
How to cook kvass at home from crackers. Black bread kvass recipes

There are drinks that were made in ancient times and do not stop making today. Honorary kvass became the hero of our article! We will tell about its benefits and the secrets of creation, we will provide popular recipes for this product.

There are about 400 types of drink. It is not easy to find a person who does not like this refreshing liquid. In Rus', both tsars and poor people drank it. It was believed that she adds strength, improves digestion and quenches thirst well. Let's get to know our hero better.

This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first glance. The process, of course, drags on for several days, but most of this time the product is created by itself. Your business is small.

Consider how to cook kvass at home.

Cooking rules

  1. Use only natural bread. Without various additives.
  2. Use clean water. It is best to buy water in a bottle or draw from a well.
  3. Make sure that the croutons do not burn (they should be baked until golden brown), otherwise bitterness will be present.
  4. For cooking, use dishes made of glass, plastic or enamelled steel.
  5. Be sure to check the yeast for freshness.


  • Add raisins, they help the liquid ferment and fill it with bubbles.
  • Leaves of blackcurrant or mint will help to make the taste brighter.
  • If you are a lover of a sharp taste, leave the drink longer.
  • You can add your favorite berries, fruits or vegetables to it (the main thing is that they are combined). Do experiments.
  • Do not wash raisins.
  • Dry crackers without spices and oil.
  • Sugar releases carbon dioxide, which creates the soda effect.


After several days of fermentation (no more than four), be sure to place the drink in the refrigerator. Otherwise, the fermentation process will continue, and you will get full-fledged alcohol, and not what was originally planned. Do not forget to remove the leaven in time.

Keep the liquid for no more than a week, after this period it is not recommended to use it.

Useful properties of bread kvass

You can talk about the benefits of homemade bread kvass for a very long time. We list the main positive properties:

  1. treats dysbacteriosis;
  2. improves bowel function;
  3. strengthens the immune system and the cardiovascular system;
  4. improves metabolism in the body;
  5. removes unhealthy cells from the body;
  6. kills pathogenic bacteria;
  7. eliminates bad cholesterol;
  8. helps to treat glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, cataracts;
  9. fights gas and heartburn.

Kvass without yeast at home

This type of drink has its undeniable advantages. It does not have a specific taste, and it does not harm health. After all, no one will argue that yeast is not the most useful ingredient, and it is better if they are not present in this proven liquid. Consider how kvass is made without yeast at home.


  • black rye bread - half a loaf
  • 30 g unwashed raisins
  • 70 g granulated sugar
  • two liters of purified water

Probably, someone will be surprised to read that raisins do not need to be washed. Therefore, it is worth leaving an explanation here: the so-called wild yeast is preserved on the surface of the raisins. They will help our product to start fermentation. They should not be washed off.

Step by step preparation:

  1. cut into small cubes of bread;
  2. put them on an ungreased baking sheet and dry at a temperature of 170 degrees for 3-4 minutes, until a pleasant smell appears (do not fry, otherwise the liquid will turn out bitter);
  3. pour the prepared croutons with boiling water;
  4. add sugar and mix thoroughly;
  5. wait until the product has cooled down and pour in the raisins;
  6. pour into a fermentation jar, protect the neck with gauze so that insects do not climb there (the lid should not be covered);
  7. send the drink to a dark warm place;
  8. the appearance of foam is a sign of fermentation;
  9. three days after the onset of fermentation, strain the liquid through four layers of gauze and squeeze out the pulp;
  10. try the drink, and if it is not sweet enough, add more sugar (the liquid should taste slightly sweet);
  11. pour the liquid into the bottles and leave a few centimeters of free space in front of the lid;
  12. send for six hours in a warm dark place;
  13. then transfer to a cool place (refrigerator, cellar);
  14. after five hours, the drink can be consumed.

You will get a wonderful homemade bread kvass without yeast. Store it no more than five days in a cool place.

You can use the rest of the starter three more times. It should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Choose good bread! The quality and taste of the resulting drink depends on it.

Kvass from rye flour at home

Sometimes it is also called "village". It has a pretty simple cooking method.

