
How to cook pickles for the winter. In hot jars without vinegar under iron lids

Pickling cucumbers for the winter is not so difficult, but rather troublesome. You have to be well prepared. Buy or harvest a good harvest of the cucumbers themselves, prepare 3 liter jars, greenfinch, spices. And all this should be in a fairly large amount, because you should not bother because of one - two, three liter cans.

As a result, we need to choose such a recipe in order to get delicious, crispy, pickled cucumbers at the output. Means what? We must approach this issue responsibly, and always with a good mood.

In this article, you will learn a few secrets that have been used for a long time, they have already been tested. Also, several good recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter will be given.

How to properly pickle cucumbers for the winter with the result - delicious, crispy, pickled cucumbers

Almost everyone loves crispy cucumbers and thinks that it is difficult to achieve such a result. In fact, everything is even very easy. There are several secrets that will lead you to the desired result. Of course, there are an incredible number of recipes for pickling cucumbers, and this is good, because you can choose the recipe that you liked the most. And I have already outlined. But, after all, there is not much good, and therefore, we will not describe the theory, let's proceed to the practical part.

There are several general rules or, so to speak, secrets that you need to know when harvesting cucumbers (and not only them, it will suit any pickles ...) If you follow these rules, then your work will not be in vain and you will get wonderfully tasty pickles.

So, the classic of the genre is the correct preparation of the product, ingredients and containers.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter - how to choose the right cucumbers

The basis of success is fresh cucumbers. They should be hard with a thick skin, small in size, 15 centimeters, to fit well in a jar and with pimples. Of course, it would be ideal if the cucumbers were homemade, but purchased ones are also suitable.

Water for pickling cucumbers - so that the cucumbers are crispy

Pickling cucumbers involves the use of clean water. The end result will depend on this. It is not advised to use tap water for brine. Better bottled. But if there is no other way out, then you can simply boil the water and use it.

Important! - be sure to soak the cucumbers on the floor in cold water for strengthening and elasticity.

What spices and spices to add to make cucumbers delicious, lick your fingers?

This of course depends on your preferences. You can add allspice, mustard, horseradish leaves, garlic, bay leaf, etc. All classic herbs and spices will do.

Experiments with spices are possible. but be careful, things may not go the way you think. It is better to make basic preparations according to proven recipes, but one or two cans can be given away to search for a new taste. But do not forget to sign these banks, let's say - "Surprise!".

In what dishes to pickle cucumbers for the winter? Preference - in 3 liter jars

In urban areas, we use banks more often. It is very convenient and practical to use 3 liter jars. Be sure to sterilize jars and lids - boil for 10-15 minutes. Dry.

How to prepare a brine to make cucumbers crispy? The classic recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter

Proportions of brine for pickling cucumbers - per 1 liter of water:

  • take 2-2.5 tbsp. salt.

This is the best option.

So, now the procedure is:

Cucumbers and all spices that you add should be thoroughly washed, jars and lids sterilized. Lay out cucumbers and spices. Try not to overfill the jar. Fill it all with boiled solution. Then it remains only to “roll up” the jars, turn them upside down and wrap them with a blanket. So the banks will lie until the morning and you can already send them to your cellar. And in winter, you will enjoy the wonderful taste of cucumbers and the pride that they turned out so crispy.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter in a cold and hot way - always crispy and tasty

These two methods are both good in their own way. The first is that this is done very quickly, but during storage it is understood that jars of cucumbers will be stored in a cool place, cellar, basement.

The second, hot salting method. Accordingly, according to the duration of preparation and actions, it is more messy, but on the other hand, such cucumbers can be stored at room temperature and for quite a long time.

So, let's start with the first option, which is simpler.

Pickling crispy cucumbers for the winter in a three-liter jar in a cold way

Prepare everything according to the tips that are written above.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:
  • Fresh cucumbers - 15 -20 pcs. depending on the size.
  • Garlic 2-3 heads.
  • Leaves of currant, cherry, oak - if possible, everything, but if not, at least one type is required, 5 - 6 pcs.
  • Dill umbrellas - 4 - 5 pcs.
  • Horseradish - leaves or root.
  • Lavrukha - one leaf.
  • Peppercorns, black - 5 - 6 pcs.
  • Salt 2.5 tablespoons.

As you might guess, first we put a little bit of everything from greenery, to the bottom of a three-liter jar. Garlic can be cut in half, peppercorns, throw until half - 2 - 3 pieces.

We put "shells" (that is, cucumbers ...) in a jar. First the bigger one, then the smaller one.

We dissolve salt, 2.5 tablespoons in water, about a 3-liter jar will need one and a half liters of water, add a little.

Pour the saline solution into a jar of cucumbers, pour almost "to the stop", you can leave a centimeter.

We throw the remaining pepper, cover with a sheet of horseradish on top, thereby preventing the formation of mold, add water to the very edges.

We put the jar (s) on a plate, cover it with a loose lid and leave it in this state for three days.

Then add salt solution to the jars, as it will pour out a little during the fermentation process.

