
How to make cottage cheese cheesecake at home. The best cottage cheese cheesecake recipes at home

Cheesecake is one of the most popular desserts in the world today. It is prepared both in America and Europe, and in Asia, as well as in the countries of the former CIS. The main advantage of this dessert, no doubt, is its delicate and unusual taste. It is for his sake that the hostesses are ready to spend a couple of hours in the kitchen. We offer today to get to know this dessert better, as well as find out how to cook cheesecake at home.

History of dessert

Many mistakenly believe that this delicacy came to us from America. In fact, it was known as early as the 6th century BC in ancient Greece, where cheesecake was especially appreciated by athletes participating in the Olympic Games, who used it to maintain strength. A little later, the Romans also mastered the recipe for this dessert. By the way, cheesecake was Caesar's favorite delicacy. Gradually, the recipe for this dish spread throughout the Roman colonies and was brought to England. And from there, emigrants transferred the ability to cook cheesecake to the United States.

Cheese desserts have been prepared in Rus' since ancient times. So, the domestic ancestor of the modern cheesecake can be called a cheese loaf.

Varieties of cheesecake

Today, recipes for this dish are divided into two broad categories: baked and raw. Therefore, a classic cheesecake can be different, and there is no one standard recipe. So, for example, in Foggy Albion, this dessert is not baked, but the filling for it is made from cheese, cream, milk and sugar, and then laid out on a pancake made from crushed biscuits mixed with butter. The most popular recipe for this dish is American. So, the classic New York cheesecake is baked with a filling based on Philadelphia cheese. Previously, it was replaced with cottage cheese with ricotto, havarti and other varieties.

Cheesecake main ingredient

Since the name of this dessert literally translates as "cheese pie", its main component is cheese. However, it should be borne in mind that not every product is suitable for preparing this dish. The ideal option, of course, is Philadelphia. After all, it is from it that a classic American cheesecake is prepared. However, in our country, this product can not be bought everywhere, so it is necessary to find a worthy replacement for it. Please note that you should not use processed cheese for cheesecake. Because in this case, you get the usual cottage cheese casserole. Try to find cheese with a consistency close to Philadelphia. Some housewives make their own. To do this, they mix cream cheese (for example, "President") with five percent cottage cheese (not grainy and reminiscent of pasta). Thus, a suitable cheese for a cheesecake is obtained, which is no worse than Philadelphia.

So, we learned about where this delicious dessert came from. We also figured out its varieties and the main ingredient. Now we propose to move on to the most interesting, namely, to study the recipes for preparing this dish. Let's start with the classic American version.

How to make New York Cheesecake?

This recipe is a classic. This is how cheesecake is prepared in America. Many domestic bakeries offer their customers pastries according to this recipe, adding variety to it in the form of additional fillings from fruits, berries, chocolate, vanilla, etc. We propose to find out what ingredients we need in order to prepare a classic cheesecake.


So, if you are planning to please your household with this most popular dessert, then prepare the following ingredients: Philadelphia cheese - 700 grams, granulated sugar - 100 grams, 33% fat cream - 100 grams, chicken eggs - three pieces, fatty sour cream - three tea spoons, vanilla extract - one teaspoon. These products will go to the preparation of the filling. For the base of the cheesecake, we need a pound of cookies, 150 grams of butter, as well as one teaspoon of nutmeg and ground cinnamon.

Cooking method

First of all, we need to melt the butter and finely chop the cookies. Mix these ingredients and add nutmeg and cinnamon to them. Mix the mass until a homogeneous consistency and spread on the bottom of the baking dish. It is also necessary to distribute the mixture along the walls. We heat the oven to 150 degrees, after placing a large container of water in its lower part. When the desired temperature is reached, put the mold on the top rack of the oven for a quarter of an hour. Then we take out our base and let it cool. Preparing the cheesecake filling. Beat the eggs well and then add the remaining ingredients to them. Knead the mass and spread it on the base. We send our future classic cheesecake to the oven preheated to 150 degrees for 60 minutes. Then turn off the oven and leave our dessert inside for another 15 minutes. After that, open the door slightly, but do not take out the pastries for another 10 minutes. After that, the cheesecake should be cooled at room temperature and put in the cold for 5-6 hours. Great dessert is ready!

chocolate vanilla cheesecake recipe

If you want to surprise your household or guests with an interesting dessert with a unique taste, then use this recipe. Cooking a cheesecake in this way will not take much time or effort, and the result will exceed all expectations. So, for this dessert, we need products such as chocolate - 150 grams, butter - 100 grams, the same amount of granulated sugar, flour - 75 grams and three eggs. We need these ingredients for the base. For the filling, you will need the following: cream cheese - 600 grams, fat sour cream - 150 grams, four eggs, sugar - six tablespoons, flour - three tablespoons and vanilla.

