
How to properly prepare a heart. beef heart

Beef heart B (B2, 3, 6.9 and 12) than in the beef itself. Many consider this offal to be heavy, but this is not entirely true: the heart has 4 times less fat than beef, but the same amount of protein, a lot of vitamins and minerals, and with all this it is also low in calories (only 87 kcal per 100 g of the heart). In addition to those already noted, the heart contains the following useful substances: vitamins A, E, C, PP, K, minerals such as magnesium (improves the functioning of the heart muscle, with a lack of it, a person is irritable), zinc, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium. Doctors recommend eating this product to everyone who is faced with increased physical exertion, as well as the elderly. Of course, in order to appreciate the full benefits of using this product, you need to choose it correctly. Let's say right away: a chilled beef heart contains many times more nutrients than a frozen one, which is usually cheaper, so it's better to choose the first option in stores (usually they are brought from local farms, and frozen from abroad). In appearance, this offal, like other meat products, should look fresh and smell like fresh meat, it should not have plaque and stains, it should not be excessively moistened. The color should be dark red, it’s good if there is a little blood in the heart chambers - this indicates the freshness of the product, but the fat that covers the heart in the thickest part is usually removed along with hard tubes before sale. In general, the structure of a fresh heart is very elastic, it should immediately take its former shape after pressing. The mass of a beef heart is usually 1.5-2 kg, it is believed that the hearts of young cows and bulls are tastier. Before cooking, the heart should be thoroughly rinsed with running cold water, cut in half lengthwise, remove all blood clots and blood vessels, as well as fat if you bought an unprepared product. It will be better if you soak it in cold water for 2-3 hours before cooking. But whether it is necessary to boil it depends on the dish that will be prepared. The beef heart is cooked like this: pour it with cold water and boil for 1.5-2 hours, changing the water every half hour. You can cook a lot of dishes from the heart, including it is baked, fried, stewed whole or sliced. A variety of salads and snacks, pates, fillings for pies and other culinary products are usually made with a boiled heart. Among the dishes that are perfectly obtained from the heart, one can single out goulash, meatballs, chops, stews, etc. How to cook these dishes? Very simple. Beef heart goulash recipe Required: 500g beef heart, 1 onion, 1 tbsp tomato puree, vegetable oil and flour, pepper, salt, bay leaf. Rinse and prepare the heart, cut into cubes of about 30-40g each, rinse again, season with salt and pepper. Put the heart in a thick-walled pan with hot oil, fry, add the onion cut into half rings, fry for another 5-10 minutes, add flour evenly, fry for another 3-5 minutes, pour in hot boiled water (it should only cover the meat), add tomato, laurel . Stew goulash from the heart under a lid over low heat for 1-1.5 hours, serve with a side dish of vegetables. To make the goulash more tender, soak the chopped heart in milk for 2 hours in advance. Recipe for delicious beef heart cutlets (meatballs) You will need: 1 beef heart, 2 eggs, 1 large onion, 2 tbsp. semolina, vegetable oil, ground pepper, salt. Prepare and boil the heart until cooked, then twist in a meat grinder for minced meat. Add finely chopped and fried onion, semolina to the minced meat, mix, beat in raw eggs, pepper and salt, add spices to taste, mix and leave the cooked minced meat for 15 minutes. Form cutlets from minced meat and fry them, breaded in flour, on both sides in hot oil until browned. If you want the meatballs to turn out to be less fat and high-calorie, bake them until browning in the oven on a baking sheet. Recipe for beef heart chops You will need: 1 beef heart, 100 g of mayonnaise, flour, pepper, salt, vegetable oil. Cut the prepared heart into slices 1 cm thick, not thicker, pour them with cold water for 1-2 hours, change it 2 times. Carefully beat off each slice on one side, wrapping it in foil, grate with pepper and salt, coat with mayonnaise, leave for marinating for half an hour. Put the marinated chops in the pan (after breading them in flour), fry for 7-9 minutes on each side. Next, put the chops on a baking sheet covered with foil and bring to readiness in the oven for an hour. Don't want to use mayonnaise? Replace it with any other sauce of your choice: mustard, tomato, etc. Recipe for vegetable stew with beef heart. butter, tomato paste, garlic and salt to taste, roots for cooking the heart. Prepare the heart, cut it lengthwise, pour cold water over it and boil, adding roots and onions, until tender. Finely chop the boiled heart into cubes, fry in oil, add chopped carrots, parsley root and onions, fry a little more together, put diced (peeled and seeds) cucumbers, medium-sized potatoes, pour tomato paste, simmer until the potatoes are ready, put garlic chopped and mashed with salt, mix, sprinkle with herbs before serving. Recipe for beef heart stewed with mushrooms and ginger. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. chicken broth, 1 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tsp. minced garlic and ground ginger, black pepper, salt. Cut the prepared heart into strips, pour cold water for 2 hours, boil until half cooked. Fry the heart in butter, put ginger, pre-soaked and boiled until half cooked mushrooms, garlic, pour in the broth and soy sauce, salt and pepper, simmer everything until tender. The dish is best served hot. Recipe for spicy beef heart stewed in beer You will need: 300g beef heart, 1 onion and a glass of beer, 0.5 lemon (juice), 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, ginger and cardamom to taste, salt. Cut the washed and prepared heart into slices, pour beer mixed with cardamom and ginger and onion (it must be cut into half rings and mashed with your hands until the juice is released), cover and put in the refrigerator for marinating for 6-8 hours. Sprinkle the heart with lemon juice before cooking, put in a saucepan with thick walls and bottom, cover with onion, pour in half of the marinade, bring to a boil, simmer for half an hour, pour in vegetable oil, simmer for another 20-30 minutes. You can serve this heart with any sauce. With the preparation of such a seemingly complex product as a beef heart, if desired, even an inexperienced culinary specialist who has never cooked it before will cope. Try and enjoy the aroma, health benefits and wonderful taste of beef heart dishes.

