
How to salt tomatoes with plums. Culinary recipes and photo recipes

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The season of preparations for the winter is very soon and it's time for all housewives to start stocking up on recipes. I propose to make unusual pickled tomatoes with plums for the winter. How to cook Pickled Tomatoes with Plums read and see further.

Pickled tomatoes with plums for the winter: recipes with photos

Tomato preparations for the winter are made by millions of housewives every year. Competitions in the number of rolled cans are held simultaneously with experiments in the recipe. Tomatoes are closed with various spices and seasonings, roots and fruits. Fruits in combination with brine give tomatoes a special aroma and flavor. For example, tomatoes with plums come out quite original and will definitely appeal to lovers of culinary experiments.

Recipe Pickled Tomatoes with Plums


  • tomatoes and large plums (1x1)

For filling:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 100 gr. Sahara
  • 15 gr. c oli
  • a pinch of citric acid

Cooking method:

1. Tomatoes sort out, leaving only dense brown. Wash the tomatoes with a sponge.

2. Rinse the plums in running water and dry.

3. Prick the tomatoes with toothpicks or a fork from the side of the stem.

4. Sterilize jars.

5. Place the tomatoes and plums in a warm jar in layers.

6. Boil clean water in a kettle.

7. Pour boiling water over a jar of tomatoes.

8. Cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.

9. Prepare the filling separately. Pour clean water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

10. Dissolve sugar and salt in water.

11. Drain the water from the can and pour in the boiling filling. H After 10 minutes, drain the filling and boil. Pour the filling back into the jar.

12. Pour citric acid into the jar from above.

13. Roll up the jar with a sterilized lid.

14. Turn the jar upside down, wrap until completely cool.

Store in a cool place.

The second version of tomatoes with plums will be a little more difficult. And yet, the recipe for these tomatoes is worthy of being in your culinary notebook and in a jar on a shelf in the pantry.

Recipe Pickled tomatoes with plums and herbs


  • 1 kg tomatoes
  • 0.5 kg plums
  • 1 PC. onion
  • 3 tooth garlic
  • 5 pieces. peppercorns
  • 5 pieces. sweet pea
  • 2 dill umbrellas
  • 1 horseradish sheet
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 3 art. l. salt
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf
  • 100 ml table vinegar 9%

Cooking method:

  1. Tomatoes and plums, preferably the same size, wash and chop with toothpicks.
  2. Sterilize the jar.
  3. Rinse greens.
  4. Put dill, horseradish leaf, bay leaf, garlic and peppercorns in a clean jar.
  5. Peel the onion and cut into 6 pieces.
  6. Fill jar with tomatoes and plums.
  7. Place the onion parts in the middle of the jar.
  8. Boil water and pour into a jar of tomatoes.
  9. Drain the water and pour boiling water again.
  10. After 10 minutes, pour the second water into a saucepan and boil.
  11. Pour salt, sugar and vinegar into boiling water.
  12. Pour the filling into the jar.
  13. Roll up the jar with a sterilized lid.
  14. Cool down under a warm blanket. Store in a cool place.

Recipes for tomatoes with plums, of course, will not be familiar to lovers of traditional tomato preparations, but if you are a lover of exotics and experiments, then the recipe for tomatoes with grapes is just for you. See video recipe.

Video recipe Pickled tomatoes with grapes

Cook with pleasure and be healthy!

Always your Alena Tereshina.

In this combination, these two products simply amazingly complement each other. Tomatoes due to plums acquire an unusual, refined taste. And the plum becomes the perfect snack. It is often served as an accompaniment to meat. Often such a plum becomes a delicacy in itself and occupies a central place on the table.

It is not difficult to prepare tomatoes with plums for the winter, and this will not cause any problems even for a novice hostess. The main and important task is the choice of products. It is on what tomatoes and plums will be in the jar that the taste and quality of the pickles depends.

It is not enough just to buy plums and tomatoes or pick them in your garden and garden. They need to be able to choose the right one! And even experienced housewives will be useful to read this article and remind yourself of some of the nuances.

As in any other business, preparatory work is a very important step in conservation. In order for pickled tomatoes with plums to turn out tasty and stand well, you must first prepare high-quality products. Let's start with tomatoes. For conservation, the Slivka variety is ideal.

When choosing tomatoes for preservation, it is important to follow some rules:

  • A beautiful tomato is not yet an indicator of quality. When cutting the fruit, there should not be a green core and veins - this is an indicator of a technical tomato. And slight voids inside are characteristic only for the Slivka variety.
  • Avoid nitrate tomatoes. They are easy to identify by too soft skin, on which there are traces of small pressures. Traces of mutation and all kinds of growths are characteristic of fruits that are overfed with hormones and nitrates. This is especially common in greenhouse tomatoes, grown in much better suited for seaming.
  • Tomatoes must be absolutely healthy. All sorts of dark and light spots are a sign. One infected fruit will cause the entire jar to explode.