Cooking instructions

We start by making the chocolate base. To do this, melt the chocolate in a water bath, add butter to it and mix until a homogeneous consistency. Beat eggs with sugar until white foam forms. Then add the chocolate mass and flour. Mix until smooth and pour into a mold. We proceed to the preparation of the filling. Mix cream cheese with sour cream and flour. Beat the eggs with sugar until foamy and carefully add to the cheese-sour cream mass. Carefully transfer the filling to the base. We send our future cheesecake to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 45 minutes. Leave the finished dessert to cool at room temperature for several hours.

Cheesecake in a slow cooker

If you are the happy owner of this kitchen helper, then you probably know that it can be used to prepare a wide variety of first and second courses, as well as delicious desserts. The “cheese pie” we are discussing today is also no exception. Therefore, we propose to find out how to cook a cheesecake in a slow cooker. The basis for the dessert will be made from the following products: flour - 220 grams, one egg, 70 grams of sugar, a pinch of salt, butter - 120 grams, 4 grams of baking powder for dough. To prepare the filling, we need ingredients such as three eggs, 120 grams of granulated sugar, 80 grams of 33% fat cream, 450 grams of Philadelphia cheese, 8 grams of vanilla sugar. You can also top the cheesecake with jelly. To prepare it, we need a pack of jelly powder, two tablespoons of sugar and 250 ml of water for pouring. So, if you have all the necessary products at hand, you can proceed to the next step.

First of all, we prepare the base for our cheesecake. Beat the egg with butter at room temperature, add salt, sugar, flour and baking powder. We knead the dough and send it to the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour. At this time, we will deal with the filling, mixing all the ingredients for it into a homogeneous mass. Put the chilled cheesecake dough on the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Also do not forget to make sides about 4 centimeters high. From above, pour the mass for the filling, close the lid and turn on the "Baking" mode for two hours. We cool our future cheesecake to room temperature, and then put it away for several hours (ideally overnight) in the refrigerator. After this time, we take out the pastries from the multicooker bowl and transfer them to a dish. Cook jelly by mixing a bag of gelatin with two tablespoons of sugar and filling it all with water. Cover the cheesecake with jelly. If desired, you can decorate the dessert with berries or fruits.

cheesecake recipe with cottage cheese

So, we figured out how to make this dessert based on Philadelphia cheese or its analogues. Now we propose to figure out whether it is possible to make a cheesecake from a more affordable product in the form of cottage cheese. For this dish, we need the following ingredients: fat cottage cheese - 600 grams, Jubilee-type cookies - 250 grams, butter - 100 grams, the same amount of sour cream, three eggs, sugar - 150 grams, vanillin to taste and zest from one lemon.

Let's move on to cooking

The recipe for cheesecake with cottage cheese is quite simple. First of all, you need to prepare the basis for our dessert. To do this, the cookies should be ground into small crumbs. For this purpose, you can use a blender. Then mix it with pre-softened butter. Lubricate the baking dish and put the dough for the base into it, and then send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. In the meantime, let's prepare the filling for the cheesecake. To do this, carefully wipe the cottage cheese, crushing all the lumps. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, and then add granulated sugar and vanilla to them. We combine the egg-sugar mass with cottage cheese and mix well. Then add sour cream and zest. Beat the mass for about a minute. We take out the form with the base from the refrigerator and put the filling in it. Gently level the curd mass. Then we send the form to the oven preheated to 170 degrees. After an hour and a half, the cheesecake can be removed. We cool it down and serve it on the table. Homemade cheesecake made from cottage cheese, prepared in the described way, is very tasty and healthy. And thanks to the lemon peel, it also acquires a bright sunny hue.

In fact, the birthplace of cheesecake is not America at all, but Eastern Europe. It was in some regions of Russia, as well as in Ukraine and Belarus, where cottage cheese was traditionally eaten, that the first casseroles and cheesecakes appeared, which are considered the "ancestors" of the famous dessert. The Americans made only some adjustments to it, replacing the cottage cheese with more fatty varieties of cream cheese, in particular, Philadelphia. But it is worth noting that the overseas version of the cheesecake allows you to get a more delicate dish. Such a dessert can be served at the festive table along with other delicacies: chicken heart skewers or pork liver pate.

Dish features

Behind the fashionable name is a pie with cheese or cottage cheese filling, which can be prepared in two ways.

