
How to properly feed kombucha. Medicinal uses of kombucha

Surprisingly, very few people know about the beneficial properties of kombucha tea. Many don't even know it exists. This is what we will fix. Now you will learn how to use and how to care for kombucha.


Scientific name "Medusomycete". It looks like a white-brown film. Without a tea solution, the fungus, without releasing its beneficial components, dies. After the medusomycete "works" on the tea, a very useful drink is obtained, reminiscent of kvass in taste.


What do you need:

  • bank (3 l.);
  • gauze;
  • sugar;
  • tea that you like best (no additives);
  • tea mushroom.

What to do:

  1. Put a medusomycete in a jar.
  2. Dissolve sugar in boiled water (per 1 l / 100 g) and tea leaves.
  3. Cool the water and separate the tea leaves.
  4. Add the resulting solution to the jar.
  5. Cover the container with gauze. But it is worth remembering that the drink must "breathe".
  6. After a few days, drain the tea into a separate vessel. (in summer after 3 days, in winter - 6 days)
  7. Repeat cooking.

Important! It is better to take several containers. One jar will contain kombucha. And in another container you can express the finished drink.


Medusomycete as a pet. He needs special care. Not adhering to the rules of use, the fungus will die. But if you follow simple instructions, then he will take care of your health for a long time.

Basic rules for care:

  1. The storage container must be glass.
  2. It must be freely placed. Suitable jar with a capacity of 3 liters.
  3. Store in a dark, well-ventilated place.
  4. Extraneous odors have a bad effect on life.
  5. The optimum temperature is 25 degrees.
  6. A jar with a medusomycete should not be closed with a lid.
  7. Watch out for midges near the jar. You need to get rid of them.
  8. Dust will also be harmful.
  9. When insoluble sugar enters the body, it forms brown spots. These are burns.
  10. Strong tea slows down the growth of jellyfish.
  11. Leaves are harmful.
  12. Kombucha also needs hygiene. It is washed to get rid of excess dirt. In winter, this procedure is carried out once a month, in summer twice a month. Clean water from the tap is suitable for this. The ideal water is spring water.
  13. Medusomycete is poured only cold tea.
  14. If a brown coating appears, then the fungus dies. To avoid this, you need to drain the tincture in time, as well as properly care for the jellyfish.

Important! If you drain the finished infusion, and then place it in a dark place at room temperature, then in two weeks a new mushroom will appear.

How to drink?

Medusomycete is used in diseases of organs such as:

  • kidneys;
  • bladder;
  • intestines;
  • liver.

How to drink:

  1. In the morning, 20 minutes before meals, you need to drink a cup of infusion.
  2. Lunch: before meals 1 glass.
  3. 1 glass before bed.

Important! Although many do not adhere to the rules for drinking infusion, some people simply drink this drink when they feel like it. But still it is worth remembering that self-medication can harm your health. Remember: everything in moderation.

How to store?

If the work of the medusomycete is no longer needed, it can be dried and then stored until the time when it is needed.

For this you need:

  1. Take out and place on a clean plate.
  2. Turn it over once a day until completely dry.
  3. Take care to protect the jellyfish from pests and dirt.
  4. When it dries and turns into a thin plate, you can put it in the refrigerator or cupboard.

When the jellyfish is needed again, it must be taken out, placed in the prepared tea. He will start working again in a week.


Like any other living organism, kombucha is susceptible to disease. Most often it is more due to improper care.

Very common mushroom hurt the owners themselves. This is due to sudden and inaccurate movements during the draining of the infusion. If this happens, the mushroom should be placed in a container with a small amount of tea until it heals completely.

brown spots indicate the ingress of tea leaves or sugar on the fungus. With such damage, it is necessary to separate the affected layer of the medusomycete and in the future it is better to filter the tea.

If Kombucha is in a room with an unfavorable temperature, green algae which give the mixture a cloudy color. After that, you need to rinse the mushroom and place it in a new solution. At the same time, do not forget that you need to change the temperature in the room and move the mushroom to a dark place.

Midges love this mushroom. They just dream of laying their larvae in it. So take care of the safety of your ward.

From mold juveniles suffer. If it appears, the mushroom is replaced with a new one.

Beneficial features

Kombucha helps prevent and treat various diseases. But it also has contraindications.


