
How to properly care for kombucha. The use of kombucha

Tea is very important for the life of kombucha: it practically does not consume the components of the infusion (tannins, aromatics and other substances), but at the same time it is very sensitive to its absence. So, without tea, he is not able to synthesize ascorbic acid, which is so necessary for his full life.

Kombucha or jellyfish, when favorable conditions are created, on the 4-10th day of growth, begins to produce a drink that looks like strong and highly carbonated kvass. Gas bubbles and acetic acid are formed due to the activity of acetic acid bacteria and yeast, and tea infusion, as well as some types of yeast, gives a specific flavor to kvass.

If you have no way to get kombucha, you can make it from ordinary rye bread, with the addition of sugar and yeast.

How to grow kombucha

Growing medusomycene is a simple procedure, but in order for it to please you with a healthy and tasty drink for a long time, some nuances should be taken into account. Medusomycete has a layered structure and reproduces only by separating one layer from another. It is strictly forbidden to cut the body of the mushroom into two halves or cut off pieces from it.
It is very susceptible to mechanical damage, thus it can be damaged and it will hurt. To begin with, one should separate one layered film and, placing it in a glass container, carefully pour warm water - (always use only boiled water.). Place the separated film in another container and, also filling it with warm water, leave it at room temperature.

Cultivation of the fungus is carried out only by separating one of the layers from the mother fungus, and this must be done with extreme caution.

Mushroom feeding

Medusomycete feeds on a weak, sweetish tea solution, which must be prepared as follows. In a 1% solution of tea, add sugar in a ratio of 1:10. Kombucha should be placed in this solution. It should be noted that the solution should not be too strong - this will slow down the growth process.

A drink made from medusomycene is rarely consumed in its original form. In order to reduce the concentration, it must be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:2. Ultimately, the drink should have a slightly sour taste.

Top dressing and replacement of the solution should be done systematically - about once every 2-3 days. In the cold season, you can reduce the number of top dressings and change the solution every 5-6 days. If you want the drink to be less concentrated, the mushroom can be fed daily.

Approximately once every 2-3 weeks, the mushroom should be washed with boiled water at room temperature. This should be done very carefully so as not to damage the structure. After washing, it must be placed back into the container, filling it with the usual tea solution. A weak, sweetish solution of tea is an ideal breeding ground for kombucha. With the right preparation of the solution, you will get a tasty and healthy drink.

Rules for making a drink

What can tea mushroom be infused on

It turns out that kvass can be obtained not only on the basis of black tea tincture. There are several options for preparing a delicious tonic drink. So, kombucha, the care of which is not subject to change, is often insisted on green tea, which contains a large amount of vitamins and caffeine.

You can also try to insist on tea with the addition of various medicinal herbs: oregano, chamomile, lemon balm, mint, bergamot, etc. Just do not throw herbs directly into the mushroom - it will quickly die from such a neighborhood, first you need to prepare an infusion.

Healing herbs will not only add a number of useful properties to the drink, but also give it a unique taste and aroma. Before use, you can add a teaspoon of honey to ready-made tea kvass, which will enrich it with a large amount of minerals, enhance antibacterial and tonic properties.

The stronger the infusion of tea or herbs, the more vitamins and nutrients will be contained in the finished drink. The following proportion is considered the most optimal: 2 teaspoons of tea leaves or herbs and 100 gr. sugar to get 1 liter of drink.

