
How to cook condensed milk. How to choose the main ingredient

Everyone remembers condensed milk since childhood. Who doesn't love this sweet treat that can be added to coffee, tea, various desserts or simply eaten with a spoon. And then everyone became aware of the recipe for boiled condensed milk. Of course, boiled condensed milk is sold in modern stores. But in terms of its taste, it cannot be compared with boiled condensed milk at home. Do you know how to cook condensed milk in a jar?

Secrets of cooking boiled condensed milk at home

Delicious homemade boiled condensed milk is a wonderful delicacy and an excellent basis for preparing the filling of cakes, pastries, nuts, waffles and other sweet delicacies. However, sometimes difficulties may arise when boiling condensed milk - either the jar will explode or burst, or the milk will be overcooked or, conversely, remain liquid. To avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to know a few secrets of making boiled condensed milk at home.

How to guarantee the safety of cooking boiled condensed milk?

Many have heard that condensed milk can explode when cooked. It's true. If you are in the kitchen at this time, you can get severe burns. Well, if hot condensed milk does not get on the face. At best, you will only have to scrape condensed milk from the walls and ceiling. Naturally, such boiled condensed milk is not suitable for consumption. Usually a jar with ready-made condensed milk bursts when you start to cool it. The contents are poured into a pot of water or a sink, and many hours of work down the drain.

So that the condensed milk does not explode and burst during the cooking process, remember:

How long does it take to cook a jar of condensed milk?

The cooking time for homemade boiled condensed milk depends on the fat content of the milk and on what result you want to achieve.

  • condensed milk with a fat content of 8-8.5% is cooked for one and a half to two hours
  • condensed milk with a fat content of more than 8.5% is cooked for two to two and a half hours or longer, that is, the fatter the milk, the longer it is cooked
  • after 1 hour of cooking, condensed milk has a liquid consistency and melted beige color
  • after 2 hours of cooking, the consistency is of medium density, the color is pale brown
  • after 3 hours of cooking, the condensed milk becomes really thick, the color is melted brown
  • after 4 or more hours of boiling, the milk in the jar will become thick, like a toffee candy, and will acquire a chocolate color

What other rules are there for making boiled condensed milk?

There are a few more secrets, the knowledge of which will help you prepare delicious boiled condensed milk.

How to cook condensed milk in a closed jar

In a closed jar, condensed milk can be cooked in two ways - in a saucepan and in a pressure cooker. Both methods take about the same time, but if you use a pressure cooker, your participation in cooking will be limited to only a few minutes. So the second method is great if, for example, you are going to leave home and cannot watch condensed milk cooking for several hours.

Boiled condensed milk in a saucepan

You will need:

  • can of condensed milk
  • large pot with lid
  • kettle or pot of boiling water to add water

Step-by-step instruction:

Boiled condensed milk in a pressure cooker

You will need:

  • can of condensed milk
  • pressure cooker

Step-by-step instruction:

How to cook an open can of condensed milk

Open condensed milk can also be cooked in two ways - in the microwave and in a water bath. The first way is the fastest, condensed milk will be ready in 20-25 minutes, but you will have to tinker a lot. The second method takes about 4-5 hours. Both options are suitable if you need some boiled condensed milk, and not a whole can. Also, many people like that in both cases you can control the degree of readiness of condensed milk in the process of cooking it.

Boiled condensed milk in the microwave

You will need:

  • condensed milk
  • deep bowl for microwave cooking
  • long-handled spoon for stirring milk
  • microwave

Step-by-step instruction:

Boiled condensed milk in a water bath

You will need:

  • condensed milk
  • small saucepan with lid
  • spoon with a long handle for stirring condensed milk
  • larger saucepan for a water bath
  • kettle or saucepan with boiling water for pouring water

Step-by-step instruction:

As you can see, with all the methods described above, you can cook condensed milk at home. The main thing is to follow certain rules so that the jar of condensed milk does not explode. Boiled condensed milk can also be used to prepare various desserts. Try making a delicious Snickers or Anthill cake.

Regular condensed milk is also very often used in cooking. On its basis, not only creams are prepared, but also mastic for decorating cakes. In any case, condensed milk is a very tasty delicacy that absolutely everyone loves!

Many housewives are well aware that home-cooked condensed milk will have a fundamentally different taste than that sold ready-made in stores. But many consider the process of cooking condensed milk to be a very long and troublesome business. Those who once boiled condensed milk in a jar, decide on repeated experiments not immediately.

However, the result and taste properties of boiled condensed milk will largely be determined by the quality of the original product. Today there are a huge number of different manufacturers of condensed milk. And the cost of such a product also has wide limits with a relatively identical mass. Most housewives, choosing food, certainly try to save money.

Therefore, as a result, the cheapest of the products are in the consumer basket. This can also apply to condensed milk. It is reasonable to conclude that the lower the price, the quality will suffer significantly. Manufacturers of this product, in most cases, supply the composition of condensed milk with substances that either do not boil at all, or it takes too long. It may turn out that after a few hours of holding the jar of condensed milk on fire, its main amount will remain liquid.

Therefore, if you choose condensed milk just for the purposes of home cooking, then initially try to buy the highest quality of these products. Only when cooking high-quality condensed milk will you get a really good result. And this circumstance does not at all require that the price of condensed milk be very expensive.

You just need to learn how to buy only those products whose manufacturers have already acquired an impeccable reputation. The quality of condensed milk does not in itself guarantee that as a result of cooking it will turn out to be perfectly tasty. Here, of course, a lot will depend on the hostess too. For this reason, you need to follow the rules on how and how much time to cook condensed milk. The direct cooking process involves the following steps. First, the label on the can should be removed. Rinse it well under tap water.

Condensed milk needs to find a suitable container. Please note that it will take a very long time to cook the product. And water, as we know, will inevitably boil away. Therefore, immediately find a pot with a fairly large volume, so as not to stand all the time at the stove, making sure that the water does not exhaust itself. Put a jar of condensed milk on the bottom of the container. Fill the pot with cold water. Pour water up to the maximum possible level. So in the process of cooking condensed milk, you will need to add it infrequently. Wait for the water to boil. When this happens, the stove fire must be reduced. Be sure to keep time. The question is how much boil condensed milk, perhaps, will be the main one in this process.

This should take at least an hour and a half. As a result, condensed milk will turn out not too thick in consistency. In this form, it is optimal to use it to create cream for a cake or filling for cookies. If you cook condensed milk a little longer, say two or three hours, then it will turn out thicker. Its shade will also appear an order of magnitude darker. Just such condensed milk is most often used to create a filling for such a dessert as nuts with condensed milk. For three to four hours, condensed milk is boiled by those who prefer its very thick appearance and dark color.

Check the water level in a pot with a jar every twenty to thirty minutes. And remember that the water level must necessarily cover the jar. If you begin to add water, then by all means use its hot form. If there is a sharp temperature drop, then a jar of condensed milk can simply burst. And if there is a lack of water, then this can lead to such a sad outcome as an explosion of a can. It's pretty dangerous. The condensed milk that spreads during the explosion of the can will be hot. It can severely burn you.

But even if you yourself do not suffer from this in any way, you will still need to scrape off the remnants of condensed milk from the walls or ceiling, which is not very easy. Therefore, from the very beginning, it is wiser to show a sufficient degree of vigilance to the process of boiling condensed milk. After cooking, the jar of condensed milk must be cooled.

Many people do it simply out of habit, that is, to cool down, they lower the jar into a container of cold water. But this cannot be done so as not to create a sharp temperature drop and prevent the jar from bursting. This is the correct method of cooling.

Just leave the jar in the water where it was boiled until the water has cooled completely. At the same time, condensed milk will also cool down, after which it can already be used for its intended purpose. With the help of a device such as a pressure cooker, it is much easier to cook condensed milk. If you want to use a pressure cooker, just put a jar in it and fill it with water.

The level of the latter should, as with the usual cooking method, be slightly higher. Turn on the fire on the stove and wait for the water to boil. Next, note fifteen minutes, during which the water should boil. Then turn off the fire and, without removing the lid from the pressure cooker, wait for the water to cool. Using a pressure cooker will not save time.

After all, the water in this device with the lid closed will cool down for a long time, namely two to three hours. But the advantage of a pressure cooker over a regular saucepan is that you don't have to worry about the water boiled out of the pot.

Does not threaten the cooking process and the explosion of the can. While the pressure cooker filled with water will cool down, you can go about your business and even leave the house. Knowing these secrets, you can arrange a little holiday for yourself and enjoy the delicious taste of self-cooked condensed milk.

Today, store shelves are full of various sweets, but this was not the case before. At the end of the twentieth - beginning of the twenty-first century, the inhabitants of Russia made many delicacies on their own. This was condensed milk, which is still loved not only by children, but also by adults.

How to cook condensed milk

Boiled condensed milk is prepared in various ways: on the stove, in a slow cooker and even in the microwave. Each of these methods allows you to get a delicious dessert of the desired consistency, but requires different time costs. All recipes will be presented in the review, but for now, the basic rules on how to cook condensed milk in order to avoid a jar explosion and get the desired product:

  1. When cooking on the stove, you need to constantly ensure that the container with the delicacy is completely immersed in water (then it will not explode).
  2. When the time is up, do not immediately remove the container from the water, on the contrary, let it cool while in the liquid.
  3. If cooking will be using a microwave, you will have to prepare thick-walled dishes to avoid damage to the container during cooking.
  4. The density and color of the sweet dish depend on the cooking time (a brown and thick dessert will turn out in three hours, and a pale and liquid dessert in 60 minutes).
  5. To cook to a caramel shade, only the delicacy, which includes milk and sugar, will turn out (other additives will not give the desired result).

How much to cook condensed milk in a jar

External indicators of delicacy are directly related to the time spent on cooking (only a pressure cooker can give a quick result). How to make boiled condensed milk viscous? You will have to spend three hours, because this is how much a sweet dish should be cooked. To obtain a liquid consistency, the microwave timer is set for 60-100 minutes, during which boiled condensed milk is obtained at home.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar on the stove

The recipe for making boiled condensed milk on fire is simple. You will need the following ingredients:

  • condensed milk in a tin, without additives - 1 pc.;
  • water - the amount depends on the cooking time.


  1. Buy the right product (examine the composition).
  2. Put the jar in an iron pan.
  3. Fill the tank with water (completely hide the tin).
  4. Put the pot on an open fire.
  5. Wait for the water to boil and turn on the timer, continuing to boil (the dessert should cook for 1-3 hours).
  6. Periodically add boiled water so that the jar does not explode.
  7. After the time has elapsed, turn off the fire, leave the sweet dish to cool and thicken in liquid.

Boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker

Another recipe for how to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker. To use it, you need to buy condensed milk without preservatives. Walkthrough:

  1. Place the tin container in the multicooker pan and fill with water.
  2. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode and leave to cook.
  3. leave to thicken in the bowl of the device, then take out the jar and enjoy.

Condensed milk has been a favorite dessert of many people since childhood. Nowadays, it is easy to purchase a finished product in a store. But it will taste better if you cook it yourself. How much to cook condensed milk in a jar and how much time it will take to cook, we will tell in this article.

    1. Purchase products with the inscription "GOST" on them, because they do not contain chemical additives.
    2. Check the freshness of the milk you buy.
    3. Wrinkled cans should not be bought, because bacteria form inside, leading to spoilage of milk.

Read about how to choose the right condensed milk.

Cooking time

People wonder how long it will take to boil condensed milk. If the fat content of milk is 8-8.5%, then cooking will last two hours. If the fat content exceeds 8.5%, then 2.5 hours. By the way, the higher the fat content, the longer the condensed milk is cooked.

The hostesses want to know how long the delicacy will acquire a pleasant, brownish color. The answer to this question is simple:

  • After an hour of cooking, a shade of beige color is observed.
  • After two hours, light colors of brown appear.

Standard Cooking Method

To prepare boiled condensed milk, do the following:

Cooking in a multicooker

  1. Place a silicone cloth on the bottom, and place a jar on the cloth.
  2. Fill the slow cooker with ice water, but keep the water level in mind. It should not reach the extreme value by one division.
  3. Close the lid tightly and turn on the "boil" function.
  4. As soon as the water begins to boil, press the "Extinguishing" function and start cooking milk for 2.5 hours.
  5. After cooking, lift the lid and wait for the jar to cool.

Condensed milk at home turns out to be an amazing delicacy, because you cook it yourself to the level that you need. You have the right to choose the hours of preparation, to give the delicacy the desired shade.

Why does a bank explode and how to avoid it

Why does the condensed milk explode? This has happened to many housewives. Similar troubles occur when:

  • a large number of bacteria enter the jar;
  • a person forgets about cooking and digests the product;
  • the jar is not completely submerged in water;
  • condensed milk is cooked on a high flame.

Use these tips to avoid exploding cans:

  • cook on low heat;
  • completely immerse the jar in water throughout the entire cooking;
  • if the hot water starts to boil away, add more slowly;
  • pour boiling water not on the jar, but between it and the wall of the pan;
  • check the jar for defects. If it is damaged and wrinkled, then it is better not to use it.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar. How much to cook a jar of condensed milk: Video

Despite the fact that many housewives know approximately how much to cook condensed milk in a jar, they do not always follow the rules for preparing the product. Often this ends in accidents, the results of which have to be rubbed off the walls within a few hours. In fact, it is not so difficult to cook a delicacy, so loved by many, and actively used in the confectionery business.

Today, condensed milk is cooked not only in a saucepan. Now this can be done in a slow cooker, pressure cooker, microwave. If necessary, there are options for preparing an already open product. Of course, you don’t even have to figure out how to cook condensed milk properly, because today it is also sold in ready-made form. But practice shows that the product boiled in a tin with one's own hands remains the most delicious.

How to choose the right condensed milk for boiling?

Particular attention must be paid to the process of choosing milk, otherwise all efforts may be in vain. The enduring popularity of the product has led some manufacturers to try to save money on its production. Sometimes even in the store you can buy a real fake, which, after heat treatment in a slow cooker or microwave, turns into an unpleasant-tasting mixture, which is also dangerous to health.

To prevent this from happening, when buying condensed milk, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Product Name. For cooking, and just using it in its original form, it is better to take “condensed milk with sugar”, adding the word “whole” is allowed. All other variations indicate that the product was not prepared according to standards and most likely contains flavors or ingredients of plant origin.
  • Production standard mark. The best option is GOST marking. There is also a TU marking, but it indicates the presence in the composition of plant components in significant quantities, which in this case is not welcome.
  • Shelf life of milk. If it exceeds one year, then the presence of preservatives is guaranteed. This in itself is bad, it is also not clear how the mass will react to boiling in the microwave, slow cooker, or some other type of processing.
  • Marking on the lid. Well, if it is not applied, but knocked out, moreover, from the inside. In the inscription, the letter M and four numbers should be in the first place. The third and fourth should be 76, which indicates the high quality of the product.

Tip: Regardless of whether you plan to cook condensed milk or use it in its pure form, you should not take the product packaged in plastic bags. Real condensed milk can only be in an iron can. It is this packaging that allows you to preserve the product for the longest possible time, in the production of which no harmful additives were used.

  • Packing quality. The presence of chips, traces of deformation or cracks is unacceptable.

Don't get hung up on the cost of the product. A high price does not always indicate the desired degree of quality, and a low one does not always indicate that the seller, for some reason, is trying to quickly get rid of the goods. The main thing is that the condensed milk meets all the requirements listed above.

Basic rules for preparing the product

Before you cook condensed milk at home, you need to consider a number of points. This is especially true for those housewives who do not risk using mass cooking approaches in a slow cooker, pressure cooker or microwave.

  1. It takes no more than an hour to get a soft brown and still quite fluid composition. A dark, thick and rich product is obtained after 3.5 hours of cooking. Depending on how much to cook condensed milk, not only its color and consistency change, but also its taste. Aged composition rarely goes directly into food, it is usually used to make creams.
  2. If during the cooking process the liquid evaporates, it must be replenished. And only hot water is used for this, otherwise an explosion is possible.
  3. After the right time is maintained, there is no need to rush to open the boiled condensed milk. It is better to leave it in the same water until it cools completely. Then the jar will not pop when opened, and the milk itself will turn out to be tastier.
  4. Before you cook condensed milk in a jar in any of the possible ways, you should read its composition. The optimal consistency of the product is possible if the content of milk fat is 8%.

After the condensed milk is selected and all the secrets of the process are studied, you need to proceed directly to its boiling. At home, this can be done in one of several ways.

The traditional method of boiling condensed milk and using a slow cooker

Cooking condensed milk in a saucepan is quite simple. You need to put the unlabeled jar on its side in the selected container and fill it with cold water. We put the structure on a strong fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Then reduce the heat to a minimum. After that, it remains only to keep the composition as long as necessary, monitoring the water level in the pan. If after some time the color of the water in the jar has changed or a leak is detected, the manipulation must be stopped immediately.

To prepare condensed milk in a slow cooker, you have to perform the following steps:

  • Remove the label from the jar, wipe the iron surface with a damp sponge. We line the bowl of the appliance with a cloth to prevent scratches on the non-stick surface.
  • We put the jar on the bottom or lay it on its side. Fill it with water just above the jar itself, but below the maximum allowed for the bowl.
  • It is good if the multicooker has a steam outlet valve. It must be closed, then the water will practically not boil away.
  • Bring the water to a boil using the "Frying" or "Boiling" mode. Then we close the lid of the device, set the “Multi-cook” or “Extinguishing” mode (the temperature in the multi-cooker should be kept within 100-105ºС).

Contrary to popular belief, you won't be able to cook condensed milk very quickly in a slow cooker. Here, again, you will have to spend at least 2-3 hours to get a thick and saturated mass.

How can you weld an already opened jar?

If the condensed milk is in an imprudently open jar or was bought in a bag, then it will not work to cook it in a pressure cooker, pan or slow cooker. You will have to do this in the microwave or use the principle of a water bath. Here's what the second option would look like:

  • Pour milk into a glass jar, but do not fill it to capacity. We put a cloth napkin on the bottom of the water pot and put a jar of condensed milk on it to ensure uniform heating). We fill the pan with water so that its level exceeds the level of condensed milk in the jar.
  • We just cover the jar with a lid and do not screw it up. Bring water to a boil and reduce heat to low. We make sure that the water level never falls below the level of condensed milk, this is fraught with popping or an explosion.

With this approach, you can even act not on time, but simply track the status of the product. Despite the fact that this processing technique can theoretically be carried out in a slow cooker, it is not worth risking the device.

Processing condensed milk in a pressure cooker and microwave

The indisputable advantage of using a pressure cooker is the fact that there is no need to constantly monitor the process of preparing condensed milk. But do not think that the method reduces the time for preparing treats. The manipulation technique is as follows:

  1. We put the jar with the product in a pressure cooker, fill it with water, without exceeding the maximum level allowed for the device.
  2. We lower the lid, start the device, after boiling the water we wait only 15 minutes and turn off the device.
  3. Now it remains to wait until the water has completely cooled with the lid closed. This will take approximately 2-3 hours.

The fastest boiled condensed milk can be cooked in the microwave. True, the device will have to be vigilantly monitored so as not to miss the right moment or prevent an accident. We open the jar, pour the milk into a container of suitable material, it should not be filled. We boil the product for half an hour (the power in the microwave should be at least 400 W). An additional inconvenience is that every couple of minutes the device must be stopped and the composition interfered, otherwise it will burn. On the other hand, with this approach, it becomes possible to monitor the status of the product.

Regardless of how the boiled mass was prepared, it is necessary to evaluate its final appearance, taste and smell. If, as a result of processing, the composition has a bitter taste, then most likely it was overexposed or burnt (this is especially true when boiling in the microwave). Any unpleasant notes in the smell indicate that a stale component was originally used. And the presence of multi-colored spots indicates a low quality of the composition, the presence of harmful ingredients or a violation of milk production technology.
