
How to cook sea eel. Smoked eel - healthy fish with a unique taste

In all ages, people have been kind to fish. In each country, culinary masters have developed their own unique dishes from this healthy product. A special attitude in many regions of the world to eel delicacies. This is a rather rare guest in our rivers, so its cost is sometimes prohibitive. But in terms of taste and healing properties, it can compete with many marine life. The serpentine eel fish belongs to predatory breeds and constantly migrates from freshwater rivers to the seas.


Uninformed people often confuse it with a snake, since outwardly it is very similar to it. The body of the eel is elongated, the head is small, and the skin is slippery. Seeing a predator, you might think that his body is completely naked, but this is an illusion. After cleaning it from abundant mucus, you can notice the smallest scales.

The color scheme varies from dark green to bluish black. The abdomen is either light white or bluish. Eel fish can grow up to two meters in length. For throwing eggs, it swims to the depths of the sea; after spawning, the individual immediately dies. The female can lay up to 500 thousand eggs.

Predatory eel fish: where is it found, its variety?

The first mention of this species appeared more than a hundred million years ago. At first, the habitat was fixed off the coast of Indonesia. Adults often move. Why this happens is not yet clear. But it is known for sure that eels like the clay bottom, in which they find their food (crustaceans, worms, snails).

Young fish first live in a fresh dirt river densely populated with vegetation. Burrowing into the mud, they protect themselves from various predators. Adult eels can be seen in the reeds, under large stones and sedge thickets. These inhabitants prefer to get food for themselves at night, while for their own safety they change color.

It is customary to divide fish into river and sea, although such a classification is not entirely appropriate, since individuals are constantly moving from freshwater to salt water.

The brown-green tint has river eel. Fish with a small amount of scales lives in the Azov, Black, White, Barents and Baltic Seas. These predators are quite tenacious and are able to exist even without water and overcome considerable distances on wet grass. Do not be surprised if you meet "creeping" individuals in any reservoir. Such a fish will be distinguished by fat content and high nutritional value.

A conger eel was awarded with a solid black body. The fish is also practically without scales. Due to its inconspicuous color, it is easy to disguise itself as dirt. The habitat is the basins of the North Atlantic. Both predators feed on small fish, crayfish and larvae. Until now, experts cannot fully study the life of these subspecies due to their secrecy. They rarely appear on the surface of the water and are increasingly found at great depths. This complicates observation and study.


Fish is especially popular in Japan. In this country, they believe that the meat of these creatures perfectly tones and improves performance. Useful fish oil eel prevents heart disease. The pulp contains many proteins, fatty polyunsaturated and saturated acids, which help rejuvenate cells and get rid of nervous diseases.

In dietary nutrition, sea eel is more valued. Fish, the beneficial properties of meat which can not be overestimated, is very nutritious. It contains potassium and iodine. And, as you know, these minerals help strengthen the heart muscle and protect our thyroid gland. Sea eel meat has a low calorie content, which is very important for dietary nutrition.

It contains a wide range of valuable vitamins (A, B, E, D) and protein. Regular use of this delicacy in any variation strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Dishes from it are shown for gout, rheumatism, malaise, depression, CNS disease, atherosclerosis. Looking at the Japanese, who periodically eat fish and are distinguished by good health and high efficiency, you can be convinced of the healing properties of the meat of this predator.

Application in cooking

Eel fish is an expensive delicacy served in the best restaurants in the world. And this is not surprising, because the meat of this subspecies is very tender, soft and extremely healthy. And the pulp of the river dweller is characterized by high fat content. They subject the carcass to stewing, smoking, frying, baking and boiling - in any interpretation it turns out incomparably.

Spicy and unforgettable taste qualities are revealed during the preparation of first courses. Those who have tried fish soup or eel soup say that the dish overshadows the taste of any other. Each country has its own original recipes. For example, in Lithuania, smoked eel is usually served with beer. Italy is famous for grilled fish with green salad.

No matter how colorful the information is presented, the taste and aroma of eel cannot be described. Try to cook the delicacy yourself, only be extremely careful when cutting. The blood of an eel is toxic, and if it gets on the wound, an inflammatory process can begin.

