
How to cook classic risotto. How to cook risotto at home classic recipe

Pietro Rongoni is an Italian chef based in Moscow. In his book on risotto and pasta, he shares the secrets of cooking Italian cuisine. Let's try to cook 5 different risottos according to classic recipes and under the guidance of a master!

Cooking rice is quite difficult. Even chefs have a hard time, especially if this skill is not part of their native tradition. I come from the north of Italy, and there rice is still more popular than in the south. I do not want to say that the southerners do not know how to cook it, but in general this is our northern culture.

I love risotto, I love cooking it, and I enjoy the fact that Russians are gradually beginning to appreciate this dish, which was completely unknown in Russia before. But the difficulty is that rice is not a pasta that can be left on the stove while preparing the sauce. Rice needs to be monitored all the time, stirred. This is especially unpleasant in summer, in unbearable heat: you stand over the stove for 15 minutes and you won’t tear yourself away for a second!

Rice in risotto retains its shape. But for this, it is important to be able to strike a balance: rice must be neither hard nor loose at the same time. Too dry risotto is difficult to digest, and too liquid - well, it's already porridge, not risotto. The secret to achieving this balance seems to be simple, it lies in the gradual addition of the broth in the right amount. But this skill comes with experience. If you immediately add a large portion of the broth, then the rice will quickly reach readiness, and the broth will not have time to evaporate. Therefore, what will you get? Get porridge. You should always try what you cook and proceed from that.

We basically do not boil rice in boiling water, as they do in other countries - we gradually bring it to readiness. Cooking rice or simmering it in a small amount of liquid are completely different things.

There is a saying: rice is born and dies in water. When it is boiled, it loses its beneficial properties, they all remain in the water. And risotto preserves amino acids and proteins. Boiled rice with sauce is often served as a side dish among the French and many other nations. In Russia, the first foreign chefs were the French, so the procedure for cooking rice here is the same as in France. And in Italian cuisine, rice is the first dish, and the sauce is already mixed with rice during cooking.

Do you know what advantages rice has over pasta? It can be combined with any ingredient. Open the refrigerator, take out any four products, add them to properly cooked rice - and you get a brilliant risotto! Of course, I'm exaggerating, after all, not everything you want can be added, but ... almost everything. With pasta, this number does not work. In general, if risotto is made with soul, it cannot be tasteless, and this is an axiom that does not require proof!

Risotto bianco

This risotto without additional ingredients is white risotto. To prepare risotto, the pan must be old, well-used and only for rice. The broth that is poured into the risotto as it cooks should be hot, but not boiling. Rice is best cooked at a constant temperature, avoiding sudden jumps.

  • 300 g rice
  • 50 g butter
  • 40 g onion
  • 40 g grated parmesan
  • 1 l vegetable broth
  • 100 ml dry white wine
  • 20 g extra virgin olive oil
  • salt pepper

For 4 persons

In a cold frying pan, preferably cast iron and old, put oil - olive or butter (or a mixture of them), then finely chopped onion.

Comment on the article "All the secrets of a real risotto from an Italian chef: 5 recipes"

Thanks for the recipes. But like the other commentator, I'm not very impressed with the figure. I can eat it with pleasure in sushi (or whatever it is called correctly when rice is wrapped in fish, etc.). But sometimes, of course, you have to cook it when all the other side dishes get bored)

07.11.2015 18:31:30,

Total 2 messages .

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Risotto is prepared for a very short time - 25-30 minutes, but at the same time it requires close attention. In order for everything to work out correctly, it will not work to dodge the stove during the cooking process - you need to constantly look into the pan, monitor the amount of liquid and gently stir the contents. If you are not too lazy, you can enjoy the great taste of real Italian risotto!

In the Middle Ages in Italy, they began to cook the famous Italian dish risotto. Its main component is rice. Varieties were grown round - and medium - grain, they did not require a lot of water.

“If you want to know the secret of real risotto, first remember the spell: arborio, vialone nano, carnaroli,” Italian chefs strongly recommend. The advice, I must say, is extremely useful: after all, all these unfamiliar words are the names of medium-grain varieties of rice, which, during cooking, acquire a velvety structure and a delicate creamy taste.

