
How to cook delicious chicken soup with dumplings. Chicken soup with dumplings


  • 270-300 Chicken (chicken drumstick);
  • 350 g. Potatoes (two medium potatoes);
  • 40 g. Carrots (one medium carrot);
  • 100-150 g. Onion (one large onion);
  • 2 pcs. Egg;
  • 80 g. Flour;
  • 10 g. Milk (in dough for dumplings);
  • 2 tbsp. l. Salt (to taste);
  • Greens, bay leaf (to taste, fresh / dry).

The recipe is for 6-8 servings.

Cooking time 60-80 minutes.

The volume of the pot is 3 liters.


We prepare a simple and delicious chicken soup with dumplings. The main components of the soup will be chicken (any part or all of it), dumplings and vegetables. In this recipe we use one chicken drumstick; the meat separated from it will be enough for our small three-liter pan. You can cook soup with other meat (beef, pork) or with finely chopped sausage, sausages (then the total cooking time of the soup is minimized), or you can cook lean or mushroom soup. But soup with dumplings with chicken broth is especially good.

Under dumplings, as a rule, they mean products made from flour and eggs, boiled in the form of shaped small balls. In the recipe, we suggest adding a little milk to the main ingredients to make our dumplings airy and tender.

From vegetables we use only potatoes, onions and carrots. Add herbs and spices to taste.


1. Cook the chicken. Pour three cups of water into a medium (3 liter) saucepan, put on the stove. Turn on the maximum heating level of the stove (on my stove, this value is 9). Salt, 1 tablespoon of salt. Dip the chicken thigh into the pot. We close the lid.

As soon as the water begins to boil, the heating level of the stove should be reduced (from a value of 9 to 4).

Based on which part of the chicken you are cooking (drumstick, breast, legs, or the whole chicken), the cooking time for chicken meat will be different. Our drumstick will cook for about 40 minutes.

Soup preparation begins with boiling meat, not only because this moment is the most time-consuming, but also because the broth obtained during the cooking process is important to us.

2. While the chicken is cooking, prepare the potatoes. We peel raw potatoes, chop them. Put in a bowl, rinse with running water (wash off the starch). The weight of peeled, shredded, ready-to-send potatoes was 300 g.

Fill a bowl with potatoes with water (so that they do not turn black), set aside (potato preparation is over, but it is too early to add it to the soup).

3. It is important not to miss the moment when the water boils. A white foam will stand out from the chicken, which should be removed with a spoon (discard). So much tastier. If this moment is missed, do not be sad, the foam will simply boil away.

4. The chicken is still cooking, set the heat level of the stove so that the water is boiling, but not too hot (out of 9 - 4 or 5).

We prepare the onion. We clean the onion from the peel. Finely cut. Put in a bowl, cover with a plate, set aside (the preparation of the onion is over, but it's too early to add it to the soup).

5. The chicken is still cooking with the lid closed in a saucepan over medium heat.

Preparing carrots. We clean the carrots from the peel, three it on a fine grater. We put it in a bowl with onions, close the bowl with a plate (cover the bowl so that the vegetables do not weather).

At this stage, you can fry the onions and carrots in a pan (over medium heat, in a small amount of sunflower oil, 15-20 minutes).

6. The chicken continues to cook.

We make dough for dumplings. To do this, we need flour, eggs and milk (you can do without milk by adding the same amount of water (10 g), but milk makes dumplings airy).

Break the eggs into a small bowl. Add flour and milk. We mix everything thoroughly. The dough should not be very liquid, but not quite steep (thick). If necessary, add more milk (water) or flour.

7. After the chicken drumstick has been cooked for 40-50 minutes over medium heat, be sure it is ready. Chicken meat became voluminous and acquired an appetizing color.

We string the drumstick on a fork, put it on a plate and let it cool. We do not turn off the stove.

8. Now it is necessary, but not necessary, to strain the broth through a strainer. This is simple and allows you to clean the broth from possible small bones and veins.

We fix the strainer on the bowl, pour the broth from the pan from above through it. Be careful, the broth is hot. We remove the strainer, it is no longer needed. Pour the strained broth back into the pan (it does not need to be washed).

Pour two glasses of water into the bowl that we used, stir the water in the bowl (it collects the remaining fat from the broth) and pour it into the pan. The liquid volume has increased to about 1.5 liters.

Increase the heating level of the stove to the maximum.