How to cook eel fish: recipes

Cold appetizer in the form of a salad. To prepare it, you will need smoked eel fish (three hundred grams), potatoes (3 pcs.), Bulgarian pepper, three eggs, parsley, green onions, balsamic vinegar (dessert spoon), the same amount of olive oil and spices to taste.

cooking process

Boil eggs and potatoes, chop into small cubes or cut into thin circles. Pepper - straw. Fish fillet - pieces. Put green leaves on the bottom of a flat plate, on top - potatoes, eggs, peppers, eel, chopped parsley - sprinkle with vinegar and oil.

exotic soup

Ingredients: eel carcass (600 grams), one carrot, frozen peas (half a cup), leek and celery. You will also need two liters of pre-boiled chicken broth, one hundred grams of any dried fruit and a fresh pear. You can not do without a spoonful of wine vinegar, black pepper, garlic salt and granulated sugar (five grams).

Cooking method

Pour boiled water over dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes). In the hot broth we put grated carrots, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcelery and leeks. Give a little boil and put the swollen fruit. Let the liquid boil for 7 minutes, and then add the eel cut into portions along with sugar, vinegar, salt and pepper.

Make a low fire and boil for 15 minutes. While the soup is being prepared, let's take care of the pear - cut it into thin plates and sauté in butter. Put the remaining ingredients in the broth: peas, chopped parsley. Pour into portions and garnish with a piece of fried pear.

Fish dishes are tasty and healthy, but they can also be unusual or even exotic if not the most popular ingredients are used. For example, something interesting and delicious can be prepared from eel.

Fish or snake?

The eel is a tropical fish belonging to the eel family. In total, there are nineteen species, and all of them are used by people for food. A striking feature of the eel is that it is very reminiscent of a snake, and this similarity is achieved due to the elongated writhing body. It is flattened on the sides, on the back and on the other side near the tail are fins. The head is small, the mouth is large and literally strewn with small teeth. Such an aquatic inhabitant is considered a predator and feeds on crustaceans, snails, and as it grows, it begins to consume small fish.

Eel is highly valued, considered a delicacy and actively used in cooking. Firstly, it is incredibly useful and nutritious, as it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and other substances. The calorie content of one hundred grams of the product is about 330 calories, which is quite a lot when compared with other varieties or even with meat. Secondly, eel has an unusual rich taste. The flesh is tender, oily and slightly sweet.

How to prepare an eel?

Before you start cooking, you need to put the eel in order. For this:

  1. Wash the fish well first. It will slip out of your hands, so carry out manipulations in the sink.
  2. Next, remove the mucus. It is washed off very difficult and long, but you can speed up the process by rubbing the carcass with salt, leaving it for fifteen or twenty minutes, and then washing off the remnants. If the mucus is not completely gone, then rub the eel with coarse salt or even sand.
  3. Now it's time to learn how to clean an eel. It is necessary to remove the skin so that it does not interfere with enjoying the tender meat of the fish. For convenience, fix the carcass on the board (European cooks advise nailing it with a nail, but you can use a sharp knife), make an incision around the head and remove the skin like a stocking.
  4. Gut the fish by making an incision with a sharp knife along the abdomen and taking out everything superfluous from there.
  5. Wash the fish again.

Eel Dishes

How to cook eel? There are many different dishes based on this ingredient, and some of them will be discussed below.

Recipe one

Incredibly tasty eel can be cooked in the oven. You will need the following ingredients:

  • eel carcass;
  • half a glass of classic soy sauce;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • a teaspoon of sesame;
  • pepper;
  • salt.


  1. First, prepare the fish: wash, remove mucus, remove the skin, gut. Now cut the carcass into portioned pieces of medium size.
  2. Start preparing the marinade sauce. Mix soy sauce with water, add honey. Put the mixture on the fire and cook until it thickens. Add sesame seeds to the marinade, dip the chopped eel into it and leave for half an hour or an hour.
  3. Prepare the foil, lay the pickled pieces of eel on it and wrap them.
  4. Place the wrapped fish on a baking sheet or in a mold, send for half an hour in an oven preheated to 190 degrees.
  5. The rest of the marinade can be brought to a boil again and boiled for a minute, and then served as a sauce for fish. It will turn out very tasty.

