
How to cook Vermicelli with Cheese. Hearty meal for the dinner table

  • 400 g of any pasta (I have horns);
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (you can add salt to taste after cooking);
  • 1/4 teaspoon of black ground pepper;
  • 2 cups skimmed milk;
  • 150 g grated sharp cheddar cheese;
  • 3/4 cup low fat yogurt (or low fat)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of breadcrumbs;
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground smoked paprika.

You will also need

  • large saucepan;
  • colander;
  • baking dish with a volume of about 2 liters.


Preheat the oven to 230 gr.S.
Take a large pot of salted water and bring it to a boil. Add the horns to the water and boil them until al dente (do not overcook them). Drain everything in a colander and rinse with cold water so that the horns do not stick together.

Take another saucepan, melt 2 tablespoons of butter in it over medium heat. Add flour, salt and ground black pepper. Mix everything until a thick paste forms.
Slowly add milk, a quarter cup at a time. Heat the mixture over medium heat for a few minutes, stirring constantly, until it thickens and starts bubbling around the edges. But don't let the sauce simmer.

Add shredded cheddar cheese to the pot. Stir until the cheese is melted and the sauce thickens. Add the beaten egg with yogurt, stir the sauce until smooth.

Add the cooked horns to the sauce, toss to make sure they are all evenly coated in the sauce.

Place pasta with sauce in a greased baking dish. Mix the breadcrumbs with the smoked paprika and sprinkle evenly over the entire dish.

Place the mold in the oven and bake at 230°C for 15 minutes until the top of the casserole is golden brown.
Serve hot baked pasta with cheese. If desired, sprinkle each serving with a pinch of cayenne pepper.
Bon appetit!

Any pasta can be the basis of a delicious casserole. The main advantage of this dish is the ability to cook it very quickly. At the same time, pasta casserole in the oven always turns out delicious. The following are the most successful recipes for such a treat.

Classic pasta casserole with minced meat in the oven

You can take any stuffing for the dish under discussion. A mixed product of pork and chicken (600 g) is perfect. In addition to it, it is taken: 220 g of pasta of any shape, 170 g of hard cheese, 2 onions, a large tomato, 90 ml of milk, 2 chicken eggs, small. a spoonful of salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. First, onion cubes are fried in any oil.
  2. Next, the minced meat is laid out to the vegetable. When it darkens, you can put the tomato chopped in a blender without the skin into the pan.
  3. The components are cooked together for 8-9 minutes. The mass is salted and peppered.
  4. Pasta is boiled until cooked in salt water and laid out in an oiled form.
  5. Eggs are beaten with milk and salted.
  6. On top of the pasta, frying from the pan is laid out.
  7. The future casserole is generously sprinkled with grated cheese and poured with sauce.
  8. The dish is cooked in the oven for 45-55 minutes.

A casserole with minced meat is served at the table with fresh vegetables.

With the addition of mushrooms

Such a casserole can be prepared even from small noodles. Then its base will turn out especially tender. In addition to noodles (300 g), take: 350 g of fresh champignons, onion, 5-6 chicken eggs, 1.5 tbsp. milk, 170 g of hard cheese, a large piece of butter, salt, a pinch of Italian herbs.

  1. Thin noodles are boiled in salted water until fully cooked.
  2. Chopped mushrooms and onions are fried in any fat until golden. The mass is salted and sprinkled with spices.
  3. The cooled noodles are laid out in the form. Pieces of butter are distributed on top.
  4. Next comes the mushroom roast. It remains to pour the products with beaten eggs with milk and salt
  5. The casserole is sprinkled with grated cheese and cooked for 20 minutes in a hot oven.

Instead of champignons, you can use any forest mushrooms.

Cheese Recipe

Everyone loves macaroni and cheese. But sooner or later it gets boring to cook them in a standard way. It is interesting to diversify the diet of the whole family with a casserole of macaroni and cheese. Such a dish includes: 420 g of any pasta, 210 of any hard cheese, 2 large tablespoons of butter and a similar amount of flour, 280 ml of full-fat milk, a pinch of salt.

  1. Pasta is boiled until tender in salt water and laid out in an oiled form.
  2. Flour is fried in melted butter for a couple of minutes. The mass must be constantly stirred so that there are no lumps.
  3. Milk is poured into the sauce in a thin stream. Perfectly complement its seasonings: turmeric, paprika and / or nutmeg.
  4. It remains to send the sauce to the grated cheese and knead until smooth.
  5. The resulting mass is laid out on pasta.
  6. The dish is baked for a little less than half an hour in a hot oven.

