
How to cook chutney for the winter? Indian Strawberry Sauce Chutney Cucumber Chutney Recipes.

Chutney is a condiment familiar to Indians, designed to enrich the taste of the main dish. Chutney, made with spicy vegetables and spices, is a great addition to insipid dishes, and thanks to its cheerful colors, it serves as a real table decoration. When making chutney for the winter, the key is not to try to save time. In general, this process takes three to four hours of your life - but the final result will undoubtedly justify the effort!

So, the main secret of ideal chutneys for the winter is to follow only seven elementary rules:

1. Use only stainless steel dishes, and stir its contents only with a wooden spoon. All other materials are affected by vinegar, which can cause discoloration of bright fruits.

2. Vegetables and fruits should be cut into the smallest possible pieces - this will achieve a more uniform consistency of the final product.

3. Cook the ingredients in an uncovered saucepan over very low heat, which is also intended to help form a more even structure of the chutney. In addition, slow cooking will make the seasoning more juicy and delicate in taste.

4. Toward the end of cooking, stir the chutney well to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the dish.

5. To determine if the chutney is ready, use the following simple trick: use a wooden spoon to draw a line along the bottom of the saucepan; this narrow strip must be clean before the boiled fruits again occupy the vacated cavity.

6. When laying the fragrant mass in jars, be sure to leave about half a centimeter to its top. Use lids made of a material that does not react with vinegar. Also keep in mind that a loosely sealed chutney will dry out quickly.

7. Chutney is best stored in a dry, cool place protected from direct light. Before tasting the contents of the jars, it is advisable to let them stand closed for at least 8-10 weeks.

There are many recipes for chutney, but I still prefer the classic version of this winter preparation.

Classic chutney

Ingredients: a kilogram of ripe, peeled and diced zucchini (or zucchini), a kilogram of chopped and peeled green tomatoes, 500 grams of diced apples (also without skin and core), 500 grams of finely chopped onion, 500 grams of sultanas, 60 milliliters of white wine or apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons of dry chili pepper (optional), salt to taste.

For the spice pouch: 50 grams of raw, finely chopped ginger root, 2 teaspoons of black peppercorns, 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds

Cooking method:

1. To make a bag of spices, you should take a small square of muslin with a side of 20 centimeters, put all the above spices in its center and tie its edges with a piece of rope. Next, you need to pour a little water into the saucepan, put all the ingredients of the recipe there (including spices) and bring the fragrant mass to the boiling stage over low heat and with systematic stirring. After a while, the resulting mixture will noticeably increase in volume, which should be borne in mind when choosing the size of the dishes.

2. Next, leave the chutney to cook slowly for 2.5-3 hours without covering the saucepan with a lid. Stir the contents of the saucepan from time to time, but there is no need to constantly monitor the cooking progress. Another sign of chutney readiness is the thickening of the appetizing mass and the appearance of a characteristic sheen. However, in a properly cooked chutney, pieces of vegetables and fruits should still be clearly distinguishable.

3. Transfer cooked and slightly cooled chutney to sterilized jars. Thoroughly tamp with a wooden spoon to remove air bubbles from the mass and close the lids tightly. Let me remind you that before opening, jars of seasoning should stand in a cool and dry place for at least a couple of months - the chutney should be thoroughly marinated.

Gut the fish, then wash and dry. Rub with salt and pepper, brush with oil.

Preheat oven to 180°C. Lightly sprinkle a silicone mat with water, put fish on it, put in the oven and bake for 10 minutes.

Prepare tomato chutney. Wash tomatoes, cut into quarters, remove seeds. Cut the pulp into cubes. Peel the onion, chop. Wash the peppers, remove the core, cut into cubes. Put prepared vegetables in a ladle, add vinegar and sugar. Stir with a spoon, bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes. In a bowl, dilute tomato juice and cornmeal, add to vegetables, cook for 2-3 minutes, season. Remove from heat and let cool.

Prepare a salad. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit. Remove the skin from the fruit. Wash the cucumbers, cut in half, remove the core with a spoon.

Cut the avocado and cucumber into thin strips on a grater. Put in a bowl, salt, mix and set aside for 5-7 minutes. Sprinkle vegetables with lemon juice, add soy sauce and sugar, mix. Arrange the hot fish on plates, serve with tomato chutney and salad.

Now at SVITLA_4OKpasses"Barbecue FM " , I sent the chutney recipe there too.