Recipe two

From eel you can cook a delicate creamy soup. Prepare these ingredients:

  • 500 g eel;
  • 1.5 cups of cream;
  • liter of water;
  • small bulb;
  • 80-90 grams of rice (any will do, but long-grain is better);
  • a teaspoon of salt (change the amount at your discretion);
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • pepper and other seasonings to your taste.


  1. Take care of the eel. After cleaning and gutting, the flesh should be cut into medium-sized cubes. Peel the onion and either chop or cut into thin half rings. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion with eel on it. When a golden crust begins to form and the onion becomes soft, turn off the fire.
  2. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add pre-washed rice into it and cook until tender.
  3. When the rice is ready, add fried eel with onions to the soup, and also pour in the cream.
  4. Cook the soup under the lid for three minutes, then add seasonings and salt, after a minute remove the pan from the heat.

Recipe three

By stewing eel with tomatoes, you will get a full and mouth-watering hot dish.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of eel;
  • 400-500 g of ripe fleshy tomatoes;
  • bulb;
  • two or three garlic cloves;
  • 2/3 cup of wine (both red and white are suitable, but preferably semi-sweet);
  • a pinch of aromatic seasoning, such as rosemary;
  • 3-4 st. l. olive oil;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Process description:

  1. The eel must be cleaned and gutted, and then cut in any way (but the pieces should not be very small).
  2. Onions can be cut into half rings. Chop the tomatoes in any way, for example, in a blender or just finely chop with a knife. Garlic can be passed through a press or grated.
  3. Heat oil in a frying pan. Fry the onion on it for a minute, then add the eel. Three minutes later, add the tomatoes. Fry everything together for just a couple of minutes so that the fish acquires a pleasant shade.
  4. Now pour in the wine, add salt, seasoning and pepper, cover the pan with a lid, simmer the dish until cooked through for about ten or fifteen minutes.

Tips to help cook eel at home, if not perfect, then definitely successful:

  • The slime must be completely removed, as it can give the dish an unpleasant aftertaste, as well as an unattractive gray tint.
  • If you do not like the smell of sea fish, then marinate the carcass first. To do this, just sprinkle it with fresh lemon juice and grate with salt. Aromatic seasonings such as rosemary, basil, thyme will also help eliminate the unpleasant odor. But their number should not be too large, otherwise they will simply drown out the natural taste of the fish.
  • Since the eel itself is fatty, it is best served with light side dishes, such as vegetables.
  • Heat treatment should be moderate, and too long will worsen the taste and make the pulp not so tender and juicy.

If you have never tried eel dishes, then be sure to cook one of them. You will definitely like it!

Options for cooking acne ears.
1) Ear with onions, roots and parsley; with a green onion, dill and spices - salt, laurel, pepper.
2) Fish soup cooked with vegetables: onions, carrots, potatoes, fresh tomatoes. Fish cutting. Cooking time for fish soup, insisting for taste.

How to cook eel on skewers and grill grill. Cutting and slicing eel for different types of kebabs. Pre-marination, ingredients for marinades. Recipes:
1) Eel skewers with eggplant and tomatoes.
2) Shish kebab marinated with red sauce, wine, spices, herbs.

Unusual eel dishes. Rice flour noodles with smoked eel. Basic recipe for fish noodles (somewhat like heh, but without vinegar, with sweet and sour sauce). Noodles with bell peppers, garlic, ginger, white or Savoy cabbage, sesame seeds, cashews.

Cooking rolls with smoked eel. Smoking fish after pre-salting and drying.

Preparation of ingredients that will be needed: round boiled rice, cucumber or avocado, fried sesame seeds, other spices, seaweed. Assembly - forming and cutting rolls. Serving to the table with sauces.

How to cook eel in the form of a dish called "sushi". General preparation points. Salting and smoking fish. Recipes:
1) Sushi nigiri with rice, eel, fried sesame seeds and seaweed leaves - nori.
2) "Philadelphia" with cheese of the same name, salted salmon, fresh cucumbers.