9. Put the vegetables prepared by us in a saucepan. First potatoes, then immediately onions with carrots. We interfere. Close the pot with a lid. We are waiting for the moment of boiling (5-7 minutes). After the broth boils, reduce the heat level of the stove from maximum to medium (from 9 to 4-5) and let the vegetables cook (7 minutes).

12. After 5 minutes, increase the heating level of the stove (from 4-5 to 8). Let's start making dumplings. Take a bowl with dough for dumplings, mix it well again. As soon as the soup begins to boil, gently with a small teaspoon (preferably a dessert spoon with a long handle so as not to burn yourself) we begin to separate the dough from the bowl and place it in the boiling soup. A few short circular movements and the dough from the spoon will “lag behind” and float down. Boiling broth will boil this piece of dough and lift it up. Our first dumpling is ready. Now you need to move all the dough from the bowl with the help of a spoon into the pan, without delaying the process, so that the dumplings are cooked equally to the maximum. The less dough on the spoon, the more beautiful the dumplings will be.

After all the dough has turned out to be in the form of dumplings in the soup, reduce the heat level of the stove (from 8 to 3) and close the pan with a lid. Dumplings still need to cook for 2-3 minutes.

13. After 2-3 minutes, add the prepared chicken meat to the soup. Close the pot with a lid and turn off the stove.

14. It is not necessary to insist on the soup, it is already ready. Whoever gets a bay leaf in a plate gets a letter.

Bon appetit!

Text: Elena Loginova

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Chicken soup with dumplings is a soup whose taste has been familiar to us since childhood. At this time, all the mistresses of the world love this dish for its simplicity and accessibility. The most important quality of the soup lies in nutrition and perfection, because to prepare it, you do not need to buy expensive products. All ingredients are in any refrigerator.

The main components of the traditional dumpling soup are chicken for the broth, potatoes, vegetables, and flour with eggs for making the dumplings. To make their own unique, not like the usual recipe, some women make their own changes to the recipe by replacing individual products with similar properties. So, in frying it is not necessary to use only onions and carrots. You can season the soup with stewed celery, peppers and tomatoes.

Cooking tip: no matter how you want to change the technology of the dish, it is important to use only products that are compatible with each other, in optimal proportions.

How to cook chicken soup with dumplings - 15 varieties

This soup is distinguished by its originality, as traditional dumplings are organically replaced with Ukrainian potato dumplings.


  • Three boiled potatoes
  • One onion and carrot
  • two cloves of garlic
  • Chicken leg
  • handful of vermicelli
  • Three pinches of salt
  • ¼ bouillon cube
  • 60 ml. sunflower oil
  • Chicken egg
  • 20 gr. flour


We set the ham to boil in two liters of water.

Onions, carrots, chop and fry in three tablespoons of oil. At the end of the quenching, we introduce chopped garlic and keep it in frying for another minute, no more.

From boiled potatoes we make mashed potatoes with an egg, salt and mix.

When the broth boils for about 40 minutes together with the ham, we introduce roasting and a little noodles into it.

We form balls from potatoes, roll in flour and lower one by one into the soup. We are waiting for them to rise, but for now we bring the dish to perfect taste with salt and a bouillon cube.

Soup is ready for a nice dinner!

The bewitching green color of the soup makes it unusual and whets the appetite of future tasters. We are preparing another interpretation of dumpling soup according to the recipe below!


  • spinach leaves
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onions, carrots - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Flour - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste.


Onions, carrots, garlic crumble and fry in a pan.

We heat the chicken or “empty” broth to a boil, boil the chopped potatoes until half cooked and lower the frying.

Grind the spinach in a blender and put in the soup.

For dumplings, mix a glass of hot water with two tablespoons of olive oil and flour. Drop the dumplings from the kneaded dough one spoonful into the boiling soup. Boil the soup for 5-8 minutes.

Cooking Tip: Spinach is a green that will accept freezing in the oven. To keep the product as long as possible, cut off the stem from each leaf and fold the spinach using the one-to-one method. After piercing a batch of greens with a skewer, send it to the freezer.

In this dish, Provencal herbs will take you to sunny Sicily, where no meal or drink is complete without spices.


  • Chicken wings - 0.5 kg.
  • Onions, carrots - 100 gr.
  • Celery root
  • Flour - 7 tbsp. l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Provence herbs seasoning - 3 pinches.
  • Potato - 3 tubers.
  • Sunflower oil - 40 ml.


