
How to cook pickled green tomatoes with garlic and herbs in a saucepan or in a bucket? The best recipes. Pickled instant green tomatoes in a pot

How often do green tomatoes remain in our crop at the end of the season. Unripe varieties of these vegetables, when properly prepared, add piquancy to dishes due to their sweet and sour taste. There are practically no difficulties in proper salting, but the main points in the proportions and combinations of vegetables with each other must be taken into account. Get ready to learn how to pickle green tomatoes properly.

With a huge variety of recipes for unripe tomato fruits, consider the most common and delicious, as well as the simplest recipe for pickling green tomatoes in a cold way.

This cooking method is suitable for those who love firm tomatoes. They are very juicy, tasty and crispy. Perfectly used as an appetizer to the table, and for slicing in salads. Let's take a closer look at how to salt green tomatoes in a cold way.


  • cold boiled water 8 l;
  • 400-500 gr. table salt.
  • green tomatoes - 11-12 kg;
  • bay leaf - 15 sheets;
  • sugar - 250 gr.;
  • mint leaves, dill and parsley - 350 gr;
  • ground black pepper - 2 tbsp;
  • fresh cherry leaves, red or black currant - 150-200 gr.

How to pickle green tomatoes in a cold way:

Thanks to this recipe, the tomatoes are quite firm. Therefore, if you give preference to soft fruits, then before salting, you need to boil in water for about two to three minutes.

  1. We wash and clean vegetables.
  2. Put some of all the spices into the prepared container or barrel at the bottom.
  3. On top of the spices follows a layer of densely packed fruits, on top of which again spices. Keep this order until the full use of all products.
  4. Do not forget to sprinkle everything with sugar and gently shake the container to evenly distribute all the seasonings.
  5. Top with brine.
  6. Cover the container with a tight lid so that it does not open.


  • green tomatoes - 7-8 kg;
  • red and green bell pepper - 1.5-2 kg .;
  • eggplant - 1 kg .;
  • quince - 1-1.2 kg;
  • pears - 1 pc.;
  • zucchini - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic -5-6 cloves;
  • bulbs of medium volume - 10 pcs.;
  • red hot pepper -100 gr.;
  • table salt - 1 cup;
  • any greens - 1 cup;
  • granulated sugar - 1 glass;
  • refined vegetable oil - 2 cups.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Wash all foods.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into pieces.
  3. Salt the tomatoes and put in a dark place for 6-7 hours in a separate container for the disappearance of excess bitterness.
  4. Drain the resulting juice in the tomatoes.
  5. We grind vegetables with a meat grinder: quince, sweet peppers, onions, zucchini, eggplant, garlic.
  6. Mix the resulting vegetable mixture well.
  7. Boil the finished mixture on fire for an hour, stirring constantly.
  8. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press and add to the mixture.
  9. Finely chop all the greens and hot peppers.
  10. Add green peppers to vegetables.
  11. We continue to cook all the vegetables for another hour.
  12. Pour in sugar, vegetable oil and table salt.
  13. We give the finished mixture to boil on fire 2-3 times.
  14. Adjika is ready. We pour it into ready-made sterilized jars. Roll up.

The dish is ready to eat after it has cooled down.

With so many delicious green tomato recipes to choose from, we don't have to worry about leftovers from our unripe tomato crops. And besides, the storehouse of vitamins contained in these vegetables will help us stay healthy for many years.

Enjoy your meal!

So, in your garden there are a lot of tomatoes that are still green and not suitable for use in a salad. But you can already use them! For example, fry or bake with other vegetables, or make delicious pickles. In this article, you will learn how to pickle green tomatoes in a saucepan according to a quick recipe.

Among the favorite snacks, almost everyone will name which can be used in combination with any products. Almost all people love crunchy, sour-salty fruits, and most want to know how to make it at home. When studying recommendations on how to pickle quickly, you need to consider that this is a "cold reception". With this method of preparation, there is no long fermentation at high temperature, therefore this product must be stored in the refrigerator. At the same time, tomatoes remain crispy for several months, unlike pasteurized pickles, which are soft.

How to pickle green tomatoes in a saucepan - brine features

The most interesting thing is that this recipe can be used not only for tomatoes, but also for cucumbers, asparagus beans and other vegetables. The amount of ingredients is given per one liter jar, the cooking time takes about an hour and a half. You can use the finished product in about a week.

You will need:

  • 1 cup distilled white vinegar;
  • 1 liter and 1.4 cups of water;
  • 3 tablespoons table salt or sea salt;
  • about 0.5 kg of hard green tomatoes (about 5 pieces);
  • 1/2 chili pepper;
  • 6 medium garlic cloves, cored, peeled and halved
  • 4 tablespoons of dill seeds;
  • 1/2 tablespoon of black peppercorns.

Speaking about how to properly pickle green tomatoes, you need to take their choice responsibly. The fruits should not be very large, have small seeds inside and have a crispy skin. You can salt them whole, but it will take longer. In addition, the tomatoes you choose can be of any variety, as long as they are completely green, with no pink or yellow blotches.

Like the choice of other ingredients


It will work better because it is cleaner and does not contain impurities that can change the taste of the brine. Most likely, you can find it in specialized stores or in a pharmacy.


It is best to use sea salt in this recipe. It has less impurities, and if you are using table oil, you will need to change the amount to a little less.

About chili

Usually, 2-3 pieces of fresh chili per liter of brine is sufficient. If you can't find fresh peppers, you can use 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes. it won't make the tomatoes too hot, the chili just adds a certain flavor and piquancy.

Also, when thinking about how to pickle green tomatoes in a saucepan, you should choose a suitable container. It should be tightly closed with a lid and be carefully treated with boiling water.


