
How to get raw alcohol at home. drinking alcohol

Vodka is constantly becoming more expensive, but nevertheless it does not become of high quality! How to make alcohol at home and based on it? Make your own home installation for obtaining quality alcohol for your needs! 🙂

We bring to your attention a sketch and description of the installation for the production of high-quality alcohol from mash made from sugar or various fruit raw materials.

The design of the plant is simple and does not require large investments. It is quite realistic to make it in a home workshop or garage for a person who knows how to hold a metalwork tool in his hands. The installation consists of stainless pipe cuts of various diameters, interconnected in a certain sequence by partitions using conventional soldering or welding and filled with filler.

Any room with a 220V power supply and running water for cooling is suitable for the operation of the unit. In addition to electricity, other heating sources can be used: a gas or electric stove, a cooking oven, hot steam, etc. The installation can be performed in several versions, everything will depend on the performance and power consumption, which is clearly seen from the table:


Power consumption,

The quality of the received products

- alcohol strength 96.0%;- impurity content in accordance with GOST 5962-67







wood, rubber/

Partition with a hole

stainless steel sheet/

resp. d=8

Partition with a hole

stainless steel sheet/

resp. d=8

Cylinder outer

stainless steel/

d=102/3.0 L=420

Cylinder internal

stainless steel/

d=76/3.0 L=400

heat insulator

not specified

Water supply tube

stainless steel tube/

color allowed. met.

stainless steel pipe/ d=57\2.0-3.0



stainless steel sheet/

with resp. d=3.0-4.0

drill holes asas often as possible
Coupling or ring

stainless steel

color met. is allowed,

as well as threaded or

flange connection

water outlet tube

stainless steel tube/

allowed tsv.met.
Partition withhole

stainless steel sheet/

resp. d=8

Exit tubealcohol

stainless steel tube/


not specified


1. All dimensions are in millimeters.

2. Since the installation can be made of pipes of other diameters, it is necessary that the gap between the pipes (cylinders) pos. No. 5 and No. 8 must be at least 6 mm., Between pos. No. 4 and No. 5 at least 10 mm.

3. All parts of the installation are interconnected by soldering or welding.

4. The distillation column in the upper part has 4-8 holes d=8-10 mm. for the exit of alcohol vapors into the space between the cylinders pos. No. 4 and No. 5.

5. Deviations in linear dimensions during the assembly of the installation does not have a significant effect.

Attention! All the above dimensions correspond to installations with a capacity of 25-30 liters/day.

Drinking ethyl alcohol can be easily obtained at home.

The basis for obtaining the product is starch, which is found in starch-containing plants - wheat and potatoes. Starch is not subjected to alcohol fermentation, so it must be saccharified. This can be done with the help of active enzymes contained in malt, which is a product of the germination of grains of cereals such as wheat, barley or rye.

Getting malt

To obtain good malt, cereal grains must be of high quality: full, heavy, ripe (ripe grains sink to the bottom in water).

They are sifted through sieves to eliminate mechanical impurities, and then washed in water at a temperature of 50 0 C to remove chaff and dust. Then soak in raw water, falling asleep little by little and stirring, and leave for 4 hours.

After that, the soaked grains are covered with a thin even layer (3-5 cm) on a baking sheet and covered with a damp cloth. The room where malt is grown should be well ventilated, it should not be stuffy and damp. These are necessary conditions for the formation of enzymes. The grain must be turned every 6-8 hours and monitor its moisture content.

When the sprouts reach 3 cm, the malt is ready. This takes 9-10 days.

Getting starch

To get starch from potatoes, it is rubbed on a coarse grater, poured with water 1: 1 and boiled for 2 hours to obtain a paste. To obtain starch from wheat or rye, grains must be crushed, poured with water 1: 2 and boiled until a thick boiled porridge is obtained.

The finished product is left to cool to 60 0 C. During this time, the malt is crushed with a blender (or in a meat grinder) and the ingredients are mixed. In order for the starch splitting process to proceed, the temperature of the mixture is maintained at 60 0 C, for which the container is wrapped in a warm blanket or placed in hot water. An hour later, it is released to cool at room temperature.


