
How to make apple pie charlotte. Charlotte with apples recipe is simple and delicious

There are many different baking recipes on the internet. charlottes, but, if you notice, I don't really like dishes that take too long or have a complex recipe.

Many authors suggest separating the proteins from the yolks, but this procedure requires a certain skill so that not a drop of yolk gets into the protein. Someone recommends degreasing the dishes in which the eggs will be beaten.

We will not do any of this, because in this article I suggest you bake the simplest delicious charlotte with apples in the oven, which always turns out. In doing so, we will use a minimum of ingredients that are always on hand.

I always bake such charlotte with apples when I want something sweet, but I want it very often.

A simple recipe for charlotte with apples with a step by step photo

We will need:

  • 3 chicken eggs (chilled in the refrigerator);
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar;
  • 1 cup sifted flour;
  • sour;
  • (at the tip of a teaspoon), quenched with vinegar.

Break the eggs into a bowl in which you will beat them. Set the mixer to medium speed and beat the eggs until foamy. If there is no mixer or combine, you can do this with a whisk or even a fork, but then the time for whipping the mixture will increase accordingly.

Gradually add sugar to this mass, then soda, quenched with vinegar. Stir the mixture well.

Add the sifted flour, continuing to beat for about 1-2 minutes. The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream.

Line the form in which you will bake apple charlotte with parchment paper for baking. If you want, you can grease it with butter, but I don’t do this (why do I need extra troubles!). If you are using a silicone mold, then no paper is needed.

In the ingredients of charlotte, I did not indicate the number of apples. I did this because apples come in different sizes and also because I like it when there are a lot of apples. But then our pie with apples inside turns out to be wet. Our family loves this one. If you want your charlotte to be dry inside, take smaller apples, namely 2 medium apples or 4 small ones. I cut off the skin from apples, but, in principle, this can not be done. Cut the fruit into arbitrary pieces and evenly place in the form.

Pour the dough on top, trying to cover all the apples. Smooth out with a spoon.

We heat the oven to 180 degrees and put our apple pie in it for 30-40 minutes. It is advisable not to open the oven for the first 20 minutes so that the charlotte does not settle. We check the readiness of the cake with a match or a toothpick. If the stick is dry and the crust is browned - charlotte with apples is ready! Let the cake cool for another 15 minutes in the oven and serve. You can turn it over and remove the paper. And you can not turn over, as you want.

Good afternoon friends!

Charlotte with apples cooked in the oven is the most delicious autumn dessert for tea. The simplest pie recipe is prepared quickly and tasty, with four main ingredients - eggs, sugar, flour and apples.

There are so many recipes for making charlotte that you can cook it for a whole year and not repeat it: with sour cream, on kefir, without flour, without eggs, without oil, with cottage cheese, semolina ...

Any berries can be added to apples: strawberries, raspberries, red and black currants, blueberries, cherries. And fruits: pears, plums, nectarines, oranges.

Vanillin, orange or lemon zest, cinnamon, as well as nuts, sesame seeds, raisins, soaked dried fruits, and poppy seeds are added to enhance the aroma and taste of baking. Some recipes replace sugar with honey.

Various ways of cooking charlotte - in the oven, in a slow cooker or in a pan, give scope for culinary imagination.

To make the charlotte fluffy and airy, well-sifted flour with baking powder, chilled chicken eggs, and softened butter are used for the dough. And all this is well whipped with a mixer.

So, we learned a little about what is needed to make delicious and fragrant pastries, you can proceed.

Classic charlotte with apples in the oven (a simple recipe)

This is the traditional, easiest recipe for making charlotte. Cooking a pie for a quick hand, for one, two, three.

Once - cook apples, it will take 5 minutes. Two - knead the dough, another 5 minutes. Three - bake for 30-40 minutes. We cool, we decorate. In an hour we eat cake. Appetizing, with a wonderful crispy crust and apple flavor.


  • medium-sized apples - 8 pcs.
  • sugar - 0.5 - 1 tbsp.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • flour - 1 tbsp.
  • butter - for greasing the mold
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • baking powder - 1 sachet
  • brown sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • liquor - 1 tbsp. l.


My apples, cut in half, remove the core with seeds. Cut into large slices so that during baking they do not turn into chips, do not get lost in the dough. Put in a bowl. When in contact with air, apples quickly darken, sprinkle them with freshly squeezed lemon juice, use a ceramic knife to cut. In order for fruits to retain their shape when baked, choose firm varieties or slightly underripe ones. Ripe and soft fruits will spread into porridge.

Beat the cooled eggs with a mixer until foamy, add sugar in portions and continue to beat until a thick foam. Add vanillin.

Sift flour, add baking powder. Slowly pouring, combine with beaten eggs with sugar. Stir gently from top to bottom in one direction. Add 1 tablespoon of any alcohol-containing drink. Evaporating, alcohol saturates the dough with air, from which it becomes lush, airy and more crispy. Mix everything gently.

We take a detachable baking dish with a diameter of 18 cm, with high sides, line it with parchment and grease with oil. We spread the chopped apples, sprinkle with brown sugar. Fill with liquid dough, shake the mold lightly so as to fill all the voids. If there are a lot of apples, you can lay out a second layer and pour over the dough.

The remaining apples are beautifully laid out in a circle shape.

We heat up the oven. The baking temperature is 180 degrees. Apple pie will be ready in 30-40 minutes. We check the readiness with a wooden skewer, if the inside is not baked, but has already browned up, cover the top with baking paper.

Cool, free from the form. Sprinkle the top with powdered sugar or decorate with fresh berries.