  • anesthetizes;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibiotic effects;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • normalizes bowel function;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • prevents polyarthritis;
  • preventive action against atherosclerosis and rheumatic heart disease;
  • treats runny nose and sore throat;
  • fights insomnia;
  • sedative effect;

    Cooking kombucha at home often raises a lot of questions for beginners. Therefore, let's take everything in order.


    • 3.5 liters of water;
    • 1 glass of granulated sugar;
    • 8 tea bags or 2 tablespoons loose leaf (you can take black, green or a mixture of these teas);
    • 2 cups of the previous kombucha drink (if this is the primary preparation, then you need to take the tea in which your culture grew, or borrow from someone, or purchase a ready-made drink in the store);
    • 1 or purchased from a pharmacy.

    If there is a desire to give the drink an additional flavor, you can add to the jar for its manufacture:

    • 1-2 cups finely chopped fruit;
    • 2-3 cups fruit juice (natural);
    • ¼ cup honey;
    • 2 tablespoons of any spices, such as cinnamon.

    Be careful with fruit juice and honey. Do not forget that they are an additional source of sugars, and the preparation of this drink without them requires the use of sugar.

    Steps for making kombucha at home

    The problems start when the drink takes on a rotten or fungal or cheese flavor instead of a light vinegar flavor.

    If you don't see any traces of mold on the fungus itself when this odor occurs, then you need to transfer it to freshly brewed tea and start fermenting again.

    If mold is also visible on the mushroom culture itself, everything will have to be thrown away. And then grow a mushroom from scratch.

    • After 7 days, you can begin to taste the drink to determine its readiness. The right kombucha drink has a sweetness and astringency that are palatable.

    When tasting a drink, carefully pour it out of the can. Do not lower metal spoons and ladles into it.

    • When the drink is ready, remove the kombucha from it to use for the next serving.

    Gently transfer to a plate with clean, dry hands and inspect. If the mushroom has become too thick, separate the lowest old layer from it.

    Also, do not forget to select 2 glasses of the finished drink in order to use it again as a seed.

    • Pour the rest of the drink into glass bottles and put it in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for a month.

    If you want to use different flavors (fruits, honey, spices), add them already in the container with the finished drink.

    Never fill bottles to capacity. The drink may foam. He needs space.

    See below for a video instruction on how to maintain the viability of kombucha.

    How to put kombucha "on pause"?

    What if you are going on vacation, but do not want to part with kombucha?

    Everything is very simple.

    1. If your absence will take no more than three weeks, "brew" the mushroom as described above and leave it at room temperature. It is not worth drinking something that tunes in 2-3 weeks, as it will be too sour. From the resulting medium, you need to take 2 cups of liquid and the mushroom culture itself and put it back to ferment. Pour out the rest or use as a disinfectant for kitchen surfaces.
    2. If you plan to leave for a period longer than 3 weeks, transfer the kombucha to a small jar. Pour in freshly brewed tea and a small amount of the tea drink itself. Close the jar with cheesecloth and place in the refrigerator.

    What is the best tea to "brew" kombucha?

    Best on black. Especially a young mushroom that you ferment for the first time after growing it.

    As your mushroom becomes more "seasoned", it will be possible to diversify the teas. For example, take green or white. As well as different combinations of black, white and green.

    In addition, you can use herbal tea, but be sure to add black to it.

    It is forbidden to use teas with the addition of essential oils, as well as a variety of flavors.

    How to care for kombucha so that it lives for a long time?

    Kombucha culture lives for quite a long time. But she is not eternal. There always comes a time when the mushroom turns black and must be thrown away.

    It is impossible to say exactly how long a mushroom lives, since it depends on the conditions in which it exists.

    In order for the mushroom to live longer, you must adhere to the following rules.

    1. "Brew" kombucha in strict accordance with the recipe.
    2. Try to use predominantly black tea, as this type of tea is the most nutritious for the fungus culture.
    3. Do not touch the mushroom with metal objects, especially aluminum (this metal significantly shortens the life of the culture and makes the drink from it less palatable).
    4. Be sure to separate the old layers of the mushroom from the new ones (you can give them to friends). If you are greedy and make sure that your mushroom will be something like the one shown in the photo, it will quickly become worthless.

    How to drink tea from kombucha?

    Just the way you like it. Within reason, of course.

    The initial portion should not exceed the volume of 30-50 ml.

    If your body easily absorbed it, you can proceed to regular use. The optimal daily volume is 200-300 ml. However, many people drink much more - up to 1 liter per day.

    However, before you start growing kombucha, it's good to become familiar with it.