Ingredients for kvass from rye flour at home:

  • 450 grams rye flour
  • three liters of purified water
  • eight unwashed raisins
  • 180 g sugar

Starter preparation

Kvass from rye flour saturates the body with vitamins and minerals

  1. pour a table into 250 g of flour. a spoonful of granulated sugar
  2. carefully pour in a small amount of hot water, stirring constantly
  3. bring to a homogeneous consistency (should look like thick sour cream)
  4. throw in raisins
  5. pour into a jar, then bandage with a gauze bandage
  6. leave for two to three days in a dark and warm place
  7. after a day, pull out the raisins
  8. when a sour smell, foam and hiss appear, the sourdough is ready

Preparation and fermentation of kvass wort

The first step is to update the starter. To do this, it is worth adding a dining room l. flour and two - sugar.

Mix everything. Put in a warm place.

Bring 2.5 liters of water to a boil. Pour two hundred grams of flour and one hundred grams of granulated sugar into a container.

Add hot water gradually (until the consistency of liquid sour cream). Then add some more water and stir. Add the rest of the water and then mix well again.

Cover the container with a lid and wrap it in something warm. When the mixture has cooled to 30 degrees, add the previously prepared sourdough to the liquid. Mix, cover with a lid.

Send to a dark and warm room for six hours. Wait for the appearance of bubbles and foam.

Carbonation and exposure

  • Strain the drink through four layers of gauze and bottle. Leave a few centimeters free to cover. Close containers tightly.
  • Move the liquids to a cold place for several hours so that they are saturated with gas. Check bottle pressure periodically. If necessary, bleed the gas so that they do not burst.

Bread kvass at home


  • fresh yeast - 10 grams
  • sugar - three tablespoons
  • rye bread - two handfuls
  • water - 400 ml

Kvass for a three-liter jar:

  • leaven
  • crackers - three handfuls
  • sugar - three tablespoons
  • a handful of raisins


  1. prepare the necessary products
  2. dilute the yeast in a small amount of water and add sugar;
  3. cut the bread into small cubes (take a few pieces for sourdough, dry the rest in the oven);
  4. we put two handfuls of bread in a jar for sourdough and pour diluted yeast into it, fill it with water;
  5. we send the sourdough for a couple of days to a warm place;
  6. dry the bread in the oven until golden brown, mix occasionally;

    a) the required ingredients; b) cultivation of yeast; c) slicing bread d) adding bread and yeast to the sourdough; e) adding water to the sourdough; f) making crackers

  7. pour croutons into a three-liter jar;
  8. fill the jar with boiling water to the middle;
  9. add raisins and sugar;
  10. let cool to room temperature, then pour in the sourdough;

    a) sending crackers to a jar; b) pouring boiling water; c) adding raisins; d) pouring sugar; e) cooling; f) adding sourdough

  11. fill the remaining space with clean water;
  12. we send our liquid to ferment for a day in a warm, bright place;
  13. filter through gauze (we can reuse the remaining sourdough);
  14. pour kvass into a bottle and send it to the refrigerator for five hours;
  15. try!

a) pouring water b) infusion in warmth; c) straining; d) kvass wort for reuse; e) pouring into a bottle and sending to the cold; f) ready drink

Kvass from oats at home: a recipe

It is the favorite drink of many. It has a wonderful aroma and taste. Do it better in combination with honey.

We will provide you with a recipe for kvass from oats and honey at home:

  • soak the oats for two hours;
  • then fill it with a liter of water with 30 g of sugar and drain after four days;
  • fill them with 1/3 of a three-liter jar;
  • pour in 1⁄2 cup honey;
  • add 7 raisins;
  • fill it with warm boiled water, leaving some free space;
  • stir the resulting mixture;
  • cover with gauze so that insects do not get inside, insist two or three days in warmth;
  • put in the refrigerator for 6 hours;
  • try it!
    Honey delicacy is excellent in treating a sore throat, only in this case you should drink it warm.

Beet kvass at home

Surprisingly, beet kvass also exists, and we will tell you how to cook it at home.