You look what a charlotte turned out! Lush, airy, appetizing with a crispy golden crust, with a fantastic aroma! Apples at the bottom of the dough and on top, delicious very tasty. Happy tea drinking!

Delicious charlotte on kefir with apples and nuts


  • apples - 3-4 pcs.
  • sugar - 0.5-1 cup
  • kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • walnuts - 300 gr.
  • flour - 3 tbsp.
  • butter - 200 gr.
  • baking powder - 1 sachet
  • soda - 1 tsp
  • cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l.


Cut apples into large slices. We put it in a deep plate, add the walnut, chopped into medium pieces, mix.

Add sugar to softened butter and stir until smooth.

Add kefir and mix gently.

Sift the flour, preferably twice. The more we saturate it with air, the more airy the dough will be. Add baking powder and soda to flour and mix. You ask, why add soda if there is baking powder? If the ingredients contain fermented milk products, fruit juices or honey, then they additionally require soda, because they cause an acidic reaction.

Combine mixtures and mix well. Kefir dough is the most popular and economical option for baking. In our case, it turned out not liquid and not thick, but viscous.

Grease the springform with butter and sprinkle with flour. Put the dough on the bottom, level it.

From above we spread apples with nuts, it is possible in two rows. There should be a lot of them, then the cake will turn out with a pronounced apple taste and aroma. Sprinkle with cinnamon and brown sugar and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Apple pie with sour cream and cottage cheese in the oven


  • apples - 2-3 pcs.
  • cottage cheese - 200 gr.
  • sugar - 150 gr.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • flour - 200 gr.
  • butter - 20 gr.
  • baking powder - 10 gr.
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
  • liquor - 1 tbsp. l.

Using the sour cream dough recipe, cook delicious apple pies at home and delight your family.

Air recipe for charlotte from biscuit dough, as for a cake with raisins


  • apples - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp.
  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • flour - 250 gr.
  • butter - 120 gr.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanilla sugar - 20 gr.
  • salt - to taste
  • raisins - 100 gr.


  1. Mix softened butter with sugar. Add salt. Beat the mixture with a mixer for about 4 minutes, at high speed, until smooth.
  2. Add eggs to the resulting mass and beat again.
  3. Mix the baking powder with the sifted flour, add to the egg-buttered mass. Mix well. According to this recipe, the dough is obtained, as for a cake, not very thick and viscous.
  4. Sort the raisins, wash well.
  5. Peel the apples and cut into medium slices.
  6. We put raisins and apples in the dough, mix quickly and gently. We spread in a greased silicone form, with high sides. With wet fingers, level the surface, push the protruding parts of the apples into the dough.
  7. We heat the oven to 180 degrees. Cover the charlotte with baking paper and bake for 1 hour. Check the readiness of the dough with a wooden skewer. When the dough is baked, remove the paper and brown the top of the pie for 10 minutes.
  8. We take out the finished apple pie from the oven, cool. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, decorate with ripe raspberries.

Charlotte turned out great, with a crispy golden crust, fluffy with a wonderful taste!

Charlotte from long loaf (bread) with apples in the oven

In this recipe, apples for the filling can be prepared in two ways. The first way to blend in mashed potatoes with cinnamon. The second way is to stew and caramelize.

A loaf is better to use a little dried up, yesterday. If not available, use bread.


  • apples - 4 pcs.
  • sugar - 50 gr.
  • loaf - 1 pc.
  • butter - 200 gr.
  • cinnamon - a pinch

Charlotte with apples - an easy recipe in a slow cooker

We use the recipe for making dough on proteins. Beat the whites well, they will make the apple pie the most airy and magnificent.


  • egg white - from 3 eggs
  • sugar - 1/2 tbsp.
  • baking powder - 1/2 sachet
  • flour - 1 tbsp.
  • apples - 1 pc.
  • butter - for lubricating the multicooker bowl

baking time - 30 minutes

Today I offered you 6 simple recipes for delicious charlotte. If, after opening my blog, you want to cook something, then the goal has been achieved.

Choose any recipe and share your impressions in the comments. See you!

In this article, we will tell you about the one with apples - one of the simplest types of homemade pastries, loved by everyone, even dieters, because there are a lot of apples in charlotte, but little dough!

In August, during the apple season, this is almost an evening pastry for tea on our table, because charlotte is made very simply and quickly enough, and what you accidentally didn’t finish with evening tea is happily consumed with morning coffee. For charlotte (gardeners and summer residents will understand me!) The so-called “falls” are perfect - apples that have fallen from a branch, most often in an unripe, but spoiled form by worms. So you won’t eat them, but for charlotte, sour apples (even very sour ones!) Are quite good, and they are still cut into slices, so that spoiled places are easily cut off and thrown away. Ripe apples, of course, are also not rejected.

You will need a baking dish (we remind you that glass baking dishes are not recommended to be placed in a hot oven, and we will need to do just that, so take a metal or silicone form for charlotte, by the way, grandmother's cast-iron deep frying pan without a handle is also good). The shape can be both detachable and one-piece, for charlotte it does not matter.

Need to:

Apples (preferably sour) - about 1 kilogram

Chicken eggs - 3 pieces

Sugar - 1 cup (regular size, 200 ml capacity)

Wheat flour - 1 cup

Dough baking powder - 7-10 grams (or 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda to "repay" in 1 tablespoon of vinegar)

Margarine or butter - a very small piece to grease the baking dish (you can also grease with vegetable oil)


Wash apples thoroughly and cut into small pieces or slices. By the way, advice: if you are in doubt about the number of apples, just chop them once directly into the baking dish so as to fill it almost completely, leaving 1.5-2 centimeters to the top edge, then pour into some suitable bowl and remember that for charlotte you need this bowl full of chopped apples. The form, before baking in it, will have to be rinsed and wiped.