    Kombucha care at home

    Tea (Japanese) mushroom, also called tea jellyfish, is an unpretentious creature that needs a little for successful growth and productive life:

    • glass container;
    • indirect sunlight;
    • adequate nutrition;
    • warm;
    • pure water.

    Select a three-liter jar for the Japanese miracle, fill the container with weak, cooled, sweet tea, put it where it is warm. Do not leave the jar on the windowsill: the jellyfish does not like this. Drain the finished kvass on time, replacing it with a fresh portion of delicious tea. Bathe your Japanese occasionally in clean water. For this cute creature, he will gratefully give you a nutritious drink full of freshness, goodness, and health.

    How to store

    A three-liter jar is ideal as a home for a Japanese jellyfish. Glass is a material that does not change the properties of the liquid it contains. The diameter of the container is convenient, the body will fill its entire surface. The jar is easy to care for, it is convenient to change the solution. Through the walls of the glass container, you can clearly see what your useful pet needs.

    Choose a bright place for a jar with a domestic jellyfish that is not illuminated by bright sunlight (this is harmful for the creature). The optimum temperature for the successful growth of the fungus is from 23 to 25 degrees. The inhabitant of the jar tolerates short-term drops in temperature easily, but a long-term cold snap is fatal for him. Growing up, the creature builds up layers, which can then be separated from each other. If the process is properly looked after, several pets can be grown from one pet for further use.

    What to feed kombucha

    The jellyfish-like organism does not produce the drink on its own. In symbiosis with it, on its lower layers, darker and almost opaque, a large colony of yeast microorganisms settles, which will revive the nutrient solution, make it comfortable for the fungus and useful for children and adults. Invisible creatures emit carbon dioxide, which the jellyfish needs, carbonating the liquid in the process. Both your pet and the army of bacteria living under the cover of the layered circle need food.

    The simplest composition on which you can grow a healthy Japanese is high-quality tea with sugar. It is important to remember: particles of tea leaves and insoluble grains of sugar should not get on the body of the fungus. The instructions for feeding a slippery pet are simple:

    • brew one and a half liters of weak sweet tea;
    • cool the tea to room temperature;
    • strain carefully;
    • fill the tea lover with the resulting solution;
    • after 4-5 days, the liquid can be drained and used;
    • instead of the drained drink, add new sweet tea to the jar.

    How to wash kombucha

    Your pet loves to swim. You need to wash the body of the jellyfish mushroom with cool drinking water the more often, the warmer it is in your home. In the hot summer, this is done once every five to seven days, in autumn and winter it can be done less often - once or twice a month. Pour a large amount of water into a basin, bucket, or other container. Lower your pet there, let it swim for a couple of minutes. Wash the upper and lower sides of the body with gentle hand movements. Sometimes you have to remove the flakes that have moved from the bottom. You can wash the jellyfish mushroom under water flowing from the tap, but this must be done gently, carefully so as not to injure your pet.

    Keeping Kombucha Healthy

    In order for the use of a healing drink to be beneficial and enjoyable, it is important to know how to care for kombucha, maintaining the health of this exotic creature. A few important rules will help you:

    • you need to feed the pet only with fresh tea;
    • cover the jar with gauze to protect it from dust and fruit flies;
    • regularly care for the jar and bathe your jellyfish;
    • protect from mechanical damage;
    • monitor the temperature in the room;
    • observe if algae strands or mold have appeared in the liquid - in this case, the fungus needs urgent help.

    Growing a Japanese jellyfish is also easy because it is resistant to various life misfortunes. A sick pet can be cured, and sometimes a dead one can be revived. A hardy organism can even be without moisture for some time. To heal or revive a dry Japanese mushroom, bathe it. While he is taking a bath, do a general cleaning in the home. Rinse and sanitize the jar thoroughly, prepare fresh tea, a little at first. When the mushroom comes to its senses, it will be possible to add more nutrition.

    How to propagate kombucha

    The jellyfish mushroom reproduces by division. With good care, the creature builds up layer by layer, some of them eventually begin to move away from the mother's body. To grow a new mushroom, you need to separate the exfoliating part, put it in a new jar of tea solution, and carefully care for it. It is impossible to divide the body across, the mushroom jellyfish inevitably dies. You should also not separate the lower layers, which are poorly preserved and get sick for a long time.