The most common variety is the arborio variety. It is these grains that are needed for risotto. His name comes from the name of one of the cities in the province of Vercelli in the northwest of the country. In the wide translucent grain of arborio rice, you can see the opaque core of the grain. When cooked, this rice takes on a creamy appearance and absorbs the taste and aroma of other ingredients of the dish. Arborio rice is very soft and easy to digest, so experts recommend removing the dish from the heat until the rice is fully cooked - then the rice will cook itself in a few minutes, but the grains will retain their shape.

Risotto is prepared with seafood, vegetables, hot peppers, meat, often chicken, herbs, ham, mushrooms. The dish is seasoned with basil, saffron, parmesan and served with dry wine, which is also added to risotto.

To cook delicious risotto, you do not have to be Italian, it is important to know a few rules.

First- proper frying of rice in oil, second- gradual addition of liquid and wine, and third- constant stirring with a veil, as well as compliance with all cooking technologies.

Basic risotto recipe (classic)


  • chicken breast or beef on the bone (for broth) 700 g (broth for this recipe should be prepared a little more than a liter)
  • 1.5 cups arborio rice
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 1 thin glass of dry white wine
  • 3-4 st. l. 10% cream
  • 1 onion (large)
  • Parmeggiano cheese 70 g
  • salt, white ground pepper
  • 1-2 tsp lemon juice

Cooking method:

Boil the broth, strain, leave on the stove. While the broth is warm, start preparing the risotto.
In a large non-stick frying pan, heat the olive oil, fry the chopped onion in it until transparent, add the rice. Mixing well, fry for 2 minutes.

When the rice has absorbed the wine, add some broth and lemon juice. Interfere. Then add the broth in parts: soaked into rice, add, soaked - add, and so on for 15 minutes.

Turn off the stove, let the risotto stand for 3 minutes on a warm stove (for the grains to fully ripen), add cream, sprinkle with Parmegiano, put on a plate and serve after a minute.

Seafood, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs are used as additional ingredients..

So, for cooking:

  • fish risotto and seafood we need a broth made from fish. Fish, shrimps and mussels are added 10 minutes before the rice is ready.
  • vegetable risotto (zucchini, broccoli). Zucchini is cut into cubes, broccoli is divided into small inflorescences. Vegetables are fried in oil and added at the very end, 3-4 minutes before cooking.
  • mushroom risotto the same thing, mushrooms (more often mushrooms, but champignons can be used) are fried in oil and added at the end.
  • green risotto (parsley, basil) . Parsley is chopped and added along with cheese and basil.
  • pink risotto (with tomatoes). At the end, diced tomatoes are added and sprinkled with basil. Finely chopped sweet pepper (of different colors) is also added.
  • chicken risotto you can use boiled meat (from the broth), but it is most delicious to add chicken breast fried separately in butter to the risotto. It should be added in the middle of the cooking process.

What is risotto and how to cook it

This popular and delicious rice dish came to us from Italy and has firmly taken its position in many cuisines of the world. For risotto, round-grain short rice with a high starch content is used. Suitable varieties such as Arborio, Padano, Baldo, Maratelli, Vialone Nano or Carnaroli. The last three varieties are considered ideal for risotto and the most expensive.

In appearance, this is something between a soup and liquid porridge, it tastes different from traditional pilaf, although the cooking processes are similar. In the process of cooking rice, starch is released, which gives the finished dish a delicate creamy texture. There are many recipes for this dish, learning how to cook it is not so difficult, you just want to. Risotto with vegetables, seafood, meat, chicken, fish or dried fruits is a dish that is unique in that it can be prepared for every taste by changing the auxiliary ingredients.

There is one secret in cooking rice for risotto, which is to bring it to readiness gradually. You can not cook rice in boiling water, it must be simmered, adding liquid as needed. It has been proven that when rice groats are cooked in a large amount of water, the beneficial properties remain in the liquid, and when languishing, all proteins and amino acids are preserved in the product.

Cooking risotto with vegetables

This will require 400 g of rice, 1 l of broth, 50 g of green peas, 50 g of zucchini, 1 carrot, 2 sweet peppers, 1 onion, 2 tomatoes, a clove of garlic, vegetable oil for frying, 80 g of grated cheese, 1 tbsp. butter, black pepper, salt, parsley.

First you need to lightly brown the chopped garlic and onion, then add the rice and fry everything, add the broth and cook for about 7 minutes. Then add diced vegetables: bell peppers, zucchini, carrots and cook for about 10 more minutes, gradually adding broth. Put peas, tomatoes, salt, pepper and simmer until tender. Season the finished risotto with butter, mix, put in a pile on a plate, sprinkle with cheese and herbs on top. Delicious risotto with vegetables is ready!

French chic salad

French chic is a salad that many people hear about. Despite the refined and delicate taste, it is prepared very easily. For 6 servings you will need: 2 cooking bags of round grain rice, 200 gr. hot smoked fish fillet, mackerel is perfect; 8 quail eggs, 2 fresh thin-skinned cucumbers, 6 cherry tomatoes, 5 lettuce leaves for decoration, 50 gr. green onions, 100 gr. low-fat yogurt, 2 tbsp. spoons of French mustard

First you need to boil the bags of rice in salted water. Clean the fish and cut into small cubes. Next, boil the eggs, peel, cut in half. Cucumbers cut into slices, chop green onions. Combine all chopped ingredients with the addition of rice. To prepare the sauce, you need to mix yogurt and French mustard. Dress salad with dressing. Spread green lettuce leaves on a flat plate, put lettuce on top, sprinkle with onions and garnish with tomato halves. None of the guests can resist French chic. Bon appetit!

cooking secrets

Risotto is one of the culinary symbols of Northern Italy, like pizza and spaghetti. This dish appeared by chance, thanks to the distraction of the cook, who cooked rice soup, but forgot about it, and all the broth evaporated. Surprisingly, the cook found delicious rice in the pan, similar to the most delicate cream, with pieces of vegetables and meat. The first recipes for Italian risotto appeared already in the 16th century, and now there are about a thousand ways to prepare this dish. All of them are prepared according to the same scheme: rice is fried in oil with onions, poured with broth or water, stewed, then vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, meat or seafood are added to it, while the ingredients may change. Sometimes, for a creamy texture, grated cheese mixed with butter is added to the dish at the end of cooking. You don't have to go to Italy to taste Italian food, you can do it at home! So, let's talk about how to cook at home.

best risotto broth

Italian housewives prepare risotto in a maximum of 20 minutes, but they prepare all the ingredients for the dish in advance, such as broth. Risotto can be cooked in fish, beef and vegetable broth, but classic risotto recipes use chicken broth boiled in good water with vegetables and spices. The flavor of the chicken pairs perfectly with the rice!

It is better to cook the chicken in well-purified drinking water with the addition of carrots, onions, petiole celery, parsley root, green pea pods, leeks, juniper, white or black peppercorns. And of course, don't forget about the bouquet garni, which includes three essential components - parsley, thyme and bay leaf, diluted with tarragon, basil, rosemary, thyme and savory. These seasonings can be added dried and fresh, and it is better to salt the broth with sea salt - it is tastier and healthier.

The broth is prepared in the usual way: put the chicken in cold and slightly salted water, after boiling, reduce the heat, remove the foam, add vegetables and spices and cook for about 2 hours over low heat. 30 minutes before readiness, pour in a little dry white wine, a couple of minutes before readiness, put bunches of greens into the pan. Then you need to cool and strain the broth. According to this recipe, you can also cook broths from other products, only by changing the cooking time, because vegetables and mushrooms cook faster.

Soft outside, hard inside

There are several hundred varieties of rice in the world, but only three varieties are intended for risotto - arborio, carnaroli and vialone nano. These medium-grain starchy varieties have a unique feature - they include two types of starch. The starch on the surface becomes soft very quickly, so the grains acquire a creamy texture on the outside when cooked. The starch that fills the core of the grain retains its hardness even after long cooking, so the rice is soft on the outside and dense inside. Therein lies its highlight. In no case should you wash the rice before putting it into the water, otherwise the surface layer will be broken and rice porridge will turn out instead of risotto. When choosing rice in the store, you can safely buy a package called "Rice for risotto". Most likely, this is arborio, since it is problematic to find other varieties in Russian stores. However, arborio is a very good and beautiful rice, outwardly similar to freshwater pearls. The quality of the rice is very important, because it is on it that the dish rests. By the way, about the proportions - for 100 g of rice you need to take about 500 ml of broth.

A few words about products for risotto

The classic cheese for risotto is hard grainy parmesan or grana padano, the wine must be white and dry. It is recommended to use only butter, since risotto is a dish of the northern Italian regions, and olives grow in the south, however, in modern recipes, a combination of butter and olive oils is allowed. Naturally, the oil should have a fat content of 82.5%.

It is better to take onions yellow and white, not red, it should be cut very finely so that it does not introduce disharmony into the creamy consistency of the dish. Another important ingredient in risotto is saffron. This ingredient is mentioned in Milanese risotto recipes. You need to buy it only in a store, and in its entirety, despite the fact that sellers in the oriental bazaar offer to buy a glass of saffron for 300 rubles. In no case should this be done, because the true cost of the spice is from $ 10 per gram, and this gram will be enough for you for more than 40 risottos. To prepare the dish, an infusion of saffron is used, for which several stamens are poured into hot broth and left for 30 minutes until the liquid acquires an orange tint. Another option is to dissolve the saffron in wine.

Important points for preparing risotto

First, onions and other vegetables are fried in a pan - until soft and transparent, but without the formation of a golden crust. Then rice is poured in and mixed with vegetables for half a minute, then wine is poured in, and the stirring process continues until the liquid is absorbed into the rice. Next, add one ladle of hot broth, while you need to stir the rice intensively until it absorbs the liquid. When half of the broth remains, the main ingredient is introduced into the rice - saffron water, as well as mushrooms, seafood, meat or the necessary vegetables, then the broth is poured in parts again (with stirring). Exactly 17 minutes from the start of cooking, the pan is removed from the heat, for 2 minutes it should remain completely still so that the rice rests and cools down a bit. Finally, cubes of cold butter and grated cheese are spread over the rice, after which the risotto is well kneaded or shaken to evenly distribute the butter and cheese.

Constantly stirring the rice is an important condition for making the right risotto, and to make it work, prepare all the products in advance, and then you will not have to be distracted by onions or cheese. By the way, Italians do not add cheese to seafood risotto, believing that they are not very compatible with each other. You should be careful with salt and pepper when making risotto, as well-aged cheeses are salty and spicy. Before cooking, taste the dish and, if necessary, add salt.

How to make risotto especially tasty: secrets from the chef

If you are cooking risotto with chicken broth, add some tarragon to the pot while cooking the chicken, and dill is good for making seafood broth. These seasonings improve the taste of the dish and make the risotto unusually fragrant. You can put the chicken soup set for broth in the oven for 5 minutes and then cook the broth from it, which will turn out to be strong, tasty and golden. The same can be done with vegetables for the broth - hold them in the oven or in a hot frying pan until light scorch marks form.

It is better to crush peppercorns before cooking, then the aroma will be especially bright. By the way, to make the broth low-calorie, it is recommended to cool it and remove the frozen fat.

All products for risotto should be of the highest quality, so do not use wine for broth just because it turned out to be too sour, or add dried cheese to rice.

Another feature of the dish is its versatility, because each Italian region cooks in its own way, so there are many recipes for how to cook risotto. Instead of dry white wine, feel free to add dessert or sparkling wines, replace classic hard cheese with soft or moldy cheeses, and use creamy cheeses, cream or olive oil as a substitute for butter.

Experimenting with risotto

In the old recipes for this dish, one could find egg yolks, sausage, sugar, milk and bread crumb, but even now chefs like to experiment with risotto. For example, if you add green peas to a dish, you get a Venetian version. Some Milanese cooks roast onion and garlic on bone marrow, and during the Renaissance, this dish was served on bull brain, and this serving turned risotto into a delicacy.

With asparagus, artichokes, cauliflower, celery and zucchini, it is considered a dietary dish - lemon juice can be added to it for piquancy and freshness. Risotto often becomes a filling for pies, it is also filled with minced tomatoes, eggplant and peppers, and it is also cooked in the oven like a casserole. Avocados, tomatoes, carrots, beans, sausages, servelat and other products are also added to this dish.

Risotto can be prepared for dessert if rice is boiled in milk or berry broth, and then fruits, berries, dried fruits and nuts are added to it. It turns out very tasty sweet risotto with pumpkin, chocolate or chestnuts.

Step by step risotto recipe

So, you have mastered the theory, and now try to cook a classic Milanese risotto with saffron and white wine. All the details are described above, so the recipe is given without details.

Ingredients: chicken broth - 5.5 cups, rice for risotto - 360 g, dry white wine - 120 ml, onion - 1 pc., butter - 30 g, champignons - 150 g, olive oil - 2 tbsp. l., parmesan - 120 g, saffron - 1 pinch, salt - to taste, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Add saffron to wine.

2. Bring the broth to a boil and close the lid.

3. Finely chop the onion, chop the mushrooms medium and fry in olive oil until softened, this will take you about 5 minutes. The bow should keep its color.

4. Add rice to the onion and mix well for a minute.

5. Pour the saffron wine into the rice, lower the heat and cook, stirring, until the rice has completely absorbed the wine.

6. Add one ladleful of broth to the rice and stir again until absorbed. So pour in a ladleful of broth until it runs out. On average, rice is cooked for about 25 minutes, in the finished state it resembles something between a second dish of rice and rice soup, from which all the liquid has boiled away.

7. Salt, pepper, add diced cold butter and grated parmesan. Stir and serve.

Your family will certainly appreciate the Italian risotto, and when you learn how to cook a classic version of the dish, pay attention to other risotto recipes, photos and descriptions of which are published on our website.

Risotto with porcini mushrooms

Mushroom risotto has an appetizing look and unusual aroma. Boil 2 liters of chicken broth with carrots, onions and spices. Bring to a boil 60 g of dry porcini mushrooms in a glass of chicken broth and let them brew for half an hour. Grind the swollen mushrooms, strain the liquid, pour back into the broth and bring to a boil.

In 2–3 tbsp. l. olive oil, fry a finely chopped onion until transparent, add 300 g of arborio rice to the pan and fry, stirring, for 3 minutes. Pour in a glass of dry white wine and simmer while stirring for another 3 minutes. Put the mushrooms in the rice, pour in 2 more ladles of broth and cook until the liquid is absorbed. Gradually add the broth and stir for 18-20 minutes. Remove the rice from the heat, let it stand for a minute, and then add 40 g of butter and 100 g of grated parmesan. Serve the risotto on warm plates, garnishing the dish with fresh herbs.

Risotto is one of the traditional Italian dishes. In terms of its culinary significance, it is on a par with other gastronomic heritage of this country - pizza, pasta, lasagna. Mentions of this dish have been found since the 16th century, and today there are hundreds of cooking methods. But they all retain the basic cooking pattern that distinguishes them from other rice dishes.

History of appearance

Today, cooking Risotto at home in European countries is a fairly common phenomenon. But this was not always the case, because this dish is relatively young. There are several legends about how this dish appeared. The most common and plausible of these is the story of the absent-minded cook. He was preparing rice soup for the reception, but he got distracted and all the water boiled away. Worried that the dish would simply have to be thrown away, he looked under the lid and was surprised to find tender, creamy rice with meat and vegetables in the pan. He served the dish in this form and surprised all the guests with an unusual taste. So, thanks to the absent-mindedness of the cook, we cook it at home and eat it in restaurants.

What is Risotto?

Risotto cannot be compared with porridge, rice soufflé, or pilaf - this dish has a completely different cooking principle. Whatever additional ingredients are included in the recipe, combine them together in a clear sequence. Rice is always first fried in oil, most often with onions. Then broth or water is introduced into it, in portions. Each new portion is introduced when the previous one is completely absorbed by the grains. When most of the liquid has been used, additional ingredients are added to the rice: meat, vegetables, seafood, fruits, etc. Then the liquid chosen for the recipe is added again. As a result, if you follow the technology correctly, you should get a delicate, slightly creamy texture and a rich, stewed taste.

How to cook risotto

Having found out what kind of dish it is, we turn to the secrets of its preparation. The most important thing is the right choice of rice. Only a few varieties are suitable for this dish. In our stores, of the suitable ones, you can only find arborio, but in general, carnaroli and vialone nano are also suitable for cooking. The main feature of these varieties is the two types of starch that make up their composition. The first, outer, gives the rice softness and creaminess. The second is contained in the core of the grain and is not destroyed even with prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Thanks to this, a solid core is preserved in each grain and the rice does not turn into a banal slurry porridge.

Another important criterion for how to cook Risotto at home correctly is the broth. You can use meat, fish and vegetables, but the most traditional option is chicken. If you want to get a beautiful and tasty dish, put the chicken soup set in the oven for five minutes. So the taste will be more saturated, and the color will be golden. Choose well-purified water for the broth. Do not forget about herbs and spices: you will need celery, parsley, basil, thyme, rosemary and savory. Peppercorns should be crushed with a knife before adding. You can also add onions, carrots, pea pods, leeks to the broth.

