
How to take cinnamon for medicinal purposes. How to tell real cinnamon from cassia

Cinnamon is a spice known since ancient times, which owes its origin to the evergreen tree of the genus Cinnamomum. It is the inner bark of a cinnamon plant, rolled up into beautiful tubules. Warm, delicate, sweetish taste with a touch of light bitterness and citrus bewitches, and its properties are so diverse that cinnamon is widely used in cooking, medicine, perfumery, and cosmetology. It is effective for weight loss.

The benefits and harms of cinnamon for weight loss

Currently, several types of this spice are known, some have a different effect on weight loss:

  • Ceylon. It has a delicate aroma, sweetish-spicy taste.
  • Chinese. More burning, taste qualities are pronounced.
  • cinnamon. It has a strong spicy aroma.
  • Malabar. The most "bitter" variety, vaguely resembles hot pepper.

For what miraculous properties did royalty and ordinary people fall in love with cinnamon? Rich in trace elements, vitamins of the fat-soluble group E (“elixir of youth”), K (stimulating the beneficial microflora of the stomach), it covers the daily need for these substances by 40-80%, contributing to weight loss.

The special chemical composition makes this spice unique:

  • cinnamic acid aldehyde has an antibacterial, warming effect; when losing weight, it is effective as an antioxidant;
  • tannins good for peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eugenol valuable analgesic, antiseptic action; flavonoids and phenols help to reduce blood glucose, which is very important for patients with diabetes, when losing weight;
  • lowers blood pressure, is indicated for hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The “real” Ceylon spice remains expensive in our time, therefore, in most supermarkets, “false cinnamon” - cassia is on sale. Distinguishing different varieties is not difficult, but for this you need to have cinnamon sticks available. Ground cinnamon often does not have healing properties for weight loss, because. there is a high probability of counterfeiting, domes of other substances.

Many years of research by scientists have confirmed the presence of fat-burning functions of spices during weight loss. It is recommended to actively use as an additive in diets, cocktails / drinks to combat excess weight; at massage, water procedures in the form of essential oil. How useful is cinnamon for weight loss?

  1. With constant consumption in food, as well as in the composition of drinks, it reduces glucose levels by 30%.
  2. Promotes the conversion of sugars into energy.
  3. Helps fight fat deposits by starting metabolic processes.
  4. Normalizes the activity of the digestive system, stimulating weight loss.
  5. Essential oils have a positive effect on olfactory receptors, normalize sleep.

Modern weight loss nutrition programs suggest using cinnamon for weight loss as part of a variety of drinks, juices, tinctures, and dishes.

How to drink honey water with cinnamon on an empty stomach in the morning and at night

An ideal option would be cinnamon for weight loss as part of a warm drink. The tonic properties of honey will invigorate, gently cleansing the intestines from pathogenic microflora. Long and regular intake of honey-cinnamon water in the morning on an empty stomach will help to remove excess fat stores on the abdomen, accelerating metabolic processes.

Features of preparing a fragrant drink for weight loss:

  1. Boil water.
  2. Pour 200 ml of water into a cup or glass, let cool to a temperature not exceeding 70⁰С.
  3. Put 1 teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon/stick of ground cinnamon.
  4. Let it brew for a couple of hours at room temperature.
  5. For weight loss, take daily in the morning and evening for a month. You should drink no more than 200 ml of a diet drink with spices per day.

How many days to drink and what results to expect?

The answer to the question that worries most losing weight: “How many kilograms can you lose in a month at home?” Will pleasantly surprise you. You can get rid of 1 to 5 kg of excess weight, and by adding sports, switching to a balanced diet, the results will become more noticeable.

The duration of taking a drink for weight loss is not limited in time. However, intervals of 2-3 weeks should be done every three months.

Taking cinnamon-honey water will help:

  • normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • maintain a balance of good/bad bacteria in the gut;
  • reduce appetite;
  • burn internal (visceral) fat that interferes with weight loss; improves the digestibility of food.

How to prepare and use cinnamon for weight loss

Cinnamon is an ideal remedy for those who want to reduce body weight. This seasoning deserves special attention of those who have “overwork” accumulated reserves in the abdomen, which are so difficult to diet and even exercise. How to use cinnamon for weight loss in the composition of drinks?

Kefir with ginger and cinnamon

Such a drink with spices relieves hunger for a long time, tasty and low-calorie. The addition of grated green apple, turmeric will help to diversify the taste of the drink for weight loss, and you can replace kefir with natural low-fat yogurt. Take cocktail products in the following proportion:

  • Fat-free kefir (natural yogurt) - 250 ml.
  • Ground cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Ground ginger root, turmeric - a third of a teaspoon.
  • An apple is a medium-sized half.

The recipe for creating a drink for weight loss:

  1. Pour the fermented milk product into a container.
  2. Leave to warm up to room temperature.
  3. Grate the cinnamon stick and ginger root.
  4. Grind half an apple, peeling it from the stalks and skins.
  5. Add to kefir / yogurt, mix with a blender.
  6. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Drink for weight loss is ready!

Fat burning cocktail with red pepper

You can enhance the fat-burning effect by preparing a sour-milk slimming cocktail according to the above recipe with the addition of hot pepper. Take a pinch (or ¼ of a teaspoon) of ground red pepper, add to the indicated ingredients. Such a drink should be consumed no more than once a day. In order not to disturb the acidity, refuse to use on an empty stomach.

Recipe with cloves

Hot tea with oriental spices has a healing effect on colds. Such a drink for weight loss is indispensable: with cloves, vanilla stick and cinnamon. By stimulating the metabolism, it will invigorate the body, filling the body with vitality and energy in the morning.


  • Vanilla - 1/3 sticks.
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 sticks of cinnamon bark.
  • Carnation - 1 pc.
  • Black / green tea - 1 teaspoon.
  • Water - half a liter.

Consider step by step how to brew a healing drink for weight loss:

  1. Cool boiled water to 90⁰С.
  2. Pour a spoonful of tea into the teapot, filling with water. Set aside for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Prepare your slimming spices by grinding with a blender to a powder.
  4. Add spices to the teapot.
  5. After 15-20 minutes, the magic elixir is ready!

How to brew green tea with cinnamon stick

Good cinnamon for weight loss as part of green tea, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • Green tea - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Cinnamon stick.

The recipe for slimming dishes with spices:

  1. Rinse dry teapot with boiling water, dry.
  2. Boiled water (500 ml) cool slightly.
  3. Pour the tea leaves and fill with hot water.
  4. After 2 minutes, add the cinnamon stick.

How to drink coffee with cinnamon to lose weight

Aromatic coffee is ideally combined with a spice that enhances the fat-burning effect of caffeine. After brewing a portion in a Turk or a coffee machine, replace the usual sugar with a third teaspoon of freshly ground cinnamon. At the same time, do not use sugar or its substitutes, which contribute to the release of insulin, and, therefore, exacerbate the feeling of hunger and interfere with effective weight loss.

Cinnamon infusion with honey

Tincture with honey and cinnamon for weight loss is best prepared in advance. When planning to consume it during the day, make this drink the night before for 2 liters of water: 1 tsp. ground cinnamon (or 1 stick of cinnamon bark) and 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Take this infusion with spice should be in portions of 100 ml throughout the day.

drink with lemon

By adding 2-3 slices of lemon to honey-cinnamon tea, you will enrich your body with vitamin C. Flavonoids and phytoncides of essential oils will have a tonic effect, and the drink will give you a good mood, energize you, promoting an active lifestyle and body weight loss.

How to take a mixture of milk and ground cinnamon

Milkshake with cinnamon flavor is useful not only for weight loss, but also helps to replenish calcium in the body, keep warm in cold weather. To prepare a drink, boil a liter of skim milk and cool. Add no more than 10 g of spice per 250 ml of liquid. The course of admission is 2 weeks with an interval between courses of 10-15 days.

How to lose weight with cinnamon and bay leaf

To remove toxins, free the body from toxins, lower blood cholesterol levels will help infusion on a bay leaf with the addition of cinnamon. The secret of making a drink for weight loss is simple: pour 3-4 bay leaves with a liter of boiling water, then put a cinnamon stick in a couple of minutes. Infusion time - 2 hours. It is recommended to use in the morning on an empty stomach, 100-150 ml.

Diet with cinnamon

Nutritionists offer several options for catering with the active use of cinnamon spice. Conventionally, they are divided into express diets that help to lose 3-4 kilograms in an enhanced mode and a permanent diet, which is more accurately called not a diet, but proper nutrition. Consider a number of diets in which cinnamon for weight loss plays an important role.

Curd diet (five-day).

Balanced in proteins, fats, characterized by a lack of carbohydrates. All days, half an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach, drink 200 ml of honey-cinnamon infusion, and before going to bed, 100 ml of kefir drink with spice. Approximate diet for fast weight loss:


  • Breakfast - oatmeal, cottage cheese and honey, coffee without sugar.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup, bran bread.
  • Dinner - boiled chicken with cinnamon, fresh vegetables.


  • Breakfast - cottage cheese seasoned with yogurt with ground cinnamon.
  • Lunch - steamed turkey fillet, stewed vegetables.
  • Dinner - brown rice flavored with cinnamon, salad.


  • Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, brewed coffee with cinnamon for weight loss.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup with a piece of beef.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, cottage cheese, baked chicken fillet with spices.


  • Breakfast - 2 toasts spread with curd cheese and cinnamon.
  • Lunch - buckwheat, turkey fillet.
  • Dinner - low-fat fish, stewed vegetables.


  • Breakfast - cottage cheese plus cinnamon and honey.
  • Lunch - soup on vegetable broth without potatoes.
  • Dinner - poultry fillet with cheese sauce and oriental spices, stewed vegetables.

Unloading express diet

Calculated for 3 days. Good for weight loss, helps to lose weight, poor in calories, recommended no more than once a month. Every day the menu is the same.

  • Breakfast- a glass of kefir drink, an apple baked in the oven with spices.
  • Snack- lettuce leaves, celery.
  • Dinner- soup with vegetables without oil, 1 loaf.
  • Snack- carrot, apple.
  • Dinner - a light salad, cottage cheese with cinnamon, which helps to lose weight.
  • Second dinner- Yogurt with cinnamon.

Complete five meals a day

Five meals a day for weight loss with the addition of cinnamon to dishes.

  • The diet is designed for a long time.
  • During the day, it is recommended to use tea / infusions with cinnamon.
  • Serving volume - 300-400 g with the classic separation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates: 50% protein food, 30% unsaturated fatty acids, 20% carbohydrates.

The effectiveness of the diet is achieved by taking cinnamon with honey (1-2 teaspoons) 10-15 minutes before the main meal, which will help reduce appetite and ensure good weight loss results. Once a month, arrange a fasting day on kefir (up to 2 liters) with the addition of cinnamon and other spices.

Treatments to help you get slimmer

Not only cinnamon, but also its essential oils have magical properties for weight loss. Cosmetic wrapping procedures, massage with cinnamon oil contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, stimulate the production of collagen, eliminating stretch marks, bumpy skin in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks. With cinnamon, you will find ideal forms without noticing.

Cinnamon Essential Oil Wrap Recipes

An effective way to lose weight, remove toxins, will be cinnamon essential oil as part of a mixture for weight loss wraps. Making it at home is not difficult.


  • Ground coffee beans - 50 g.
  • Cinnamon powder - 50 g.
  • Ground hot pepper - 20 g.
  • Essential oils - your choice.
  • Blue clay - 50 g.