    Leaving after division

    For growing a young pet, instructions are not required. If you understand how to care for kombucha, it will not be difficult for you to grow a new one for you. It is not necessary to immerse the young shoot in a large amount of tea, let him master his half-liter of solution. Gradually, the amount of liquid can be increased. By dividing the Japanese jellyfish, you can rejuvenate. If the taste of the drink has changed, separate and discard the lower few layers of the fungus body. Mushroom kvass from a young Japanese jellyfish will delight you in winter and summer.


    An interesting and useful organism that looks like a jellyfish - a Japanese mushroom - lives in a jar on the kitchen table. You don't need complicated instructions to use the creature. With little care, it produces a healthy drink similar to kvass, especially tasty from the refrigerator. In order for an unusual pet to live well with you, find out the rules for caring for a Japanese exotic.

    Kombucha, otherwise tea jellyfish, is a biological substrate of yeast and acetic acid bacteria, which is a wide layered film with a glossy surface on top, resembling a jellyfish. The body of the culture floats on top of a sweet solution, usually tea, processing it into a tasty, healthy tincture called tea kvass or kombucha.

    The resulting drink is considered extremely useful. It has long been recommended to drink it for many diseases and in order to prevent many problems. The benefits of tea jellyfish are due to the content of many trace elements and bacteria that have a beneficial effect on health.

    However, in order for kombucha to show all its healing qualities and not cause intolerance, it is important to know how to care for it and how to use the finished drink correctly.

    In order for kombucha to grow without problems and produce a healthy drink, you need to follow the rules for preparing and caring for it afterwards.

    Instructions for preparing a drink and care

    It is most comfortable for a living culture to grow and develop in a three-liter glass jar covered with a couple of layers of thin gauze. The selected solution is taken about two liters, not more, otherwise the tea culture will become cramped.

    Important! Tea culture should not be covered with a lid and stored in a metal container.

    1. You need to brew a weak sweet tea. Usually they take a couple of spoons of black or green tea leaves per liter of water, five tablespoons of sugar are stirred in this tea. Brew should be about a quarter of an hour.
    2. Once the tea is brewed, it should be carefully strained. The solution should not contain small tea leaves and undissolved sugar particles.
    3. You should cool the tea, you can’t rush, because in a hot environment the culture will immediately die. If the mushroom is new, you need to add a little starter to the new jar from the one where it was kept before.
    4. Next, the culture should be carefully moved into the solution, being careful not to damage it. Gauze must be well fixed on the neck of the container with an elastic band. So the mushroom can breathe, insects and dust can not get inside. Place the container in a warm dark place. The best temperature for the mushroom is 25 degrees Celsius.
    5. Kombucha is usually ready within a week. When it reaches the required acidity, the culture should be removed, washed gently in cool water and placed in a new solution according to this scheme. The acidity of the finished drink is determined by taste.
    6. Next, the finished drink is allowed to brew without the mushroom. It is necessary to pour the drink into a clean jar, tightly close the lid, leave in a cool place for several days. During this time, the kombucha will acquire a sharper taste and effervescence.

    When the mushroom gets old, you can drink the drink directly from the can, the main thing is to feed it with fresh tea a couple of times a week and drain the infusion. Care at home is simple, if you do not forget to carry out all the procedures on time.

    For brewing and infusing tea jellyfish, you should use only tea. Oat husks and other means may not be suitable, it will be especially difficult if this is the first crop in practice.

    Important! Growing kombucha from scratch is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the recommendations.


    From an adult large mushroom, you can quite painlessly separate a small fungus. Reproduction of tea jellyfish is a simple procedure, the main thing is to follow all the steps carefully, do not rush to prepare the solution and know how to care for young kombucha.

    In an adult culture, you need to carefully remove one layer, rinse under cool clean water, then pour warm in a prepared three-liter jar. It should be covered with gauze, left for a couple of days in a warm place.

    It is normal if during this period the fungus does not float on the surface, descends or hangs in the thickness of the solution. After another day, the young culture can be placed in a tea solution. If everything was done correctly, a certain amount of time will pass, the mushroom will float to the surface and begin to increase in volume.

    There is another way to get a new mushroom. You just need to pour some of the kombucha into a clean jar, leave it at a normal comfortable temperature for a while. After a couple of weeks, a thin film of microorganisms will appear on the surface of the solution - the future kombucha.

    Important! It is necessary to breed the mushroom in any case, the life of the culture is limited. If you do not separate the part in time, you can be left completely without a “pet”.

