
How to cook an omelette with sausages in a pan. Omelette with sausages - a simple and hearty breakfast! We cook delicious omelettes with sausages in the oven, microwave, slow cooker and in a pan

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it should be tasty, nutritious and give us energy. Breakfast is different for everyone, someone just drinks coffee, someone eats milk porridge. What do you associate with your morning meal? Surely most will say: "with an omelette." But the truth is, even the laziest owlet can quickly cook this delicious dish - an omelet with sausage or bacon. Do you know everything about the omelet?

History of the omelet

Here you are standing at the stove and preparing a morning omelette with sausage or bacon. Do you have thoughts about where this dish came from, who invented it and what country is the home of the omelet? Alas, the name of this great man is unknown, and it is hardly possible to call any particular country the birthplace of the omelet.

A dish of beaten eggs and milk was known to the ancient Romans. But to say that it was they who came up with the recipe, no one will. After all, the word "omelette" is of French origin. Probably, the French consider the omelet their national dish, since almost all restaurants in the country have several on the menu. In addition, every self-respecting cook simply must be able to cook it.

And in general, all European countries have their own history of the appearance of an omelette. For example, in Germany there is a legend according to which some German king got lost in the forest while hunting and got hungry. He had to beg for food from the poor. Then one of them beat an egg and fried them. The king liked this dish very much. So the omelet became popular throughout Europe.

In each country, it is prepared differently: the Chinese and Japanese add rice and onions, the Italians prefer to add different types of cheese, in Spain they add garlic and potatoes to eggs. In general, there is no exact legend, as they say: how many people, so many opinions.

The benefits of an omelet

The classic omelet recipe is based on two ingredients: eggs and milk. That's where all the good lies in them. Eggs themselves are very useful, they contain many important amino acids and vitamins for the human body. Here are just some of them.

For example, eggs contain vitamin A, which is an excellent antioxidant. Vitamin B, which strengthens the immune system and speeds up metabolism. Vitamin D is an enemy to viruses, germs and infections. Vitamin E strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents aging. Eggs also contain iron, copper, phosphorus and other important elements.

with sausage

To prepare the simplest dish for breakfast - an omelette with sausage, you will need:

  • Chicken eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Fresh milk - a glass (200 ml).
  • Favorite sausages - 5 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 200 g.
  • Butter or vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Spices to taste.

To prepare a delicious omelette with sausage and cheese, it is better to use only fresh and high-quality products. Only then will the dish turn out to be the most useful.

  1. Cut the sausages into circles and fry them a little in a hot pan with oil.
  2. Whisk the yolks and whites separately, then carefully fold together. Add milk. Mix everything.
  3. Pour beaten eggs with milk over sausages. Cover with a lid and fry until done.
  4. Sprinkle the finished omelet with grated cheese.

We hope you enjoy our Sausage Omelet, which you can modify the recipe yourself by adding something like meat, bacon and tomato.

Bon appetit!

Omelettes rarely leave indifferent both children and their parents. They are prepared in dozens of different ways, and even more fillers are used. As scrambled eggs are almost unthinkable without fried "boiled eggs", so omelettes are in perfect harmony with sausages. The sausage omelet option is perhaps the fastest and most budgetary. Products such as milk, eggs and sausages can be found in almost any kitchen.

Omelette with sausages - general principles of cooking

Lush and simple omelets with sausages can be cooked not only in a pan. This hearty, nutritious dish can be baked in the oven, cooked in the cooking bowl or steam container of a slow cooker or microwave.

Omelet mass is prepared from whole eggs or only proteins. The splendor of an omelette depends on the way the main components of the omelette "dough" are mixed. To make the dish lush, the whites and yolks should be beaten separately, and then gently mix without whipping. An omelet will be less magnificent if you beat all the components of the egg mass at once.