  • chop a large ripe beet and put in a container;
  • fill with 2 liters of water;
  • dissolve 4 tbsp. Sahara;
  • add a crust of stale rye bread;
  • cover the neck with gauze and leave the drink to ferment in a warm place for several days;
  • then filter, bottle and send to the cellar or refrigerator.
    The drink can also be made from other vegetables. Experiment!

Kvass can not only be drunk on its own, but also used as a component of other dishes: aspic, bread jelly, cold soups, for example, okroshka sauces or served with meat.

Try to cook one of the following types of kvass from bread and raisins according to recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation and see for yourself how tasty and healthy this drink is - kvass.

You can make kvass from bread and raisins in winter, but in summer it is especially good - frothy and effervescent, just out of the refrigerator, in the heat - a dream, not a drink. It can be served both at the festive table and at the usual family meal, it will be appropriate at any time of the day.

Throw the bread in boiling water and wait for the water to cool to 35 degrees. In the cooled liquid, dissolve the yeast and sugar and wait a few hours before bubbling. This will be a signal that it is time to strain the kvass, bottle it, adding a few raisins to each, and close it tightly.

Place the bottles in the refrigerator and serve kvass on the table the very next day.

If desired, you can add more sugar, cinnamon, mint or lemon balm to the drink.

Kvass from bread with dark and light raisins

For kvass from bread, you can choose any raisins, but it is believed that it will become more frothy and sharp in taste if you take a mixture of 2 types of berries. Bread is suitable for any dark variety, for example, "Borodinsky" or "Custard" with cumin.

  • 3 liters of water;
  • 4 slices of rye bread;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 10 g light raisins;
  • 10 g dark raisins;
  • 1 g dry yeast.

Turn the bread into ruddy crackers in the oven or in a pan and place it in a 3 liter container. Pour in the rest of the components and fill everything with clean warm water, stirring at the end to completely dissolve the sugar. Loosely cover the top of the container with a lid or cloth and leave it for a day.

After a day, filter the drink, bottle it and send it to the refrigerator for another 3 days so that homemade kvass from bread with raisins is completely suitable.

Homemade kvass from Borodino bread with raisins

You should also like homemade kvass from rye bread with raisins and honey. Its taste is reminiscent of childhood cask kvass, raisins add sharpness and frothiness, and the honey aroma is simply incredible.

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 800 g of Borodino bread;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 2 tsp dry yeast.

Randomly cut the bread into equal pieces and brown it in the oven, as if the croutons are about to burn. Line the bottom of the fermentation container with ready-made breadcrumbs and sprinkle them with sugar.

Separately, dissolve honey in water and then add yeast. After the yeast has completely bloomed, pour this honey mixture onto crackers, pour raisins on top and fill everything with clean warm water almost to the top.

Cover the container with a cloth and leave in the sun for 1-2 days, depending on the heat. Hotter - 1 day, cooler - 2, but if the weather is completely cold, then nothing will work, it is important for fermentation to be warm.

Every day open and taste kvass from rye bread and raisins, and when its sweetness subsides and a sharp sourness appears, it will be ready.

Then carefully remove the pieces of bread floating on the surface with a slotted spoon, place them in a separate container and store in the refrigerator - this is the starter for the next portion of kvass.

Filter the remaining liquid and pour into bottles that you store in the refrigerator.

With subsequent preparation using ready-made sourdough, yeast is no longer required, instead of them - the very slices of bread.

Classic kvass without yeast from bread and raisins

Classic kvass without yeast from bread and raisins is suitable for all those who avoid yeast products.

  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 400 g of rye yeast-free bread;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 20 g raisins.

Cut the bread, brown in the oven, put on the bottom of the fermentation container and pour boiled water over it. Also place the remaining components in the container, mix, wrap the neck of the container with a cloth and place the jar in a warm place.

After 3 days, filter the kvass, bottle it and store it in the cold.

The sediment remaining after filtering, kvass wort, also store in the refrigerator for the next kvass. Then you need to add breadcrumbs to this sourdough, and all other cooking steps are the same. Kvass from the must is prepared somewhat faster than the first portion, in 1.5-2 days.

