
How to stew beef liver in a slow cooker. Beef liver in a slow cooker: recipes

Beef liver is rich in vitamins B and C, and many others. It is enough to eat 110 grams of beef liver to get the daily requirement for vitamins. The liver contains various essential micronutrients, especially a lot of iron. In addition, the liver is not a high-calorie product, only 127. We learn how to cook beef liver multicooker , which is obtained simultaneously with the gravy.

Step-by-step recipe for beef liver in a slow cooker

Required components:

  • beef liver 500 grams
  • onion 2 pieces
  • carrot
  • flour 3 tablespoons.

As seasonings, you can use black pepper, ground coriander, salt. To fry - sunflower oil.

Step by step preparation:

  1. First, we thoroughly wash our liver, get rid of veins and films, as much as possible. And then cut into pieces of the required size (preferably 2.5 centimeters).
  2. We chop carrots and onions in a slow cooker using a blender, you can use a knife instead and chop very finely or grate.
  3. We set the “Frying” mode, pour sunflower oil into the multicooker container and fry the onion.
  4. Then we spread the beef liver and fry until the liver stops bleeding.
  5. Add carrots and fry everything together for two minutes.
  6. Pour everything with a small amount of water, it all depends on how much gravy you would like to get as a result, you should also take into account that some water will boil away during cooking. Then add spices and salt.
  7. Set the "Extinguishing" mode. After 20 minutes, open the lid and carefully, using a strainer, sift the flour. When you like a thicker gravy, more flour is added. Close the lid and leave for another five minutes. After the specified time, the dish is ready and can be served.

We invite you to watch the video recipe: Stroganov's liver in a slow cooker

This is not the recipe that we wrote about in the article, but also quite interesting.

The best side dish for beef liver in a slow cooker is mashed potatoes, pasta or buckwheat. Before serving, you can sprinkle the dish with herbs: dill or parsley. The result is an incredibly soft liver stew. In addition, it retains all its beneficial properties and aroma. And having mastered the basic basics of cooking in a slow cooker, you can get real works of culinary art every day, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by loved ones and unexpectedly arrived or long-awaited guests.

A simple recipe for beef liver in a slow cooker that will delight you with a very soft liver and lots of delicious gravy. By the way, this is another dish for which it is worth buying a slow cooker. After all, when cooking stewed beef liver in a pan, it is important to stand near it and catch the moment when the liver is almost brought to the condition so that it crunches. After that, the pan is removed from the stove, but the lid is not opened so that the dish comes to readiness from its own heat ... By the way, the fire must be intense during cooking, so the liver must be stirred often so that it does not burn. That's so much attention and time at the stove! Another thing is cooking beef liver in a slow cooker. Frying the product in a Teflon bowl practically protects it from burning, and the Stew program brings the dish to delicious readiness without a long vigil and tasting.

In the finale, you get a very soft stewed liver ... Although, of course, the recipe for a slow cooker has its own tricks. But they are not difficult, so you can easily prepare a wonderful, and also very healthy dish for adults and children!

For 3-4 servings you need:

  • Beef or pork liver - half (that is, about 1 kg of product),
  • Milk - from 0.5 to 1 liter,
  • Onion - 1 or 2 small onions
  • Sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • Village sour cream - 1 multi-glass (more possible),
  • Cold water - 0.5 multi-glass,
  • Flour - 1-2 tablespoons,
  • Salt - 1 incomplete teaspoon,
  • Pepper - a pinch.

Cooking beef liver in a slow cooker step by step:

1. Defrost the liver (if it was frozen) and soak in milk so as to cover it completely. The time of such a marinade is about 3-4 hours. This will help us make our product soft.

2. Pour oil into the multicooker, select the “Frying” program (it will work for 25 minutes), and after 5 minutes, when the oil warms up well, send the chopped onion here.

3. Immediately cut the liver into small cubes. And then - in her slow cooker so that the onion does not overcook. The fact is that the ideal state of the onion is soft and transparent, but without a golden crust, which can give the dish some bitterness.