Heat the sunflower oil in a saucepan and add the chicken wings. When they acquire a strong crust, we introduce chopped onions and carrots. We simmer everything for 15 minutes.

In a saucepan, heat 2 liters of water to a boil and lay the chopped potatoes.

After 10 minutes, we introduce the contents of the stewpan and the celery root into the broth.

Reduce the heat and make dumplings. Mix flour with egg and warm water. We introduce such an amount of water to make a dough like thick sour cream.

Put the dumplings into the boiling soup with a wet spoon and let it boil for another 5-8 minutes.

At the end of cooking, we flavor the dish with three pinches of Provence herbs.

In the soup with dumplings, dough products turn out to be unusually tender, with a creamy aftertaste, because grated hard cheese is used to knead them.


  • Chicken bouillon
  • 4 potatoes
  • Onion, carrot
  • bay leaf
  • Black peppercorns
  • 50 ml. olive oil
  • One egg
  • 150 gr. grated cheese
  • 100 gr. flour
  • bunch of greenery


Cut the potatoes into cubes and dip into the broth heated to a boil. We also put bay leaf and pepper here.

We chop onions, carrots for frying and cook in a pan with a little olive oil.

For dumplings, pour about a glass of water, 20 ml, into a separate saucepan. olive oil and put on the gas to heat up. We add a little salt.

When the liquid boils, pour a little flour into it to brew the dough. In the process of kneading, we break all the lumps with a whisk.

Squeeze the garlic clove, egg into the resulting mass and knead until smooth. We bring the dough to the optimum density with the remaining part of the flour. After that, put the grated cheese into it and knead all the ingredients.

When the potatoes in the pan are semi-ready, we introduce frying to it and, with the help of a teaspoon, dumplings (see the video below for a detailed process of laying dumplings). Bon appetit!

The dish turns out to be very fragrant, as it contains a sufficient amount of garlic and herbs.


  • Chicken thighs - 0.3 kg.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3 tooth.
  • Dill - 1 bunch.
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Flour - 0.7 tbsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise 3 tbsp. l.


Chicken thighs set to boil in two liters of water. We also put one onion turnip and a small lavrushka in the broth.

In the meantime, chop the onion, carrot and lightly fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Set aside the finished soup dressing.

Cooking dumplings. To do this, grind into flour with salt, egg and mayonnaise. We bring the dough to the density of sour cream by introducing warm water.

Squeeze 3 garlic cloves into the dough and add chopped dill.

During this time, the chicken should be cooked. We chop the potatoes and throw them into the saucepan along with the fry.

After 15 minutes, put the dumplings in a saucepan one teaspoonful. They should pop up in a minute. As soon as this is done, finely chop the cilantro and “green” the soup with it.

Cooking tip: cilantro has a pronounced taste specificity, so the most important thing in a dish is not to overdo it with herbs.

Homemade soft noodles in soup are an excellent solution used by housewives in preparing various first and second courses. In this recipe, the combination of this product with chicken dumplings provides the soup with more satiety and nutrition.


  • Chicken parts - 800 gr.
  • Chicken fillet from one breast.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 3 pinches.
  • Butter for frying onions - 100 gr.
  • Greens - 0.5 bunch.
  • Lavrushka - 1 leaf.

For noodles: 2 eggs, 6 tbsp. l. flour.


For the broth, put the chicken pieces in the pan and fill with water. We put on the stove to cook with lavrushka and vegetable roots (optional).

For noodles, mix salt, eggs, flour. We knead the dough. We divide the workpiece into several koloboks, each of which is rolled out and turned into thin ribbons with a knife.

We make minced meat from chicken fillet and one fried onion by grinding the components in a blender. We roll up the correct mugs from the meat mass - future dumplings and lower them one by one into the boiling broth.

Next to the dumplings, add the noodles to the soup. We salt everything and “green” dill. Bon appetit!

As you may have guessed, this soup is a favorite dish of Hungarian housewives. Our compatriots began to cook it quite recently, but no less qualitatively!


  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Onions, carrots - 1 pc.
  • Chicken meat with bone - 300 gr.
  • Pork - 300 gr.
  • Spices - for an amateur.
  • For dumplings: milk, flour, egg.


We fill a heated deep frying pan with meat components that need to be fried until a strong crust. Salt and fill with a glass of water. Stew the meat for 20-25 minutes.