Kvass from black bread and raisins according to an old recipe

And the last kvass from black bread and raisins according to an old recipe invigorates, restores strength and quenches thirst. You can cook it from any kind of bread, but the most delicious and aromatic drink is obtained from dark varieties. Sweet lovers can double, or even triple, the proportion of sugar.

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 500 g of rye bread;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 20 g fresh yeast;
  • 10 g dark raisins.

Finely chop the bread and toast it in the oven. The darker the crouton, the spicier and darker the final drink will be.

Place crackers and warm boiled water in a container for further fermentation, cover the container with a cloth and place in a warm corner of the room for 2 days. If there is no time to wait, just boil this mixture for half an hour.

Dilute the yeast in a filtered bread infusion, add 200 g of sugar and mix thoroughly. Close the container loosely and leave for another half a day.

Now the drink is almost ready: it needs to be bottled for storage, add the rest of the sugar and raisins and stir. Screw the bottles tightly and leave everything in the same corner for another 5 hours.

After this time, move the kvass to the refrigerator for 4 hours, after which it can be safely served at the table.

Hello dear readers! Finally, we have a real summer, with all the charms that rely on. The heat is incredible, of the preferred activities - alternating sunbathing with taking a shower. And as for nutrition, it’s definitely impossible to stuff yourself with meat in such weather, for days on end I’m tearing myself up with liquids: fruit drink, compote, smoothies (also, after all, practically liquid) and kvass.

Fruit drink with compote, I think you know how to cook (if not, I'll tell you), to smoothie recipes I have already applied more than once, but now I’ll just tell you the recipe for homemade kvass from black bread. This, I tell you, is an exceptionally tasty and healthy drink!

health drink

Real live kvass is a primordially Russian drink that helped our ancestors successfully avoid beriberi (although they didn’t know such a word then) and even treat scurvy. And in Soviet times, it was sold from large barrels for bottling, and a queue lined up behind it (remember this picture?).

This is a fermentation product, and it acts on the digestive system according to the same principle as kefir. It contains the most important:

  • Organic acids and amino acids
  • Vitamins A, C, the whole group B, E, PP
  • Phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper
  • Carbohydrates, but almost no protein

Gorgeous composition! Which, favorably affect the intestinal microflora, and helps our body to digest heavy food. And it also helps to stabilize the water-salt balance and maintain good spirits, strengthens the immune system and improves well-being. And traditional medicine is supportive of the drink - it uses it in many ways.

Important! Kvass has a fairly low calorie content (about 25 kcal per 100 grams),so they don't get fat from it. The danger lies in the fact that it increases appetite and it depends only on you how much you allow it to be done..

So, the benefits of today's drink are huge. And I will not go into details anymore, otherwise you will not receive the promised recipes. I will also allow myself to dwell on some cooking tips, and then I will immediately get down to business.

Secrets of brewing

They are necessary in order to definitely not get into a mess and cook kvass, even if you have never made it. I promise - you will get the most delicious and healthy bread drink. So:

  • You need to prepare a drink only from rye bread, but you can experiment with varieties. After all, tastes do not argue!
  • Make sure that the crackers do not burn, otherwise you will not get such a pleasant, sweet and sour taste.
  • Do not completely fill the entire volume of the container, leave about one tenth free so that the drink can freely ferment as much as it wants.
  • Be sure to cook in a container that does not oxidize. It can be glass jars or bottles, and if you do it in a saucepan, then choose enameled or stainless steel.
  • Raisins will increase fermentation, thus it will become carbonated, the taste will be sweet and sour.
  • Kvass from malt has a carbonated, rich taste and a beautiful amber color.
  • A drink with the addition of berries and fruits (pears, plums and apples) has a sour taste, for more sweetness - add more sugar.
  • The longer you insist it, the stronger and sharper you get the taste as a result.
  • If you want to give your drink a special taste, you can flavor it with honey or blackcurrant leaves, mint or spices - depending on your preference.

