
How to cook a delicious and delicious zucchini cake. Zucchini cake with melted cheese

Zucchini is used for cooking: zucchini pancakes, zucchini cutlets, stuffed zucchini, zucchini caviar, zucchini cake. They also make preparations from zucchini for the winter. It is a very popular vegetable for all nations. Due to its availability for cultivation and purchase, many people want to know the most delicious recipes from zucchini.

Today you will learn the secret of making a zucchini cake with many step-by-step photos, from which the process of its creation will become clear. The cake is made quickly and eaten with pleasure.

Zucchini cake - recipe for zucchini cake with tomatoes

Cake Ingredients:

We take a young zucchini and rub it on a coarse grater. If you have an old zucchini, then you need to take out the seeds.

When the zucchini are all grated, they need to be salted so that they release the juice. Mix the salted zucchini well with salt and leave for 15 minutes to extract the juice.

In the meantime, zucchini let juice - take the greens. Our recipe calls for dill.

We chop the dill with a knife.

Cut the prepared tomatoes into rings.

Add garlic to mayonnaise for flavor.

Mix well with garlic and mayonnaise and set aside.

15 minutes have passed - we look at the zucchini, which have already released the liquid.

We take a colander and drain this liquid through it.

By pressing the spoon, and then with the fingers of the hand, we help the liquid separate from the body of the grated zucchini.

As a result, the volume of zucchini decreased by almost half.

Preparation of zucchini pancakes (cake layers)

You probably already guessed that zucchini cake consists of zucchini pancakes (cakes). Let's make them. Break the eggs into the prepared squash mass.

Add chopped dill and pepper.

To prepare the dough, add flour to the mass. We add enough flour so that the dough is not liquid and does not break in half when turning. The dough should be a little thick. We mix everything well.

We take a frying pan with a diameter of 24 cm, heat it up and pour vegetable oil.

Zucchini pancake should have a thickness of 3 - 5 mm. We fry the zucchini pancake equally on both sides.

These are such beautiful pancakes you will get.

Create a zucchini cake from prepared ingredients

Ruddy and fried zucchini pancakes should cool. We collect the cake. We put the first cake in the prepared dish for the cake and coat with garlic mayonnaise.

Then put the tomato rings.

Decorate with herbs on top of the tomatoes. Zucchini cake is ready.

The cake should stand a little and soak.

We take a knife and carefully cut off a piece of cake and look at the cut. It turned out, no doubt, a beautiful and mouth-watering squash cake. Bon appetit!

Zucchini is a tasty, healthy and versatile vegetable in cooking. Thanks to its taste qualities, zucchini is successfully used in many recipes, and with each new season of zucchini, housewives and cooks come up with more and more mouth-watering dishes with this ingredient. Zucchini is used both in first and second courses, and in salads, appetizers and even desserts!
The proposed recipe for zucchini cake is a great opportunity to enjoy, try a new interesting dish, and treat guests. Such a cake will not only be a delicious snack, but will also look harmonious and festive on any table! With a delicate texture and amazingly spicy taste of garlic, this dish will undoubtedly be one of your favorites!
Cooking zucchini cake is a lot like cooking zucchini fritters. The dough is kneaded from grated zucchini, and then pancakes are fried, which are then smeared and assembled into a beautiful cake.
For this dish, you can use any zucchini - both young and overripe, which helps a lot to use fruits that were not picked on time. Overripe fruits must be peeled and the middle with seeds removed. Young zucchini can be used whole, only after washing them thoroughly.
You can decorate the cake with bright vegetables: tomato, bell pepper, cucumber; as well as herbs: green onions, parsley, dill. You can even write a congratulation with ketchup!

Taste Info snack cakes


  • 2 medium sized zucchini;
  • 2 raw eggs;
  • 150 g salad mayonnaise;
  • 2 processed cheese;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • tomato and greens for decoration.

How to cook a zucchini cake with melted cheese, garlic and tomatoes

Before starting cooking, peel the processed cheeses from the foil and put them in the freezer (slightly frozen cheeses will be more convenient to grate).
Wash zucchini, peel and remove seeds if necessary. Grate the zucchini pulp on a coarse grater.

Add eggs, salt, ground black pepper and flour to the grated zucchini.

Mix. You should get a dough, like for zucchini pancakes.

Fry zucchini pancakes as follows. Heat up a frying pan, add some vegetable oil. Put the zucchini dough with a spoon and smooth it out to make a beautiful and neat pancake. Fry first on one side, then turn over and fry on the other side.

You should end up with 5-6 pancakes.
Prepare the filling: peel, chop the garlic and mix it with mayonnaise.

Lubricate each of the cooked pancakes with garlic mayonnaise, and grate the processed cheese on top.

Having collected the whole zucchini snack cake with garlic and cheese in this way, decorate it with tomato slices and herbs, as in the photo, or any other vegetables to your taste.

Zucchini Cake is a delicious and easy to prepare dish. A great example of how you can decorate and diversify your everyday menu with the same standard set of products that we use daily. And most importantly, it is easy to do, spending a minimum of time and effort.

In fact, our cake is all the same zucchini pancakes. However, decorated with a spicy "cream" based on sour cream or mayonnaise. Powdered with grated cheese, supplemented with a variety of fillings, they appear in a completely new, very attractive and appetizing form.

I will make a version of the squash cake with a light vegetable filling and sour cream, but using this recipe as a guide, you can cook completely different versions of this dish each time.

Zucchini “cakes” have a neutral and very delicate taste, which allows you to safely experiment with the components of both the “cream” and the filling. From vegetables and meat to ham, caviar, squid and fish pieces, whatever you like and find in the fridge. Shall we start?

Prepare the ingredients according to the list:

  • zucchini, chicken eggs, flour - for preparing the layers of the future zucchini cake
  • tomatoes, cheese and green onions - for stuffing
  • sour cream, garlic, a little salt and ground black pepper - for "cream"

Grate the zucchini and squeeze out the excess juice.

Add 5 eggs, some salt, ground black pepper and mix well.

Add flour. I add about 10-12 heaping tablespoons of flour. Thoroughly mix the dough ingredients. The dough should be thick, like for making pancakes.

Heat up the pan. Lubricate with vegetable oil and, laying out a portion of the dough, level it with a spoon along the bottom of the pan, giving it the shape of a pancake.

These lush pancakes will become the cakes of our zucchini cake. Fry the cakes for a few minutes on both sides, until golden brown.

While the cakes are fried, you can prepare the "cream" for our cake. To do this, mix sour cream, a few chopped garlic cloves. Add salt, ground black pepper to taste. You can additionally add fresh herbs, use cream cheese, mayonnaise or a combination of sour cream and mayonnaise instead of sour cream.

Prepare the filling for the cake. I chopped tomatoes and green onions, grated cheese.

When the cakes are ready, they must be cooled before proceeding with the assembly of the cake. In a pan with a diameter of 22 centimeters, I get 7-8 cakes.

Lubricate the chilled zucchini cake with the prepared cream. Lay out a layer of filling.

Repeat layers.

Decorate the zucchini cake as desired. I've been in a hurry all morning, and that's probably why the theme of watches came up.

The zucchini cake is ready. It is advisable to cool it and let it brew in the refrigerator for several hours before serving. But to be honest, we always skip this stage and move on to the most delicious - to the tasting.

Cut the cake into portions and serve. Bon appetit!

Zucchini snack cake is tasty and healthy, fried or baked zucchini will play the role of dough in it, garlic sauce will play the role of cream. As a decoration, you can use colored vegetables and herbs, it will be very beautiful.

  • zucchini 1 pc (medium)
  • eggs 4 pcs
  • flour 6 tbsp
  • ground pepper
  • mayonnaise
  • parsley
  • garlic

Coarsely grate the zucchini and add eggs, flour, salt and pepper. In the meantime, rub the garlic on a fine grater, finely chop the parsley and mix everything with mayonnaise.

Whisk everything well. Fry the pancakes in a frying pan. Each pancake is laid out on a separate plate to cool faster.

Season the pancakes with garlic, mayonnaise and parsley seasoning and stack them in a pile. You need to wait to soak a little.

Delicious zucchini cake is ready!

Recipe 2: zucchini cake with mushrooms

  • Zucchini - 4 pieces of medium size.
  • Fresh champignons - 500 grams.
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces.
  • Wheat flour - 6 tablespoons.
  • Cheese - 200 grams.
  • Mayonnaise - 50 grams.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.

We wash the zucchini under running water, cut off the stem. If the zucchini is not young, then cut off the peel and cut out the seeds. Rub the zucchini on a coarse grater, put in a deep bowl, squeeze out the juice with your hands. Break chicken eggs into a bowl with squeezed zucchini, add flour, add a pinch of salt, ground black pepper and other spices, mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil, spread the zucchini dough with a tablespoon or ladle, leveling the surface. Fry the vegetable pancake on both sides until golden brown. In the same way, fry the pancakes until the dough runs out.

Now let's prepare the filling for our cake. Fresh champignons clean, rinse and cut into thin slices. We clean the onion from the husk and chop finely. In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil, fry the onion first until golden brown, then add the mushrooms, mix, salt, fry until the liquid has completely evaporated and remove from heat. We clean the garlic from the husk and pass through the garlic press. We rub the cheese on a coarse grater. You can use any type of hard cheese you like. In a separate bowl, combine chopped garlic, grated cheese and mayonnaise, mix until smooth. The filling is ready.

Now let's start assembling the cake. We put one zucchini pancake in a round baking dish or in a pan with a removable handle. We coat with cheese sauce on top, and spread the mushroom filling on the sauce in an even layer. Then again pancake - sauce - filling. We collect the cake, grease the top with sauce. We send the form with the cake to the oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees for ten minutes. At this time, rinse fresh herbs under running water, then dry and finely chop. We take out the finished cake from the oven, decorate with finely chopped greens and serve.
Zucchini cake with mushroom layer is ready!

Recipe 3: zucchini cake with cheese, tomatoes, carrots

  • Medium-sized zucchini - 4 pieces.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 grams.
  • Cheese - 150 grams.
  • Carrots - 2 pieces.
  • Onions - 2 heads of medium size.
  • Fresh tomatoes - 2 pieces.
  • Wheat flour - 150 grams.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Salt, ground black pepper, spices and seasonings to taste.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.
  • Fresh dill or parsley - 50 grams.

We wash the zucchini under running water, cut off the stem and rub it on a coarse grater. We shift the zucchini into a deep bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave for a while so that the juice stands out. Then this juice must be squeezed out by hand. In a bowl with zucchini, break chicken eggs, add flour, add spices and mix everything until a homogeneous consistency. The dough should be thick, so you may need a little more or a little less flour. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, spread the vegetable dough with a tablespoon, leveling the surface. Fry the zucchini pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

While our pancakes are cooling, let's prepare the vegetable filling. To do this, peel the onion from the husk, rinse and finely chop. Carrots are peeled, washed and rubbed on a coarse grater. Saute vegetables in vegetable oil until golden brown. We clean the garlic from the husk and pass through the garlic press. Rinse fresh herbs under running water, dry and finely chop. We rub the cheese on a coarse grater. My tomatoes and cut into thin circles. In a separate bowl, combine mayonnaise, chopped garlic and finely chopped greens, mix thoroughly until smooth.

Now you can start assembling the cake. We put one zucchini pancake on a flat dish, grease it with garlic sauce, spread the fried vegetables in an even layer on top. The next layer will be circles of tomatoes, sprinkled with grated cheese. Cover with the second pancake and repeat the layers in the same sequence. Lubricate the top pancake with sauce and remove the cake for a couple of hours in the refrigerator for impregnation. Serve the cake as an appetizer.
Zucchini cake with vegetables is ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe number 4. appetizer cake with zucchini and crab sticks

  • Medium-sized zucchini - 2 pieces.
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces.
  • Melted cheese - 200 grams.
  • Crab sticks - 100 grams.
  • Wheat flour - 3 tablespoons.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Mayonnaise - 100 grams.
  • Salt, ground black pepper, spices and seasonings to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.

My zucchini, grated, put in a bowl. In the same bowl, break two eggs, add salt and flour. Mix thoroughly. We heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and bake three zucchini pancakes from the resulting dough, frying them on both sides until golden brown.

The remaining two eggs are hard-boiled, cooled, peeled, and grated. Finely chop the crab sticks. Mix eggs, crab sticks and half of the mayonnaise, mix. Grate the pre-chilled cheese, peel the garlic and pass through the garlic press. We make the sauce: mix grated cheese, garlic and the second half of mayonnaise.

We put one zucchini pancake on the dish, evenly spread the stuffing from crab sticks on top, cover with the second pancake, grease with cheese sauce. We put the third pancake, draw a curly mesh on it with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.
Zucchini cake with crab sticks is ready! Bon appetit!

Zucchini cake with tomatoes and garlic will be a wonderful decoration of any table. The dish is very tasty and bright. It will be the highlight of the feast.

Thanks to the original composition of the products, the zucchini cake will turn out tender and juicy, with a spicy taste. It is not difficult to prepare a puff cake from zucchini pancakes with tomatoes. It will take only a few minutes to cook, and even a schoolboy will be able to master a detailed recipe.

Recipe for zucchini cake with tomatoes

We will need:

  • 800-900 grams of zucchini
  • 4 large eggs
  • large tomato
  • head of garlic
  • 250 grams of mayonnaise
  • bunch of fresh herbs
  • 200 grams of flour
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil for frying.

How to quickly cook zucchini cake with tomatoes and garlic

1. Mix coarsely grated zucchini with salt. It is important that the zucchini secrete juice. The fluid will need to be drained, it is not required.

2. Break eggs into a bowl with prepared zucchini.

3. Rinse fresh herbs and shake. Chop it up with a knife. Pour greens into a bowl with zucchini. Add flour. Mix well. You should get a thick squash dough.

4. Take a frying pan. Pour a little oil on a dry bottom, heat it up. Put a little zucchini dough in a pan, smooth it out. Fry the zucchini tortillas over medium heat on both sides. Approximate frying time is 2-3 minutes per serving. The result should be 3-4 finished cakes.

5. Prepare the sauce. Grate garlic on a fine grater. Mix garlic paste with mayonnaise.

6. Lubricate each cake with the finished sauce.

7. Cut the tomato into slices. Arrange the pieces on greased cakes. Collect cake. Sprinkle everything with chopped herbs on top.

8. Layer cake from zucchini pancakes with tomato is ready.

Bon appetit!