At the end of the stew, when all the water has evaporated, generously season the contents of the container with spices and chopped vegetables (bell peppers, onions, carrots). Everything is fried.

After 15 minutes, pour 1-1.5 liters into the pan. water and bring to a boil.

Dumplings are prepared in any convenient way and dipped one at a time into the total soup mass. We boil the dish and pour it into plates!

An interesting repetition of the traditional soup with dumplings with the main ingredient - tomato, can provide an excellent mood, both on a festive and everyday day!


  • Shallot - 1 pc.
  • Onion turnip - 0.5 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Chicken ridge - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Olive oil.
  • Ginger root - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Salt, black and red ground pepper, zira.


  • Pine nuts - 1 handful.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 70 gr.
  • Basil.


Grind onion, carrot and fry together with the chicken ridge. At the end of cooking, we shift everything into a container for cooking soup and add water.

Saute chopped ginger, shallots, garlic in olive oil. We introduce ready-made vegetables with chopped potatoes into chicken broth.

After that, we lay tomatoes, salt, sugar, zira, black and red ground pepper here. After 5 minutes, grind the contents of the pan with a combine and filter through a sieve.

Salt the tomato broth and heat it up.

We make dumplings. To do this, mix chopped pine nuts with chopped basil and salt. Here we introduce two eggs, a little flour and melted butter. Mix the composition.

With the help of two spoons we form dumplings and boil in salted water.

Put the dumplings on a plate and pour the tomato soup.

We present to your attention the Italian version of our chicken soup with dumplings. According to this recipe, you can diversify your everyday table and please loved ones with a dish of foreign cuisine.


  • Chicken breasts - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 8 tooth.
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper - ¼ tsp each.
  • Broth or water - 1.7 liters.
  • Pesto sauce - 200 gr.
  • Pack of gnocchi - 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 3 pcs.


In the oven, roast the chicken breasts on a baking sheet with the onions and garlic. All salt and pour olive oil.

After 20-35 minutes, remove the chicken, cool and separate from vegetables. Transfer the roasted onion and garlic to a food processor. Pour in the broth and 3 tbsp. l. pesto. Beat everything until smooth in 2-3 approaches.

Divide the chicken meat into fibers and mix with the contents from the combine.

Bring the broth or water to a boil and cook the gnocchi. To them, enter the mass of pesto and vegetables. Mix everything and add chicken meat.

The soup is served with tomato slices. Have a nice meal!

Another dish prepared by professional chefs will delight you with its originality. The soup is easy to make and delicious!


  • Chicken thighs - 8 pcs.
  • Carrots - 4 pcs.
  • Celery stalk - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l
  • Chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Kefir - 150 ml.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Soda - ¼ tsp
  • Salt, pepper mixture.
  • Butter - 60 gr.
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch.
  • Vegetable oil.


Cut chicken thighs into tendons and put in a deep saucepan along with chopped carrots, onions, celery stalk. We cut vegetables into 4 pieces!

Pour the ingredients with water, cover with a lid, bring the broth to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

Remove the boiled chicken with vegetables from the prepared broth.

Strain the broth and return to the stove.

Pour the vinegar into the soup pot.

Finely chop the celery stalk and carrots and boil in a saucepan.

For dumplings, beat yogurt with an egg.

Put flour, salt, baking powder, soda and pepper mixture into a blender. Mix everything with impulses. After you need to cut the butter into cubes and add to the dry composition. Pour kefir with egg and chopped cilantro here.

Moisten a spoon in water or oil and form dumplings from the dough. Put the products in a boiling soup and boil for 7 minutes.

To serve, remove the chicken meat from the bones and disassemble into fibers.

At the bottom of a deep bowl, lay out part of the meat, dumplings, vegetables and meat again. Pour the broth over everything. Serve the soup with cilantro and chopped chili.

The dish is significantly different from the traditional due to the exotic composition of the ingredients. Lovers of everything interesting and unusual, this recipe is for you!


  • big bulb
  • two cloves of garlic
  • one fennel
  • 800 ml. chicken broth
  • 200 gr. drilling rice
  • Gnocchi - 1 pack.


Fry the onion in a heatproof pan. After 5 minutes of frying, lay the chopped garlic. A minute later, chicken broth.

When the broth boils, add brown rice.