    Dry kombucha: storage method

    If the drink is tired, there is no strength, the ability to maintain the vital activity of the culture, it can be dried so that in the future at any moment it can be planted again in the solution.

    The tea jellyfish should be transferred to a dry plate and turned over every day so that the body does not get moldy. It is important to store it in a place where it is cool enough, there is no dust and insects. Gradually, the mushroom will dry out and become a thin plate, it can be stored in the refrigerator or any similar cool clean place.

    At any time, the "sleeping" culture can be taken out, placed in a solution of sweet tea. The mushroom will come to life and start working within a week.

    Kombucha diseases

    With improper care, the culture can hurt. If brown dark spots appear on the body of the culture, it means that tea leaves or sugar particles got on it, which caused a burn. You should immediately separate the affected part and continue to carefully monitor the purity of the nutrient solution.

    If you store the culture jar in sunlight, algae can grow inside. If the solution becomes cloudy, rinse the mushroom and container for keeping. In the future, you need to monitor the correct temperature, light intensity.

    Mold rarely appears on mushrooms, mostly on very young ones. If this happens, the degree of damage by the fungus is small, you can risk saving the culture. It must be rinsed under running water and doused with boiled vinegar. The bank should take a new one, fill it with a new solution.


    Kombucha is widely used in folk medicine, it has a beneficial effect on the course of the disease and strengthens the body in general. The range of use of useful culture is extensive. Its reception helps with the following diseases:

    • diseases of the digestive system;
    • headache;
    • high blood pressure;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • chronic runny nose;
    • insomnia;
    • angina and others.

    Important! Before using the mushroom, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

    How to drink an infusion of kombucha?

    The use of a drink produced by the culture is possible in case of illness and for prevention, boosting immunity and improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails. The main thing is to drink kombucha correctly.

    Kombucha should be taken separately from meals. Drink on an empty stomach, long before meals or after. You should not drink more than a glass of drink at a time, you can drink up to half a liter a day.

    When preparing the mushroom, various herbs can be added to tea brewing, rose hips are especially good. Per liter of solution, you need a couple of teaspoons of dried fruits of the plant.

    Important! Do not add plants with a high content of essential oils. Such plants are chamomile, thyme, currant, sage.


    Despite the many advantages, kombucha is not always possible. There are several contraindications and cases when the drink should be used with caution.

    1. Allergy is the main contraindication. There are cases of a negative reaction to the acids and sugars contained in the drink. Therefore, if a person is allergic, you should consult a doctor before taking the infusion.
    2. Diabetes. In some forms of this disease, tea jellyfish drink should not be consumed at all, while in others it will help normalize metabolism and blood sugar levels. This is where you should ask your doctor. Diabetics are also advised to dilute the drink with herbal tea or mineral water.
    3. Gastric ulcer. With an ulcer, it is highly not recommended to use infusion of kombucha, especially during periods of exacerbations.

    Every 1-2 months you should take breaks and do not drink the infusion at all. Otherwise, it may begin to cause stomach irritation.

    Knowing how to properly care for and use kombucha, you can take full advantage of this ancient folk remedy for the treatment of many diseases and their prevention.



    People who have never encountered a medusomycete, when they see a yellow-brown slippery mass in a jar, often wonder what Kombucha is, how to care for and use it. And having learned about the medicinal properties of this product, they strive to grow it at home. Subject to fairly simple conditions, it can become a reliable assistant in maintaining your health and appearance at the proper level.

    History of occurrence

    Some of our compatriots believe that kombucha is part of the Russian ethnic culture. However, there is information that allows us to establish that for the first time kombucha began to be used in China in ancient times. Much later, the drink came to Japan and Korea, and only after that it appeared in Russia.

    Nothing is known about the growth of kombucha in the wild. It is only clear that this organism can only grow in tea or in water similar in composition to tea.

    Since scientists have not identified such natural reservoirs, there is reason to believe that for the first time the product was grown under artificial conditions.

    Thus, the history of the emergence of a healing drink is very old. There is no exact information regarding the place of birth and natural origin. But today it is still popular in Europe, Asia and even overseas.

    The benefits of kombucha, from what ailments does it help?

    At first, kombucha was used as a delicious cooling drink. However, after some time, scientists have established the presence in it of useful substances that contribute to the cure of various diseases.