In another larger bowl, make the dough. Break 3 eggs into a bowl, mix the whites and yolks with a fork until smooth. Pour a glass of sugar and baking powder dough, mix everything.

Pour a glass of flour into the same bowl.

Once again, mix everything thoroughly (with a spoon, not with your hands!), It turns out an uncool (thickness of sour cream) dough.

Pour the chopped apples into the dough and mix so that the pieces of apples are covered with dough.

Lubricate the baking dish with margarine or butter (or line it).

We spread the apples in the dough in a baking dish and with a spoon evenly distribute it over the entire form and level the surface.

In a well-heated oven (turn on the heat / fire for 10-15 minutes before putting the charlotte in the oven, we usually turn on the oven to warm up before starting to make the dough) at a medium height or slightly higher, set the baking sheet on which the form stands with charlotte.

Bake for about 30 minutes (in some ovens up to 40-45), first for 10 minutes on high heat / heat, then reduce to a minimum. We check the readiness of the charlotte with a match or a wooden toothpick: slightly open the oven, slightly extend the baking sheet, stick a match or toothpick into the center of the charlotte to the maximum possible depth and immediately pull it back out. If the match or toothpick removed from the charlotte is clean, the dough has not stuck to it, then the charlotte is ready, you can take the mold out of the oven.

When you got the charlotte, let it cool for 10-15 minutes in the form. "Walk" with a thin wooden spatula or a dull knife along the sides of the mold from the inside to make sure that the charlotte does not stick anywhere.

Next, remove the charlotte from the mold. If the form is detachable, remove the side wall and move the charlotte onto the board with a spatula. If the form is one-piece, cover the form with charlotte with a cutting board, take this structure with both hands (use oven mitts, the form is still hot!) And turn it over. We remove the form from the charlotte (we hope everyone remembers how they made sand cakes in childhood?). Now we cover the inverted charlotte with another board or a flat large plate (turn the plate, of course, too) and turn it over again. Since apples are a wet product, so that our charlotte does not immediately become damp from its own steam, it is better to immediately cut it in half or even into quarters and let it cool further already cut.

That's it, now you know. It seems to us that it is better to serve it on the table cold rather than warm, but perhaps you will not agree with us. Try it and decide for yourself what you like best.

Prize advice for those who read to the end: if your baking dish is very large and there are clearly significantly more than a kilogram of apples, there are two options. Option one: fill the form with apples not completely and by about 2/3, by the way, while the charlotte is guaranteed not to come out of the form onto the baking sheet during the baking process. Option two make a dough of 4 eggs, increasing the amount of sugar and flour by 1/3 cup (apparently, you will have to increase the baking time as well, thick charlotte is poorly baked, there is a risk that the middle will remain damp).


Dare! Create! Get ready!

Eat yourself, feed your family, treat your friends!


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Autumn is famous for apples, and housewives are happy to cook apple dishes. The most popular of them is charlotte with apples.
Lush, tender and just melting in your mouth charlotte can not help but like it! This sweet, apple dessert comes from France. It has long conquered everyone with its simplicity and unforgettable taste. Despite the fact that the recipe is very simple, charlotte will bring no less pleasure than a complex dessert.

Charlotte is great with tea or coffee. It can be used as a completely independent dessert. Serving charlotte, to some extent, is also an art. The tastiest of all, this is a freshly baked pie, it is warm and fragrant.

It is ideal to serve charlotte with a scoop of light creamy ice cream. If you sprinkle a little powdered sugar, the cake will become even more attractive and appetizing. A particularly harmonious combination of charlotte and sour cream. There are many variations, you just need to show imagination. Step-by-step charlotte recipes in this article will help you prepare a magnificent charlotte with apples in the oven.

Dear readers, first I want to ask you to pay a little attention and deviate a little from the main topic. Because I want to remind you that very soon, on June 14, a book will be released on how to create and maintain your own blog, something like mine. Thanks to a blog, you can run a business without leaving your home, having a computer and Internet access at hand. Everything else you will find in the very book edited by Denis Povaga. Earlier we already talked about this and there was a separate post on this blog ().

Today, June 14, Blogger's Day, you get a link to a special page where you can download the book for free, for a limited time. Within a certain time, the book will be available, do not miss this important moment, download right now. This link is already active for free download of the book. And now back to our recipes for making lush charlotte in the oven.

This apple pie recipe is delicious.

1 faceted glass of premium flour - 100 gr
1 faceted glass of sugar - 170 gr
Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
Baking powder or baking soda slaked with vinegar - 1/2 tsp.
4-5 small apples, or 3-4 large apples
Butter for greasing the baking dish
The total cooking time is 60 minutes (20 minutes for dough preparation and 40 minutes for baking).

How to cook classic charlotte with apples in the oven:

Break the eggs into a deep bowl, pour out all the sugar and beat with a mixer or whisk. The resulting dough blank will increase in size by about three times, it should turn out to be a soft cream color.

Sift the flour in several passes, stirring each time so that there are no lumps. Mix flour in advance with baking powder or slaked soda. Beat the mixture with a kitchen mixer at low speed. Beat for a short time, until a homogeneous state is obtained.

Apples must be peeled, cut out the middle and cut into not very thick slices or cubes. After mixing the dough with chopped apples.

Pour batter with apples into a buttered cooking container. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 40-45 minutes. In particular, it is from the height of the container that the baking time changes, the higher the form, the longer it takes to cook, and vice versa. Readiness can be checked using a wooden knot or a toothpick. It is necessary to pierce the cake in the thickest place, if the stick is dry, then it is ready.