When the mixture has cooled, mashed pressed yeast is added to it. Room temperature during fermentation should be about 20 0 C, then the process will be completed in three days. At a temperature of 18 0 C, you will have to wait a week, and at temperatures below 15 0 C, fermentation does not occur.

Alcohol distillation

In order to get alcohol from mature mash, it is distilled in a distillation apparatus. It can be made according to drawings or purchased factory-made. The principle of operation of such devices is that, under the influence of temperature, it passes into a gaseous state, and then, getting into the cooling chamber, it cools down and condenses, flowing down in the form of a liquid into the receiver.


Includes impurities that degrade the quality of the drink and are harmful to health. They should be removed. To do this, a little potassium permanganate is added to the solution and left for a day, and then filtered, trying not to shake the precipitate.

An unpleasant odor can be removed with activated carbon, which is added to alcohol and left for two weeks, shaking the container periodically, and then filtered.

To obtain a liter of alcohol with a strength of 60 0, 100 gr. yeast and 2.33 kg of wheat, of which 1/3 is used as malt. If you make alcohol from potatoes, ¼ of the original product goes to malt.

Attention: this article is for informational purposes only. Always remember the dangers of alcohol.

The production of alcohol consists of several stages, which must be performed in sequential order. To obtain pure ethyl alcohol (more than 40%), distillation and purification of the feedstock is necessary. The main advantage of this technology is the absence of significant investments for the purchase of equipment and a variety of feedstock.

The alcohol production technology includes the following steps:

  • preparation of raw materials;
  • boiling grain with water;
  • cooling and saccharification;
  • fermentation;
  • distillation of alcohol;
  • rectification.

Barley, rye, oats and other grains can be used as grain. Musty and musty odors are not allowed. There is no strict regulation of the grain that will be boiled. It is recommended to choose raw materials with a moisture content of up to 17% and a slight contamination. The grain is cleaned of dust, earth, small stones, weed seeds and other impurities. Then it is separated on an air-sieve separator.

Small metal impurities are to be removed by means of magnetic separators.

Boiling grains occurs in order to destroy their cell walls. As a result, the starch is released and converted into a soluble form. In this state, it is much easier to saccharify with enzymes. The grain is treated with steam at an overpressure of 500 kPa. When the boiled mass comes out brewer, reduced pressure leads to the formation of steam (from the water contained in the cells).

Such an increase in volume breaks the cell walls and turns the grain into a homogeneous mass. To date, the digestion of starch-containing raw materials is carried out in one of three ways: batch, semi-continuous or continuous. The most popular is the continuous method. The boiling temperature is 172°C, and the cooking time is about 4 minutes. To obtain a better result, it is recommended to grind the raw materials.

The process of boiling itself includes the following operations:

  • Strict dosage of grain and water;
  • Heating the batch to the boiling temperature;
  • Exposure of the mass at a given temperature.

The crushed grain should be mixed with water in the amount of 3 liters per 1 kg. grains. The grain mixture is heated with steam (75°C) and pumped into the contact hole of the plant. It is here that the instant heating of the slurry to a temperature of 100 ° C occurs. After that, the heated batch is placed in the cooking apparatus.

During the saccharification process, malted milk is added to the chilled mass to break down the starch. Active chemical interaction leads to the fact that the product becomes absolutely suitable for the further fermentation process. The result is a wort that contains 18% dry sugar with an acidity of 0.3 degrees. When an iodine test is made from the mass, the color of the wort should remain unchanged.

The fermentation of the wort begins with the introduction of industrial yeast into the saccharified mass. Maltose is broken down to glucose, which in turn is fermented into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Secondary fermentation products (essential acids, etc.) also begin to form. This process must take place in a closed fermentation plant, which will prevent the loss of alcohol and the release of carbon dioxide into the production hall.

The carbon dioxide released during the fermentation process and alcohol vapors from the fermentation unit enter special compartments, where the water-alcohol liquid and carbon dioxide are separated. The content of ethyl alcohol in the mash should be up to 9.5 vol.%.