4. Fry the liver for 15-20 minutes. Important: do not salt it!

5. Add pepper, sour cream, water to the slow cooker. Salt is still early! Important: if possible, take rustic sour cream for this recipe, it gives the sauce a delicate, velvety flavor. But it is not necessary to add flour - it does not play a role for taste, but is placed in the dish in order to thicken the sauce.

6. Transfer the device to the “Extinguishing” program, cook for 1 hour, and only after the end of the program, salt everything. Although, to be honest, finely chopped liver (even pork) will be ready for use after 35-40 minutes of stewing.

Serve stewed liver with boiled potatoes, pasta or rice ... Although the most delicious thing is with potatoes!

Beef liver cooked in a multicooker DEX DMC 50.

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Total comments 13:

    The dish is super. Cooked according to the recipe (Cooking beef liver in a slow cooker step by step) turned out to be a harsh liver. For cooking beef liver, it is enough after 10 minutes of frying, 20-25 minutes of stewing (REDMOND slow cooker) tested. Thank you.

    • Nicholas, thank you very much!

    Dinner is spoiled, the liver is hard, and this cannot make it tasty! Oak liver. This recipe does not live up to expectations!

    I fried it with the lid open for about 5 minutes, it turned out a lot of juice, I closed the lid for the last minute and removed the cork on the lid so that there was a hole. I don’t recommend frying for more than 7 minutes, it will turn out to be a very tough liver. The liver is pink inside, this is its most delicious stage of cooking.

    Thanks for the recipe! I did everything step by step, the dish turned out divine! The liver melted in my mouth! Class! Gobbled up quickly by the whole family!

    Off to cook!!! I will write what happened in the end ...

    The pork liver came out very tasty. I only fried onions for 5 minutes, then liver for 5 minutes, stewed for 10 minutes. Thank you

    But for some reason, Rita didn’t return, apparently ... I won’t cook according to this recipe.


    I made it according to the recipe, it turned out tough, next time I will reduce the cooking time.

    It turned out hard, fried with onions for about 15 minutes, after adding sour cream and water, stewed for 10-15 minutes (instead of the prescribed hour), it’s still tough, which means it takes even less time, I don’t understand how it can turn out soft after such a stewing time, if you do it like on prescription.


    I made it simple. I put the cartoon on frying for 18 minutes. I warmed up the oil and added the liver (beef). gentle. Although I like a little harsh.

    I have been making a similar recipe for 6 years, only I don’t fry the liver and don’t keep it in milk. I fried the onion, cut the liver and immediately into the slow cooker for stewing for 1 hour sour cream on top, I take 20-25%, after 15 minutes I mix it once (because it can take a lump, but I started to make a cartoon on stewing). 5 minutes before the end, salt, pepper and parsley. Super mooper turns out.

    I read everything, tomorrow I will experiment ...

Leave an opinion

Servings: 6
Cooking time: 55 min.

Recipe Description

Stroganoff liver in a slow cooker is prepared as simply as meat beef stroganoff in a slow cooker. Although there are some peculiarities in the preparation of this dish, beef stroganoff from the liver in a slow cooker is cooked very quickly. The liver pieces are pre-soaked in milk for at least half an hour to make them soft and tender. The cooking itself lasts less than an hour - very fast and profitable both in time and in cost and labor.

I cook Stroganoff liver with onions, however, if desired, you can add grated carrots to the onions - it goes well with liver dishes, and also adds a little sweetness to the taste.

Cooking time also matters: if you simmer for too long, the liver will turn out tough. Therefore, read and see below how to cook beef liver stroganoff with tomato and sour cream sauce.

To cook Stroganoff liver in a slow cooker, you need:

  • 1 kg beef liver.
  • 1 large onion (or 2 medium ones).
  • 1 cup (250 ml) milk
  • 1 cup (250 ml) low-fat sour cream
  • 1 st. a spoonful of butter.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of flour
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste.
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.
  • Chopped greens - for serving.

Cooking step by step:

We start with the preparation of the products: we clean the onions, measure out the milk and sour cream. If you have a frozen liver, it must be thawed by placing it in the common compartment of the refrigerator. In no case should you defrost this product by pouring it with hot water.

Carefully remove the film from the surface of the liver, and then cut it first into thin slices, then cut each slice into thin strips (approximately 1x5 cm).

We put the liver slices in a deep plate and pour a glass of milk so that after cooking it turns out soft, tender. The pieces should be completely immersed in milk. Let the plate rest for at least 30 minutes.

We turn on the multicooker in the "Frying" mode for 15 minutes. Add a tablespoon of oil to the pan, close the lid and let the pan warm up for 2-3 minutes. In the meantime, cut the onion into half rings or quarter rings - as you like.

After a couple of minutes, when the butter at the bottom of the pan has melted, add chopped onion and pieces of liver extracted from milk to it.

Cook until the end of the program, periodically stirring the contents of the multi-pot.

After that, add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste and 1 cup of sour cream. In fact, the ratio of sour cream to tomato paste can be different, depending on your preferences, but there should definitely be more sour cream than tomato paste.

Next, add salt (I put 1.5 teaspoons), ground black pepper (0.5 teaspoons), a tablespoon of flour, then mix everything well.

It is one of the most popular by-products. It incredibly quickly saturates the stomach and has a huge amount of trace elements important for the human body. And if you cook in a slow cooker, you can quickly get a nutritious and delicious liver dish, which can be put on both the everyday and the festive table. Let's try cook the liver in sour cream in the redmond slow cooker.

When buying a liver, it is important to pay attention to the color and structure of the product. It should have an even color, not have dark and light spots. It should smell nice, be slightly sweet, and avoid sour smells.

Step-by-step recipe for liver in sour cream in a redmond slow cooker

Required Ingredients:

  • liver 500 grams
  • sour cream 4 tablespoons
  • water 100 ml
  • carrot
  • bulb onions
  • salt, spices to taste.

Step by step:

  • We clean and wash vegetables. We rub the carrots on a grater, cut the onion into thin half rings. We set the "Frying" mode for 20 minutes, pour a little sunflower oil into the multicooker container and put the prepared vegetables into it.
  • We thoroughly wash the liver in running water and cut the pieces into a couple of parts. If the liver is frozen, then you do not need to wait for it to be thawed, you can cut it like that.
  • While the main ingredient of the dish was being prepared, the vegetable roast was thoroughly stewed for 10-20 minutes, now you can add liver, sour cream to it, salt and sprinkle with the spices that you like best. At the end, pour in water and mix thoroughly, close the lid and cook in the same mode for about 15 minutes.
  • It remains only to mind your own business and wait for the allotted time. As soon as the ready signal sounds, the dish will be ready and it will be ready to serve.
  • Before serving, the finished dish is sprinkled with herbs, dill or parsley. If you wish, you can add grated garlic. Boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, pasta, rice, or other legumes are great as a side dish. We also recommend trying various salads, for example, a salad of beets and carrots.

Each time you can cook differently, just by adding a different ingredient or some spice. You can use for cooking and pork, and beef, and

Everyone knows how useful beef liver is.

But for some reason, not everyone knows how much of it can be cooked!

To your attention a selection of the best recipes from beef liver in a slow cooker. Incredibly simple and delicious.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

The preparation of the liver consists in removing films, fat, blood clots and everything that can be found on the product. Then the piece is washed well and cut into pieces. If the size and shape is not indicated in the recipe, then we make it to your taste. Chopped offal can be soaked in cold milk. This will make the liver more tender, juicier.

What is added to the liver:

All kinds of vegetables;

These are the main categories of products that allow you to diversify the menu. But there are also sauces! It is they who make the offal juicy, tender. In combination with various seasonings and spices, they make the taste of dishes unrecognizable.