Dilute the resulting mixture for weight loss to the state of gruel with warm water or milk. After applying to problem areas, wrap your body with cling film, put on warm clothes made from natural fabrics and crawl under the covers. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the spice oil mask under running water using the contrast shower method. The duration of the course is 2 weeks.

Anticellulite massage

Anti-cellulite massage with essential oils will help to remove stretch marks, tighten and rejuvenate the skin. It will remove the "orange peel", skin tuberosity, and will promote weight loss. Prepare your own massage oil on a moisturizing basis by adding 2-3 drops of essential oils of cinnamon, almond, hot pepper.

Baths for weight loss at home

The unique aroma of spices, a wonderful rejuvenating effect, toning muscles, and, most importantly, a great mood and a boost of vitality will give you slimming baths with the addition of cinnamon. A sachet of cinnamon powder and a few drops of essential oil will be enough for you. It is good to combine such procedures with physical activity.

Contraindications to the use of cinnamon

Doctors and nutritionists advise giving up spices and losing weight if you:

  • You suffer from hypotension.
  • You have ulcerative diseases of the duodenum, stomach.
  • Persons with tachycardia should reduce the dosage and reduce the course of administration by 2 times.
  • With diseases of the liver, kidneys, cinnamon is not suitable for weight loss.
  • If you have problems with blood clotting, bleeding, give up spices in dishes and drinks.
  • Categorically not recommended food with cinnamon during pregnancy for weight loss: it can provoke premature birth, and in the short term - miscarriage.

This oriental, fragrant, exotic spice was introduced by nutritionists to the general public as a fat-burning agent not so long ago. However, its incredible effectiveness in this difficult but noble cause allowed it to quickly become a popular product among those who dream of a slim figure.

Dishes with it (mainly pasta and drinks), which normalize weight, are easy to prepare. The variety of recipes captivates with its wide and tempting assortment. Judging by the numerous reviews, cinnamon for weight loss is one of the best, and most importantly, delicious products. Perhaps it is time to test the truth of this statement.

Chemical composition

Useful properties of cinnamon for weight loss are determined by its chemical composition. Seasoning refers to medium-calorie foods: 100 g contains about 247 kilocalories. Proteins - 8.7%, carbohydrates - 11.2%, fats - 2.2% based on the daily allowance for an adult.

The spice has a rich vitamin and mineral composition:

  • coumarin - an organic compound, thanks to which we feel the delicate and incomparable aroma of the spice;
  • tannins;
  • essential oil;
  • phenolic acids;
  • gums;
  • resins;
  • minerals: copper, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, sodium, selenium;
  • vitamins: ascorbic acid (C), thiamine (B1), niacin (PP), pantothene (B5), pyridoxine (B6), riboflavin (B2), folate (B9), retinol (A), phylloquinone (K), tocopherol (E );
  • choline is a vitamin-like substance.

This is interesting! Unlike the subtle aroma of cinnamon that we are used to, the greenish inflorescences of this tree have a very sharp and unpleasant odor.

Slimming mechanism

In fact, many doubt whether cinnamon contributes to weight loss, or is it just another myth and vain hope. Indeed, the daily consumption of this spice is limited: no more than 1-2 teaspoons can be eaten without harm to health. But how can such a small amount break down such an impressive fat reserves that everyone dreams of getting rid of?

It must be remembered that seasoning is usually supplemented with other fat-burning foods. And it acts truly thermonuclear - quickly, powerfully and efficiently:

  • normalizes blood sugar;
  • makes it not so viscous, eliminating cholesterol plaques;
  • improves metabolism;
  • makes the excretory systems of the body work more intensively;
  • quickly and harmlessly eliminates toxins;
  • normalizes the functioning of the liver, intestines, stomach;
  • neutralizes free radicals;
  • gives additional energy, which helps to easily and quickly cope with stress and emotional overload;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves memory;
  • increases concentration;
  • activates the brain.

This is the general effect of the spice on the body, but we are still interested in how specifically cinnamon is useful for weight loss?

  1. The effect of spice on blood viscosity and blood sugar level will lead to the fact that you will get a stable, confident feeling of fullness, i.e. between the main meals you will not feel hungry.
  2. Improving the digestion process due to regular use of cinnamon teaches the body to properly use the energy received, and not accumulate it in different places in the form of body fat.
  3. The spice, getting into the stomach along with other products, begins to perform a transport-conductive function. That is, it promotes better absorption, assimilation of useful vitamins and minerals.
  4. This will help accelerate the metabolism in the cells, within which lipolysis also occurs, i.e., the breakdown of fats.
  5. There is a blocking of addiction to sweets. But abstaining from dessert is a very important key point of any diet.

Here is how cinnamon affects weight loss. You need to understand that it does not eliminate fat deposits on its own, but it starts a number of biochemical processes in the body, the result of which is lipolysis and a slender, toned figure.

But in order to achieve this, you need to be able to handle this exotic product so that it does not harm your health, but helps you achieve your intended goal. And first you need to decide which cinnamon product to use to combat extra pounds.

On a note. The highest quality cinnamon comes to the market from Sri Lanka. However, plants are also grown commercially in Sumatra, Madagascar, on the island of Java, in India, Egypt, Brazil, Vietnam, although the spice from these territories differs from Sri Lankan in a sharper smell and not so refined taste.

Variety of forms

In order for weight loss with cinnamon to be comfortable and ultimately lead to the results you dreamed of, you need to correctly choose the spice, which is presented on the market in several forms.

  • Powder

Most often, ground cinnamon is used for weight loss, but it is difficult to choose its high-quality version. Importers claim that 80% of this product is the bark of cassia, a low-grade cinnamon tree. It is very difficult to distinguish a fake from the original. However, many people prefer to buy the powder because it is easy to use. Pour it into a dish - and you can already lose weight.

