
How to fry cauliflower in a frying pan. Differences in cooking from a fresh head of cabbage

Good afternoon. Today's article is devoted to a delicious autumn vegetable - cauliflower. This product is simple - take it and fry it! And no matter which of the five recipes described below you choose, it will turn out tasty and healthy.

This vegetable, in addition to the usual vitamin C, contains a large amount of rare resources necessary for a person: choline, vitamin B and fiber. This means that dishes from it are not just tasty: prevention of cancer, diabetes, improvement of brain function and muscle tone. And these are just some of its amazing properties!

When choosing cabbage to buy, pay attention to the uniformity of the color of the leaves and the surface of the inflorescence: a good and fresh vegetable will never have dark spots or dry leaves.

Tip: fresh or defrosted cabbage for salad can be boiled for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, then immediately placed in cold water: this way it will become a little softer, give more taste, but not boil soft and retain its unique structure. It is useful to carry out the same operation before frying, so that the dish turns out tender with a rich taste.

So let's get to the recipes! By the way, cauliflower casserole is so tasty that you will lick your fingers) How to cook

The easiest recipe in the collection: only 2 ingredients and nothing more. The preparation of this dish will take no more than 15 minutes, such cabbage can be served as a main dish or as a side dish.

  • Cauliflower - 400 gr.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

1. Put the frozen cauliflower slices into a preheated pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. At first, just hold it on low heat with the lid closed until it thaws.

2. Fresh inflorescence should be disassembled into small pieces and boiled in salted water for 5 minutes.

Then fry the cabbage in a pan over medium heat until golden brown. The finished cabbage should have a soft stem and break easily with a spatula.

4. When the cabbage is fried, add two eggs. You can mix it up, or you can leave the eggs whole, it will turn out delicious too).

5. Continue to fry, stirring constantly, 2 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Bon appetite.

Breadcrumbs fried cauliflower recipe step by step

Cabbage according to this recipe is soft inside and with a crispy crust. All bread lovers will love this dish. The "stuffing" stays hot longer, while the breading cools faster: this creates an inherent contrast of temperature, taste and texture that you are sure to love.

For cooking we need:

  • Cauliflower - 1 pc.
  • Sunflower oil

For batter:

  • Breadcrumbs
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

1. Separate the cabbage sprigs from the hard stem and cut into medium-sized pieces. Boil the inflorescences in salted water for 7 minutes.

2. Beat 2 eggs, salt and pepper them to taste.

3. Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil.

4. Dip each slice of cauliflower in the egg, roll in breadcrumbs and place in the pan.

5. Fry the cabbage for 5 minutes on one side over low heat with the lid closed, then turn each piece over and repeat the procedure.

6. Remove the lid, add vegetable oil and create a crispy crust: fry the pieces from different sides over medium-high heat until crispy.

7. Ready cabbage should be soft and easy to break. Lay the cabbage out of the pan onto a plate.

Quickly and tasty fry cauliflower in batter

The soft batter of egg whites with flour and fresh herbs, which we will prepare in this recipe, is fried to an appetizing golden color, gives aroma and complements the taste of cabbage, emphasizing its delicate structure.

For cooking we need:

  • Cauliflower - 1 pc.
  • Egg white - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Black ground pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • Greenery

1. Cut off the hard leg and clean the cabbage. You can cut off all the dark spots that are often found on the surface of this vegetable.

2. Divide the head into separate inflorescences and boil for 10-15 minutes in boiling water. In the water, first add 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar.

3. Cooking batter:

  • We interrupt the protein with a whisk or fork, without whipping into foam.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of salt, pepper and fresh chopped herbs.
  • We mix in the batter 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, if necessary, you can add a little more flour to bring the dough to a viscous consistency.

4. Put the boiled cabbage on paper towels and let it cool and dry.

5. In a pan, heat a mixture of butter and vegetable oil. If you fry the slices only in butter, it will burn.

6. Dip the pieces of cabbage in the batter, dip them well and send them to the pan. Fry over medium heat until golden brown.

7. Before serving, put the finished cabbage on a paper towel to remove unnecessary fat.

The most delicate cauliflower in batter is ready.

Recipe for Roasted Cauliflower with Garlic

Another great way to quickly and tasty cook cauliflower is to bake it in the oven with cheese. You will not need to stand at the stove turning the slices, just put everything in a mold, send it to the oven and wait for the dish to be cooked.

In addition to the ease of preparation and excellent taste, an important advantage of this recipe is its nutritional qualities. After all, cauliflower is rich in vegetable protein, which can serve as a good substitute for animal protein. Due to this quality, some nutritionists call this vegetable vegetable curd.

For cooking we need:

  • Cauliflower - 500 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 50 gr.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Italian herbs - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1-2 teaspoons
  • Black ground pepper to taste

1. As usual, we disassemble the cabbage into separate inflorescences, wash them and let the water drain.

2. Three cheese on a fine grater and coarsely chop the garlic cloves.

3. Pour vegetable oil into cabbage, add grated cheese, garlic, salt, pepper and mix everything thoroughly.

3. Put the inflorescences in a greased baking dish and bake for 45 minutes at 200 degrees. It is advisable to stir every 15 minutes.

4. 15 minutes before the end of baking, add a little more grated cheese on top of the cabbage.

The cabbage is baked and ready to serve.

Cauliflower with tomatoes in the oven - video recipe

Another oven recipe. This time we will add tomatoes to the cabbage. It will be very tasty.

Watch the step by step video recipe:

Fried cauliflower with egg and tomatoes

Cauliflower florets stewed in fresh tomato, onion and garlic sauce. All ingredients of plant origin, a minimum of oil and almost no frying - an exceptionally healthy dish that you can eat deliciously and satisfyingly.

