
How to cook low fat soup. Lenten soups, recipes for every day

Simple and delicious soup recipes for every day

Three recipes with photos of lean soups that will be a great addition to any table. How to cook simple and tasty soups? Everything in this article

1 hour

30 kcal

5/5 (2)

Many people think that lean soups are a complete bad taste. It would seem that a soup can be without a rich fatty broth and other attributes more familiar to Slavic cuisine than simple lean soups. But many do not take into account that even the easiest soup can become a real masterpiece, even without the addition of fatty meats or high-calorie sauces.

Benefits of Lean Soups

Many cooks believe that in meatless soups, the composition of the products is not so important, and it can be simple. Spices - that's what will be the trump card of any lean dish. Pinch nutmeg or turmeric can change the dish beyond recognition, both in taste and appearance.

Everyone will appreciate the advantage of lean soups, even if you do not observe Great Lent, they can be ideal for taking during a diet or fasting day. I have highlighted the most interesting types of lean soups that prepare quickly and do not require any special components. Only what can be found in every kitchen.

So, lean soups are of the following types:

  • Lean soup with vegetable broth
  • Semi-fast soup with chicken broth
  • Lean soup with fish broth

I’ll be honest right away: I’m not a professional and rely only on my personal experience. Basically, lean soups are only on such broths. What can you cook on fast days? Of course, soup with vegetable broth.

But I advise you not to forget that chicken or fish broth soup is no longer considered a dish for daily fasting. See according to the Orthodox calendar when and what kind of “fast” product can be consumed during fasting.

Lenten soup in a hurry - how many recipes with photos

And now the recipes themselves. Below are a few options on how to make easy and delicious soups.

Festive fish broth soup

The set of products is:


I usually use plain fish broth prepared ahead of time. During the time spent in the refrigerator, the taste of the broth intensifies, and the taste of the soup becomes brighter. Therefore, I do not advise cooking lean soup in freshly brewed fish broth.

  1. Peel and cut carrots and potatoes. Bring the broth to a boil. Put some spices into the broth.
  2. Potato, cut into medium cubes, toss in boiling broth. Make sure that it is salty, otherwise the finished soup will have to be constantly added salt, the vegetables will not have time to collect salt in themselves and will be unsalted inside.
  3. After ten to fifteen minutes, add the carrots cut into small slices into the broth, and after a few minutes the lean soup is ready. Add seasonings freshly chopped parsley and serve on the table.

Diet chicken broth soup - recipe

This dish will become a more dietary variation of the well-known chicken soup with potatoes and noodles.

Product set:

  • 1-1.5 liters of chicken broth. A good, low-fat broth will come from chicken breast.
  • Two or three medium potatoes.
  • small bulb
  • Pasta.
  • Seasonings. Specifically turmeric for color.

  1. Bring the broth to a boil. Peel potatoes, onions.
  2. Cut potatoes medium cube, send to a boiling broth. Once the potatoes are almost done, add the pasta and chopped onion.
  3. After adding seasonings to taste, use turmeric to make the dish very beautiful.

Classic vegetable broth soup - recipe

Product set:

  • 1.5 liters of vegetable broth.
  • Three medium sized potatoes
  • Carrot
  • Greenery.
  1. Bring the broth to a boil, check for salt. Clean your vegetables.
  2. I advise you to start cooking by adding your favorite seasonings or dried vegetables, dried garlic and parsley will be especially good. Add seasonings during boiling and just before serving. The taste of the soup will be rich.
  3. Send the diced potatoes to the broth. Through 10-15 minutes add all vegetables. The soup will be ready in 5-10 minutes. Garnish with freshly chopped parsley before serving.

Lenten recipes for soups help not only to adhere to fasts correctly, but also to organize “holiday fasting days” for the stomach. After all, hot dishes of this type are very useful for the human body. They are cooked in vegetable broth, but can easily satisfy anyone. In addition, this food is much better digested, unlike heavy meat soups and second courses.

Lenten soup: benefits

Lenten soup recipes are popular in vegetarian cuisine, as well as during Christian fasts. But it should be noted that these hot dishes are really beneficial for the health of every person. The value of lean soup is expressed as follows:

  • they are prepared on vegetable broths, which are much faster absorbed by the body than, for example, meat ones;
  • vegetables that are part of this dish are sources of vitamins, fiber, trace elements, dietary fiber, which are not destroyed during cooking;
  • lean soup recipes include adding a variety of greens to them, which improves their taste and significantly increases their nutritional value;
  • this dish has a relatively low calorie content - only from 40 to 50 kcal, which has practically no negative effect on the human figure;
  • soups perfectly quench thirst in the summer and have the ability to restore lost fluid in the body.