We decided on tomatoes - they should be elastic, healthy and of the correct shape. Same with plums. Choose the desired variety slightly underripe and, of course, the fruits should be whole and uninfected. If you choose high-quality products, plum tomatoes for the winter will turn out to be just excellent. It remains the case for small - choose a recipe and roll up.

For one serving (3-liter jar), we need 1.5 kg of tomato and about a kilogram of plums (optional). Each hostess adds spices to taste. Basically it is a sprig of celery, 3-4 cloves of garlic, bay leaf and peppercorns. You can put a whole onion (it will also be marinated and will be amazingly tasty), or you can add chopped onions. Some don't add it at all.

Umbrellas of dill and cloves will complement the taste well. Many housewives experiment with spices. And it is right. This way you can find your favorite recipe.

Before laying tomatoes and plums, it is recommended to pierce with a toothpick in several places. Spices are placed in sterile, dry jars, and then tomatoes with plums. The end result should be an assortment. Pour in boiling water and let stand for 15 minutes. After that, pour boiling water from the jars into the pan and prepare the marinade from it.

For the marinade, based on 1 liter, it is necessary to boil 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt. Then add 50 ml of 9% vinegar and let it boil again. After boiling the marinade, it is immediately poured into jars. Banks are rolled up with sterilized lids and turned upside down. Leave them in this position for a day - during this time they will cool down.

To create such a bright and juicy preparation, like pickled tomatoes with plums, you will need Slivka vegetables and Hungarian fruits. Rinse them in water, removing the tails from the drains. Peel the garlic and also wash it along with the celery sprigs.

Remember that the taste of the workpiece is obtained for an amateur: plums are salty-sweet, tomatoes are the same. If you do not like culinary innovations in dishes, then prepare only a couple of jars so as not to be disappointed, and after a day or two open the workpiece and taste it. If you like it, you'll just have time to cook more.

So, to prepare pickled tomatoes with plums for the winter, take the products from the list.

Cut the plums along the line and remove the seeds from each fruit, removing wormy or spoiled ones.

Put celery sprigs, tomatoes mixed with plums on the bottom of the containers.

Pour boiling water, cover with metal lids and hold for about 20 minutes, steaming the contents of the containers.

Then change the lid to a plastic one with holes and drain the water into the pan.

Pour black peppercorns into a jar, chop the garlic cloves.

Add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and vinegar to the drained water. Bring the marinade to a boil.

Pour it into jars and roll up with scalded lids. If the jars are threaded, then simply tighten the lids until they stop. You can turn the containers upside down and wrap them with a blanket.

Cool and transfer the pickled tomatoes with plums harvested for the winter to the pantry.

Don't forget to try out the recipe! Happy you!

A little originality, even in the matter of harvesting tomatoes for the winter, does not fit. You can, for example, ennoble the usual tomato taste with prunes and apples, and if you also take green tomatoes and pepper with all your heart, then you get something completely original and even the taste is far from clear to everyone. But at the same time, without any doubt, when eating, it is pleasant in all respects.


  • 1.5 kilograms of green tomatoes,
  • 200 grams of sweet and sour apples,
  • 300 grams of onion,
  • 1 cup prunes
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon yellow mustard seeds
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper (preferably freshly ground, for flavor)
  • 1 teaspoon ground allspice (preferably freshly ground)
  • ½ cup 9% vinegar.

Step by step original recipeseasonings from tomatoes with prunes for the winter

  1. Peel and cut the apples and onions, wash the tomatoes, dry them, cut them too and pass everything through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Salt everything and leave to reach overnight.
  2. Rinse prunes, soak in cold boiled water and leave overnight.
  3. The next day, drain the water from the prunes and remove excess liquid from the fruit and vegetable mixture. Connect everything together.
  4. Tie spices in gauze.
  5. Add vinegar, spice sugar in cheesecloth and cook, stirring occasionally with a wide spatula, the mixture over low heat until it thickens.
  6. Do not forget to remove the gauze bag with spices from the finished seasoning.
  7. Fill the prepared jars with boiling seasoning to the very brim, roll up, turn over and leave to cool under the covers.

I enjoy life together with my son Nikitka, he is 5 years old. He is my inspiration, helper and friend. I cook every day (I started cooking and cooking for the whole family from the age of 9). More than anything, I love family dinners at home. I always bake sweets for the weekend, I love it when the house smells like baking! It's so cozy! I love to travel and bring recipes from all over the world! The culinary project “I love to cook” has become a part of my family for a long time. This is not only my job, but the place where I share the most intimate, what my relatives adore - the recipes of our family.

Canning tomatoes for the winter with plums is a very interesting and unusual version of the tomato canning recipe. But there is a completely logical explanation for this combination of products, they are ideal for pickling. So, why not try to combine them and surprise your guests with such an extravagant appetizer.

Both figurants of canning only complement each other, tomatoes get a spicy aftertaste, plums emphasize beauty, while having excellent taste. Pickled tomatoes with berries will be an original addition to winter preparations for you and your loved ones.

So let's consider several varieties of tomatoes with plums for the winter. The recipes are quite simple, but each of them carries a special piquancy, and everyone will be able to choose a recipe that is closer to their priorities.

Vegetables and fruit for any recipe it is best to take firm or even slightly unripe. Depending on the variety of plums, the appetizer acquires the appropriate shade. The most spectacular appetizer is obtained when using blue or red varieties. But if you use yellow varieties, you can really surprise your guests, because they will be very similar to yellow small tomatoes.

The ratio of the number of basic products, as a rule, is 1 to 2, but specifically for yourself, you can experiment in one direction or another. Tomatoes should be tight and dense, it is best to take varieties of small size.

Recipe 1. Classic pickled tomatoes with plums

Recipe ready in just 30 minutes for this we need, based on a 1-liter jar:

It is necessary to start cooking by sterilizing the jar, after which we thoroughly wash the main products and dry them. First of all we begin to fill the jar with spices, put pepper, dill and cloves on the bottom. Next we send a layer of tomato, then chopped onion, and already on top of the plum. It is better to lay everything in layers, so the bank looks much more spectacular. Pour boiling water all over the edges of the jar. After 5 minutes, drain the water into a saucepan and add salt and sugar, as an option, you can use honey. Bring the marinade to a boil and add vinegar, mix a little, pour the liquid back into the jar. That's all now you can clog everything for the winter.

Recipe 2. Tomatoes with plums stuffed with almonds

Almonds in this dish combination will give a specific aroma and taste, as well as the additional content of trace elements and minerals.

It will take about 1 hour to cook, based on 1 liter of product. Ingredients:

In order not to forget to put any ingredient in a jar during cooking, it is best to put everything on the table in front of you. Pour all the spices and garlic into the bottom of the steamed jar. Then we lay the tomatoes tightly up to half the jar.

Now let's start processing plums. We need to swap the seeds from the plum with the almond. Do it's pretty simple- cut off the edges of the plum with a sharp knife and, using a stick, push the stone out. And in its place we send a nut. And fill the jar to the top with plums, at the end we put pepper rings. Pour boiling water over the products and let it brew for 5 minutes. Drain the water and bring to a boil again. While the water is boiling, add the last ingredients vinegar, salt and sugar to the jar, pour boiling water over everything and close it.

Recipe 3: Tomatoes with plums, canned without vinegar

A recipe for opponents of vinegar in preparations for the winter. As a preservative, acetylsalicylic acid is used based on the calculation of 1 tablet per liter of workpiece.

Ingredients per liter of finished product:

The recipe is no different from the rest. First spices and garlic, then tomatoes and plums, pour boiling water and heat the composition and drain the water. Before pouring water again, pour sugar, salt and add aspirin. Everything can be closed. There is no doubt about the safety of the canned product.

Recipe 4: Tomatoes with Plums in Jelly

Many are familiar with pickled tomatoes and onions in jelly. But it is worth noting that this recipe will turn out much more interesting and appetizing. To prepare it, we need the following set of ingredients based on a 3-liter jar:

  • Tomatoes - 1.8 kg;
  • Plum - 500 grams;
  • Garlic - 1 small head;
  • Pepper, dill, bay leaf.

For filling:

First of all, pour gelatin with 200 ml of cool water so that it has time to swell while we work with vegetables. Cut the tomatoes into circles, but not too thin, about half a centimeter. Remove the pits from the plums and cut them in half.

In jars in layers add tomatoes and plums, previously to the bottom, adding garlic and spices. Fill with boiling water and let stand. Pour water from cans into the pan and do not forget about salt and sugar. As soon as the water boils, pour the gelatin into the pan and bring to a boil. Pour the brine into jars and cover with lids. Next, you need to sterilize the jars for 10 minutes. We close the jars with lids and the canned snack is ready.

It is worth noting that expiration date of any canned tomatoes with plums is limited, and is no more than two years. So it is necessary to mark the jars with the year of preparation, so as not to be confused in the future and not harm your health. And do not be afraid to experiment with the recipe, so you can find the best option for yourself.