Such a product as beef heart is not so often present on our everyday table. And from it, by the way, you can cook many delicious dishes. In addition, the product takes pride of place among offal and beef meat itself, due to its valuable chemical composition. For example, iron in the heart of beef contains twice as much as in meat. Not to mention other trace elements and vitamins, which together improve metabolism, strengthen the nervous system and help the body quickly recuperate. So, I’ll tell you how to cook the beef heart correctly and how much until cooked.


    1,300 grams


Ideally, it is better to cook the heart of a young individual, it takes less time to cook and as a result it turns out to be juicier and softer. If you take frozen offal for boiling, first let it thaw. It is best to let it thaw slowly in the refrigerator. Then this process will be the most gentle. Remove blood, film, fat and hard partitions.

After that, rinse and fill it with plenty of clean cold water and leave it like that for 2 hours.

Drain the water, replace it with clean water and put the boiling pot on high heat.

Be sure to remove the foam after the start of the boil. Boil 30 min. Drain the water, refill with clean water, cook again for half an hour from the moment of boiling. Then repeat the procedure again.

After an hour and a half of cooking, the beef heart was cooked and became soft. Now salted and peppered, it can be used as a filling for pies, making delicious salads, sliced ​​thinly and makes great sandwiches. Moreover, a lot of all sorts of delicious dishes are prepared from a properly cooked beef heart.

Let's summarize:

How long to cook beef heart? At least 1.5 hours, excluding boiling time. It is impossible to say exactly how long it takes to boil, since it depends on the volume of water in the pan.

How to cook beef heart? Before heat treatment, the product should be soaked for several hours. Then, during the above cooking time, it is necessary to remove the foam and change the water every half an hour.

Store the finished offal in the broth and cut it just before use, as it dries quickly.

Cooking is a fascinating process, and fantasy here can last for a long time. Hundreds of different dishes are made from just one meat. What can be cooked from beef heart, how to do it, is described in this article. This product has no less nutrients than meat. Salads, all kinds of snacks, first courses are easily prepared from the heart. The list of second courses is even more varied.

The nutritional value

Due to its composition, beef heart is useful for both children and adults. The product contains twice as much iron as meat. Also, the composition of the beef heart includes:


What can be cooked from beef heart for breakfast or a light dinner? The ideal option is a variety of salads. They can be with the addition of mushrooms, seafood, herbs, etc. For example, for a classic snack you will need:

  • 500 g of finished boiled heart;
  • 150 g of onion;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 150 g mushrooms;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • 1 tsp vinegar;
  • seasonings to taste.

The salad is made very quickly if dried mushrooms are soaked in advance (twelve hours before cooking). They are boiled in the same water where they were for fifteen minutes. Next, they need to be pulled out, then cooled and cut. The onion is chopped in half rings, half is marinated in vinegar.

The rest of the mass and grated carrots are fried in a pan until golden brown. The boiled heart is cut into thin slices and laid out in a container. Roasted vegetables, pickled onions and spices are added there. Everything is mixed, and the salad is dressed with mayonnaise.