Chop the fennel into strips and boil in a common saucepan. When all the ingredients are boiled, we make puree from them in a blender. An important condition: the puree should turn out to be liquid so that there is room for dumplings. And they can be prepared using any of the methods described above, or you can buy ready-made gnocchi. Cook the dumplings separately and serve with fennel and onion puree. It turns out awesome! Dumplings in the dish are a complete substitute for bread!

A very simple soup recipe with dumplings on the advice of an experienced housewife. Preparing quickly and more than easy!


  • Chicken pieces - 0.7 kg.
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • 200 grams of cheese.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


We cook the broth from the chicken. After 20 minutes, add the onion and bay leaf to it. After another 10 minutes, cubed potatoes and finely chopped onions and carrots.

Dumplings: cheese, chopped on a fine grater, mixed with salt, pepper, egg and flour. We mix everything. Form the dough into balls and put into the soup. Boil the dish for five minutes, and serve hot on the table.

This dish contains mushrooms, the structure of which is quite compatible with both dumplings and other components.


  • Chicken broth - 1.5 l.
  • Potato - 4 pcs.
  • Mushrooms - 100 gr.
  • Carrot - 100 gr.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dill, salt, lavrushka - to taste.
  • Flour - ½ tbsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.


Bring chicken broth to a boil.

In a frying pan, fry carrots with mushrooms in olive oil (ideally - champignons).

Put the diced potatoes and carrots with mushrooms into the pan. Salt, pepper.

Mix the flour with the egg and knead the dough into dumplings.

As soon as the potatoes in the soup are cooked, lay the dumplings to it, a teaspoon each. We are all greens!

A harmonious combination of healthy ingredients give the soup maximum usefulness. The dish will perfectly fit into the children's diet.


  • Chicken - 0.5 pcs.
  • Buckwheat - ½ tbsp.
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Onions, carrots - 80 gr.


Boil half of a medium chicken in 2.5 liters of water. The broth should be about 1.8 liters. This will be the base for the soup.

Fry onions, carrots in oil in a frying pan.

We clean the potatoes, chop them and throw them into the “clean” broth (we remove the already cooked chicken).

We also introduce washed buckwheat here and after 15 minutes dumplings made from flour and eggs.

Season the soup with salt, pepper and herbs.

By preparing soup using this technology, you will cook a dish that can compete with some restaurant recipes! Read the steps of the culinary action and watch the video below!


  • Chicken's meat
  • coriander seed
  • Butter
  • Wheat flour
  • clove of garlic
  • chopped greens


We put 800 grams of chicken pieces in a three-liter pan completely filled with water. Meat should take up most of the volume of the cooking container.

In a mortar, we grind half a handful of coriander seeds and, as soon as the broth boils, we throw them into the pan (previously remove the foam from the surface of the broth).

For dumplings in a spacious bowl, mix two eggs, 100 grams of butter, salt and 1-2 tbsp. l flour. We mix everything well. After that, squeeze a clove of garlic and chopped greens into the dough.

When the meat is cooked, put it out of the broth and separate from the bones.

We start laying dumplings in the usual way. After that, return the slices of chicken meat to the pan. Salt the soup and pour into bowls!

Soups based on chicken broth are always light and very tasty. This is an ideal option for dietary and low-calorie meals, especially if it is not supplemented with any pasta. You can cook such a soup with any seasonal vegetables, such as carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, celery, herbs or mushrooms. Summery, delicious, fresh and light. For a more satisfying option, you can cook with chicken broth, which creates a lot of room for culinary experiments.

What meat to choose for the broth?

The key to a good and tasty broth is fresh meat. Nothing compares to the taste of it; it turns out to be simply amazing, but not everyone has the opportunity to acquire it, let alone grow it. Therefore, most often we buy store chickens grown on poultry farms. When choosing it in the market or in a store, it is best to give preference to fresh, chilled, it is advisable to buy from a reliable seller. The meat of a healthy and fresh bird should be light pink or white in color, the skin is thin and undamaged, there should be no mucus on the surface. You can, of course, use a frozen carcass. In this case, it must first be thawed at room temperature. Frozen meat most often loses its texture, ice crystals break the fibers, and the taste changes from this, and not for the better, besides, some unscrupulous manufacturers purposefully pump the carcass with water, which, by the way, can be seen with the naked eye, by numerous punctures on the skin. This results in significant weight loss upon thawing.

Cook whole or in parts?