Ethyl alcohol is actively used in many national economic areas: food, chemical-pharmaceutical, perfumery, microbiological, where it is the fundamental principle of many types of products. Requirements for the quality of alcohol vary significantly, due to the specifics of its use, as well as the characteristics and modes of technological operations in the production process.

The two most popular methods of obtaining it are microbiological and chemical. The first involves the procedure for the fermentation of sugars by saccharomyces yeasts. This technology is widely used in case of mini alcohol production. According to the second method, it is obtained from ethylene by catalytic hydration - this technology is closely related to the use of biological catalytic enzymes. As a result of chemical synthesis, the production of technical alcohol is carried out, and with biological - food and medical.

The main raw material for the production of alcohol is plant mass with a high content of starch, sugar and fiber. In accordance with this, raw materials are divided into 3 main classes: starch-containing (cereals, potatoes); sugar-containing (beet, molasses, grapes, fruits) and cellular (xylem, straw, sulfite-cellulose industry waste). The most popular and economical type is potatoes. The starch included in its composition has a fast digestibility, gelatinization and saccharification. Any grain goes for alcohol processing, including those unsuitable for food and fodder.

Technological process of alcohol production

The production of ethyl alcohol consists of mandatory technological operations, which can be conditionally combined into three stages: preliminary (washing, purification of raw materials, preparation of malt extract and cultures of microorganisms); the main one (boiling the raw mass, saccharification - the transition of starch into sugar, fermentation, distillation of mash and the collection of raw alcohol); final - distillation cleaning.

In the production of alcohol from grain, the raw mass must be distinguished by a high starch content and a moisture content of less than 17%. The preparatory stage of the technology consists in the preliminary purification of raw materials from mechanical, organic and weed impurities. For this, various technological equipment is used: air-sieve, magnetic separators, trieres.

The boiling process consists in the fact that the raw material for the production of ethyl alcohol is treated with a vapor phase of a solution under a pressure of 0.5 MPa in order to soften the cellular structure, swell the starch, extract and convert it into a soluble state to speed up the saccharification stage with enzymes. At the same time, an increased increase in the volume of sugars is carried out due to the breakdown of starch.

To date, the cooking of starch-containing material is carried out by 3 methods: periodic, semi-continuous and constant. The most common is the last option using 2 schemes. According to the 1st operation takes place at a low temperature (about 140 ° C), but for a long time (1 hour). According to the 2nd - the cooking temperature is about 170 ° C for 3 minutes. With this type of brewing, the raw medium moves in a continuous mass through the evaporator for the production of alcohol. In order to achieve uniformity of the flow, the mass is crushed.

The next operation of the food alcohol production technology is the cooling of the prepared medium and its saccharification as a result of interaction with malt solution or enzymes at 58°C. Traditionally, saccharification takes place in a continuous process using vacuum cooling. Cooling in a vacuum apparatus prevents thermal inactivation of the catalyst-enzymes of saccharifying agents. Its principle is to reduce pressure, which causes a sharp cooling of the boiled mass due to the consumption of thermal energy for the evaporation of moisture.

The continuous type of saccharification is carried out according to the 1- or 2-stream method. In the first case, the boiled mixture and saccharifying substances enter the saccharifier (a cylindrical unit with a cone-shaped base and a stirrer), which are kept for a quarter of an hour. With the 2-stream method, the boiled mass is divided into 2 identical streams and sent to the saccharifiers. 66% of saccharifying substances go to the 1st saccharifier, half of the saccharified wort goes to the 2nd. They are cooled and sent for fermentation to the 1st and 2nd main units of the fermentation battery. At the exit, the wort has about 17% dry matter, including 15% fermentable sugars.

Fermentation processes in the wort occur due to the activation of yeast enzymes, while maltose breaks down to glucose and is fermented into the alcohol phase and carbon dioxide. During this process, 3 stages are visible: fermentation, main fermentation and final fermentation. At the initial moment, activation of the vital activity of yeast is observed. The subsequent one is distinguished by the rapid fermentation of the sugar fraction and the strong formation of carbon dioxide. At the final stage, residual fermentation of sugars occurs, which are formed during the sugaring of wort carbohydrates.

