
How to cook jelly from frozen berries. Berry jelly: the most useful recipes

There are some types of sour drinks that do without starch, while getting the necessary thick consistency. For the most part, these are dairy and cereal types of jelly. Those who prefer fruit and berry species cannot do without knowledge of how to cook jelly from starch. Most often, it is the potato type that is used for this.

The benefits of starch in jelly

Along with the fact that jelly made from natural ingredients has incredible benefits due to its rich natural composition - the presence of vitamins, minerals, the benefits of starch jelly are also in its nutritional value. In the composition of the drink, it is thanks to him that the presence of carbohydrates is observed. Kissel drunk during the day helps to drown out the feeling of hunger for a long time.

The next thing that starch jelly is useful for is its enveloping property, which has a therapeutic effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Cooking features

The necessary consistency for kissels is given by the starch added to their recipe or a substance that can perform its function - corn starch or cereal flour (oats, rice, flax). But in order to get the desired density of the drink, it is necessary to follow the prescription dosages - how much thickener to put.

The method of how to cook jelly from starch so that it turns out to be liquid differs only in its proportion. Even inexperienced housewives will be able to cope with this task. Knowing how to properly cook jelly from starch, you can adjust its consistency yourself. According to standard norms - for 1 liter of jelly, how much starch needs to be diluted are indicators:

  1. Liquid jelly is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. starch.
  2. The amount of starch for jelly of medium density is 2 tbsp. l.
  3. For thick jelly, add 4 tbsp. l. starch.

There are many ways to cook jelly from starch and berries. But the best, nevertheless, is considered to be ready-made juice, on the basis of which the drink is brewed. It's fast, tasty and natural.

One of the most common among housewives is a recipe for how to cook thick jelly from starch and juice:

  1. Take 1 liter of juice. In 750 ml of juice, add 2-3 tbsp. l. Sahara. The amount may vary depending on the sweetness of the berry. Boil juice.
  2. While the berry syrup is boiling, dilute 2 tbsp in 1 glass of cold juice. l. potato starch.
  3. In the boiling syrup, add carefully pouring in the starch mixture and bring to a boil, turn off.
  4. Leave until cool.

The way how to dilute starch for jelly can be different: it can be diluted in the base of the drink - juice or compote, milk, or in cold water. Some housewives use a less troublesome way - how to dilute starch for jelly. They simply add it to the liquid composition immediately, but the cooking time is increased by 1-2 minutes.

It is very important how much starch is needed for jelly prepared for young children. According to the technological map compiled for preschool institutions, no more than 1.5 g of starch should be added per 100 g of the finished product.

The recipe for jelly with starch and juice allows you to prepare a very fragrant, tasty and no less healthy dessert.

Kissels from compotes

The second most popular use as a base for jelly is compote. Cooking jelly from compote and starch takes a little longer than when using natural juice, although this has almost no effect on the quality of taste. A recipe for making jelly from starch and compote may include fresh and frozen ingredients - fruits and berries:

  1. For 1 liter of water, add 1-2 cups of fresh berries or 200 g of frozen ones. In contrast to what the desired saturation of the compote will be, you can add or increase the amount of fruit and berry composition.
  2. Boil compote for 10 minutes. After cooling, it should be filtered.
  3. Separately, in a small amount of water, dilute starch - 3 tbsp. l., to get a jelly of medium density. Stir.
  4. In boiling compote add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and pour the mixed starch with a thin thread. Boil 2 minutes.
  5. Cool down. Drink warm or chilled.

For some housewives, the recipe for jelly from compote and starch includes part of the compote instead of water to dilute the starch. But since it should be cooled, it takes a lot of time, which is often inconvenient. In view of this, it is better to cook jelly from starch by diluting it with a small amount of water (from 0.5 to 1 cup).

Housewives who have tried many ways to cook jelly from compote and starch prefer ready-made drinks in the form of preservation and berries in their own juice. This greatly reduces the cooking time. In addition, with ready-made compotes, you do not need to boil ready-made jelly, it is enough to bring the drink to a boil.

Professional chefs have their own subtleties and secrets on how to cook jelly from starch from compote or other base:

  1. The minimum amount of water or other liquid base is 1/4 cup, as many housewives believe, but in order for the jelly to pour out in an even stream, it is better to dilute the starch in 1 incomplete glass of liquid.
  2. You can cook jelly from compote and starch using dried fruits and frozen berries. Also suitable is such a preparation for the winter as canned compote in jars.
  3. There is a feature in which how much to cook jelly from starch has restrictions - no more than 5 minutes. This period of time applies only to milk, cereal jelly or those in which rice or corn thickener is used. The optimal amount of time for fruit and berry jelly is 1-3 minutes no more. The readiness of jelly is demonstrated by bubbles on the surface of the drink.
  4. You can cook jelly at home from starch, even adding red wine, honey or kvass.
  5. In standard proportions - how to properly cook jelly from starch, there are such requirements: for liquid - 2 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of liquid, for thick - 4 tbsp. l. and more, for medium consistency - 3 tbsp. l. These indicators are calculated with ingredients already added (berries, fruits, etc.).
  6. Professionals recommend not to cook jelly in aluminum dishes - the finished dish has a soft color.
  7. So that jelly from compote, a recipe from starch or without berry components does not form a crust on the surface, it must be sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  8. A container for thick jelly is moistened with water - this prevents the jelly from sticking to the walls.

It is worth remembering that thick jelly cannot be stored hot for a long time. They lose density. Thick jelly should be cooled in cold water, placing the pan in a bowl of ice water. This type of drink cannot be mixed often in finished form - it loses its density each time.

The rules on how to make jelly from starch require diluting this substance immediately before laying it in a liquid boiling base. Otherwise, over time, it will settle and it will be problematic to pour it carefully so that lumps do not form.

  1. Rice starch or rice flour used in brewing this drink can give the finished dish a cloudy, unsightly appearance. It is better to use it for sauces or creams with an opaque base.
  2. Cornstarch after dilution with liquid requires straining. It is also best used in milk puddings and sauces.
  3. Despite the rarity, wheat starch is also on sale, but it cannot be used for cooking jelly.
  4. Potato starch is ideal.

Kissels with cornstarch

If you want to brew this delicious drink, the main way comes to mind - how to make jelly from starch, although sometimes you can do without it.

For example, corn starch jelly, the recipe of which includes its use, has its own characteristics:

  1. The diluted starch in the liquid must be filtered.
  2. Corn starch is weaker in thickening properties, so its proportion should be 2 times more than potato starch.
  3. Starch from corn makes the drink cloudy, so it is better to use it in milk, chocolate types of jelly.

Cornstarch jelly has many recipes and cooking methods. Its useful composition has a beneficial effect on the body, so it should become a frequent dish on the table, especially for children after a year. One of the options - how to cook jelly at home from corn starch will not be difficult even for completely inexperienced housewives:

  1. Boil 5 cups of milk. When it boils, pour in 0.5 cups of corn starch diluted in a glass of cold milk, necessarily filtered.
  2. While boiling milk, stir the starch. Bring to a boil, after adding a little salt and 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Turn off the fire.
  3. Bring to a boil again, stirring vigorously. Disable.
  4. Let it brew.

Recipe - how to cook jelly from compote and corn starch will be no less tasty and unusual:

  1. Boil 400 g of cranberries in 1 liter of water. You should get a total amount of water 1l 250 ml compote. Pour in sugar. Boil for 3-5 minutes. Strain the berries.
  2. Crack a glass of cornstarch in 1 glass of cooled compote. Strain.
  3. Pour into the boiling compote and stirring, bring to a boil.
  4. Ready kissel served cold as a dessert with whipped cream and powdered sugar.

Kissels without added starch

Incredibly delicious oatmeal jelly with almonds will delight both children and adults:

  1. In order for the final product to have a pleasant white color, it is prepared not from oatmeal, but from oats.
  2. You need to ceiling 2 cups of oats, pour 1 liter of water and leave in a warm place for 2-3 days.
  3. Strain the prepared mixture.
  4. Put in a saucepan on fire, add half a glass of almond milk pomace, stirring, let the drink boil several times.
  5. Prepare a form soaked in water and lay out the jelly. Let cool.
  6. It is delicious to eat this dish with almond milk, honey.

Recipe for almond milk: mix 1 part almonds and 3 parts water, put in a blender and grind at high speed to a milk state. Strain through a sieve. The rest will be scraps.

Every self-respecting housewife must have her own original recipe for making jelly from starch or without it. The main thing: to surprise and please the household.

Undoubtedly, the most delicious jelly is obtained at the height of the berry-fruit season, when fresh fruits give all their vitamins to this drink. But even in winter, you can cook a healthy jelly if you take care in advance and freeze fresh berries. Juicy berries are best suited for making this drink: red and black currants, cherries, cranberries, strawberries, plums. The ratio of water and starch depends on how thick the jelly is. If you want the drink to be viscous and liquid, then take 2 tbsp. spoons of starch per 1 liter of water. If you like thick jelly - 4 tbsp. spoons of starch per 1 liter of water.

Before you start cooking jelly, you need to prepare the berries. To do this, they need to be thawed, thrown into a colander, cleaned of the bone. Small berries are best rubbed through a sieve. Large fruits can be left unchanged, or you can grind them in a blender.

Cherry pudding from frozen berries

This recipe for cherry jelly is very easy to prepare and in terms of taste is not inferior to its counterpart from fresh cherries.

To prepare cherry jelly from frozen berries, you will need the following products:

  • frozen cherries - 2 cups
  • starch - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 7-8 tbsp. l.
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking method

1. We take out 200 g of raspberries from the freezer.

2. We select 200 g of frozen cherries.

3. We wash the frozen berries, remove the stalks from them.
Bones in cherries can be left, then the cherries will not boil too much, and they can be eaten.

4. Fill the berries with cold water, a little more than a liter in volume (with a margin - because the water will boil away). First, bring to a boil over medium heat (the berries will float), then reduce the heat and cook the berries for 15-20 minutes until they begin to sink to the bottom.
We add sugar, starting with one spoon, and try, because both berries and sugar can be different.

For those who like a sour taste, I suggest using natural lemon juice or a small amount of cranberries. Berries in jelly can be put more diverse, but this time I used what was available from summer preparations. You can also add a few slices of citrus fruits. In addition, sometimes kissel is made from dried fruits.

5. When our compote is ready, we begin to turn it into jelly. We filter from the berries and add the required amount of starch: 3 tbsp. l. - for thick jelly, which is served cold and eaten with a spoon, 2 tbsp. - for jelly of medium density, which is served warm, you can drink it through a straw, 1 tbsp. l. - for liquid jelly.

Depending on the density, jelly can be served in various dishes, in a bowl, in a glass, and in an ordinary cup.
I used a tall glass and colored straws, because jelly was a dessert at a children's party.

The recipe for jelly from frozen berries is ready! Bon appetit!

Fruit and berry jelly is not only very tasty, but also an incredibly healthy drink. It is recommended to use it for people suffering from gastritis and stomach ulcers. It is cooked according to several different recipes, the most interesting of which will be described in today's article.

Frozen or fresh berries are usually used as the basis for jelly. Before starting the process, they are sorted out and freed from the bones. Berries prepared in this way are poured with water, boiled and filtered. To obtain the desired consistency, potato or corn starch is added to the drink. It is dissolved in a small amount of cold water, poured into a common pan and boiled until tender. As a rule, 1.5-2 tablespoons of starch are added per liter of liquid. It must be diluted during the preparation of the syrup. If you do this in advance, then the starch will settle to the bottom of the dish.

Some housewives replace berries with homemade fruit compotes or jam. From this, the taste of the finished drink does not get worse. For more flavor, the basic recipe for berry jelly is supplemented with cinnamon, vanilla, or any essence. In a drink intended exclusively for adults, you can add a little cognac or liquor. In jelly, cooked from too sweet berries, you can put quite a bit of citric acid. It will give the sugary drink a pleasant freshness.

If you are preparing jelly from frozen berries, then it is undesirable to subject it to prolonged boiling. In this situation, you can turn off the fire a few minutes after adding the starch. Otherwise, the drink will turn out to be too liquid. To prevent a film from appearing on it, its surface is sprinkled with sugar or powder.

As for serving, it is advisable to pour thick jelly not into ordinary glasses, but into special bowls. Fresh berries can be used as decoration. The liquid drink is served in beautiful cups, the edges of which were pre-moistened with water and carefully sprinkled with sugar.

Cherry variant

Of course, it is better to prepare such a drink in the midst of the fruit season. But if you want to do it in winter, you can use frozen berries. This drink has excellent taste and will remind you of a warm summer. To cook cherry jelly at home, you need a simple set of ingredients. Your kitchen must have:

  • 7-8 tablespoons of sugar.
  • A couple glasses of frozen cherries.
  • 3-4 tablespoons of starch.
  • Liter of filtered water.


Before you cook jelly from frozen berries, you need to wait until the fruits thaw. After that, they are thrown into a colander and washed in cool water. If necessary, cherries are freed from stones. The berries prepared in this way are poured with cold water and sent to the fire. After the liquid boils, sugar is added to it and boiled for five minutes.

In the meantime, you can do starch. Four tablespoons of this ingredient are dissolved in half a glass of cold boiled water, mixed well until the smallest lumps disappear and poured in a thin stream into the future berry jelly, the recipe of which will definitely take its place in your personal cookbook. The thickened drink is brought to a boil again and literally a minute later it is removed from the burner. So that a thick film does not form on the surface of the jelly, it must be stirred periodically. It is served chilled. If desired, the drink is decorated with fresh berries.

Variant with strawberries

This is one of the most popular berries in our latitudes. In a harvest year, there are so many of them that you can not only eat plenty of strawberries, but also freeze them for the winter. Delicious and fragrant drinks are obtained from such homemade preparations. This simple recipe for strawberry jelly involves the use of a minimum set of ingredients. In this case, you should have at hand:

  • 6 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • Half a kilo of frozen strawberries.
  • A couple of full tablespoons of starch.
  • 2 liters of filtered water.

Process description

Before you cook jelly from frozen strawberries, you do not need to wait until they thaw. The fruits are immediately immersed in boiling sweetened water. As soon as bubbles reappear on the surface of the pan, the strawberries are removed from the syrup and the heat is reduced.

The berries themselves are placed in a blender and crushed to a smooth puree. After that, it's time to work on the starch. It is dissolved in a small amount of settled water and poured into boiling syrup in a thin stream. Strawberry puree is also sent there. Almost ready berry jelly, the recipe of which is extremely simple, is thoroughly mixed, brought to a boil and removed from the stove. It is served chilled. For those who do not like too sweet drinks, we can recommend adding a little citric acid to the pan. It will give strawberry jelly an unusual pleasant aftertaste.

Variant with cranberries and cranberries

This vitamin drink can be easily brewed at home. Kissel, made according to the technology described below, has a light sweet and sour taste and a pleasant aroma. To prepare it you will need:

  • Half a glass of cranberries and lingonberries.
  • 3 tablespoons of potato starch.
  • A glass of sea buckthorn and granulated sugar.
  • 4 liters of filtered water.

Action algorithm

This recipe for berry jelly is so simple that even an inexperienced hostess can cook it without any problems. Washed cranberries and lingonberries are carefully immersed in a pot of boiling water, boiled over low heat for ten minutes. After that, the syrup is filtered through a sieve. The berries are thrown into a bucket, and the liquid is returned to the pan and combined with sugar and sea buckthorn, previously crushed to a puree-like state.

As soon as the future jelly boils, a starch solution is poured into it in a thin stream and gently mixed. After about five minutes, the pot with ready-made berry jelly is removed from the stove and set aside. This drink is served chilled.

Kissel is an excellent drink that can satisfy your hunger and serve as a dessert at the same time. It is full of vitamins and essential trace elements, besides it is very pleasant to the taste. In summer and autumn we prepare kissels from fresh berries and fruits. But in winter and especially in spring, during the period of beriberi, you really want to treat yourself! And this will come to the aid of frozen berries, previously prepared in the freezer.

What is berry jelly and how to cook it properly

Kissel has been known to us since ancient times. Of course, before it was made in a completely different way than now: it was a long and laborious process in which many products were used, including sourdough. Modern kissels are similar to the old ones only in texture, but they are not inferior in benefits and pleasure, and you can cook them very quickly, without wasting time and effort.

  • For jelly you will need:
  • frozen berries to your taste;
  • starch (it is desirable to take potato);
  • water;
  • sugar.

Some recipes may use additional ingredients. We will consider such cases separately.

Any frozen berries are suitable for jelly

Usually the amount of starch for jelly is taken at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of water, if you want to get liquid jelly, and 4 tbsp. for thicker.

  1. It is better to defrost berries for jelly and rub through a sieve. You can use cheesecloth instead of a sieve to strain the juice.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan and place the berry cake there. Boil for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting compote well.
  3. Put the compote on the fire, and, bringing it to a boil, add sugar.
  4. Take the juice that remains after grinding the defrosted berries and dilute the starch in it. Gradually pour this mixture into the boiling compote, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Bring to a boil again and remove the pan from the heat.

And now we will offer you some simple, but original and delicious jelly recipes from various berries.

Frozen currants: a great choice for kids

Black, white and red currants contain a large amount of vitamin C, which we simply need in winter and early spring. As you know, colds are especially aggravated during this period, and young children are more susceptible to them than anyone else.

Only black currants can be frozen: the denser skin of the berries and the pulp retain their structure without damage when exposed to low temperatures. Therefore, in the cold season, it is blackcurrant that will help your family in the fight against colds. And in the form of jelly, children will especially like it.

Frozen currant kissel

So, in order to prepare currant jelly from frozen berries, take the following ingredients:

  • 600 g (3 cups) currants;
  • about 1.5 liters (7 glasses) of water;
  • 200 g (1 cup) sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of potato starch.

Boil water in a saucepan and pour currants into it. Berries in this case, you can not even defrost. After the currants are boiled in boiling water for literally 5 minutes, add sugar, mixing thoroughly so that the sand dissolves faster. Boil for another 5 minutes and remove from heat.

The resulting juice must be filtered through cheesecloth without cooling. In the meantime, stir the cornstarch thoroughly in a glass of water, breaking up any lumps that form.

Morse is filtered, and it, already without berries, needs to be put on fire again. Wait until it boils, and carefully, in a thin stream, pour in the dissolved starch, constantly stirring the liquid in the pan. Remove the jelly from the fire after it has reached a boil, but not boiled.

Tip: the surface of the finished jelly can be sprinkled with a small amount of sugar. So you will avoid the appearance of foam and film.

cranberry recipe

Cranberries are a real medicine at home! It can also be found fresh, because cranberries are well stored due to the content of acids, but frozen, they do not lose their healing properties. And if currants help as a prevention of colds, then cranberries can easily cure even the flu.

Cranberry jelly will easily replace one of your meals during the day. It is very useful for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and high acidity, as it has an alkalizing effect on the mucous membrane.

You will need the following for jelly:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 300-400 grams of cranberries;
  • 4 tablespoons of starch;
  • sugar - depending on preference.

Before you start cooking cranberry jelly, rinse the frozen berries and let them thaw completely in a deep bowl so as not to lose the juice. After that, squeeze out all the juice through cheesecloth. Use a sieve only if it is fine enough so that the pulp from the berries does not get into the liquid.

While the water is boiling in a saucepan, dissolve the starch in cold water and mix it with cranberry juice. Stir constantly so that the starch does not settle to the bottom of the dish, otherwise lumps will form in the jelly. When the water in the pan boils, add a mixture of juice and starch there, add sugar, boil for about 5 minutes and you can turn off the heat.

Please note: starch for jelly should be dissolved only in cold water! In hot water, it immediately begins to gel, and it will fall into boiling water already in the form of lumps and breasts.

This cranberry jelly is good both hot and cold. You can use cornstarch, but its astringency is much lower than that of cornstarch. Kissel can turn out either very liquid from a smaller amount of starch, or tasteless - from a high content.

Cherry: not only tasty, but also noble

Cherry is a very refined berry. Its taste qualities will perfectly complement even a festive table. And cherry jelly is very easy to prepare, so you can delight your family with it any day.

Ingredients for this jelly:

  • cherry -2 cups, or 200 grams;
  • sugar - 7 tablespoons with a top;
  • starch - 3 tablespoons with top;
  • water - 1 liter.
  1. Put the cherries in a saucepan. However, it is not necessary to defrost them. It is better if the cherries are pitted, but this recipe is good because the pits will not bother you.
  2. Pour in a liter of water and boil. After that, mash the berries with a crush to make the broth especially saturated, and boil for another 5 minutes.
  3. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth. You can use a slotted spoon to get the cherries out of the pan. Add sugar and mix thoroughly.
  4. Now add starch to 0.5 cups of water and stir. Pour the resulting mixture in a thin stream into the boiling cherry compote, stirring constantly. Immediately after the starch is poured, remove the jelly from the heat.

Our cherry jelly will turn out to be of medium density. Many people like it chilled. If you want to effectively serve cherry jelly to the table, pour it into glasses and sprinkle with a small amount of finely chopped almonds: they will best complement the taste of the drink.

Cherry jelly - a delicious and noble drink

By the way, you can cook excellent pies for cherry jelly. Twist the boiled berries that you took out of the syrup during the cooking process in a meat grinder (but only if they are pitted), if desired, add apples, strawberries or any other berries to your taste, and a little sugar. This filling is perfect for pancakes and pies from any dough. It can even be simply applied to a bun or loaf, like jam - easy, tasty and satisfying!

Strawberry jelly - a classic of the genre

Strawberries are so popular in our latitudes that it would be wrong to forget about them in this article. You probably have these frozen berries in the freezer since the summer, which can be useful for compote and pie, and even more so for strawberry jelly. This drink is so delicious that neither adults nor children will refuse it!

Classic strawberry jelly

Take these products:

  • frozen strawberries - about 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 6 tablespoons;
  • starch - 2 tablespoons with top;
  • water - about 2 liters.

Strawberries do not need to be thawed. Wait for the water to boil in a saucepan, add sugar and boil for a couple of minutes. Pour in the strawberries, and as soon as the water comes to a boil again, immediately remove the berries.

Leave the broth on a very low heat so that it does not stop a calm boil. Meanwhile, use a blender to puree the strawberries into a smooth puree.

Dissolve starch in water and add this mixture to the boiling broth, stirring constantly. Immediately put the strawberry puree in there. Mix thoroughly and let the jelly boil. Remove from fire.

Tip: if you use very sweet berries for jelly, a small amount of citric acid (literally on the tip of a knife) will help you make the drink tastier.

Strawberry jelly is usually served chilled. This drink is very good in the heat, but since we are still far from summer, strawberry jelly will perfectly complement a hot party in honor of the holiday.

Vitamin cocktail: experimenting with different berries

Of course, jelly should be equally tasty and healthy. Sea buckthorn has been used for the preparation of various drinks since ancient times. We suggest you make jelly from these frozen berries. You will need:

  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1 cup;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • sugar - ¾ cup;
  • starch - 2 tablespoons.

Rinse the berries and defrost just a bit so that they can be mashed with a crush. You can use a blender.

Sea buckthorn is a great berry for making jelly

Boil water in a saucepan, add sugar and put crushed berries there. Pour in the diluted starch, mix and let it boil for literally 3 minutes. Sea buckthorn jelly can be served on the table.

And now we will prepare a real vitamin cocktail. Add berries to the already known recipe: half a glass of lingonberries and cranberries. More water will be needed - about 4 liters, and 3 tablespoons of starch.

The manufacturing process is almost the same, only lingonberries and cranberries must be whole. They need to be boiled in boiling water for 10 minutes, then removed from the syrup. Strain the broth and put on fire again. When it boils again, add sugar, sea buckthorn puree and starch solution. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 5 minutes, then remove the jelly from the heat.