  • sticks

It is much more effective to use cinnamon sticks for weight loss, which are easily ground in a blender into the same powder. Only you will be absolutely sure that it is of high quality and real. Of course, in the event that you managed to purchase original tubes, and not a fake.

  • Oil

A much larger spectrum of action than powder and sticks has cinnamon essential oil, which can also be used in the fight against excess weight. First, it can be included in . Secondly, to make excellent scrubs based on it to eliminate cellulite. Thirdly, add a few drops to fat-burning cocktails. At the same time, it must be remembered that in its action it is many times more effective and powerful than other forms of cinnamon, so there will also be much more contraindications.

So you can take cinnamon for weight loss in any of its forms, choosing in accordance with your goals, taste preferences and individual characteristics.

So, for example, the essential oil of this spice is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, while they can use powder and sticks in limited quantities without any harm to health.

Curious fact. Spice is a few (6 to 10) layers of thin inner bark of a tree. They curl up into a stick immediately after separation from the plant. These tubules are dried and used as seasoning. The thinner the bark in them, the more pleasant the aroma. They keep for a very long time.


Before you prepare and drink a cinnamon slimming drink, study the contraindications in which your health can deteriorate significantly under the influence of this spice. These include:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance to one of the products indicated in the selected recipe;
  • depression;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • respiratory pathologies (the smell of cinnamon will only aggravate their course);
  • myocarditis;
  • heart disease;
  • any problems with the stomach (gastritis, ulcer);
  • rheumatism;
  • pneumosclerosis;
  • kidney stones and gallbladder;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hyperglycoderma;
  • enterocolitis;
  • taking strong medications;
  • skin diseases with a severe course (for example, exacerbation of exudative diathesis).

The study of contraindications will allow you to objectively evaluate the pros and cons of this weight loss remedy. Its negative effect on the body is expressed as follows:

  • irritates the stomach;
  • increases heart rate;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • causes strong uterine contractions, so it can provoke a miscarriage;
  • toxic coumarin destroys the liver, knocks down the work of the kidneys;
  • being a natural antibiotic, the spice can interact with the medicine you are taking and modify it.

Consider all these shortcomings before preparing a miraculous cinnamon cocktail that can turn into a problem, not a salvation if used incorrectly.

If there are no deviations and you are ready to lose weight with the help of this extraordinary product, choose a scheme - and start getting rid of extra pounds.

Did you know that... To indicate the quality of cinnamon, there is an official unit - ekelle. The best is marked like this - 00000, gradually decreasing to 0, not very good varieties are already under the numbers from I to IV.

Slimming schemes

The undoubted benefits of cinnamon for weight loss allowed nutritionists to develop several schemes for getting rid of excess weight with its help. Choose the one that you can handle.

  • Fasting day

Depending on how many kilograms you want to lose, fasting days can be arranged 1 or 2 times a week. Best of all - on kefir, as this product is ideally combined with cinnamon and enhances its beneficial properties in the process of losing weight. Drink only throughout the day (you can add red pepper or ginger for more effect and variety) and lose 2-3 kg per day.

  • Diet

Any diet with cinnamon will be a real salvation for those who have serious problems with being overweight. This is where you can achieve the best results. For 7-10 days of fasting, you can get rid of 7-8 kg. The best option would be to fit cinnamon smoothies into kefir or ginger diets. The products that are the main ones in them enhance the effectiveness of the seasoning in losing weight. It will be enough to add a wonderful powder to drinks and dishes.

  • Instead of dinner

You can not go on a diet, but by regularly using cinnamon, still lose weight. To do this, you will have to balance your diet, count the calories received and expended daily, give up harmful foods, and completely replace dinner with a fat-burning cocktail with the addition of spices.

Here, the ideal option would be a recipe for cinnamon tea for weight loss, in which you can add a little honey. Moreover, the last meal should be no later than 19.00. This scheme allows you to lose up to 5 kg per week with an honest and responsible attitude to your menu.

Choose a scheme in accordance with the tasks that you face. It's one thing to slightly adjust the waist and sides, getting rid of just a couple of extra pounds. And it’s completely different to dream of turning from a three-digit plump into a slender catwalk model. In the first case, a fasting day will be quite enough, but in the second case, the diet will not always be able to cope.

The results will also depend on how correctly to use cinnamon for weight loss - after all, this is a whole art.

With the world - on a string. Asians use cinnamon leaves for food in the same way that Europeans use bay leaves.


A small instruction on how to drink cinnamon for weight loss will help you get the most out of this process and not harm your own health. Act in accordance with this step-by-step guide - and the results will please you in the very near future.

  1. Buy a Ceylon spice from a specialty store, where the package will have all the information about the product.
  2. Choose tubules, rather than ground cinnamon, if possible.
  3. Find a recipe for weight loss that contains only those foods that you tolerate and love (for example, apples and cinnamon are a very good combination in this regard), because you will have to enjoy them for quite a long period. All ingredients are crushed, and liquids are brought to a warm state in a steam bath.
  4. Make sure that the consistency of the paste and drinks is homogeneous, without lumps.
  5. Nutritionists are divided on when exactly to consume cinnamon to lose weight. Most insist on drinking drinks with her on an empty stomach, about half an hour before meals, and the ideal time for this is in the morning, before breakfast. Others argue that cinnamon must be taken into the stomach along with the rest of the food to help it digest. Try different options to find the most effective for your body.
  6. Be sure to find information on how to brew cinnamon for weight loss correctly. The proportions should be as follows: 10 grams of powder per cup of boiling water + 1-2 tablespoons of additional ingredients.
  7. During the day, you can drink no more than 2 glasses of a fat-burning spicy cocktail or eat no more than 2 sandwiches with pasta.
  8. At the same time, you cannot use both the drink and cinnamon paste at the same time. Choose one recipe for weight loss, otherwise the daily dosage will be exceeded, which will entail a lot of side effects.
  9. When determining for yourself how many days you will drink cinnamon cocktails, be guided by the same fact: an overdose is fraught with dangerous health consequences. The maximum duration of such a diet is 2 weeks, the optimal and recommended is 7 days.