  • Hot - as a base, a grated biscuit cake is used, which serves not only as a bottom. But it also helps to remove excess moisture from the curd. When we cook cheesecake at home, it is important to remember that “hot recipes” require patience: the finished dish should be kept in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours so that it reveals all its flavors and cuts well when served.
  • Cold - no-bake cheesecake is a mousse made from cream cheese or cottage cheese. Gelatin or other gelling component helps to keep its shape. Sometimes this is white chocolate. Especially attractive is the no-bake cheesecake recipe in summer, in combination with fruit sauces or berries.

7 cooking secrets

Cooking a cheesecake at home will succeed if you follow 7 rules.

  1. Take the ingredients out of the refrigerator ahead of time. It is important that they are at room temperature.
  2. Do not beat the curd mass at high speed or for too long. If it is oversaturated with air, the surface of the dessert will crack.
  3. Bake in the oven in a water bath. Thanks to the "work" of the steam, the process will be more uniform.
  4. Do not set the baking temperature to high. It should be 165-170 °.
  5. Chill the cake slowly. To do this, after turning off the fire, slightly open the oven door, leave for 15 minutes, and only then take it out. After another 10 minutes, separate the edges of the cake from the walls of the mold with a knife, but do not remove it from it, but leave it to cool completely.
  6. Cream cheese for cheesecake can be Philadelphia, Bucco, Ricotta, Mascarpone. But no less tasty will be a dessert made from low-fat cottage cheese.
  7. Other ingredients can be added to the filling For example, try making pumpkin cheesecake. But it is important to consider that such a cake will be even more moist.

Delicious and easy recipes

Take advantage of any cheesecake recipe at home. And make sure that this dish is not difficult to prepare.

Classic recipe

For the classic cheesecake recipe you will need:


  1. Grind the cookies, add 4 tablespoons of sugar, pour in melted butter and mix well. Knead a homogeneous mass with your hands.
  2. Place in a round detachable form, firmly tamp with a spoon or the bottom of a glass.
  3. Bake in a preheated 180° oven for 10 minutes.
  4. Beat cheese with sugar, lemon juice and zest, salt, vanilla.
  5. Add flour and continue beating.
  6. Enter the eggs one at a time.
  7. Pour the cheese mixture into the form with the cooled cake. Put in the oven for 1 hour. Place a smaller bowl filled with water underneath.
  8. The finished cheesecake is browned on the sides, but retains a quivery, gelatinous center.
  9. Cool at room temperature and refrigerate.

New York Cheesecake

The recipe for New York cheesecake is also very simple. You will need:


  1. When preparing the shortbread base, grind the cookies in a blender, pour in melted butter, mix, pack tightly and bake for 10 minutes in an oven heated to 180 °.
  2. Take out the form, cool, wrap it with a couple of layers of foil.
  3. Peel the zest from the lemon, chop.
  4. Grind sugar into powder in a coffee grinder.
  5. Mix cheese with sugar, vanilla, beat at minimum speed with a mixer. Add the zest, pour in the cream and beat again.
  6. Pour the butter cream into a mold with a ready-made base, level it and put it in a preheated oven in a water bath. Bake for approximately 80 minutes.
  7. Cool and serve.

chocolate cheesecake

This recipe for chocolate cheesecake at home is prepared without turning on the oven.

You will need:

  • shortbread cookies - 150 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • fat cream - 120 ml;
  • bitter chocolate - 150 g;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cream cheese - 200 g.


  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, cool.
  2. Crush the cookies into crumbs, mix with one tablespoon of sugar and melted butter. Grind and tamp into shape. Put the workpiece in the refrigerator.
  3. Whip the cream into soft foam, add chocolate and cocoa, previously diluted with a small amount of warm water. Stir.
  4. Beat cheese with sugar, mix with chocolate mass.
  5. Pour into a mold and put in the freezer for an hour.
  6. Then put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, serve.

Now, we hope you know exactly how to make cheesecake at home. And you can cook it without problems!

Cheesecake with cottage cheese without baking is a fairly popular dessert that has a lot of advantages. Firstly, it will take much less time to prepare it than an alternative recipe that involves baking. Secondly, no need to fiddle with the oven makes this treat a great option for the heat. Economy is also important: for cooking, we need simple and inexpensive products. Well, the simplicity of making this dessert will appeal even to housewives who have just begun to master kitchen wisdom.

There are a huge number of cheesecake recipes in the world. American housewives prefer to bake this dish in the oven, while in Europe it is often served raw. By and large, this is only a matter of taste, because all the ingredients present in most cheesecake recipes are already ready to eat.

Our article will tell you about all the intricacies of preparing this treat, and in addition, it will offer a few ideas for improvisation. Armed with the information received, you can easily prepare this dessert.

no bake cheesecake base

It is difficult to come up with anything simpler than a sand base on which the curd mousse rests like a cloud. After trying the result, you will be surprised that such a harmonious union can turn out from the simplest products. The crust is an essential ingredient, it is included in any cheesecake.