Softened crackers used in the first ferment can be used a second time. To do this, squeeze them well and put them in the refrigerator, and when you decide on a new portion, then take them out, wait until they warm up to room temperature, add sugar and fresh sourdough is ready!

I had some preparations for a long time today. Almost even before the recipes, she told step by step all the subtleties of kvass brewing. However, advice is still not enough, let's proceed to specific recipes.

How to cook kvass

And I’ll start with the classic version with yeast, I’ll try to explain everything in detail, but if you have any questions, I’m waiting for you in the comments, write, I will definitely answer.

Classic variant

We will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of black bread;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 0.25 g of sugar;
  • 20g pressed yeast (or dry - 5 grams).

Detailed action plan:

  1. Cut the bread into small cubes and dry in the oven until golden brown.
  2. We boil water, cool it to a temperature of 30-35 ° C and pour it into the container where the drink will ferment.
  3. Add crackers, close the container with gauze or a thin towel and put in a dark place for about a day. The resulting mixture is called wort.
  4. We filter the wort, while squeezing the crackers well. Pour into another container or thoroughly rinse the existing one.
  5. Add 200 gr. sugar and diluted yeast (it is better to take pressed, but you can also dry) to the wort.
  6. We cover the container with a lid, but not tightly, otherwise carbon dioxide will not come out and you risk getting a "little explosion at the pasta factory." Again put in a dark place for another 14-15 hours at room temperature.
  7. We finally filter the drink.
  8. Add the remaining 50 gr. sugar and mix very well.
  9. Pour into bottles or jars and seal tightly. Before use, a few more hours should pass until the kvass rests in a dark and cool place.

Note: there is a faster way to prepare the wort. To do this, crackers are poured with boiling water, allowed to cool to room temperature, and yeast and sugar are immediately added.

I found a very good video for you with a photo and a detailed description of the process. Look, the recipe is a little different, but it is also working, I have already managed to prepare a portion of kvass using it:

No yeast for PP fans

Don't want yeast? For lovers of proper nutrition, I offer a recipe for yeast-free kvass with raisins. To prepare it, we take the same composition, only without yeast. Instead, add 50 g of raisins. The cooking process is also not very different:

Pour the dried crackers with sugar with boiling water and leave to cool. Then add raisins and leave to ferment for two days in a warm, dark place. Do not forget, the semi-finished product must breathe, so do not close the lid, but only with gauze or a towel.

In conclusion, we filter the drink and add another 50 grams of sugar. Pour and add a couple of raisins to each bottle. Kvass without yeast is ready!

Attention! If you are not satisfied with my volumes, you can calculate the number of products yourself. Why bother with trifles, let's cook kvass for 20 liters of water! Therefore, you need to take 2 kg of bread, 1 kg of sugar and 200 grams of raisins.

There is one subtlety here: kvass, already prepared on the used bread wort, only becomes tastier every time. So do not throw away the pomace, but make the next portion with them.

Truly "male" kvass

A very interesting recipe, called for some reason "Boyarsky", has a special tonic property due to the mint in the composition, and masculine because our men especially love it. Prepared according to the traditional recipe, but the composition includes 2 new ingredients. And so, for its preparation we need:

  • 1 kg of black bread;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 30 grams of pressed yeast (or 7 grams of dry);
  • 1 cup wheat flour (variety is unimportant);
  • mint leaves.

And here is a new element - sourdough! For her, you need to dilute the yeast with a glass of warm water, add some sugar and wheat flour. In order for this whole economy to fit well, we put it in a warm place.

By the way! The store sells blanks for making homemade kvass - you can use them, but then the taste will not be the same as that of a drink prepared completely with your own hands.

At this time, pour black crackers with boiling water, add sugar and leave to cool. When the liquid has cooled, mix the leaven with the kvass wort and mint tincture(remember how to do it?) and again leave to roam, only now for a day. After a day, carefully filter and add a little sugar, bottle and store in the refrigerator.

For lovers of experiments

I specifically highlighted this item for lovers of unusual sensations. Kvass is exactly the product, with the composition and method of preparation of which you can experiment endlessly. Although not, the method is practically unchanged: kvass wort is prepared (with or without yeast), always with black bread croutons. And already various components are added to it, each of which gives its own unique taste.