Two options for cooking fried eel:
1) Roasting marinated fish on coals with garlic, lemon, vegetable oil and spices.
2) A Japanese recipe for eel called "unagi" with soy sauce (fish sauce), sesame oil (for spiciness), boiled rice and rice vinegar.

Eel dishes in a smokehouse. Preparation of fish, firewood and smoking apparatus. Soaking chips. Pre-salting fish with spices and drying to the required condition. Placement of eels in the smokehouse. Temperature control, smoking time. ripening and use.

A detailed description of the preparatory stages - preparing fish for smoking. Wood selection and chip soaking. What you need to know about the proper preparation of the smokehouse. Description of the process of smoking eels with cold smoke. Temperature regime, exposure time of fish in the smokehouse.

On this page, your attention is presented to the eel fish. Recipes for cooking eels and a list of recipes for dishes from other types of fish can be found in the "" section.

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Eel is a universally recognized delicacy, which can be considered a truly royal delicacy. The popularity of the eel is based on the excellent nutritional characteristics and many health benefits of the fish.

History and geography of the product

Eel is the common name for eel-like fish. (Anguilliformes), which are characterized by a long snake-like body. Its meat is considered a delicacy in Europe and Asia. The eel is known to have been an important food source for the Maori tribe. For fishing, the natives of New Zealand built dams at the exits from the lagoons. The eel was harvested in autumn when it traveled downstream to the sea to spawn. To store live individuals in the water, special pots-cages were equipped. The container could hold up to 300 fish. The cells were placed in a stream and tied to a post or tree. They fed eels in improvised cages with potatoes or other products.

Later, the Maori learned to build special shelters in the water for fish. These were dams over 4 m long, 1 m wide and 0.5 m high. From above, the pit was covered with manuka branches, the bottom of the reservoir was blocked with stones, and the top was left free. Eels gathered in a house equipped for them themselves, where they were caught.

Today, fish is an important object for fishing. The river species lives in the Baltic, Azov, Black, White, Barents and Caspian Seas, and is found on the territory of the European regions of Russia. Since 2010, freshwater eel has been included in the Red Book. Its marine counterpart is found in the North and Mediterranean Seas, near the Faroe Islands, in southern Norway, in the waters of the eastern Atlantic, being a valuable object for fishing. The American anguilla rostrata, Japanese and southern anguilla are of commercial importance.

Species and varieties

There are several varieties of fish. Nelson's classification identifies three suborders, 15 families, 141 genera, and about 738 species of Anguilliformes. Another version (according to Fishebs) recognizes the presence of 15 families, but 4 suborders. It was easier to classify the eel in antiquity. According to legend, a giant eel once scared the wives of the demigod Maui. As punishment, Maui decided to "cut" the snake in half. As a result, one half of the worm landed on the sea and turned into a conger eel, the other fell into the river and became a freshwater fish.

Let's talk about these types of Anguilliformes in more detail ...

1. swamp eel- freshwater representative of the family synbranchidae, living in the tropics. In India they are called kusia. There are two categories of fish:

marble eel (Synbranchus marmoratus) grows up to 150 cm in length.
Bombay eel (Monopterus isindicus) reaches no more than 8 cm.

2. Sea eel- found in the sea, grows up to 1.8 m. There are blind representatives of marine individuals (tuere). They do not have eyes, secrete blue mucus, individuals without a spine, grow up to 1 m in length.

The fish of the order Anguilliformes lack fins on the chest and belly, and the anal and dorsal fins are rudimentary. The eyes of the eel are small and in some cave dwellers they are located under the skin. Most species can breathe oxygen and stay on land for some time. In their way of life, they resemble amphibians.

Beneficial features

In terms of composition and nutritional characteristics, there are differences between the river eel and the marine fish species. The first type has an energy value of 100g / 184 kcal. In turn, the marine type is fatter, but less caloric - by 100g / 100 kcal. Eel meat contains fats, proteins, vitamins A, C, D, E, group B, potassium, folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium.

The Japanese value fish for a large amount of vitamin A. It helps strengthen teeth and bones, is good for vision, and ensures the integrity of the skin. Omega 3 and 6 are of particular health benefit and are essential for humans. Substances are able to prevent the development of oncology, vision problems, help the body resist the aging process of the skin.