The fermentation process is periodic, cyclic and in-line. Maximum efficiency is achieved when using the latter, which is carried out on equipment from serially connected yeast, a fermenter and 10 fermentation units. Yeast and a fermenter are used to prepare the required volume of industrial yeast. In the course of work, the yeasts are filled with wort, it is pasteurized at 80 ° C for half an hour, then it is cooled to 30 ° C, the acidity is adjusted to a level of 3.6-3.8 pH with sulfuric acid and, finally, yeast is added from another yeast for sowing (30% of the volume). The yeast is propagated to a dry matter level in the must of 5%. After that, 3/4 of the volume of yeast passes into the fermenter, where the cooled wort is filled in parallel, the entire mass is acidified to the standard acidity. The last quarter of the yeast is sent to another propagator.

Equipment required for production

Among the equipment for the production of alcohol, one should single out cylindrical-type fermentation units with a sealed hatch to prevent the evaporation of alcohol and the release of carbon dioxide into the premises of the plant. In total, the fermentation stage lasts 60 hours. In distilleries that produce alcohol exclusively, the introduction of test-tube culture of yeast is carried out 1 time / month, and they are completely changed in the fermentation battery weekly. At factories equipped with auxiliary workshops for bakery yeast obtained from mash, the number of replacements increases to 2-3 times a week.

Then the mature mash is sent for distillation. This stage of alcohol production technology is mandatory due to the complex composition of the brew: in addition to water and alcohol, this includes sugars, mineral elements, various volatile components, depending on the type and quality characteristics of raw materials, processing parameters.

During distillation, the mixture is split - when boiled, more volatile elements are converted into a vapor state. In the alcohol-water complex, the volatility of alcohol vapors, regardless of temperature, significantly exceeds that of water vapor, which is why the amount of alcohol in the alcohol-water complex is lower than in vapors.

At modern factories for the production of alcohol, mandatory purification of raw alcohol from impurities is provided. For this, special distillation apparatuses of constant action are used, which cause the separation of a mixture of several elements, the boiling point of which varies. The purification of alcohol by distillation involves the difference between the rectification coefficients (the ratio of the volume of a given component in the vapor phase to the volume in the liquid phase).

These coefficients for various impurities fluctuate and closely depend on the concentration of alcohol. To analyze the need to purify alcohol from impurities, their evaporation coefficients should be compared. In the case where the coefficient is equal to one, distillation is not efficient, since the distillate in the final result will not change. When the coefficient exceeds one, then the volume of impurities in the distillate exceeds this indicator in the initial mixture. When the ratio is below one, the level of impurities contained in the distillate is lower than originally.

Alcohol purification occurs to a greater extent in continuous distillation apparatus, where it is rectified according to the levels of evaporation coefficients. This type of equipment is used in factories where raw alcohol is the main raw material. At the enterprises, rectified alcohol is produced directly from the mash phase on indirect brew distillation apparatuses, which include 3 columns: mash, epuration and rectification. In the 1st, ethyl alcohol and volatile substances are obtained from the mash, in the 2nd, head impurities are removed, in the 3rd, rectified alcohol is directly collected. In addition to the main devices, the composition contains auxiliary devices - fusel and final (for the control purification of alcohol).

The manufacture of alcohol-containing products is carried out if the enterprise has the appropriate licenses for the production of alcohol. Strict control over alcohol production is accompanied by a tightening of highly specialized legislation, an increase in the cost of, regulation of standards for the whole processing of waste.

We prepare alcohol without leaving home (not counting the trip to the shops, for the necessary components). We start the process.

Home production. Recipes.

