
How to make tomato juice at home. Recipes for making tomato juice for the winter without a juicer

With regret, we have to state: today a real cult of using Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola and all kinds of harmful energy drinks is flourishing. Of course, in modern supermarkets there are also various fruit juices, but, as a rule, manufacturers add a large amount of sugar to them. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the most useful and beloved drinks among the people has long been tomato juice.

Older people remember very well the times of the socialist era, when tomato juice was everywhere: in kindergartens, schools, canteens, factory buffets, cinemas and other places of public recreation. In Soviet stores, the drink was sold in three-liter cans. At the same time, it could not only be purchased, but also tasted right on the spot. Food departments were equipped with inverted glass cones with taps, next to which there was always a glass of salt and a teaspoon. And after all, even a small queue sometimes lined up for draft tomato juice. Nevertheless, despite such an abundance of the drink sold, many people prefer, both before and today, to make homemade preparations of tomato nectar. What attracts people so much in tomato juice?

Vitamin and mineral composition

We rarely listen to our body, so most often it signals its needs at a reflex level. If a person suddenly has a desire to drink tomato juice, then this usually means that the body needs the biologically active substances present in this product. And the composition of natural organic compounds in tomato juice is very rich. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamins A, C, E, PP, H, group B, proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, citric, oxalic, malic acids. Among the extensive list of mineral components, which includes a solid part of the periodic table, it is worth highlighting the presence of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, fluorine, manganese. And given the meager amount of calories in tomatoes, the juice from this vegetable is great for fasting days. By the way, many have noticed that a drunk glass of this drink satisfies the feeling of hunger for a while. At the same time, the body receives all the natural substances it needs, which contribute to the improvement of metabolic processes. No wonder experts in healthy nutrition consider tomato juice not only an ideal dietary product, but also the most useful multivitamin drink.

Beneficial features

The special value of tomato juice for human health is due to the presence in tomatoes of a large amount of a carotenoid pigment called lycopene. It is this substance that gives the fruit its bright red color. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that opposes the aggression of free radicals, provides DNA protection and, accordingly, reduces the risk of developing cancer. Moreover, this pigment is not synthesized in the human body, therefore, it can only enter it when eating.

If we talk about the general positive impact of this red thick liquid on our body, then it is quite multifaceted:

  • The presence of potassium contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular system.
  • The presence of calcium strengthens the bones of the musculoskeletal system, which is especially beneficial for the elderly.
  • Vitamin C improves immunity, and vitamin E improves skin regeneration.
  • The dietary fiber, pectin and organic acids contained in the drink have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract: they suppress the processes of decay, prevent constipation, remove toxins and toxins from the body.
  • Tomato juice improves mood and helps relieve nervous tension, because it contains substances that stimulate the production of the "hormone of joy" serotonin.
  • Finally, diabetics can use this drink without any risk to their health.

Of course, the ideal option for preserving all the valuable qualities and amazing taste of tomato juice in full is to make hand-made preparations from home-grown fruits grown in your greenhouse. Tomatoes sold in stores are most often treated with nitrates to increase their shelf life. To prepare homemade tomato juice, it is preferable to choose fleshy juicy tomatoes. They may be overripe and even non-standard, but this is not a cause for concern. Before processing such fruits, it is enough to rinse them well and remove spoiled places. About 1 liter of juice is obtained from 1.5 kg of tomatoes.

Since the tomatoes will need to be pureed, a juicer is best suited for this purpose. Of course, you can use an ordinary meat grinder, but then later you will have to do additional work: to separate the seeds from the thick liquid mass through a sieve. However, meat grinders with special nozzles for juices are already being sold today.

You should also pay attention to the process of preparing cans. It is recommended to thoroughly rinse them with a soda solution beforehand and be sure to check for cracks. A hot jar with undetected defects will simply burst. Sterilization of jars (in boiling water or steam) takes 15 - 20 minutes. After rolling up the lids, the jars must be turned upside down (to check their leakage) and covered with a blanket for gradual cooling. It is necessary to store the finished product in cool places: on a glazed and frost-protected balcony, in a cellar, in a basement.

Well, there are a great many methods for preparing high-quality tomato juice at home, and special skill is not required. The only thing worth noting is that it is not at all necessary to use the conventional amount of salt and spices indicated in the recipes below with filigree accuracy. First of all, you should focus on personal taste preferences.

Methods for making tomato juice

1. Natural tomato juice without additives


  • ripe tomatoes.

This is the easiest recipe for making a homemade drink without the use of additional components. Tomatoes cut into pieces must be passed through a juicer, and the resulting mass put in an enamel pan. Then the juice must be brought to a boil, and then boiled over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Sterilize the jars, pour juice into them to the very top (to ensure a vacuum), roll up the lids, leave to cool, as described above.

