
How to cook fried chicken meat. Fried chicken in a pan

Such a simple, at first glance, process of how to deliciously fry a chicken in a pan should be taken seriously. The final result of your efforts at the stove depends on the quality of the selected meat, the right marinade and the recipe.

How to choose chicken for frying

When buying chicken, opt for chilled meat over frozen. When frozen, the liquid inside the meat cells crystallizes and destroys the integrity of the muscle fibers. As a result, after frying, you will get tougher meat. If for some reason your choice fell on frozen products, check the integrity of the package and the absence of reddish ice inside it (evidence of repeated freezing of the product).

Before buying a chilled product, pay attention to its appearance. There should be no scratches, blood clots, wounds on the carcass or pieces of chicken meat. The skin of fresh meat is dry and not sticky.

Give preference to young chicken, its meat will remain juicy and soft when frying. Light-colored fat and a pinkish tint of meat will be a guide for its correct choice.

The freshness of meat can be determined by the absence of an unpleasant odor. A little experiment will also help: press the meat with your finger and look at the result. A fresh product quickly restores its shape, and old carcasses (or individual parts of them) will remain with a dent.

And of course, no one canceled the verification of the production date and compliance with expiration dates.

Marinade for fried chicken

It is worth noting that the less time that passes from the moment you buy the chicken to sending it to the pan, the better. If it is not possible to start cooking right away, or there is time for delicious experiments, you can prepare the marinade and hold the chicken in it for a couple of hours.

Marinades can work wonders, changing the taste of meat from tender creamy to tart and spicy. Therefore, it is worth immediately determining which dish you want to end up with.

Marinade for chicken on kefir or sour cream

To give more tenderness and creamy taste, housewives use kefir, sour cream (when vinegar is added, it is an excellent substitute for mayonnaise) or natural yogurt. Prepared pieces of meat are placed in a saucepan and completely covered with a dairy product. Chopped garlic, favorite spices and herbs will help to diversify the creamy taste and add piquancy. The pickled product should stand for about half an hour before cooking in a pan.

Marinade for chicken with honey and mustard

A mixture of honey (3 tablespoons) and mustard grains (4 tablespoons) will add a sweet-spicy taste to the meat. Chicken marinated with this composition can stand without a refrigerator. After 40-60 minutes, you can start roasting, after removing the mustard seeds.

Soy Sauce, Pepper and Garlic Marinade

For thrill-seekers, a marinade of soy sauce (1/2 cup), ground red pepper (2 teaspoons), garlic (1 head) and grated ginger root (2-3 teaspoons) is suitable. After mixing these products, pour the marinade over the chicken pieces and leave in the refrigerator (you can overnight). Salt this dish should be used with caution due to the high concentration of salt in soy sauce.

As you can see, choosing a marinade is no less important than finding good meat. Thanks to the marinade, every time your favorite chicken will delight you with new aromas and tastes.

How to fry chicken in a pan with a crust

The meat has already marinated, it's time to start the most important event - frying.

  1. Take a frying pan and put on a strong fire.
  2. Pour in oil suitable for frying, a layer of 3-5 mm thick. Don't worry, the chicken won't get greasy, and excess oil on the cooked meat can always be removed with a paper towel.
  3. As soon as the characteristic crackling sound of hot oil appears (it must be very hot, otherwise you can forget about the crisp), put the meat pieces in the pan. Since the oil may splatter, place the meat away from you.
  4. As soon as the first side of the meat has become golden, you can turn it over. It is better to use tongs - pieces of meat are not damaged and do not fall apart.
  5. After both sides have acquired a beautiful golden appearance, repeat the procedure two more times. To get a beautiful crust, it is better to fry without a lid.

The time for frying chicken in a pan depends on the part that is selected for frying. Chicken breasts and thighs are cooked in about half an hour, wings and fillets - a little less. But it is worth remembering that the exact time should not be observed. It is enough just to pierce the meat with a toothpick or a match and check for the absence of blood.

The main thing when frying chicken, and indeed any meat, is not to overdo it in a pan. Otherwise, even the most beautiful crust will not save hard and dry meat.