Cooking chicken broth is not difficult at all, even a novice hostess can handle it. But there are a few nuances worth knowing. It is best to cook the broth from a whole chicken, and not from wings, breasts or backs. The carcass must first be washed in cold water, carefully so that there are no blood clots left, as this will prevent further transparency.

For a chicken weighing about a kilogram, you need 5 liters of water. The meat is placed in cold water and then brought to a boil. It is not necessary to remove the foam that forms on the surface, since then it will settle anyway, and the broth will need to be filtered. It is also impossible to allow a strong boil, the surface should only tremble slightly. Cooking on average will take about an hour or a little more. Around the same time, you can lay vegetables and spices. The best addition to chicken broth will be onions, carrots, celery. Vegetables are best not cut, but boiled whole, and then removed.

If you want to get a deep amber-colored broth, then carrots and onions (whole) must be lightly baked until golden brown in a frying pan without oil and only then used for soup.

From spices, give preference to not too intrusive tastes, for example, you can use black peppercorns, dill, parsley. At the same time, bright and fluffy greens can be left for serving, and the stems can be boiled in broth. It is best to avoid allspice or cloves, as they will kill the delicate taste of the chicken.

After the meat is ready, the broth is removed from the heat. The chicken is removed, allowed to cool slightly and divided into portions. The broth is carefully strained - this is an excellent basis for cooking chicken soup with chicken dumplings (or quenelles).

Dumplings are a traditional European invention, very satisfying flour products, popular not only in soups, but also as a separate dish, for example, as a side dish for meat. Czech dumplings or their direct relatives. Most of all in our country are popular which will be a great addition to a light vegetable soup with chicken broth. Consider several options for their preparation, as well as chicken meat dumplings. If we touch on the question of how to cook dumplings for potato or chicken soup, from dough, then there are many options, each housewife chooses to suit her taste. Someone prefers to use raw potatoes, and someone boiled. Both options have a right to exist. But in any case, soup with dumplings in chicken broth will turn out to be very satisfying.

Boiled potato dumplings

It is necessary to boil a dozen peeled large potatoes until fully cooked. Drain the water and mash into a puree, let cool. Then add three chicken yolks, one and a half cups of flour, salt and knead a homogeneous dough. Roll it into a tourniquet and cut into small pieces - these are the future dumplings, which must be boiled in salted water for 5-10 minutes, and then added to a plate in portions of 3-4 pieces. Soup with dumplings in chicken broth perfectly diversifies the lunch menu and will become perhaps the most favorite.

Raw potato dumplings

The second option involves the use of raw potatoes. For this, it must be grated on a fine grater and properly squeezed out of excess liquid. Then add half a glass of hot milk, a glass of flour, one egg, salt, pepper to the mass and knead the dough. Gently lower the dumplings formed with a spoon into boiling water and cook until tender, about 6-7 minutes.

You can diversify such dumplings with various fillings: from mushrooms, cheese. Only first you need to boil all the ingredients and pass through a meat grinder or finely chop. Soup with potato dumplings in chicken broth will appeal to children and adults, very hearty and rich, perfect for a winter lunch.

Chicken dumplings (quenelles)

They are called quenelles, meatballs, dumplings, but the essence remains the same. To cook them, you need chicken fillet (breast). You can separate it from the whole carcass, which is intended for the broth. The meat must be turned into minced meat, then add the onion, spices and one egg. Further, two options are possible. From it you can mold meatballs, and then lower them into the broth and cook until tender. Or form quenelles with a spoon and bake them in the oven, and only then arrange them on plates with ready-made soup. In any case, it turns out excellent in taste and original with dumplings. A step-by-step cooking recipe will help you do everything right and please your home with a delicious dinner. No one can turn down a supplement!

Chicken soup with dumplings: recipe

To begin with, you should use the simplest recipe, and only then proceed to culinary experiments. In this case, it is best to remove the skin and do not use it when serving. So, given that the chicken is already cooked, the dumplings are cooked and the broth is strained, let's proceed to the "assembly" of the soup. The finished chicken carcass must be divided into pieces and carefully remove the meat from the bones, putting everything in a separate dish. In the future, it will need to be laid out on plates in portions. Soup with dumplings in chicken broth can be prepared in two of the simplest ways.