The slow cooker is used for cooking stewed, boiled, steamed, baked and fried liver dishes. That is, this kitchen helper can make absolutely any meal. It remains only to choose the appropriate recipe from the beef liver for the slow cooker. Here he is!

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with sour cream

A popular and well-known beef liver recipe, but few people cook this dish in a slow cooker. It is advisable to pour the offal with milk and soak in advance.


0.5 kg of liver;

4-5 tablespoons of sour cream;

200 ml of milk;

1 large onion;

1 tsp mustard;

1-2 tablespoons of flour;

Oil, spices;

A little dill.


1. We prepare the liver as described a little higher. We cut the product into cubes, up to one centimeter thick. The length can be any. Transfer to a deep bowl.

2. Pour a glass of cold milk, leave to soak for forty minutes.

3. Drain the milk, leave the pieces in a colander, let all the droplets drain.

4. We heat the oil in a slow cooker, you need to pour a thin layer that will cover the entire bottom. Reheat on the frying program.

5. Put the flour in the liver, stir and immediately put it into the hot oil. Fry until crispy.

6. Cut the onion in half, then chop it in half rings. We throw it to the liver. We fry for a few more minutes.

7. Stir sour cream with mustard, season with spices. We shift to the liver, turn on the stew mode and cook for 20-25 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces. We do not overdo it!

8. At the end, cut the dill, sprinkle the dish.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with potatoes

The recipe for a very hearty beef liver dish in a slow cooker. In addition to potatoes, you will also need a few other vegetables. The dish is filled with water, but you can use any broth.


0.5 kg of liver;

0.7 kg of potatoes;

3 tablespoons of oil;

Onions and carrots;

100 ml sour cream;

200 ml of water or broth;

Greenery, laurel.


1. We cut carrots and also onions into cubes, throw them into a slow cooker, put the oil according to the recipe.

2. Fry the vegetables for about ten minutes, use the "Frying" mode.

3. Rinse the liver, prepare, cut into cubes of 1.5-2 centimeters.

4. Put the pieces in a slow cooker and also fry, but not for long. As soon as a white coating appears on the pieces on all sides, you can lay the potatoes.

5. We clean the tubers and cut them into cubes. Can be in slices. The pieces should match the size of the liver. We put the prepared tubers in a slow cooker.

6. Bulgarian pepper is simply cut as it will. We throw from above.

7. We combine sour cream with broth, salt and pepper the filling. If there is no broth, then use boiled water.

8. We send the filling to the potatoes with the liver.

9. Turn on the extinguishing mode for 35-40 minutes.

10. We evaluate the readiness for potatoes. As soon as it is easily pierced, add greens to the liver, throw a bay leaf. Let the dish stand for a while to penetrate the aroma.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with rice

A variant of a simple liver dish with rice, which can be called a kind of pilaf. Rice can be used any, the variety does not matter.


0.3 kg of liver;


A glass of rice;

2 glasses of water;



1. Cut the onion, chop the carrot into strips.

2. Pour a little oil into the cartoon cup, about 30-40 ml. Fry the vegetables until golden brown in the appropriate mode.

3. We cut the liver into small pieces. If you cut the offal thinly, then it will dry faster than rice is cooked.

4. Add the liver to the vegetables, lightly fry.

5. Add washed rice, then pour in hot water. If you do not want to get crumbly cereals and like porridge more, then you can pour half a glass more water.

6. Season the dish with pepper, close the slow cooker with salt.

7. Cook on the pilaf or porridge program until all liquid is completely absorbed.

8. At the end, stir the dish so that the vegetables and liver are evenly distributed in the rice.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with tomatoes

The acid in tomatoes is said to make the liver tougher. But this opinion is only for those who do not know this recipe for beef liver in a slow cooker. If you do everything right, the offal will turn out to be very tender and juicy.


0.3 kg of liver;

2 onion heads;

2 tomatoes;

2 spoons of sour cream;

3 sprigs of parsley;

1 clove of garlic;

2 tablespoons of oil.