It is delicious to eat such pasta even without a side dish.

With sausage and tomatoes in the oven

Sausage will add satiety to the dish under discussion, and tomatoes will make it more juicy. Such a treat will also turn out to be quite budgetary. It is prepared from: 180 g of boiled sausage, 70 g of butter and the same amount of hard cheese, salt, 200 g of any pasta, 1 egg, large tomato.

  1. Any pasta is boiled in salt water until tender. Then they are laid out in a mold generously greased with butter.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with salt. Cheese, grated on the smallest grater, is also poured there.
  3. Sausage cut into cubes and a tomato chopped into thin circles are laid out on top of the pasta.
  4. All ingredients are poured with egg-cheese mixture.
  5. Preparing a pasta casserole with an egg for 20 minutes in a hot oven.

Before serving, the dish is decorated with chopped herbs.

From raw dry pasta with minced meat

Raw pasta can also be baked. But they will have to spend much more time in the oven. You can not do without a very liquid fill. From the products taken: a standard package of cannelloni, 450 g of minced chicken, 380 ml of low-fat cream, salt, a small onion, 70 g of high-fat butter, a couple of tablespoons of white flour, 170 g of hard cheese.

  1. The onion is very finely cut and mixed with minced meat. You can even grind it with a grater. The mass is salted.
  2. Pasta tubes are stuffed with minced meat, after which they all go into an oiled form.
  3. Butter is melted in saucepans, flour is fried on it until golden. When lumps disappear in the mass, cream can be added to it. The sauce is salted and sprinkled with any seasonings. White pepper is perfect for it.
  4. Cannelloni are poured with sauce and sprinkled with grated cheese.

Such a treat will be baked in the oven for 40-45 minutes.

With chicken fillet

There are two options for a successful addition to such a casserole - from pieces of chicken fillet or minced meat. The choice of a suitable offer depends on the tastes of the family. From the products you need to prepare: 450-470 g of chicken fillet, 230 g of pasta, onion, 210 g of hard cheese, 2 large eggs, a mixture of aromatic herbs and peppers, salt.

  1. Pasta is boiled in salt water.
  2. Minced meat is fried together with chopped onions until the latter turns golden. The ingredients are salty.
  3. Pasta is mixed with the resulting mass. The stuffing should be evenly distributed.
  4. Eggs are beaten with selected seasonings and a little salt.
  5. Pasta with meat is laid out in an oiled form, poured with egg mixture and sprinkled with cheese. Bake for 35 minutes in a hot oven.

Such a dish can be cooked in a slow cooker in the "Baking" program.

With bechamel sauce

If you replace the usual egg filling with Italian sauce, the finished dish will be more refined. For a casserole, you need to use: 430 g of any pasta, 30 g of softened butter, 420 ml of low-fat cream, a pinch of nutmeg, salt, 210 g of fatty hard cheese, a couple of large spoons of flour, a mixture of peppers.

  1. Pasta is boiled in salt water and laid out in an oiled form.
  2. Butter and spices are added to fat milk. After thorough mixing, flour is added to the mass. There should be no lumps in the sauce.
  3. Macaroni is poured with the resulting bechamel and sprinkled with grated cheese.
  4. For half an hour, the treat is cooked at 170 degrees.

Egg casserole with pasta is a great afternoon snack for all family members. You can do this in different ways. Someone cooks it with sausage and cheese, and someone prefers to eat a sweet casserole that can serve as a hearty and nutritious breakfast.

Delicious pasta casserole (cooking)

Recipes for use should be known to all housewives. After all, such dishes are made very quickly, but they turn out incredibly satisfying and tasty.

So, the classic egg pasta casserole requires the use of the following products:

  • large fresh eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - about 125 g;
  • pasta (it is better to take "feathers") from durum wheat - about 150 g;
  • coarse salt, black pepper, green onion - use to taste;
  • fresh oil, not rancid - about 70 g;
  • boiled sausage - about 100 g.

Food preparation

The casserole from the culinary recipes of which we are considering turns out to be very tasty and fragrant. This dish is liked not only by adults, but also by small children. It can be prepared using completely different components. We decided to additionally use boiled sausage. It should first be freed from the shell, and then cut into very thin straws.

As for pasta, they must be poured into salted boiling water and boiled for 5-9 minutes. Next, they need to be discarded in a colander, rinsed and shaken thoroughly.