Lenten soup recipes are very popular among people who want to quickly lose extra pounds. This is an ideal diet for losing weight people.

Lean pea soup

To prepare this hot dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • a glass of 200 grams of peas;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • a couple of pieces of preferably white bread;
  • medium-sized bulbs - 2 pcs.;
  • a little bit of butter;
  • spices (bay leaf, salt, cumin, a pinch of dill).

Cut the potatoes into medium cubes (approximately 2x2 cm).

Bread is also cut into cubes of the same size. Then put the pieces on a baking sheet, the bottom of which is pre-lined with baking paper and greased with butter (for the delicate taste of future croutons). It is recommended to dry them at a moderate temperature in the oven for about a quarter of an hour.

Lightly fry the chopped onion (up to about a translucent appearance), add carrots and simmer for about 6-7 minutes.

Peas should be washed and boiled in lightly salted water until tender (about 2.5 hours).

Then add potatoes and stewed vegetables to the peas. Cook for another quarter of an hour, seasoning with spices to your liking.

Serve hot, garnished with crispy croutons.

How to cook lean soup in a slow cooker?

The above device is very popular among modern housewives. Indeed, with the help of a multicooker, very tasty dishes are prepared, much less time is spent for this process - there is no need to constantly stand at the stove.

Lenten recipes for soups in a slow cooker are very much in demand nowadays. After all, modern women care not only about their figure, but also about the health of their family.

To prepare soup in a slow cooker, you need to take the following products, the amount of which depends on how many servings you are cooking for:

  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • onion;
  • broccoli;
  • green pea;
  • vegetable oil - a few drops;
  • spices (pepper, coriander, salt) to your own taste.

Wash the vegetables thoroughly and cut into medium pieces.

Pour a few drops of vegetable oil into the bowl of the multicooker and lightly fry the onion. Then add diced carrots and potatoes. Turn on the program "Frying" for two minutes. Then add broccoli, green peas, spices and pour the required amount of water. Then set the "Soup" program for 45 minutes and press "start".

Lean soup in a slow cooker is ready after another 10 minutes of infusion. Serve such an appetizing, fragrant and healthy hot dish with toast or toast from black or white bread (as you like).

Lean vegetable soup

To prepare the above dish, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • head of cauliflower;
  • several potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • onion;
  • a few cherry tomatoes;
  • herbs and spices to your own taste;
  • two pinches of flour.

Cut potatoes, cauliflower into medium pieces. Boil water, salt lightly and add vegetables to it.

Chop the onion, fry, add grated carrots to it and simmer for about 7 minutes.

Remove the skin from cherry tomatoes by dropping them into boiling water. Then grate these vegetables on a fine grater and add to the carrots and onions.

Lean vegetable soup is ready. You can decorate this dish with herbs.

Little tricks for cooking lean soup

  1. For a rich taste of the broth, it is recommended to cook the vegetables in it for at least an hour over low heat.
  2. Be sure to cover the soup pot with a lid so that the vitamins do not break down.
  3. Lean vegetable soups are not recommended to be consumed immediately after cooking. To improve the taste, you need to give them some time (only 10-15 minutes for them to infuse).

Lenten soup recipes wonderfully complement the culinary list of every housewife. After all, sometimes you really want to feel the taste of a light and fragrant hot first course and take a break from heavy meat snacks.

Thanks to years of experimentation in the kitchen today you can eat delicious food even during fasting periods when the menu is maximally limited. You can saturate the diet with a variety of products and dishes from them.

First of all, in the refrigerator of each family there should be soup, since the first dishes improve the work of the stomach. Many people think that soup can be tasty only if pieces of meat float in it, and it is seasoned with fatty sour cream.

However, this is not quite true. There are many lean soups, the recipes of which can be changed even for every new day. and enjoy the varied flavors of their ingredients. New delicious flavors can always saturate the kitchen and lure loved ones to dinner. Even guests can be satisfied with lean culinary masterpieces of first courses.

Ready to surprise with meatless delicious soups? Gather your ingredients and get started!