Light snacks

What can be cooked from beef heart (recipes with photos are in this article) for light snacks? For example, liver pate. For him are taken:

  • 600 g of heart and 200 g of liver;
  • 150 g of onion;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 50 g of garlic;
  • adjika or hot sauce (to taste);
  • 150 g ground walnuts;
  • spices to taste.

Heart, liver, onion and carrots are cut into pieces and stewed in a small amount of liquid until the offal is soft. Then everything is passed through a meat grinder, the remaining ingredients are added, and everything is thoroughly mixed. The pate is put in the refrigerator. The dish can be stored for several days. It is served at the table in tartlets, on sandwiches or as a separate dish.

First meal

What can be cooked from a beef heart and how is the dish served correctly? Beef heart is also recommended for first courses. The heart is well washed out. All film and veins are removed. Then the heart is cut into small cubes in a pan. The product is sprinkled with lemon juice and left to infuse for an hour.

During this time, onions and carrots are peeled. Everything is finely shredded. Potatoes are cut into large cubes. Water is added to the pot with meat, which must be brought to a boil. Then salt is added, and the heart is cooked for another 2.5 hours. Sunflower oil is poured into a frying pan, and carrots and onions are fried in it.

Potatoes are added to the pot with the heart. Then fried carrots and onions are reported. The soup is cooked for another 20 minutes. At the very end of cooking, bay leaves, chopped herbs and peppers are thrown into the pan. Served hot. Chopped greens can be additionally poured into each plate.

Main dishes

What can be cooked from a beef heart for the second? The list of these dishes is very diverse and has more than a dozen. Most often, goulash is prepared, but there are more interesting recipes. For example, beef offal stewed in beer. This will require:

  • 300 g of heart;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • a glass of beer;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oils;
  • various spices to taste.

The heart, washed and freed from the film and veins, is cut into small pieces. They are placed in a pot and filled with beer. Topped with chopped onions, salt and spices. The pan is covered with a lid and removed for eight hours in the refrigerator.

Then the pickled heart is sprinkled with lemon juice and laid out in another pan with a thick bottom and walls (preferably cast iron). It is sprinkled with onion from the marinade on top, it is poured only halfway. The dish is brought to a boil and stewed for 30 minutes. Then vegetable oil is poured in, and everything is cooked for another half an hour.

What else can be cooked from beef heart? There are very tasty recipes of Georgian cuisine. For example, kuchmachi, which are made from beef heart, lungs and liver. The Kazakhs also have a similar dish. The main meat ingredients are the same, the dish is called kuyrdak with potatoes.

Multicooker Recipes

There are a lot of recipes that can be prepared from a beef heart in a slow cooker. The advantage of the method is less time consuming. In order for the heart to turn out soft, it is cooked for at least three hours. In a slow cooker, this time is almost halved. To prepare a dish with vegetables you will need:

  • 1 kg heart;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 200 g of onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • various seasonings are added to taste.

The heart is cleared of the film, the fat is cut off and the vessels are removed. Cut into cubes, salted and sprinkled with spices. Then vegetable oil is added to the container. The heart is infused for half an hour. The mass is laid out in a slow cooker and poured with hot water. It is stewed in the “cooking” mode for an hour.

Then the scale is removed, a little oil is added and chopped vegetables are added. Half a glass of water is added. The “cooking” mode is selected again, and the dish is stewed for another thirty-five minutes. Then the tomato paste is added. The heart with vegetables continues to stew for another ten minutes.

Microwave Recipes

What can be cooked from a beef heart (recipes with a photo in the microwave are in this article) yet? For example, one of them will require:

  • 400 g of heart;
  • 150 g of onion;
  • 25 g butter;
  • 1 st. l. 3% vinegar;
  • various spices are added to taste.

The heart is washed, cleared of films and vessels. Then it is lowered into a pot of cold water and boiled for an hour over normal heat. The broth is then drained and no longer used. The boiled heart is washed in cold water and cut into pieces. Sprinkle with salt and put in a special bowl in the microwave for fifteen minutes.

Peeled and chopped onion. He and the rest of the ingredients are added to the container with the heart. Everything goes into the microwave. The maximum power is turned on. The dish takes about fifteen minutes to cook. Further, the power is reduced by a third, and the second is extinguished for another three minutes.

Variety of dishes

What can be cooked from a beef heart? Many dishes are prepared from it. The heart is baked in the oven, pates and salads are made from it, scrambled eggs are fried with it. The boiled product can simply be served sliced ​​​​on the table. With a heart, very tasty pies and pancakes are obtained. Anything is used as a side dish: spaghetti, green salads, potatoes, buckwheat, rice and much more.