Now you know how to use cinnamon for weight loss correctly. It is very important to buy a quality product and choose a good recipe among the variety that nutritionists offer today. In this case, be guided solely by your taste preferences.

Keep in mind. Coumarin, which is part of cinnamon, negatively affects the health of the liver if it enters the body in large quantities. So watch the dosages of spices.


To reduce weight, it is recommended, first of all, drink recipes that involve adding spices to milk, coffee, decoctions, and even plain water. For example, green tea with cinnamon has proven to be an effective tool that allows you to lose weight without much difficulty.

Such cocktails are not only useful in the fight against excess weight, but also very tasty. It is better to cook them just before use, as the spice will quickly “give up” its aroma and you will not be able to enjoy it.

Green tea with cinnamon sticks invigorates, tones, gives confidence, relieves not only excess weight, but also bad mood. Treats a cold. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over one tube, leave for an hour. Put on fire, but literally a minute before boiling, remove from the stove. Pour natural leaf green tea into the teapot and fill it with cinnamon water. After 10 minutes, you can enjoy an incredibly fragrant drink and think about choosing a new swimsuit for your slim and toned figure.

  • Water

Unlike tea, water with cinnamon does not involve the use of boiling water, but liquid at room temperature. Powder (10 g) is diluted in a glass of melted water, the mixture is thoroughly mixed for 4-5 minutes. 10 ml of honey is added. Leave for half an hour. Drink without shaking.

A tastier drink for weight loss is water with apple and cinnamon. A medium-sized apple (green is better), grated directly with peel and seeds, mixed with cinnamon powder obtained after grinding 1 stick. Pour a liter of water at room temperature. Place in the refrigerator to cool for a couple of hours. Strain.

  • with apples

You can also make a stronger drink from apples and cinnamon in the form of tea. Grate a medium-sized green apple (the recommended variety for this recipe is Granny Smith). Add 10 grams of ground spice and the same amount of chopped ginger. Fill with water brought to a temperature of approximately 90 ° C. Insist half an hour. Strain.

  • Paste

Mix 10 grams of honey and cinnamon powder. Eat with bran bread.

  • with ginger

One of the most successful tandems for weight loss is ginger and cinnamon, which will make your blood run faster, at the same time speed up metabolic processes, so that fat deposits will begin to melt before our eyes. Pour 10 g of cinnamon powder with a glass of boiling water, stir thoroughly, add another 10 g of grated root, beat again. Leave for half an hour. Strain before use. Such tea with cinnamon and ginger is a real fat-burning cocktail for effective and fast weight loss.

  • With coffee

It is recommended to use coffee with cinnamon for weight loss, because the result is a fairly low-calorie drink (35 kcal). With it, you can start a fasting day. It will take 10 grams of natural ground coffee, 125 ml of water and 1/3 teaspoon of spices.

  • With bay leaf

Another tandem that can be used for weight loss is bay leaf and cinnamon. Tea from these components strengthens the immune system, maintains the normal excretory system, has a positive effect on the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. For cooking, 1 spice stick and 5 bay leaves are poured with a liter of hot water and boiled for 15 minutes. Reviews indicate that the daily use of this drink not only heals the body, but also allows you to lose weight up to 5 kg per month.

  • With oatmeal

If for some reason you can’t go on hunger strikes, oatmeal with cinnamon in the morning is exactly what will help, at least a little, but correct your figure. Both products are dietary, so with a balanced diet throughout the rest of the day, you can achieve good results. Just add 10 grams of spices to a serving of porridge.

  • With milk

Milk with cinnamon also contributes to weight loss. For a glass of low-fat milk (it is better to preheat it) - a pinch of spice. After stirring, leave for a couple of minutes to saturate.

  • With cottage cheese

Athletes who would do well to lose 2-3 kg are recommended by nutritionists to eat cottage cheese with cinnamon in the morning. For 200 g of skimmed milk product - 10 g of spices.

The seductive aroma of cinnamon is reminiscent of rich pastries sprinkled with spices and causes a serious appetite. But this feeling can be curbed: learn how to cook fat-burning cocktails and dietary pasta from this seasoning - and from now on this smell will cause you slightly different positive emotions.

Inhaling it, every time you will think about how you yourself, by your own efforts, were able to lose weight by an impressive figure, thanks to the oriental, exotic, so tasty spice - cinnamon.

I am sure that cinnamon is familiar to everyone and we use it exclusively as a fragrant spice. Did you know that it not only adds aroma and taste to the dish. The beneficial properties of cinnamon and contraindications have been known since ancient times, using it for health and beauty.

Everyone knows the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite, before the spell of which neither a mortal nor a celestial could resist.

One of the legends describes that Aphrodite wore a belt, and it was in it that the power of her love lay. A magical aroma came from the belt, so many charms were concentrated in it that even the Great Hera borrowed it more than once to captivate Zeus even more. In this belt, Aphrodite sewed a fragrant spice - cinnamon, and she herself descended to Earth for it.

Cinnamon - useful properties and contraindications

Cinnamon is still considered the No. 1 spice for a romantic dinner today, being the most powerful stimulant of female charms. In order to attract attention and win over the chosen one, cinnamon was added to a drink or food at all times. Apparently not just in the Victorian era, in the language of flowers, cinnamon meant - "My fate is in your hands."

Cinnamon was such a valuable spice that the dispute over the possession of the territory where it grew more than once spilled over into hostilities.

But I do not think that wars would be arranged only because of the romantic features of this spice. In ancient times, poems were dedicated to her and she was available only to rulers and their entourage.