For cooking we need:

  • Cauliflower - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

1. Put the cabbage inflorescences in salted boiling water and cook for about 7 minutes.

2. Finely chop the onion and garlic, fry them in vegetable oil until transparent.

3. We also add tomatoes cut into small cubes, salt and keep on fire for 5-7 minutes under a closed lid.

4. Put boiled cabbage in a pan with vegetables and simmer all vegetables together for 5 minutes.

5. Stir the dish before serving, add salt and pepper to taste.

Enjoy the wonderful cabbage. Bon appetit!

Cauliflower is very popular in cooking. It is a widely used vegetable that is baked in the oven, fried, pickled and stewed. We will tell you how to deliciously fry cauliflower in a pan in the article. You can take a pen with a notepad and write down recipes for yourself.

Product value

Cauliflower is a low-calorie and nutritious product. For this reason, it is often recommended for various diets. It contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Unlike white cabbage, its composition is much richer. With proper processing, all useful properties are preserved in it. To get the most out of this vegetable, you need to know about some of the secrets of its preparation. For example, in boiled form, it is absolutely tasteless. But with a different heat treatment and in combination with various ingredients, its taste is transformed. Before you get acquainted with recipes on how to deliciously fry cauliflower in a pan, you should learn some basic rules for its preparation.

General rules

For frying, both fresh and frozen cauliflower are used. Before cooking, it is not thawed, but immediately dipped in boiling water and boiled for two minutes, and fresh - 5 minutes.

In order for a vegetable to be healthy, you need to pay attention to its quality. Cabbage sold in the market always has lateral leaves left. They must be green and fresh. Dark spots on the head are the initial stage of rot, which quickly makes the cabbage unusable.

For many recipes, cauliflower is boiled. You can fry it without pre-cooking, but it will take more time.

If batter is supposed to be used, then the legs on the inflorescences are not cut off. In this form, it is more convenient to cook and eat them, and this form of inflorescences looks more aesthetically pleasing.

During the frying process, you need to adjust the temperature. In the first few minutes, the fire should be strong so that the pieces acquire a beautiful golden crust, then they reduce it and bring the dish to readiness. This preparation takes 15 minutes.

External features of the product

In cooking, cauliflower is loved not only because of its taste and useful properties. Dishes from it are beautiful and original, and this, in turn, is a great help in decorating the table.

The part of the plant used for food is a peduncle and consists of several inflorescences collected in one head. Each of them is a wavy cap with several thick stems turning into one leg. In appearance, individual inflorescences resemble mushrooms.

However, such a unique structure of the plant allows various insects to lie in secluded places between the inflorescences. Therefore, before preparing delicious dishes, the cabbage head is pre-treated. Below is a detailed description of such actions using a batter.

Easy way to cook

How delicious to fry cauliflower in a pan? The step by step recipe is below:

  1. Rinse vegetables thoroughly under running water.
  2. Place the cabbage head in a bowl of salted water for 15-20 minutes. Water absorbs the accumulated nitrates that the cabbage could absorb during its stay in the garden. It will also allow insects trapped inside to escape.
  3. Dip the cabbage, disassembled into inflorescences, into salted boiling water and cook for about 4 minutes. The overcooked product loses its culinary properties and becomes soft and tasteless. Since the vegetable is supposed to be roasted, it is better to cut too large inflorescences in half.
  4. Using a slotted spoon, pull out the boiled cabbage pieces and, without letting them soften, immediately lower them into cold water for a minute. Then spread on a sieve and wait until they dry.
  5. Sift flour and mix with the rest of the dry ingredients. Other spices can be added at your discretion.
  6. Beat the eggs well with a whisk and gradually add the flour. At the same time, continue to beat the mixture to avoid lumps.
  7. Pour milk into a well-mixed mass so that its consistency becomes similar to sour cream.
  8. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat well.
  9. Dip each piece in batter on all sides. Cabbage is fried in the same way as pancakes or cutlets. If you pour it out in a slide, then there will no longer be the proper result, and it will not fry properly. Sometimes it becomes necessary to fry pieces on three sides, it all depends on their shape.

Before you think about how delicious to fry cauliflower in a pan, you should prepare the following products: 1 kg of cabbage, 4 eggs, 200 ml of milk, 200 g of flour, sunflower oil and the necessary spices. But if you add sour cream instead of milk, then the batter will acquire some piquancy and become more airy and tender.

cabbage with eggs

How delicious to fry cauliflower with eggs in a pan? So that preparing breakfast does not take much time, you can pre-boil the inflorescences until half cooked and store them in the refrigerator.

Required products:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • margarine - 25 g;
  • cabbage - 200 g;
  • herbs, salt, herbs and pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Each individual inflorescence is cut into 4 parts. As soon as the butter has melted, they are laid out in a pan.
  2. Beaten eggs are mixed with other ingredients and evenly poured over pieces of cabbage.
  3. The pan is immediately covered with a lid and fried at a moderate temperature until tender.
  4. The omelette is best served hot. It can be seasoned with sour cream sauce. The dish will look more appetizing if it is beautifully decorated with slices of tomatoes and parsley.

Best Recipes

What could be better than a combination of vegetables and meat?! And cooking cauliflower with this hearty meal is no exception. Moreover, even poultry meat can come up. Such dishes act as main dishes and are very nutritious. Two such recipes are described below.

How delicious to fry cauliflower in a pan? Best Recipes:

  • Cabbage with chicken. Boiled chicken breast and prepared cabbage inflorescences are taken in equal proportions and cut into cubes. It is good to cook such a dish in a deep frying pan. The ingredients are laid out in hot oil and fried over high heat, sprinkled with cheese at the end. The finished dish is combined with various sauces or supplemented with spices, such as curry, paprika and ground pepper.
  • Minced cabbage. The cabbage pieces are fried a little, then the minced meat is put in and the dish is cooked over moderate heat. 3 minutes before removing from the stove, pour in the ketchup. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

Variant with mushrooms

If there are mushrooms in the house, then you can think about how tasty it is to fry cauliflower in a pan. The recipe for this dish is quite simple, but the taste is excellent. As in the case of meat, cabbage with mushrooms can be served without additional dishes.

To prepare it, you need to take the following products: vegetable oil, 400 g of mushrooms, 800 g of cabbage inflorescences, 2 small onions, 1 large carrot, 50 ml of mayonnaise (sour cream) and ground black pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. Mushrooms are placed in a pan and kept on high heat until all the liquid comes out of them.
  2. Add oil and immediately add carrots with onions and boiled cabbage.
  3. When the dish comes to readiness, pour in sour cream and steam for another 3 minutes, then salt and sprinkle with seasonings.

In sour cream sauce

To prepare a dish in combination with sour cream, cabbage can not be boiled, but simply poured over with boiling water. It's getting ready quickly. Chopped cabbage pieces are fried in a large amount of oil at high temperature. They should taste and look like deep-fried potatoes.

The finished dish is seasoned with sour cream sauce, which is described below.

Other recipes

Based on what products are at hand, you can think about how delicious to fry cauliflower in a pan. The recipe may be as follows:

  1. Twist in a meat grinder 0.5 kg of cabbage inflorescences, 1 medium carrot and 1 onion.
  2. Using a blender or food processor, grind some cheese and pour into the finished mass.
  3. Beat in 2 eggs and stir in 60 g of flour, add seasonings.
  4. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly, form pancakes out of it and fry in vegetable oil.

If we continue to talk about how delicious to fry cauliflower in a pan, the recipe with the addition of potatoes is a classic and convenient option. In this case, the root crops should be fried until half cooked, and then vegetables should be added.

It can be of great help in the winter. How delicious to fry cauliflower in a pan? If it is breaded with breadcrumbs and fried, it will be an amazing dish with a crispy crust. Some housewives, when preparing minced meat, add frozen inflorescences to it and fry cutlets. If there are other frozen vegetables, then you can fry them together and serve as an additional dish. All kinds of dressings and ketchups will give them a peculiar taste.


We figured out how to deliciously fry cauliflower in a pan. Now let's talk about the proper preparation of sauces for this dish. The piquant and specific flavor of such culinary creations can complement the usually fried cabbage.

Sour cream dressing. For 200 ml of sour cream, take 2 cloves of garlic, chopped herbs, a mixture of peppers and salt. Everything is thoroughly mixed and used to season ready-made dishes.

Cheese sauce. Mix 100 ml of sour cream, 60 ml of mayonnaise and 20 ml of apple cider vinegar. The mixture is beaten and 200 g of crushed processed cheese are added.

Sauce with mustard. For 200 ml of olive oil, take 100 ml of mustard and 50 ml of wine vinegar. Salt, pepper a little and the sauce is ready. Serve at the table as an additional option.


As you can see, there is a wide variety of proven and extraordinary recipes. Many culinary sources abound. Moreover, each housewife can connect her imagination and figure out how to fry cauliflower in a frying pan deliciously. The photos presented in the article will help to decorate such nutritious and tasty dishes beautifully.

In recent years, new and interesting recipes with fat-burning ingredients have increasingly appeared among dietary dishes. The leaders among them are cauliflower and. Who would have thought that “vegetables folded into buds” can be eaten?

It turns out that this beautiful vegetable can be combined with plant products, meat, and cheese. The tender yet crispy pieces are great when baked even without any other ingredients. Salads made from fresh vegetables with boiled or fried colored "beauty" are very popular.

Almost all athletes must include this juicy and tasty plant in their diet. Even the most strict diet allows the use of white or green "umbrellas", because they contain an incredible amount of elements beneficial to the body. It is not for nothing that baby food necessarily contains a whole line for complementary foods for babies.

And if you make an air coat of batter for this miracle of nature, then you won’t find a more amazing appetizer! Puree soup with crackers or pieces of chicken will be eaten with a bang by capricious people who usually pick at the plate and push it away.

Both fresh and frozen vegetables are suitable. The main thing is to let the frozen thaw in natural conditions.

The creamy texture of delicate vegetable puree soups conquers from the first time. The bright creamy taste hides the aftertaste and smell of cauliflower so well that guests will be surprised to guess what it is made of.

For lovers of spicy flavors, you can add oriental spices.

And if you flavor the thick soup with ground turmeric, then the shade will turn out very similar to pumpkin.

We will need:

  • Cauliflower - 650 gr.
  • Boiled water - 1.5-2 liters.
  • 20% cream - 200 ml.
  • Potato - 250 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic clove - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ground black pepper, chili, salt - to taste.


1. Be sure to put fresh cabbage for at least 5 minutes in lightly salted water so that all the insects and bugs that like to hide inside are washed.

Then divide it into medium-sized umbrellas and rinse again under running water to wash out the remaining debris. It is best to do this in a mesh colander, so that later it can be left to flow around in it.

2. Although the soup will be mainly cabbage, it is still better to add a little potato so that it has a thicker, pleasant texture and sets off the main vegetable a little in terms of taste.

Since both ingredients should cook the same time in the future, the peeled tubers should be cut into cubes of 2.5 cm maximum.

3. Chop a large onion with a knife into medium cubes.

Heat the oil in a saucepan and sauté the slices in it for about three minutes, so that the pieces become transparent and semi-soft. Bringing them to a state until they are reddened is not worth it so that we get a nice milky puree without dark blotches.