Tea mushroom. How to take care of everything

  • Medusomycete is able to live only in glassware, which will fit it in size. As a rule, a regular 3-liter jar is used. But metal dishes (except stainless steel) cannot be used to make kvass, since the acids produced by the fungus react with metals.
  • A jar of mushroom should be kept in a shady place with good ventilation and no foreign odors. Direct sunlight and low air temperature inhibit the development of jellyfish, and therefore it is not recommended to keep it on the windowsill.
  • The optimum temperature for the full development of the fungus is 25 degrees Celsius. At lower rates, its activity is noticeably reduced, and blue-green algae can even start in it.
  • When preparing a drink, the jar must be closed, but not with a lid, but with clean gauze or a napkin so that the kombucha can breathe, and insects, which are very partial to it, could not get to it.
  • Water for kvass must be boiled, with tea leaves and sugar already dissolved in it. Raw water contains a large amount of calcium salts, which react with gluconic acid, resulting in the formation of calcium gluconate as a precipitate.
  • If sugar is poured directly onto the kombucha, or if it is placed in a solution in which the sugar has not yet completely dissolved, this will cause burns on its surface in the form of brown spots.
  • For the same reason, even small leaves or granules of tea leaves should not be allowed to remain in the tea solution. Otherwise, wounds may appear on the delicate surface of the medusomycete.
  • Periodically, it becomes necessary to rinse kombucha in clean water. How to take care of it so as not to harm a living organism? You need to carefully remove it from the jar and carefully clean it under water (you can use the tap, but it is best to use clean or spring water). In winter, this procedure is carried out every 3-4 weeks, and with the onset of summer, this should be done more often - once every 1-2 weeks.
  • If you notice that the upper part of the fungus begins to turn brown, then this is the first sign of the beginning of its death. To keep the medusomycete alive, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse it, separate and discard the top layer, trying to take better care of your pet in the future.
  • In summer, kombucha is more active than in winter, and therefore the solution will have to be changed much more often.
  • If you pour an infusion of kombucha into a free container and leave it at room temperature, then after 1-2 weeks a thin translucent layer forms on its surface. This is a colony of living organisms, which eventually grows into a full-fledged adult mushroom.
    If you notice that the mushroom has become too big, thick, multi-layered, and the drink becomes sour too quickly, you should separate a part from it and give a piece of kombucha to friends or relatives. The care and preparation of kvass from such a part of the jellyfish is no different from the whole mushroom.

    Making Vinegar with Kombucha

    Medusomycete can be used not only for making a drink. With the help of kombucha, you can prepare vinegar, which, in terms of taste and practical properties, will not be inferior to ordinary table vinegar.

    To do this, kvass should be kept for a month, then drained and boiled for an hour. Tea vinegar is ready. Such vinegar is not suitable for preservation, but it will be an excellent alternative to ordinary vinegar in the preparation of fish, meat and other dishes.

    Tea vinegar is much softer than other types of vinegar, it gives the dishes an original, special taste.

    Fermentation of milk with a mushroom

    Fermentation of milk with the help of kombucha is done as follows: for one liter of milk, you need to take 3-4 tablespoons of concentrated infusion of kombucha (which is at least 4 days and up to 10 days).

    The duration of fermentation depends on the air temperature (in a warm place, fermentation occurs much faster) on average from 12 hours to 5-6 days. It is necessary to wait for a dense clot with a sour-milk smell and taste.

    Next time, use some of the already fermented milk instead of the starter. In this case, the process will already go faster, and depending on the temperature, it will last from 6 hours to 3-4 days. In the process of preparing a fermented milk product based on kombucha, after 24 hours, the bacteria of the group of E. coli and staphylococci are completely destroyed.

    At elevated temperatures - more than 35 degrees - the fermentation process is much faster. The result is a fermented milk product that has a dense texture and a pleasant sweetish taste.

    Kombucha is very useful. With proper, skillful care, it will give you the opportunity to get not only a tasty, healthy drink, but also other useful products.

The fungus looks like a jellyfish that floats on the surface of a liquid. This is a huge colony of yeast and acetic acid bacteria, which are held together by cellulose cells. The scientific name of the colony is Medusomycete.

The photo shows an enlarged image of its surface under a microscope. Balls are yeast. The sticks are bacteria. The rest of the binder is cellulose.

From above, the colony looks smooth, flat. Below - loose and multi-layered, with hanging threads and new layers formed. It is from below that most of the active microorganisms are located, which process sweet tea and form kvass.

Upper microorganisms produce vinegar. The method of obtaining vinegar with the help of medusomycetes was called "Orleans". It was used in the 19th century on an industrial scale.

For the primary formation of a colony, a donor organism is not needed. The fungus is formed as a result of prolonged fermentation of brewed sweet tea (in the presence of acetic bacteria, several types of yeast microorganisms). The bacteria themselves enter the tea leaves from the air. However, more often Kombucha is passed to each other, dividing the jellyfish-like colonies into layers.

The environment for the vital activity of yeast and bacteria is Indian tea, which appeared in Russia only in the 19th century. Therefore, kvass itself appeared in various Russian provinces at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In the 30s and 40s, he was on the wave of popularity. After the war, it was forgotten, and again returned to wide use in the 80s of the last century.

In the countries of the East, where tea has been known for a long time, medusomycetes enjoyed well-deserved respect. They treated the sick, maintained the tone of the healthy.

What is this drink used for?

