
How to use parchment for baking? What is it for, which side to put? How to replace parchment paper when baking: useful tips.

Parchment paper is a thick, smooth-surfaced paper specially designed for use in baking and packaging.

Its advantages include:

  • high moisture and fat resistance;
  • withstands t° at 230° C for a long time.

The use of parchment paper during baking does not allow the dough to stick to the bottom and walls of the baking sheet, and also makes it possible to roll out super thin layers of shortbread and puff pastry, laying between two parchment sheets and transfer them directly to the baking sheet. How can you replace parchment paper when baking, tell the advice of experienced chefs.

One of the oldest and most affordable ways to replace parchment paper is the use of tracing paper - a thin transparent paper used in drawing, as well as for creating patterns when sewing clothes. You can buy it at your usual office supply store.

Advice! Since tracing paper is a rather thin material, it should be well greased before use, preferably on both sides.

You can use tracing paper instead of parchment sheets when baking products with a high fat content:

  • buns, yeast dough pies
  • shortcrust pastry cookies
  • cheesecakes, the base of which consists of buttered crumbs and tiramisu

Attention! Tracing paper, despite its popularity, cannot act as a full-fledged replacement for parchment paper in the baking process, as it has some disadvantages:

  • sticks to the bottom and sides of baked products;
  • due to prolonged exposure to temperatures above 200 °, it is darker, cracking, burning out, crumbling.

Tip #2: Silicone Coated Parchment, Paper, and Silicone Mats

Silicone coated parchment is one of the modern types of substrates for baking. It has a number of advantages:

  1. Reusable up to 8 times.
  2. High heat resistance, withstanding temperatures up to 300°C.
  3. Prevents sticking of the test to forms and baking sheets.
  4. Protects the dough from overdrying, retaining the natural moisture in baking.
  5. Does not require grease.

Attention! In addition to baking, it is used:

  • for steam cooking dishes and individual products
  • for cooking vegetables, fish, meatballs
  • for roasting fish and meat
  • for frying seafood, poultry, eggs
  • to create desserts
  • for layering sheet dough and other products before freezing
  • for use instead of dishes when heating dishes and baking in the microwave

silicone paper has a thicker coating, and therefore designed for more applications.

It also has non-stick properties silicone mats, which cover the bottom of the baking sheets. Not only do they protect baked goods from sticking, but they also keep the baking sheets from getting dirty. With their help, you can:

  • freeze various products;
  • roll out the dough;
  • bake.

Attention! Many silicone mats have special markings that allow you to cut the dough into strips of the desired width. This can only be done if the mat is not hot.

Usually, foil used for baking vegetables, meat and fish, but if necessary, it can also be used as a substitute for parchment paper for baking. To do this, it should be lubricated with oil. Foil baked goods can sometimes burn as they increase the baking temperature.

One type of parchment is subparchment. This type of special paper used in the confectionery industry is designed for baking at low temperatures - 100 - 170 ° C. The parchment is able to retain fat, but does not retain moisture. Its advantages include high environmental safety.

Use of special silicone mold for baking allows you to bake without the use of parchment paper.

Their advantages:

  1. Does not require greasing.
  2. The dough does not stick to such forms.
  3. Ready-made pastries can be easily removed.
  4. They withstand temperatures up to 250°C.
  5. Environmentally friendly and easy to clean.

Features of using silicone molds:

  • they must be installed on a hard surface before filling the dough;
  • fill should be only 1/3 of the volume of the form;
  • take it out of the oven along with the tray.

Usage paper forms also allows you to do without parchment paper when baking:

  • cupcakes
  • muffins;
  • cupcakes;
  • Easter cakes.

Paper molds also serve as an additional decoration for baking and ensure high hygiene products.

Baking will not burn and will not stick to the bottom and walls of the form:

  1. If it is greased with butter and sprinkled with a thin layer of flour, semolina, breadcrumbs or bread crumbs.
  2. If you cover the bottom of the baking sheet with a baking sleeve.
  3. If you put fax paper on the bottom of the form.
  4. If you use the most ordinary A4 writing paper soaked in margarine, vegetable or butter, lard as a substrate. For this purpose, clean notebook sheets or clean printing paper are also used.
  5. If the bottom of the baking sheet is lined with paper wrappers from butter (not foil).
  6. If the bottom of the baking sheet is covered with a cut flour bag (usually a flour bag is made from light brown parchment paper).
  7. You can do without parchment paper if you use a greased baking dish with a Teflon coating for baking.

What can not be used to replace parchment paper

  1. Newspapers should not be used as a substitute for parchment paper, as they ignite easily and are also a source of toxic substances contained in printing ink.
  2. Scribbled paper.
  3. Unoiled writing paper.
  4. Polyethylene because it melts at high temperatures.

Improvised tools will always come to the rescue if the parchment paper for baking has run out in the kitchen, allowing you to please your loved ones with delicious homemade cakes.

Many housewives have long forgotten that pastries can stick to a mold or a baking sheet, and all thanks to modern devices - silicone and non-stick molds. But you can't always use them. Sometimes you need to bake cookies, casseroles or rolls on the usual. And then, in order to avoid burning and sticking of the dough to the metal sheet, use special paper or parchment for baking. From this article you will learn how to use it and what paper is better to buy.

How to use baking paper?

As you already understood, the main advantage of using baking paper is getting rid of the need to wash a dirty baking sheet. However, baking paper also has other, no less significant advantages. In particular, it is very convenient to cut pies on it without fear of scratching the dishes. Paper is very relevant in the preparation of cheesecakes, tiramisu and other similar products: it helps to maintain the integrity and beautiful appearance of such a dessert. And many housewives roll out the dough directly on paper so that there is no risk of tearing thin cakes when transferred to a baking sheet.

Baking paper is used not only in the oven, but also in the microwave. It is absolutely safe, because when heated it does not emit any toxic substances. Also, baking paper can be used in a slow cooker. Usually this technique is used to make it easier to remove biscuits and other pastries from the bowl.

And, of course, you can line a baking sheet with paper for baking a wide variety of products - sweet pastries and meat pies, cold confectionery and hot casseroles. But for baking products that release a lot of juice, it is not recommended to use paper: it will inevitably get wet.

Many, by the way, are interested in: is baking paper lubricated with oil? Experienced chefs answer this way: some types of paper just need to be lubricated with margarine, butter or vegetable oil, while others do not need it. It depends not only on the type of dough, but also on the type of paper.

Types of baking paper

Baking paper or, as it is also called, baking paper is different:

  1. The thinnest (and, as a rule, cheap) resembles drawing tracing paper. It is white and transparent. Such paper is easily soaked, and at high temperature it can crumble into pieces, which are very difficult to separate from the bottom of the confectionery. Tracing paper is suitable for shortbread and yeast dough, but for muffins and biscuits it is better not to use it (or grease it well).
  2. Parchment paper is distinguished by a brown tint - it is denser and smoother. It is more resistant to both high temperatures and moisture. For baking dough, which contains a lot of vegetable fats in its composition, it is not necessary to grease the parchment.
  3. Silicone, which has recently become very popular, has also found application in the manufacture of baking paper. The thinnest layer of silicone, which is coated on some types of paper, helps to easily separate the paper from the baked goods. In addition, such paper does not need lubrication, does not allow moisture to pass through and practically does not absorb fat. Silicone coated paper can even be reused.
  4. The professional baking paper that bakeries use today is coated with a thicker layer of silicone and is sold in single sheets rather than rolls.
  5. And, finally, on sale there is tracing paper and parchment, which are lined with figured forms. Paper molds for cupcakes are especially widespread.

When inspiration comes to cook something, but there are not enough ingredients or tools for this at home, you have to look for alternatives and improvise. Parchment paper is a thick and smooth material suitable for work with cooking in the oven. Sometimes you do not notice how it ended, because. Do not use the product every day. In this case, you can replace it with other options, especially for baking.

Parchment or baking paper

On the shelves of supermarkets in the confectionery department, you can see not only parchment, but also baking paper. Often, consumers purchase these products thinking that they are the same in their properties. But is it? How do these products differ and for what purposes is each suitable? Let's try to figure it out.

Parchment paper has a high density and a brownish tint.

Baking parchment

This type of baking paper is very popular among cooks. And this is not surprising, because. Parchment has many useful properties:

  • retains fat and moisture;
  • withstands high temperatures;
  • made from natural materials;
  • can be used as a packaging material;
  • does not crumble.

The peculiarity of parchment paper is also that it can not be lubricated with oil. Even the most sticky dough will easily move away from a sheet of parchment. Use does not require special knowledge. A piece of parchment of the desired size is cut from the roll and laid out on a baking dish. It is better to cut off the excess along the edges of the form so that it does not wrap itself inside. Parchment paper does not require special storage conditions, but it is desirable that moisture does not get on it.

The use of this paper is also widespread in the economy. Baking paper is a material that is made from fatty milled cellulose. It differs from parchment in that it can only withstand fat. Moisture and other liquids freely pass through it, without lingering on the surface. The maximum temperature that baking paper can withstand is usually 170°C. It is allowed not to be lubricated with oil if products from greasy shortcrust pastry will be baked on it. In all other cases, in order to avoid paper sticking to the finished product, it is better to oil it.

Baking paper should be oiled before use.

What can you substitute for parchment paper in baking?

Sometimes the inspiration to bake some kind of cake or cookie is taken by surprise when there is no pastry parchment at home or in the nearest store. In this case, you have to replace the parchment with what you have. Depending on the dish, this versatile culinary item can be successfully replaced with foil, sewing tracing paper, a silicone mat, plain writing paper, or flour (breadcrumbs, semolina) sprinkled on top of a baking dish. Each replacement option has its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

It is possible to use foil instead of parchment, but some nuances should be taken into account:

  • for baking confectionery, the product must be lubricated with oil;
  • when baking meat dishes, oil may not be needed;
  • products are laid out on the shiny side;
  • during cooking, a small part of the aluminum from the surface can get into the dish.

A significant advantage of this naaog is that, due to its properties, any desired shape can be made from it (for example, for a pie). To prevent the dish from burning during the cooking process, the form with the culinary product should be covered with a sheet of foil.

The shiny side of the foil should be in contact with the product.

Sewing tracing paper

This paper differs little from parchment: color, density, material of manufacture. As a substitute, sewing tracing paper is perfect for baking confectionery from shortcrust and yeast dough. You just need to oil it first. This option is also relatively cheap. It is convenient to bake cookies on tracing paper, but it is not recommended to cook a biscuit or meringue on it, because. it can get wet and stick to the finished dish.

It is convenient to cut out the desired baking dish from tracing paper

This is a very ergonomic device for baking and roasting. Culinary products do not stick to the surface of the mat. A silicone mat with proper use and care will last a long time. It is convenient to bake almost any confectionery dish on it: from meringue to pies. With the help of a silicone mat, you can cook a dish without staining the baking dish at all.

Silicone mats are handy for rolling out sticky dough

If you don’t have any baking alternatives to parchment at hand, then ordinary writing paper will do. Of course, it is not recommended to use it for baking. But why not try? The sheet must be well oiled and the dish baked on it at a relatively low temperature, because. there is a risk of fire. When working, you should be prepared for the fact that it can get wet or stick both to the form and to the confectionery itself.

Housewives who are engaged in baking know firsthand about baking paper. The use of parchment preserves the shape of the culinary product, frees from washing the baking sheet, saving time and nerves of the hostess. Parchment has the advantage of being able to bake without sticking to the baking sheet, and the cake or cupcake won't fall apart when removed.

Baking paper is an environmentally friendly natural material. Its possibilities are not limited to use only in baking - it is suitable for freezing products, in the preparation of cold confectionery dishes (here the material performs the function of preserving the shape of the product).

In baking, parchment is used repeatedly (at least 5 times), and this is an undoubted economic benefit. Baking paper is available in several types - they differ in the raw materials used in the manufacture and quality.


Depending on the raw materials used, 3 types of paper are produced for baking or cooking certain dishes.

Tracing paper

Tracing paper is a cheap type of baking material. It cannot be used multiple times, because the finished material is thin, quickly swells and spreads when used. In fact, the presented paper is not intended for use in baking - this habit has remained since the times when baking paper rarely appeared on sale and housewives adapted tracing paper, which is used mainly in constructing patterns for sewing, in cooking.

Tracing paper is used for baking products from yeast dough or shortbread. This paper must be oiled before baking.


Parchment paper is a special material for baking. It looks like a packaging material, dense, smooth, brown. To give parchment strength, resistance to high temperatures, resistance to moisture, it is impregnated with sulfuric acid.

Parchment is used repeatedly and does not lose its properties. It perfectly absorbs oil and fat, so it is good to use it for baking dough products with a high oil content. In this case, it is not necessary to additionally grease the parchment with oil. If the dough is low-fat, then for safety reasons you can grease with a thin layer of oil.

Silicone parchment

Silicone-coated parchment is the most popular type of baking material. It does not swell from moisture and is not saturated with fat, so it does not need to be lubricated. Suitable for absolutely any dough, for baking meat and fish dishes. It is the most heat-resistant, will not burn and smoke in the oven.

Baking paper, laid on a baking sheet, should be cut off so that it does not touch the walls of the oven. Whether it is necessary to lubricate it with oil depends on the type of dough being prepared. Butter dough with a high fat content does not need additional paper lubrication, but yeast dough should be lubricated if simple parchment or tracing paper is used for baking.

The guests are on the doorstep, the recipe for a delicious pie or cookie is in store, but suddenly the hostess discovers that the supply of special baking paper has run out. There is no time to buy a new one. What is a substitute for parchment paper for baking? If the hostess is young, then it will not be long to be confused and upset. But there is nothing to worry about, there is always an opportunity to find an alternative to culinary parchment. Especially when you consider that it has been used for baking relatively recently. Let's figure it out in order.