Preparing the egg filling

If you follow all the recipe requirements, you will definitely get a very tasty casserole. Pasta, sausage, eggs, cheese and butter are the classic set of ingredients that are needed to prepare the presented dish. How some of them are processed, we described above. Now I want to tell you about how to do the fill. To do this, you need to break the eggs into a bowl and beat thoroughly (use a mixer), adding pepper and salt to taste, as well as finely chopped onion (green is better). As for cheese, it should simply be grated on a large grater.

Forming pasta casserole

Egg casserole with pasta is formed quite easily. To do this, chopped sausage is added to the boiled products, and everything is thoroughly mixed. Next, the resulting mixture is laid out in a deep form, richly oiled. At the end, all the ingredients are poured with beaten eggs and covered with grated cheese.

Bake the dish in the oven

Egg casserole with pasta does not take very long to cook in the oven. But this is only on condition that it was placed in a preheated cabinet (up to 250 degrees). A dish is considered fully cooked when it is well set and covered with an appetizing, as well as slightly ruddy cheese cap. To do this, you may need about half an hour of free time.

How to properly present to the dinner table?

After the pasta casserole is ready, it should be removed and cooled slightly right in the form. Next, the dish needs to be cut into small pieces (preferably square or rectangular), put on flat plates and served to family members along with a drink such as jelly, or dried fruit compote. Enjoy your meal!

Making a sweet pasta casserole

What is the most delicious pasta casserole: with egg, cheese or milk? Both of these dishes are very satisfying and nutritious. But if you follow a vegetarian diet, then only the second option will suit you. After all, it does not include such a product as sausage. It should also be noted that due to the use of granulated sugar, the presented casserole turns out to be sweetish, and it can be safely presented to the table as an original dessert. But first things first.

So, to prepare this dish, we need:

  • from durum wheat (preferably use spaghetti) - about 100 g;
  • fresh chicken egg - about 2 pcs.;
  • store-bought skimmed milk - about 100 ml;
  • sand-sugar - 2 full large spoons;
  • medium-sized salt - apply to taste;
  • cold tap water - 1.6 l;
  • breadcrumbs - a few handfuls;
  • fresh butter - use to lubricate dishes;
  • icing sugar - a few tablespoons (use for sprinkling the finished dish).

Preparation of ingredients

How is egg pasta made? Vegetarian dishes are always easy to prepare. To please your loved ones and loved ones with a delicious breakfast, you only need 50 minutes of free time.

First, boil the pasta in lightly salted water. Next, they need to be discarded in a colander, rinsed and shaken vigorously.

Making a fill

Any pasta casserole requires the mandatory use of egg filling. After all, it is thanks to her that your dish will seize, become tasty and very satisfying. To make such a filling, you should beat chicken eggs strongly with store-bought milk and granulated sugar. As a result, you should get a liquid and sweet cream-colored mass.

We form a dish

Forming a vegetarian dish is easy enough. It is necessary to take a deep form, and then generously grease it with cooking oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Next, you need to put pre-boiled spaghetti in the dishes and pour them with a sweet egg-milk mass. At the end, the whole dish should be sprinkled with breadcrumbs again.

How to bake?

It is recommended to cook such a sweet dish in a preheated cabinet (up to 250 degrees). This can take you about half an hour of free time. During the specified period, the egg mass will grab well, making the casserole tasty and satisfying. At the same time, the surface of the dish should be slightly browned.

How should it be served?

Unlike the casserole, which is prepared using sausage, a sweet dish is recommended to be served at the table only when it has cooled down. Only in this way you are able to appreciate the unsurpassed taste of this dessert.

After the casserole is ready, it must be removed and left in the bowl for a while. When it has cooled and set properly, it should be sprinkled with powder and cut into pieces. Then it needs to be distributed on plates and served for breakfast along with hot chocolate or any other drink. Bon appetit!

Summing up

Today, there are many options for cooking casseroles. Eggs and pasta are always its main ingredients. But you can add completely different ingredients to this dish if you wish. So, to get a hearty meal, it is recommended to additionally use boiled or as well as ham, sausages or even minced meat.

If you decide to enjoy a sweet casserole, then you should serve it to invited guests along with jam, jam, honey or condensed milk. In any case, such a dish turns out to be very tasty, and it is simply impossible to refuse it. To verify this, we suggest using one of the above recipes.

A delicious casserole is made not only from cottage cheese. There are also original recipes for pasta or noodle casseroles. The dish is prepared with egg and milk, ham, tomatoes, mushrooms or as a sweet dessert with fruit filling. Secrets of cooking classic and original pasta casseroles in the oven and slow cooker. Dessert Ingredients. Recipes with ham, cheese, tomatoes and mushrooms.

