered water - 0.2 l;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • rabbit meat - 1-1.5 kg;
  • a mixture of ground peppers and salt;
  • refined vegetable oil.


  1. We start by cutting the rabbit carcass. Let's break it down into portions.
  2. Rinse each piece of rabbit meat thoroughly and dry with a napkin.
  3. Let's prepare the rest of the products indicated in the recipe.
  4. Season the chopped rabbit meat with salt. Add a mixture of ground peppers to taste and stir well.
  5. Heat unflavored sunflower oil in a thick-walled frying pan. We spread the pieces of rabbit meat and lightly fry evenly until golden brown.
  6. Put the fried rabbit pieces on a plate.

  7. We peel the carrot root, wash it well. It is best to chop the carrots on a medium grater.
  8. We take a glass heat-resistant form with a lid. Put the pieces of fried rabbit meat on the bottom.
  9. Pour unflavored sunflower oil into a frying pan and heat it up.
  10. First, fry the chopped onion for a couple of minutes, and then add the grated carrots. Mix everything well and sauté the vegetables until tender.
  11. We spread the fried vegetables in a heat-resistant dish with rabbit meat. We mix everything.
  12. Peel potato tubers and rinse with water. We cut into sticks.
  13. Fresh mushrooms are thoroughly washed, dried and cut into cubes or plates.
  14. Add mushrooms to potatoes and stir.
  15. In a separate bowl, lay out sour cream with an average percentage of fat content.
  16. Add filtered water and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  17. We shift the potatoes with mushrooms to the rabbit, mix.

  18. Cover the heat-resistant dish with a lid and put in the oven.
  19. We will bake it for about one hour at a temperature of 180 °. It is advisable to note the time from the moment the gravy boils.
  20. The finished dish is fragrant, rabbit meat is tender and extremely tasty.

Pot roast rabbit and potatoes are easy to make. But you can bake meat with potatoes in a baking sheet. Be sure to add gravy so that the rabbit meat does not turn out dry.


  • rabbit meat - 1 kg;
  • melted butter - 50 g;
  • potato root crops - 5-6 pieces;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - one pinch;
  • meat broth - 0.25 l;
  • dill and parsley - one bunch;
  • unflavoured vegetable oil - 35 ml;
  • tomato paste and sour cream.


  1. Immediately cut the carcass of the rabbit, cut it into portions.
  2. We wash each piece of rabbit meat with water, dry it with a napkin.
  3. Salt, sprinkle with a mixture of ground peppers, granulated sugar and set aside for now.
  4. Peel the potatoes and rinse with water. Cut into large pieces.
  5. Melt the butter in a thick-walled, preferably cast iron, frying pan.
  6. We spread the pieces of rabbit meat and fry evenly until an amber crust appears.
  7. Pour refined sunflower oil into a separate pan.
  8. Peel the carrot roots and chop into slices. Chop the onion into strips.
  9. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil until softened.
  10. We wash the parsley and dill, dry the greens. Finely chop with a knife.
  11. Add it to the pan with vegetables, mix and simmer over low heat for a couple more minutes.
  12. Lightly fry potatoes in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  13. Now put half of the fried vegetables on the bottom of the brazier. Top with rabbit meat and potatoes.
  14. Cover with the remaining vegetables.
  15. We combine tomato paste, sour cream. Add some boiled water.
  16. Pour gravy over rabbit meat with potatoes and put the dish in the oven.
  17. We will bake it at a temperature of 180 ° until the potatoes are ready.

Rabbit meat cooked in a baking sleeve will turn out juicy and healthy. You can cook rabbit meat with sauce. It is enough to add a little boiled water instead of gravy.


  • rabbit meat - 1 kg;
  • refined vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • white wine - 300 ml;
  • potato tubers - 9 pieces;
  • sea ​​food salt, a mixture of ground peppers;
  • fresh tomatoes - 6 pieces;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • garlic cloves - 6 pieces.


  1. We already know how to prepare rabbit meat. Rub each piece with salt and a mixture of ground peppers.
  2. Pour refined sunflower oil into a cast iron skillet.
  3. We spread the pieces of rabbit meat and fry until an amber crust appears.
  4. Wash the peeled potatoes and cut into cubes.
  5. Fry the potatoes lightly in a separate pan.
  6. Wash fresh tomatoes and cut into cubes.
  7. Peel the garlic cloves and finely chop with a knife.
  8. We chop dill.
  9. Combine all ingredients and transfer to a baking dish.
  10. Pour in white wine, add salt and black pepper.
    We close the edges of the sleeve tightly with clips and send them to the oven.
  11. We will bake the dish for about one hour at a temperature of 180 °.