Sausages for omelettes can be taken lightly smoked or regular, preferably the Dairy variety. Remove the outer shell from sausages and cut into rings or medium-sized pieces. Before mixing or filling with an omelette mass, they are lightly fried until golden brown or added immediately after grinding.

In an omelet with sausages, you can fry medium-sized chopped onions, sweet bell peppers or tomatoes. Often, grated cheese is added to the egg mass or an almost ready-made omelet is sprinkled with it, after which the dish is brought to readiness. To make a more hearty dish, fried sausages are laid out on fried bread and only then poured over them with an egg mixture.

Recipe for a fluffy omelette with sausages and cheese in a pan


Three sausages;

50 grams of "Dutch" or "Edam" cheese;

Four eggs;

30 grams of homemade butter.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the outer casing from the sausages and cut them into thin rings.

2. Crack the eggs, place the yolks in one bowl and the whites in another.

3. Slightly salt the yolks, season with ground pepper and beat lightly with a fork.

4. Whip the whites with a whisk into a fluffy foam and combine with the yolks. Do not beat, gently mix the protein foam with the yolks, moving from bottom to top.

5. Melt the butter over medium heat, fry the pieces of sausages in it on both sides and put on a separate plate.

6. In a clean frying pan, melt some more butter and lay out the egg mass. Cover with a lid and cook over moderate heat for exactly one minute.

7. Spread the fried sausages over the omelette, rub the cheese on top of them through a fine grater, cover again and bring the omelette to readiness for three minutes.

The easiest recipe for an omelette with sausages in a pan


Four eggs;

Smoked sausages - 4 pcs.;

One and a half tablespoons of corn oil;

100 ml pasteurized milk.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the sausages, peeled from the outer shell, into rings and lightly fry on both sides.

2. Break the eggs into a bowl, add some fine salt and ground pepper. Pour in the milk and beat everything vigorously with a mixer or whisk.

3. Spread the fried sausages evenly over the pan, and pour them with the mixture prepared from the eggs.

4. On a small heat, hold the omelet under the lid until fully cooked, it should not be liquid.

Omelet with sausages, vegetables and cheese in the oven


One sweet bell pepper;

A small clove of garlic;

"Russian" or "Kostroma" cheese - 100 gr.;

120 grams of "Milk" sausages;

Small bulb;

A tablespoon of refined vegetable oil;

80 ml cow's milk.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the pepper, cut it in half lengthwise, remove the seed part with the stalk and wash again.

2. Cut the peeled onion and pepper pulp into medium-sized slices, chop the garlic clove with a knife. Remove the casing from the sausages and cut them into thin half rings.

3. In a thick-walled pan, heat the oil and dip the garlic into it. Without stopping stirring, fry the garlic pieces until a specific aroma appears and add the onion.

4. As soon as the onion pieces become a delicate golden color, put sausages with pieces of pepper in the pan and continue to heat until the pulp of the pepper is soft.

5. Pour the eggs into a deep bowl, add a little salt and sprinkle with freshly ground pepper, pour in the milk.

6. Grate the cheese on a medium grater. Set aside about 20 grams of cheese chips, and add the rest to the eggs and shake with a whisk.

7. Combine the cooled sausages fried with onions with the egg mixture, mix.

8. Cover the bottom and sides of a deep small form with butter, pour the prepared omelet mixture into it and place in a hot (at least 180 degrees) oven for 40 minutes.

9. Five minutes before readiness, sprinkle the omelette with the reserved cheese chips and bring to readiness.

10. Cool the baked omelet a little to make it firmer, cut into pieces and serve.

Omelet with sausages on bread with cheese


Two thin slices of white loaf, premium;

Three chicken eggs;

Two sausages;

80 ml of liquid cream of high fat content;

40 grams of cheese;

A sprig of fresh dill and a little more parsley;

Butter for frying.

Cooking method:

1. Put about one and a half tablespoons of butter in a large thick-walled pan and heat well on minimal heat. You can replace butterfat with vegetable oil.