Easy to cook

The casserole was invented in France, and in Rus' it was made from noodles and was called "noodles". Pasta casserole with egg is considered a traditional and proven dish over the years.

Culinary Secrets

In order for the casserole to be successful, you should adhere to some cooking features.

  • Pasta cannot be overcooked. And so that they do not stick together, after boiling, pour over them with cold water, add vegetable or butter.
  • Type of pasta. You can use spaghetti, horns, noodles, but remember that the cooking time for each type of pasta is different. It depends on the type of wheat from which they are made.
  • Only fresh eggs. If an egg floats in cold water, it is not suitable for consumption.

Casseroles are versatile in cooking. You can use the oven, multicooker, microwave. The final result will be slightly different, but the cooking method will not affect the taste of the dish.

Pasta casserole with egg in the oven

The traditional egg noodle casserole recipe is available for any budget. You can bake both in the oven and in the slow cooker. The basic egg pasta casserole recipe can be improved by adding vegetables, fish, meat, bacon, dairy products, herbs to the usual ingredients.

Classic recipe

You will need:

  • pasta, spaghetti - 500 g;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • greens for powder;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • salt, pepper - a pinch.


  1. Boil pasta until half cooked.
  2. Chop the onion and sauté in vegetable oil. Mix with pasta.
  3. Pour mixture into pre-oiled baking dish. Salt and pepper according to taste preferences.
  4. Beat the eggs with sugar in a separate bowl and pour into the mold. In some recipes, you can find a variant of pasta casserole with milk and egg.
  5. Preheat the oven and bake the dish for 25 minutes at 200 degrees. After cooking, you can sprinkle cheese or herbs on top.

With ham, tomatoes and cheese

Pasta casserole with cheese and egg can be combined with meat, vegetables, fish.

You will need:

  • pasta of any kind, you can horns - 500 g;
  • fat cream - 500 ml;
  • boiled sausage or ham - 500 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • grated cheese - 100 g;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Mix eggs and cream, beat with a mixer until foamy. In this mass, add chopped sausage and cheese. Leave a few pieces to decorate the dish.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into slices and fry. Then mix with sausage and cream mass.
  3. Boil the horns until half cooked, add the filling to them, distribute evenly over the shape.
  4. Season with spices if desired, as all of the above ingredients can be salted and peppered ahead of time.
  5. Bake the dish at 180 degrees for half an hour.
  6. Place the remaining cheese and ham on top as a decoration.

Flour-Based Pie Casserole

Some housewives make flour blanks for pasta. Vegetables or any filling for the dish are put in it, pasta is laid on top. This casserole looks like a pie.

You will need:

  • butter or margarine - 250 g;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • spices;
  • grated cheese - 100 g;
  • pasta - 450 g.

For the filling (your choice):

  • champignons - 300 g;
  • ham - 300 g;
  • assorted vegetables - 300 g.


  1. Melt the butter or margarine in a large saucepan over low heat. Then gradually add flour, stir and do not allow lumps to appear in the dough. Mix all the ingredients with a mixer or mix with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Pour in milk, stir constantly. Put the dough on a slow fire and bring to a boil.
  3. After boiling, add spices to taste in the mixture: cumin, nutmeg, sweet pepper and grated cheese. Let cool before use. The flour base is ready.
  4. Prepare the filling. Pre-fry the mushrooms and vegetables, cut the ham into strips.
  5. Boil macaroni until half cooked.
  6. Fold the ingredients for the filling (mushrooms, vegetables or ham) into the blank along with boiled pasta, decorate in the form of an open pie, pour over with beaten eggs. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

Sweet with cherry and milk

Children can be spoiled with a dessert casserole with cherries and milk, which is prepared regardless of the season. Any cherry will do for the filling: fresh, canned, jam, frozen. Only without bones.

You will need:

  • horns - 500 g;
  • cherry - 250 g;
  • milk - 5 tablespoons;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 cup.


  1. Boil the pasta and mix it with the cherry filling. Pour sugar into the mixture and stir until it is evenly distributed.
  2. Beat eggs with milk thoroughly with a mixer. Foam should form. Pour the horns with this sauce.
  3. Bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

As a result, you will get something like traditional Ukrainian dumplings with cherries, but cooking a casserole is many times faster and easier. A prerequisite is not to overcook the pasta and beat the filling well.