Bon appetit!

How to determine the readiness of the charlotte? The readiness of the pie can be checked with a match or a wooden toothpick. Open the oven, pierce the pie with a match in the center: if the dough sticks to a wooden surface, then the charlotte is not ready yet. When ready, take the apple pie out of the oven and let cool slightly. Charlotte with apples is ready! If desired, a lush apple charlotte can be sprinkled on top with powdered sugar or a mixture of cinnamon with powdered sugar.

Lush charlotte with apples in the oven. Air apple pie recipe with step by step photo

Cooking delicious charlotte is not long and simple even for a novice in cooking. Very tasty charlotte with apples and cinnamon. A simple biscuit dough combined with apples gives an excellent taste and aroma.
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Сaxap - 160 gr (1 glass)
Flour - 150 gr (1 cup)
soda slaked with vinegar - 1 tsp
salt - a pinch
vanillin or vanilla saxap - optional
Charlotte filling:
apples - 4 pcs.
caxap - 2 tbsp. l.
ground cinnamon - optional
vegetable oil - 0.5 tsp. for greasing molds

How to bake a fluffy charlotte with apples in the oven:

To begin with, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the apples and separate from the core. Then cut into thin slices.

After that, put in a deep bowl and sprinkle the apples with sugar so that they let the juice go.

To prepare the dough for charlotte, thoroughly beat the eggs with a mixer into a thick, lush and viscous foam, slowly pouring into them, while beating sugar and salt.
After the eggs with sugar were properly beaten, soda slaked with vinegar is added. It is necessary to ensure that absolutely all soda is extinguished with vinegar, otherwise, in the finished charlotte, it will leave an unpleasant aftertaste or smell.

To avoid this, it is necessary to add a drop of ordinary table vinegar to the soda until it stops hissing.

Then we add all the flour to the dough, stirring from top to bottom with a regular spoon, until the whole mass becomes homogeneous and smooth, achieving the consistency of sour cream. Jellied dough for a delicious apple charlotte is ready.

In the form, with a volume of approximately 20 cm, lubricated with oil, a third of the dough is laid out. Apples must be separated from the juice they let them in and carefully laid out over the entire surface of the dough, sprinkled with cinnamon and poured over with the remaining dough.
It is necessary to bake a pie with apples in the oven for about 40-50 minutes, at 160-180 degrees, depending on the oven.

Cool the finished charlotte at room temperature and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Delicious apple charlotte is ready. Now delicious apple pie can be served at home. It will be gentle, light and very airy. Maximum taste and aroma with minimum costs for products and cooking time. Bon appetit!

Apple pie in the oven on kefir. Grandma's charlotte recipe

Grandma's recipe for lush apple charlotte on kefir. It is very simple, it takes very little time to prepare, and the pastries are simply amazing.
Apples - 3 pcs.
Kefir - 1 glass
Flour - 1.5 cups
Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
Sugar - 1 cup
Soda with vinegar - 0.5 tsp
Cinnamon - to taste
Vanillin - to taste
Sunflower oil - for greasing the mold
Semolina - for sprinkling the mold


Wash the apples, remove the seed pods, cut off the skin and randomly cut into small pieces.

Pour a glass of kefir into a deep bowl. Add a glass of sugar to it. Let the sugar dissolve a little and mix everything.

Crack two eggs into a bowl and mix again.

Pour the flour, knead the dough.

Add soda slaked with vinegar and a little vanilla to the dough. Mix the dough for the last time. The dough should turn out like thick sour cream.

Lubricate the form with vegetable oil. Sprinkle with semolina. We spread the apples and evenly distribute them along the bottom of the form.
Sprinkle apples with cinnamon.

Pour the batter in and lightly shake the mold so that it spreads evenly.
We bake the cake in a well-heated oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Be sure to check its readiness with a match. With the clean end of the match, you need to pierce the pastries in several places, if the tip is dry, then the cake is ready, if with pieces of wet dough, bake further.

Put the finished cake on a plate. We use a cutting board for this. We cover the form with a board like a lid, and sharply turn the whole structure over, the cake should be upside down on the board.

Then we cover it with a plate and turn it all over again. Charlotte is ready. You can invite guests. Bon appetit!

Lush charlotte with apples in the oven. Cooking secrets. Video recipe

Bon appetit!

Charlotte with apples in the oven. Quick recipe for lazy charlotte

When the guests are on the doorstep, we put the kettle on the stove, and the charlotte in the oven. It will be soft and fluffy!
Fresh small apples - 6-8 pcs.
Sunflower oil - 9 tbsp. l.
Granulated sugar - 0.5 cups
Wheat flour - 1 cup
Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
Baking soda - 1 tsp
Butter for lubricating the mold - 0.5 tsp.


Beat eggs with sugar until foamy, conveniently with a mixer.

Then add vegetable oil, soda slaked with vinegar, if desired, a little vanilla sugar and a little cinnamon, flour.

Beat again with a mixer until smooth.

My apples, peel. Cut to any size.

Mix apples with dough.

Pour into a 24 cm baking dish lined with parchment paper. Grease the sides of the form with butter. We put in an oven preheated to 200-220 degrees for 35-45 minutes. Depends on the oven. Readiness is checked with a toothpick.

Lazy charlotte with apples is ready.

Happy tea!