  • China- only noble rich families drank tea kvass. For commoners, the drink was not intended. He was given the following qualities: to maintain clarity of thought, tone, rejuvenate, as well as improve digestion, cleanse blood vessels.
  • Japan- tea kvass was popular with geishas, ​​who used it to slim and remove spots and warts from the skin.
  • India- the drink was added to the bath for bathing babies with skin problems.
  • Europe (England, France and Prussia)- kombucha was recognized in the 19th century and began to be used to produce vinegar. To do this, the medusomycete was kept in large wooden barrels, where it reached enormous sizes.

The benefits and harms of kombucha

The medicinal properties of kombucha are determined by the components formed during fermentation. What secretes a colony of microorganisms during life?

Some of the dissolved sugar is fermented by yeast bacteria. Ethyl alcohol is formed, which other bacteria process into acetic acid. Another part of sucrose is processed into gluconic, oxalic, citric, and tartaric acid. A number of enzymes are formed (lipase, catalase, protease, amylase), some vitamins (C, B), caffeine is preserved (it comes from brewed tea).

The therapeutic benefits of kombucha come from acids, vitamins, and enzymes. Invigorating and tonic effect - contained caffeine.

What is useful kombucha for a person

  • Disinfects and stops the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Destroys dysentery bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, typhoid fever.
  • It removes toxins, which means it alleviates the condition with various poisonings - food, industrial, alcohol, and toxicosis of pregnant women.
  • Improves digestion, cleanses the intestines, treats diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
  • Forms the microflora of the digestive organs, restores the balance of microorganisms after chemotherapy, a course of antibiotics.
  • It counteracts infections with various inflammations: dental (gingivitis and periodontitis), skin (pimples, ulcers, fungus on the skin or under the nails, dandruff), ENT inflammations. With this treatment, tea kvass is used externally - for rinsing and rubbing.
  • Normalizes the state of blood vessels (dissolves sclerotic plaques and increases the elasticity of the vascular walls).
  • Reduces blood pressure.

The beneficial properties of kombucha are more noticeable than others are reflected in the work of digestion. Tea kvass removes bloating and colic, normalizes the movement of digestive juices (bile), removes stagnation. By suppressing the growth of pathogenic flora, it treats inflammation. Forming a normal intestinal flora, it creates conditions for the full absorption of food.

Kombucha contraindications

When can a fermented drink be harmful?

  • When peroxidation - if it has a strong pungent taste. There is too much vinegar in this drink. A small amount of acetic acid acts as an antiseptic and is used as an antidote. Too much vinegar burns the gastric mucosa, acidifies the blood, and destroys red blood cells. In addition, acetic acid destroys enamel. Therefore, it is better to drink acidic drinks through a straw.
  • When obsolete - dead layers supply toxic components. To prevent this from happening, the jellyfish colony is washed with water once a week and the old dying layers are removed in a timely manner.
  • While taking a number of drugs (antibiotics, paracetamol, analgin). Between drinking tea kvass and these medicines, at least 2 hours should pass.
  • Diabetics - due to the high sugar content.
  • People with high acidity, with a stomach or duodenal ulcer, can take tea kvass only in limited quantities.
  • You can not take a fermented drink for motorists while driving (kvass contains up to 2.5% alcohol, which is contraindicated for drivers in any doses).
  • For the same reason, you should not take tea kvass during pregnancy, breastfeeding.

How to use kombucha for weight loss

The weight loss effect is explained by the following factors:

  • Tea kvass stimulates the processes of cleansing, including the intestines. For many overweight people, the intestines look like a clogged pipe. Active biological substances clean the inner walls of fecal deposits and bring them out. It looks like loose bowels and frequent urination.
  • Tea kvass enzymes (lipase/, protease) stimulate the breakdown of fats.
  • The components of the tea drink reduce the feeling of hunger.

How to use kombucha for weight loss? Here are some popular recipes:

  • Insist jellyfish on green tea.
  • Insist on herbal decoction (nettle leaves, raspberries and currants, buckthorn bark, dandelion roots, fennel fruits, parsley and caraway seeds, mint leaves, corn stigmas).
  • Insist jellyfish on compote.

Drink ready-made kvass ½ or 1 glass (200 ml) half an hour before meals (3-4 times a day). You can also drink it in the morning right after waking up to stimulate bowel cleansing.

Is it possible to use kombucha during pregnancy

Is kombucha good for pregnancy? The content of ethyl alcohol (2.5%) causes controversy about the benefits of a tea drink. The drink contains the largest amount of alcohol at the beginning of fermentation (up to 2.5%). In addition, tea supplies caffeine, which is also not healthy.

Alcohol and caffeine are active substances. Even in small concentrations, they are able to cross the placenta. Therefore, despite the low content of these substances, it is not recommended to use kombucha during pregnancy.