We finally cover with a capron lid and take it to a cool place.

All! Such pickling of cucumbers for the winter will not leave you without a delicious snack.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in a hot way - a recipe with vodka (video)

A very interesting way of salting. I tried to do it myself - I advise you to try it, it's worth the time spent.

I hope you enjoy these recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter, and you will delight your loved ones with such crispy and tasty cucumbers.

Good luck and all the best!

15 best cucumber recipes for the winter.
(Keep it to yourself so you don't forget!)

1. Canned cucumbers with red currants
2. Cucumbers in spicy tomato sauce
3. Cucumbers with apples (pickled and salted).
4. Pickles for the winter.
5. Pickled cucumbers with gooseberries
6. Pickled cucumbers for the winter.
7. Pickled cucumbers, sterilized without vinegar
8. Pickling cucumbers in jars is the easiest and most delicious recipe.
9. Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes (very simple and delicious recipe)
10. The secret recipe for awesome cucumbers "You will lick your fingers"
11. Pickled cucumber salad
12. Lightly salted cucumbers with vodka
13. Lightly salted cucumbers "Sharp"
14. Summer salad for the winter
15. Assorted marinated granny Sonya

1. Canned cucumbers with red currants.
Ingredients: Cucumbers 600 grams; Garlic 2 cloves; One onion
thing; Red currant 1.5 cups; Black pepper, peas three pieces;
Carnation three pieces; Water 1 liter; Sugar - 1 tbsp; Salt 2.5 tbsp. ;
Wash cucumbers. Put the spices in the bottom of the jar. Arrange the cucumbers in jars vertically. Currants (0.5 cups) will be cleaned of twigs, sorted and washed. Distribute the berries between the cucumbers. Pour cucumbers with hot brine, immediately cover with lids and sterilize for 8-10 minutes. then we roll up the banks and wrap them up. Brine. Bring the water to a boil
add salt and sugar, add red currant berries (1 cup).

2. Cucumbers in spicy tomato sauce.
Wash cucumbers and soak for 1-2 hours in cold water. I have cucumbers
Prepare: Garlic - 180g, Tomato paste - 150g (3 full table
spoons), Sunflower oil - 250ml, Sugar - 150g, Salt - 31 tbsp. IN
As you work, you can add salt to your taste. Vinegar 6% - 150ml, Paprika
spicy - 1 tsp, black pepper. they say - 1 tbsp
Cut off the ends of the cucumbers. Cut large cucumbers into 4 pieces lengthwise.
Smaller cucumbers - only along. Press the garlic through a press.
Add all ingredients except vinegar. We put on a moderate fire.
After 0.5 hours, the cucumbers will already be floating in the sauce. Let's taste the sauce.
It should be spicy, not salty, but not too sweet either. Let's put out
cucumbers for another 15 minutes. Let's add vinegar. The total quenching time is 40-45 minutes.
Cover the pot with a lid and let it brew for 15 minutes. Let's put the cucumbers in
prepared sterilized 0.5-liter jars. Pour in the sauce and
sterilize for 25-30 minutes. We close the jars and turn them over to the full
cooling down.

3. Cucumbers with apples (pickled and salted).
Products: for a 3-liter jar, apples (sour) 1-2 pcs., Garlic 3-4
cloves, dill (umbrellas) cherry leaf, currant (handful), allspice peas 12 pcs., cloves 12 pcs., bay leaf 4 pcs., sugar 5 tsp, salt 4 tsp, vinegar essence 2 tsp. l. (almost), cucumbers - 1.5 - 2 kg (depending on size)
Cucumbers marinated with apples: Cut the garlic into slices, wash the greens.
We put washed cucumbers in clean jars, interspersing them with spices and
apple slices (do not peel). Fill the jar with boiling water
stand 20 min. and pour into a saucepan. Boil this water again, add
it has sugar and salt in it. Fill the cucumbers with syrup to the top, wait 10 minutes, again
pour the brine into a saucepan. We boil. At this time, pour 2 into the jar
incomplete teaspoons of vinegar, pour boiling syrup and roll up
boiled lids. Banks are turned over and wrapped until cool.
Cucumbers are stored at room temperature or in a cool place.
Lightly salted cucumbers (hot method): Put cucumbers with spices and apple slices in a deep bowl. In hot water (per 1 liter), we dilute 2 tbsp.
l. salt, pour cucumbers, cover with a plate so that they do not float.
Leave at room temperature until completely cooled, then remove from the refrigerator. The next day, the cucumbers are ready to eat.