2. Classic recipe


  • Ripe tomatoes;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sugar - to taste.

The method of preparing the traditional version of delicious tomato nectar is not much different from the previous recipe. Only additives are already used here. It should immediately be noted that for 1 kilogram of tomatoes, the recommended approximate amount of salt is 1.5 tablespoons, sugar - 1 tablespoon. Some like it saltier or sweeter, others vice versa, so it all depends on individual predispositions.

After pureeing the tomatoes in a juicer, pour the liquid mass into a saucepan, put on fire. When the first bubbles appear, indicating boiling, reduce the fire, add salt and sugar and continue cooking for 15-20 minutes, stirring and removing the foam formed during cooking. Pour hot juice into sterile jars, cork, cool, send for storage.

3. Tomato juice with fragrant aromatic taste


  • Ripe tomatoes;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs. to the bank;
  • Black pepper - 5 peas per jar.

Pour the tomatoes passed through the juicer into a saucepan. Put it on fire. After boiling, add salt and bay leaf, boil for 15 minutes. Remove the lavrushka after cooking. Pour black peppercorns into jars, pour juice, roll up lids, cool.

4. Tomato juice with sweet pepper


  • Ripe tomatoes - 10 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper (red) - 8 pcs.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 5 cloves.

Before proceeding with the process of harvesting this juice, housewives are advised to first free the tomatoes from the skin. Then they can be passed through a juicer. Using the same kitchen appliance, puree the sweet peppers, peeled from seeds and partitions, as well as the onion and garlic, cut into pieces. After their mechanical processing, a puree-like gruel will be obtained, so it is recommended to rub it through a sieve. Add the pureed vegetables to the tomato juice, boil for 15-20 minutes and complete the preparation of the homemade product using the above technology.

5. Tomato juice with celery


  • Ripe tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • Celery - 3 petioles;
  • Ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt - to taste.

Finely chop the washed celery. Put the tomato mass pureed in a juicer into an enameled container, put on a lit burner. Immediately after boiling, add celery to the juice and boil for 15 minutes over moderate heat. Cool the mass a little to a warm state and wipe through a sieve. Then add salt and pepper, let the juice boil again, after which it can be poured into jars and corked. The result is a wonderful vitamin drink, which will be especially useful in the winter.

6. Spicy Tomato Juice


  • Ripe tomatoes - 10 kg;
  • Garlic - 5 cloves;
  • Allspice - 30 peas;
  • Red ground pepper - half a teaspoon;
  • Carnation - 10 buds;
  • Ground cinnamon - 2 teaspoons;
  • ground nutmeg - 1 pinch;
  • Salt - 150 grams;
  • Sugar - 450 grams;
  • Table vinegar (9%) - 250 ml.

Prepare the tomato mass in the traditional way - using an electric juicer. Pour it into a saucepan, boil over medium heat for 20 minutes. Screw on the light, put salt and sugar in the juice, cook for another 10 minutes. Then add pepper, cloves, cinnamon, chopped garlic, nutmeg, pour in vinegar and boil the tomato nectar for another 20 minutes. The spicy drink is poured into jars, corked, cooled and sent for storage. Due to the presence of acetic acid in the product, this amazing homemade juice can be stored for quite a long time, but it is usually drunk very quickly.

7. Tomato juice with original taste


  • Ripe tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • Beetroot juice - 200 ml;
  • Apple juice - 1 liter;
  • Salt - to taste.

In this recipe, all components, except for salt, are processed by one unit - a juicer. First, tomato juice is prepared, then apple, then beetroot. If no additional use of a sieve is required, then all the juices are mixed into a homogeneous mass, which is brought to a boil. After that, salt is added. It is not necessary to cook tomato-apple-beetroot liquid for a long time, 5 minutes is enough. The final stage is standard: pouring hot juice into jars, sealing with lids, cooling, sending to the cellar.

8. Tomato juice with herbs


  • Ripe tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Basil - 1 bunch;
  • Dill - 1 bunch;
  • Oregano - 2 teaspoons;
  • Thyme - 2 teaspoons;
  • Salt, sugar - at your discretion.

The pleasant sweet and sour taste of tomatoes perfectly complements the aroma of herbs and garlic pungency. Finely chop the basil and dill, chop the garlic. Squeeze the juice from the tomatoes with the aforementioned kitchen appliance. Pour the tomato mass into an enameled container, put it on the burner, bring to a boil. Add salt, sugar, all spices and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Pour into jars, tighten the lids, cool, put in a cool place.

9. Tomato juice for a feast


  • Ripe tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • Ripe gooseberries - 500 grams;
  • Horseradish root - 100 grams;
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons.

Such a vigorous drink is great for a festive dinner, especially for making the well-known Bloody Mary cocktail. First you will need to free the gooseberries from the skin and seeds. To do this, the berries are poured with water (100 ml), put on the stove, allowed to boil, and then rubbed through a sieve. Then the peeled horseradish is rubbed on a grater (you will probably have to cry). Tomatoes are passed through a juicer, the resulting mass is brought to a boil, salt, sugar, horseradish gruel, gooseberry liquid puree are added and the whole mixture is boiled for 15 minutes. Hot juice is poured into jars, sealed with lids.

10. Tomato juice with brine


  • Ripe tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • Cucumber pickle - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - to taste.

This drink, on the contrary, perfectly tones the body and improves well-being the next morning after a festive feast. Strain the brine that remains after eating pickles through cheesecloth. Squeeze the juice from the tomatoes, combine with the brine, bring the liquid to a boil. Add sugar, let it cook for 5 minutes over low heat and can be poured into jars.

Perhaps it is difficult to find any other alternative drink that would so effectively restore the water-salt balance in the body. The popularity of tomato juice among Russians is comparable only to the commitment of Americans to orange orange. Although in fairness, it should be noted that most people do not think about the vitamins present in this drink, and when using it, they simply enjoy it.

Tomato recipes for the winter are not limited to making tomato sauce, pasta or ketchup, do you agree? Homemade tomato juice is a great way to preserve a rich harvest, as well as a delicious and healthy drink for the whole family. Today I offer a recipe for tomato juice without sterilization: everything is quite simple, fast and affordable.

Many hostesses know how to make tomato juice at home and save it for the winter, and there are many ways. For example, you can get juice from tomatoes the old fashioned way - using a meat grinder. Some people like to use a juicer, but for me personally, it is most convenient to prepare tomato juice through a juicer.

In addition, the variants of this vegetable preparation differ in composition. So, for example, you can roll up exclusively natural tomato juice without any additives. However, before drinking such a drink, I really want to at least salt it, so I advise you to season it when cooking. In addition, tomato juice is often flavored with spices and spices: allspice or black pepper, clove buds, cinnamon sticks are used ... In general, whatever your heart desires - the main thing is that you like the finished product.

A few words about tomatoes. It is clear that it is best to process those fruits that you have grown yourself or bought from a trusted seller. The amount of tomato juice directly depends on the variety, degree of maturity and juiciness of vegetables. I don’t know what kind of tomatoes I have (unfortunately, I didn’t ask my parents who are the direct sponsors of this recipe), but exactly 4 liters of homemade juice came out of 5 kilograms of fruits. If desired, it was probably possible to squeeze out even 4.5 liters, but the unbearable heat in the kitchen and fatigue did their job ...


Cooking step by step with photos:

According to this recipe, we will prepare homemade tomato juice for the winter from tomatoes with the addition of salt and sugar. It is clear that each housewife uses her own amount of salt-sugar, and I offer the layout of products that our family likes. Ready tomato juice is balanced in taste.

Wash the large tomatoes, cut the large ones into pieces, leave the small ones as they are. We pass vegetables through a juicer - we get such a heterogeneous pink juice, the amount of which depends on the juiciness of the fruits and the power of the electric assistant. Out of 5 kilograms of vegetables, I immediately got a little more than 2.5 liters of freshly squeezed tomato juice - something my juicer did not really try.

Even if you have a very powerful juicer, there is a lot of juice left in the cake, which must be obtained. To do this, rub the tomato mass in portions through a fine sieve, helping yourself with a spoon or spatula.

As a result of simple manipulations and about 15 minutes of relatively active work, I got about 1 liter 250 milliliters of thick tomato juice. If you try, you can wipe the cake almost to dryness.

We combine freshly squeezed juice (from a juicer) and the second batch, which was obtained using a sieve. I have a large 4-liter pot, which turned out to be almost full. If desired, you can use 2 pans if you are afraid that the juice will run away during cooking.

Immediately add salt (not iodized!) And granulated sugar. For 4 liters of tomato juice, I use 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of coarse salt - both without a slide, that is, under the knife. For 1 liter of juice, for example, take 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt.

We put the pan on a strong fire and, stirring, bring the tomato juice to a boil. During the cooking process, quite a lot of light foam will appear on the surface - you do not need to remove it. In general, the foam is removed so that the finished product (for example, jam) turns out to be transparent, and we have juice with pulp, so there can be no talk of transparency.

On medium heat, boil the tomato juice for about 5-6 minutes after boiling - during this time the foam will disappear by itself, and the drink will turn from pinkish to rich red. At this stage, it is advisable to taste the tomato juice and adjust it according to your preferences (add salt-sugar if necessary). It is not necessary to boil tomato juice longer - this time is enough for the pulp to boil.

Beforehand, it was necessary to sterilize the dishes - I do this in the microwave, but you can use any method convenient for you (in the oven or on the stove). Thoroughly wash the cans with soda or detergent, then rinse in cold water and pour about 100 milliliters of water into the bottom of each. We put it in the microwave and steam it on the highest power. Since I never make blanks in bulk containers (I don’t like it when an open product stays in the refrigerator for more than 1-2 days), I roll up tomato juice in liter jars. I steam 4 pieces at once in the microwave for 10-11 minutes. I just wash the lids, put them in a saucepan, pour water (to completely cover the lids) and boil for about 5 minutes. Pour boiling tomato juice into prepared jars, not reaching the edge of the dishes a couple of centimeters.

Seal the jars with lids immediately. You can use both simple tins (rolled up with a key) and screw ones (they just twist). By the way, in recent years I have not closed the workpieces with screw caps: my husband does this, since I simply do not have enough strength and the caps do not twist tightly. Girls, if you have the same problem, always ask for help from your strong half! And one more thing: never reuse screw caps, even if they look like new, as this is fraught with damage to the precious workpiece.

Natural tomato juice is an incomparably tasty and incredibly healthy drink. It is recommended to use it regularly for people who have problems with nerves, heart, intestines. Ladies who want to lose a couple or even twenty kilograms adore this juice: a natural tomato drink restores metabolic processes.

This is, of course, not about shop surrogates. Only homemade natural juice will bring health benefits. By the way, if you ideally follow the technology of cooking tomato juice for the winter at home, then for two years it will retain not only its amazing taste, but also all its healing properties.

Tomato juice for the winter at home - general principles of preparation

To successfully prepare the perfect tomato juice for the winter at home, you need slightly overripe, juicy, fleshy tomatoes. One liter of juice will take one and a half kilograms of fresh fruit. They need to be pureed in any way: twist in a meat grinder through a special nozzle for juices, use a real juicer, rub the tomatoes through a sieve.

You can add herbs, seasonings, spices, vegetables and even fruits to the tomato base, or you can spin the juice absolutely without any additives, even without salt. As additional components, onions, fresh garlic, red bell pepper, celery, beets, apples, and various spices are most often used.

The variety doesn't really matter. It is best to make juice from non-standard, huge tomatoes that are not suitable for pickling due to size and structural defects. Preparation includes washing, removing spoiled places and stalk, cutting into pieces. The juicer gives out a ready-made, completely seed-free product. It is very comfortable. If you twist the tomatoes in a meat grinder without a nozzle, you will have to separate the seeds manually using a fine sieve. An unrealistically difficult task if you need to sell a large number of tomatoes.

The amount of sugar and salt indicated in the recipes should not be taken as the ultimate truth. Each hostess should be guided by her taste. No need to be afraid to try the juice not only for sugar and salt. The sharpness and degree of spice of the drink can also be varied based on personal preferences.

Preparing cans is a very important step in making tomato juice for the winter at home. Not only that, they must be washed with soda and properly sterilized. It is important not to overlook the slightest crack. If a jar filled with boiling or just hot juice cracks in your hands, you can get seriously injured.

For sterilization of jars, not only the grandmother's method of an aluminum mug on a pot of boiling water is suitable. You can sterilize the container on the grate of a pressure cooker or in an oven heated to 150 degrees. Liter jars are sterilized for fifteen minutes, two-liter jars for twenty minutes. It is impossible to get the container out of the oven with wet hands: the jar will burst, unable to withstand the temperature drop!

You need to cool the corked jars under a warm thick blanket or blanket, turning the neck down. If the juice leaks, the cap must be replaced. Only completely cooled blanks can be turned over and put away for storage. Juice should be stored in the cold: cellar, insulated balcony, basement.

Tomato juice for the winter at home "Natural"

The easiest way to make wonderful, natural, sweet tomato juice for the winter at home is to use no additional ingredients at all.


Ripe tomatoes;


Cooking method:

Take tomatoes that are slightly overripe, those varieties that have almost no seeds. If you have a juicer, it doesn't matter what kind of tomato you use.

Puree tomatoes in a meat grinder with a special nozzle or juicer.

The resulting juice is carefully poured into a suitable container, preferably enameled. A wide saucepan and a large bucket will do.

Bring the juice to a boil for a few minutes over high heat.

Then reduce the heat to medium and cook for twenty minutes. Be sure to stir otherwise it will burn.

Prepare banks in any way. Boil or sterilize the lids together with the jars.

Pour the juice still boiling into jars and cork.

Cool as described above.

Tomato juice for the winter at home "Traditional"

If you want to prepare a salty tasty juice, then you need to add salt to the tomato base during cooking and add a little bit of sugar. It is not at all difficult to cook such a traditional tomato juice for the winter at home, and the result is excellent.


Ripe red tomatoes;

So much salt that the hostess liked or a little less (you can add salt when using);

You can add sugar at the rate of one and a half tablespoons per liter of the finished drink.

Cooking method:

Puree tomatoes in any way.

Pour sugar into the tomato base, salt a little (be sure to try, if necessary, add salt).

On a medium burner, bring the tomato mass to the first signs of boiling.

When the first bubbles appear, reduce the fire, continue cooking for another twenty minutes.

Pour into jars immediately and seal.

Properly cool and send in the cold for long-term preservation.

Tomato juice for the winter at home "Spicy"

Fans of spicy aromas will definitely like a spicy tomato drink. To brew tomato juice for the winter at home, you will have to stock up not only on tomatoes, but also on cloves, nutmeg, allspice, and cinnamon. The addition of acetic acid allows the drink to be stored for quite a long time. The number of listed ingredients is quite large. In order to brew a smaller amount of drink, you need to proportionally reduce the number of components.


Eleven kilograms of tomatoes;

Six hundred grams of sugar;

180 grams of salt;

A tablespoon of acetic acid or 280 ml of table vinegar;

Five cloves of garlic;

Thirty peas of allspice;

ten carnations;

A little chili powder;

Three tablespoons of ground cinnamon;

Ground nutmeg on the tip of a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

Quickly prepare the tomato base by running the tomatoes through a juicer.

The skin and seeds should not be in the juice.

Pour the base into a large enamel pot or bucket.

Turn on medium heat, wait until it boils and cook for half an hour.

Boil the juice over low heat for ten minutes.

Put garlic, spices in a saucepan, pour in vinegar.

Boil everything together for twenty minutes.

Pour into prepared jars, seal and set aside.

Tomato juice at home "Fragrant"

Bay leaf gives the tomato drink a wonderful, languid spicy aroma. This tomato juice for the winter at home is also very easy to prepare.


Ripe tomatoes;

Black peppercorns to taste;

Two or three bay leaves per jar;

A little salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Puree the tomatoes in a juicer.

Pour the mixture into a bowl or bucket.

Wait until it boils and boil for fifteen minutes.

Add ground pepper, parsley, a little salt.

Immediately pour into dry prepared jars, immediately cork, cool properly.

Send for storage in a cool dark pantry.

Tomato juice for the winter at home "Fragrant"

Wonderful tomato juice for the winter at home can even be cooked with bell pepper. It turns out surprisingly tasty and fragrant drink.


A bucket of tomatoes (ten kilograms);

Three cloves of garlic (you can take more);

Three Bulgarian red peppers;

Medium bulb.

Cooking method:

Remove the skin from the tomatoes. To do this, cut it crosswise at the stem, dip it in boiling water for half a minute. Immerse immediately in cool, clean water. From the temperature difference, the peel is freely removed.

Pepper free from hard seeds and fibrous partitions, cut.

Cut the husk from the onion and garlic, optionally chop.

Purée all vegetables in order.

Rub the resulting puree through a metal sieve.

Pour the pureed mass into a bucket or pan, wait for it to boil.

Boil the juice for ten minutes.

Pour carefully and seal immediately.

Tomato juice for the winter at home "Vitamin"

Gorgeous, fragrant, fresh tomato juice for the winter at home is cooked with celery. Vitamin drink will turn out tasty, fragrant, healthy.


A kilogram of ripe tomatoes;

Three stalks of celery;

a tablespoon of salt;

Black pepper.

Cooking method:

Puree the tomatoes.

Finely chop the washed celery.

Pour the tomato base into a metal container for cooking, wait for it to boil.

As soon as the juice boils, put the celery.

Wait until it boils again, boil for ten minutes.

Wipe the cooled mass in a sieve or puree again in a blender bowl.

Let it boil again and immediately pour into sterile jars.

Seal carefully and chill.

Tomato juice for the winter at home "Autumn Day"

Gorgeous, unusual tomato juice for the winter at home is easy to make from a small amount of yellow tomatoes. Their delicate fresh taste does not need to be interrupted by spices. Salt and sugar are added to taste.


yellow tomatoes;

Cooking method:

Puree yellow tomatoes in a juicer.

Get rid of the seeds if there is no juicer.

Pour into a metal enameled container for cooking.

Wait until it boils and boil for fifteen minutes.

Remove the foam, stir the juice.

Salt to taste.

If desired, add a little sugar.

Pour hot juice into dry sterilized jars, cork.

Tomato juice for the winter at home "Original"

Tomato juice can be cooked deliciously and quickly according to an original, unusual recipe: with apple and beetroot juice. Very rich taste and just a storehouse of vitamins!


Two kilograms of tomatoes;

Two hundred ml of fresh food beet juice;

A liter of juice from fresh apples;

Cooking method:

Blanch ripe whole tomatoes in boiling water for three minutes.

Cut into pieces, wipe thoroughly with a fine sieve.

If you have a juicer, use it.

Pour beet and apple juices into the tomato base.

Bring to a boil and boil for two minutes.

Pour into jars, cork, cool.

Tomato juice for the winter at home "Basil freshness"

Another fragrant version of tomato juice for the winter at home is easy to cook with the addition of a fluffy bunch of fresh fragrant basil. Fans of basil freshness will love this drink.


Five kilograms of overripe tomatoes;

A tablespoon without a slide of salt;

One teaspoon of sugar;

Bunch of basil.

Cooking method:

Puree the ripe tomatoes cut into pieces with a juicer.

Pour the tomato base into a bowl for cooking.

Wait for the boil

Put finely chopped basil (or dried herb) into a bucket or pan.

Boil the juice for twenty minutes.

Pour immediately into sterilized jars and seal.

Properly cool under a blanket, remove in a day in the cold.

Tomato juice for the winter at home with dill and bell pepper

The last recipe will delight lovers of dill freshness and the delicate aroma of bell pepper. Tomato juice is deliciously spicy.


Ten kilograms of tomatoes;

Half a kilo of Bulgarian red peppers;

A generous bunch of dill with umbrellas;

Sugar and salt.

Cooking method:

Puree ripe juicy tomatoes in a juicer or wipe so that no seeds remain.

Cut out the inner part of the pepper with seeds and partitions.

Puree the peppers in the same way as the tomatoes.

Pour both masses into a saucepan for cooking.

Wait until it boils, put dill, sugar, salt.

Boil the juice for forty minutes.

Pour into dry prepared containers.

Cork and chill.

Keep cold.

Tomato juice for the winter at home - tricks and tips

  • If the kitchen does not have a separate juicer, you can simply grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder. Then rub the mass through a metal sieve to get rid of the seeds.
  • Tomato juice is useful for people suffering from chronic constipation. The substances that make up the drink normalize the processes of digestion.
  • Natural juice from tomatoes is very useful for smokers. It prevents emphysema. Drinking a glass of tomato juice immediately after a cigarette helps to minimize the harm done to health.
  • It is useful to take the juice of their tomatoes, prepared at home, to increase the speed of metabolic processes. This will make it easier to get rid of excess weight. In addition, tomato juice contains natural organic acids: tartaric, malic, oxalic, citric. The richest organic composition of this drink is amazing. Tomato juice can become a natural diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, choleretic agent.
  • If the tomato juice exfoliates during storage, it's not scary. This pulp settled to the bottom of the container. To restore the normal consistency, you just need to shake the jar.

The calendar says that the autumn time has come, but it seems that autumn is in no hurry to come into its own, giving way to the last warm days of summer. Over the summer, we managed to make a lot of preparations from seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries, and tomatoes were no exception. And now the orderly rows of jars with pickles and tomato marinades are pleasing to the eye, but now the preparations have been made, even autumn has come, and the tomatoes still won’t end. And it seems that we are proud of ourselves for the fact that we have such a rich harvest, but we also have to think about where to put the surplus. Culinary Eden offers to make tomato juice for the winter! When it comes to tomato juice, it becomes clear that there are never too many tomatoes.

Try to prepare tomato juice for the winter according to the recipes below. The taste and benefits of this product are undeniable, with proper storage, all the beneficial properties of fresh tomatoes are preserved in tomato juice for two years! But winter is the time of the year when we especially need vitamins. Instead of vitamins in tablets and vegetables of dubious freshness, you can drink a glass of thick, fragrant, fresh tomato juice every day. Choose a recipe for tomato juice for the winter, add your favorite spices and make a delicious and healthy drink with your own hands!

Tomato juice for the winter from yellow tomatoes

1.5 kg of yellow tomatoes per 1 liter of juice,
sugar optional,
salt as desired.

Prepare the tomatoes, wash them thoroughly, sort them out so that there are no spoiled fruits, cut off all ugly parts. Pass the prepared tomatoes through a juicer. If you don’t have a juicer, but you really want to make tomato juice for the winter, then pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, and wipe the resulting tomato mass through a metal sieve. Pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the tomato juice for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam. Pour the finished juice into sterile jars, before seaming, you can add salt and sugar to taste, or you can close it and add salt and sugar immediately before use. Roll up the jars with sterile lids, put the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

Tomato juice with basil

4-5 kg ​​slightly overripe red tomatoes,

Prepare the tomatoes, wash them, remove the stalks and cut the fruits into pieces. Put the cut tomatoes into a juicer, if not, then pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, and then wipe the resulting mass through a sieve. Fragrant juice is ready, it remains only to make it suitable for storage. Pour the juice into an enamel pan, put on fire and boil the juice for 20 minutes. At this time, sterilize the jars over the steam, and boil the lids. Add 1 tbsp to juice. salt and 1 tsp. sugar, lay out a few sprigs of basil. If fresh basil is not available, feel free to substitute dried basil. Pour the finished juice into hot sterile jars, immediately roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely, store the finished juice in a cool place.

Tomato juice with garlic

11 kg red tomatoes,
450-700 gr. sugar (to taste)
175 gr. salt,
1 tbsp vinegar essence or 275 gr. 9% vinegar,
a few cloves of garlic
30 peas of allspice,
½ tsp ground red pepper,
6-10 cloves,
3.5 tsp cinnamon,
nutmeg on the tip of a knife.

Wash the tomatoes, peel the stalks and cut into several pieces. Run the tomatoes through a juicer to get pure tomato juice without the skin or seeds. Pour the prepared tomato juice into an enameled saucepan, put on fire and cook for 30 minutes, then reduce the heat, while the juice should continue to boil. Add salt, sugar, cook for another 5-10 minutes, then add garlic, vinegar and spices. Boil for another 10-20 minutes, then pour the juice into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

Tomato juice with pulp


1.2 kg of tomatoes,
2 tsp salt.

Tomato juice for the winter, prepared according to this recipe, does not need to be boiled, but it needs sterilization. To make juice with pulp, ripe tomatoes are needed. Wash them thoroughly, put them in a colander and put them in a pot of boiling water for 1-2 minutes. After that, take out the tomatoes and dip them in a pot of cold water, also for 1-2 minutes. Now you can easily remove the skin from the tomatoes, which is what needs to be done. Peeled tomatoes, using a wooden pusher, rub through a colander or sieve into an enamel or glass dish. Filter the juice through cheesecloth folded in several layers, add salt. Wash juice jars well and sterilize. Pour the juice into jars, cover with boiled metal lids and sterilize the juice jars. Sterilization time varies depending on the volume of the jar, the larger the volume, the longer it will take to sterilize. Roll up hot jars with lids and turn upside down until completely cool.

Tomato juice with bell pepper

1 bucket of tomatoes
3 pcs. bell pepper,
3 cloves of garlic
1 head of onion.

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and put them in a pot of boiling water for 1-2 minutes. After that, take out the tomatoes and dip them in a pot of cold water for 1-2 minutes, and then remove the skin from them. Wash and de-seed bell peppers, peel garlic and onions. Cut all the vegetables into slices and pass everything through a juicer, if there is no juicer, you can pass everything through a meat grinder and rub through a metal sieve. Pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the juice for 10 minutes, then immediately pour into sterile jars and roll up the lids. Add salt to taste before drinking.

Tomato juice with dill

10 kg of tomatoes,
1/2 kg bell pepper
1 bunch of dill with an umbrella,


To prepare this tomato juice for the winter, you will need fresh, ripe, juicy tomatoes, in no case should you use cracked or rotten vegetables. Wash the tomatoes and peppers well, remove the seeds from the peppers. Pass the tomatoes and peppers through a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan and put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 30-40 minutes. As soon as the juice boils, throw a sprig of dill into it, add salt and sugar to taste. Pour the finished juice into clean, dry jars, close the lids and turn the jars upside down until they cool completely. Keep this juice in a cool place.

Tomato juice with vinegar

1 kg slightly overripe well-colored tomatoes,
½ st. 8% vinegar,
1 tbsp Sahara,
½ tsp salt.


Wash the tomatoes well and cut into pieces. Rub the resulting pieces through a fine sieve or pass through a juicer. Filter tomato juice through gauze folded in several layers. Add vinegar, sugar and salt to the resulting juice. Pour the juice into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil, immediately pour into well-heated glass jars, close the lid and sterilize for at least 10-15 minutes. Then refrigerate the jars and store them in a cool place.

Tomato juice with bay leaf

14 kg slightly overripe tomatoes,
2-3 sweet peppers
2-3 bay leaves,
5-6 cloves,
5-6 black peppercorns

Wash the tomatoes, cut into large pieces, wash the pepper and remove the seeds. Squeeze everything out with a juicer. Pour the resulting tomato juice into an enamel pan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Add spices and salt. Cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes, then pour into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

Tomato juice with celery

1 kg of tomatoes,
3 celery stalks,
1 tsp black ground pepper,
1 tbsp salt.

The preparation of this tomato juice for the winter should begin with the preparation of the jar and lid. Wash the jar thoroughly, pour over boiling water and turn it upside down on a clean, dry towel. Boil the lid for a few minutes. Wash the tomatoes well, cut into slices and pass through a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Wash the celery, cut into small pieces, add to the tomato juice and bring to a boil again. Then wipe the resulting mass through a sieve, boil again, pour the juice into a jar and roll up the lid.

2 kg fresh ripe tomatoes,
1 l. homemade apple juice
200 gr. beet juice,

Wash the tomatoes well and pour over with boiling water. Then cut the tomatoes into slices and rub through a sieve or squeeze the juice with a juicer. Add apple and beetroot juice to the resulting tomato mass, bring the mixture to a boil. At this time, prepare sterile jars and lids. Boiling pour the juice into jars, roll up the lids.


Wash the tomatoes well, fill them with cold water so that the water completely covers the tomatoes. Simmer over low heat until the tomatoes soften. Then wipe the soft boiled tomatoes through a fine sieve, and boil the resulting juice by a third. Prepare sterile jars. Pour boiling juice into prepared jars, roll up the lid and, after cooling, put it in a cool place. This juice can be stored for several years. Add salt to taste before drinking.

From juicy, fresh, ripe tomatoes, a fragrant, thick juice with a rich taste is obtained. No store-bought tomato juice compares to homemade juice. Pretty simple recipes, a little patience and time, and you will be provided with delicious, appetizing and healthy tomato juice for a whole year!

Hello, dear readers of the site!

Autumn is in the yard, and preparations for the winter continue. Today we’ll talk about how to make tomato juice at home and roll it into jars.

Not every year, but we have seasons when tomatoes delight with their harvest in the garden, sometimes such “happiness” rolls in, you don’t know what to do with - and whole, and we’ll do it, but the tomatoes are all the same in all corners in the kitchen. True, there remain those that are not suitable for jars - spoiled, too large, or ugly in shape, which are like a suitcase without a handle: it’s a pity to throw it away and it’s hard to carry.

The way out, friends, is very simple - make tomato juice for the winter. But in Spain they don’t bother about this, they bring the harvest annually to one place, the city of Bunol, and arrange whole tomato battles. People throw tomatoes at each other until they themselves are covered with a layer of ketchup, this is entertainment, 120 tons are thrown away per day! I wonder if the janitors there have fun ...

Tomato juice recipe

Let's get started: wash the tomatoes, sort them out, cut out the damaged places so that no byaka slips through.

We take out a juicer, if you don’t have one, read to the end, then there will be a recipe without a juicer. We have such a simple but reliable cast-iron crusher - you can crush juice, chop nuts, and defend yourself from robbers - a universal tool!

We pass the tomatoes through the juicer, before that, large ones must be cut into pieces.

Pour the juice into an enameled or metal pan. We put the pan on the fire and bring the juice to a boil. Boil for 15 minutes, stir occasionally, remove the foam.

We sterilize the required number of cans, this can be done or like this

(the water in the pan boils, the steam sterilizes the jar for 10-15 minutes), or there are several more ways. Boil jar lids in water for 5 minutes and dry.

Before seaming, you can add salt and sugar to tomato juice to taste, or you can just close it and add salt before use. Choose the way you like.

Pour boiling juice into a hot sterilized jar,

immediately roll up, turn over on the lid, cover with a blanket until it cools completely. If the sterilized empty jar has cooled down, it is better to put a wooden spoon in it and let a trickle of juice over the spoon, it is less likely that the jar will burst.

And now about how to make tomato juice for the winter, if you do not have a juicer. The recipe is the same, the methods are different. You can simply pass the tomatoes through a conventional meat grinder, and then wipe the resulting mass through a metal sieve. What to do next - you already know.

My parents live in the village, so they do it in a village way: they fill a couple of cast-iron pots with chopped tomatoes - and into a heated Russian stove for an hour or more. Tomatoes become a steamed soft mass.

This mass is also rubbed through a fine wire sieve,

in terms of the amount of waste, this method is the most effective - only seeds and peel remain. There is much more waste from the juicer.

What I want to say is that in the city you can also do this, replace the cast iron with a saucepan, and the stove with an oven.

In a village with gas, there is a strain (the pipes have not reached it yet, they promised in 50 years, maybe they will lay it), they also do not want to carry in cylinders. The old people built a stove in the yard, the juice is again in a cast iron pot - and they boil on a fire, and it also turns out with smoke.

For today I will wrap up, friends, if you liked the recipe for making tomato juice, share it with your friends, leave feedback. I promise a lot of interesting things ahead, subscribe to blog updates, and this interesting thing will not pass you by.

All the best and see you soon!

Finished off with a delicious tomato salad.