In the 19th century, a carbonated drink was produced on an industrial scale. In the 21st century, it is drunk and bred at home. Making kombucha at home is easy.

For the cultivation of jellyfish, glass jars with a volume of 1 to 5 liters are used (depending on the size of the jellyfish). If the thickness of the colony is more than 1.5 cm - take a jar of at least 3 liters. To speed up fermentation - leave ¼ of the finished drink.

Tea is brewed, cooled and filtered. Proportions for brewing: for 3 liters of water - 6-8 tablespoons of sugar and 2-3 tea bags.

When using tea bags, tea can be left unfiltered. If you are brewing tea without bags, then after 20 minutes you need to filter the brewed liquid. Sugar can be added immediately.

Filtered sweet tea is poured into a glass container and a jellyfish mushroom is placed in it. The neck of the jar is covered with gauze and placed for fermentation in a dark place. Direct rays of the sun should not fall on the surface of the glass container. As fermentation bubbles appear. You can determine the readiness of the drink by the bubbles and a slight sour smell.

Kvass fermentation takes 2-4 days in summer and 5-7 days in winter.

How to care for kombucha

Proper care of kombucha at home determines the quality of the drink. After all, this is a living organism, and in response to care, it gives a tasty and healthy drink.

What is contraindicated with proper care:

  • A tightly closed jar or other container. Bacteria and yeasts need to breathe. Without access to oxygen, they die.
  • Hot water. Bacteria and yeast die in boiling water and just hot water (like other living organisms, protein structures). Therefore, before adding the mushroom to tea, it is cooled to room temperature.
  • Sugar - a colony of microorganisms feeds on sugar dissolved in water. If you pour sugar directly on the surface of the mushroom, burns (holes, depressions) will appear.
  • The sun's rays - heat up the liquid in which the mushroom floats, and this leads to the partial death of its colony. Therefore, you can not keep it on a sunny windowsill.
  • Metal containers without enamel, ceramic surfaces. The fungus must be stored only in containers made of inert material (glass jars).
  • Smoke of cigarettes. In rooms where they often smoke, the medusa fungus is covered with mold.

A fungus or a colony of microorganisms must be stored in a glass container, under a gauze bandage, in a darkened corner of the kitchen. An indicator of the health of the colony is the position of the "jellyfish" on the surface of the liquid. If the medusomycete does not float for a long time, it is necessary to inspect it and remove the dead layers.

Like any living creature, a jellyfish colony needs periodic washing. The mushroom is rinsed 1 time in 7-10 days in clean cool water. To do this, the medusomycete is taken out of the container with tea, placed in an enameled dish (bowl, pan), into which water is poured and drained several times. After that, the mushroom is inspected for old yellow layers (if any, they are removed). The washed mushroom is placed back in a jar of brewed sweet tea.

Where to get or how to make kombucha

Where to get kombucha? And is it possible to grow it at home without having a donor colony? It turns out yes. If there is no person in your circle of acquaintances who could offer you a mushroom, grow it yourself on the basis of ordinary tea leaves and sugar. How to grow kombucha at home?

  • To grow a colony, ordinary leaf tea leaves without aromatic additives are needed.
  • We prepare a glass container (jar) - wash it with soda or mustard (you cannot wash it with synthetic degreasers, they leave a mark on the surface and do not allow microorganisms to gather in colonies).
  • For half a liter of boiling water, take 5 tablespoons of tea leaves and 7 tablespoons of sugar. Brewed, cooled and filtered. Pour into a glass jar. Cover with gauze on top.
  • After 7-10 days, the smell of vinegar appears. After it passes, and a thin film of mucus forms on the surface. This is the germ of the future fungus. The time required for the formation of a primary colony is 1.5-2 months.

For growing kombucha, you can also use green tea, rosehip broth, sweet compote.

Growing kombucha at home is available to everyone. The cultivation technology is simple and accessible even to a child. The finished colony is a thin film of living bacteria that will eventually grow into a large mushroom and bring you health. In order for it to bring you only benefit, you can not use the old sour drink.

What is useful Kombucha Kombucha - a remedy for all diseases. Contraindications. How to care and use How to care for your face with kombucha
Homemade kombucha or kombucha - how to care and use

Homemade kombucha or kombucha - how to care and use. Benefit and harm

Homemade kombucha - it is possible that in our time some do not know what kind of "beast" it is, but in the 70s he lived in almost every home. Lived because it is a living organism, and it needs to be properly looked after.