What could it be:

  • Herbs and even shrub leaves ( currant, For example)
  • Fruits (apples are especially popular)
  • Vegetables (here the championship is in beets)
  • Dairy and dairy products
  • And even hell

A big plus is that our today's drink is quite simple to prepare and does not require a large number of ingredients. The main thing is to follow the recipe and not miss a single step, and as a result you will get natural homemade kvass with a rich taste.

Attention! The drink retains its beneficial properties for about 3-4 days, so enjoy yourself and treat your family and friends no longer than this time!

Some variations on the kvass theme are presented in the video:

Contraindications to the use of kvass

Of course, today's product, in addition to pluses, has its minuses, and I can’t help but say about them. So, you need to be careful about kvass if you have:

  • stomach ulcer, gastritis, or frequent heartburn
  • increased levels of stomach acid
  • a serious disease such as cirrhosis of the liver
  • urolithiasis and any kidney disease
  • individual food intolerance

It is also undesirable to use kvass for pregnant women, young children and drivers - the drink contains a small amount of alcohol due to fermentation. In general, each product should not be abused, everything should be in moderation! Keep this in mind, and better do less so that there is no temptation to overdo it.

Now you know how to make a cooling drink for the whole family, and a little later I will tell you how to make kvass from rye flour. Food prepared at home from natural ingredients is always much tastier than bought in a store, because a homemade drink is prepared with soul! I will be glad to see your family recipes and tips in the comments, we will exchange experiences. Bon appetit!

Thanks to everyone who read to the end, I'm always glad to see you on my blog! If you liked the article, please share it with your friends on social networks, I will be very grateful for it.

Yeast-free kvass has one significant advantage - the absence of a specific smell, which is given by bakery dry or pressed yeast. At the same time, the technology for obtaining a drink is not much complicated. We will look at how to make kvass without yeast from bread at home, having analyzed all the nuances in detail. Subsequently, the finished starter can be used several times in new batches, which further simplifies the preparation process.

The classic recipe uses rye or rye-wheat bread. Fans of kvass with a light cumin aroma and aftertaste can take Borodino, but you need to fry it only lightly or do without roasting at all.

The success of cooking by 80% depends on the quality of the bread, the more chemicals in the composition, the higher the risk that the kvass will not ferment or turn out to be tasteless. Bread should be fragrant, and stale after 1-2 days. The remaining 20% ​​is the choice of water, only well-purified, spring or bottled water is suitable.

The fermentation tank and bottles must be thoroughly rinsed (preferably treated with boiling water) to kill pathogenic microorganisms. I do not advise you to put kvass without yeast in containers in which dairy products were previously stored.


  • black bread (rye) - 300 grams (about half a standard loaf);
  • water - 2 liters;
  • sugar - 100-150 grams;
  • unwashed raisins - 25 grams.

Sugar is needed not only for sweetness, but also for carbonization - saturation of homemade kvass with carbon dioxide. Raisins are used as a source of natural wild yeast, so the berries are not washed to leave the right microorganisms on the surface.

Recipe for homemade kvass without yeast

1. Cut the bread with the crust into 3-4 cm cubes.

2. Put the cubes in one layer on a dry (without oil) baking sheet. Put the bread in an oven preheated to 160-180°C for 2-4 minutes until a characteristic aroma and a yellowish crust appear on the pulp. It is not worth overcooking, otherwise the kvass will be very bitter.

3. Fold the finished crackers into a saucepan, pour boiling water over it. Add 50-75 grams of sugar, mix.

4. Cool kvass wort to room temperature, add raisins. Pour into a jar or other container for fermentation. Cover the neck with gauze or cloth to protect against flies and other insects. Do not close the lid!

5. Transfer kvass to a dark place at room temperature. After 8-24 hours, signs of fermentation will appear: a slight sour smell, hiss and foam on the surface.

Foam is a sure sign of the start of fermentation

6. After 2-3 days from the start of fermentation, filter through 3-4 layers of gauze. Squeeze the pulp lightly or just let it drain.