Recipe with mushrooms in a slow cooker

Any mushrooms are suitable - oyster mushrooms, chanterelles or champignons. Instead of mushrooms, you can take eggplant.

You will need:

  • pasta - 500 g;
  • mushrooms - 250 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • spices - a pinch.


  1. Boil pasta, add oil and spices. Fold the entire multicooker bowl.
  2. Pre-boil wild mushrooms until half cooked. Grind and fry. Mix with pasta.
  3. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl with a mixer, salt. Pour the egg mass into the bowl. Sprinkle a layer of cheese on top.
  4. Select the "Baking" mode, set the timer for 20 minutes. After the end of the program, leave for another 5 minutes in the heating.

Pasta casserole with egg is a practical and satisfying dish that is suitable as a main or dessert. Pasta goes well with green peas, olives, boiled carrots, cheese, bacon, red fish. Marmalade, chocolate, powdered sugar, fruits can act as a decor for a dessert option. Just be brave - don't be afraid to experiment and try something new!


Italian dishes are considered the most famous in the world because they are easy to prepare and have an exquisite taste. A pasta casserole with notes of a sunny country can be a wonderful treat for unexpected guests, good friends and dear family members. The main thing is that the food is prepared without much effort, but it tastes wonderful. Pasta is ideally combined with meat, cheese, eggs, sausage and vegetables. For fans of excellent desserts, you can cook a sweet pasta casserole, which has an unusually pleasant aroma. Acquaintance with various recipes for this Italian dish will help you create your own unique culinary masterpiece.

Most often, the casserole is poured with a milk sauce consisting of whipped cream with eggs.

Refined combination of ingredients

One of the most famous dishes in European countries is pasta casserole with mushrooms. Pleasant smell, crispy crust and gentle melting in the mouth of the product leaves an unforgettable impression after the meal. To create it, you should take a set of products:

  • pasta of any kind;
  • small size;
  • one large onion;
  • garlic (2 cloves are enough);
  • vegetable oil;
  • high fat milk;
  • wheat flour;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • hard cheese "Parmesan";
  • nutmeg (powder);
  • butter;
  • pepper (black or red);
  • parsley (several branches);
  • salt.

The cooking process begins with the preparation of the ingredients of the dish.

Step 1

Onions and garlic are peeled. Mushrooms are reviewed and the remnants of the rhizome are removed. Parsley, vegetables, mushrooms are washed under strong water pressure. Each product is dried on a kitchen table or a cotton napkin.

On a cutting board, onions are chopped into strips, each about 1 cm wide. Large mushrooms are cut into 4 parts, small ones in half. Garlic is passed through a press or cut into small pieces of any shape. Finely chop the parsley so that it looks beautiful in a pasta casserole.

Hard Parmesan cheese is grated on a medium-sized grater into a separate bowl.

Step 2

To make the dish juicy, prepare the sauce in advance. At the bottom of a deep saucepan put a piece of butter. When it melts, add wheat flour and, stirring constantly, fry for about 30 seconds. Then milk is poured into the container in a small stream. Continuing to beat the sauce with a whisk, bring it to a boil. After that, having lowered the fire, nutmeg, salt, ground pepper are added to the liquid. Cook for another 5 minutes until the consistency changes. The finished sauce is covered with a lid, removed from the stove and set aside.

Step 3

To cook a delicious pasta casserole in the oven, they are pre-cooked. To do this, use bulk dishes and follow the cooking instructions indicated on the package. Usually they are boiled in salted water over moderate heat. The finished product is thrown into a colander and washed with a strong stream of water.

When the pasta is ready, it is advisable to turn on the oven at this time so that it heats up to a temperature of over 200 degrees.

Step 3

Pour vegetable oil into a wide pan, heat it up and put chopped onion pieces. Fry until golden brown.

Mushrooms are added, mixed and stewed for 10 minutes. The mixture is seasoned with garlic and herbs.

Step 4

Washed pasta is mixed with fried mushroom seasoning. Top them with the previously prepared sauce.

Grease a glass baking dish with a piece of butter. The bottom is covered with a layer of breadcrumbs. Spread pasta with mushrooms, covering them with grated Parmesan cheese. Sent to the oven for 20 minutes. The finished dish is cut into portions. Serve on small plates as a hearty second course.

A pasta casserole prepared according to this recipe is distinguished by an excellent taste of mushrooms and vegetables in tandem with aromatic spices. You can complement the meal with white semi-sweet wine, pickled cabbage salad or fresh cucumbers.