2. Pour the eggs into the cream, add your favorite seasonings and, without beating, stir the egg mass with a fork or whisk.

3. Grind the cheese on a coarse grater, chop the dried greens without stems into small pieces.

4. Dip the sausages cut into rings into the heated fat. Fry the pieces until lightly browned on both sides and remove from the pan.

5. Put slices of bread in the remaining fat in the pan. As soon as the bottom side is well fried, turn over, return the fried sausages to the pan, evenly distributing them along the bottom, and pour everything with the prepared omelette mass.

6. Top the egg mass with cheese chips mixed with finely chopped greens, cover and continue cooking over low heat for about five minutes.

Recipe for a protein omelette with sausages for a slow cooker


five eggs;

"Milk" sausages - 3 pcs.;

60 grams of "Kostroma" cheese;

A little butter.

Cooking method:

1. Grease the bottom of the cooking bowl well with oil and dip the sausages cut into rings into it. Spread the pieces evenly over the cooking bowl and start the baking program. Stirring, fry the sausages in the set mode until they are well browned.

2. Separate the proteins and add a little table salt to them and beat with a mixer, at medium speed for about 2 minutes. The yolks will not be needed.

3. Pour the fried sausages with whipped proteins, sprinkle everything with grated cheese on a coarse grater on top and leave to cook by closing the lid of the appliance.

Delicious omelette with sausages and fresh tomatoes


Smoked sausages - 3 pcs.;

Half a small onion;

Half a glass of pasteurized milk;

Small tomato;

Three large eggs;

Unflavored vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Dip a medium-sized onion into vegetable oil well warmed up in a pan and fry the pieces over low heat.

2. When the onion slices begin to brown, put sausages cut into thin circles to them. Stir and reduce heat to medium or slightly more.

3. Cut half of the tomato into thin slices, set aside. Cut the rest into small cubes and add to the sausages.

4. Lightly salt the eggs, pour milk into them, stir everything until smooth with a fork. Pour the frying in a pan with the prepared mixture, put the remaining tomato slices on top.

5. Cover the pan with a lid, set the minimum heat. After about seven minutes, the omelet with sausages and tomatoes will be ready.

Microwave Sausage Omelet Express Breakfast


One egg;

A teaspoon of finely chopped dill;

Half a sausage;

Two spoons of milk;

A tablespoon of finely grated cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Break an egg into a large cup, add milk, lightly salt, pepper if desired, and shake well with a fork.

2. Pour chopped dill and cheese chips.

3. Cut half of the sausage into small pieces and put the slices into a cup with eggs, mix.

4. Place the bowl of omelet in the microwave and turn it on for six minutes.

A simple steam omelette with sausages in a slow cooker


Chicken eggs - 6 pcs.;

Half a glass of cow's milk;

Three sausages, preferably "Dairy";

Several sprigs of fresh dill.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the milk into a bowl and pour in the eggs. Add quite a bit of ground pepper, lightly salt and bring to uniformity, lightly beating the egg mass with a fork.

2. Remove the casing from the sausages. Cut them into medium-sized pieces, of arbitrary shape, mix with the egg mass and add chopped dill.

3. Pour two cups of warm water into the brew bowl.

4. Cover the steam container with cling film and place it on the steam bowl.

5. Fill the prepared container with the egg mass and turn on the multicooker in the "Steam" option for half an hour.

6. After the end of the set program, open the lid of the appliance, carefully remove the steam container with the finished omelet and turn the container over onto a plate so that the omelet slips onto it.

7. Decorate the dish with sprigs of fresh herbs.

Omelet with sausages - cooking tricks and useful tips

Do not beat the egg mixture for a long time, otherwise the omelet will turn out low and unnecessarily dense. To get a magnificent dish, it is enough to mix the eggs with other ingredients, just loosen them slightly with a fork.