The remaining pomace is a ready-made sourdough for kvass without yeast for the next batches. It is enough to add a handful of pomace to the new wort (the proportions do not change) or pour the pomace with cold sugar syrup with a slice of fresh bread for flavor. The procedure can be repeated up to 4 times. The most delicious is kvass of the second and third batches. You can store yeast-free sourdough in the refrigerator, but not longer than 24 hours.

7. Try a drink. Add sugar to taste, if desired, mix. Kvass must be at least slightly sweet, otherwise it will not work to make it carbonated.

8. Pour kvass into storage containers: plastic or glass bottles, jars. Leave 3-5 cm of free space. Close hermetically. Put for 4-8 hours in a dark place at room temperature.

Do not fill bottles up to the neck

It is better to use plastic containers, the pressure of carbon dioxide in which is easy to control. If the bottle has become hard, you can proceed to the next step.

In this article I want to offer simple recipes for a truly Russian drink, namely bread kvass. This is a very tasty, healthy and refreshing drink that everyone loves - adults and children.

In general, kvass can be prepared from many products using a variety of additives. In this article you will find recipes for bread kvass.

The drink prepared by you will be incomparably tastier than store analogues. Therefore, feel free to take one of the recipes and delight your family with delicious kvass, which our ancestors have been glorifying since ancient times.

It is a real piggy bank of minerals, amino acids and vitamins for our body. This drink is obtained as a result of fermentation, and therefore its main benefit comes from the microorganisms formed as a result of this process.

In the old days, a bread drink was drunk to maintain health during Lent, it replenished strength and lack of nutrients during food restrictions.

Making kvass on your own is not at all difficult. Follow the recipe, a little patience and you will get a great drink that quenches thirst and tones well. Chilled kvass will perfectly refresh you on a hot day, give strength and energy. In addition, it is successfully used in the preparation of botvinia, traditional stews, marinades, etc.

The classic recipe for kvass from rye bread with yeast

The classic recipe is the basis for making this drink. A minimum of products and ease of preparation allow you to easily get excellent kvass at home - tasty and healthy. A little time and patience and the whole family enjoy a wonderful drink!

You will need:

  • 1 kg stale rye bread
  • 20 g yeast
  • 1 st. l. flour
  • 300 g sugar

Cooking method:

Trying not to disturb the muddy sediment at the bottom, it is carefully poured into clean bottles, corking them tightly.

Put the container with kvass in the cold for 3 days, after this time it will be completely ready for use

Bon appetit!

How to make homemade kvass without adding yeast

How to cook kvass without yeast and sourdough? It's not difficult at all. All you need is rye bread, water, sugar and time. Kvass according to this recipe sounds very beneficial in okroshka or as a soft drink for the whole family. Try to cook - enjoy the excellent bright taste!

You will need:

  • 120 g granulated sugar
  • 500 g rye bread
  • 3 l water
  • 1 handful raisins (not washed)

Cooking method:

  1. Dry the bread slices well in the oven at 100-110 degrees until golden brown.
  2. Pour crackers with hot water (about 80 degrees) water, add sugar
  3. Cover the neck with a clean cloth, then put the glass jar on a wooden board and place it in a dark and warm place for 2.5-3 days
  4. As soon as fermentation stops, strain the liquid into bottles, cork them tightly.
  5. You can, if desired, put 4-5 pcs in each bottle. raisins - this will give sharpness and carbonation
  6. Keep kvass cold

Bon appetit!

Kvass from Borodino bread with raisins

Many people add raisins to kvass for sharpness and pleasant taste of kvass. But in this case it is not supposed to wash grape drying, since on its surface there are substances that trigger fermentation processes.

Thanks to raisins, bread kvass acquires a specific taste and bubbles, like champagne. Take note of the recipe and cook kvass for all households.