Place the garlic, dill seeds, and peppercorns in the prepared pot or other container.

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and cut them into halves or quarters. Cut out any dark spots and bits of stems. Place the fruits in the pan, leaving about 5 cm of free space on top.

Prepare the brine by mixing vinegar, water and salt, bring to a boil and stir until all the salt has dissolved.

Pour the hot brine over the tomatoes, covering them by about an inch. Cover, cool to room temperature and then refrigerate for at least 2 days.

One of the main positive qualities of green tomatoes, which is a sin not to use in cooking, is a pronounced tomato smell and taste. And also sourness, not inherent in ripe tomatoes. So if you've never cooked green tomatoes before, tomato recipes will tell you how to make really tasty dishes from them that whet the appetite and contain a lot of vitamins. Let's start with some very unusual dishes. fried green tomatoes- a recipe that will surprise many. Fried green tomatoes - a quick, original and delicious recipe. It is best to fry green tomatoes in cornmeal, egg. Roasted Green Tomatoes is an easy recipe that will wow your family or even guests. If you have unused unripe tomatoes left, be sure to make blanks from green tomatoes. Recipes will help you prepare original dishes and twists with a variety of tastes - salty, sweet, spicy, spicy. There are many ways to prepare green tomatoes for the winter. Here you can specify the following recipes: pickled green tomatoes, pickled green tomatoes recipe, pickled green tomatoes recipe. The recipe for pickling green tomatoes does not always involve sterilization. By following certain rules, you can cook green tomatoes without sterilization, recipes usually indicate a general recommendation - store such green tomatoes in a dark, cool place. Moreover, even in a cold saline solution, it is possible to preserve green tomatoes. The recipe can use a variety of containers for preservation. There are green tomatoes in a pot, a recipe for green tomatoes in a jar, a recipe for green tomatoes in a barrel, a recipe for green tomatoes in a bucket. If you want to cook a wonderful ready-made snack, the recipe for stuffed green tomatoes is at your service. This recipe for delicious green tomatoes will be appreciated by lovers of spirits. Like the very popular Korean green tomato recipe, spicy, like all Korean salads. Have you ever tried stuffed green tomatoes with cheese? We highly recommend.

One of the most popular - barrel green tomatoes. The recipe for green barrel tomatoes does not have to be used for pickling tomatoes in barrels, jars will do. The recipe for pickling green tomatoes contains ingredients such as salt, water, dill, black and allspice, dill seeds, horseradish. Spicy lovers also use the recipe for green tomatoes with garlic, with red pepper. There is also a recipe that will show how to make green tomatoes recipes quickly. 5-7 days - and pickled green tomatoes are ready. It turns out green tomatoes - you will lick your fingers. The recipe is simple, the result is quick and delicious. Just do not add water, this is how you quickly pickle green tomatoes. Recipes for winter will require longer aging and more vinegar. And don't forget the garlic if you like spicy green tomatoes. A recipe for pickled green tomatoes - for lovers of tomatoes with gassies. The main thing here is to put the tomatoes tightly in a barrel or bucket, and shift each layer with spices so that the green tomatoes are well saturated with them. Preservation, the recipes suggest, will take about two weeks, after which the green tomatoes will be ready to eat. And a delicious appetizer, completely ready to eat - pickled green tomato salad. The marinade recipe is simple, you will need vinegar, vegetable oil, sugar, salt and spices. Green tomato caviar - a recipe for stewed vegetable snacks. From green tomatoes, you can cook not only snacks and vegetable dishes, but even green tomato jam. The recipe for such a jam will diversify your traditional sweet preparations for the winter. So get ready green tomatoes. Recipes with photos will help you cook many dishes from them for a variety of tastes.

Of course, unripe green tomatoes cannot be cut into a salad, but pickling and getting a spicy and unusually tasty snack is quite possible. And this does not mean at all that green tomatoes should be rolled into jars and wait for the onset of winter to feast on them. It is enough just to cook daily green tomatoes and after 24 hours have a spicy vegetable snack on your table. The salting recipe is so simple that even for a young and inexperienced housewife in canning, it will be easy. We offer you a recipe for instant salted green tomatoes, we will cook them with a lot of garlic and herbs.

Taste Info vegetable snacks


  • green tomatoes (medium size);
  • sweet pepper (red);
  • garlic;
  • parsley;
  • hot peppers.
  • For filling:
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 50 g of sugar sand;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • 100 ml table vinegar.

How to cook Daily Salted Green Tomatoes

Wash the green tomatoes thoroughly and cut them into large chunks. For daily pickling, milky tomatoes are more suitable, that is, their surface is not dark, but slightly whitish.

Pepper should be exactly red, you can, of course, take green pepper, but then the appetizer will no longer look so bright and beautiful. Remove the stalk with seeds, wash and cut into thin strips. Take pepper in relation to green tomatoes in a ratio of 1: 2.

Wash and chop the leaves of fresh parsley, finely chop the garlic and hot peppers. Greens should be added more, garlic is also not necessary to regret. But the amount of hot pepper depends on its sharpness and your love for spicy.

Put it all in a heat-resistant container with a lid and mix well. We use a large rectangular container, you can use a jar, a pot or a small tub.

Add granulated sugar, vinegar and salt to the water, bring it all to a boil and pour the chopped and mixed vegetables into the resulting marinade. If necessary, the amount of filling should be increased, as long as it completely covers the tomatoes.

Close the lid and leave at room temperature until the marinade has cooled completely. Then remove the container in the cold.

After 24 hours, you can already lay on and enjoy crispy and slightly spicy salted green tomatoes. If desired, a vegetable snack can be seasoned with vegetable oil, but this is not at all necessary, since it is very good in its pure form.