Buckwheat and rowing soup - to the last spoon

Lenten dish - buckwheat soup with mushrooms

In culinary practice, there are many recipes for mushroom soups. But the combination of tender buckwheat and fragrant mushrooms will surely satisfy the tastes of all family members. It is easy to prepare it, having the following components in the arsenal:

  • buckwheat - 100 g;
  • fresh mushrooms - 300 g, if dried - 70 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs. (you can tomato paste -2 tablespoons);
  • potatoes -3-4 pcs.
  • dill, parsley - 20 g;
  • sunflower oil - 40 ml;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to your own taste.

When preparing soup, combine the ingredients in the following simple sequence:

  1. Dry mushrooms require primary washing, soaking in cold water. The soup should then be boiled in the water in which they were soaked. Fresh - cut not too finely so that they stand out in the soup.
  2. We peel the vegetables and chop them as convenient (it is best to cut the potatoes into strips).
  3. We heat the oil in a frying pan, pour the onion and fry until light golden, add the mushrooms until the water starts up.
  4. Fall asleep carrots and tomatoes (paste). Mix well and simmer until liquid evaporates.
  5. Boil water, then add potatoes to it.
  6. After the secondary boil, add buckwheat, knead and leave for 15 minutes.
  7. We send the stewed mixture to a bowl with potatoes and buckwheat.
  8. We add taste with salt, pepper and seasonings and boil until fully cooked.
  9. For 5-7 min. until the soup is fully cooked, add chopped greens.

Well, prepare the plates and enjoy the fragrant lean soup and its variety of flavors. Lovely and well-fed smiles of loved ones are definitely provided after such a dinner.

Simple Nutritious Vermicelli Soup

Vermicelli lean soup

Lenten soups according to popular recipes for every day have in their diversity a great option for a family dinner table. Few people refuse soft and tender vermicelli in spirit soup. This dish can be the savior of your culinary credibility during fasting periods.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vermicelli - 120 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • water - 3 l;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • dill, parsley - 30 g;
  • salt, peppercorns, spices (preferably turmeric in their composition) - at the discretion;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;

If you have all the ingredients, take a good mood and enjoy the simple preparation of this type of lean soups in a simple recipe for every day:

  1. Remove the skin from the potatoes, and cut as convenient.
  2. Chop the onion very finely, and grate the carrots finely.
  3. Fry half the onion in sunflower oil until golden and add the garlic, crushed through a press.
  4. Boil the ode and pour the potatoes into it, leave until medium readiness
  5. Add vermicelli to water, raw onions and carrots. Stir.
  6. 3-5 minutes before cooking the pasta, pour in the pre-cooked frying, season the soup with salt, pepper and spices.

An appetizing dish will surely lure all the inhabitants of the house to the dining table, and its flavor spectrum will satisfy all the food wishes of the family.

Fresh soup with peas and croutons

Soup with peas and croutons

Beloved by many pea soup has always been on the pedestal among the first courses. If its classic recipe provides for the addition of completely non-lean butter, then it can be included in the recipes of characteristically lean soups for every day just by replacing the butter with vegetable oil. The result will be no less delicious.

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • yellow peas - 200 g;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • onion - 1-2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper, spices - according to taste preferences;
  • dill, parsley - 30 g;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • black or white bread sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfor croutons - 200 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.

The available set of food components is recombined in the soup according to the following steps:

  1. Place the peas in cool water and leave for 12 hours to achieve softness and tenderness of taste.
  2. We boil the peas according to the packaging conditions in fresh water, draining the previous one.
  3. We clean and cut vegetables. Carrots and potatoes - in small cubes, onions - finely.
  4. In sunflower oil, fry the onion until golden, add the carrots and continue to fry for another 10 minutes. on reduced fire.
  5. When the peas have boiled a little, add the chopped potatoes. Bring to a boil.
  6. We fall asleep onion-carrot frying, salt, pepper and add spices and bay leaf.
  7. We fall asleep green in 5 minutes. until the first course is ready.
  8. Rub the bread with garlic and cut into cubes. Fry in a pan or place in the oven (170 °) for 10-15 minutes.
  9. While eating the soup, pour crunchy crackers into it.

A very hearty, aromatic soup that is competitive in terms of protein composition with almost any meat dish. So, in addition to enjoying the taste and aroma, you can also exhaust the health benefits from it.

Lenten kulesh

A dish that, at the slightest mention, makes the gastric juices stand out in huge portions. In the classic version, cooked with bacon, but also without it, in the category of “delicious lean soups - recipes for every day”, kulesh will compete with many others.