It is known that chutney is something between a sauce and jam, a dish of Indian cuisine. It is served with dishes of meat, fish, legumes. And it can be prepared from berries, fruits, vegetables, many spices are used. Dairy products such as yogurt and greens can be used in the composition. It can be cooked with or without heat treatment.

Today I cooked strawberry chutney with a lot of spices, I really liked its bright taste.

KBJU: Calorie 100 gr sauce: 407 kcal,
BJU: 4.7 gr, 14.7 gr, 62.2 gr.


200 gr strawberries

25 grams sugar or erythritol

3-4 grams of salt
- 50 gr raisins

15 gr butter

5 pieces. hot peppercorns
- 5 pieces. allspice peas
- 1 tsp topless cinnamon
- nutmeg on the tip of a knife

20 gr, juice of 1/2 lemon or lime

1/2 tsp hot pepper mix
- 10 gr, 1 tsp starch
- zest from half a lemon
- 50 grams of water
Total 400 gr


1. Wash the strawberries, remove the tails, dry on a paper towel, cut into circles and semicircles.

2. Put all the spices into the pan: cinnamon, hot and allspice peas, salt, hot pepper, nutmeg, butter, raisins. Warm up 3 minutes, stirring.

Pour 25 g of sugar and bring the mixture to a state of caramelization, that is, to a light cream color. If we use erythritol, then only until it melts.

3. Put the strawberries in a pan, pour in the juice of half a lemon and simmer, stirring, 7-10 minutes until strawberries soften. If needed, add some water.

4. Dilute 1 tsp. starch with 50 g of cold water, pour into the sauce in a stream, stirring, add lemon zest, stir until thickened, serve immediately.

I served strawberry chutney with chicken breast rolls. The sauce was very good at adding a bright flavor to the neutral flavor of the breasts.

The sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week in a sterile jar with a lid.

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Chutney sauce is the common name for more than twenty recipes for sauces in the traditional cuisine of ancient India. The national flavor of filigree patterns has completely merged into the culinary preferences of the people.

Chutney is bright and refined, the history of its recipe has more than one millennium. Presumably, the spread of Chutney around the world began with the conquests of Alexander the Great, continued during the colonial past of India and has reached our days (thanks to numerous tourists and simply admirers of Indian culture around the globe).

Chutney Features

Chutney is a favorite product in the native country. Every self-respecting hostess knows how to cook it since childhood. Chutney accompanies any celebrations and feasts, everyday lunches and dinners. Due to its originality and availability, the popularity of the sauce is growing every day.

Let's get to know him better:

.chutney sauce is made from both raw and thermally processed vegetables and fruits;

.originality of Chutney is directly dependent on the combination of seemingly incompatible tastes and the use of a large number of aromatic seasonings and spices;

.the authentic taste of Chutney you can only achieve after it has been "infused" for at least a week (sometimes a month), although it is extremely appetizing and freshly prepared;

.in Chutney, very often sweet is combined with sour, salty or spicy, and fruits or berries are used together with vegetables and herbs to achieve unique taste sensations;

.using the features in the technology of cooking Chutney, they can be stocked up for future use, which is quite convenient for our summer residents;

Chutney can also look like a pureed mass or like small pieces in a viscous sauce.

Types of Chutney

The variety of chutney types depends on the choice of ingredients as well as the spices used.

The most popular of sauces:

. apple;













Indian chutney sauce can combine fruits, vegetables, as well as certain seasonings:



.dry ground black or red hot pepper;






.mustard seeds;

.Bay leaf;


How to cook chutney

There are several key rules for making sauce that a novice cook needs to know.

Heat treated version:

.prepared berries, fruits or vegetables, and sometimes all together, are crushed and gradually introduced into the cooking process;

.salt (sugar) and spices are added closer to the end of cooking;

.hot chutney is distributed in jars and allowed to cool (infuse).

Fresh Chutney:

.ingredients wipe with a blender;

spices and seasonings are also sent there;

.serve chilled.

Important! The chutney should have a thick, smooth consistency.

In the classic version, the sauce can be prepared even by a beginner who does not understand anything in cooking. The main thing is to be patient (it will take a long time to cook) and strictly follow the recipe.

1. Indian chutney

We will need:

.1 kg - red ripe tomatoes (can be salad varieties);

.1 kg - green apples (we have Antonovka);

.100 gr. - onion;

.150 gr. - light raisins;

.2 cloves - garlic (in summer it is better to use the spring variety, as it is more aromatic and less pungent);

.500 ml - pure water;

.200 ml - vinegar (apple is more suitable);

.1 tbsp - mustard seeds;

.2.5 tbsp - curry;

.1 tsp - hot pepper;

.2/3 cup - sugar;

.2 tbsp - salt.