  1. The classic no-bake cottage cheese recipe involves the use of a split mold. Install it on the board. And we will do the cake like this:
  2. Grind 250 grams of any shortbread cookie in any convenient way into crumbs. Place half a pack of butter on a saucer and cover with a glass or cup with scalded boiling water for 3 minutes. This method allows you to quickly heat the oil to the desired state.
  3. Combine the butter and cookie crumbs, mix the mass thoroughly so that it becomes homogeneous.
  4. Firmly press the “dough” into the bottom of the mold, gently spreading it over the entire surface in an even layer.
  5. Remove the mold from the refrigerator.

By the way, to prepare the base, it is not at all necessary to buy the most expensive shortbread cookies. Even a broken one will do (it's much cheaper). The main condition is that the cookies must be very fresh.

A little improvisation

Why not experiment and make an unusual cheesecake? The recipe without baking with cottage cheese provides ample opportunities for improvisation.

For example, for the base, you can use cookies with the taste of coffee or baked milk. And if you do not plan to treat children with dessert, you can drop a few drops of liquor or cognac into the crumbs. A very beautiful base with an expressive taste of chocolate will come from Oreo. You can add chocolate drops, a little boiled condensed milk, nuts fried in a dry frying pan to the crumbs of ordinary cookies. And if you use Savoyardi cookies soaked in strong coffee as a base, the cheesecake will taste like the famous Tiramisu dessert.

Suitable curd

For the preparation of cheesecakes, different fillings are used: homemade cottage cheese, various varieties of cream and curd cheese, and even tofu. It is worth noting that for most recipes, these options are interchangeable.

We are looking at the curd recipe. Therefore, it is worth mentioning which product is the best.

Most confectioners advise using high-fat homemade cottage cheese. It has an expressive taste and an interesting structure. But a no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese can also be prepared from a store-bought product. Moreover, if you want to achieve a calorie reduction, you can even use fat-free cottage cheese. In any case, before preparing the filling, it will need to be crushed as much as possible, passing through a fine metal sieve.

curd layer

First of all, soak 15 g of gelatin in very hot water. Remember, at temperatures above 85 ° C, gelatin loses its properties, but too cold is not good either. The optimal value is 75-80 degrees.

Load 500 grams of cottage cheese into a blender bowl, send 100 ml of fat sour cream there, 4 tbsp. l. sugar and some vanilla extract. Punch carefully and let stand for a while so that the sugar dissolves.

Stir the gelatin mixture, pour it through a sieve into the curd cream and mix with a spatula.

Spread the mixture over the cookie layer, smoothing evenly. To avoid bubbles and bumps, do not lay out the entire cream at once, load in portions.

It will take about 4 hours for the no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese to freeze properly. Send the container to the refrigerator. When the curd cream hardens, carefully unzip the mold, remove the side, transfer the dessert to a serving dish. The recipe is fine in this version, but we will consider a few more unusual ideas.

Berry flavor

Since we decided that summer is a great time to make no-bake cottage cheese cheesecake with gelatin, we will use its potential to the maximum.

You can add berries to the curd filling: currants, strawberries, cherries, raspberries. Choose any! You can smash the berries in a puree and squeeze it through cheesecloth into a curd base, or you can add them whole. In the context of the dessert will look very colorful. For the indicated amount, you will need about 2/3 cups of berries.

Fruits are also suitable: peaches, nectarines, plums, ripe soft pears.

low calorie dessert

A small calorie content of the top layer can be provided with low-fat cottage cheese. And for sweetness, it is better to add honey. Its calorie content is not much lower than that of granulated sugar, but it will take quite a bit to get a great taste.

Options for the holiday

The basic recipe for this treat can also be used for a celebration. You can make a no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies very quickly, because the active cooking time is no more than half an hour. In the meantime, the dessert freezes, you can pay attention to the rest of the ideas.

Soak 30 g of gelatin, and after 20 minutes put in a water bath, heat until the crystals dissolve. 200 g of sweets "Korovka" without wrappers, cut in half and pour half a glass of milk. Put the dishes on a small fire, do not forget to stir. Beat 400 g of cottage cheese, add an incomplete glass of fat sour cream, swollen gelatin and candy-milk mass. Put the cream on the cake and keep the no-bake cottage cheese cheesecake with gelatin in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. By the way, "Oreo" is suitable for the base just fine.

How to decorate a cheesecake?

In the summer, you can use pieces of fruit, berries, mint leaves. Chocolate chips look beautiful on curd cream.

A frozen no-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese and cookies can be poured over with ganache or icing. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time decorating, just melt half of the chocolate in the microwave, mix with 50 grams of room temperature butter and spread over the surface. What could be more appetizing than chocolate?

Serving to the table

Cheesecake with cottage cheese without baking goes well with tea, coffee, cocoa, juices. It is quite acceptable to serve this treat with fermented baked milk or cold milk. If the format of the feast involves stronger drinks, give preference to red dessert wine.

Cheesecake (literally “cheese cake”), whose tender soufflé is made from soft cream cheeses, is an exquisite and refined dessert. With ease and grace, it will withstand any competition in the struggle of confectionery for a place on the festive table. Curd cheesecake (photo)- one of the varieties of the famous cake, in the manufacture of which soft cheeses are replaced with high-fat cottage cheese.

Contrary to popular belief that cheesecake is not so long ago an invention of the Americans, history says otherwise. The first documented evidence suggests that a recipe for such a delicacy existed on the Greek island of Samos eight centuries before the beginning of the Christian era.

Chilled cakes made from honey, wheat flour and whipped cheese were served to athletes during the Olympic Games to give them vigor and strength. Subsequently, Greek cheesecake has become an indispensable attribute of wedding celebrations. Moreover, only the bride had to cook it.

The recipe for the delicacy came to the Roman Empire later - as a valuable trophy taken out by the military after the capture of Greece. Here he received a new name - the placenta. It is symbolic that the sacrificial cake offered to the gods on great holidays was also called. The restless Romans, obsessed with the desire for world domination, quickly spread the recipe they loved to the conquered countries, the cheesecake easily took root there, and they began to cook it everywhere.

Dessert composition

As already mentioned, cottage cheese cheesecake (photo) is one of the many varieties of a popular dessert. At the heart of it lies, of course, cottage cheese. It is combined with sour cream, eggs and sugar, then thoroughly whipped to the most delicate airy consistency. Sometimes the curd mass is enriched with additional flavor accents: berries, pieces of fruit, chocolate.

The prepared filling is poured onto a cake, usually made from biscuits and butter, and baked in the oven. The finished cake, according to the recipe, must certainly stand in the refrigerator for several hours and only after that it can be served on the table. As a result of the labors, an unthinkably tender, airy dessert is obtained that can outshine any rival.

Main component

Cottage cheese does not need long introductions. This extremely healthy fermented milk product has been loved and respected since ancient times: the recipe for making cottage cheese was known as far back as a thousand years BC. Even then, the ancient philosophers (part-time doctors) recommended that everyone absolutely use it.

Cottage cheese is extremely rich in proteins - in this it is not inferior to fish and meat. It includes a complete set of essential amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. And its ability to be easily absorbed by the body makes the product indispensable in the diet of people of any age.

Curd tenderness

To feel the indescribable tenderness of the taste of this delicacy, we are the first to offer you to try the recipe for a pure curd cheesecake - without any additives. To prepare it, you will need to stock up:

  • fat cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • cookies (Jubilee is good) - 250 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream (at least 20% fat) - 100 g;
  • sugar - 160 g;
  • vanilla (to taste);
  • zest of 1 lemon.

You need to cook this curd delight (photo) like this:

  1. The first rule of successful baking, according to the recipe, is that all products must be at room temperature. So, they need to be removed from the refrigerator in advance.
  2. The process of creating a dessert should begin with a cake. To do this, grind (as you like: on a grater, in a mixer or blender) cookies into small crumbs. Combine it with softened butter and put it in a detachable cake pan, leveling the bottom and forming high sides (about 3 cm each). Then (for good fixation) the form should be placed in the refrigerator.
  3. In the meantime, the recipe recommends moving on to making the air filling. For her, you need not be too lazy and rub the cottage cheese through a sieve: the lumps will disappear, and the mass will acquire perfect fluffiness.
  4. Beat eggs and sugar separately. At the end add vanilla. After that, mix the beaten eggs with cottage cheese, add sour cream and zest last.
  5. The oven should already be preheated to the optimum cooking temperature of 170 degrees. It's time to take out the form from the refrigerator, fill it with stuffing and place in the oven for 50 minutes.
  6. The curd cheesecake should cool in the same oven - with the door ajar. After cooling, it will not hurt him to spend a couple of hours in the refrigerator - only then will the snow-white handsome man (photo) finally ripen for consumption.

Cherry-curd-chocolate delight

Such an intricate combination - cottage cheese, cherries and chocolate - is an absolutely win-win combination. Moreover, this dessert does not need to be cooked in the oven. You will need quite a lot of products, so it’s better to get it in advance:

  • chocolate biscuits - 250 g;
  • butter - 120 g;
  • fat cottage cheese - 350 g;
  • fat sour cream - 300 g;
  • cherries (preferably fresh) - 450 g;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • gelatin - 45 g;
  • cherry juice - 1.5 cups.

The recipe for this masterpiece does not include baking it. You only need:

  1. Grind the cookies into crumbs, combine them with melted butter and put them in a split form covered with cling film. The cake can be formed in two ways: either by simply distributing the cookies as a base, or by providing it with sides as well.
  2. Soak 2/3 gelatin in 100 ml of water. Rub cottage cheese traditionally through a sieve - you can’t do without it if you want to get a delicate, airy dessert texture.
  3. Set aside half of the cherries - the most beautiful - for decoration, chop the rest with a blender (together with 200 g of sugar) into a puree. Mix the berry mass with cottage cheese. Add sour cream to them and beat the mixture with a mixer.
  4. Further, the recipe suggests remembering gelatin: dissolve it, pour it into the curd-cherry filling and lightly beat with a mixer. Remove the cake from the refrigerator, fill it with curd mass and return it to the cold for at least 5 hours so that the filling is completely frozen.
  5. The top layer of the delicacy is prepared as follows: cherry juice is mixed with the remaining sugar and gelatin and left for a while. Then it is heated until the components are dissolved in a water bath. After that, it is poured onto the frozen curd filling with a layer of no more than 0.5 cm. Then whole cherries are laid out on it, which are poured with the remaining jelly.
  6. The dessert is sent to the refrigerator again - now only for a couple of hours. And finally, the cherry-curd delight is completely ready.

It remains only to carefully release it from the mold (food film makes it easy to do this) - and you can serve! It is only desirable to have time to enjoy the amazing beauty of the cheesecake (photo), because this exceptionally tasty and perfectly refreshing delicacy will not last long on the table.

You can cook cottage cheese cheesecake with any berries: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants. Lemon and coffee cheesecakes are wonderful, as well as a rather unusual, but very interesting ginger version. In general, the horizons are endless - create and enjoy!

Video recipe for making curd cheesecake

The classic cheesecake is an invention of British housewives, although the first mention of a cheese pie with a similar recipe is from Greek cuisine. Be that as it may, now cheesecake is more of an American dish that has many recipe variations. In almost every European country, you can find references to a cheese pie recipe, so this dish can be conditionally considered international.

Despite the fact that there are many recipes for making this cake, there are some important details that contribute to the proper manufacture of this wonderful cake.

The main nuances of making cheesecake at home:

  • The basis for the pie can be very diverse. Usually use a ready-made biscuit or crushed cookies. There is also a no-bake cheesecake recipe with many possible variations. To do this, all the ingredients are taken ready for use, and then the formed cake is infused in the refrigerator. Some sources may include a slow cooker cheesecake recipe in the cooking algorithm. This technique has long settled in our kitchens and many housewives are happy to try a variety of dishes and even pastries prepared in this way.
  • The filling is the main component of the cheesecake. To get the perfect taste, it should not be too liquid, creamy consistency. The original recipe uses Philadelphia type soft cream cheese. Subsequently, as usual, the composition has changed a little and now for the most part they make cheesecake from cottage cheese. To obtain a more delicate and uniform consistency, add sour cream or cream to it. You can use a suitable cheese mass or even thick homemade sour cream. The taste will not suffer from this, but for our sweet tooth it will become more familiar. This will also have a positive effect on the cost of the finished dish, because the filling accounts for about 80% of the total volume of the pie.
  • You don't need a special mold to make a cheesecake. You can use a standard plug of a suitable size. For convenience, you need to cover the bottom and edges with baking parchment or use a silicone container. If the recipe does not include baking, the cake can be made immediately in the cake shop for serving.
  • Baking a cheesecake is an extremely responsible and important moment. In no case should you overdry the cake, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. For cooking, it is necessary to bake the cheesecake at a temperature of 150-180ºС for about an hour. The finished cake should jiggle a little around the center. If in doubt, you can leave the cake in the turned off oven for another fifteen minutes, and then cool.
  • Often you can find recommendations that it is best to bake cheesecakes in a water bath. To do this, you need to take a slightly larger baking sheet and place the main one in it. Pour water between the sides, usually a level of about half the height of the baking sheet is required. Place the installed structure in the oven and bake in this way.
  • Cheesecake should cool in a calm environment, away from drafts and temperature changes. It is not recommended to cover the cake with a towel or napkin, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the structure.
  • Various fruits and berries, citrus zest (lemon cheesecake) and cocoa powder can be added to the composition. A classic strawberry cheesecake with a fresh or frozen strawberry filling is distinguished by its excellent taste.