  • millet - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • dill, parsley - 20 g;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper, spices - according to taste preferences;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

Such an economical option for a very tasty dish and it is very easy to prepare:

  1. We wash the millet with warm water, then scald it with boiling water. This is to make the cereal more tender in taste. Chop the onion very finely.
  2. Pour millet into cool water and leave to cook over medium heat.
  3. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into not too small cubes.
  4. When the water with millet boils, put the potatoes there, salt and spice up with your favorite spices.
  5. Re-boiling requires reducing the fire. Boil for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onion and fry until golden brown.
  7. We send the roast to the soup for 10 minutes. until ready, mix well.
  8. When serving for dinner, decorate the kulish with greens.

All family members will appreciate this kulish variant and no one will be able to refuse the addition of such an appetizing and fragrant delicacy.

Lenten soups (or rather, simple recipes for soups for every day) will complement any family's favorite cookbook and add flavor to the menu during fasting periods.

You no longer have to worry about food restrictions, because the stock of alternative, delicious culinary recipes for first courses is now always in the family cookbook. Surprise your loved ones with new and updated culinary masterpieces every day.

Don't be afraid to experiment with different soups, their ingredients, and share your recipes with others.

Bon appetit!

Do not miss the most popular articles of the rubric

Lent for the Orthodox in 2018 begins on February 19. It will last forty days until April 7 inclusive. Fasting is a time when believers abstain not only from all food of animal origin - meat, milk, butter and eggs. Lay people are allowed to eat boiled food every other day, including lenten soups. Food restrictions for the laity are not as strict as for church ministers, monks and priests.

The so-called days of "dry eating" involve the use of uncooked foods. There are days of complete abstinence from food. And on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays it is allowed to cook food in vegetable oil, as well as eat fish and seafood. In the world, everyone decides for himself to what extent his faith and health allow him to fast.

I cook lean soups quite often and not only during fasts. These dishes are tasty and low-calorie. In addition, their diversity allows you to cook a new, tasty dish every day. Shchi, borsch, solyanka, pickle, pea and bean soups - all of them can be cooked without meat. However, they will not be fresh and empty. Do not be lazy and prepare lean mayonnaise. With it, you will get full-fledged meals, which are served on fasting days in restaurants of Russian cuisine.

Previously, we have already analyzed some recipes for lean salads, soups and main courses. You can see them in the "Lenten dishes" section. In this article, I have collected the best lean soups that I cook for myself and for my family. Some are easy and quick to prepare, while others require some time and effort. However, they are all very tasty and healthy. Choose any and cook with pleasure!

I would be glad if this selection of recipes will help those who decide to observe fasts or take their health seriously. Write all questions and wishes in the comments below the article.

Recipe for lean borscht with beans and beets

This is the most favorite soup in our family, regardless of whether it is cooked with or without meat. On days of fasting or a strict diet, I cook it even without the use of vegetable oil. Borscht in any case will turn out tasty and rich. Appetizing vegetable broth and boiled beans will make this lean borscht amazing. Today I cook with canned beans, but you can also use regular beans.

Dry beans should be soaked for at least 12 hours before cooking. And change the water at least three times.

If desired, you can add fresh or canned champignons or other mushrooms to it. The classic recipe for borscht with beans requires cooking it without potatoes. But I love potatoes in borscht, so I'll add that too. If you cook without potatoes, then take the beans twice as much.

What you need:

How to cook:

So, if the beans are canned, like mine, then we do not need to soak them. Pour 3 liters of water into a large saucepan and put on fire. Immediately pour the beans into it and wait until it boils. At this time, we prepare all the vegetables.

We cut the potatoes arbitrarily, onions into quarters of rings, carrots and beets into a large grater. Shred the cabbage thinly. Immediately cut a bunch of greens and a couple of cloves of garlic. If today you eat vegetable oil, then let's fry vegetables on it.

We put the pan on a large fire and pour 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil. First, fry the onion until golden brown.

Do not forget to constantly stir the vegetables during the cooking process.

Then we add grated carrots to it and after three minutes we add beets and tomato paste. I use homemade tomato instead.

If you can’t eat butter today, you can dip the grated vegetables directly into the soup. But this should be done after the beans and potatoes are cooked.

The roast is ready. I add a little broth to it from the pan and cover with a lid. I already have beans in the pot. We send diced potatoes to it. The cooking time of potatoes is always different and depends on the variety and storage conditions.

Check doneness with a knife or taste.

At this stage, I already salt and pepper the broth. Since my beans are canned, they are already ready from the start. My potatoes were cooked in 10 minutes. Now I send thinly chopped cabbage to the pan.