You will need:

  • 200 g Borodino bread
  • 15 g dry yeast
  • 1 tsp flour
  • boiled water
  • a handful of dark raisins

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the bread into cubes and dry in the oven at 100-110 degrees until crispy crackers
  2. Pour the crackers with boiling water and wait 3 hours
  3. Mix yeast, flour and 5 tbsp. l. water, let the yeast activate
  4. Add sourdough to breadcrumbs, cover and leave in a warm room for one day
  5. Strain the product into a convenient container and throw in a handful of dry raisins
  6. After that, keep bread kvass warm for another 6 hours
  7. Next, kvass should stand in the cold for 2-3 days
  8. Now kvass is ready to use!

Bon appetit!

Recipe for kvass from wheat bread at home

No less tasty is kvass made from wheat bread. Be sure to try to prepare your favorite drink according to this recipe - rich, beautiful and invigorating. Roast crackers well in the oven until golden brown, so that your kvass acquires a beautiful color. Good luck with your cooking!

You will need:

  • 1 kg wheat bread
  • 20 g pressed yeast
  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l. dark raisins
  • 1 st. l. flour

Cooking method:

Cut the bread, preheat the oven to 110 degrees and dry the bread until crispy crackers

Crumble the yeast with a fork, mix it with sugar, sift the flour, pour in 1 tbsp. water, mix, put in a warm place for 1 hour

Put crackers in a 3-liter jar and pour boiling water, wait until the water cools down to about 20 degrees

Pour yeast sourdough into bread wort, cover with gauze, leave in a warm place until it ferments - this is easy to determine by smell for about 10-12 hours

Let it stand with raisins in a warm place for at least 6 hours

Pour kvass into bottles, cork them tightly, put in the cold for 2-3 days, fermentation should stop completely

Bon appetit!

Video recipe for making kvass from three types of bread

Rye bread kvass with mint

Mint, when added to classic bread kvass, will give it pleasant notes of taste and delicate aroma. Appreciate the unique properties of this plant in a noble drink.

When cool, it will easily quench your thirst on a hot summer day. Enjoy your taste experience!

You will need:

  • 1 kg rye bread
  • 20 g yeast
  • 1 st. l. flour
  • 300 g sugar
  • 3 art. l. dry mint

Cooking method:

  1. The bread is cut into slices and browned in the oven at 100-110 degrees until golden brown.
  2. Dry mint pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for several hours
  3. Next, pour crackers with 3 liters of hot water and leave in a warm place for 3 hours
  4. In a separate bowl, mix yeast, sifted flour, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 100 ml warm water
  5. Cool the wort (water and crackers) to 20 degrees, add yeast starter and the rest of the sugar into it
  6. Also introduce mint decoction from the wort, after filtering it
  7. Next, the dishes with the drink must be held in a warm room under a napkin (clean cloth) for 12-14 hours
  8. After it is carefully poured into clean bottles, trying not to disturb the cloudy sediment at the bottom.
  9. Put the bottles in the cold for 3 days, after this time the kvass will be completely ready for use

Bon appetit!

How to cook bread kvass with honey and horseradish

Bread kvass with horseradish and honey can surprise with its unusual taste and aroma. Be sure to try to cook kvass at home according to this wonderful recipe! Good luck to you!

You will need:

  • 800 g rye crackers
  • 4 l water
  • 25 g yeast
  • 1 st. l. wheat flour
  • 100 g sugar
  • 100 g honey
  • 100 g fresh horseradish

Cooking method:

  1. Dry the bread in the oven at 100-110 degrees until golden crackers
  2. Next, boil the water
  3. Pour dried crackers with boiling water and insist in a warm place for a day
  4. We filter the resulting wort from bread, pour it into a glass dish
  5. We take a little of the resulting wort, heat it to warm and dilute the yeast in it with the addition of flour and sugar
  6. As soon as the yeast is activated, add the starter to the bulk of the liquid
  7. We cover the dishes with a cloth and let the kvass ferment for 5-6 hours.
  8. After the expiration of 5-6 hours, add grated horseradish and honey, diluted in a small amount of wort, to the drink
  9. Stir and pour it into bottles without topping them up to the top.
  10. We tightly cork the bottles and put them in a cold place for 3 days

Video recipe for homemade bread kvass