Despite the low calorie content, the fish has a high fat content, so experts recommend it in dietary nutrition and advise using it to prevent rickets. The toxins found in the eel's blood are used as a remedy for anaphylaxis. The serum was used by Charles Robert Richet - Nobel Prize winner.

Taste qualities

Eel is very fond of gourmets for soft tender meat. The snake-shaped fish is similar in taste to salmon, however, it is slightly richer in nutritional qualities and much juicier due to the high concentration of fat.

Application in cooking

In Europe and Asia, freshwater eels are especially popular, they are loved for their rich sweet meat, which is considered a delicacy. The Japanese cook and river (unagi), and marine (anagi) individuals. There it is quite popular, but expensive food. Eels are used in Shanghai and Cantonese cuisine. In New Zealand, fish is considered a traditional staple in the diet. Germans love smoked meat. In India, eel is used in fish curry or fried dishes. In China, fish is considered a delicacy and cooked as a casserole with garlic, green onions, bamboo shoots, rice wine and soy sauce.

How can you cook eel?

Wrap in rangiora or green flax leaves and roast over charcoal.
Air dry or dry over a fire on a wire rack.
Make a mousse with smoked eel, apples and beets.
Boil soup with eel and herbs.
Bake into a pie stuffed with fish.
Make an aspic with eel and watercress sauce.
Stew with tomatoes, garlic, rice.
Marinate in vinegar with bay leaf.
Roast with black beans.
Make rolls out of it.

What goes with acne?

Spices, seasonings: bay leaf, cloves, pepper (polka dots), mustard, thyme, sage.
Sauces: soy, barbecue.
Fruits: citrus.
Vegetables: onions, garlic, capers, tomatoes.
Greens: lettuce, parsley, nori seaweed.
Cereals: rice, black beans.
Dairy products: cream.
Oil: olive, butter.
Drinks: cider, white wine, sherry.
Meat: chicken.
Seafood: shrimp, salmon.

A traveler in the East may be offered raw eel in sashimi or another dish. We advise you to refuse such a delicacy ... Fish blood contains toxic substances (neurotoxins), and if they get into food, a person can get poisoned. During heat treatment, harmful compounds are destroyed.

The eel is a real marine predator. It is a delicacy that many people enjoy. Most of us have tried this fish dried or smoked. Therefore, few people know that very tasty dishes can be prepared from eel at home. In addition to excellent taste, this fish is also very useful: it contains many vitamins and nutrients. However, the eel must be cooked properly, as its blood contains poisonous toxins that can cause poisoning. But do not be afraid, with proper heat treatment, all toxins are destroyed. Another thing you need to know: if you have to butcher an eel yourself, be very careful. If his blood gets on damaged skin, then inflammation may appear. But even this does not stop true gourmets. Next, we will share with you the recipes for the most delicious eel dishes.

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Japanese food

We all know that the Japanese are considered long-lived. This is supported by various products, including fish. These people are really very well versed in fish and can cook real culinary masterpieces from it. At the same time, they try to expose seafood to minimal heat treatment. Eel is one of the most popular foods in Japan. Most often it is used to make rolls. Therefore, we will tell you how to cook such delicious rolls at home. All products can be easily found in the supermarket.

Unagi (sugrem rolls)

To prepare such rolls, you will need the following products: 150 grice for sushi, 3 nori sheets, smoked eel, a tablespoon of sesame seeds, a tablespoon of soy sauce, green onions, wasabi and pickled ginger.

With wet hands, place the rice on the noria sheets. It should take up approximately 2/3 of the space. In the middle of the sheet, lay out strips of green onions and eel. Roll the rolls using a special zinc coating and cut them into 6-8 pieces. Drizzle each roll with soy sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving. Serve with ginger and wasabi.

European cuisine

In European cuisine, the recipe for eel pie is very popular. We will tell you how to cook it.