A few secrets of making delicious apple charlotte:

1. Absolutely any apples are suitable for a pie. But the most delicious pastries are obtained with hard and sour fruits. Antonovka is perfect. The cake is obtained with a pronounced sweet and sour taste.
3. Do not overdo it with the layer of apples, they should cover the bottom of the mold in one layer, otherwise the cake will turn out sticky and not baked.
5. Even sour kefir is suitable for charlotte. Kefir can be replaced with half a glass of sour cream.
6. You can still add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise to the dough. Baking will be more magnificent and tastier.
7. To save time, mix the charlotte dough with a blender, it does an excellent job of this task.
8. If the cake after baking "does not want" to move away from the edges of the mold, there are several ways to remove it from there. First, tap the bottom of the inverted mold with a wooden pusher in several places. Secondly, wrap the mold with a damp towel, wait a little and repeat the flips. After these steps, everything should work out.

Charlotte of apples and cottage cheese

A real delicacy made from the simplest products is charlotte with cottage cheese and apples.

Slices of bread - 6 pcs.
or Crackers - 100 gr
Cottage cheese - 500 gr
Apples - 300 gr
Milk - 0.5 l
Eggs - 1 pc.
Yolk - 1-2 pcs.
Butter - 80 gr
or Margarine - 80 gr
Powdered sugar - 200 gr
Raisins - 30 gr
Cognac - 1 tbsp. l.
or Rum - 1 tbsp. l.
Vanilla sugar - 20-30 gr
Cinnamon powder - 2-3 tsp
Salt - 1 pinch

How to cook charlotte with cottage cheese and apples in the oven:

The butter must be warmed to room temperature so that it becomes soft. Warm milk to body temperature.

Crackers or slices of stale bread cut into pieces. Postpone 2 tbsp. l. crumbs for sprinkling the form.

Pour crackers with warm milk. Leave for 30 minutes. Squeeze.

Add butter (60 gr), egg, rum, vanilla sugar, powdered sugar (40 gr), salt. Mix mass.

Separate the yolks from the whites.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or chop with a blender.

Add the yolks, powdered sugar (80 gr), stir the mass.

In a form greased with butter or margarine and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, lay out half the mass of crackers.

On it - half the curd mass. To make the layers smoother, it is better to first lay out the curd mass in small piles, and then smear them.

Peel apples and seeds. Then grate.

Grated apples mix with the rest of the sugar, cinnamon.

Put apples on the curd layer.

Rinse raisins.

Sprinkle over the apple layer.

Spread remaining curd over apples.

On it - the remaining mass of crackers.

Melt the remaining butter.

Top the charlotte with butter (20 gr).

Bake charlotte with cottage cheese and apples in a hot oven at 200 degrees for 1 hour.

Sprinkle the finished charlotte with apples and cottage cheese with powdered sugar and serve. Bon appetit!

Charlotte recipe with apples and pears

With pears, an unusual taste is obtained.
Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
Granulated sugar - 1 cup
Flour - 1 cup
Apple - 1 pc.
Pears - 1 pc.
Baking soda - 0.25 tsp
Powdered sugar - to taste


You need to beat 4 eggs. Add 1 glass of sugar. Mix thoroughly to dissolve the sugar.

Then add 1 cup flour and mix well.

In the resulting dough, add soda, slaked with vinegar. You can add baking powder instead.

Wash apples and pears. And cut into pieces.

Put the apples into the dough, mix.

Put the dough with apples in a form, greased with oil. We put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Decorate with powdered sugar on top and serve. Happy tea everyone.

On a note:
IMPORTANT: When you put the cake in the oven, do not open it for the first 10-14 minutes so that the dough does not fall. Then you can take a closer look. If the charlotte has risen and the top is already baking, it is advisable to lower the temperature so that the middle of the pie is baked. And when the dough has not yet risen, has not browned, then feel free to raise the temperature to 200ºС.

Apple pie (charlotte) with cinnamon in the oven

When there are a lot of apples, how not to bake a delicious apple pie for tea!
For test:
Wheat flour - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Chicken eggs - 3-4 pcs.
Soda - 1 pinch
Salt - 1 pinch
Oil for lubricating the form - 1 tsp.
For filling:
Medium apples - 4-5 pcs.
Sugar - 1-2 tbsp. l.
Ground cinnamon - 0.5-1 tbsp. l.

How to cook apple pie (charlotte) with cinnamon:

Crack the eggs into a bowl. Add sugar and salt.

Beat everything well with a mixer for 3-5 minutes.

Sift flour. Add flour and baking soda to egg mixture. Mix the dough until smooth.

Wash apples. Can be peeled. Cut into 4 parts, cut out the seed box. Cut apples into small pieces.

Sprinkle apples with sugar and cinnamon. Mix.

Turn on the oven. Grease the form with oil, you can sprinkle with flour or semolina. Pour half of the dough into the mold.

Then a layer of apples.

Then the rest of the dough. Put the form in the oven on the middle shelf.
Bake apple pie in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 35-45 minutes, until golden brown (baking time depends on the characteristics of the oven). As with any biscuit dough, it is advisable not to open the oven during baking.

Charlotte with apples and cinnamon is ready. Bon appetit!

A simple and delicious recipe for charlotte with apples in the oven with sour cream. Video recipe

Bon appetit!

Fragrant charlotte from a long loaf with apples and lingonberries. The original apple pie recipe in the oven

Fragrant charlotte, impossibly, juicy, sweet and sour, with a delicate middle and a crispy fried crust!
Baton - a few slices to suit your shape
Apples - 4 pcs.
Frozen cranberries - 1 cup
Demerara sugar from Mistral - 1 cup
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Cream 20% - 150 ml
Pinacolada liqueur - 3 tbsp. l.
Cognac - 2 tbsp. l.
Butter - 2 tbsp. l.