Cooking method:

.At the very beginning, we will make a 20:20 cm gauze napkin, placing mustard in the middle, tightly tie it in the form of a bag. In this form, it will be cooked in sauce.

.Tomatoes need to be peeled. To do this, cut each tomato with a cross at the tip, put it in boiling water in a separate container for a few seconds. Remove the seeds and cut the fruits into small pieces.

.Peel the washed apples, remove the cores with seeds and chop them into small cubes or slices. Putting it in a deep stainless pan or basin, pour water, put it on low heat and cook from the moment of boiling for about half an hour.

.Combine apples with tomatoes and put a knot with mustard on them. Stir and cook for another ten to fifteen minutes.

.Peel the onion and garlic from the husk, finely chopped, pour into the pan.

.After a few minutes (5-7) we will send the rest of the ingredients there (washed raisins, vinegar, curry, pepper, sugar and salt).

.We boil the sauce on the weakest fire until it becomes puree. Cook, stirring occasionally, avoiding burning for about two hours. Throw away the gauze bag as unnecessary.

.Pour the chutney into clean, dry jars and seal tightly (roll up). Let cool and store like any other canned food.

The sauce is sour-sweet-spicy and fragrant. Serve chutney with any non-spicy dishes, such as boiled potatoes or rice, fish or meat.

2. Orange Chutney

Orange sauce with a pleasant citrus aroma is the best for cereal dishes or pancakes.

Stock up:

.3-4 oranges;

.2 sweet apples;

.juice of 1 lemon or vinegar - 75 ml;

.1 glass of sugar;

.1 glass of water;

.4-5 carnations;

.2 tsp ground cinnamon;

.1 tsp dry ginger;

.2 garlic cloves.

We conjure:

.Wash and peel oranges and apples. Let's cut them into cubes.

.Let the fruit boil, adding water and ginger under the lid for twenty minutes. We make the fire small.

.Then add sugar and spices except garlic and lemon juice. Don't forget to stir.

.We cook for another thirty minutes, add lemon juice and garlic passed through a press.

.Boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat. We remove the cloves and let it brew.

3. Cucumber chutney

We will make cucumber sauce without heat treatment. It is refreshing, light and fragrant. The most delicious chutney sauce will come from small cucumbers (gherkins).

Let's get:

.young cucumbers - 300 grams;

.onion - turnip - 1 medium head;

.garlic - 3 cloves;

.dill and mint - 2 sprigs each;

.refined vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;

.French mustard - 2 tsp;

.natural honey - 1 tablespoon;

.alcohol vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons;

.salt, pepper - to taste.

Making the sauce:

.Rinse cucumbers and herbs with warm water, peel garlic and onions.

.Chop the cucumbers smaller and put them in a liter glass jar. We also send finely chopped onions, dill, mint, garlic gruel and salt here.

.We close the jar with a nylon lid and shake it properly. Let stand for 25-30 minutes.

.After this time, pour the contents of the jar into the blender bowl and add all the other components. Whisk at high speed.

.The mass should be homogeneous, so grind the vegetables again if necessary.

Put in a gravy boat. Serve chutney chilled.

We are all used to the fact that a spicy seasoning or sauce is necessarily made from tomatoes or red hot peppers, but what if we get creative with this issue? Adjika from cucumbers will turn out no worse than from other vegetables that are more familiar to us and will become an original addition to the table. We add it to hot dishes of meat or fish, to seafood or stewed potatoes, and it will not be difficult to cook it.

In this article you will find several proven recipes for making cucumber adjika from fresh and salted vegetables.

While the harvest season is not over yet, let's start with an appetizer of fresh young cucumbers.


  • – 5 kg + -
  • - 300 g + -
  • - 200 g + -
  • - 250 g + -
  • — 300 ml + -
  • - 100 ml + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -

How to cook adjika

  1. If the cucumbers are very young, it is enough just to wash them, but if their skin is already rough and can be bitter, it is better to cut it off - this way they will be crushed better and the consistency of the finished adjika will be more tender.
  2. We chop the cucumbers very finely or three on a beet grater.
  3. Pour boiling water over red soft tomatoes for 2 minutes, then cool and remove the skin. We grind them with a blender, submersible or in a bowl.
  4. We combine cucumbers with tomatoes, add oil and salt, put everything on fire and bring to a boil.
  5. While the vegetable puree is languishing, prepare hot peppers. We remove the stalks and seeds from them. Remember that you can work with them only with gloves, so as not to burn your hands! We chop the peppers with a knife or also use a blender to grind.
  6. During the same time, we clean and pass all the garlic through the press.
  7. After 15 minutes, after the adjika boils, add hot pepper and garlic puree to it, stir and let it cook on low heat for another 10 minutes.
  8. A couple of minutes before turning off, pour in the vinegar, mix again and arrange in sterile jars.