Take a couple of medium sized eels and skin them, don't forget to remove the fins. Then cut the fish into pieces and put them in a pan with melted butter (30 g). Add shallots, mushrooms, spices, parsley, a glass of sherry, nutmeg and a little water to the fish. Put on the fire and let it boil. After boiling, take out the fish and transfer it to the previously prepared baking dish on the puff pastry. In the liquid that you have left in the pan, add another 30 grams of butter and the same amount of flour. This will make the sauce. The sauce must be boiled until it thickens over low heat and at the end add a little lemon juice there. Pour the prepared sauce over the fish, grate the yolks of boiled eggs on top and cover the pie with puff pastry. For a browned crust, brush the top of the pie with egg yolk. Bake the cake at 180 degrees for an hour. The dish can be served both cold and hot.

Smoked eel salad

To prepare this dish you will need: 300 g of smoked eel, 2 fresh cucumbers, one Bulgarian red pepper, lettuce, sesame, soclimon, olive oil, spices to taste.

The salad is prepared very quickly and simply. Cut the eel, bell peppers and cucumbers into strips. Carelessly tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, add salt, pepper and lemon juice to the salad. Before serving, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bon appetit!

Eel in white wine

To prepare this dish, you will need the following ingredients: a kilogram of eel, a kilogram of onions, olive oil, 2 glasses of white wine, garlic (3 cloves), ghee, flour and spices to taste.

Clean the eel from the skin, entrails and bones, cut it into pieces. Fry whole onion heads in a pan and then add fish there. Salt, pepper and pour white wine over everything. As soon as the wine begins to boil, throw garlic (grated or finely chopped) into the fish. Boil everything for half an hour. Five minutes before cooking, add a spoonful of flour to the fish. Eel in white wine is ready. Before serving, the fish can be decorated with chopped egg slices.

Russian kitchen

Eel is not only a favorite delicacy abroad. We, in Russia, love him too. This means that some dishes have learned to cook from it well. The most famous dish is ear. That is why we will prepare it.

Take an eel weighing one and a half kilograms and peel it from the skin. Some do not remove the skin from the fish, but first clean it well (with salt). After that, gut it well from the inside and wipe it thoroughly with a clean cloth. Next, pour water into a saucepan and add 2 celery roots and parsley, allspice, 2 cups fresh green peas, 2 medium-sized onions. When the broth boils, throw in the fish and cook it for at least 45 minutes. Undercooked eel is very harmful. Before removing from heat, throw parsley and bay leaf in your ear. The ear is ready. Bon appetit.

fried eel

It must be borne in mind that eel is an oily fish. Therefore, you can’t eat it a lot at a time and you must definitely serve a side dish to it. Therefore, prepare mashed potatoes or porridge for fried eel in advance.

You will need an eel weighing 1 kg. Cut it lengthwise into two parts, gut all the insides well and remove the bones. Then prepare the sauce for the fish. To prepare it, you will need soy sauce, soy paste, ginger and garlic. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and put on fire. Bring the sauce to a boil. When it is ready, grease the imuger and start frying the fish. The fish must be fried over high heat until it turns a dark brown color. Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs.

Eel with horseradish

To prepare this dish, you will need: half a kilogram of eel, 100 ghren, one tablespoon of flour, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, vinegar and salt.

Lubricate the saucepan with oil and put the pre-grated horseradish there. Clean the fish from the insides, skin and bones, cut into medium pieces and put on top of the horseradish. You can lay out the fish in rows, but each row must be sprinkled with horseradish. Add salt, vinegar and water to the eel and simmer until half cooked. Then drain some of the broth from the fish and add oil and flour to it. Boil the sauce. 15 minutes before cooking the eel, add the sauce to it. Garnish with parsley or lettuce sprigs when serving. Bon appetit!

The list of various eel dishes can be continued for a long time. It can be used in recipes in place of any fish. It is hearty and delicious. But remember that eel is very oily. Therefore, it is better to eat it with a side dish. If you prepare a salad with it, then such a salad can replace the main dish. Another important point to consider when preparing dishes from this fish is that eel blood is poisonous. Therefore, avoid getting it on your hands. To make this product absolutely safe, eel should be boiled, fried or stewed for at least 45 minutes. Don't forget about it! We wish that all eel dishes turn out delicious and beautiful.