Peel apples and cut into cubes. Dissolve one tablespoon of butter in a saucepan, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar, put apples and simmer, stirring, until slightly softened. Pour in cognac and simmer again until the liquid has completely evaporated and the apples are caramelized. Cool down the filling.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease the mold generously with a second tablespoon of butter.

Whisk eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar and milk in a bowl. Pour in the liqueur and stir again. Cut the loaf into thin slices, moisten well in the egg mixture and tightly slice the bottom and sides of the mold.

Add frozen lingonberries to apples and sprinkle everything with 2-3 tablespoons of sugar to taste. Mix well and pour the filling into the mold. Top with egg-soaked loaf slices to form a closed pie. Carefully pour the rest of the egg mixture over the top. You can put butter flakes on top.
Bake in the oven until golden brown. Let stand in the switched off oven for 5 minutes.

Serve warm, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Bon appetit!

Charlotte recipe with apricots and chocolate

Bake chocolate charlotte with apricots. Everyone will like the result.
Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
Granulated sugar - 150 gr
Kefir - 1 glass
Flour - 1.5 cups
Baking soda - 0.5 tsp
Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
Fresh apricots - 10 pcs.
Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Mint - to taste


We combine eggs and sugar and beat well, add kefir, beat everything well again.

Then add the sifted flour to this container.

Do not forget about soda, which we do not extinguish.

Add cocoa. Apricots and chocolate taste of the dough harmonize very well.

Cut the apricots in half, remove the pits. We use a baking dish without a bottom, we lay the form with baking paper. We put apricot halves on the bottom, half of all.

Pour the dough on top and put the remaining apricot halves. We put the form in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Take out of the oven, let cool. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, decorate with fresh apricot and mint.

Cut the pie into pieces and serve. Happy tea!

Apple pie (charlotte) with vanilla

The cake will turn out beautiful and delicious.
Eggs - 6 pcs.
Sugar - 300 gr
Vanilla - 1 pod
Flour - 300 gr
Apples (preferably Antonov) - 5 pcs.
Butter - 100 gr + for mold lubrication
Cream 35% - 100 ml
Brown sugar - 100 gr
Powdered sugar


Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into thin slices. Melt butter in a frying pan, add brown sugar, heat for 2 minutes.

Add apples, vanilla seeds and the pod itself.

Cook for 5 minutes, then pour in the cream, mix, bring to a boil over low heat, boil for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the pan from the heat, remove the pod, cool slightly.

For the dough, beat the eggs, salt and sugar in a fluffy foam for 10 minutes. Add the sifted flour, mixing gently.

Grease a detachable form with a diameter of 26-28 cm with oil. Pour most of the dough into it, put the apples along with the sauce and evenly distribute them over the surface.

Pour the remaining dough on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Cut the fluffy pie into portions and serve. Happy tea.

French charlotte with apples and nuts

French charlotte is an apple pie for which you do not need to mess with the dough. From the leftovers of white bread and apples, you can build a great dessert.
Bread white, stale (not dry) - 200-230 gr
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Sugar - 0.75 cups
Warm milk - 1-1.25 cups
Apple - 500 gr
Walnut - 50 gr
or lemon zest - 3 tsp
Crushed crackers - 5 tbsp. l.
or crushed cookies - 5 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 30 gr
Powdered sugar - 5 tbsp. l.

How to cook charlotte in French:

Beat eggs with sugar.

Dilute with warm milk, beat again.

Cut the bread into 1 cm cubes. The bread should be stale but not dry.

Pour the egg-milk mixture over the bread cubes, let stand for 40-45 minutes.

Chop nuts into crumbs.

Peel apples, cut into cubes.

Add nuts (30 gr) or zest to them.

Mix in the soaked bread.

Turn on the oven to preheat. Grease a frying pan, baking sheet or form with oil, sprinkle with crushed crackers (or crushed cookies). Put the prepared mass in an even layer in the form. Press a little, tighten. Sprinkle walnuts (20 gr) or breadcrumbs on top, grease (pour) with oil (1-2 tablespoons).

Bake French charlotte with apples at 200°C for about 30 minutes. Then let stand for 10-15 minutes, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Cut French apple charlotte into portions and serve. Bon appetit!

Lush charlotte with apples in the oven. Fast Food Recipe

An interesting quick charlotte recipe. The combination of a tender omelet and fragrant apples gives a truly amazing taste.

Flour - 4 tbsp. l.
Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
Apple - 4 pcs.
Milk - 1 glass
Butter - 3 tbsp. l.
Salt - 0.125 tsp
Vanillin - on the tip of a knife
or vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10 gr)

How to cook apple charlotte in a pan in the oven:

Medium-sized apples are washed, peeled and cored, cut into slices.

Heat up the pan, melt 1 teaspoon of butter.

Prepared apples are lightly stewed with a tablespoon of butter over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 5-7 minutes.

Sift flour. Turn on the oven.

Put flour, salt, vanilla in a bowl, beat eggs.

Then mix, pour in milk and mix again.

Melt butter in a frying pan. Pour some of the mixture into the pan.

They put apples.

Pour the rest of the mixture over the apples.

Put in the oven on the middle shelf. Charlotte with apples is baked in the oven at an average temperature of 180-190 degrees until cooked for 2-3 minutes.

Put the finished omelet on a dish, sprinkle with sugar or powdered sugar.

Apple Charlotte is ready. Bon appetit!

Prepare a tender charlotte with apples for tea for your family! Charlotte turns out delicious, beautiful, airy and just melts in your mouth! The aroma of fresh pastries will not leave anyone indifferent! Charlotte with apples is a recipe for those who love simple homemade cakes. Happy tea! See you on my blog!