The broth boiled again and cook the cabbage for no more than two minutes. I don't like it when cabbage boils into jelly in borscht. We immediately send all the fried vegetables and lavrushka to the pan.

When it boils, turn off the heat and let the borscht brew under a tightly closed lid for about half an hour. At this time, you can pour chopped greens into the pan.

You can serve it separately, so that later you can pour portions into the plates.

The taste and aroma of this borscht will prove to everyone that lean soups are no worse than meat ones.

Lean soup from fresh cabbage with mushrooms in a slow cooker

In this video clip, Valentina Sidorova will show us in detail how to cook cabbage soup without meat. Very fast and delicious recipe. Mushrooms give this dish a unique taste. Especially when they languish longer in a slow cooker.

However, when I cook lean cabbage soup, I still add a little sour, sauerkraut. It gives the soup a delicious sourness and with it the mushroom broth is more rich and fragrant.

On fasting days, of course, sour cream should not be eaten. If you cook lean soups, cook for them. It can also be used in the preparation of vegetarian salads.

Lean pickle with pearl barley and pickles

I am even embarrassed to call such a soup lean, before it is rich, tasty and satisfying. I found this vegan pickle recipe on the Internet a long time ago and use it quite often.

Pearl barley should be soaked for at least 3-4 hours before cooking.

I even boil pearl barley in advance sometimes. Cooking soups without meat does not require much time and effort. The result is always tasty and healthy.

What you need:

How to cook:

First, pour 3 liters of water into the pan and put on fire. In the meantime, wash and clean all vegetables. Then they cut potatoes, cucumbers and carrots larger, and smaller onions. Barley was washed and soaked in the evening. Now I washed it again and drained the water. Mushrooms are cut into thin slices.

When the water in the pan boils, I pour barley into boiling water and add a little salt. Let the cereal cook for at least 30 minutes.

When you salt, do not forget that we will add cucumber pickle to the broth.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the onion in it until translucent. Pour chopped carrots to it. Fry for another five minutes. You can even pour a little broth from the pan. And at the end, pour chopped, pickled cucumbers into the pan. Now you can close the lid and stew the vegetables a little.

If you wish, you can add tomato paste to the fry. I didn’t, because my cucumbers are barrel-picked and very sour. Extra acid is no longer required.

For pickle, it is better to take pickled cucumbers, and not pickled ones.

The barley has already been welded. Throw in the mushrooms. When the champignons boil for 10 minutes, pour the chopped potatoes into them and cook until the potatoes are fully cooked. At this stage, I throw in two bay leaves.

At the end of cooking, put the vegetable fry into the soup and pour in the cucumber pickle.

Add all acidic components only after the potatoes are completely cooked. Otherwise, it will harden and become hard.

Let the pickle boil for the last time and cover with a lid for half an hour to infuse. You can already add finely chopped greens.

To say that the pickle was a success is like saying nothing. Such lean soups can be eaten every day with pleasure. Be sure to cook it and treat your family and friends!

Recipe for lean hodgepodge of sauerkraut with mushrooms

I foresee that there will be readers who will say that hodgepodge cannot be lean by definition. - the most meaty of all soups, because it always contains several varieties of meat, and even sausages. They prepare hodgepodge and fish soup with different types of fish. And today we will make it with mushrooms.

This soup is especially good in a slow cooker, when, after cooking, it simmers for another hour under the lid.

For many years I have been preparing such a delicious, mushroom hodgepodge that even men eat with pleasure. And they, as you know, soups without meat are not very respected. Sometimes it is useful for everyone to replace the fatty, meat broth with a light, mushroom one. What's more, the taste is unbeatable.

What you need:

How to cook:

Pour 3 liters of water into a large saucepan and put on fire. While it boils, I clean and wash all the vegetables. Mushrooms, of course, you can take any that you like best, or just have it in stock.

If the mushrooms are dried, they need to be soaked for 6 to 12 hours before cooking.

I always put sauerkraut in a hodgepodge. It gives a good acidity to the hodgepodge. You can also use fresh.

As in all sour soups, in a hodgepodge, first of all, boil the potatoes until tender, and then we send all the pickled and pickled vegetables to the pan.

If you do the opposite, then in the sour broth the potatoes will not boil, but will harden.

Therefore, we send chopped potatoes to the pan and cook until they are completely ready. And at this time we will fry vegetables and mushrooms for hodgepodge.

We put two frying pans on the fire and pour in a little vegetable oil. In one of them we pour finely chopped onions. Onions are fried until transparent, then grated carrots are added to it.