    Thus, Kombucha is indicated for the following diseases:

    • Diseases of the stomach and intestines. Various kinds of colitis, gastritis;
    • With hemorrhoids and constipation;
    • To increase metabolism and fight overweight;
    • To remove toxins from the body;
    • Problems with the liver and gallbladder;
    • Frequent infections: tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis;
    • In the treatment of the common cold;
    • For the regulation of blood pressure;
    • With migraines;
    • As a cosmetic product for body care.

    Such a wide range of applications is due to the presence of organic acids, enzymes, lipids, vitamins C, D and group B. In addition, the finished product contains natural probiotics and prebiotics.

    Who shouldn't drink kombucha?

    With all the advantages of kombucha, there are conditions in which its use is not recommended:

    1. Diabetes;
    2. Increased acidity of the gastrointestinal tract;
    3. Fungal diseases of the mucous membranes;
    4. Acute pancreatitis;
    5. Due to the presence of alcohol in the finished kvass, it is not recommended when taking medications and before driving;
    6. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
    7. Allergy sufferers;
    8. Children up to 3 years old.

    If you do not belong to these groups, you can start taking this healing drink at any time. Main, make sure that it is cooked in sterile dishes and in compliance with all necessary conditions.

    How to grow kombucha from scratch?

    Kombucha is naturally composed of yeasts and acetic acid microorganisms. The easiest way to get a medicinal drink for yourself is to take a piece of the fungus from friends, as an adult regularly produces spores for reproduction.

    If this is not possible, you can grow the mushroom yourself. This will take you about 10 weeks.

    • Find a glass container with a wide neck;
    • Sterilize her;
    • Boil and then cool the water;
    • Brew tea and filter out all the tea leaves. Depending on the desired properties, it can be black or green;
    • For a liter of water, add 2 teaspoons of steep tea leaves and 100 g of sugar;
    • Stir until the sugar particles are completely dissolved;
    • Instead of a lid, use gauze and put it in a dark corner at room temperature.

    After a week, your mixture will begin to emit a vinegary smell. And in a week you will see a fungal film, which with each subsequent day will grow with new layers.

    This lesson will show you step by step how to grow this organism yourself:

    How to care for kombucha in a jar?

    Kombucha is a living organism that requires care. If certain conditions are not met, the body can soon get sick or even die.

    1. Rinse the kombucha regularly twice a month with clean water;
    2. Avoid damage, cuts and tears. The body will not die from them, due to their good regeneration properties, but if the incisions are large, reduce the amount of tea in the container until the wounds heal;
    3. The jellyfish should be kept warm, but in no case do not expose the container to the window. Kombucha does not tolerate the scorching sun;
    4. Always wash your hands before handling it. If cleanliness is not observed, it may become moldy;
    5. Use clean utensils made of materials that do not affect the contents. When oxidized, the fungus can react with dishes;
    6. Drain the finished drink regularly and pour fresh tea. In this case, it is better to leave 10 percent of the already prepared solution;
    7. Keep away from dust, gas, cigarette smoke. They can cause the appearance of blue - green algae on the walls of the container;
    8. Protect the jar from insects. In this case, the jellyfish must breathe. Therefore, cover the jar with breathable material with medium-sized holes, such as a napkin;
    9. Avoid getting sugar particles and tea leaves on the surface of the fungus. This will cause burns.

    If you follow these rules, you will grow a large and healthy jellyfish.

    Proper use of the drink

    In order to get the maximum effect from drinking the drink, it is necessary to separate its intake from food intake at least 1-2 hours before and after. A glass of drink in the morning on an empty stomach will prepare the digestive tract for active work.

    You can take a tea drink up to a liter per day, dividing the doses by 2-3 times.

    Quite often, infusions of medicinal herbs, such as nettle, linden, plantain or rosehip, are added to ordinary tea leaves. The only caveat here is the use of herbs rich in essential oils. They can cause disease and even death of the fungus.

    There are no restrictions on taking kombucha during pregnancy. It strengthens the health of the expectant mother and helps to reduce the number of respiratory infectious diseases. Caution should be taken when taking a drink only for expectant mothers with allergies. Breastfeeding is also not a contraindication.

    Thus, having figured out what kombucha is, how to care for and use it, it becomes clear that this does not require much work. If you make a little effort, then very soon you will receive a product whose benefits are really great for our body. However, you should always remember that everything is good in moderation. Therefore, when drinking a drink obtained with the help of a Chinese mushroom, do not overdo it. Better yet, consult your doctor before use.

    Video about the benefits of kombucha for humans

    In this video, Sergey and Eugene will tell you what are the real benefits of a drink based on kombucha:
