
How to cook meat balyk at home. Quick pork balyk with cognac

Balyk in the original means salted and then dried fish fillet. But recently, it has also been called dried pork or beef tenderloin, which, as a result, is as similar as possible to the finished fish product in its appearance and in some regions is called polendvitsa.

In fact, pork balyk, no matter how it is called, is a real expensive meat delicacy, which can be significantly reduced in price by cooking it at home. Moreover, this will not be difficult at all, it would be patience and a good recipe.

Dried pork balyk at home - recipe


  • pork loin (slide) - 1.2 kg;
  • coarse table salt (not iodized) - 120-150 g;
  • ground black and red pepper - to taste;
  • ground coriander - to taste;
  • ground red paprika - to taste.


This recipe is quite simple and does not require much effort and time from you. The selected oblong piece of pork slide (loin) without bone is carefully rolled on all sides in coarse salt so that it completely covers all parts of the meat and place the slice in a suitable glass or enamel bowl. We put the load on top and put the meat on the shelf of the refrigerator for three days, periodically turning it over.

After a while, we dry the salted pork well with napkins or a towel from moisture and rub it on all sides with a mixture of spices, which we will prepare by mixing ground red and black pepper, coriander and sweet red paprika. We wrap the meat piece with a piece of gauze folded three times or with a clean cloth and tie it with twine. We hang the workpiece in a ventilated place under room conditions for about five to seven days, after which you can cut the salmon into thin portioned slices and enjoy.

Dry-cured pork balyk at home - recipe


  • pork loin (slide) - 0.9-1.1 kg;
  • coarse salt (not iodized) - 70 g;
  • granulated sugar - 10-15 g;
  • - 55 ml;
  • garlic cloves - 4-5 pcs.;
  • for pork - 25 g.


Initially, we prepare a slice of pork loin properly. To do this, we wash it, dry it and get rid of all the films and, if available, from the seeds. After that, we combine salt and granulated sugar with cognac, add garlic cloves peeled and squeezed through a press, throw a set of aromatic spices and spices for pork and thoroughly rub the meat chunk with the resulting mixture on all sides. Now we place the meat in a suitable enameled or glass container, pour the rest of the marinade on top and leave it at room conditions, but at a temperature not exceeding twenty degrees, for a day. During this time, we turn the meat several times to another barrel.

After the lapse of time, we dry the pork, get rid of garlic crumbs and salt residues, wrap it with a gauze cut folded three or four times and rewind tightly with twine. For drying, it is now necessary to hang the workpiece in a ventilated place under room conditions. In an ordinary apartment, a place is suitable for this. near the window or balcony (if temperature conditions allow).

We dry the salmon, depending on the thickness of the slice, from four to twelve days, after which we wrap it with parchment paper and place it in the refrigerator for at least a day, where we continue to store it if necessary in the future.

If you have a smokehouse, you can cook smoked pork balyk at home by placing pork salted and dried at a temperature of 30 degrees during the day. We smoke the meat until it acquires a beautiful amber hue, and then hang it for further drying in a cool place for several days, wrapping the meat with gauze.

Pork salmon is a type of cured meat and is easy to make at home. Such hand-made harvesting is a guarantee that the meat does not contain harmful additives and preservatives. Pork balyk at home is delicious both simply dried and smoked in smoke (cold) from fruit sawdust. This allows you to get a delicious snack with a delicious crust and delicate aroma.

Despite the fact that homemade balyk ripens (withers) for a long time, the result cannot but rejoice. Pink pieces of pork, laid out on a plate, can decorate any table. As practice shows, any preparations from meat and fish can be successfully cooked at home, the main thing is the presence of such a desire.

What is needed for this?

In order to make pork balyk at home, you need to choose the meat well. The right choice would be loin or pork neck. It is best to make this delicacy from fresh meat, as thawed product has a distorted taste and provides a lot of moisture. If you decide to opt for fresh pork, keeping it in the refrigerator for a day or two is the best choice. Thanks to this, the finished product will turn out softer and juicier, and will have an appetizing aroma. The recipe for pork balyk at home can be different - both with the use of dry salting, and with dipping in brine with and without various spices. If you use any spices, it will give the meat a specific taste and increase its shelf life.

Natural salting

It is best to use coarse sea or rock salt for salting pork. This kind of it dissolves in meat juice not too quickly, and the meat is salted less. The time required for salting may vary, depending on the size of the piece. As a rule, for one kilogram of pork, about three days will be enough. In addition, you need to take into account the age of the pig - the meat of a young animal will be cooked faster.

How to cook pork balyk at home?

For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of pork;
  • 100 grams of salt;
  • spices.

First of all, you need to properly process and prepare a piece of meat. It is imperative to remove all cores and films, as well as, if desired, fat (you can leave it). Then the cleaned pork must be washed under running water and dried, then grated with salt and put in a pre-prepared dish. A plastic bag with a zipper is good for salting pork. It is convenient to salt the meat in it, because you can turn it over several times without getting your hands dirty.

How to dry meat?

After that, the salted pork must be removed to a cold place, with a temperature not exceeding 6 degrees. If you salt meat while warm, there is a risk of developing dangerous bacteria. Pork balyk at home during cooking will release juice, which does not need to be drained. Pieces of meat need to be turned over several times a day. As soon as the salmon is salted, it should be dried with a clean towel and rubbed with a mixture of any spices to taste. For dried pork, spices such as allspice and black pepper, coriander, marjoram, rosemary, cumin, bay leaf, chili pepper, and paprika are well suited. There are also ready-made spice mixes for pork on the market, but they tend to contain a lot of salt.

After sprinkling the balyk with spices, wrap it with gauze to avoid winding it and spices falling off. It is necessary to wrap a string over the gauze (as on sausage loaves), making a loop at one end, on which the product can be hung. Dry-cured pork balyk at home should be dried for several days at room temperature, and then it should be placed in the refrigerator. You can do it a little differently: place the meat near the hot battery for a couple of days, and then put it in the refrigerator. Until the final readiness, it is better to keep the pork for another 2-3 weeks, despite the fact that you can eat the product as early as the fifth day. If desired, you can dry it even longer - it only becomes tastier.

Brine method

You can cook pork balyk at home in another way. For this you will need:

  • 2 kg of pork loin on the bone or 1 kg of boneless meat;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 6 grams of salt.

If you purchased a piece of bone-in pork, you will have to prepare it. It is necessary to separate the meat from the bones, holding the knife almost perpendicular. Once you cut the meat from the ribs, you need to carefully cut out the spine. After that, the loin needs to be cleaned, remove excess fat. The output should be a neat piece of meat with a small layer of fat.

After that, using a syringe, brine is introduced into the prepared pork, at the rate of 100 ml per kilogram of meat, with a salt concentration of 6 grams per 100 ml of water. After that, the meat is placed in a pre-prepared dish and pressed down with some heavy load. Then turn the meat several times a day.

Meat aging

After 3 days, the salted pork must be washed, tied with a strong linen thread, wiped with a clean natural cloth and hung to dry. Initially, pork balyk at home, the photo of which is presented in the article, is placed indoors at a temperature of 25-30 degrees per day. After that, the meat should be left for further drying in a cooler place or smoked in cold smoke on fruit sawdust. The product is ready for use in a few days.

Balyk, also known as dried meat, is difficult to buy in a store, especially since it is a really high-quality and natural product. Yes, and the price will not be small.

At home, you can cook no less tasty pork balyk, the technology is quite simple.

Most recipes do not call for scarce ingredients. One minus - you will have to be patient, because you will not be able to quickly make delicious dry-cured meat.

Pork balyk at home - general principles of cooking

The most important thing in cooking balyk is high-quality meat, it is desirable that it be no more than a day old. Otherwise, it will be difficult to keep it for several days. Usually, tenderloin is used for balyk. This part is quite tender, salt and spices penetrate well into it, and the shape of the piece is very convenient. If you need to reduce the cooking time, then you can cut the tenderloin into several elongated pieces along the fibers. Get a kind of sausage.

What else is needed:

Coarse salt, sea food is suitable;

Different types of pepper;

Cognac (not in all recipes);

Spices, dry herbs.

The essence of technology is drying. But before you send the pork to the air, you need to pull the water out of the piece as much as possible. Salt is used for this. It dries the piece, gives the meat a taste. After a day of marinating in salt, the pork will decrease in size, and liquid will form at the bottom of the dish. It cannot be poured out to the very end, otherwise the concentration of salt in the meat may be small, it will simply begin to rot from the inside. You can periodically turn the piece over.

The salted pork is wiped, seasoned with spices, if this is not done from the very beginning, and then sent to dry. Usually the meat is wrapped in linen and hung in the air, but under a roof. The sun's rays must not fall on the product.