P.S. Dear readers! Announcement dated 12/20/2018. #earningsfromhome

And one more news. P.S. Dear readers, I'm starting to take my first steps on YouTube. I created and set up my channel of musical congratulations on the holidays. Please support me on YouTube, please watch My first videos - musical greetings on May 1, on April 1, April Fool's Day, on Easter, on Maslenitsa, on March 8, on February 23, on February 14, Valentine's Day, subscribe to the channel , put like. Share with your loved ones a musical greeting on social networks. Now I will have more work to do, I will congratulate everyone on the holidays, and we have a lot of them!

P.S. Very soon, the whole country will proudly celebrate April 12 as the Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics. So much effort has been invested by our courageous cosmonauts in the exploration of outer space. And you are waiting on my blog with this wonderful holiday. For older people, this will be a small journey into the past, the world of childhood - remember the magnificent spiritual films "Youths in the Universe", "Solaris", "Milky Way". The red thread in them is the hope and dream of mankind - the exploration of space, other planets, worlds, knowledge of the Universe. Enjoy watching!

Dear readers, another important and useful news from my blogging mentor Denis Povag. I recommend to those who want to earn:

Charlotte with apples is a dessert known in many countries of the world, adored for its excellent taste and ease of preparation. This is an old dish, and every culinary specialist will surely tell its story: romantics - about an unrequitedly in love chef who gave the name of the lady of the heart to his creation, pragmatists - about the royal confectioner, who named the pie in honor of the wife of the British monarch George III Queen Charlotte, an active supporter of the cultivation of apple orchards. But no matter what we think about it, the most important thing is that charlotte is easy, fast and very tasty.

A classic charlotte is the French dessert Charlotte, made from white bread. The highlight is that in a simple and tasty recipe for charlotte with apples, fuss with the dough is excluded. And this attracts many housewives who value their time, but not to the detriment of the desire to treat the household with delicious treats.

You need the following products:

  • apples - seven to eight fruits;
  • fresh testicles - three;
  • cream - 0.5 kilograms;
  • white loaf (yesterday's is better);
  • sweet liquor - 50 grams;
  • butter - one hundred grams;
  • granulated sugar - 120 grams is enough;
  • water;
  • cinnamon - a teaspoon.

For a special taste, add honey-dried cranberries (we take half a glass of berries).

Preparing Charlotte as follows.

  1. We wash, peel and seeds, cut apples into thin slices.
  2. Pour one hundred grams of granulated sugar into a frying pan, pour half a stack of water there.
  3. When the sugar begins to turn into caramel, throw apple slices into it. Fry for up to eight minutes (do not forget to stir all the time). At the last minute, add cinnamon and liqueur. We turn off the fire. Let the fruit cool down.
  4. Cut off the crust from the banana. We cut it, we need pieces about 1 cm thick, another part - slices as high as a baking dish.
  5. Fry half the pieces in butter, but a golden crust should appear on only one side.
  6. Now you need to prepare a sweet composition. Three eggs and forty grams of sugar will go into it (whisk all this a little with a whisk or fork), cream.
  7. In the egg-cream sauce, dip the bread slices - one and all.
  8. We lay parchment on the bottom of the baking dish, grease it and the walls with soft oil. Then we place the toasted slices of the loaf so that the ruddy sides are pressed against the container.
  9. Next comes the apple filling (half cooked) and the dried cranberries on top.
  10. Now it's time for the uncooked slices of bread. Wet them a little with sweet egg sauce. Drizzle with melted butter. Cover with the rest of the filling. Upstairs - cranberries again.
  11. The structure is completed by another tier of bread soaked in egg and cream sauce. Pour it with the remaining sauce.

While we were conjuring, the oven heated up to 180 C. Charlotte will spend 40 to 45 minutes there. Then you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar and taste it.

Dessert is served both hot and cold. And for completeness of pleasure add a scoop of any ice cream.

Easy recipe "Lush Charlotte"

Now let's prepare the charlotte, following a simple recipe. It does not require any special products and careful mixing of the dough. And, nevertheless, neither the taste nor the appearance of the dish suffers, and it turns out magnificent.

We need a few simple components:

  • four chicken eggs;
  • the same number of apples (ideally green varieties);
  • a glass of flour;
  • the same amount of granulated sugar;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

And it's all! You can start cooking.

  1. You need foam - stable and airy. Beat it from eggs (a mixer will help you get the required consistency). Without turning off the device, slowly introduce sugar.
  2. Has the sugar almost dissolved? So, it's time to introduce flour. We do it slowly too. When the lumps disappear, the dough is ready.
  3. We process apples in the usual way. The end result is thin, about half a millimeter, slices.
  4. We throw them into the dough. Mix quickly.
  5. Almost everything is done. It remains to grease the form with vegetable oil, pour the dough into it. 40 - 45 minutes will stand in an oven heated to 180 C.
  6. We get a great treat. Generously fall asleep with powdered sugar, cut, treat home.

Super fast dessert

The guests are almost at the door, but there is no time to mess with sweets anymore? In such a situation, a “high-speed” apple pie can help out. Believe me, friends will be satisfied with such a treat.

The list of ingredients is minimal:

  • four pieces of chicken eggs;
  • incomplete glass of granulated sugar;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla extract;
  • a glass of flour;
  • a couple of apples (any variety);
  • lemon.

Let's get down to business soon.

  1. Apples are processed similarly to the previous recipes. Sprinkle with citrus juice.
  2. Using a mixer, turn the eggs and sugar into a light airy mass. Vanillin and flour (sifted) go into it.
  3. We mix all this, but not with the help of technology, but with a spatula and very carefully.
  4. We cover the bottom of the baking dish with paper (you can do without it, just grease it with oil).
  5. Pour out half of the dough. We put fruit on it. Above is the second part of the test.
  6. After 40 - 45 minutes in the oven at 180 C, the apple pie can be removed.