4. Pickles for the winter.
Products: For a 1 liter jar: Cucumbers - how much will it take, Dill umbrella - 1
pcs., Horseradish leaf - 1 pc., Garlic - 5-6 cloves, Hot pepper - 3-4 rings, Bulgarian pepper - 2 rings, Currant leaves - 2 pcs., Coarse salt - 20 g, Acetyl (crush) - 1, 5 tablets.
Pour cucumbers with cold water and leave for 4-6 hours. Prepare the jars
Cover the lids with boiling water. Peel the garlic, wash the herbs, chop the pepper.
At the bottom of the jar put a leaf of horseradish, a sprig of dill, currant leaves.
Fill jar tightly with cucumbers. Throw in the garlic cloves and add the peppers.
Pour boiling water over, cover with lids and let cool enough to handle. Drain water into a saucepan. Add 100 ml of boiled water. Let it boil. Pour salt and crushed acetyl into jars.
Pour cucumbers with boiling cucumber water one jar at a time. To the top. bank
spin immediately. (Reduce the fire to a minimum and do not remove the water, it
must constantly boil.) Ready jars turn upside down and
put in a pre-prepared "heat". Leave pickled cucumbers

5. Pickled cucumbers with gooseberries.
The recipe has been tested many times. There are never any misfires. Some years
I close cucumbers exactly according to this recipe - jars do not explode, do not
become cloudy.
For four liter and three 700-gram jars: Small cucumbers - 4 kg, Gooseberries - 0.5 kg, Garlic - 1 head, Cherry leaf - 10 pcs., Leaf
currants - 5 pcs., Large horseradish leaf - 1 pc., Dill - 1 branch-stem with
umbrella, Black pepper - 10 peas, Carnation - 10 flowers, Small horseradish root - 1 pc., Spring water - 3.5 liters,
For the marinade (for 1 liter of water): Salt - 2 tbsp. l. Sugar - 3 tbsp. l., Vinegar 9% - 80 g.
Wash cucumbers thoroughly. Pour cucumbers with cold water for 3-4 hours. Wash the greens, dry with napkins. Cut finely. garlic and
peel the horseradish root and chop finely. Put everything in a bowl and
mix well. Cut off the "bottoms" of the cucumbers. Sterilize jars.
In each jar, put a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs and garlic with
fuck. Lay the cucumbers tightly, pour a handful of washed
gooseberry. Boil water, pour cucumbers, heat for 15 minutes. Repeat
again. Then, in the water drained from the cucumbers, add pepper, cloves,
sugar, salt, vinegar. Boil the marinade over low heat for 10-13 minutes. Pour
marinade jars to the top, so that even a little flows out. Boil lids for 5 minutes. Roll up the jars, put the lids down, wrap very well. After a couple of days, turn the cucumbers over, hold them under the covers for another two days.

6. Pickled cucumbers for the winter.
Products: For a 3-liter jar: Cucumbers - 2 kg, Dill (umbrellas) - 3-4 pcs., Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs. Garlic - 2-3 cloves, Horseradish root - 1 pc., Horseradish leaves - 2 pcs. ., Cherry leaves - 1-2 pcs. Or oak leaves (optional) - 1-2 pcs., Celery, parsley and tarragon - 3 sprigs each
capsicum and bell pepper (optional) - 1 each, black pepper
peas - 5 pcs.
For brine, for 1 liter of water: Salt - 80 gr.
Sort the cucumbers by size, wash and soak in a clean cold
water for 6-8 hours. After that, rinse the cucumbers with clean water, wash
greens and put everything in a prepared jar. Lay layers of spices, cucumbers, spices and cucumbers on the bottom of the jar, lay dill on top. Prepare the brine (dissolve salt in cold water), pour cucumbers with brine to the very edge of the jar. Cover with cheesecloth and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days. After that, when a white foam appears on the surface, drain the brine, boil well and pour over the cucumbers in the jar again. Immediately cover with the prepared lid and roll up. Turn the jar upside down, on the lid, carefully wrap (cover with a warm blanket) and leave to cool.

7. Pickled cucumbers, sterilized without vinegar.
The recipe for pickles without vinegar allows you to make fragrant and
crispy cucumbers.
Products: Cucumbers - 1 kg, horseradish root - 50 g, garlic - 1-3 cloves, bay leaf - 1-2 pieces oak leaves - 1 piece, cherry leaves - 1 piece, black currant leaves - 1 piece, mustard (grains) - 1-3 pcs., dill - 30-40 gr, dill (seeds) - 2-3 pcs.,
For brine:, Water - 1 l, Salt - 2 tbsp.
Cucumbers are placed in jars, poured with brine, covered with lids and
incubated for 3-4 days at room temperature (for lactic
fermentation). Then the brine from the jars is drained and boiled. Cucumbers carefully
washed in cold water. They are placed in jars again, adding spices and spices for the aroma, density and fragility of cucumbers. Jars with cucumbers are poured with boiling brine and sterilized at a temperature of 80-90 ° C: liter jars - 20 minutes, three-liter jars - 40 minutes.

8. Pickling cucumbers in jars is the easiest and most delicious recipe.
Products: Water - 1 l, Salt - 50 g, Cucumbers - how much will it take, Spices for
A small amount of cucumbers can be salted without pasteurization in glass
banks. Fresh, preferably the same size cucumbers are thoroughly washed,
stacked in jars, layered with spices and poured with boiling (but cold - this is a cold way of pickling cucumbers) 5% salt solution (i.e. 50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). The jars are closed with tin cans boiled in water, but they are not rolled up, but put at room temperature for several days (up to 7-10 days) for fermentation, after which they are topped up with brine and corked with a seaming machine. This recipe for pickling cucumbers in a jar is good because the cucumbers are of high quality and are well preserved even at room temperature.

9. Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes (very simple and delicious recipe)
This recipe for delicious pickled cucumbers and tomatoes is really very simple and requires a minimum of time and effort.
Products: For a three-liter jar: Cucumbers - how much will it take, tomatoes - how much will it take, citric acid - 0.5 tsp, salt - 70 g, Sugar - 1.5 tbsp
.l., bay leaf - to taste, peppercorns - to taste onion - 2-3 pcs., garlic - 3-4 cloves, sweet pepper - 2-3 pcs., cherry, currant, oak leaves - 3-4 pcs. .,amaranth (amaranth) - 1 sprig
At the bottom of a dry steamed jar put dill, horseradish, 3-4 leaves each
cherries, currants, oak, a sprig of amaranth (so that the cucumbers crunch). Put cucumbers (tomatoes) in a jar or make a platter. Add spices, 3 aspirin tablets. Pour boiling water (1.5-2 liters) - carefully so that the jar does not crack. Roll up immediately, turn upside down and wrap until completely cool.

10. The secret recipe for awesome cucumbers "You will lick your fingers"
Products: Cucumbers - 4 kg, Parsley - 1 bunch, Sunflower oil - 1
a glass (200 grams), Table vinegar 9% - 1 glass, Salt - 80 grams, Sugar - 1 glass, Black pepper - 1 dessert spoon, Garlic -1 head. 4 kg of small cucumbers. My. You can trim the ponytails and noses slightly. Cucumbers, which are larger, cut lengthwise into 4 parts. Cut the smaller ones in half lengthwise. Place prepared cucumbers in a bowl. Finely chop a good bunch of parsley and send to the cucumbers. Add a glass of sunflower oil, a glass of 9% table vinegar and 80 g of salt to the pan (do not add a 100-gram glass to the top on your finger). Pour a glass of sugar, a dessert spoon of ground black pepper into the resulting marinade for cucumbers. Cut the head of garlic into slices and into the pan. We are waiting for 4-6 hours. During this time, the cucumbers will release juice - in this mixture, pickling will take place. We take sterilized 0.5 l jars and fill them with pieces of cucumbers: we put the cucumbers in the jar vertically. Fill the jars to the top with the marinade remaining in the pan, cover with prepared lids and sterilize for 20-25 minutes. We get it, roll it tightly. Put the jars upside down, wrap them in towels until they cool completely.

11. Pickled cucumber salad
An excellent recipe for cucumbers for the winter.

For a 0.5-liter jar: Cucumbers, Onions - 2-3 pcs., Carrots - 1 pc., Garlic - 1 clove, Dill seeds (dry) - 1 tsp, Bay leaf -
1-2 pcs., Allspice - 2 peas, For marinade (for 8 cans of
0.5 liters): Water - 1.5 liters, Salt - 75 grams, Sugar - 150 grams, Vinegar
table - 1 glass
0.5 l jars with lids must first be sterilized. cucumbers
wash. We clean the onions, 2-3 medium onions, 1 carrot are consumed for each jar. Cucumbers cut across centimeter
washers. We also cut the onion into thin rings, and rub the carrots on
large grater. In each prepared jar we put one good clove of garlic in slices, 1 tsp. dry dill seeds, 1-2 bay leaves, 2
mountains allspice pepper. Next, lay out a layer of onion rings (approx.
1 cm), then the same layer of carrots, followed by a layer of cucumber slices
(two centimeters). And so to the top of the jar we alternate layers. Next do
marinade for 8 cans: boil one and a half liters of water, dissolve 75 g in it
salt (about 3/4 of a 100-gram cup), 150 g of sugar and pour into
completion of a glass of table vinegar. Pour jars with boiling marinade,
cover with lids and sterilize for 35 minutes at a low boil. We get it
roll up tightly, you can turn it over, but if you want to keep a beautiful
appearance, so that the layers do not mix, it is better not to turn over.
Cover the pickled salad - let it cool until the next day.

12. Lightly salted cucumbers with vodka.
Ingredients: cucumbers, horseradish leaves, cherry leaves, currant leaves, bay leaf, dill umbrellas, black peppercorns, 50 ml of vodka, 2 tbsp. salt.
Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and cut off the ends on both sides. Rinse all the greens and put it in a saucepan, add peppercorns and top
lay out the cucumbers. Prepare a brine at the rate of 2 tablespoons of salt and
50 ml of vodka per 1 liter of water. Pour cucumbers with cold brine, cover the pan with a lid and let stand for a day, after which your crispy cucumbers are ready.