Pork balyk at home in 10 days

The recipe for natural pork balyk at home, which is prepared in the classic way. A tenderloin is used, one kilogram is enough. Additionally, you will need fabric towels or pieces of gauze.


Tenderloin 1 kg;

0.5 cups of sea salt;

Paprika, black pepper, red pepper, coriander.


1. We wash the tenderloin, remove all films and cores, wipe dry with napkins.

2. We take a vessel that is suitable in size. It is convenient to use plastic bowls with a lid. Pour half the salt on the bottom, level.

3. Put a piece of tenderloin and also sprinkle with salt on top, rub the sides.

4. Close the container. We send it to the refrigerator for three days. You can periodically turn it over to the other side, so that the meat is better salted.

5. After 3 days, we take out the tenderloin, shake off the drops and wipe dry with a napkin.

6. We mix different types of pepper, crushed coriander seeds and rub a piece on all sides, we are not afraid to overdo it.

7. We take a piece of gauze, fold it into 4 layers, put the meat, wrap it and tie it with a thread. Hang in a ventilated area.

8. We check every other day. If suddenly the meat continues to release moisture, the fabric is wet, you can replace the gauze.

9. Withstand a total of 5-7 days. Then the salmon can be removed, cut and tasted. If necessary, leave for a few more days.

Quick pork balyk at home with cognac

Cognac is often used to make pork balyk at home. This drink inhibits the growth of bacteria, gives the meat a special taste and unusually delicate aroma. And it also greatly speeds up the process and it will be possible to taste the meat in 3-4 days.


1 kg tenderloin;

3 tablespoons of black peppercorns;

50 ml brandy;

0.5 cups of coarse salt;

2 tsp red ground pepper;

3 spoons of sugar;

2 tablespoons thyme.


1. Grind black peppercorns in a mortar. You can add a little red dry pod to it.

2. We wash and prepare the pork tenderloin, dry the piece with a towel.

3. Combine salt with sugar, put black pepper crushed in a mortar. Stir the dry mixture, then add cognac.

4. Pour half of the prepared mixture into a container. I put meat. Sprinkle the sides, top with the second part of salt and sugar.

5. We close the vessel, send it to the refrigerator for two days. Periodically turn the meat over so that it is marinated on all sides. We make sure that there is also salt on the sides.

6. After two days of marinating, meat can be taken out. Rinse it with cold water and dry it.

7. Mix thyme with red pepper, you can add sweet paprika or use black pepper. Rub the tenderloin with the hot mixture.

8. We wrap the pork in a linen napkin, put it in the refrigerator. You can try again in a day. If necessary, increase the time.

Dry-cured pork balyk at home with liquid smoke

Another recipe for pork balyk at home with cognac, but liquid smoke is additionally added. It gives the meat a smoky flavor.


1 tenderloin (about 1-1.2 kg);

1 spoon of sugar;

7 tablespoons of rock salt;

3 spoons of liquid smoke;

4 spoons of cognac;

3 spoons of liquid smoke;

Hot pepper to taste.


1. Mix salt with granulated sugar, add a little hot or black pepper if desired.

2. Sprinkle the prepared pork with this mixture, close the bowl and leave for 2 days in the refrigerator. If the piece is not thick or cut along, you can leave for one day.

3. Then rinse the meat, dry it.

4. Mix cognac with liquid smoke, rub the pork on all sides. Leave in the refrigerator for another 10 hours, you can for a day. Turn over several times during this time.

5. We take out the meat, take paper towels or napkins, remove excess moisture.

6. We wrap the tenderloin in gauze, hang it for 5-7 days, it is possible indoors, but the humidity should not be high.

7. If desired, rub the finished balyk on top with red ground pepper.

Baked pork balyk at home in the oven

Of course, this recipe has nothing to do with the classic dry-cured salmon, but it is also very interesting and will help out if you don’t want to wait a few days.


1 kg of pork;

1 spoon of salt;

4 cloves of garlic;

1.5 tsp black ground pepper;

1 tsp sweet paprika.

In addition, you will need one bag for baking.


1. Mix salt with all other spices in a bowl.

2. Rub the washed and wiped dry piece with this mixture. Wrap in a bag or transfer to a container. Put in the refrigerator for a day or at least overnight.

3. Peel the garlic, cut the cloves into several pieces.

4. We take out the pork from the refrigerator, make punctures with a knife, insert the garlic.

5. Rub the rest of the spices over the meat with our hands.

6. We shift the future balyk into a baking bag.

7. We heat the oven to 250 degrees.

8. We send the meat, remove the temperature to 200. Cook for an hour. Then keep the meat in the oven until the oven cools down completely.

Pork balyk at home with garlic and vodka

You don't need cognac to make this balyk, but you will need some vodka. Garlic is used ordinary fresh.


5 tablespoons of salt;

800-1000 g of pork;

5 cloves of garlic;

30 ml of vodka;

2 spoons of sugar;

1 tsp red pepper.


1. Chop the garlic cloves very finely, mix with salt and sugar, you can add other spices.

2. Wash the meat, wipe it, then rub it with vodka, put it in a plastic bag, leave it for two hours.

3. We take out the pork, sprinkle with spices. Everything that remains, pour on top of a piece. We shift into a container or again into a bag, we stand for a day.

4. We wash the meat, dry it.

5. Wrap a piece in gauze, put it in the refrigerator for a day. Then we hang it in the same gauze in a draft, wait another 2-3 days and you can try. Add time if necessary.

Pork balyk at home in boyar-style pieces

A recipe for boyar balyk, which is prepared in pieces and much faster than from a large tenderloin. On average, this meat can be cooked in two days, which is considered quite fast. We select seasonings to your taste.


1 kg tenderloin;

1 tsp hot pepper;

120 g of salt;

50 g of sugar;

1 tsp sweet paprika;

70 ml brandy.


1. We wash the tenderloin, cut it into pieces across the fibers of 1.5-2 centimeters. You will get some kind of chops.

2. Mix salt and sugar.

3. Copiously sprinkle the meat with cognac, rub it, then sprinkle it thickly with salt. Cover and leave for at least 15 hours.

4. We wash the pieces of spices. Wipe dry.

5. Turn on the oven, set the bare minimum. We heat up to 70-80 degrees.

6. Lay the pieces of pork on a wire rack, dry in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Then turn off and leave for an hour. Turn on the oven again and dry the meat again at a minimum temperature. We repeat again.

7. Lubricate the pieces of salmon with a drop of oil or cognac. Mix sweet paprika with hot pepper, you can add chopped garlic to them. We rub the pieces of meat and put in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours so that the pork is saturated with spices. Then you can cut it and try.

It is undesirable to dry balyk on the street in the hot season, the likelihood of meat rottenness increases several times. It is also important to ensure that flies do not get close to the piece.

Ready meat can be grated with any spices, garlic, herbs. And so that they stay on the surface, it is lubricated with a few drops of oil.

You need to store the balyk in the refrigerator, wrapped in cloth or paper. Periodically, the meat is aired so that it does not become damp. In the old days, the pieces were sprinkled with coarse salt, which absorbs excess moisture, and kept in the cellar.

To your attention - a classic step-by-step recipe with a photo of cooking dry-cured pork balyk at home. Of course, you will have to be a little patient, but the final result will exceed all expectations! Video recipe.

Meat balyk is a delicacy that has a delicate texture, specific taste and pleasant aroma. Balyk refers to salted and then dried meat. You can cook dry-cured balyk at home from any meat: pork, beef, chicken, duck, turkey ... An excellent balyk is obtained from pork tenderloin. The result of the salmon in its appearance is as similar as possible to the finished industrial product, which is a real expensive meat delicacy. And cooking it at home can significantly reduce the cost of a snack. Moreover, this is not at all difficult to do, the main thing is patience, because. the recipe requires a sufficient amount of time, or even days. It turns out the meat is very tender, beautiful color and with a wonderful aroma.

In addition, dry-cured pork balyk cooked at home is 100% sure that the product is natural and of high quality. Since the entire cooking process is controlled personally by the chef! For the recipe, it is not necessary to choose pork tenderloin. If you want to get a delicacy more juicy, then take the pulp or neck with a small layer of fat. Slicing from them will be with fatty streaks, and from tenderloin with a perfect cut, without fatty layers and with mother-of-pearl overflow. I note that according to this recipe, you can cook not only meat, but also the backs of large fish, like beluga, chum salmon, pink salmon, etc.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 95 kcal.
  • Servings - during curing, the meat will dry out by 25-30% of its original weight
  • Preparation time - 10-15 days


  • Pork tenderloin - 500 g
  • Salt - 500 g
  • Black ground pepper - 1 tbsp.