In a cup with two tablespoons of tomato paste, add two tablespoons of flour and a little water. Mix well so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. Now carefully pour everything into the pan. Stir and turn off the fire.

Cut the champignons into thin slices and send them to the second frying pan. My mushrooms are fresh and they will fry quickly. If the mushrooms are canned or frozen, then water will boil away from them first, then only they will begin to fry.

All the liquid has evaporated from the mushrooms and they are slightly fried. We send them to the pan, where the potatoes are already completely ready.

It's time to cook all the sour foods. Pour sauerkraut and diced pickles into a saucepan.

If using fresh cabbage, then add a little pickle pickle to the soup for sourness.

Boil the cabbage for about 10 minutes. I cut half of the olives into small rings, and send the other half to the soup as a whole. At this stage, salt, pepper, add all the spices and lavrushka.

We send olives and vegetable frying to the pan. Let it boil for the last time and cover tightly with a lid, leave to sweat for an hour. Greens can be added to the soup immediately, or you can pour it directly into the plates

How to cook pea soup without meat

In the next video clip, Irina Belaya shows and tells in great detail how she cooks lean pea soup.

Vegetarian dishes from legumes are very diverse. But cooking lean soups using only peas and beans would be too monotonous. In the following recipe, consider another useful plant.

Easy and tasty vegetarian lentil soup

For some reason my cat loves lentils. I noticed this by accident, but now, when I make soup or lentil porridge, I always treat it to her. If anyone knows why a cat has such a strange taste, write in the comments.

And we will start cooking a thick and tasty lentil soup. It has a lot of carrots and fragrant spices, but no potatoes at all. Although, if you wish, you can crumble a couple of potatoes into the soup.

What you need:

How to cook:

I have red lentils. You can take other varieties, for soup it does not matter.

Lentils, unlike other legumes, do not need to be soaked before cooking.

She will melt so well. Therefore, I put it in a colander and simply rinse it under running water.

I pour 1.5 liters of water into the pans and pour the washed lentils into it. I put it on fire until it boils. At first, the lid can be closed tightly, but as it heats up, it is better to remove it altogether. When it boils, carefully remove the foam. There is usually a lot of foam from lentils.

I clean and wash all vegetables. I cut the carrots and onions into fairly large pieces. Garlic and ginger into very small crumbs. I cut cherry tomatoes in half.

When the lentils are cooked for about five minutes, add carrots and onions, garlic and ginger to it. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Sprinkle spices and tomatoes. Let simmer for 2 more minutes and remove from heat. Chop green cilantro and a few tomatoes and add to the plates already. Very appetizing!

The soup is spicy and very energetic ready! If for some reason you don't like spicy, omit the ginger and chili. Garlic and onions in the soup will boil and they will not be very spicy. Eat to your health!

Lean rice soup Kharcho with walnuts

What is the difference between lean Kharcho soup and meat soup? Guessed? It's the lack of meat. Otherwise, it is just as sharp, red, and fragrant. Yes, we will add crushed walnuts and cilantro to it. This is the most Georgian feature.

I will cook it in a slow cooker, but you can cook it in a saucepan. In any case, it will be fast and tasty.

What you need:


I wash the rice and fill it with clean water. Let him bide his time. And while we're on the vegetables.

I cut the onion into cubes, and rub the carrots on a coarse grater.

I pour olive oil into the bowl of the multicooker and send the vegetables there for frying.

I peel the tomatoes, add peeled garlic to them and turn them into a pulp with a blender.

Tomatoes can be taken both fresh and salted.

Onions and carrots are already fried enough. I pour a mixture of tomatoes with garlic to them. I pour in the already swollen rice, all the spices, parsley and salt.

Now I add about one liter of water. Rice will expand further during cooking. Therefore, later I will add more water to the consistency that I want to see my soup.

I close the lid of the multicooker and cook in the “extinguishing” mode for about 10 minutes. I add crushed walnuts and chopped cilantro when the soup is ready.

Vegetarian vegetable soup in a slow cooker

In this video clip, Elena Shalakhevich shares with us her method of cooking lean vegetable soup. Check out this easy recipe in your kitchen and you'll see it's amazing. Moreover, you can vary the set of vegetables to your liking. For example, I added cauliflower to it. The result is reminiscent of a vegetable stew, only in the form of a soup.

This concludes my experiments. I hope you guessed that lean soups can be cooked the same as meat ones. All ingredients except meat, we can use. Thank you to everyone who cooked with me today!

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