IN from alcohol recipes:

  1. Mature rowan berries (one kilogram) are crushed in a mortar using a pestle. Transfer the crushed berries to a bottle (made of glass). Pour, mountain ash, kvass (bread) in the amount of ten or twelve liters. Next - the addition of yeast (seventy grams). Braga should ferment at a temperature of sixteen degrees. At the end of the fermentation process, mix the mixture and pour it into the forcing machine. You need to distill alcohol several times.
  2. Mash potatoes (one kilogram). Transfer it to a vat and pour boiling water over it. Then - a little straw and a kilogram of flour (rye). After a few hours, drain the liquid. Allow the residue to drain, and fill it with water (fifty degrees). Mixing everything, again, after a while, drain the liquid. She must wander. And, after that, you can observe, in front of you, twenty percent alcohol.
  3. Fill the bag, without the slightest holes, with mash. Leave it in the refrigerator all night, or on the balcony if there is frost. In the morning, looking in the refrigerator, you will notice that in the bag there is a lump of waste and a little liquid. This liquid is alcohol.
  4. Dilute tomato paste in thirty liters of water. Add sugar (ten kilograms) and beer (half a liter). Infuse this mixture in a warm place until it is all fermented. Afterwards, overtake her. The output is seven to eight liters. The output is a forty percent alcohol-containing liquid.
  5. Take five hundred grams of yeast, five kilograms of sugar, four loaves of bread, three cups of milk, twenty-five small potatoes (crushed). Pour it all with boiled warm water (twenty-five liters). Insist twenty-four hours and distill.
  6. In thirty liters of water, mix six liters of syrup (any), add two hundred grams of yeast. Waiting time - a week. Output - seven liters. Is this option suitable? If not, there are other options below.

Making alcohol without sugar

Get malt. It is obtained from grains of rye, barley or wheat. How? By sprouting in trays (their height is from five to ten centimeters). Treat the grains with potassium permanganate. Fall asleep in trays (three centimeters) and irrigate them with water. Do this so that the grains float in the water. Cover the patches with cling film. Put in a place that is very lit. Grains, as water is absorbed, irrigate periodically. The malt will be ready in seven days. Peel the potatoes (one kilogram), cut them not very finely and boil for two hours. When the potatoes turn into a paste, leave it to cool. The temperature should drop to sixty degrees. Add malt to it (in crushed form). Leave to cool to twenty-two degrees. Now for the yeast addition. With yeast, put the mixture in a warm place. At a temperature of twenty to twenty-two, the mash will be considered cooked in three days. If the temperature is fifteen degrees - in a week. Distill Braga through a special distillation apparatus. You can adjust its strength yourself, in the process of distillation. If you see that the alcohol turns out to be cloudy, then by adding potassium permanganate, lighten it. How to do it? Pour, in a small amount, it into alcohol. Stir. Leave to infuse for twenty-four hours. In the morning, carry out the process of filtering the sediment. You, as you understand, do not need it. And with an unpleasant smell, now, we will also deal with it. Coal (charcoal) will help us in dismantling. Pour it into a bowl with alcohol, mix. Let it brew for fifteen days. During infusion, coal, sometimes, needs to be shaken. After fifteen days, infuse, a mixture of charcoal and alcohol, filtered.

Memo for the production of homemade alcohol

Yeast - one hundred grams. Wheat or grains of another crop (2.33 kg). With this amount listed, you will get one liter of alcohol, the strength of which will be sixty degrees. Remember that it is necessary to boil all the grains completely, but to brew - only two-thirds of the grains. One third should be added as malt. If you are making alcohol from corn or potatoes, the malt should be equal to one fourth of the entire mass of the original product.

How high-quality alcohol will turn out depends only on you. It is necessary to observe all temperature regimes, observe all technologies very correctly and control the content of starch and other "alcohol requirements".

More importantly, you will have to be patient as you should. I'm not setting you up for bad things. Simply, I want to say that the preparation of alcohol is not the preparation of ordinary porridge or ordinary soup. That is, the cooking technology is completely different, not as simple as it might seem at once.

The only one, but huge plus: home-made alcohol can take place right in your kitchen (at home). Many housewives and housewives are glad that there is such an opportunity. You will need to go to the store only for products that are useful for cooking. Well, alcohol is your invention. Unless, of course, you really need it.

Perhaps you want to try to open your own business for the manufacture of this product. Well, take a chance. What if things didn't turn out so bad? I can not say which recipe, of the above, is the best. I can say one thing for sure: no one forbids you to make a choice which of the recipes to try and which to ignore. The choice is entirely yours.

Pcontinuation of the production of alcoholicproducts:

Home production of vodka. -