The more eggs used, the richer the omelets will be. To prepare a magnificent omelette with sausages in the cooking bowl of a multicooker, it is advisable to take at least ten eggs.

It is undesirable to add semolina, flour or starch to omelettes. They will not only delay the rise, but also make the omelet tough.

A hot omelette according to the proposed recipe will be enthusiastically received by children who love sausages.

Their quality must be impeccable. A tablespoon of fresh full-fat milk will add juiciness and a delicate creamy taste to the dish. Appetizing pink sausage circles with a fried crust will not only decorate a bright yellow omelette cake, but also make it more satisfying. A small amount of baking soda, without affecting the taste, will give the omelet a porous and airy structure. A simple egg dish is perfectly complemented by thin slices of tomatoes, chopped greens or a pimply pickled cucumber.


  • sausages - 2 pcs.
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • milk - 70 ml
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • dried marjoram - 0.25 tsp


1. Wash the eggs well. Pour into a deep container, as stirring can splatter all over the kitchen. Whisk with a whisk until the egg whites combine with the yolks.

2. Pour milk. The percentage of fat content does not play an important role. Instead of milk, you can use cream with a fat content of 10-20% or plain water. Stir with a whisk until smooth.

3. From spices, use salt and ground black pepper. As an additional component, add a little dried marjoram. You can also use herbs de Provence, oregano, thyme, or other spices of your choice. Stir.

4. If you want to get a delicious omelet, take care of quality products. Choose fresh and tasty sausages from a trusted manufacturer. Cut them into circles and send them to a preheated pan with vegetable oil. Lightly fry until lightly browned, tossing from one side to the other.

This is a very simple dish that is easy to fry for breakfast. The omelette is delicious, but high in calories. The calorie content of an omelet is 190 calories per hundred grams of the product. In order to make an omelet less caloric, exclude sausages and change them to non-caloric meat.

Useful properties of an omelette

If you cook such an omelette in the oven without oil, and replace the sausages with meat, the dish will turn out to be useful for people who follow proper nutrition. The omelet dish is rich in proteins and helps build muscle in the body. And also, scrambled eggs contain a large amount of calcium and vitamins A and E, D, as well as zinc, which helps hair growth.

An omelette can serve as the perfect breakfast or as a main course. Thanks to proteins and carbohydrates, such a dish energizes for the whole day. Eggs contain all the substances necessary for the body, which are completely absorbed. Egg yolk is rich in almost all B vitamins.

It is known that an omelette cooked in the oven in a dietary way is good for people with gastritis, and helps the digestive system cope with high acidity.

To protect yourself from salmonellosis, you should thoroughly fry eggs and wash them before cooking. And you should also observe the norm of eating eggs, since excessive consumption increases bad cholesterol and this can lead to clogging of plaques in the vessels.

This fluffy omelet recipe saves time. Breakfast is hearty and uplifting.

Cooking time: twenty minutes

Difficulty of cooking: easy


  • Five sausages;
  • Milk half a glass;
  • Three eggs;
  • Spices;
  • One tomato;
  • Dill.

How to cook sausage omelet

Wash the eggs under water, then break into a bowl, add a little salt and beat.

Add milk and continue to stir. It is better to beat with a fork or a mixer, so the omelet with milk will turn out more magnificent. We heat the pan and pour the omelet into it, reduce the heat.

Omelet with sausages is a great option for breakfast, which will appeal not only to adults, but also to capricious children. In addition, you can cook this dish in the shortest possible time, so this option will be very useful for working mothers. Consider several recipes for preparing a simple, tasty and very satisfying dish.

Omelette recipe with sausages in a pan

How to cook a delicious breakfast according to the proposed recipe:

Omelet with sausages and tomatoes in a pan

An omelet prepared according to this recipe has an indescribable aroma and taste. In order to prepare it, you will need:

  • sausages (any) - 3 pieces;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • ½ onion;
  • cow's milk - 100 ml;
  • one tomato;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 200 kcal.