In this article, you will learn about the benefits and contraindications of this drink. And

This drink, in addition to being tasty, sour and slightly carbonated, is also extremely useful. And its taste is always different, it depends on what it is not clear. There is an opinion that it depends on the environment, the mood of the owners of the house and what words they say. A couple of days ago, my mother brought a mushroom from a friend, I decided to find out everything about it and at the same time write an article on my blog.

He was brought out by a Korean scientist, even before our era, his name was Kombo. Therefore, one of the names of the mushroom is kombucha.

And now it is even produced on an industrial scale in the USA and Europe, and everyone can buy a bottle of kombucha (as they call it there). And grow your own. It seems like we are starting to slowly release it for sale.

We always called it just a mushroom, but it turns out to have many names.

What are the benefits of Kombucha?

The ancient Chinese called tea jellyfish "the elixir of immortals." And in Rus' they used to say that the one who drinks tea kvass will be healthy up to a hundred years! Indeed, it has a very strong tonic effect. Just drank a glass. But that's not all, read on

  • Still, it contains probiotics, and they help to establish proper digestion, with their help the body absorbs proteins and fats better. Accelerate metabolism - metabolism. And since the drink improves digestion, it contributes to rapid weight loss.

  • It helps to balance the acid-base balance, and this in turn will help to avoid many diseases.

  • Strengthens the immune system, as it maintains a sufficient number of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Accelerates the elimination of toxins. Which improves the functioning of the body as a whole. It also helps our skin, as toxins that are not removed in time contribute to the appearance of acne and black spots.

  • Kombucha drink contains glucosamines, they help prevent and treat all forms of arthritis by increasing the body's production of hyaluronic acid. This acid helps maintain cartilage structure and prevents joint pain.

  • Hyaluronic acid helps connective tissue to retain moisture, which helps to maintain tissue structure and reduces the effects of free radicals. Hyaluronic acid contains collagen, which slows down the appearance of wrinkles, improves skin firmness and elasticity. So you can use the drink as a facial tonic.

  • Gluconic acid - helps fight cancer, prevents its occurrence and slows down the growth of cancer cells, if they have already appeared.

  • This wonderful drink contains natural antibiotics. And if the throat hurts, then it is necessary to rinse it with a drink that has been infused for at least 5 days. The body of the tea jellyfish itself can be applied to wounds, they heal faster. Heals burns.

  • They can prevent caries! If you rinse your mouth with kombucha infused with green tea.

  • Those people who constantly drink kombucha notice that it gives extra energy, has a positive effect on falling asleep and sleep at night, helps with colds and lowers blood pressure.

And it is also used in cosmetology, Professor Boris Uvaydov talks about this and not only in the video below.

If you are interested in this topic, then I recommend that you definitely watch the video of Dr. Boris Uvaydov. He is a researcher and clinic consultant in the US and Mexico, professor of naturopathy, psychotherapist, doctor of nutritional psychology, specialist in non-drug treatment.

TEA MUSHROOM magical properties skin rejuvenation, weight loss

And another very interesting video. About a woman who uses kombucha literally everywhere. Once a mushroom even saved her from a trophic ulcer!

She applied the very body of the fungus and slept peacefully all night, there was no pain, and the wound gradually healed. And yet, instead of tea, you can put the mushroom in herbal tincture. But to be honest, I don’t know how he lives there, and whether he will function normally.

So it’s better to put useful substances in the drink itself and make, for example, a tincture for colds and sore throats. We take:

  • 100 grams of kombucha drink

  • Ground red pepper half a teaspoon

  • Honey one teaspoon

Take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Drink a drink every time 30 minutes before a meal - this will improve digestion. And before going to bed - you will sleep like a baby.

Kombucha Ancient remedy for diseases - in a new way

The list of benefits of kombucha is endless, but like any strong medicine, it has a number of contraindications.

What are the contraindications for kombucha?

Diabetes is due to the high sugar content.

Increased stomach acidity, again due to sugar, but instead of sugar, you can put honey in the kombucha solution. With the help of honey, you neutralize the acid in the drink.

Fungal diseases. But if you use a fermented kombucha drink, on the contrary, it will help, since in this form it resists diseases of this kind.

And you can’t drink a drink from kombucha if a person suffers from hypotension (low blood pressure), a stomach ulcer.

Allergic reactions - they are possible in some people, but this is purely individual.

Do not add sweeteners to kombucha, it will not accept them.

I wrote all this just in case, since I am not a doctor, but there is an authoritative opinion of the same doctor Uvaydov that there are no contraindications at all.

What is kombucha.