To fill the dish, you can prepare the sauce by mixing beaten eggs with sour cream. This type of gravy does not need heat treatment.

Exquisite tandem - chicken with Italian pasta

Fans of Italian cuisine will surely enjoy the recipe for pasta casserole and chicken in the oven. The original combination of products gives the dish a unique taste. For food you need to take:

  • spaghetti;
  • hard cheese;
  • eggs;
  • chicken;
  • cream;
  • vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes);
  • mayonnaise;
  • spices;
  • vegetable fat;
  • salt.

When chefs know how to make pasta casserole, they are not afraid to get creative with these steps:

The dish takes about 40 minutes to prepare. When a golden crust appears, it is ready. Serve preferably hot.

If there is no meat in the refrigerator, you can cook pasta with egg casserole, which has a delicate taste.

Hearty meal for the dinner table

Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with new dishes for dinner every day. I want them to be not only satisfying, but also useful. A great solution is to cook pasta casserole with minced meat in the oven. Some call this dish "Lasagna". It will require a set of ingredients:

  • pasta for every taste;
  • minced meat (chicken, pork, beef);
  • eggs;
  • bulb;
  • hard cheese);
  • sour cream (you can cream);
  • semolina;
  • oil (of animal origin);
  • salt;
  • seasonings (pepper, suneli hops).

They begin to prepare a dish of frying minced meat. To do this, put a piece of oil in the pan. When it melts, add the onion and pasteurize until a brown crust appears. Next, put the meat into the container, mix and fry over low heat until fully cooked.

Pasta is poured into boiling salted liquid and boiled for about 15 minutes. The finished product is thrown into a colander, washed with water, leaving for a few minutes so that the liquid is completely glass.

Depending on the type of pasta chosen, the cooking time of the product varies. For durum wheat varieties, it takes much longer to bring them to a ready state.

Put the pasta into the fried minced meat and mix thoroughly. Add salt and spices. The mixture is laid out in a deep form, which is liberally oiled and sprinkled with semolina. The top ball of the dish is generously covered with cheese, grated with a large base, and sent to a hot oven.
Cooking time is no more than 40 minutes. The finished dish is served cooled, cut into portions. Greenery lovers can decorate the casserole with basil sprigs.

Classic cheese casserole

Since Italian pasta is considered to be a simple food, it is cooked in different ways. The classic macaroni and cheese casserole remains unchanged.

Necessary components of the dish:

  • pasta (horns, spirals, shells);
  • milk;
  • a piece of butter;
  • hard cheese;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • dry mustard;
  • half a teaspoon of hot sauce;
  • paprika, for lovers (not essential);
  • salt.

Cooking instructions for the casserole:

  1. First, boil the pasta in salted water and rinse so that it does not stick together.
  2. Bring milk to a boil. Mustard powder (0.5 tsp), sauce, salt are put into it.
  3. Butter and some grated cheese are thrown into the pasta. Stir.
  4. Lubricate a deep form with fat and spread pasta in it. The top part is covered with cheese and poured with seasoned milk.
  5. Crackers are mixed with butter and spread pasta. Sprinkle with paprika.
  6. The dish is baked in the oven for about 30 minutes.

To obtain a golden crust, it is advisable to put the form for 2 minutes under the grill.

In a similar way, a pasta casserole with cheese and an egg is prepared, which is added to a milk sauce. Of course, it is first whisked with a whisk to get a homogeneous liquid. As a result, the food acquires a yellowish tint, which is especially liked by children.

Sausage and pasta, just like in the good old days

Cooking pasta casserole with sausage is very beneficial when you need to do it in a hurry. It consists of the following ingredients:

  • spaghetti or long vermicelli;
  • sausage for every taste;
  • butter;
  • hard cheese;
  • tomato sauce;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt.

Simple steps towards the goal:

Bake the casserole in the oven for 20 minutes. 10 minutes before readiness, grease the top with mayonnaise mixed with tomato sauce. Served hot.

The dish can be prepared from yesterday's pasta left over from dinner.

Exquisite food prepared with love

An excellent hearty meal will certainly appeal to the household when they come home after an active day at work. Cooked pasta casserole is created from such simple ingredients:

  • pasta of any kind, but of small length;
  • chicken meat;
  • sauce (preferably tomato);
  • large bulb;
  • hard cheese;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices;
  • salt.

To get an excellent meal, it is desirable to use pasta from durum wheat.

The step-by-step technology for creating a dish consists of the following operations:

Video recipe for cooking pasta casserole with beef