13. Lightly salted cucumbers "Sharp"
Ingredients: 1 kg of small cucumbers, 4-5 cloves of garlic; spicy pod
pepper, a large bunch of dill, 6 tbsp. coarse salt
Take young and elastic cucumbers, rinse. Cut off their ends
both sides. Wash the pepper and cut it lengthwise, clean out the seeds and
cut across into thin strips. At the bottom of the jar, lay 2/3 of everything
dill and thinly sliced ​​garlic. Then tight
lay out the cucumbers, sprinkle them with strips of pepper and garlic, put
the next row of cucumbers, which also sprinkle with pepper, garlic and
the remaining dill. Put salt on top of the dill, cover
lid and shake the jar. Boil water and pour over cucumbers. Through
drain the water for a few minutes, bring to a boil and pour over the cucumbers again
the resulting saline solution. Cover the jar with a saucer
place a small weight, such as a small can of water. Leave
cucumbers at room temperature for 2 days.

14. Summer salad for the winter.
In a sterile jar (I have 1 liter), put 3-4 sprigs of dill on the bottom and
parsley (green), cut 1 clove of garlic, if desired, you can put a hot pepper ring, cut 1 medium-sized onion into rings, cut 1 sweet pepper into strips (I always take either yellow or orange pepper for a variety of colors), then cut the cucumbers, but not thinly , and tomatoes (it is advisable to take tomatoes strong, fleshy, well brown, so that they do not become sour and do not turn into porridge). When laying vegetables, tamp a little. Then put 4-5 pieces on top. allspice, 2 cloves, 2-3 bay leaves.
Prepare the brine: for 2 liters of water, 0.5 cups (250 g) of sugar, 3 tablespoons of topless salt, when it boils, pour 150 g of 9% vinegar and immediately pour the brine into jars (this brine is enough for 4-5 liter jars) . Then sterilize the jars for 7-8 minutes from the moment of boiling and immediately roll up.
In winter, when serving, drain the brine into a separate bowl, vegetables (without
spices) put in a salad bowl and pour vegetable oil to taste.

15.Assorted marinated granny Sonya.
For 3 l. jar: Marinade: 2 tbsp salt, 6 tbsp sugar, 100 g vinegar 9%
At the bottom of the jar we put a leaf of grapes, 1 leaf cr. currants, 1 leaf black.
currants, a bunch of dill along with an inflorescence, 2 laurels. leaf, horseradish root
(index finger size), 1 hot pepper, 10 peas
black pepper, 2 cloves of garlic. We put vegetables in a jar (anything -
cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, sweet bell peppers, colored, white
Pour 1150 ml of boiling water (1 liter 150 ml) into each jar. Let them stand
half an hour. Then pour all the water from the cans into a large saucepan (or two),
add salt, sugar, vinegar, boil for 2-3 minutes. Now the marinade
Pour back into jars, close with lids, turn upside down and
wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

1. Pickled and pickled cucumbers are not the same thing. For the preparation of the former, vinegar or citric acid is used, and for the latter, only salt.

2. Previously, cucumbers were salted in wooden barrels, but now this method is rarely used. It is much more convenient to salt vegetables in ordinary glass jars. Moreover, cucumbers are as tasty as barrel ones.

3. There are two ways of salting: cold and hot. In the first case, vegetables are poured with cold water, and in the second, most often, first with cold water, and then with hot infused brine. Jars with cold pickled cucumbers are closed with nylon lids and stored in the cold. And jars of cucumbers filled with hot water are rolled up with iron lids and can be stored at room temperature.

4. To make pickles firm and crispy, soak them in ice water for 3-4 hours. You can keep it longer, especially if the cucumbers are purchased.

5. Wash vegetables and greens, and sterilize jars and lids.

6. After pouring cucumbers with cold water, it is better to put a wide dish or basin under the jar. This is just for convenience: due to fermentation, liquid can seep through the lid.

7. Pickles will be ready in at least a month.

How to cook pickles

All ingredients are designed for one jar of 3 liters. You will need about 1-1½ kg of cucumbers and about 1-1½ liters of water for the brine.

However, it is better to determine the exact amount empirically: the cucumbers must be tamped very tightly, and the jar must be filled with water to the very edge.

A very simple recipe that does not take much time and effort. Cucumbers will turn out excellent.

The salting method is cold.


  • 2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 2 cherry leaves;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ hot pepper - optional;
  • cucumbers;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • water.


Put horseradish leaves, currants and cherries, dill and coarsely chopped garlic and pepper on the bottom of the jar. Pack the cucumbers tightly into the jar.

Dissolve the salt in a glass of water. Pour the cucumbers with clean cold water up to half the jar. Then add saline solution and completely fill the jar with cold water. Close the jar with a tight nylon lid and immediately put it in a cold place.


Vegetables will give cucumbers an unusual pleasant aroma. And in winter, salted carrots and peppers can be used to cook or decorate other dishes.

Salting method - hot.


  • 3 carrots;
  • 1½ bell peppers;
  • ½ hot pepper;
  • 1 horseradish root;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • cucumbers;
  • 8-10 garlic cloves;
  • 7 black peppercorns;
  • 7 peas of allspice;
  • 2½ tablespoons of salt;
  • water.


Cut the carrot into circles - small slices, and hot pepper - into small pieces. At the bottom of the jar, put coarsely chopped horseradish root and dill. Pack the cucumbers into the jar, alternating them with carrots, garlic and all kinds of peppers.

Dissolve the salt in clean cold water and pour over the vegetables. Close the jar with a capron lid and leave for 3 days at room temperature. Then pour the brine into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

It is not necessary to wash off the resulting white coating from the cucumbers. Fill them with boiling brine and roll up the jar. Place it upside down and cover with a warm blanket until it cools completely.

Thanks to the mustard, the cucumbers will acquire a slight spiciness, and the rest of the ingredients will make them very fragrant.

The salting method is cold.


  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 1 sheet of horseradish;
  • 3 leaves of black currant;
  • 3 cherry leaves;
  • cucumbers;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon dry mustard;
  • water.


Put dill, horseradish leaves, currants and cherries on the bottom of the jar. Tamp the cucumbers, alternating them with garlic. Leave some space at the top of the jar.

Pour salt and mustard into the jar. They will just take up the space left on top. Pour cucumbers with clean cold water. Close the jar with a nylon lid, shake slightly and put in a cold place.

Vodka will make cucumbers even more crispy and fragrant, while not being saturated with alcohol taste.

Salting method - hot.


  • 3 dried bay leaves;
  • 3 sheets of horseradish;
  • 1 dill umbrella;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • cucumbers;
  • water;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 100 ml of vodka.


At the bottom of the jar, put the leaves of parsley and horseradish, dill and garlic. Tamp down the cucumbers. Dissolve sugar and salt in clean cold water and pour over vegetables. Pour vodka on top.

Cover the jar with cheesecloth or a perforated lid. Leave the jar in a dark place at room temperature for 3 days, regularly removing foam from it.

On the fourth day, pour the brine into a saucepan and bring to a boil. After 5 minutes, pour the cucumbers with boiling brine and roll up the jar. Turn over, wrap with a blanket and wait until it cools completely.

Cucumbers are obtained with a slight sourness and a subtle bready flavor.

Salting method - hot.


  • water;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 60 g of rye bread;
  • 5 dill umbrellas;
  • cucumbers.


Pour water into a saucepan, dissolve salt in it, bring to a boil and cool. Break it open and put it on the bottom of the jar along with the dill. Cut the ends off the cucumbers and place the vegetables in a jar.

Pour in the chilled brine, close the jar with a nylon lid and leave at room temperature for 3 days. On the fourth day, drain and strain the brine. Bring it to a boil and pour over the cucumbers. If there is not enough brine, add ordinary boiling water to the jar.

Roll up the jar, turn it upside down and cover with a warm blanket.

Who doesn't love pickled crispy cucumbers! If you follow some simple salting rules, even the most common cucumber recipe will turn them into an appetizing and tasty treat.

There are two ways to pickle cucumbers: cold and hot.

Their only difference is that vegetables in one case are poured with cold water, in the other - with boiling water.

There are certain nuances of harvesting lightly salted and pickled cucumbers, which must be carried out regardless of the pickling method.

When salting, follow the general rules:

  1. Cucumbers are recommended to be salted on the day of harvest, until the vegetables have lost their elastic structure and become soft. Ignoring this rule can lead to the loss of a characteristic crunch.
  2. It is better to salt fruits of different sizes separately so that the marinade evenly soaks each vegetable.
  3. The preparation of brine requires specially prepared water. It should be filtered, and ideally from a well or spring.
  4. To make the cucumbers pleasantly crunchy, they must be soaked in cold water for 2.5 - 3 hours.
  5. Any container that is used for salting must be carefully prepared:
  • wash glass jars with gruel of baking soda and steam;
  • Rinse the barrel thoroughly until the water is clear of sawdust and the characteristic smell disappears. Next, it needs to be filled with water and kept for several days so that it dries out, and small cracks and gaps disappear. Rinse with a solution of soda - 1 teaspoon per 2 liters. water;

Attention: barrel preparation should begin a few weeks before harvest.

  • a bucket or pan is better to use enameled ones. They are pre-washed with hot water and baking soda, which must be poured onto a damp sponge and rubbed the inner walls of the container and the lid.
  1. Leaves of fruit trees and shrubs, such as cherry and currant, should be added to the usual spices. Oak leaves are indispensable in the preparation of cucumbers, which give a tart taste and aroma.
  2. Spices should be distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the container. To do this, the recommended amount of seasoning should be approximately divided into 3 equal portions. The first part is laid on the bottom, the second in the middle, the third, the last - on top of all the cucumbers, just before pouring.
  3. It is necessary to store pickled vegetables in a cool place where the temperature varies from - 1 to + 4 degrees Celsius. It can be a refrigerator or a basement.

Cold ways of pickling cucumbers

Interestingly, the advantage of cold salting is the absence of any preservatives and vinegar in the filling, which are used in the hot method.

1 way


Cucumbers are selected according to the capacity of the container, provided that they fit snugly against each other.

Spices for a 3 liter jar:

  • hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 6 medium cloves;
  • dill - 3 umbrellas or 3 teaspoons of dry herbs;
  • black pepper - 10 peas;
  • leaves - 3 cherry and 2 oak;
  • table mustard powder - 1 teaspoon.

Brine: 0.5 l. water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of table salt.

Cooking process:

  1. We divide the spices into 3 equal parts. We put one part on the bottom of the jar.
  2. Lay the cucumbers vertically so that they are close to each other.
  3. After filling the jar to the middle, lay out the second part of the spices.
  4. Having tightly packed all the fruits to the top, pour in the remaining seasoning and mustard.
  5. Fill the cucumbers with brine, cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for 1.5 - 2 days until they ferment.
  6. Next, drain the brine, boil it and cool.
  7. Pour the resulting solution back into the jar and close the nylon lid.

It is better to store such a product in a cool place, so cucumbers will retain their taste for longer.

2 way

The simplest and easiest cooking method, the only drawback of such cucumbers is a short shelf life. This method for harvesting cucumbers for the winter is not suitable - cucumbers after such pickling will be ready in a couple of days and are intended for consumption immediately.


  • cucumbers - 1 kg .;
  • table salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch;
  • black pepper - 5 peas.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the cucumbers in cold water and cut off the ends on both sides.
  2. We put the prepared cucumbers in a tight bag, sprinkle with salt and mix thoroughly.
  3. Cut each clove of garlic in half and crush with a special crusher or the surface of a knife.
  4. We send garlic, chopped dill and pepper to cucumbers and mix.
  5. We stand at room temperature for 2.5 - 3 hours.

Cucumbers of such salting are stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.

3 way

"Grandma's way", in a tub or in a barrel. In the modern world, this salting method is not for the lazy. Minus - in a large number of fruits for pickling.

It was the Slavs who learned to prepare the most delicious pickles for the winter in jars and other containers. To date, there is a wide variety of different recipes for the methods of canning and salting this vegetable. You can salt cucumbers in a hot, cold way, under a nylon or metal lid - the main thing is that these vegetables are fresh and elastic.

There are quite unusual ways of preparing cucumbers for the winter, and the most ancient and one of the first was the preparation of delicious cucumbers in a pumpkin. Today, almost every housewife prepares crispy cucumbers. Pickles allow you to diversify the diet and complement other dishes in the winter, when there are not enough fresh vegetables on the menu. They are used as independent dishes, added to pickle, salads, and pickle is perfectly used as a separate drink.

In order to pickle vegetables, you need to know the basic rules and methods of cooking.

There are many ways to preserve vegetables. Recipes have their own secrets of pickling cucumbers and differences from each other, but there are a few basic rules that are followed in order to prepare delicious preservation.

To begin with, it is worth choosing the right vegetables for pickling. It plays a role in how the fruit will be prepared. For example, pickling cucumbers for the winter in liter jars requires the selection of small and approximately the same size vegetables, which will allow them to be carefully laid out in containers without violating integrity. There are recipes where the fruits must be cut into rings - for this you can use larger and uneven cucumbers. It is also worth paying attention to their density, color and the presence of damage.

Strong and unripe fruits with a pimply skin are ideal for preservation. After the product is selected, it is soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours. There is one secret in order for the cucumbers to be well salted and soaked in brine: their tails are cut off a little on both sides and several punctures are made at this place with a fork.

The utensils in which the vegetables will be cooked play an important role: they must be perfectly clean. The banks themselves must be subjected to thermal sterilization. Many housewives still prefer soda and soap solutions for washing jars and tubs. Lids, depending on the material from which they are made, are also subjected to steam or boiling water treatment. Neglecting the elementary rules for preparing containers can lead to the formation of souring in the future and lead to spoilage of the dish.

The water from which the brine for cucumbers will be prepared is also important: it must be clean, without impurities. Store-bought distilled water can be used.

Without fail, salt is used for pickling cucumbers - it is she who gives the necessary taste. Different recipes require a certain amount, but the invariant is that only rock salt is used. Experienced housewives warn that the use of fine and especially sea salt will make vegetables soft and not crispy.

You can not miss such an important point as spices and spices. They allow you to cook the most delicious and fragrant pickles. For example, in order to achieve crispy cucumbers, you need to put peeled oak bark in a jar or tub. The classic recipe for pickles for the winter in jars includes the following set of spices and spices:

  • sprigs of dill along with inflorescences (umbrellas);
  • horseradish and currant leaves;
  • pepper, salt, garlic.

Other recipes may contain completely different ingredients in the form of spices and herbs.

Salting methods

There are many recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter, but all of them, without exception, are divided into 2 different cooking methods: cold and hot.

In a cold way, you can quickly and easily prepare vegetables for future use. The recipe for pickling cucumbers is as follows. To begin with, fruits are laid out in a pre-prepared container, poured with cold brine and closed with a nylon lid. The brine is prepared quickly: salt is added to the water and stirred well, you can also add garlic or spices at your discretion. This is the fastest way to pickle. The container with vegetables is stored in the refrigerator or cellar - it is important not to leave the workpiece warm, otherwise it will deteriorate.