Why is fragrant cinnamon so valued and valued to this day. This is what we will be talking about today.

Before we start talking about the beneficial properties of cinnamon and its possible contraindications, let's first understand what kind of spice it is and what kind of plant cinnamon is.

Cinnamon - how it grows, how it is harvested

Cinnamon is a plant, or to be more precise, a shrub from the laurel family. Most often found in southern India and Sri Lanka. It has oblong-oval leaves about 18 cm long. The bunches of flowers make up the inflorescences and have a greenish tint.

One would assume that such a fragrant spice is made from flowers. But no, just the flowers of this plant have an unpleasant aroma. For the preparation of spices, the bark of this shrub is collected. But it's not that simple.

First, it is grown for 2 years, then cut off at the root, new shoots grow, and the bark is taken from these shoots. But for the preparation of spices, the bark is not used entirely, but only the inner, thin layer, which is cut off and, when dried, it is twisted into tubes.

The most popular are 4 types of plants and, accordingly, spices:

  • Ceylon - fragrant, slightly burning with a sweetish taste, another name - kinamon or noble cinnamon - the best and most valuable;
  • Malabar - has a pronounced bitter taste;
  • cinnamon - with a spicy taste and pungent odor;
  • Chinese - not very fragrant, burning and sharp, another name for cassia or Indian.

Benefits of cinnamon for human health

Its valuable composition speaks about the beneficial properties of cinnamon for human health, and you will now see for yourself, read on.

Enough high-calorie spice - 247 kcal per 100 gr. product. The composition includes a large amount of carbohydrates, exceeding the content of fats and proteins.

Cinnamon is very rich in the presence of useful substances in it:

  • Vitamins - A, group of vitamins B, C, E, K, PP.
  • The mineral composition is iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, selenium.
  • Also, cinnamon contains a lot of fiber, tannins, gum, resin, pectin, coumarin, from 2 to 3.5% of essential oil, consisting of cinnamaldehyde and eugenol.

Impressive, right? So let's find out what effect cinnamon has on human health and what are its benefits.

Helps people with diabetes to lower blood sugar levels, activates the production of insulin. See the video for more details.

Cinnamon for hypertension

Cinnamon helps prevent cardiovascular disease, it is indicated for the prevention of strokes, heart attacks and other circulatory disorders. It is a vasodilator, prevents the appearance of blood clots. Reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

For health, it is enough for hypertensive patients to take an incomplete teaspoon of spice per day, but not in its pure form, but as an ingredient in healthy drinks and dishes. As a quick measure to normalize pressure in hypertension, it is advised to drink this drink:

mix a pinch of cinnamon with a spoonful of honey, dilute in a small amount of warm water.

Such a drink will exclude the development of a stroke, soothe a headache.

Useful properties of cinnamon for women

In addition to the above beneficial effects on the body, there is something that applies specifically to women:

  • cinnamon helps during PMS and the menstrual cycle by reducing pain, normalizing the hormonal background; improving mood.
  • in the first 2 weeks after the birth of a child, cinnamon promotes uterine contractions.

But it is precisely this property of cinnamon that makes it a product that should not be consumed by pregnant women, as it can provoke a miscarriage.

  • nursing mothers tea with cinnamon, milk can improve lactation.

The benefits of cinnamon for men

Cinnamon also has its beneficial effect on the male body:

  • regular use of spices is not only the prevention of prostatitis, but also facilitates the treatment process.
  • spice helps to accelerate glucose metabolism, which increases the production of testosterone, which is so necessary for normal erectile function.
  • with age, male blood gradually thickens, and cinnamon is able to thin the blood, which reduces the risk of heart attacks and congestion in the pelvis.
  • Cinnamon is a natural and strong aphrodisiac that can tone and invigorate a man, increase his libido and sexual performance.

The benefits of cinnamon for weight loss

Cinnamon is also known as a tool that helps with weight loss:

  • this spice speeds up metabolism, including the metabolism of carbohydrates, preventing them from being converted into fat;
  • cinnamon slows down the digestive processes in the stomach - this is an important property for those who want to lose weight - with the support of spices, it is easier to endure until the next meal without additional snacks;
  • the inclusion of cinnamon in the diet reduces the glycemic index of food by 18 - 29%, and this is also important for weight loss;
  • cinnamon can increase metabolism;
  • nutritionists claim that cinnamon reduces cravings for sweets and that losing weight with cinnamon is much easier.

Cinnamon is also in demand in cosmetology due to its healing effect on the skin of the face, body, hair, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates metabolic processes in skin cells, all this is due to the presence of antioxidants and tannins in cinnamon.

So the scope of cinnamon is quite extensive - cooking, traditional medicine, cosmetology, aromatherapy.

Cinnamon will be appropriate in fruit salads, cereals, hot drinks, good in baking, it can be used for home preservation due to its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

In aromatherapy, cinnamon is used to increase efficiency, improve memory.

In cosmetology for softening, lightening hair, improving skin condition.

In folk medicine in the treatment of colds, to enhance immunity, in the treatment of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and many other diseases.

A separate story is the benefits of honey and cinnamon - scientists from different countries, studying these two products, came to the conclusion that this combination - honey and cinnamon - has a beneficial effect on the entire body, strengthening it, slows down the aging process of the body, improves the quality of life and increases duration.

It would be nice to move on to recipes here, but there were so many of them that I decided to separate them into a separate article, so stay tuned for blog news.

But the topic is not over yet, because we have not yet talked about the dangers of cinnamon and whether it is.

Harm of cinnamon to human health

Despite such a number of pluses, there are also minuses, though they are much less. And despite the beneficial properties, cinnamon can also cause harm to human health, so you shouldn’t eat cinnamon with spoons, it’s still a spice and it serves only as an additive to our diet.