We use tracing paper

Tracing paper, used for drawings and patterns in sewing, resembles something in quality parchment for baking, but it is thinner. It's fine as a replacement. This is convenient for those housewives who love not only to cook, but also to sew. Before use, both the baking sheet and the tracing paper are usually well lubricated with oil. The disadvantages of tracing paper are:

  • sticks to the bottom of the product;
  • becomes brittle, crumbles, can char at high temperatures in the oven.

However, tracing paper is suitable for baking shortbread, cheesecake, products with a high oil content in the dough.

Foil works too

Many novice cooks ask on the forums - is foil suitable for baking in the oven instead of parchment paper? In cooking, foil is more often used for baking fish, vegetables, meat, keeping the juiciness of the products well. She can also replace baking paper. The foil is lubricated with oil before use.

Disadvantage: Metallized base increases surface temperature. If you miss a certain moment, then baking can burn. Therefore, for the preparation of cookies, pies and biscuits, it is used only occasionally.

Silicone technology

Products made of silicone, a modern, practical, versatile material, are gaining more and more popularity, finding more and more applications. Many housewives already have in the kitchen and have become favorites:

  • silicone-coated parchment;

Silicone molds for cakes, cookies, bread do not need to be lubricated, baking in them does not burn, products are easily removed. They are easy to wash, but they can darken from the inside. Before filling with dough, the silicone mold must be placed on a baking sheet or other stable surface, removed from the oven together with the baking sheet so that the products do not fall out and deform.

Silicone-coated parchment can withstand oven temperatures up to 300˚ C. It can be used 7-10 times. Baking does not burn, the products on it do not dry out, they are easily separated from the surface. Such a substrate is well suited for meringue, biscuit, cake layers.

Silicone mats are versatile. Some have special markings for rolling and cutting dough. They can replace parchment paper when baking, lining a form or baking sheet. Such a substrate can withstand high temperatures well. The only limitation is that you cannot cut on a hot mat.

A common drawback of all silicone assistants is a rather high cost.

Office and writing paper - a compromise option

In extreme cases, if the above substitutes for parchment paper were not found, use ordinary office paper, soaking it well with oil. In addition to it, you can also use writing paper, although today it is less common than office paper. Printer paper is denser than writing paper, less likely to ignite in the oven.

This exit is suitable for students and office workers, they always have such paper at hand. However, many professionals believe that such a replacement is unsuccessful. The product sticks to such paper, can be deformed, lose its shape, burn.

For several years now, many housewives have been using paper baking dishes that have appeared on sale. They make finished products more elegant, they can replace traditional baking paper.

Or maybe just grease the sheet?

When making casseroles, shortbread cookies, apple pie, it is perfectly acceptable to simply grease a sheet or baking sheet with butter, sprinkle with flour, and shake off the excess. Breadcrumbs can be used instead of flour. Forms with Teflon coating, lubricated with oil will also prevent pastries from burning, sticking to the sides and bottom of the form.

Advice! You should not use this method when baking meringues and macaroons: they will stick to the baking sheet.

improvised means

The inventiveness of our women, their practicality have long been noticed and appreciated. Here are a few improvised tools that experienced housewives use instead of baking paper:

  • cut parchment bag from under the flour (white side to baking);
  • wrappers from packs of butter without foil;
  • subparchment, which is used in the packaging of confectionery;
  • clean notebook sheets soaked in oil.

When using lined or patterned paper, be aware that they can be printed on pastries. If the packaging of butter or flour can be turned with the white side up, then the notebook sheets are completely lined, so they will leave traces on pastries with almost one hundred percent probability.

Such improvised means, unfortunately, do not always cope with their task. Often the dish still burns or deforms. However, as an emergency option, they can be used.

Safety in the kitchen

Cooking meals for the whole family, for guests, while using kitchen appliances is always associated with some threats and dangers. In addition to high temperatures, open flames, electricity, sharp objects, there is also the danger of harmful substances getting into food, which is fraught with digestive problems, poisoning, and allergic reactions. This is not only about E. coli or microorganisms that enter food due to poor hygiene.

Toxic substances can be released from materials when heated in an oven, in a microwave oven. To prevent this from happening, so that guests, family members and oneself do not spoil the holiday, it is strongly not recommended to use instead of parchment for baking:

  • newspapers (printing ink is extremely toxic when heated);
  • paper with text printed on the printer or covered with paste;
  • a regular plastic bag (it will melt, the pastries will be spoiled);
  • thin paper without oiling (it may spill, ignite).


Replacing parchment paper for baking, if it has run out, can be quite easy. There are many proven tools for this. For example, those cooks who have tested silicone molds and mats are absolutely sure that it is very convenient, practical, a new word in culinary appliances and nothing else needs to be used. For those who prefer tried and tested methods for baking culinary and pastry masterpieces, foil, tracing paper, even ordinary writing paper will replace the missing parchment for a short time. And do not worry that the recipe will remain only on paper. Everything will be delicious, because it is cooked with soul and love.