An obligatory component of most cooking recipes is cheese. Hard parmesan is traditionally used, but other hard varieties can be taken.

It is better to take butter for the dish, because this dish comes from those territories of Italy where olives were not grown. However, modern ways to make Risotto at home allow the use of olive oil.

Wine is a separate point of conversation about what risotto is and how to cook it. The traditional option is dry white wine. But you can also experiment by using semi-sweet and even dessert.

A few secrets of how to cook risotto at home

  • Never use poor quality products. Don't skimp on cheese. And you certainly should not let wine on this dish that you did not drink because of its excessive acidity.
  • The broth can be prepared in advance - so you will significantly save time on cooking.
  • Red onion is better not to take.
  • While adding the broth to the pan, stir the rice constantly. It is very important!
  • Never rinse rice before cooking. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve a creamy consistency.
  • Be careful with salt and pepper. Cheese, which is added to the dish at the very end, usually has a spicy and salty taste. This must be taken into account so as not to spoil the excessive saltiness.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment. Risotto is a dish that gratefully accepts various changes in composition. Today, try a simple chicken risotto recipe, tomorrow add milk and berries to rice, the day after tomorrow - soft cheese and sparkling wine. So you get a new taste every time and can surprise guests and loved ones with culinary innovations.

Cooking recipes:

Having figured out how to make Risotto delicious, let's move on to the recipes. There are several hundred of them, as we have already indicated. We have selected the most interesting ones.

Risotto with champignons

Grocery list:

  • 1.5 l chicken broth
  • 400g arborio rice
  • 120 ml of wine (white dry is better)
  • 150g champignons
  • 120g parmesan
  • 30g butter
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt, spices

Cooking progress:

Heat the broth well, almost bringing to a boil. Cut the onion as small as possible, its pieces should not violate the creamy consistency of the dish. But the mushrooms can be cut larger. Heat some olive oil in a frying pan. Add an onion. Fry over low heat until soft. The color of the onion should remain the same, in this case we do not achieve a golden crust. Add dry rice to the skillet, stir to combine. Fry for a minute. Pour in the wine in a quick motion so that it immediately covers the entire rice. Simmer until the liquid is completely absorbed. Add hot broth (1 ladle). Stir constantly. After the liquid is completely absorbed, continue to gradually introduce the broth. When half of the broth is left, add the mushrooms and continue adding the broth. At the end of cooking, add cheese and butter. Stir. Serve immediately.

How to cook pumpkin risotto

Grocery list:

  • 400g arborio rice
  • 1.5 kg pumpkin
  • 2 onions
  • 200g bacon
  • 150g parmesan
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1.5 l broth
  • Olive oil
  • Spices

Cooking progress:

Preheat the oven. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small pieces. Rub with spices. Bake in the oven until soft. Puree. Chop the onion, garlic and bacon. Fry the onion until soft in a pan, add bacon and garlic, salt, add spices. Add rice and fry for a few more minutes. Start gradually introducing the broth. At the end, add pumpkin puree to the dish, simmer a little more. Finally, remove from heat and add grated cheese.

Risotto with berries

List of ingredients:

  • 150 ml cream
  • 25 g butter
  • 200g arborio rice
  • 500ml milk
  • 250g berries
  • Sugar
  • Cinnamon

Cooking progress:

Take a saucepan, dissolve all the butter in it. Add dry rice and simmer for two minutes. Separately, mix milk and cream, put on fire. Bring to a boil. Gradually add this creamy milk mixture to the pan with the fried rice grains, stirring constantly. Pour in the sugar. At the end, add half the berries and cinnamon, simmer for a few minutes. Serve warm with the remaining fresh berries.

Risotto with squid

Grocery list:

  • 500g arborio rice
  • 300g fresh squid
  • 200ml cream
  • 2 tbsp wine vinegar
  • 500 ml fish broth
  • Leek
  • Garlic
  • Parsley
  • Lemon juice
  • Saffron

Cooking progress:

We heat up the broth. Fry the leeks and garlic in a pan. They must keep the color. Next, send the squid there. Fry dry rice in a separate pan. It is necessary to achieve a light "glass" effect. Pour the diluted wine vinegar into it. Next, gradually, one ladle at a time, add the fish broth to the rice. Stir constantly! At the end, add squids with onions, pour in cream with saffron, pour greens. Simmer for a few more minutes. Drizzle with lemon juice and serve!