This recipe does not involve additional sterilization of adjika. Just roll up the cans and turn them over as usual. Wrap until completely cool and let cool gradually over the course of a day.

Our fresh cucumber adjika is ready! You can serve it chilled right now, or you can wait for the first cold days when the spicy seasoning will go especially well.

In this recipe, cucumbers should be pickled or pickled. We need 1 kg.

  • Three pickled cucumbers on a coarse grater and set aside.
  • We clean and pass through the press 8 cloves of garlic, send them to the cucumbers.
  • Now add 3 tbsp. tomato paste and the same amount of odorless vegetable oil.
  • Sprinkle to taste, but not less than ½ tsp. black ground pepper and 1/3 tsp. red.
  • We mix the resulting mixture to a homogeneous consistency and put it in a sterile jar with a plastic lid.

We keep our hot spice in the refrigerator. We serve no earlier than after 12 hours, so that it is cooled for any hot and even first courses. Also cucumber adjika is good with sandwiches and salads.

As you can see, cucumber adjika is not only unusual and very tasty, but also a stunningly easy-to-prepare snack. Try making it and your guests will be asking for the recipe!

How often do we think about how to cook something tasty and unusual? And the point here is not that modern housewives do not have cooking skills, but that each of them wants to surprise her relatives and try something tasty, something that diversifies the menu. It is because of this that we often “look” at the cuisines of distant countries and try to cook dishes at home according to their recipe. Recently, cucumber chutney for the winter has been especially popular.

About chutney

Chutney is a dish from Indian cuisine that impresses with its bright taste. It cannot leave indifferent even those people who are not connoisseurs of the food of this overseas country. At its core, it is a spicy sauce that has a peculiar spicy flavor. It is the main competitor of popular Chinese sweet and sour sauces and American ketchup.

In India, chutneys are often served as an accompaniment to certain dishes in the same way that we have pickled or sour cucumbers. They are often seasoned with meat, rice, yogurt and vegetables. As for the consistency, it can be different, for example, it can resemble compote or jam. In this case, one should take into account the fact that it is prepared in different ways using different recipes. However, for almost every recipe, ginger, hot peppers, lemon juice and fruit vinegar are used, with the help of which a slight sour bite is given. But as a basis, as a rule, nuts and fruits act. You can also make chutney with cucumbers. You will like this recipe more, as it resembles our domestic dishes.


If you dream of making cucumber chutney, you will need the following ingredients:

  • cucumber (only elastic, fresh and juicy fruits) - two pieces;
  • honey (use only natural, which you are sure of) - two tbsp. l.;
  • shallots - one bunch;
  • garlic - one clove;
  • pepper;
  • white wine (pick a good variety, fragrant) - five hundred ml;
  • Dijon mustard - three tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil (refined is best) - use for frying;
  • dill (it should be fresh) - two tbsp. l. sliced ​​gifts of nature.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We clean the cucumbers, then cut them into two parts. Carefully select all the seeds, then cut them into slices, salt and discard on a sieve, leaving for twenty minutes. During this time, the liquid will come out of the fruit. If you use young cucumbers that are small in size, you can do without this procedure. We turn to the cleaning of garlic and onions. At the same time, we pass the garlic through a press, and chop the onion.
  2. We turn on a strong fire on the stove. We place the cucumbers in a container and fry them for about two minutes, adding the required amount of vegetable oil. Then pour wine, honey into the container and reduce the heat. Garlic, vinegar, onion and mustard are added to the rest of the ingredients, the cooking process lasts a few more minutes.
  3. At the very end, add dill, salt and pepper. At the same time, you can experiment with these ingredients, taking into account your taste.

And finally, remember that cucumber is the main ingredient in this recipe. It is an excellent base for a good spicy side dish. However, as practice shows, many do not dare to cook this dish, because they cannot believe that the cucumber gets along well not only with salt, but also with sweetness and spiciness. Do not doubt. This recipe has been tried and tested and is sure to become one of your favorites. At the same time, you can adjust it a little, taking into account your tastes. Thanks to this, it will be "your" one hundred percent.