Delicious Fried Chicken Recipes

For frying in a pan, you can purchase both a whole carcass, chopping it into pieces immediately before cooking, and individual parts. Moreover, each option can be turned into a gourmet dish by adding some touches - a delicious marinade, spicy spices, etc.

Chicken fillet in batter in a pan

The chicken fillet is very tender and lean, so overdrying it is quite simple. You can avoid such a mistake by choosing the right marinade or frying in batter.

  • 0.4 kg chicken fillet;
  • half a lemon;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • egg;
  • spices.
  1. Dry the fillet washed with water with a paper towel and cut into small strips. Put in a container with a lid.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, pour the meat over it, add spices to taste. Place the chicken in the refrigerator with a lid on.
  3. Beat the egg in a deep bowl.
  4. Sprinkle flour onto a flat dish in an even layer.
  5. First roll the chilled chicken fillet pieces on all sides in flour, then dip in the egg and again in flour.
  6. Fry in a hot frying pan with oil on both sides.

To give the dish a more festive look, the finished meat can be sprinkled with cheese grated on a medium grater and garnished with circles of tomatoes. In this form, darken the dish for another five minutes under the lid.

Fried chicken pieces with spicy spices

A whole chicken carcass can not only be baked in the oven, but also fried in a pan, after chopping it into pieces. And thanks to the use of spices, you will get not just fried chicken, but a gourmet dish.

  • Whole chicken - about 1.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • spicy spices (marjoram, paprika, oregano, etc.) - 1 teaspoon;
  • liquid honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, black ground pepper.
  1. Cut the chicken into small approximately equal portion pieces (about 10 cm in length).
  2. Rub meat pieces with salt.
  3. Mix honey, black pepper and spicy spices. Cover all the meat with the resulting honey marinade and let stand for 30 minutes. up to several hours.
  4. Fry in a hot pan on both sides until golden brown.
  5. Cover with a lid and bring to readiness.

In this form, the chicken can be served with any side dish.

Fried chicken drumsticks with wine sauce

You will hardly surprise anyone with fried chicken legs. Nevertheless, something special can be prepared from this part of the chicken carcass. In this recipe, wine is used as a marinade and the basis for the sauce for the finished dish.

  • 4 chicken drumsticks;
  • 150 ml of white wine;
  • 30 gr butter;
  • 3 art. tablespoons flour + 1 tbsp. breading spoon;
  • spices.
  1. Wash the shins and pat dry with a paper towel. Transfer to a container.
  2. Add wine and spices to taste. The resulting marinade should completely cover the meat.
  3. Refrigerate for one hour, covered with a lid or cling film.
  4. Roll the legs in flour and send to a heated frying pan.
  5. After the appearance of a beautiful crust on both sides, bring to readiness, covering with a lid.
  6. Melt the butter in a separate bowl. Add flour and marinade to it.
  7. Mix the resulting sauce and cook over low heat for 8-10 minutes.
  8. Add spices to the sauce and let it brew.
  9. Drizzle cooked fried drumsticks with prepared sauce before serving.

How to fry a chicken thigh in a pan

The meat of the thighs can simply be fried “in haste” in a well-heated pan. However, if you have the opportunity to wait an hour before they start cooking, then try marinating the meat in kefir, and then adding the fermented milk product when frying. The meat will just melt in your mouth.

Required products:

  • 0.3 kg chicken thigh;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • clove of garlic;
  • fresh herbs, spices - to taste.

Cooking technology:

  1. Dry the meat washed under water, add spices and finely chopped garlic.
  2. Wash and finely chop the greens, add to the chicken.
  3. Pour yogurt and put in the refrigerator for one hour.
  4. Put the thighs in a preheated pan without adding oil. Pour the remaining kefir marinade. Bring to readiness.

On the shelves you can find a boneless chicken thigh. It can be prepared in a similar way or stuffed.

Here are a few tips and tricks to improve the flavor of your chicken dish:

  • When marinating, you can add coarsely chopped onions, it will add juiciness to the meat;
  • chicken fillet is best marinated using a liquid marinade;
  • It is better to salt the chicken before the end of cooking or just before serving. When salt is added to the marinade or at the beginning of frying, the meat will become more rigid and dry;
  • when using frozen chicken meat, place it on the shelf of the refrigerator in advance, so it will thaw more carefully;
  • You can fry chicken without using oil (in a small amount of water), but the meat will not be beautifully golden brown.