  • Earlier I said that it helps with stressful situations, depression, but if you overdo it with spice, then the opposite effect can occur, apathy and depression can only intensify.
  • A healthy person can use cinnamon without fear for their well-being, but as I said, within reasonable limits. There are no clear recommendations - how much - apparently it is assumed that it is rather difficult to overdo it with spice. But some sources have information - no more than 1 teaspoon and not at one time.
  • Doctors recommend careful and infrequent use of cinnamon for people with high blood pressure and people with a sick heart, but you should not refuse it at all, because it lowers cholesterol and reduces the formation of blood clots.
  • Pregnant women should not use this spice, as it can cause uterine contractions and thereby cause miscarriage or premature birth.
  • It is better not to give cinnamon to children under 3 years old, so it is forbidden for nursing mothers. Children under 12 should use cinnamon with caution.
  • It is recommended to exclude cinnamon from the diet for people with low blood clotting, as well as people with individual intolerance.

In any case, if you have some kind of chronic disease and have doubts whether you can use cinnamon or not, it is better to consult your doctor.

There is one more minus, but it does not apply to real Ceylon Cinnamon (Ceylon Cinnamon). This minus applies to cassia (Cassia Cinnamon). No, cassia also has beneficial properties.

What then is the matter? And the matter is only in one substance - in coumarin, which is part of cinnamon. Coumarin is a useful substance, and thanks to this substance, cinnamon reduces blood clotting and, accordingly, reduces the risk of blood clots. But excessive use of coumarin is very unfavorable for the condition of the liver and kidneys.

For comparison, Ceylon cinnamon contains 0.004% coumarin, which is enough to make cinnamon a healthy product. In cassia, coumarin contains much more - 5%.

The conclusion suggests itself - we buy Ceylon cinnamon, but ... is it in our supermarkets - a big question. It is said that most of the cinnamon sold is cassia, as it is much cheaper and more readily available.

If you do not often use cinnamon, then cassia did not harm you, but if it is constant in your diet and if you want to use cinnamon for treatment, then the choice of this spice should be taken more carefully.

How to tell real cinnamon from cassia

Cinnamon sticks are somewhat easier - Ceylon cinnamon sticks are usually heavily twisted, as a thin inner layer of bark is used. The cassia stick has very few curls and is thicker in appearance. A stick of Ceylon cinnamon is easy to break with your hands and grind into a powder. Doing this with cassia is quite problematic.

But with ground cinnamon it is much more difficult, and in fact it is mostly ground cinnamon that we sell. Then we look at the packaging - pay attention to the Latin name - “Cinnamomum zeylonicum” is Ceylon cinnamon, “Cinnamomum aromaticum” is how cassia is labeled. You also need to pay attention to the country of origin - if Ceylon, Sri Lanka, then this is what we need, but if China, Indonesia, Vietnam - then this is cassia. It is also not recommended to buy cinnamon from Germany, the USA, Israel, it does not grow with them, but whether they will sell expensive Ceylon cinnamon is a question ...

Already bought cinnamon can be checked with iodine - you need to drop a few drops of iodine on cinnamon and if it turns dark blue, then this is cassia, Ceylon cinnamon practically does not stain.

Another thing that can differ one cinnamon from another is the price, Ceylon will be many times more expensive.

How to store cinnamon

Store cinnamon in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid away from light and moisture. Ground cinnamon retains its beneficial properties for six months, in sticks - a year. If you want to keep longer, then you need to keep in the refrigerator.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

  • The valuable brown aldehyde contained in the spice prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Studies have shown that cinnamon helps stabilize blood sugar levels and helps in the treatment of diabetes. Add spice to main dishes or drinks (tea, coffee, kefir). The allowable dose for diabetics is no more than one teaspoon per day.
  • The fiber and calcium contained in the spice strengthen the cardiovascular system, thereby protecting the body from heart disease.
  • The spice can remove bad breath. To do this, chew a small piece of spice. To keep your breath fresh throughout the day, make it a habit to gargle every morning with a warm solution of honey and cinnamon. Take the ingredients one teaspoon and dissolve in a glass of water.
  • It is useful for reducing the symptoms of a cold and for making breathing easier for chronic coughs. For severe coughing fits, mix 1/2 teaspoon of spice with one tablespoon of honey and take for 4-5 days. Or dissolve a teaspoon of spice in one liter of boiling water, add a little black pepper, honey (to taste) and drink every 4 hours.
  • Due to its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, the spice is recommended for the treatment of external and internal infections. When added to food, cinnamon prevents the proliferation and growth of bacteria in food. Doctors have long drawn attention to the medicinal properties of cinnamon and recommend it as an antiseptic.
  • Gynecologists recommend that women take spice to relieve pain during menstrual cycles.
  • By adding spice to food, you not only add flavor to the food, but also help the stomach to digest it. Cinnamon is useful for people suffering from flatulence to remove gas from the stomach and intestines. Add about 1/4 teaspoon of spice to each dish.
  • It also relieves acidity, diarrhea and morning sickness. Effective for indigestion, diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Consumption of seasoning will serve as a good preventive measure to reduce attacks of headache and migraine. The spice promotes good blood circulation in the vessels, and this is a necessary condition for saturating the cells of the body with oxygen and other nutrients.
  • The spice is useful for people who are prone to developing urinary tract infections. The spice is a diuretic and helps in the secretion and elimination of urine.

There are only 35 calories in 10 grams of cinnamon powder, and 10 calories in a 4 gram stick.

The smell of cinnamon

Cinnamon oil is extracted from the bark and leaves of a tree from the laurel family. Its intense, sweet, warm and spicy aroma is sensual and interesting. It also encourages creativity and stimulates the dream world.

The spice increases brain activity. Studies have shown that the smell of cinnamon can significantly enhance cognitive memory, alertness and concentration. Essential oils of cinnamon give a feeling of warmth, eliminate anxiety and anxiety.