Option one: carrots and celery have already been boiled in broth

Of the raw vegetables, only potatoes and onions are needed (you can use green ones), since the boiled one has already given up all its taste, it will not be needed anymore. Ready carrots and celery should be chopped and set aside for a while. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and put in a boiling broth, cook until half cooked, then add finely chopped onions and cook for about five more minutes. Remove soup from heat, add carrots and celery. Mix thoroughly, let stand for five minutes and only then pour into plates, not forgetting to put dumplings in each portion and sprinkle generously with herbs.

This soup is good because you can add any vegetables to taste: bell peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, pumpkin.

Option two: if there is only chicken broth

Considering that the broth from a whole chicken is about four liters, it is best to divide it into two servings, especially since it will be perfectly stored in the refrigerator and the next day you can cook fresh soup or make dinner sauce based on it.

So, in this case, all vegetables (based on two liters: one carrot, 2-3 potatoes, one onion, bell pepper, celery, pumpkin 200-300 g can be added) must be peeled and cut into cubes.

Next, bring the chicken broth to a light boil, add carrots and cook for about 3-4 minutes, then add potatoes (pumpkin), celery and cook until vegetables are ready. About five minutes before the end of cooking, add the finely chopped onion. After removing from the fire, you need to let the soup stand for a while and only then serve it in the same way as in the first case.

It is quite easy to cook chicken soup with dumplings in a slow cooker or on the stove, it will not take much time, and it will definitely appeal to the liking and taste of the household. Cost-effectiveness in a set of products, a minimum of calories and a maximum of pleasure - a great combination.

I don’t know how anyone, but in our family soups are prepared with enviable regularity. This occupation is not troublesome (at least not more troublesome than the same pilaf or stewed potatoes) and does not take much time. That is, the soup is not prepared quickly, but your presence is required for this only in fits and starts and literally several times.

One of my favorite soups is chicken dumpling soup. This is a very tasty and fragrant dish, in which, in addition to the main set of ingredients (potatoes, carrots, onions and herbs), there is an original filling in the form of dumplings (or dumplings). Such chicken soup with dumplings can be compared to “chicken noodles”, where everything is cooked in almost the same way. By the way, dumplings and homemade noodles are identical in composition, the difference is only in the density of the dough and shape.

If you decide to take a break from the usual borscht and cereal-filled soups, then dumpling soup with chicken broth is quite capable of replacing these dishes. It is bright and fragrant, cooked on a chicken with the addition of herbs (in our case, these are parsley sprigs), its taste is very rich and such a chicken soup with dumplings is perfect for a hearty family dinner. And its recipe is described in great detail below and illustrated with photographs. So let's go!


  • 2 liters of water
  • 3 chicken drumsticks
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 large carrot
  • 3 medium potatoes
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • ground pepper
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons
  • fresh parsley - 3 sprigs
  • bay leaf - 1 piece

Soup with dumplings, recipe step by step

For the declared amount of ingredients, we need 2 liters of water. We fill the pan with it and put the pieces of chicken into the water. I had three chicken drumsticks in store for this, but absolutely any part of the chicken, equivalent to their number, will do. We also put a whole onion in a pot of water (you can not peel it, but be sure to wash it), a bay leaf and a couple of sprigs of dill.

We put the pan first on an intense fire, and after the beginning of the boiling process, reduce the heat to a minimum. Loosely cover the pan with a lid and cook the broth for at least 1 hour.

We clean the carrots, wash and rub on a coarse grater. Fry it until tender with the addition of a small amount of sunflower oil. Frying time for carrots is 3 minutes, while the fire is less than average and in order to avoid burning the carrots, do not forget to stir it from time to time.

We send the carrots to the pan to the chicken broth. Well, what soup without potatoes? Cut it into strips or in any way you are used to and add to the pan.

While the vegetables are cooking, remove the chicken, wait 10 minutes for it to cool and then separate the meat from the bones. We discard the bones, and return the meat to the soup, which we safely continue to cook.

Almost at the very end of cooking soup with dumplings in chicken broth, when the potatoes are already fully cooked, we cook dumplings. Or rather, so far only dough for dumplings. Crack an egg into a bowl, add a pinch of salt to it and shake everything with a fork.

Add three tablespoons of flour to the egg (with a small slide).

With the same fork, knead the semi-liquid dough for dumplings.

With a teaspoon dipped in a saucepan with soup, we collect small portions of dough for dumplings (about a quarter of a teaspoon) and dip the spoon into boiling soup. The dumpling immediately moves away from the spoon. Similarly, add all the dough to the soup.