Poultry dishes are very tasty and nutritious, although feathered meat is considered dietary. White meat contains a lot of protein, a group of different vitamins, minerals, and phosphorus. There are many different recipes written about how to fry chicken.

Chicken selection

In the market or in the store, it is better not to look closely at large carcasses, among them you can find a bird that was injected with antibiotics.

The breast is difficult to fry, it is better to stew it, and when fried, it is dry and tough. To obtain tender meat and a crispy crust, the bird should be fried for 30 to 40 minutes.

The yellowness and bluish tint of the skin give out the great age of the feathered individual. In young chickens, the skin is light and pinkish, there is no white coating. Dryness and cleanliness of the skin indicate a good condition of the carcass.

You can check the quality by pressing on the meat. Dents straightening immediately are a positive sign. A characteristic strong smell indicates poor quality goods.

Preference is always better to give chilled meat. Freezing can distort reality, for example, when thawing, an unpleasant aroma will appear. Do not store the product for a long time. The sooner you send it to the kitchen, the better. In the refrigerator, it is advisable to keep chicken parts in a container at a chamber temperature of 0 to minus 4 degrees.

How to fry in a pan

Chicken fried in a pan will decorate both the festive table and the weekday dinner. You can fry a bird using any oil: olive, corn, sunflower vegetable species or a piece of butter. The piquancy of the product will be added by frying on a mixture of oils, when the cream is mixed with vegetable.

Tip: Tastier and juicier meat is obtained if it is pre-marinated for 2 hours, add the spices you want or according to the recipe.

The pan must be hot, it is required to distribute oil over it so that its layer does not exceed 3 or 5 mm. The oil is heating up. As soon as bubbles appeared on its surface, or it began to crackle, chicken meat is laid out in a direction away from itself.

To obtain a beautiful crust, each side is fried. For these purposes, culinary tongs are useful, which will provide convenience when cooking, and will also allow you not to damage the meat.

Tip: First you need to fry the chicken on the side where the skin is missing or there is little of it.

Experienced cooks recommend turning the chicken three times, frying each side 2 times. At a temperature of elevated values, the chicken needs to be fried for 5 minutes, then the fire mode decreases, the size of the meat pieces affects how much to fry at this stage, on average it will take about ten minutes, then the meat is turned over again.

After another ten minutes, turn, sprinkling the necessary spices on top. You can use red pepper, turmeric, garlic, herbs or special spicy sets. If you fry meat with spices in oil, they will reveal all their flavor, essential oils dissolve most easily in hot fats. Food in spices can be fried for a maximum of five minutes.

In order for the brown crust to be present, the lid for the pan is not used. But in order to fry the meat, and for its juiciness, the lid will be required at the final stage of frying, when the chicken is already browned.

Tip: The skin of a bird can be eaten with meat, but it has a lot of fat, therefore, it is high in calories and unhealthy. People on a diet should refuse it, removing it before cooking meat.

in pieces

How much to fry a chicken depends on which of its parts is cooked, and what size the pieces are or is it a whole carcass. If you fry in pieces, it will take less time. Usually in this form they prepare an ingredient for Caesar. To add meat to a salad, it should be fried without oil.


To get a fragrant roast of poultry, you need to fry the fillet in a hot frying pan, where hot refined vegetable oil will be present.

The washed pieces are distributed in the pan, how much in this case you need to fry the fillet chicken, depends on how large the pieces are, but not more than six or eight minutes, otherwise the product will be too dry. You need to fry each piece from all sides. At the end of the process, in a couple of minutes, crushed garlic cloves (a couple of pieces) are added to the meat, salt and pepper are added “by eye”. It is ideal to serve buckwheat, pickles, vegetable salads as a side dish.

Chicken legs

Without exception, all housewives are interested in how to properly fry chicken legs. Washed legs or whole thighs are completely rubbed with a mixture of salt and spices (a little cumin, coriander, black and red pepper powder). If you add turmeric, it will provide a golden color to the finished dish.