Each hostess determines the complete algorithm of actions on how to cook a cheesecake herself, and our selection of time-tested recipes will help you quickly make a choice and pamper your household with a delicious and healthy dessert.

The most delicious cheesecake recipes

The main ingredients can be replaced and arranged in different sequences. If the usual curd filling seems too bland, you can include orange or lemon zest in the composition, or you can pour everything with chocolate icing on top.

Most of the components are harmless and therefore cheesecakes are widely used for children's holidays as a tasty and healthy dessert.

Classic cheesecake recipe

For him, we need Philadelphia cream cheese, which can be purchased in specialized departments and large supermarkets. Its delicate taste is the best for this dish.

Required Ingredients:

  • Shortbread cookies - 300 gr;
  • Butter - 150 gr;
  • Soft cream cheese - 700 gr;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • 3 eggs.

How to make a classic cheesecake:

Chop cookies and mix with melted butter. From the resulting mixture, form the bottom and sides of the base, level everything on a baking sheet. Warm the cheese to room temperature and beat it with eggs, adding one at a time. At the end, add sugar and sour cream, mix everything well.

Pour the resulting filling onto a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 160-170º C. Bake for about an hour when fully cooked. Then gently cool, avoiding sudden changes in temperature. To do this, you can leave the cake in the oven by opening the door. After the final cooling, put the cheesecake in the refrigerator for soaking for eight hours, you can overnight. After such a “hardening”, it will become unusually tender and soft.

cottage cheese dessert recipe

If you replace a rather rare and expensive cheese with ordinary cottage cheese, then such a cheesecake recipe will become more accessible even for everyday use. It is advisable to take cottage cheese of maximum fat content and a homogeneous consistency. Ideally, it is preferable to use home-made products.. To obtain the desired consistency, the cottage cheese is diluted with sour cream or cream.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ready-made biscuit in the form of a baking sheet - 1 cake;
  • Fatty cottage cheese - 700 gr;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 150 gr;
  • 3 eggs.

How to make cheesecake:

Beat cottage cheese with sour cream, add eggs and sugar one at a time. The resulting mixture should be thick enough so as not to spread over the mold. You can additionally wrap the sides with foil or parchment. Bake in an oven preheated to 180º C for about an hour. After cooling and insisting in the refrigerator for at least three hours.

New York cheesecake recipe

The name itself already testifies to the American roots of this dessert. The recipe for New York cheesecake is incredibly simple and involves baking in the oven. To do this, you can prepare the already known base of crushed cookies, and then proceed to the manufacture of the filling.

Do you want something interesting?

Required Ingredients:

  • Shortbread cookies - 150 gr;
  • Butter - 70 gr;
  • Soft cheese of any suitable variety - 650 gr;
  • Sugar - 100 gr;
  • Sour cream or cream 20% fat - 200 ml;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Vanilla and salt to taste.

How to make New York Cheesecake:

Mix cheese with eggs, sour cream (cream) and beat together with sugar. Vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt are added at the end, transfer everything to the finished base.

Bake preferably in a water bath for about an hour. Leave in the turned off oven to cool completely, then transfer to the refrigerator. The cake is surprisingly tender and delicious.

With banana

In order to prepare a banana cheesecake, it is necessary to add a banana, crushed to a puree state, into the cheese or curd mass. Banana cheesecake with cottage cheese has an excellent taste and is especially suitable for small sweet teeth. Thanks to this duet, the dessert will become not only tasty, but also healthy.

With added chocolate

You can prepare chocolate cheesecake according to any of the proposed recipes by adding a little crushed or melted chocolate to the composition.

The best option is to pour the finished cake with chocolate icing.

This must be done after it has completely solidified so that the chocolate does not drip. This is an unusually tasty dish, which is also distinguished by its original appearance and elegant serving to the table.

Useful option with pumpkin

It is simply impossible to pass by such a recipe! The most useful autumn vegetable perfectly harmonizes with the rest of the ingredients in this dessert. The pumpkin cheesecake recipe is sure to add to your family cookbook, and will also become one of the most favorite dishes for daily tea drinking.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cookies for the base - 300 gr;
  • Butter - 100 gr;
  • Pumpkin - 900 gr;
  • Soft cheese - 300 gr;
  • Cream - 250 ml;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Gelatin - 2 packs.

How to make Pumpkin Cheesecake:

Bake the peeled and washed pumpkin in foil in the oven until the flesh is soft. After that, beat in a blender until the consistency of puree. Add cheese, powder and beat again. Make a base of cookies and butter according to the above recipe.

Pour gelatin with milk and leave to swell. Heat and dissolve in warm liquid, leave to cool. Whip the cream well, add the dissolved gelatin and cream to the chopped pumpkin and beat everything with a blender or mixer.

Place the resulting mixture on the prepared base, smooth it well and refrigerate overnight for impregnation. Decorate before serving to your taste.

Cooking with mascarpone cheese

The exceptionally delicate taste of this dessert can surprise the most capricious gourmet. For its preparation, soft Mascarpone cheese is used, so the taste of sunny, cheerful Italy clearly appears in this dish.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cookies for the base - 300 gr;
  • Butter - 100 gr;
  • Mascarpone - 500 gr;
  • Cream - 200 ml;
  • Sugar sand - 150 gr;
  • Gelatin - 2 packs.

How to make Mascarpone Cheesecake:

Crush the cookies and mix with butter. After laying out in the form, forming the base, as already described earlier. Soak gelatin in cold water, the volume of which will be indicated in the instructions on the package (may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer), usually half a glass of water per pack of dry mix.

Beat sugar and cream with a mixer until thick foam. After adding mascarpone, mixing thoroughly, but without whipping - the mixture should not be too airy.

Melt the dissolved gelatin over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Gradually pour into the cheese - creamy mass and mix until smooth.

We spread the resulting mixture on the prepared cookie base, level it well and leave it in the refrigerator until it hardens for 2-3 hours. This recipe does not require baking, which saves a lot of time. The finished cake can be decorated with grated chocolate, berries or fruits.

Cheesecake recipe in a slow cooker

To cook a cheesecake in a slow cooker, you must select the appropriate mode. A base of cookies or a finished biscuit is laid out at the bottom of the container. The filling can also be taken from any recipe you like. After that, the appropriate mode is selected and in a few minutes your cake will be ready. The cooking time depends on the multicooker model and should be indicated in the recipe book.

To quickly and accurately remove the finished cake from the container, you can use the steam bowl.

A pie is turned over at its bottom, and then carefully onto a plate or dish. Next, you need to act according to the technology described above: the cake first cools down naturally, and then “rests” in the refrigerator, the advantage of this method will be faster cooking and a guarantee of a good result.

no bake cheesecake recipe

For such a recipe, it is necessary to take exclusively ready-made ingredients: a biscuit or crushed cookie crumbs mixed with butter. The filling should also be completely ready, so there are no eggs in this recipe. A simple no-bake cheesecake can be made with the following ingredients.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cookies for the base - 300 gr;
  • Butter - 100 gr;
  • Soft cheese or cottage cheese - 600 gr;
  • Cream or fat sour cream - 200 ml;
  • Sugar sand - 150 gr;
  • Gelatin - 2 packs.

How to make no bake cheesecake:

Pour gelatin with water, insist and heat until completely dissolved. After sieve from solid residues and mix with pre-whipped cheese, cream and sugar. Pour the mixture into the prepared base of cookies and butter and leave to harden in the refrigerator overnight. Serve garnished with berries or chocolate chips to your taste.

Such a cake can be immediately prepared in a decorative cake rack so that the serving to the table is beautiful and spectacular.

Low calorie diet option

Despite the fact that the calorie content of cheesecake is quite high: approximately 400-600 kcal / 100 g, it is quite possible to consume such sweets during a diet. The main secret is to replace some ingredients with less high-calorie ones.. Thus, it is possible to reduce its nutritional value to about 300kcal/100g. and at least occasionally indulge in delicious while dieting.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cookies for the base - 180 gr;
  • Butter - 90 gr;
  • Soft cheese - 200 gr;
  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr;
  • Yogurt - 200 ml;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar (powder) - 150 gr;
  • Vanillin - 2 teaspoons.

How to make Diet Cheesecake:

Crush cookies and mix with butter. Put in a prepared baking dish in a thin layer, not forgetting to make sides of two to three centimeters. Bake the resulting mixture for ten minutes in an oven preheated to 180º C.

Mix all other ingredients and beat with a mixer until smooth. Gently spread the resulting mass over the base and bake in a water bath for about half an hour. Then cool and put in the refrigerator for final impregnation for 3-4 hours. Before serving, you can decorate with fruit and grated chocolate chips.

Cheesecake is a versatile dessert, simple yet surprisingly delicious. For its preparation, you can choose a minimum of products, and the process itself will not take much time. The best option is a cheesecake without baking with cottage cheese, it can be prepared for a children's birthday and just for the arrival of guests.

An unusually tender cheesecake turns out in a slow cooker, the main thing is to choose the appropriate mode. Such a solution will further simplify the task and make cooking almost automated. In our article, there are several best recipes for making cheesecake, so you can safely proceed and try at least one of them.