Sequential cooking:

  1. Peel the onion, wash and cut into small pieces;
  2. Heat a frying pan on the stove, add sunflower oil to it and then put the prepared onion. Fry until a characteristic golden hue appears;
  3. Cut the sausages into circles and send to the half-finished onion. Slightly reduce immediately the intensity of the fire;
  4. Cut ½ of the tomato into small cubes and also send to the pan. Cut the second part of the vegetable into larger slices;
  5. Crack eggs into a bowl, add milk and beat with a fork. Add a little salt and beat the mixture again;
  6. Pour this mixture into the pan directly over the vegetables and sausages;
  7. And immediately beautifully lay out the second part of the tomato there;
  8. Cover the pan and leave for 10 minutes.

Omelet with sausage and cheese in the oven

This option can be called extraordinary, since the usual ingredients of an ordinary omelet are supplemented with spinach, and cooking is performed in the oven. You need to prepare the following set of products in advance:

  • sausages (any) - 2 pieces;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • fresh spinach - a small pinch;
  • low-fat sour cream - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt and ground pepper - a small pinch each.

Calorie content - 213.9 kcal.

How to cook an unusual breakfast:

  1. First of all, spinach must be washed very thoroughly and also dried thoroughly. And then grind;
  2. Grate hard cheese;
  3. Put the prepared spinach and cheese into any container, beat in 1 chicken egg and mix well. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and then mix the composition thoroughly again;
  4. Remove the skin from the sausages and cut them into small sticks;
  5. Prepare silicone molds, put a small amount of chopped sausages on the bottom of each;
  6. Put the egg-cheese mixture on top of the sausages;
  7. In a separate container, beat the remaining chicken eggs with sour cream. Add salt and pepper and pour the resulting composition into molds, filling them to the very top;
  8. Preheat the oven and place the molds there. The baking time will be about 20 minutes.

Lush steam omelette in a slow cooker

This option is the simplest. Its preparation does not require skills and experience, so even a beginner can easily handle it. For cooking you will need:

  • chicken eggs - 6 pieces;
  • milk sausages - 3 pieces;
  • cow's milk - 100 ml;
  • salt.

Cooking time - 30 minutes.

Calorie content - 122 kcal.

How to cook a steamed omelette in a slow cooker:

  1. All prepared chicken eggs must be driven into a container;
  2. Add milk and salt, beat a little with a fork;
  3. Peel sausages and cut into thin slices. Add also to the container with the ingredients mixed there;
  4. Pour 2 cups of water into the multi-cooker bowl, put a special container for steam cooking on top and lay cling film in it;
  5. Pour the prepared mixture based on chicken eggs onto the film;
  6. Put the device in the "Steam" mode and leave for 25 minutes.

Protein omelette recipe in the microwave

To make this omelette you will need:

  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk sausages - 1 piece;
  • cow's milk - 1 tablespoon;
  • fresh greens - a small bunch;
  • table salt and spices to taste.

Cooking time - 10 minutes.

Calorie content - 130.6 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks;
  2. In a container, combine the proteins with milk and beat with a mixer until a high white foam is formed;
  3. Add table salt and spices;
  4. Cut the sausage into cubes;
  5. Wash greens, dry, chop and add together with sausages to the protein mixture, mix gently;
  6. Cover the container with a lid and send it to the microwave;
  7. Set the power on the device to 600 W and leave for 3 minutes.

  1. You can’t beat eggs for an omelet for a long time, because in the end you won’t have to expect splendor from him. Correctly mix the egg mixture easily with a fork;
  2. Eggs add splendor to the dish, so in order for the omelet with sausages to be as magnificent as possible, it is worth using about 10 chicken eggs.

Omelet with sausages is a tasty and satisfying dish that can easily feed the whole family. In addition, cooking will take a limited amount of time. You can experiment and use various preparation methods that are sure to surprise and delight family members.