Delicious and no calories Tips for a sweet tooth: how not to gain weight from ice cream. Can it be eaten for breakfast or dinner.

Contraindications and harm of cinnamon

  • Despite all the medicinal properties of cinnamon, the spice should not be taken with spoons, it irritates the stomach. People who suffer from stomach ulcers and have an increased intestinal sensitivity should drink cinnamon in limited quantities.
  • For those with heart disease and high blood pressure, doctors do not recommend drinking cinnamon often and in large quantities. The spice increases heart rate and tends to increase blood pressure.
  • Cinnamon should not be taken during pregnancy and nursing mothers. The spice causes uterine contractions and can cause miscarriage.
  • The spice contains toxic coumarin, which, in large quantities, adversely affects the liver and kidneys. So, do not try to treat her with spoons. This is especially true for people with diseased kidneys and liver, the healing properties of cinnamon are not for you.
  • You should refrain from taking spices during drug treatment. The spice has the natural properties of an antibiotic and, interacting with the medicine, modifies it.
  • Cinnamon is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.


The spice should be stored in a glass container tightly closed and preferably away from light and moisture.

In a dry, cool, dark place, the spice will retain its medicinal properties for six months, and cinnamon sticks for up to a year.

From a spice that has lost its exquisite sweet smell and lost its freshness, more harm than good. Feel free to send such a spice to the trash can.

  • Only Ceylon cinnamon has healing properties! Cassia, in large quantities, harms the liver and kidneys!

cinnamon ( Cinnamomum velum or C. cassia) has long been considered a miraculous plant in various cultures. It has been scientifically proven that its active components - cinnamic aldehyde, cinnamyl acetate and cinnamic alcohol - bring certain benefits to the body. While research is still ongoing into the health benefits and disease-fighting properties of cinnamon, it is recognized that cinnamon has some therapeutic effect on certain ailments, such as digestive disorders, as well as minor bacterial infections or the common cold.


Eat Cinnamon for a Cold or Flu

    Choose Ceylon cinnamon. The two main types of cinnamon are Ceylon cinnamon and cassia cinnamon (or cinnamon tree). Ceylon cinnamon is also known as real cinnamon, but is harder to find in your average supermarket, which is often full of cassia. Ceylon cinnamon, however, is much better due to its lower coumarin content.

    Choose the best option for using cinnamon. You can buy ground cinnamon, cinnamon sticks, cinnamon supplements, or cinnamon extract. Before choosing the right option, consider what you will be using cinnamon for. If you want to introduce it into your regular diet, the requirements will be different than if you are going to use it as a medicine. Use both cinnamon sticks and ground cinnamon in different types of dishes.

    Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to hot drinks to help fight the flu and colds. Cinnamon is believed to have a good antibacterial effect, which will help your immune system fight the flu and colds. Cinnamon helps control the growth of bacteria and fungi. By adding a teaspoon of cinnamon to hot water, you make a soothing drink that won't cure your cold, but will make you feel a little better.

    Try a hot cinnamon drink to beat a runny nose. A hot cinnamon drink can help relieve flu and cold symptoms, especially a runny nose. You can also add ginger to your drink to keep a cold at bay.

    Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to soups. Just like with a hot drink, if you add cinnamon to your soup, it will give it a special flavor, and it will also alleviate your condition if you are not completely healthy.

    Eat Cinnamon to Improve Digestion

    1. Use Ceylon cinnamon for digestive problems. If you want to improve the condition of the digestive tract with cinnamon, use Ceylon cinnamon. It doesn't matter how you use the cinnamon, but if you're seasoning dishes, ground cinnamon is the most practical, as it can easily be measured with teaspoons.

      • Cinnamon sticks are great for making drinks, but it's much harder to measure how much of the product you've consumed.
    2. Spice up high-carb foods with cinnamon. Adding a teaspoon of cinnamon to a carb-rich meal can reduce the effect of this type of food on your blood sugar levels. After a meal, sugar levels rise as the stomach empties, but adding cinnamon can slow this process down and thus lower blood sugar levels. Scientific experiments have shown that adding a few grams of cinnamon to dessert can have a significant impact on gastric emptying.

      Help digestion by eating cinnamon. As an alternative to using cinnamon as a spice, you can consume it in small doses after meals to aid digestion. If you have heartburn or indigestion after eating, cinnamon can stimulate digestive activity. The oils in cinnamon help break down food and stimulate the digestion process.

      • Try cinnamon tea (a teaspoon of cinnamon dissolved in hot water) after your meal.
      • Or add half a teaspoon of cinnamon to your afternoon coffee.
    3. Improve bowel function with cinnamon. Cinnamon is an excellent source of calcium and fiber. The combination of these two components will positively affect the health of your intestines. High levels of bile salts damage intestinal cells and increase the risk of bowel cancer. Calcium and fiber bind and remove bile salts from your body, which in turn reduces the risk of bowel cancer. .

      Take cinnamon as a cholesterol-lowering remedy. It has not been clearly proven that cinnamon has an effect on cholesterol levels. Theoretically, because cinnamon affects your body's production of fat and sugar, it could help lower cholesterol. However, this fact has not yet been proven and the amount of cinnamon you consume as a dietary supplement should be limited to 2-3 grams per day.

      • While cinnamon adds a pleasant flavor to baked goods, adding it to high-fat meals is unlikely to help lower your cholesterol levels.

      Assess potential risks

      1. Consult with your doctor. There are many reasons why you shouldn't take medicinal doses of cinnamon. You should consult with your doctor. You should also find out if there are potential risks of an adverse reaction to other medications you are taking, whether prescription or herbal.

        Find out how much and how often you should take cinnamon. Cinnamon is an unrecognized medicine, so there are no hard and fast rules about how much you need to take it in order to get a positive effect on health. Recommended doses range from ½ teaspoon to 6 teaspoons per day.