Don't worry, adding dumplings to soup doesn't take as long as you might think. The whole process will take you no more than two minutes.

After 2-3 minutes, the dumplings will swell and float. This is a sure sign that chicken broth dumpling soup is ready. It remains only to add salt, ground pepper and finely chopped greens to it.

Ingredients you will need to make chicken dumpling soup:

  • water 2 liters
  • small chicken one carcass or half a kilogram of chicken fillet
  • 2 pieces of onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 3-4 medium potatoes
  • 5-6 tablespoons flour
  • half a tablespoon of butter
  • 100 gr milk
  • 3-4 black and allspice peas
  • parsley and one branch of celery
  • 3-5 tablespoons of sunflower oil

With dumplings - tastier and more satisfying

Chicken soup with dumplings is a simple and at the same time interesting first course. It originated in the Middle Ages, when beautiful ladies were waiting for their knights from campaigns. After all, already in those days it was known that chicken soup is an excellent remedy that restores strength.

Dumplings began to be added to the soup in order to make it more nutritious and to diversify the menu. This dish can hardly be called dietary, as potatoes are added to it, and dumplings are prepared from butter, flour and milk. By themselves, these foods are very high in calories.

There are analogues of soup with dumplings in the cuisines of other countries, they are prepared a little differently and, accordingly, are also called differently. In Ukraine - donuts, in Italy - gnocchi, in the Czech Republic - dumplings, in Belarus - jackdaws. Of course, the cooking recipe is slightly different, somewhere they add semolina, somewhere spices or chopped herbs, but the result remains the same, an excellent hearty soup is obtained.

All the ingredients of the soup are quite useful in themselves. Chicken soup with dumplings is satiety. Chicken is a dietary product that remarkably nourishes the body and saturates it for a long time. Potatoes and the starch they contain help the body absorb food.

Carrots are rich in carotene, which restores the structure of the skin and hair. Onions are a pantry of vitamins and phytoncides that actively fight viruses and bacteria. Parsley is an indispensable source of vitamins and is a diuretic. When all these components are combined, you get a delicious chicken soup.

Cooking soup - homemade recipe

This chicken dumpling soup recipe takes about an hour to make and is a delicious addition to any family menu. So how do you make chicken soup?

Our actions:

  1. Rinse the chicken under water, remove the fat and remove the skin. Put in a pot of water and bring to a boil. As soon as the broth boils, reduce the fire to a minimum, this is necessary in order for the soup itself to be transparent.
  2. As soon as the broth boils, put the peeled onion into it, which is divided into four parts. Then add one bay leaf, allspice and black pepper and cover the pan with a lid.
  3. While the chicken is cooking, peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes.
  4. Peel the second onion and finely chop. Carrots are also finely chopped or grated on a coarse grater.
  5. As soon as the chicken is cooked, it must be pulled out and the meat separated from the bones. Boiled onions and other spices must also be pulled out.
  6. Pour potatoes into the prepared broth and leave to cook for 15 minutes.
  7. We put the pan on the fire, pour in the sunflower oil, as soon as it is warmed up, put the onion. Fry it until golden, and then add to the broth.
  8. Pour oil into a heated frying pan and put carrots in it. Fry and pour everything back into the broth.
  9. At the end of cooking, add chicken meat to the broth.
  10. As soon as the soup is about ready, you need to quickly knead the dough for dumplings.
  11. Mix egg yolk with butter, then add flour and milk to this mass. Beat a little salt with protein and also add everything to the general batch. As soon as the dough is ready, it must be carefully spread with a teaspoon into the boiling soup. It is necessary to know that dumplings increase, so it is better to regulate their quantity.
  12. As soon as the dumplings boil, the delicious chicken soup should be boiled for another five minutes, stirring constantly so that the contents do not stick together.
  13. As soon as five minutes have passed, put chopped greens in chicken soup with dumplings, bring to a boil and turn off.
  14. This soup should be infused for 15-20 minutes.

Soup with chicken dumplings is a rather original dish that almost all children adore. You can put sour cream or French mustard on the table. Almost all sauces and seasonings are suitable for this dish. Any soup with chicken dumplings, the recipe of which is absolutely simple, is distinguished by its availability and speed of preparation.

This dish is inexpensive, and all products can be bought at any store. In winter, instead of fresh herbs, you can add dry herbs, but for satiety and beauty, you can add a teaspoon of chopped boiled egg to each plate before serving.