It is better to take not just butter, but ghee, so that it gives a richer taste and tenderness to the dish.

4. Pour the disassembled vegetable umbrellas and potato cubes to fragrant onion roast.

Now we need to quickly cook them until cooked. To do this, they should be poured immediately with hot water to speed up the cooking process, and also so that the cabbage does not boil soft until the chopped tubers reach the desired state.

Water should cover the vegetable mass on your finger. Season with salt to your taste and season with ground pepper.

5. After about a third of an hour, the vegetables will be ready. Using a drainer or lid, pour the broth into another saucepan. Of this amount, we will only need 1 glass of vegetable broth - the rest can be cooled and put in the refrigerator for some other dish.

Ready ingredients need to be crushed to a puree state. You can use either a hand blender or a food processor for this purpose.

Before pureeing, it is worth pouring in a little broth, as well as giving a spicy aroma by crushing a garlic clove with a press directly into the total mass. Beat until the mass becomes homogeneous and resembles a thick cream.

6. The next step, with constant stirring, add a thin stream of cream and let the resulting soup warm up a little over low heat.

In no case do not boil, so that the taste does not deteriorate and the creamy note of the dish is not lost.

7. Serve in serving bowls or large soup mugs.

An ideal addition would be diced meat, fresh garlic croutons, finely chopped greens, or grated cheese.

A piece of boiled cabbage will also look very original, and will add additional appeal to the dish.

A simple recipe for cauliflower baked with cheese in the oven

My household simply adore cauliflower with cheese as a side dish or an independent dish. After baking, it acquires a creamy aroma and even without meat it is swept off the table in no time.

There is nothing special about the ingredients. But there should be more cheese, so that when hot, it directly reaches for the fork, and on top there is a ruddy crispy crust from it.

This dish can be prepared not only from fresh, but also from frozen vegetables. In the latter case, take it out of the freezer about half an hour before cooking.

We will need:

  • Cauliflower - 1 pc.
  • Hard-melting cheese - 200 gr.
  • Butter - 10 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, water - to taste.


1. Clean the forks from the leaves and disassemble into small umbrellas. Rinse thoroughly, and let reach half-done in boiling salted water for about 10 minutes. Then drain directly into a colander to get rid of the broth.

2. With a piece of butter, rub the walls and bottom of the baking dish well. You should get a fairly thick layer. It will also serve as a "non-stick coating" and allow the vegetables to absorb the delicate buttery flavor.

Mix the vegetable "umbrellas" themselves with mayonnaise either in a separate cup or directly in the form. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater on top so that the chips penetrate between the inflorescences, and on top look like a uniform air cap on each piece.

3. Send to an oven preheated to 180 degrees and simmer there for 20 minutes. A ruddy crust should definitely appear on top.

4. You can serve it on the table right in the form - it looks very nice! A great addition would be fresh porous bread, so that it is convenient to soak the sauce.

The advantage of this dish is that it is equally tasty and hot. and fresh.

Cauliflower fried in a pan in the best batter

Not only meat or fish is an excellent battered appetizer, but also the main character of our recipe. But no matter how much I tried to cook it in the most standard way before, for some reason it still fell off and did not please with its airiness in the porous compounds of inflorescences.

How do restaurants make it so that almost donuts are obtained, which you want more and more?

It turns out that the whole secret is to use eggs and be sure to use cold sparkling water.

This batter is not only incredibly tasty, but also ideal for a crispy shell for almost any product around which you want to make an appetizing crust of dough.

We will need:

  • Cauliflower - 400 gr.
  • Water - 4 liters.
  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Flour - 100 gr.+ for sprinkling.
  • Carbonated water - 50 ml.
  • Dry white wine - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l. + to taste
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l. + for deep fat
  • Lemon juice - 1/3 tsp
  • Basil, ground black pepper, paprika, favorite spices - to taste.


1. Pour 2 liters of cool water into a deep bowl or pan. Dissolve salt in it and lower the cabbage for 5 minutes.

This will remove any garden bug-like inhabitants that have climbed into the juicy pulp. The second pan can be placed in parallel with the second half of the water and heated over low heat.

2. In the meantime, there are a few free minutes, it is better not to waste them, but to start preparing our magic batter.

Separate the proteins from the yolks in any convenient way and send the transparent consistency to cool in the common chamber of the refrigerator.

The yolks will be needed immediately. Combine them with cold sparkling water and wine, add oil, season with spices and a pinch of salt. Beat the resulting mixture until foam appears with a whisk or blender.

3. Be sure to sift the flour so that the dough is as airy as possible, and introduce it in portions into the yolk mass. Get a thick consistency interspersed with spices.

4. Send it to cool for a quarter of an hour in the refrigerator. then beat again.

5. Now you can do the cabbage. Remove it from the water, divide into small pieces and rinse under running water in a metal mesh colander.

6. In the second saucepan, water should already boil by this time.

To remove the cabbage flavor, pour milk into boiling water and lightly salt. Throw the lavrushka there and lower the colander with the contents into the whitish liquid for 3-4 minutes.

7. Take out the semi-finished pieces and douse them with ice water so that the cabbage reaches the desired condition. Then let the water drain and dry.

8. Now let's do a trick that will not allow the batter to fall off. To make it easier to remove the remnants of our creative manipulations from the table later, wrap a large cutting board with a piece of cling film, or a large transparent plastic bag.

Spread the inflorescences on top in a uniform single layer and sprinkle them with flour, which is sifted from above with a sieve.

The flour will create a protective film that will hold the batter in place while frying.

9. Now it's the turn of the squirrels that have cooled down enough.

Combine them with a pinch of salt and lemon juice. Beat in airy elastic white foam with steep peaks. Gently fold in portions into the yolk flour dough and beat with a whisk.

It is this moment that gives a special zest to obtaining the most magnificent crispy batter!

10. Put the pan with deep-frying oil on the fire and start dipping the inflorescences into the dough.

It is better to do this in batches, so that it is convenient to roll them in the egg-flour mixture, and send them individually to boiling oil.

11. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, lower a small number of prepared pieces in turn with a fork and fry them for a couple of minutes on each side.

12. You will get magnificent dumplings with cabbage inside, which you first hold on a paper towel for a couple of minutes so that excess oil is absorbed into it.

And only then just have time to serve yummy to impatient eaters.

Can be served with ketchup, plum sauce, mayonnaise or any other sauce-like addition. Even if there is none of this, it will still be insanely delicious!

Oven baked cauliflower with cheese and egg

Since the family really loves my experiments in the oven, they also liked the next cauliflower creation. I wanted to cook something very quickly, but satisfying, and to look like a casserole.

And what can tie all the vegetables together besides the dough? Of course the egg!

We will need:

  • Cauliflower - 0.5 kg.
  • Semi-hard cheese - 0.1 kg.
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic clove - 2 pcs.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Dill greens - 0.5 bunch.
  • Ground black pepper, salt - to taste.
  • Butter - 10 gr.


1. As always, first the cabbage should be treated in salty cold water from insects, and then divided into inflorescences and boiled for about 5 minutes.

You can also use frozen vegetables if you like. But before cooking, it should be held on the kitchen table for 30 minutes.

Drain the broth and let the water drain from the whitened pieces. Allow to cool on the table while we do other preparations.

2. Spread portioned heat-resistant baking dishes inside with a piece of butter. In equal quantities, spread the umbrellas of the vegetable into molds.

There must be at least a finger space on top so that the other components of the casserole do not boil over in the oven.

3. Finely chop fresh dill with a knife.

Grind the garlic cloves through a press. Combine them in a bowl and pour sour cream with an egg. Season lightly with salt and pepper so it doesn't get too bland.

4. Mix well to get a smooth sauce with green splashes.

5. Distribute the egg mixture evenly over all molds so that it is enough for all our inflorescences.

Grate cheese on top of each. Of course, you can first grind it to the state of chips, and then sprinkle it - it will turn out even neater and more evenly.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and send our mini-casseroles to languish inside for a quarter of an hour.

It is not worth covering them, so that as a result we have a gorgeous golden crust in each dish.

7. Serve the casserole slightly cooled so that the eaters do not burn themselves.

If you didn’t find small portioned forms on the farm, then you can cook in one common one. And after cooking, cut it the way we usually cut pizza. And serve each separately on plates.

Delicious cabbage casserole with chicken in the oven

Well, what is a casserole without meat? Well, add tender boiled chicken! And for a good bunch, we use floury white sauce, like Bechamel.

This dish looks as impressive as possible if you sprinkle breadcrumbs on top of the cheese - they will make a crust of a chic golden hue.

We will need:

  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Milk - 1 glass.
  • Boiled chicken meat - 200 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr.
  • Butter - 100 gr. + for coating.
  • Breadcrumbs - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Cauliflower - 1 pc.
  • Ground pepper, salt - to taste.


1. Boil chicken meat in advance until tender. Cool it down and tear it into oblong pieces with your hands. If you do not want to mess around with your hands, then use a knife and cut into thin sticks.

2. Prepared and already divided into pieces, boil the cabbage for about 5 minutes in boiling water with a spoonful of salt.

Then drain the broth and cool sharply with ice water. This technique always helps to boil vegetables very quickly and reach them to the desired state of semi-readiness.

3. Grease a deep cast-iron frying pan or a baking dish well inside with oil.

Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top. Quite enough 1-1.5 tbsp. l. crispy crumbs. Lay the inflorescences in an even layer, and sprinkle with cold cuts on top of them.

4. Now it's time to prepare the white sauce, which will be the most important link in the casserole.

To do this, heat the oil to a liquid state and pour the sifted flour into it. Mix well. You will get something like a thick buttery dough.

5. But we are not going to bake a cake, but enjoy a casserole.

Therefore, pour milk into the resulting mass in a stream and, by vigorous stirring, cook a thick sauce. Season lightly with salt and pepper. If you do not want a spicy aftertaste, pepper can be omitted.

And someone likes to add a couple of pinches of nutmeg here to give a light nutty aftertaste.

6. Pour the resulting mixture onto the workpiece. Grate cheese on top with an even layer, and spread the remaining breadcrumbs on top of our beauty.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and send our masterpiece to bake for about half an hour.

Readiness can be determined by the appearance of a beautiful golden crust and simply amazing smell.

Diet Cauliflower Gratin with Broccoli

Gratin sounds great! In fact, it's just a casserole! But to make it more interesting, it is best to add broccoli to our today's heroine. Both varieties complement each other perfectly.

And the nutmeg added to the dish will give a touch of aristocratic sophistication and piquancy.

We will need:

  • 20% cream - 1 cup.
  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Cauliflower, broccoli - 300 gr.
  • Hard-melting cheese - 200 gr.
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Ground nutmeg - 1/3 tsp,
  • Butter - for greasing the form.
  • Ground black pepper, salt, breading - to taste.


1. First, rinse both varieties of cabbage from bugs, and then cut into approximately the same parts. Boil water in a saucepan with 1 tbsp. l. salt and throw two-color vegetable "umbrellas" into it for 10 minutes to cook.

Then rinse them with cold water and allow excess liquid to drain.

2. Grate the cheese and set the plate aside for now. Start preparing the filling.

To do this, beat the eggs into the bowl and add the cream to them. Salt, season with pepper and nutmeg and make the final touch - pour 1/3 of the cheese chips. Mix well to make a nice semi-thick sauce.

3. Prepare the form in which we will bake the gratin.

Brush it with oil and lightly sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Fill the container halfway with boiled cabbage. Pour the cheese egg mixture over so that all the pieces are covered.

If necessary, help with a spoon - distribute over previously unfilled "flowers".

4. Spread the remaining grated cheese on top so that it lays in an even layer.

Send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour. The dish is completely ready when the pieces are well pierced with a fork, and the crust on top is browned.

5. When serving, it is best to sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped herbs or fresh parsley leaves. Garlic croutons or sprigs of herbs will look original.

The thick sauce will turn into a delicate, delicious consistency that is soaked in vegetable juice.

How to cook cauliflower cutlets

Previously, cauliflower was not in such abundance on store shelves. And all dishes from it were considered a real delicacy.

And when I had a chance to try cutlets from it for the first time, I could not even understand what such yummy was made of.

Today, in every supermarket, this vegetable can be purchased for almost a whole year, and there are very, very many recipes for all sorts of cutlets. One of them, very tasty, I bring to your attention today.

We will need:

  • Cabbage - 1 kg.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 100 gr.
  • Dill - 3 - 4 sprigs.
  • Breadcrumbs how many cutlets will take.
  • Salt, ground black pepper to taste.
  • Oil for frying.


1. Disassemble the cabbage into medium-sized "umbrellas". Pour briefly salted water to clean it from insects.

2. In the meantime, boil water in a separate saucepan. It can also be salted immediately. After boiling, throw pieces into it, and again wait until it boils.

From this moment, detect 2 - 3 minutes, after which the water is drained through a colander. Refrigerate the pieces.

3. With your hands, crumble into pieces to the size of a barley grain. Or you can do it gently with a fork. Large pieces will be felt during the meal, and we also do not need porridge. Therefore, the given size will be ideal in this case.

4. Beat the eggs into the bowl with the chopped vegetable, add the chopped dill, salt and pepper. If you want, you can add a couple of pinches of herbs, or your favorite spices. Mix.

Then add the sifted flour. It is imperative to do this in order to saturate it with airiness.

5. Mix again and leave on the table so that the flour becomes sticky. She and eggs in this case will be components. which will not allow our cutlets to fall apart when frying.

If you want, then you can add a little fresh garlic to the minced meat, and replace the dill with parsley.

6. Form small blanks and roll each in breadcrumbs.

7. In the meantime, heat a frying pan well and then heat the oil on it. It is not necessary to pour a lot of it, otherwise our products will be very greasy.

8. Place the blanks in hot oil and fry on both sides until a beautiful golden brown appears. This will take approximately 3 minutes for each side.

9. Then put the finished products on several layers of paper towels to eliminate excess oil.

Serve hot, preferably with fresh vegetables.

Eat, enjoying the delicate taste and lightness of the cutlets with pleasure!

Video on how to quickly and easily fry cabbage with mushrooms in a pan

This incredibly easy-to-prepare dish can be fried in a pan in just 25 minutes. There is no need to pre-boil the components.

First, mushrooms are fried separately, then cabbage. At the same time on a minimum amount of oil. And then everything is simply combined in a pan in one dish.

The advantage of this method is that it will be quite quick to cook dinner using it. And mushrooms and vegetables are slightly crispy, which many people love very much.

Well, how do you like this option, or not?!

In general, today we tried to collect different recipes in this article. In my opinion, they are the most delicious of all that I know. Or maybe you have your favorite way to cook this vegetable. Please share them in the comments. It's great when people know how to cook delicious food!

By the way, if your household claims that they don’t like cauliflower, it’s time to check it out. Try to prepare and organize a spectacular serving of the dish. Who knows, maybe they just have a prejudice from kindergarten. And having cooked deliciously and beautifully organized the serving, they will taste your creation and will not remain indifferent, and even more so dissatisfied.

And your efforts will not be in vain! And that's what we're preparing for.

Bon appetit and delicious cauliflower for fun!

Step 1: Prepare the cabbage.

Separate the cauliflower into florets using a knife. Place the pieces in a colander and rinse thoroughly. Let excess water drain.
Meanwhile, boil clean water in a saucepan and place the cauliflower florets in it. Lightly salt and boil for 3-5 minutes. After a slotted spoon, catch the cabbage and transfer to a colander. Again, wait a bit for excess water to drain and proceed to the next cooking step.

Step 2: Roast the cauliflower.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and put the boiled cabbage inflorescences there. Add more salt, pepper and other spices to taste. Fry the cabbage until a delicious golden crust is formed, do not forget to turn over, stir, this is necessary in order to avoid burning. As soon as the cabbage becomes ruddy, then everything is ready and can be served.

Step 3: Serve the fried cauliflower.

Serve fried cabbage hot, fresh from the pan, or warm. Garnish the dish with fresh herbs, season with tomato sauce, sour cream or mayonnaise to your taste. Also use fried cauliflower as a side dish, for example, with boiled rice or buckwheat. Thus, you will get a very nutritious and healthy dish.
Bon appetit!

When cooking, add bay leaf or allspice to the cabbage.

A few cloves of garlic will also add flavor to the dish.

You can also sauté cabbage with tomatoes, onions, or broccoli.

Of all its relatives, cauliflower has the most delicate taste and contains the least coarse fibers, so it is great for baby food, for losing weight menus and for those people who suffer from digestive problems and cannot normally digest ordinary white cabbage and related species.

The advantage of this type of cabbage is that it can be successfully cooked in a variety of ways. It is consumed fresh, and you can also cook frozen cauliflower, while it practically does not lose its beneficial properties.

Rules and time for cooking cauliflower in a pan

The most important condition in the preparation of this type of cabbage is not to overcook or overcook this healthy vegetable. If you overcook the cabbage in boiling water, it will become watery and tasteless, and the overcooked product is dry and even slightly bitter. In order for the vegetable to be properly cooked, it needs to be kept on fire for only a few minutes.

The question of how many minutes to fry cauliflower can be answered this way: according to the rules, it is recommended to fry the inflorescences over high heat to get a golden crust for a quarter of an hour, and then keep the dish on low heat for another 10 minutes.

If the dish must be cooked quickly, such as cauliflower in batter, then it must first be boiled. It is not cooked until fully cooked - when pierced, the inflorescence should not be crispy, but not quite soft, otherwise the finished product will lose its taste and shape. Salt cabbage at the very end of frying so that it does not give up liquid and does not become dry and tasteless.

For cooking fried foods, it is better to use a frying pan with fairly high sides, since cabbage buds are quite voluminous, and cooking requires regular stirring of the product. On a flat frying pan, besides, it will not be possible to add a liquid component - eggs or sour cream with cream.

To prevent the cabbage from burning, it is worth using products with a special coating, and stirring with a flat wooden spatula.

Important! Cauliflower is boiled by dropping the inflorescences into salted boiling water, otherwise it may darken and lose its attractive light shade.

Calorie content and composition of the product

Like all cabbage vegetables, cauliflower is a low-calorie food, which makes it indispensable for dietary nutrition. It is well absorbed due to its balanced composition and the minimum amount of coarse dietary fiber. The product has a delicate mild taste and a unique ability to give excellent results with different cooking methods.

100 grams of the product contains only 30 kilocalories, and the composition is distributed as follows:

  • Fats - 0.3 grams.
  • Proteins - 2.5 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 5.4 grams.

The composition of the vegetable includes many useful and vital microelements and vitamins for the nutrition of people of different ages:

  • Calcium.
  • Manganese.
  • Magnesium.
  • Iron.
  • Potassium.
  • Zinc.
  • Fluorine.
  • Copper.
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, H and K.
  • Biotin.
  • Starch.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Such a rich composition with easy digestibility makes cauliflower suitable for children, including complementary foods for the smallest. Even people with not very healthy digestive systems digest this tasty and healthy vegetable perfectly. For those whose gastrointestinal tract is too sensitive, you can make mashed food, which includes a little cooked cauliflower.

Due to the low calorie content, the vegetable is actively used as part of a diet for those who want to lose weight, but in this case it is best to use it boiled or baked, since frying, especially with crackers, significantly adds calories to food.

Most Popular Dishes: Recipes

Among the features of cauliflower is the richness of its use. It can be simply boiled and served as a side dish, seasoned with sauces, sprinkled with cheese and baked in the oven, mixed with various types of meat and poultry, stewed in sour cream, cream, with other vegetables, fried with mushrooms, eggs and cheese, breaded in breadcrumbs and flour, fry in vegetable or butter.

Cauliflower makes not only excellent side dishes and full-fledged main courses, but also a variety of snacks. Delicious marinades and fermentations are made from it, both separately and as part of vegetable mixtures. It is great for creating soups - clear in broth or pureed, with the addition of cream. The latter are especially suitable for young children and people with sensitive digestive systems.

The vegetable is perfectly frozen and can be stored all winter, supplying the human body with a whole range of healing substances and vitamins. But such fried cabbage cooked in a pan is especially good.

Cauliflower in batter

Since the dish is cooked quickly, the head of cauliflower is first disassembled into separate segments, washed quickly and boiled until almost cooked in boiling salted water. They are caught with a slotted spoon and put on a sieve or in a colander so that excess liquid is well drained. If this is not done, the batter will not “stick” to the cabbage, and the dish itself will become watery and will not retain its shape.

We prepare batter in several ways to taste:

  1. Mix the beaten egg, mayonnaise, grated cheese and flour in a bowl. Don't forget to salt and pepper. The consistency of the batter should be thick enough, otherwise, when frying, it will simply slip off the cabbage.
  2. A little cream or good milk is added to a beaten egg, flour and spices to taste, you can use ready-made products, such as mushroom seasoning or curry powder.
  3. A simple batter is made from eggs and flour, salted and peppered. To make the finished dish especially tasty, it can be sprinkled with grated cheese, best of all spicy and fragrant. Fans of experiments can try to use blue varieties of cheese (with mold). They give a specific taste and sharpness.

You can also fry raw cabbage in batter, you just have to make small pieces, dip them in the chosen batter option, quickly fry over high heat in hot oil, then reduce the heat and bring the dish to readiness.

Important! Do not keep boiled or raw cabbage in water for too long - it will become watery and will not fry well, and it may also darken and become ugly.

Cabbage fried with egg

This is one of the most common and popular dishes from this vegetable. Probably every family has its own recipe for cauliflower with an egg in a pan.

To prepare the dish, you will need a fairly deep frying pan, a medium fork of cauliflower, 2 - 4 eggs, a little grated cheese, vegetable oil and seasonings to taste.

Green leaves and rough parts of the base are removed from the fork, divided into separate buds, washed and left to drain. Vegetable oil is heated in a deep non-stick or ceramic frying pan (some people prefer to use butter, but it “burns” quickly and requires constant supervision).

Eggs are beaten, salted, peppered and seasoned as desired. The drained cabbage is quickly fried in hot fat, poured with prepared eggs, sprinkled with grated cheese and brought to readiness. The product can be stirred, or tightly closed with a lid and stewed, or put in the oven to bake, if the type of pan allows.

cabbage with meat

This dish uses finely chopped meat, which is best boiled before frying, or minced meat, fried together with cabbage. This dish can be prepared in various ways:

  1. Prepared cabbage is fried in vegetable oil with onion and a clove of garlic, boiled chopped meat is added and fried all together. Lastly, they put a scalded tomato without a skin, finely chopped, or a little ketchup in the winter. The dish is brought to readiness, sprinkled with chopped herbs and served.
  2. Minced meat is added to lightly fried cabbage, fried and poured with sour cream sauce (cream, mayonnaise, bechamel sauce - there are many options).

Based on this recipe, you can make a very tasty casserole by laying lightly fried cabbage and meat in layers. You can fill it with beaten eggs with cheese and cream - the product will have a delicate gourmet taste.

Important! If you want to get a golden crust on the surface of the dish, sprinkle it with grated cheese and put it in a hot oven for 2-3 minutes until browned.

Cauliflower with chicken

This dish is prepared in much the same way as cauliflower with cheese and eggs. For it, you can use boiled or fried chicken, as well as prepare raw. It is pre-boiled or fried, put in a deep frying pan with hot oil, cabbage is added and cooked over high heat.

You can simply sprinkle the dish with cheese, or use a variety of sauces. Chicken and cauliflower go great with curries, so you can make a sauce with this spicy powder or paste. It will turn out quite spicy and fragrant dish.

To get a more pronounced taste, you can add other vegetables to the dish, for example, a little broccoli, sweet peppers and tomatoes. In this combination, the food will acquire a light Mediterranean character and become even more healthy. To emphasize the flavor, at the end of cooking, sprinkle it with finely chopped fresh garlic or a special dried garlic powder, but you should not abuse the seasoning so as not to make the dish too spicy.

Cauliflower with mushrooms

This tasty and healthy vegetable is in perfect harmony with any mushrooms. You can just fry fresh mushrooms with cauliflower in butter, salt and pepper - it will be very tasty. But for connoisseurs of more refined dishes, it is worth complicating it a little and getting an excellent balanced taste.

You can use both fresh and frozen cauliflower, as well as fresh or dried mushrooms to create the dish. The latter are soaked in water for several hours or overnight, the liquid is drained, and the mushrooms are boiled until tender. Cabbage is prepared as for other recipes, and fried with mushrooms until tender.

Mushroom seasoning, a piece of butter and a couple of tablespoons of thick heavy cream are added to the dish. For a particularly piquant taste, grated spicy cheese is suitable - it is mixed with cream or sprinkled on a ready-made dish.

Cabbage with vegetables

Cauliflower goes well with any vegetable. In summer and autumn, with an abundance of fresh vegetables, you can take a small head of cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, squash or zucchini, sweet white onions and a little garlic, greens to taste. In winter, ready-made frozen mixes can be used for the same purpose, which often include healthy green beans and green peas.

Cut into small pieces, fresh or frozen vegetables are laid out in a hot vegetable oil in a frying pan, quickly fried and brought to readiness under a lid over low heat.

Such vegetables in sour cream sauce are very tasty. The products prepared in the first way are simply poured with good sour cream and stewed for literally 5 minutes. The finished dish is sprinkled with finely chopped dill and parsley to add flavor.

Cauliflower in breadcrumbs

Another favorite and very popular dish is cauliflower fried in breadcrumbs. It combines a crispy crust and tender juicy "inside". Such cauliflower is eaten with pleasure even by those people who, in principle, do not like any cabbage. It always turns out very tasty, and it takes very little time to cook.

If there are no breadcrumbs in the house, and you have neither the strength, nor the time, nor the desire to make bread on your own, then cauliflower in flour will do, but still it is much tastier with breading. There is another way to replace breadcrumbs - breaded cabbage in ordinary semolina. It will turn out even tastier and more unusual than with breadcrumbs.

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • A fork of cauliflower.
  • Packaging of breadcrumbs (flour or semolina).
  • Vegetable oil - about 3 tablespoons.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 - 3 pieces.
  • Salt, pepper on a pinch, to the taste of the cook.

Wash the cabbage, cut off the hard parts and leaves, divide into small inflorescences, let the water drain. Beat eggs, salt and pepper. Dip the dried cabbage inflorescences in turn into an egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot vegetable oil.

Put the finished pieces on a wire rack or sieve so that they do not “sweat” and the crust does not stop being crispy. Such cauliflower can be used as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat, poultry. Pairs well with other vegetables such as tomatoes. Their piquant sourness harmonizes the somewhat bland taste of cabbage.

Important! If the layer of breading is not thick enough, dip a piece of cabbage again in the egg and roll it again in breadcrumbs.

Fried cauliflower is an easy dish to prepare, but requires following a few simple rules:

Wash and cut the cabbage just before cooking, otherwise it may darken.

By nature, not all cauliflower has snow-white inflorescences. There are white, cream, greenish and purple varieties of it, which are great for frying. In addition to regular cauliflower, there is an even rarer variant called Romanesco or Roman cauliflower. This is a very tasty vegetable with an unusual appearance. Romanesco can be fried, but it's best stewed, just like broccoli. It is not recommended to digest the product - it will lose its nutritional properties and soft creamy taste.

When cooking cauliflower in an egg, you should not save on them - if there are few eggs, the dish will be dry and not very tasty.

An excellent companion for cabbage is cheese, best of all spicy grated, but it is quite acceptable to use quite spicy and spicy varieties of cheese, mainly goat and sheep.

Cauliflower dishes perfectly perceive oriental and Asian spices. It is only important to keep the proportions so that the bright flavors of the seasonings do not "hammer" the delicate and rather delicate taste of the vegetable.

In order to get a successful dish, you need not be afraid to experiment. There are many different side dishes, main courses, appetizers and cauliflower soups, but it may be up to you to invent something new.