Made it just in time! The doorbell is already ringing.

We bake "upside down" from biscuit dough

Charlotte baked according to this recipe is also called "changeling". Because before serving, the pie is put “upside down” so that the fruit is on top. It is baked in almost the same way as for any other recipe. And yet there are some features of the process.

Before we start, let's prepare:

  • little things six apples;
  • four fresh eggs;
  • a quarter kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 180 grams of flour;
  • a couple of tablespoons of cognac;
  • a little cinnamon;
  • butter, preferably butter - grease the mold.

We begin the creation of the "changeling".

  1. First the line of apples. Wash them, clean them, cut them smaller, put them in a deep bowl. "Drink" cognac, add cinnamon. We mix. Now let it brew for ten minutes. During this time, we will have time to make biscuit dough. How? Very fast.
  2. We take sugar and eggs. Beat until you get a fluffy foam, using a mixer. This will take approximately seven to eight minutes.
  3. Add flour to the egg-sugar mixture - gradually, in small portions. We mix. But now not with a mixer, but with a wooden spoon. You should get a homogeneous substance.
  4. We grease the form where we will bake. We put all the apples on the bottom tightly. Fill with prepared dough.
  5. All that remains to be done is to place the “semi-finished product” in an oven with a temperature of 180 C. After 35-40 minutes, the aroma will tell you that the cake is baked. We take it out, turn it upside down on a dish: then the apple filling is on top. We cut the "shifter" into portions and call the household for tea.

We use kefir

The use of kefir or sour milk is a simple and reliable way to bake delicious charlotte. With a similar ingredient, sugar will not affect the structure of the dough - it will turn out sour and denser than usual. But such qualities go well with apples. Only For this pie, you definitely need sweet varieties.

So, kefir charlotte is baked from:

  • 0.5 kilograms of apples;
  • 100 grams of butter (meaning butter);
  • the same volume of granulated sugar;
  • a pair of testicles;
  • a quarter kilo of flour (it is better to take the highest grade);
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder (can be replaced with baking soda);
  • 200 ml - a glass - kefir (if not, sour milk will do).

Now we are going according to plan.

  1. We put butter in sand from sugar (we soften it in advance). We beat.
  2. Add the eggs one by one and continue beating.
  3. Then pour kefir, add flour powder. Let's not forget about salt and baking powder. The result is dough.
  4. It must be mixed with fruits prepared in advance. What to do with them is described in the recipes above.
  5. We send the dough into the form (it is already greased with butter, and the bottom is sprinkled with crumbs of sweet crackers), and place in the oven, heated to 185-190 C.
  6. We leave the charlotte on kefir for forty minutes.

Charlotte "Canadian"

The recipe for this delicious pastry is somewhat different from the others in the list of ingredients. Milk and starch are used to make dough. The result has an interesting taste, and the products can be bought at any time in the store.

Let's collect everything you need:

  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • the same amount of flour;
  • two fresh chicken eggs;
  • butter - a little less than one hundred grams;
  • 5 teaspoons of potato starch;
  • a quarter glass of milk;
  • two and a half teaspoons of baking powder;
  • a little salt;
  • four apples;
  • a handful of dried grapes.

We adhere to the instructions described below.

  1. Pour half a glass of sugar and leave aside for now. Beat the other half with the eggs.
  2. In the resulting foamy mass, add all the other components. Now you need to mix everything to get a viscous homogeneous dough.
  3. This time we need not plates, but cubes of apples. Therefore, we cut fruits in this way. Then mix with dough.
  4. We put everything in the form in which we will bake the cake. So that the dough does not stick to the bottom, grease the container in advance with butter and sprinkle with flour.
  5. Sprinkle the top with the remaining sugar. We use raisins as decoration.
  6. The semi-finished product is placed in the oven. At a temperature of 180 C, the delicacy will be ready in forty-five minutes.

Assistant - multicooker

When you need to cook several dishes at the same time, it is convenient to use a slow cooker. While she will carry out a given program, you can do something else. The beauty of the kitchen apparatus is that it is good not only to cook or fry in it, but also to bake. Cooking charlotte in a slow cooker turns out no worse than in the oven.

For the recipe you will need:

  • 200 grams of high-grade flour;
  • the same amount of granulated sugar;
  • three pieces of testicles;
  • four juicy apples;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla.

Let's take into account that for this baking are best suited green sour apples - they give the cake more juiciness.

What do we do?

  1. Let's deal with fruits first. We process them in the traditional way for charlotte until we get thin slices.
  2. We lubricate the multibowl with oil (it doesn’t matter which one - even vegetable, even creamy). At the bottom of the container we put sliced ​​\u200b\u200bapples.
  3. Now you need to make airy foam from eggs, sugar and vanilla. The eggs with granulated sugar will go first. Mix them a little with a spoon and then add the vanilla extract. Now you can turn on the mixer to get the desired consistency.
  4. The mixer has finished its work, it can be put aside. Next, gradually introduce flour into the sugar-egg mixture, without ceasing to stir. But now we do it with a spoon.
  5. It remains to pour the finished dough over the apples and spread evenly.
  6. Insert the bowl into the multicooker. Press the "Baking / Pie" mode. We set the time - 60 minutes.
  7. When the device signals that the task is completed and turns off, open the lid. But let's not get the cake right away, it should be infused. After 15-20 minutes you can get it and enjoy the taste.
