
How to cook dried pitted apricots at home. Dried apricots harm and benefit and harm

Hello dear readers. We all look forward to summer to enjoy the juicy fruits that nature itself gives us. But, unfortunately, the season passes, and with it fresh fruits disappear, so you have to be content with only conservation. And the “apricot season” passes especially quickly, because these sunny fruits both ripen suddenly and disappear. These fruits are perishable, because of their water content, so you may not have time to eat enough of them at all. Yes, and the point here is not at all a matter of taste, although many will probably disagree with this statement, but the main role is played by the vitamins contained in the fruits. During the preparation of preservation, all the necessary vitamins will be lost due to the heat treatment that the fruits are susceptible to. The question arises of how to eat an apricot all year round, and at the same time saturate your body with the vitamins it contains? The answer is simple - dry the apricot.

The secret of dried apricot fruits is in a special drying technology. Of course, if you just spread the apricot slices in the sun, as our grandmothers did, you are unlikely to want to eat these "stone" pieces of drying.

Therefore, we will determine how exactly the fruits are dried, and what useful properties the finished product has. We will also find out exactly how such dried fruits can harm, and to whom their use is strictly prohibited.

Dried apricot - the benefits, how is it useful?

Everyone remembers this wonderful aroma of fresh apricot, which beckons, "feeding" on the sun's rays.

But, in addition to taste, such a fruit is of great benefit to the body in the form of vitamins and trace elements that it contains.

Such a sunny fruit energizes and gives strength even after a hard day's work. Thanks to the ability to eat dried apricots at any time of the year, we can maintain our immunity even in winter.

The so-called "dried apricots" will serve as a nutritious snack even for girls who watch their figure, despite the fact that dried apricots are considered sweet.

The energy value per 100 g of such dried fruit is only 44 kcal.

Therefore, you can safely eat a dozen sweet slices at a time, without fear of getting better. Interestingly, despite their low calorie content, they provide a lot of energy, and now we will figure out why.

The thing is that the components of this product are easily digestible carbohydrates, which are divided into fructose and sucrose.

Thanks to this, the feeling of satiety comes quickly enough, which allows you to satisfy a sudden attack of hunger.

Saturation has occurred, which means that lethargy against the background of hunger is quickly replaced by cheerfulness and energy.

Thus, the metabolism is accelerated, which means that toxins are removed from the body at the right time.

People suffering from constipation, in order to maintain normal bowel function, can consume a handful of such dried fruits at least once a day, and the result will not be long in coming.

And now let's get acquainted with the useful elements that are contained in dried apricots, and also determine how exactly they act on certain body systems:

  1. The combination of potassium and magnesium supports normal blood circulation by strengthening the walls of blood vessels, as well as developing their flexibility. In sum, these two elements have a thinning effect, due to which the density of the blood decreases, which means that the likelihood of blood clots is reduced. If blood circulation is carried out without disturbances, then the heart muscle works without failures, which increases its service life. Therefore, people who have problems with the cardiovascular system should eat apricots in any form, preferably all year round.
  1. The combination of iron and iodine makes it possible to establish the operation of individual systems. Iron contributes to the formation of a sufficient number of blood cells, which will help in the fight against anemia. But iodine, as you know, will be useful in certain diseases of the thyroid gland. Of course, it all depends on the type of disease, because with an excess of iodine in the body, such a fruit should be excluded altogether.
  1. Due to the high content of beta-carotene, apricot fruits have antioxidant properties. Everyone has heard about it, but no one knows exactly how it works. This element is able to protect the body from cancer by preventing the transformation of healthy cells into malignant ones. Naturally, one dose of apricots is not enough here, so it is better to use it daily, but in small portions, taking breaks from time to time. If the cells remain healthy, then they are replenished with all the necessary elements to maintain this state. Thus, the aging process of the body is significantly slowed down.
  1. Well, where without vitamin C? It is present in the composition of any fruit, the only question is its percentage. We can determine how rich a fruit is in such a vitamin by taste. Accordingly, the more acidic the fruit, the more ascorbic acid it contains. In fact, it is responsible for many functions of the body, but it also provides the greatest benefit to our immune system. Therefore, if you do not want to get sick in winter, then eat dried apricots even when there is a snowstorm outside the window.
  1. Vitamin E promotes vasodilation and regulates the work of our nervous system. It is also the main regenerating agent of body tissues, which means that thanks to this vitamin, body cells are gradually renewed.

As for contraindications, the most important issue is the high sugar content. Like all dried fruits, dried apricots are considered sweet.

Why is there so much sucrose in it? The fact is that during the drying process, most of the moisture disappears, which means that the percentage of liquid and sucrose changes. This is why dried apricots seem so much sweeter than fresh ones.

So, with diabetes, it is forbidden to use even fresh apricots, not to mention dried apricots. Since this can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, which can lead to undesirable consequences.

Therefore, if the acidity of your stomach is increased, or you suffer from pancreatitis, then apricot will definitely not bring you any benefit.

Secrets of drying apricot fruits and their types

Remember how our grandmothers prepared preservation from intact fruits, and sent the broken ones to dry.

And this drying is far from the one we are used to seeing on store shelves. The fruits “dry” in the scorching sun so much that it was impossible to bite them simply, since there was absolutely no moisture left in them.

Such a product could only go to the preparation of winter compote from different types of drying. But what's the use?

Now, specialists have developed drying equipment, the work of which is aimed at preserving a certain percentage of moisture and nutrients that were previously lost due to improper technology.

Of course, if moisture remains in any organic matter, it may soon deteriorate.

Therefore, one cannot do without special substances that are aimed at extending the shelf life of the product. They do not carry any harm to the body, but only help drying not to deteriorate ahead of time.

Types of dried apricots that have some external differences:

kaisa - this name was given to a whole fruit, the bone of which is previously removed;

dried apricots - this word is probably on everyone's lips, since this particular species is the most popular in our region; these are the same apricot fruits, only divided into halves;

dried apricots - not every variety of apricot is suitable for this type of drying, because it is a whole fruit, inside of which there is a stone; as you know, some bones are unsafe for human health;

The drying process itself is not complicated, since it is practically not controlled by a person. But as for the stage of harvesting, and its careful selection, then all the strength and attention of a person will be required.

Only ripe fruits are selected, without any damage, to prevent the spread of rot to healthy fruits.

Let's consider the type of dried apricot that is familiar to us - dried apricots. In order to obtain a quality product, each fruit must be divided into two parts, along a visible "seam" that runs along the fruit.

The stone is removed, and the finished slices are dipped in boiling water for just a few minutes. In such a short time, they do not even have time to boil, which means that all useful substances are preserved. This is done to eliminate microbes, due to which the finished dried apricots can deteriorate.

We proceed directly to the drying of the fruits, which are pre-connected and laid out manually on a special surface.

All this is placed in a thermostat, where the fruits are blown with warm air waves, due to which they are dried.

This is how they keep their softness. “Preparing” dried apricots for a maximum of 10 days, as a result of which the fruits “dry out” five times.

Some manufacturers, in order to extend the shelf life of dried apricots, treat the fruits with harmful chemicals. Causes poisoning, which will provide you with a long pastime in a hospital bed. To distinguish a low-quality product is quite simple - by color.

If dried apricots have a bright orange hue, then you can not even doubt that it was treated with a special solution. But the natural product has a natural light yellow color.

The benefits of "golden" dried fruit

Surprisingly, dried fruit has a lot of advantages over fresh juicy fruit. The thing is that the concentration of useful substances in 100 g of dried product exceeds the usefulness of fresh apricot by several times.

Excess moisture is removed, which means that the weight of the fetus is reduced, so only valuable elements remain.

Due to the fact that the water is removed, we can eat a lot more dried apricots than a fresh product, so the calorie content of dried apricots increases - 232 kcal per 100 g.

Healing properties of dried apricots

During the day, a person can eat no more than 150 g of dried apricot. It is in this quantity that all the necessary vitamins and microelements enter the body in sufficient volume.

Such dried fruits can act both as a medicine and as a prophylactic for such diseases:

  1. Any degree of disturbance of the digestive system.
  2. Failures in the work of the heart, as well as deviations in blood circulation.
  3. Incomplete kidney function, in which urea is not excreted from the body.
  4. Anemia.
  5. Lack of vitamin reserves in the body, which weakens the immune system.
  6. Constipation, as a result of which toxins are not excreted, which is why the body is sent; it can even lead to allergies.

If you use dried apricots daily, then the risk of stroke is minimized. Such a product strengthens blood vessels and thins the blood, so that the heart works without failures.

Healing recipes using dried apricots

For these recipes, you can use any kind of dried apricot that you like.

But it should be remembered that if you still bought bright orange dried apricots, then it is better to soak it in boiling water for about 15 minutes. During this time, most of the harmful substances will be eliminated.

So, let's go directly to the recipes, each of which is aimed at solving a specific problem.

  1. Development of vascular flexibility. It will take 5 units of dried apricots, rose hips and hawthorn, each of which needs only a tablespoon. Our mixture is poured with boiling water, and left to infuse for 10 hours. Take before meals three times a day. The course is two weeks.
  1. Strengthening the heart muscle. We take 200 g of dried apricots, about 20 g of raisins, the same amount of honey, and walnuts (about 50 g), this whole mixture is seasoned with the juice of one lemon. All ingredients are ground, after which honey and lemon juice are added. We take 2 spoons once a day.
  1. Relief from constipation. You will need an equal amount of raisins and dried apricots - 200 g, but walnuts and flaxseeds - only 100 g each, hay grass and half a liter of honey will also come in handy. All components are crushed. Use this yummy also a tablespoon before breakfast.
  1. Producing the right amount of blood cells, strengthening immunity. You will need a variety of dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs, rose hips. All this is soaked in water for eight hours. Pass through a meat grinder, and take the finished mixture up to four times a tablespoon.
  1. Strengthening the vessels of the eyes. Probably the easiest recipe, but that doesn't make it any less effective. Dried apricots are taken and poured with boiling water, infused for about three hours.
  1. Kidney cleansing. It will take 10 units of dried apricots, which must be poured with a liter of boiling water. This infusion is taken daily in 100 ml. before breakfast. Fruits also need to be gradually eaten, one slice per day is enough.

You can even cook fragrant dried apricot compote, which will take about 300 g, and about 2.5 liters of water, which will be filled with the aroma of dried fruit.

Instead of sugar, it is better to add a few tablespoons of honey, so it will be much healthier.

Apricot kernel - benefits and harms

Surely everyone in childhood was waiting for apricot pits to dry in the sun in order to get delicious grains from there, which are very similar to almonds.

Such kernels can be an exquisite addition to many dishes due to their unusual taste.

Such a product is considered to be quite high-calorie, because, in all respects, it can be considered a nut.

After all, it has an oily structure, which gives more calories. So, the energy value of such an “apricot nut” is 502 kcal.

The oil of this kernel has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. It also helps lower blood cholesterol, and normalizes the nervous system. It brings a separate benefit to the heart muscle, strengthening it.

Thanks to benzaldehyde, which is present in the core, using such a product, you can get rid of the excruciating pains of gout, arthritis and arthrosis.

Therefore, if you eat several of these “seeds” a day, then you can completely get rid of such painful sensations.

Recipes using apricot kernels

Regular use of such drugs cures certain diseases:

  1. Arrhythmia. Grind apricot kernels, grind lemons, and add honey. This mixture is taken in a tablespoon half an hour before breakfast. We repeat this procedure every day for two weeks.
  1. Cough. We fry a quarter of a kilogram of kernels, fill it with water and boil for about an hour, after which we add the same amount of walnuts. You need to wait until all the liquid has evaporated. Take on an empty stomach twice a day for a teaspoon.
  1. Pneumonia. The kernels should be ground into a powder, after which it must be dissolved in warm milk. This cocktail is taken twice a day.

So, we got acquainted with the benefits of dried apricot fruit, as well as the technology for its production. Identified diseases in which it is better not to use such sweetness.

A list of recipes has been proposed that can help with certain diseases. So, now dried apricot is not just a delicious fruit, but also a medicine for getting rid of many diseases.

Spring warmth, spring mood is joy and positive emotions. But along with spring, seasonal problems also come: beriberi, exacerbation of chronic diseases, failure of biological rhythms, fatigue.

To help our body cope with these problems, we need to make adjustments to our diet. For example, nutritionists insist on increasing the amount of dried fruits in the daily diet: apples, figs, apricots, pears or plums.

All these fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, but dried apricots are considered the most useful. It is about them that we will talk in this article.

ancient apricot culture

Not everyone knows that this fruit has come a long way in more than one thousand years, in order, in the end, to be on our table. Its wild varieties still grow today in the homeland of the apricot - in the Tien Shan mountains, and the cultivated plant from Central Asia came to Iran, then to Ancient Greece and Rome.

The Byzantines considered it a healing, rejuvenating agent, the Asians were sure that the fruits and juice of apricot prolong life. The miracle fruit was appreciated in Europe, and from the middle of the 17th century - in Russia.

Amazing Fact: representatives of the Hunza tribe (Pakistan) eat mainly apricots all year round. They practically do not get sick, and live on average almost 120 years.

Different kinds

These dried fruits are known to us under several names, so it makes sense to clarify them. The most popular name is dried apricots.

These are apricots cut in half and dried without pitting. Dried apricots can always be recognized on the shelves by the bright, sunny color of the fruit, although this brightness is deceptive and has a chemical origin.

To get such beauty, apricots are pre-treated with sulfur dioxide, and then dried in special cabinets or ovens. But the nondescript, at first glance, gray-brown dried apricots are dried naturally, so they are not so beautiful, but they bring more benefits.

Another type of dried pitted apricot is called kaisa. Before drying, the fruit is not divided into halves, slightly dried, and then the stone is squeezed out through a small hole at the stem and the kaisa is dried.

Apricot is a favorite type of dried fruit of all the inhabitants of Central Asia. They believe that only it contains the whole palette of useful substances, because apricots are obtained as a result of natural drying, without removing the stone. Ripe apricots are simply left on the trees until they are completely dehydrated, and then plucked.

Beneficial features

What properties have earned this fruit such popularity among different peoples? It turns out that the benefits of apricot, kaisa or dried apricots are explained by both the calorie content and the content in the apricot itself of the mass of the elements needed by the body. Pay attention to this table (based on 100g of the product) - and you yourself will understand that it is no coincidence that this fruit is called in Asia the gift of Allah.

But even more surprising is that after drying, the apricot not only does not lose its properties, but even increases them. Eating this fruit in dried form is much more beneficial than fresh.

Apricots, dried apricots or kaisa help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, namely:

  • the presence of iron makes them useful in anemia and during pregnancy;
  • potassium salts help treat cardiovascular diseases;
  • decoctions or compotes from these dried fruits act as a diuretic and treat constipation;
  • a large proportion of vitamin "A" benefits the skin and improves our vision.

The list goes on and on, mentioning the beneficial effects of dried fruits on memory, performance, gastrointestinal function, and diabetic problems.

Note: regular consumption of dried apricot fruits even slows down the growth of cancer cells.

Can they be harmful to health? In moderate doses, there are practically no contraindications.

The only thing that should not be forgotten is the methods of drying dried apricots. Since some manufacturers do not spare chemicals, it is possible to get an allergy to chemicals as a result.

Home drying and storage of dried apricots

To avoid problems with purchased dried apricots, you can learn how to dry apricots at home. It's not very difficult, you just need to learn a few rules:

1. The best varieties for dried fruits are Zeravshan and Fergana. They are quite large, fleshy, dense and not particularly juicy.

2. Dried apricots are best dried in natural conditions, for this you need to choose a ventilated and unshaded place.

Gardener's advice: apricot kernels do not need to be thrown away, they can be used in chopped form in confectionery.

3. If you live in an apartment, then it would be more correct to use household appliances specially designed for drying fruits.

4. The readiness of the fruit can be checked by touch. It should be dry, but elastic (about 10% moisture).

5. It is best to store dried fruits in the refrigerator.

If you have read this article to the end (and we hope you have), then you understand the conclusion: various types of dried apricots should be used not only as a treat, but also as a preventive, even therapeutic agent. Enjoy the taste of miracle fruits and be healthy!

Below, we suggest you watch a video about the benefits and harms of dried apricot (dried apricots):

In China (in their historical homeland), apricots have been grown for more than five thousand years, in Europe - about two thousand. Dried apricots without a stone are called dried apricots or kaisa, with a stone - apricots.

Before drying, apricot pits can be removed in two ways. If for this they are cut in half, then the dried fruit is called dried apricots, and if the bone is squeezed out without breaking the peel, it turns out kaisa. Apricots are dried apricots with pits. In Asian countries, however, any variety of fresh apricots is called apricots.

They are dried in special places in a natural shade for 6-8 days. To get a kilogram of dried fruits, you need three to four kilograms of fresh apricots.

The leader in popularity in the Russian market today is, of course, dried apricots. There are much fewer vitamins in dried fruit than in fresh fruit, but the content of minerals (potassium, copper, cobalt, manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus and others) in it is greater than in many fruits that have just been taken from a tree. Dried apricot contains a lot of organic acids (nicotinic, citric, salicylic) and pectins, which are good at removing radionuclides from the body. The high content of sucrose, fructose and glucose makes dried apricots so sweet.

These dried fruits are especially useful for heart disease, anemia, poor eyesight, as a general tonic. They help eliminate blockages in blood vessels, rejuvenate the skin, strengthen hair, and even soften hard tumors. Vegetable fibers perfectly cleanse the intestines.

Dried apricot is because it contains a lot of potassium salts, which significantly exceed the level of sodium salts. Magnesium makes it useful for treating hypertension and anemia. There is a lot of vitamin B1,2,5 in dried apricots; WITH; R. Carotene in it is no less than in chicken yolk.

Dried apricots are a concentrated product. If fresh apricots contain 2 grams of fiber per 100g of product, then dry apricots contain 18 grams (that is, 9 times more). Therefore, it must be consumed in reasonable quantities so as not to get or intestines. You can not eat more than 80-100 grams of dried fruits per day. This amount of dried apricots, by the way, has the same effect on the process of hematopoiesis as a quarter kilogram of fresh beef liver or 40 mg of an iron preparation.

In Central Asia, dried apricot is called exclusively a gift from Allah, due to its healing properties. It is useful in diseases of the nervous system, cleanses blood vessels, treats tumors, helps fight colds (has an antipyretic effect) and migraines. It has tonic properties, helps to cope with chronic fatigue. It is also useful for people who suffer from kidney diseases. The ability of dried apricots to improve memory and stimulate brain activity is known. The iodine included in its composition has a good lipotropic and anticholesterol effect.

Dried apricot is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus. You can not eat these dried fruits on an empty stomach and after indigestible food.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the appearance of dried fruits. The best dried apricots are clean, large, golden, slightly transparent in appearance, of medium elasticity and hardness. In color, natural dried apricots should not be bright orange: this color is achieved through dyes. Choose paler fruits that are closest in appearance to fresh fruits.

In cooking, dried apricots are widely used, as they are equally successfully used both in the preparation of desserts and as an original ingredient in meat dishes. Dried apricots are used to make compotes, pilaf, sauces and even soups. It gives the dishes a pleasant sweetish taste and great aroma.

Dried fruits should be stored in a dry dark place.

Apricots are dried apricot fruits containing a stone. Unlike other dried fruits, it is harvested ready-made from the branches of the tree. Drying occurs naturally under the influence of the sun and wind. As a result, the fruit retains the maximum amount of vitamins and other nutrients.

Apricot - healing properties and uses

Types of dried fruits from apricots

Apricot is not the only dried fruit that is obtained from apricots. Dried apricots and kaisa are also its varieties. How are they different? Let's find out in more detail what kaisa, apricots and dried apricots are, how they look, what fruits they are made from.

So, in total there are three types of dried apricots:

  • dried apricots;
  • dried apricots;
  • kaisa.

Dried apricots are dried apricot halves. Depending on the method of obtaining, it can be either bright yellow or dark orange, brownish. Fruits with a pale color have the greatest benefit. It is evidence that no chemicals were used in the production of dried fruits. This is how natural dried apricots look like:

Dry dried apricots on an industrial scale using a special chamber or on racks in the open sun.

Uryuk is a dried apricot with a stone. It is obtained from small fruits dried right on the branches of a tree. In the future, it is sorted and sent for sale. They are not subjected to any further processing and are immediately ready for consumption.

The absence of any chemical and heat treatment of the fruit ensures maximum preservation of useful substances in it. At the same time, it has a rather long shelf life, since the integrity of its skin is not violated.

Sometimes on sale you may come across pitted apricots. However, despite its similarity, it is actually a completely different type of dried fruit called kaisa. The technology of its preparation is very similar to obtaining dried apricots, with one small exception - the fruit is not cut before drying, but a bone is squeezed out of it.

Apricots and dried apricots, unlike kaisa, are often found on sale, therefore, everyone more or less knows how they look. What is a kaisa?

This dried fruit is very similar to dried apricots, so they are often confused, but upon closer inspection, the difference becomes obvious. The kaisa has a hole inside, which remains after the seed is extracted. Dried apricots, on the other hand, are only half of the fruit and do not have such a cavity.

Interesting fact! It is believed that the birthplace of the apricot is Armenia. No wonder the old botanical name of this fruit sounds like “Armenian Apple”.

The benefits of apricot

The indigenous people of Central Asia call apricots a divine gift. Women know it as the fruit of beauty. And in Tajikistan, they even prepare an elixir of longevity from it. Why is he so famous? To find out why Asians value apricots so much, what are the benefits and harms of this dried fruit, its chemical composition will help us.

Composition of apricot

Uryuk has a very rich chemical composition for useful substances. It contains:

  • vitamins - C, A, PP, E, B, beta-carotene;
  • macroelements - phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium;
  • trace elements - iron;
  • nonessential and essential amino acids - arginine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, glycine, serine, alanine;
  • sugars - fructose, glucose, sucrose;
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates.

Of the vitamins, apricot is especially rich in tocopherol. Its content often reaches 6 mg per 100 g of product weight. There is also a lot of ascorbic acid - about 4 mg. The B vitamins are represented mainly by thiamine and riboflavin.

Of the minerals, potassium is especially worth noting. Apricot is the champion in its content - as much as 1800 mg per 100 g of dried fruit. There are also such macronutrients necessary for human health as phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. It contains only 3.2 mg of iron, however, this amount is quite enough to cover a quarter of the daily requirement.

As for nutrition, then apricots will give a few points of odds to many other types of dried fruits. 100 g of the product contains 242 kcal. However, this does not mean at all that full people cannot eat apricots. The high calorie content of this dried fruit does not prevent them from losing weight with it. The thing is that the lion's share of calories comes from carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed in the human body, causing a feeling of satiety. At the same time, they are not deposited in excess fats, but are broken down with the release of a large amount of energy. This feature allows even diabetics to eat apricots, of course, within reasonable limits and after a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

Therapeutic action

Due to the rich chemical composition, apricot has the following useful properties:

  • diuretic
  • restorative
  • laxative
  • expectorant
  • hypotonic
  • antioxidant
  • antitumor
  • tonic
  • vitaminizing.

For overweight people, it will be useful information to find out that apricot accelerates cellular metabolism and helps burn extra pounds. With headaches, it exhibits an analgesic effect, strengthens blood vessels. With anemia - promotes the production of red blood cells, improves blood quality. Also, apricot helps relieve stress, stimulates digestion. It has a general rejuvenating effect on the human body, prevents the development of cancer cells, normalizes digestion, relieves swelling, improves vision.

Advice! When buying, pay attention to the color of the apricot. The bright, shiny color of the dried fruit will indicate its unnaturalness. It is better to give preference to faded, dark fruits.

Application in medicine

The healing properties of apricots did not go unnoticed by physicians. It is used in the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of diseases. Cardiovascular diseases, intestinal disorders, colds, influenza, nervous diseases - these are just a short list of ailments for which it is used.


Apricot, both in dry form and in infusion, is useful for the following diseases:

  • migraine;
  • hypertension;
  • anemia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • oncology;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • constipation;
  • depression;
  • neuroses;
  • vascular dystonia;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • diabetes;
  • osteoporosis;
  • anemia;
  • intestinal disorders.
Women will also be interested to know that apricot slows down the aging process, strengthens the structure of hair and nails. For old people, it prolongs life and maintains clarity of mind. The so-called long-livers drink is made from it, which is an aqueous infusion of dried apricots. It is believed that the regular use of such an elixir can extend life up to 120 years.


Apricot has not only useful properties, but also contraindications. In particular, it should not be eaten by people with hypersensitivity to plant pigments. In a simple way, with an allergy to brightly colored orange or red fruits. This is especially true for small children. It is also not recommended to abuse this dried fruit for the following diseases:

  • hypotension;
  • severe stage of diabetes;
  • individual intolerance.

With caution, apricots should be used when breastfeeding, as it can cause a weakening of the intestines in the baby. It should also not be eaten by people prone to overeating and diarrhea.

What is useful apricot, how to use and choose it, see this video.

Proper and healthy nutrition is extremely important for our body. It is thanks to a well-balanced diet that we get a variety of nutrients necessary for the optimal functioning of cells, tissues, organs and body systems. Qualified nutritionists strongly recommend excluding various hazards from the daily menu, which, of course, include most sweets. And as an alternative, you can use a variety of dried fruits. One of the most popular and affordable products of this type are dried apricots. Consider on www.site how dried apricot is useful for our body and can it harm it?

What is or what are dried apricots called?

Few people know that there are three different types of dried apricots, namely dried apricots, kaisa, and apricots. What is the difference between them?

Dried apricots are dried pitted apricot halves. Kaisa are also dried pitted apricots. This is a whole apricot, the stone from which is carefully removed (squeezed out) through the hole in the place where the stalk is attached. And apricot is nothing more than a whole apricot fruit, dried with a stone.

All of the listed varieties of apricots are dried fruits, when properly prepared, they have an approximately equal degree of usefulness and are sources of the same useful substances. However, apricot, according to many experts and residents of Central Asia, is more healing. This feature is explained by the fact that this dried fruit dries by itself - it is simply left on the tree so that it ripens to complete dehydration. Apricots are often used for therapeutic purposes, for the prevention and elimination of thrombosis, tumor formations, nervous disorders, migraines and colds.

Why are dried apricots valued, what are their benefits?

Although we are talking about dried apricots, their beneficial properties, however, are preserved. This is only the name “dried apricots”, and in fact they are not so dried up ... Their unique beneficial qualities are explained by their no less unique composition. So dried apricots are rich in a significant amount of vitamins, including ascorbic acid, provitamin A, as well as nicotinic acid and a number of B vitamins, namely B1, B5, and B2. Also, this delicacy has in its composition quite a lot of minerals, represented by potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as iron, copper, cobalt and manganese.

Dried apricots are a particularly healthy food for people with ailments of the cardiovascular system. Due to the significant content of potassium salts in them, such a product has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, regulates pressure indicators and increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. The consumption of such dried fruits is indicated if a person has anemia or anemia, and they will also be extremely useful at the stage of bearing a child.

People who consume diuretic compounds are strongly advised to include dried apricots in their diet to prevent potassium leaching. Also, such products have mild laxative qualities, they perfectly cleanse the intestines and optimize its peristalsis, helping with constipation. The presence of pectins and fiber in the composition of this dried fruit stimulates the processes of cleansing the body as a whole, such components cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from harmful toxins, toxins, heavy metal compounds and radionuclides. In addition, dried apricots are an excellent way to prevent the development of atherosclerosis, as they cleanse the body of harmful cholesterol.

Dried apricots, apricots and kaisa are sources of a significant amount of carotene, which is extremely important for the normal functioning of the organs of vision. In addition, such delicacies are advised to eat with kidney ailments and problems with the thyroid gland.

Compote from such dried fruit in winter and spring will be an excellent tool for preventing and eliminating beriberi.

Also, dried apricots do not make people who eat them fat, and therefore are great for dieters. Despite their high calorie content of 232 kcal per 100 grams, they can be used as an alternative to sweets, cakes and cakes. However, it is not recommended to get involved in them beyond measure. It is believed that moderate consumption of such dried fruits helps to optimize metabolic processes, which helps to get rid of excess weight as soon as possible.

To whom are dried apricots dangerous, what is the harm from them?

In extremely rare cases, dried apricots cause allergic reactions. In addition, if consumed in excess, they can provoke indigestion. Do not get carried away with dried apricots if you suffer from diabetes.

It is worth recognizing that almost all dried apricots that are found in our stores are dried using aldehyde sulphide, which gives it the desired presentation. This gas is used to fumigate fruits, as a result of which they acquire an unnatural yellow or orange color. Such dried fruit can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions, as well as cause a number of nervous disorders.

Also on sale there are many dried apricots dyed with chemical dyes. Natural drying of apricots leads to their darkening, respectively, the orange color of the dried fruit is simply impossible. Of course, foods processed with dye bring very little benefit to the body, and can even seriously harm it.

Therefore, experts advise giving preference not to store-bought dried apricots, but to apricots (dried apricots with a stone). Apricot has a more pronounced taste and is characterized by medicinal qualities.

Can a nursing mother eat dried apricots?

You can try to eat this dried fruit for breakfast two days in a row, as it definitely improves the stool for nursing mothers. But there are "a few buts". This can be done if these fruits:
hand-dried by grandma or grandpa
store-bought, but accurately produced without the use of dyes and sulphide
do not lead to the fact that the child's stomach begins to swell.

The last condition can be verified only by taking dried apricots for the second day in a row for breakfast.


When buying in a store, make sure that the dried apricots in the package are a darkish grayish orange, not an attractive shade.