Boiled beef heart: cooking secrets with a detailed step-by-step description. How to cook beef heart: recipe with photo.

Cooking time- 2-3 hours (and also 3 hours for soaking).

Calories per 100 g- 100 kcal.

Beef heart is not the most frequent guest on our tables, although you can cook a lot of delicious dishes from it. This product belongs to the offal of the first category, but in some properties it even outstrips meat. For example, it has much more iron, almost the same amount of protein, but little fat. It is low in calories and well absorbed by the body.

When buying, try to give preference to a chilled rather than a frozen product. First, an unfrozen heart contains many more nutrients. And secondly, frozen products most often end up on our shelves from abroad, while chilled products are usually delivered from local farms. It is clear that the second option will be much more preferable and safer. The freshness of this product can be determined by its appearance. It should be bright red in color, without spots and white bloom. It is desirable that there are traces of blood in the heart chambers. It should also look firm and not too hydrated. The product should smell like fresh meat. The approximate weight of one heart is about 1.5 kg. It is advisable to acquire the heart of young animals. It is softer and cooks faster.

How to boil beef heart

Most often used in recipes. It is used as a filling for various pastries, salads, snacks, pates are prepared with it. The meatballs and are very tasty. It is also used for cooking first courses, for example, borscht, kharcho soup, pickle.

To prepare it, take the following products:

  • Beef heart.
  • Bulb.
  • Head of garlic.
  • A few peas of allspice.
  • 2 bay leaves.
  • Salt.

Before, it must be properly prepared. To do this, it should be cut in half, rinsed with running water. Cut off all vessels and excess fat, remove blood clots. Then pour cold water and leave for 3 hours. This procedure is necessary in order to remove excess blood. The heart will then be ready for further preparation.

The water in which the heart was soaked should be poured out and filled with new cold water. Put the pot on the stove. Bring to a boil. Take out the heart, drain the water again. Rinse the pan and the heart, return the offal to it, fill it with water again and now cook over low heat until tender. How long to cook beef heart? There is no exact answer to this question (we eat and lose weight info). Most often, 1.5-2 hours is enough. But sometimes it may take 3 hours if you got the heart of an old animal. The finished product should be soft, so be sure to taste it before removing it from the heat.

An hour before the end of cooking, salt the broth, put in it a whole peeled onion head and a few cloves of garlic. 15-20 minutes before removing from heat, add lavrushka and peas.

Put the finished heart on a plate and cool. Do not pour out the broth, you can cook the first course from it, for example,

Boiled beef heart can be used both as a cold appetizer, and for making sandwiches, and as a semi-finished product for preparing various hot and cold dishes.

Boiled beef heart very good in salads, for example, if you replace beef with a heart.

cook beef heart very easy but long. But all the ingredients are simple and affordable.

For boiled beef heart you will need:

  • Salt.
  • Bay leaf. 2-3 pieces depending on the size.
  • Black peppercorns. 10-15 peas.
  • Water. 3-4 liters, depending on the size of the heart.

We cook beef heart.

Pour water into a large saucepan, it is desirable that it be tall and narrow.

When cooking any meat or poultry, there can be 2 main goals that come into conflict with each other.

The first is to get a delicious broth. Then we put a piece of meat or poultry in cold water and bring everything together to a boil. Meat juice with gradual heating will move from meat to broth, so the broth itself will turn out tastier and richer.

The second is to get tasty meat or poultry. To achieve this goal, on the contrary, it is necessary to keep all the juices as much as possible in a piece of meat or poultry, so that they are more juicy and tasty. To do this, put a piece of meat or poultry in boiling water. The outer layer of the product will immediately "seize" and thus seal all the juices inside the piece.

In this case, we just need the heart to be the most delicious. Moreover, it takes a long time to cook, so the more meat juice can be kept in the heart, the better.

So, over high heat, bring the water to a boil and then put the heart into the pan. You can also immediately add black peppercorns.

Bring the water back to a boil in a saucepan, then remove the foam that appears.

We reduce the heat to the very minimum, if only a slight boil is maintained, close the pan with a lid and cook the heart for about two and a half hours.

About half an hour before turning off the fire, add salt to taste and a couple of bay leaves to the pan.

Then turn off the fire and leave the heart to cool without removing it from the broth. In this case, the heart will remain juicy.

When everything has cooled down, we take out the heart from the broth and we can use it for those dishes that we wanted to cook.