Even for pickles, the recipe is as follows: the hot method involves cooking the brine itself on fire and rolling the jars with metal lids. It is in this way that pickled crispy cucumbers in jars are most often prepared. This method allows you to achieve a unique aroma and taste due to hot processing. In the classical form, the preservation of cucumbers by this method is carried out as follows:

  1. The brine is being prepared. The necessary spices and spices are added to boiling water, they are allowed to boil for some time.
  2. Pour jars with cucumbers up to half with prepared brine and leave them in this form for a while.
  3. After the aging time, the brine is added and the jars are rolled up with tin lids.

Pickles in jars are stored for some time at room temperature, after which they are sent to a cool place for a long time. There are subtleties for preparing this kind of pickles: experienced housewives recommend adding mustard seeds to containers so that the brine does not ferment, and horseradish leaves will help to avoid mold.

Other pickled cucumber recipes

For longer-term storage of pickles, hot cooking is best, and cold pickling can prepare vegetables quickly, but they do not last that long.

Quick Recipe

For cooking, you will need 2 kg of vegetables, 3 dill inflorescences, 1 clove of garlic, 5 currant and cherry leaves, 8-10 peppercorns, horseradish leaves and root, 1.5 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of vodka, ¼ stacks of salt.

Before quickly pickling cucumbers, it is necessary to select vegetables and pour boiling water over them, then immerse them in ice water. It is this fact that will preserve the density. The fruits are placed in a 3-liter jar, with each layer sprinkled with spices, herbs, garlic and horseradish. The brine is prepared separately (salt and alcohol are poured into the water), after which jars are poured into them. In this way, crispy, moderately spicy and very tasty cucumbers are prepared without vinegar.

spicy cucumbers

For the preparation of fragrant and spicy pickles, the following recipe is suitable. The fruits are soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours, after which they are placed in jars. At the bottom of the container you need to put garlic, pepper, dill and horseradish root. Salt is put at the rate of 1 tbsp per 3 liters of water. The jars are covered with a nylon lid and put in a cool place - initially the brine will be cloudy, but then it will gradually brighten. You can use this pickle in 2-3 weeks.

These recipes show how to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars quickly and easily. It is worth remembering that the taste and quality of pickles will depend on the amount of salt and spices.

If we preserve vegetables for the purpose of long-term storage, then it is best to use the hot cooking method.

Recipe for fragrant cucumbers

From the ingredients you will need:

  • cucumbers;
  • salt, sugar;
  • garlic;
  • horseradish;
  • Bay leaf;
  • lemon acid;
  • water;
  • dill.

Cucumbers should already be selected and soaked in cold water. Banks, meanwhile, are being sterilized. Boil water in a separate bowl. The fruits are laid out in glass containers and poured with boiling water - so they stand for 15-20 minutes, after which the water is drained.

For brine, boil water and pour it over vegetables again, then drain it again and add spices and spices to it. Pour citric acid into each jar and then fill with brine. It is customary to keep jars of pickles warm for several days, while they are turned upside down and wrapped in a thick blanket. After they are lowered into the cellar or put in the pantry.

Recipe for spicy and crunchy pickles

This method will tell you how to pickle cucumbers in jars with the addition of oak bark, which gives the pickles a special piquant taste and crunchiness. For salting, it is necessary to prepare cucumbers, cherry leaves, currants, dill, horseradish root, salt, garlic and oak bark. The latter can be purchased at pharmacies. All spices, twigs, leaves and 1 tsp are placed at the bottom of sterilized jars. shredded bark. Jars with fruits are poured with cold brine and closed with nylon lids. Containers with pickles are placed in a dark and cool place.

Recipe "cucumbers in cucumbers"

Many people liked this method, as it is quite simple, and the cucumbers turn out to be unusually tasty. Vegetables must be carefully selected: one part for the preparation of the cucumber mass, and the second for whole salting. Ingredients for fermenting vegetables:

  • salt;
  • garlic;
  • dill;
  • horseradish, cherry, apple, raspberry and grape leaves.

To prepare the “cucumber sauce”, you need to grate fresh cucumbers on a coarse grater, then add salt and spices to the mass. At the bottom of the jars we put the leaves and the root of horseradish, lay out the cucumbers and pour over the mass. We finish the styling with horseradish leaves and garlic, after which we cover with nylon lids and put in the refrigerator. After 2 weeks, “cucumbers in cucumbers” can be put on the table and enjoy their taste.

Experienced chefs recommend taking beautiful and dense vegetables for pickling. Recipes for cucumbers for the winter in jars should be chosen to your taste and based on what dishes they will be added to. For example, it is better to use pickled vegetables for pickle, and hard and crispy pickles are more suitable for salads. You can add from herbs not only traditional dill and horseradish, but also tarragon, celery, basil, parsley, mustard and saffron.

Pickles cooked in tomato juice also have a special taste. Do not be afraid to experiment with different canning recipes, because only through your own experience can you select the most delicious canning methods.