1. Pour in the oil, put the multicooker on the baking program. Let it heat up.

2. Cut both onions into large half rings. Let's fry.

3. As soon as the onion becomes ruddy, put the liver to it. We cut it into strips of 0.5 centimeters. Fry a little, not to a crust.

4. Add sour cream, turn on the stew program and cook for a quarter of an hour.

5. Scald the tomatoes, remove a thin skin from them. We cut the tomatoes into cubes.

6. Throw prepared tomatoes to the steamed liver. Salt, pepper and stir immediately.

7. Close and simmer for another 10-15 minutes. This time is enough to cook the product, but not to dry.

8. We chop the parsley and a clove of garlic, sprinkle the liver and leave it in a closed slow cooker for another ten minutes. You do not need to turn on the device.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with mushrooms

Mushrooms and liver are two amazing foods that you can cook in a slow cooker and make it very tasty. According to the recipe are ordinary champignons.


0.3 kg of mushrooms;

0.4 kg of liver;

0.2 kg of onion;

50 grams of oil;

150 grams of sour cream.


1. Immediately turn on the baking mode, spread the fat. It tastes better with butter.

2. We wash the mushrooms. We cut off the damage, cut into pieces of any shape, put in oil and start frying.

3. When the mushrooms start to brown a little, put the chopped onion to them. If someone does not like this vegetable, then they can exclude or add in a smaller amount.

4. Cut the liver into cubes or cubes, add to the onion fried with mushrooms.

5. After four minutes, spread the sour cream.

6. Stir, close and simmer for twenty minutes, move the device to the "Extinguishing" program.

7. Open, salt and pepper, stir and cook for exactly ten more minutes.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with cabbage

A variant of a light vegetable dish from beef liver in a slow cooker. Recipe with white cabbage. You can take more of it than indicated in the list of ingredients.


0.3 kg of liver;

0.7 kg of cabbage;

0.1 kg of onion;

0.1 kg of carrots;

0.5 cups of tomato juice (or 1 tomato);


1. Put grated carrots and diced onions in a slow cooker, pour a couple of tablespoons of oil and fry.

2. Add the liver, cut into strips, but not thinly.

3. Shred the cabbage and also lay it next to the liver. We cook vegetables with offal on the baking program so that they are lightly fried. We bring to half readiness.

4. Salt and pour in tomato juice. You can simply grate a large tomato or stir a spoonful of pasta, ketchup in water.

5. Stir, close the lid.

6. We put the program "Extinguishing". We hold the dish until the cabbage is soft, by this time the liver will also reach readiness.

Beef liver in a slow cooker - recipe with buckwheat

A variant of a very simple and tasty dish that will easily solve the issue of dinner or lunch. We sort the buckwheat in advance, wash it and drain the water.


1.5 cups of buckwheat;

3 glasses of water;

0.4 kg of liver;

Any oil or fat;

Onions and carrots.


1. Put the oil in the slow cooker, set the frying mode.

2. We rub the carrot. Onion cut randomly. Fry vegetables until transparent.

3. We cut the washed liver into cubes, put it in a slow cooker and also fry a little, just a couple of minutes.

4. Salt, pour any seasonings and lay the cooked cereal.

5. Add water according to the recipe.

6. Close the multicooker. Now you need to rearrange the device to the "Buckwheat" mode.

7. Cooking before the signal. Then stir well, you can additionally season with butter.

Frying the liver to a crust in a slow cooker is quite problematic. To do this, you need to heat the oil well on the baking program, then dip in flour and lay in hot fat.

If you need to cook the liver in large pieces, then it is better to beat the product a little with a hammer beforehand. It is advisable to do this through the film.

So that the liver does not lose a lot of juices, you do not need to season the dish with salt and other spices at the beginning of cooking.

The liver goes well with soy sauce. It can be added to fried, stewed, baked dishes, the taste of such an addition will only get better.