It consists of yeast - microorganisms, and acetic acid bacteria. They feed on the environment in which they are. And yeast eat sugar, excrete alcohol, carbon dioxide and other substances, and bacteria feed on what microorganisms secrete. As a result of their vital activity, acetic and hyaluronic acids are released, and a number of other useful substances that I wrote about above contain vitamins B1, PP, C, malic acid, and polysaccharides.

Kombucha drink preparation and care.

So, we took kombucha with sourdough (this is a small amount of liquid in which the mushroom floats) from a familiar grandmother. Now we need to pick up a container for him. An ordinary 3-liter jar is best suited for this. Wash it properly. And prepare the nutrient solution.

  • First, prepare the tea leaves, somewhere around 2 teaspoons per liter of water. It is better to take green tea, without additives, we insist the tea leaves for at least 15 minutes. Since the mushroom is still small, thin, pour half a three-liter jar.

  • We always take boiled, cooled or slightly warm water, add tea leaves, filtered from tea leaves, and somewhere around 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar per liter of water. Mix everything thoroughly.

  • Sugar must be completely dissolved, there should be no tea leaves, since sand crystals and tea leaves can harm our kombucha, provoke a burn.

  • We bathe the mushroom in water, preferably not from the tap, but filtered. If there are ugly lumps, we pinch them off. You have to wash it once a month. And after that we place our miracle of nature in this solution.

  • We cover with gauze and put on an elastic band on top so that nothing extraneous penetrates there, otherwise midges love it very much. After that, put in a dark place, and insist 2-5 days. If the room is hot, then the drink will ripen faster, if the temperature is low, then the ripening will take much longer. And it also depends on what kind of drink we like, if vigorous, then longer.

  • When our sea mushroom is ripe, we filter it through gauze or a plastic strainer. And put it in the fridge for a couple of days. And you can drink right away. With our kombucha, we perform the operation described above. We charge and wait for a new maturation.

  • When the mushroom grows more than 4 centimeters thick, you need to separate one pancake for a new drink.

Watch the video tutorial, everything is explained there in detail.

Kombucha at my house)

I will write about my experience. The mushroom tastes much better on green tea. He grew up with me, became plump and now matures within 2 days. Because the kitchen is very warm, as the steam heating was turned on.

How to use kombucha for facial skin.

With kombucha tincture, you can simply wipe your face like a tonic, do a deep cleansing, or you can make masks and lotions based on it. Mushroom infusion has a pronounced rejuvenating, smoothing, soothing and tonic effect.

But for such purposes, the mushroom must be infused for 30 days! Once the cosmetic tincture is ready, you can put it in the refrigerator and use it as needed.

How to do a deep cleansing of the face.

For this we need:

  • Your usual skin cleanser (lotion, toner, gel or facial cleanser)

  • Terry towel

  • Cotton napkin

Cleanse your face with your usual cleanser. Soak a terry towel in hot water and apply to the face for 2-3 minutes to steam the skin or steam it, as is usually done with deep cleansing of the face.

After that, we take a napkin and moisten it in tincture of kombucha, wring it out slightly, lie down and put it on the face. Cover the top with a warm towel.

When 5 minutes have passed, get up, wash off the kombucha with water and smear your face with a moisturizer. It is necessary to carry out the procedure 1 time per week, 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Lotion based on lavender for problem skin based on kombucha.

The antiseptic and healing properties of kombucha make it an effective tool in the fight for healthy and beautiful skin. It will also help regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

  • 30 day kombucha tincture 250 ml

  • Dried lavender flowers 2 tablespoons

  • Enamel saucepan and small glass jar

We heat the tincture of kombucha in a saucepan to 60-70 degrees. Pour lavender with mushrooms and leave for 30 minutes. We wait until it cools down, close the jar with a lid and insist in the refrigerator for three weeks.

When the right time has passed, strain through cheesecloth.

We wipe the lotion on the face and décolleté area in the morning and in the evening.

You can also add lavender kombucha lotion to your bath.

Magical properties of kombucha.

Yes, they say that they have those, you just need to whisper your desire to him and he will fulfill it.

So, I told you almost everything that Kombucha Kombucha is useful for, how to care for it, how to use it and treat it. Now I will drink it constantly, especially since I really like its taste!

Where can you get kombucha? First ask your elderly friends, and the young ones too, for sure someone at home has it. If not, then look on the Internet, I saw ads where they offer to buy it.

Kombucha extract

Europeans learned about the healing properties of kombucha, or as it is also called medusomycete, a little less than a century ago. Since that time, it has spread to almost the entire continent. Today it is very popular with us, and for good reason. But the fact is that this mushroom has a unique miraculous power that allows you to use the product for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. But for it to really benefit, it is important to know how to care for kombucha in a jar. In this article, we will talk about just that.

Depending on the conditions in which the medusomycete is located, not only taste qualities will change, but also useful characteristics, as well as chemical composition. In order for the medusa mycete to develop properly, the following conditions of detention should be adhered to:

  • Medusomycete can live and develop perfectly in a spacious glass container, for example, in a three-liter jar. But it can be other dishes, the main thing is that it matches the size.
  • The container that contains the mushroom should not be in a bright place. Direct sunlight slows down the growth of the mass, so it is not recommended to put the container on the windowsill.
  • The required temperature for development is in the range of 23-27 degrees. If the temperature drops, the development of the fungus may slow down. This can lead to the formation of algae and its death.
  • After the jellyfish is ready, do not tightly close the container with a lid. In this case, there is a lack of oxygen, which is necessary for the respiration of the fungus.

Important! To prevent this from happening, you can fold clean gauze 3-4 times and put it on top of the container.

  • It is undesirable to pour kombucha with raw water, since it is saturated with calcium. For these purposes, use boiled water.
  • Before pouring water, dissolve tea leaves and sugar in it. Do not pour tea on top of the mushroom or place the mass in water that contains undissolved sugar. After such actions, the medusomycete can get burned and become covered with brown spots.

Important! The same applies to tea brewing - granules or petals from brewed tea must be completely removed.

  • To ensure the normal development of medusomycete, it is necessary to periodically wash Kombucha with clean water. You can use tap water, but it is better to do it with boiled or spring water.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the kombucha does not die. This can happen due to a long stay in one solution. A sign can be a change in color on the upper part - it becomes a dark brown hue. In this case, remove the mushroom from the container, rinse with clean water, remove and discard the upper part.
  • If you left somewhere for a long time or simply forgot about your “pet” and he was left without fluid, then he can be resuscitated. To do this, fill it with tea solution or sweet water - the medusomycete has the ability to be stored dry.

What and how to pour into it?

As the drink from the medusomycete is consumed, it becomes necessary to replenish the habitat in which it lives. Therefore, in order for him to be healthy, his proper nutrition should be a regular procedure. To care for kombucha in a jar, you need to do this:

  1. Prepare a tea solution diluted with sugar. In a boiled one percent tea solution, dilute the sugar in a ratio of one to ten.
  2. In this prepared solution, you can place the mushroom itself or add liquid to the one in which it is already located.

Important! Make sure that the prepared solution is not too saturated or strong. This can lead to growth retardation. The concentration can be reduced by adding boiled, cooled water.

Top dressing or replacement of the solution must be carried out regularly, approximately once every 3-4 days. When the room temperature drops, this procedure is reduced to once a week. However, in order for the drink to be more saturated, top dressing can be carried out more often.

How to wash?

Medusomycetes needs constant care and attention. It is not enough just to place it inside the container, drain the healing drink and sometimes add liquid there. So how do you care for a mushroom in a jar? So that the mushroom does not die, it must be washed periodically:

  • As a rule, it is washed with running, cool and clean water. Moreover, it must be washed with extreme caution, because if the pressure is too strong, then the structure of the fungus can be damaged. At the end of the “bathing”, the mushroom is returned to its usual environment and poured with a sweet tea solution.

Important! During washing, the mass must be held very gently - any mechanical “injuries” can lead to a violation of integrity, and the medusomycete will die.

  • In summer, at a higher indoor temperature, the fungus is somewhat more active than in winter. Therefore, you need to wash kombucha and change the solution more often.

Important! It is desirable to carry out the washing process once every 3-4 weeks in cold weather and at least once every 2 weeks in summer.

  • In addition to the fact that kombucha needs regular care, it also needs a thorough cleaning of its “home” - the container inside which it is located. It must be thoroughly washed, removing all mucus, possible algae or other substances. Only after that, the jar is filled with another tea solution and a new product is prepared.

How to share?

Reproduction of jellyfish is very simple. For this:

  1. Separate the top.
  2. Move it inside a clean container with lukewarm water.
  3. Leave the new mushroom in a dark place for a day.
  4. As soon as the film begins to rise and exfoliate, move the young mushroom into the sweet tea solution.
  5. After 2-3 days, it should noticeably increase in size, and the drink can be consumed.

Important! The period of life of Kombucha, when it can produce a quality drink, is a couple of months.

Beginner mistakes

A drink from a medusomycete is not only very tasty, but also incredibly useful. However, all the medicinal and taste properties of the drink are preserved if you properly care for the mushroom in a jar. Some beginner "mushroom pickers" sometimes make mistakes that prevent the fungus from producing a drink:

  • By placing a very young kombucha inside a jar, you should not expect an instant result. It must have a period of growth and maturation. Be patient and let him grow up.
  • It is impossible to tear off the lower layers from the medusomycete - it is here that the elements are produced, thanks to which a delicious drink is obtained.
  • Make sure that the medusomycete swims only horizontally, smooth side up. Otherwise, there will be no drink.
  • It is necessary to regularly refresh the liquid of the fungus after you drink the drink. If the liquid is not refreshed, then the acidity will increase in the solution.

Important! If you do not want to drink a drink, then simply pour out a part and pour in a fresh solution.

Tasty and healthy kombucha is present in the kitchens of many housewives. The taste of the drink compares favorably with the unattractive appearance of the mushroom. The product improves digestion, helps get rid of insomnia and treats many diseases. If you have a useful organism at home, you need to know everything - how to properly care for it and use it.

Where to begin?

Take a glass three-liter jar. Do not use a metal container for growing mushrooms. Your next steps are:

  • pour warm tea leaves into the jar about 2/3 of its part. Prepare tea ahead of time in a separate bowl. Brew, let it brew and strain. The strength of the brewed drink corresponds to the tea that you drink every day. Make the tea solution pure, impurities will injure the fungus;
  • add sugar to the tea. Take 2-3 tablespoons per liter of water. sugar and mix well. Do not use a sweetener;
  • leave to cool to room temperature;
  • carefully place kombucha in a jar. Cover the top of the jar with clean gauze, pre-folded in layers. Put in a secluded place.

The best temperature for the reproduction of the fungus is 25 degrees. He does not like darkness, but do not put him under the sun either. You will see that the surface of the infusion in the jar will be covered with a film that is increasing in size. In the finished product, the thickness of the seemingly strong film is 1 mm, and from the jar it smells of a delicate and pleasant aroma of vinegar. The drink is ready in about four days.

Proper care of kombucha

The product must be looked after, otherwise it will die. If it sinks to the bottom of the jar, you are doing something wrong. Care is as follows:

  • rinse the mushroom itself under clean, cool water. Wash once a month in winter and once a week in summer. Do not direct a strong stream of water from the tap, the fungus will be damaged. Wash the jar too. Put the washed mushroom on a clean plate while you wash the dishes;
  • change the nutrient sweet solution every week in winter and 2 times a week in summer. Otherwise, brown spots will appear on the mushroom. Pour a new portion of the sweet solution immediately after using the old one. To speed up the fermentation process, add a glass of the present product to the fresh composition;
  • touch the mushroom with clean hands, spoons and remove all rings. Otherwise, infect the fungus, and the drink will go bad;
  • use plastic or wooden spoons. The product does not like metal;
  • protect the infusion from dust and insects. Do not cover the jar with a lid, the fungus needs to "breathe". Cover the container with gauze and secure with an elastic band;
  • strain the finished drink through cheesecloth. Drain it once a week or more. After that, add a new sweet tea solution. Do not pour out all the liquid, leave about a liter.

Properly propagate kombucha

Do not tear off pieces from the mushroom - it will die! Carefully remove its top film and carefully place it in a clean bowl with warm water. Do not put tea leaves or sugar in the water - put the mushroom in the sweet solution when it gets stronger. This will happen in a day or so. You will see that the film has risen to the surface of the dish and has begun to peel off - gently move the mushroom into the tea sweet environment. It will grow soon.

How to use kombucha correctly

Drink a drink one hour after eating two to three times a day in an amount of 200-500 ml. Consume cold and strain before serving. People drink a sharp cool drink at any time. But it is better to drink it for the first time in the day before eating in the morning. It will prepare the digestive tract for eating. After a month, take a break for three weeks so as not to irritate the stomach.

A useful organism has practically no contraindications. But it is better for pregnant women, hypertensive patients, nursing mothers, diabetics and children under 12 years of age to refrain from using it.

After straining the drink, pour it into glass bottles and store in the refrigerator. Do not throw away the extra mushroom - share it with friends and relatives. Use as fertilizer in the garden. To do this, cut into pieces and bury in the ground.

Caring for a useful living organism is simple. A little effort - and on your table every day there will be a healthy, invigorating drink. And subject to the above rules, the mushroom will last a long time and give the body a charge of vivacity, health and good mood.