It takes about 15 minutes to fry the legs so that they are covered with a beautiful crust. The fire mode is set to strong. After obtaining a golden color, the fire decreases, water (250 ml) is added to the pan. The pan is covered. The product is cooked for another 25 minutes. Delicate mashed potatoes and vegetable salad serve as an excellent side dish.

To fry the drumstick in a pan, you can use the classic recipe, when the chicken parts are rubbed with a mixture of salt, chicken seasoning and pepper. Separately, the onion crumbles and the carrot rubs coarsely. Vegetables are fried on a low setting. The drumsticks are laid out in hot oil, and fried in a strong mode. Boiled water (250 ml) is added to vegetables with legs, and with the lid closed, stew until tender for half an hour.


Appetizing breaded bird turns out, how to fry chicken in this case is known to professionals. A frozen carcass or parts of a bird is thawed in a special mode in a microwave oven or in cold water, holding the meat in it for about two hours.

You can cook a whole chicken in breadcrumbs. You can use boiled chicken, how to fry it depends on the recipe. The chicken is boiled and divided into portions, which are salted and peppered, then rolled in beaten eggs (4 pieces are needed).

An incomplete glass of breadcrumbs is in a separate bowl, each part of the chicken is dipped in them, after which it is re-rolled in the egg mass. Pieces of meat in breadcrumbs are placed in hot oil in a frying pan, it is necessary to fry until a well-brown crust appears.

How to fry in the oven

How much to fry a chicken in the oven is determined by the type of cabinet, the mode and size of the carcass or pieces of meat. The included convector will speed up the process. For wings, drumsticks and thighs, the mode is usually set to 179 degrees, then 45 minutes is enough.


A juicy dish is obtained with mayonnaise. A whole chicken is rubbed inside and out with salt, ground pepper, aromatic herbs and spices from a bag for cooking chicken. 150 grams of mayonnaise sauce is mixed with six garlic cloves crushed in a garlic press. The chicken is rolled in the marinade mixture and aged at will, either three hours or the night before cooking.

On the sheet in which the oil is located, the carcass is laid out. Chicken with garlic will be fried in a heated cabinet for about an hour and a half.

Up your sleeve

In the oven in the sleeve, the bird is quickly fried from the inside. Meat in a preheated oven will cook for about an hour, if the carcass is small, it will take a little less than an hour and a half for a medium one, and about two hours for a large one.

in foil

A mode from 180 to 200 degrees is needed to fry the bird in foil in the oven. Salt is taken, the whole carcass is rubbed with it. You can make a sour cream sauce with curry, paprika and granulated garlic. The carcass will have to be cut a little, and in these places put the stuffing from the garlic plates. A couple more cloves are placed in the inside.

The carcass is dipped in the sauce, the composition is poured inside it. The chicken is wrapped in two layers of foil, the bird will languish in a heated cabinet for about two or two and a half hours, later the foil is carefully torn with a knife and the edges are turned away, put in the oven for 30 minutes to get a golden color.

Roasting on the grill

Pieces of poultry are distributed on the grate, any oil is used for lubrication. On coals, fillet pieces are cooked for about half an hour, if they are constantly turned over. For drumsticks, thighs and wings, the time increases to 45 minutes. The sauce using pickled garlic will be in perfect harmony with chicken skewers.

Grilled chicken

There are several ways to grill chicken. For example, a microwave oven has a grill mode. Chicken in any marinade is placed on a wire rack. Below is a plate for fat. The meat is cooked for 10 minutes, then a little water is poured into the plate, on the combi 2 mode, fry each side for 12 minutes.

In a slow cooker

You need to fry the chicken in a slow cooker, cutting it into pieces and getting rid of the fat. The meat is coated in salt and seasonings. You can not pour oil into the pan. Enough 35 min. on "Baking", and the dish is ready.

When time is running out, and your loved ones are about to appear on the doorstep, when unexpectedly guests have suddenly appeared, and you need to hastily serve treats to the table. When there are fractions of a minute to choose from, then simple, yet very tasty recipes for cooking chicken in a pan will come to the rescue. After all, a juicy fillet or delicious wings, perhaps even a whole carcass, will certainly be in the refrigerator of any hostess.

Standard pan fried chicken recipe

If neither the ingredients nor the imagination allow you to “roam” in the kitchen, then pay attention to the traditional, literally minute, recipe for making juicy fried chicken, which will require a minimum set of products (based on 4 servings):

  • Chicken (or any part of it) - 700 grams.
  • Vegetable oil - 70 milliliters (= 5 tablespoons).
  • Salt (iodized or table salt) - 1 teaspoon.
  • Black ground pepper - 1 pinch (to taste).
  • Chicken seasoning mix (if available) - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Garlic - 1 clove.

The recipe is quite simple:

  • First of all, you need to prepare the chicken meat. If it is frozen, let it thaw, if it is chilled, proceed to processing: rinse thoroughly under running water, pat dry with a paper towel. Attention! Make sure that excess water comes out of the chicken, otherwise a lot of splashes will form during frying. Then you need to cut the carcass (if you are working with a whole chicken), cut into small pieces.
  • Now it's time to prepare the oil. You need to heat it in a pan, and only after that - lay out the chicken. Remember! The first 5 minutes of roasting meat should be done on high heat. Thus, a golden and crispy crust will appear quickly, and tasty juice will not leak out, it will remain inside the chicken.
  • It is necessary to fry the pieces of meat for several minutes on each side. Remember to turn them over with a wooden spatula.
  • After that, you need to reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave the meat to “languish” for 10 minutes.
  • Then you need to add the available seasonings, salt and pepper (to taste), cover the pan again and leave the chicken for another 7 minutes.
  • The final touch is to set the minimum fire mode on the stove, add a crushed or finely chopped garlic clove, at the same time check the meat for readiness - pierce the pieces of meat with the tip of a knife. If clear juice appears on their surface, this is a sure sign that the chicken is ready.
  • Finally, you can add a few details - your favorite sauce, sprigs of greens and a couple of fresh vegetables. Voila! Fragrant chicken is ready to serve.

How to fry chicken in a pan - chicken in honey glaze

This is one of the simple, yet elegant ways to please family and friends. To cook chicken in honey glaze, you will need:

  • chicken breast - 2 pcs.;
  • natural honey - 4 teaspoons;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • paprika - half a teaspoon;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves (to taste);
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml. (= 5 tablespoons);

Cooking will not take too much time:

  • First you need to work with chicken meat: defrost (if necessary), rinse, dry and finely chop.
  • Then you need to prepare the vegetable oil for the frying process: preheat it in a pan, and only after that lay out the chicken pieces.
  • The next step is roasting the meat over high heat. Thus, the chicken will turn out juicy and crispy. Do not extinguish! Remember to turn the pieces of meat with a wooden spatula!
  • This is followed by the process of preparing the sauce - a mixture of honey, paprika, soy dressing and garlic. Mix all of the above ingredients in a glass bowl.
  • Now you need to pour the resulting mixture into a pan with chicken fillet pieces, reduce the heat and let the liquid evaporate. As soon as the chicken is covered with a honey crust, you should remove the pan from the stove.
  • The final touch is serving the dish and serving it to the table. This is already a matter of your imagination. You can add vegetables as a side dish, you can decorate the dish with herbs.

Remember that even everyday meals can easily turn into gourmet meals if traditional dishes are served with a “new sauce”. And the unexpected arrival of guests can become a real holiday, warm, cozy, welcoming, and most importantly - delicious!

It would seem that it could be easier than cooking food on the stove, but why, then, only scrambled eggs usually come out consistently successful?

Today we will tell you how to deliciously fry chicken in a pan in pieces so that it turns out to be moderately juicy, fragrant and crispy. There are no difficulties here, there are just little secrets, so read carefully and start cooking - the result will surely please you.

As you probably guessed, it is impossible to cook both tender breast and dense drumsticks in exactly the same way, so we have specially selected a few tips for you, depending on which pieces you have chosen for your dinner today.

So, we offer three options for how to fry chicken in pieces in a pan: breast, drumsticks or thigh fillet. Choose what we like best and let's get started! Please note that the quantities are for two servings, so if necessary, adjust the amount of ingredients to your liking.

Preparing chicken pieces for pan frying

Chicken meat is very tender, quick to cook and, at the same time, relatively neutral in taste, therefore, whichever part of the bird we choose, the main principles will be the alternation of temperature and the ability to add almost any ingredient.

At the same time, the chicken must be properly thawed, so in advance, better in the evening, put the meat on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator.

To understand how much to fry chicken in a pan in pieces, first of all, we determine the meat itself: the softer and more tender it is, the less time it will take for heat treatment.

How to fry chicken breast in pieces


  • — 700 g + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 3 teeth + -
  • Greens - to taste + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • — 0.5 pcs. + -
  • Eggplant - 0.5 pcs. + -
  • - for frying + -

Step by step cooking chicken pieces in a pan

  • We take chicken breasts at the rate of 1-2 fillets per serving, depending on how large the bird was. We cut each fillet into several rather large pieces, but not less than 2-2.5 cm, otherwise they will turn out to be overdried.
  • If there is an opportunity, we make a refueling. To do this, take olive oil, add a clove of garlic crushed right in the skin and a little finely chopped greens.

Dried basil or oregano works well for this option. If there is crushed pepper, add it to the oil too, and then mix everything.

  • Put the chicken fillet pieces in a bag or bowl of a suitable size, sprinkle them well with dressing and mix so that they are evenly covered with oil. We don't salt!
  • Let stand for at least 30 minutes. If time or the calorie counter does not allow you to do this, then feel free to skip this step.
  • Heat up a frying pan over high heat and add some vegetable oil. If you made the dressing, use the same oil that the chicken was in.
  • Put the chicken pieces in the pan so that they do not touch each other, otherwise they will be stewed, not fried. If there is too much meat, then it is better to do it in several stages.
  • Quickly fry the fillet on all sides until a beautiful outer crust is obtained, but do not overdo it, the meat inside should remain raw.
  • Put the finished batch on a separate plate and move on to the next one: the chicken breast is very tender, so it will take no more than 15 seconds to fry.
  • We cut the vegetables the same size as the pieces of the bird.

  • Reduce the fire to a minimum. Add chopped vegetables and lightly fry them. Then return the chicken to the pan. Salt everything and mix. Cover with a lid and fry for 2 minutes.
  • We turn off the fire, but do not open the lid - the chicken should be saturated with its own aromas. Leave for 10 minutes and then serve.

The pieces turned out to be very tender and juicy, and most importantly, you don’t need to prepare a side dish for them.

How to fry chicken drumsticks in a pan

This is the easiest and most interesting option for bird lovers. It is worth once to understand how long it takes to fry chicken in a pan in pieces, and after that you can create countless delicious dishes.


  • Chicken drumsticks - 8 pcs.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;

How to fry a chicken drumstick in pieces in a pan?

  • First, let's prepare the shins. Ideally, they need to chop off a thin lower part (or immediately buy one), then rinse and dry. You don’t need to cut it further, the pieces will turn out quite small anyway.
  • Heat the pan well and add a little vegetable oil.
  • Quickly fry the drumsticks on all sides, then spread on a separate plate. It will take about 30 seconds for each side, i.e. 1.5-2 minutes for the whole game.
  • While the chicken is resting, temporarily remove the pan from the heat. During this time, cut the onion into half or quarter rings, 2-3 mm wide, no need for smaller ones. Reduce the heat to low, return the pan and sauté the onion until translucent. If needed, add a little oil.
  • We return the chicken to the pan, salt and pepper to taste, mix so that the onion covers the drumsticks. Cover with a lid and leave to fry for 20 minutes, stirring once more during this time.
  • When the meat begins to slightly lag behind the bone, this will mean that it is well and moderately fried.

How and how long to fry the thigh fillet in pieces


  • Thigh fillet - 700 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Champignons - 250 g;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

How to fry thigh fillet (pieces) with mushrooms in a pan?

This method is very similar to the previous ones, so we won’t tell you in detail how to fry chicken in a pan in pieces. The main difference of this recipe is that it does not require preliminary “sealing” of juices, because the thigh is already quite juicy and soft.

  • Heat the pan on low heat, add a little vegetable oil.
  • Cut the onion in the same way as for the drumsticks, then lightly fry until translucent.
  • We cut the thigh rather large and add it to the onion. Salt and pepper to taste. Fry over medium heat on all sides for a minute.

  • Cut the mushrooms into large pieces and add to the chicken.

If you want a more satisfying dish, replace the mushrooms with dense vegetables: cauliflower, bell peppers, or even potatoes.

  • Stir and fry for 30 minutes on low heat under the lid. You can use your favorite spices. As in all other cases, after turning off the burner, it is best to let the dish stand for a few minutes.

Now you know three ways to deliciously fry chicken in a pan in pieces. Look for your favorite combinations - and please yourself and your loved ones.

Bon appetit!

Fried chicken is one of those dishes that are quick and easy to prepare. Served with a variety of side dishes - potatoes, pasta, buckwheat, rice, etc. In order to cook a delicious chicken dish, you need to choose a recipe, stock up on food and actually start cooking. There are five cooking methods for you to choose from.


  1. chicken carcass
  2. garlic
  3. pepper
  4. vegetable oil.

Wash and dry the carcass, cut into portions. Then rub them with salt and pepper and leave for 10 minutes. Fry the chicken on both sides for half an hour. Peel the garlic and chop, put on the chicken. Cover the pan with a lid and fry for 5 minutes, turn the pieces over and cook for another 3 minutes. Put the pieces on a dish and serve with mashed potatoes.

Chicken fried in yogurt

chicken fillet (kg), yogurt, flour (400g), garlic clove, saffron (half teaspoon), paprika (teaspoon), pepper, olive oil, salt, lemon juice (half a cup), mint powder.

Cut the fillet into pieces, skip the garlic through the garlic. In a bowl, put yogurt, paprika, garlic, pepper, salt and mint for more flavor. Dissolve saffron in water, pour into a bowl and mix everything. Put the fillet pieces in a bowl, in order for them to soak and become more fragrant, put them in the refrigerator for an hour. After that, roll the pieces in flour and put them in a pan. Fry in olive oil on both sides. Then pour the chicken pieces with lemon juice and the rest of the yogurt. The dish can be served with rice or boiled potatoes.

Chicken pieces fried

chicken, cut into pieces (kilogram), three cloves of garlic, salt with spices, ground black pepper.

Sprinkle chicken with spices and salt. Grind the garlic on a garlic maker and grate the pieces with it, and season it under the skin of the chicken. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, then reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Simmer for about a quarter of an hour.

Fried chicken in a pan

chicken, three cloves of garlic, sour cream, black pepper, parsley, salt, vegetable oil.

Wash the chicken in cold water, cut into portions, and then rub them with pepper and salt. Fry the pieces in a frying pan until golden brown, and then transfer them to a dish. In the same pan, start making the sauce. Add sour cream, 40 grams of water and minced garlic on the garlic. Stir and simmer the sauce for about a minute. Pour sauce over chicken pieces, garnish with sprigs of parsley (or other herbs).

Chicken fried in mayonnaise

chicken carcass (one and a half kilograms), mayonnaise (80 g), salt, ground pepper, three cloves of garlic, curry, chicken seasoning.

Wash the carcass in cold water and cut it into portions. Then put them in a large bowl, add mayonnaise. Mince the garlic with a garlic press. Salt and sprinkle with pepper pieces, put the garlic in a bowl. Add curry and chicken seasoning. Mix everything thoroughly and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan and put the chicken pieces. Fry one side over high heat until golden brown. Turn the pieces over, make the fire smaller. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat until cooked through. Serve with fried potatoes (preferably cooked in the same pan) or pasta.

You can strictly follow the recipes provided, or you can show a little imagination and add some additional ingredients. This will make your menu more varied and tasty, and will also make you feel like a real chef!

How to fry chicken in pieces in a pan step by step video recipe

Below you will find a step by step video recipe that will help you with cooking.