Step-by-step cooking of dry-cured pork balyk at home, recipe with photo:

1. Pour half a serving of salt into a salting dish and level it in an even layer.

2. Wash the meat and dry well with a paper towel. Put it in a container with salt and sprinkle with the remaining salt so that the piece is evenly covered with it on all sides.

3. Close the form with a lid and send the pork to the refrigerator for 12-15 hours. During this time, their juice will stand out, and the piece itself will become denser and tougher.

4. Wash the meat under running water, washing off all the salt well.

5. Dry thoroughly with a paper towel.

6. Leave it to lie down in the fresh air for a while so that it dries well. Then brush the meat a little with ground black pepper. You can also wipe the pork with any spices to taste: coriander, nutmeg.

7. Wrap the pork with a cotton cloth such as gauze or linen.

Balyk is a delicacy with a pleasant delicate taste and aroma. Beef, pork, and even chicken are suitable for its preparation. But the most juicy it will turn out with a small fat layer. Balyk at home is quite easy to cook. We want to offer you a recipe that does not require special training and skills.

What meat is better to take?

So, how to cook balyk? It's actually quite simple. You will see for yourself.

The neck is ideal for preparing this dish, since cutting from it will turn out with fatty layers, the meat will be juicy and tender. You can also take a tenderloin, in the context it will be even with a mother-of-pearl overflow.

Homemade salmon is an excellent substitute for store-bought ones, which also has a number of advantages: absolutely natural, fresh, cooked to your taste, plus it will cost much less than purchased.

What products will be needed?

To cook balyk at home, you should stock up on the following products:

  • pork tenderloin - 1 kg;
  • table salt - 0.7 kg;
  • herbal tincture or cognac - 100 g;
  • ground nutmeg;
  • thyme;
  • ground pepper: black, red;
  • rosemary;
  • Bay leaf.

Balyk recipe

First, mix spices and herbs with salt, add bay leaf, alcohol. All this is thoroughly mixed. It turned out a homogeneous slurry.

The tenderloin, in principle, can already be eaten. However, for a more interesting and rich taste, you need to dry the meat (remove the remaining liquid). To do this, hang the balyk in a ventilated and warm room for four days. The longer it sags, the denser its texture will be. If you are preparing a treat in the summer, it is better to wrap it in several layers of gauze.

Dried meat acquires in the cut. The texture is elastic. This is how balyk is prepared. The recipe with photos presented in our article will help you make such a masterpiece yourself.

By the way, according to a similar recipe, you can cook beef and chicken breast (12 hours of salting will be enough for it).

Beef balyk

For cooking, take the following products:

  • veal - 1.5 kg;
  • table salt - 1 kg;
  • paprika - 1 pinch;
  • ground ginger - 1 pinch;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves.

Veal must be divided into four equal parts, put the pulp in a bowl or pan and cover with salt. Then it needs to be put in the refrigerator for five to six days. Every day you will need to turn the meat in the morning and evening. After six days, you can get the pieces and rinse them thoroughly, dry them with a towel, and wrap them in gauze. In this form, the balyk is again sent to the refrigerator under oppression. There he will lie for another five days, after which the gauze can be removed. Poke a hole in each piece to thread the string through and hang in a well ventilated area.

After another six days, the meat can be removed, rubbed with garlic and a mixture of seasonings. And again, put the salmon in the refrigerator for seven days, after which you can eat it.

Balyk of chicken fillet

Since balyk is not just meat, but a delicacy, there are a lot of recipes from which you can choose something you like for yourself. We bring to your attention another recipe, only on the basis of chicken fillet.

We will need the following products:

  • chicken fillet - 2 pcs.;
  • table salt - 0.5 kg;
  • provencal herbs - 2 tsp;
  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • ground pepper - 1 pinch.

First, mix salt, ground pepper in one bowl. Then pour in vodka and stir it all.

Rinse the fillet, dry. Put half of this mixture on the bottom of the pan, and then the meat itself, sprinkle with salt on top. Close the container tightly and refrigerate for two days. After this time, remove the meat, rinse it thoroughly and dry it with a towel. Here our balyk is ready.

Instead of an afterword

Well-cooked balyk is a great alternative Since meat has become an indispensable food item for many people, it is possible to diversify home-cooked dishes with new recipes. Be sure to try to make balyk yourself at home, you will see how easy it is. Gradually, you can improve the recipe by choosing the spices that suit you to your liking.
