
How to get sea buckthorn oil. How to make sea buckthorn oil at home: recipes with photos

Today I will tell you how to make sea buckthorn oil yourself at home from berries, cake and seeds, I will offer proven recipes. Treatment with a healing product has long been widely used in folk medicine. Cooking butter is not at all difficult, as it seems at first glance, but by doing it yourself, you will be completely sure of the quality.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home

I am sure that a bottle of homemade sea buckthorn remedy should be in every home so that a true and reliable remedy for many diseases is at hand. How valuable healing qualities the product has, read below, read by clicking on the link.

Sea buckthorn oil

The easiest way to make butter, but despite the lightness, you will get a good quality product.

  1. Sort the berries, rinse several times in running water. Skip the juicer. Juice is not needed, drink it, freshly squeezed is good for health.
  2. Pour the cake with ordinary sunflower oil. For 3 cups, take half a liter of oil. Let stand for several days (a week is enough) for the berries to transfer useful substances to the oil.
  3. Strain the resulting oil from the cake and repeat the procedure again: squeeze the juice in the juicer, drink it, and pour the fresh cake with the oil infused in the first portion.
  4. The tincture will receive a double portion of microelements and vitamins, and will be able to compete with the natural product of sea buckthorn, isolated from berries.

How to make your own oil from pomace

  1. After sorting the berries, rinse them in good faith, then dry them in the oven at a low temperature. The berries should become firm and completely dry, do not allow the sea buckthorn fruits to burn during drying.
  2. Grind the dried berries in a coffee grinder, you get almost flour, and pour in a little warmed sunflower oil. Take glassware or ceramic dishes. The oil should completely cover the sea buckthorn flour.
  3. Stir the mixture, cover the container with a lid and place in a dark place for about a week. Stir the mixture daily. The temperature is preferably room temperature, not higher and not lower.
  4. Strain the oil through a fine sieve and put it back in the dark. The oil should become transparent, there should be a sediment at the bottom of the dish.
  5. Pour the product into another jar, separating the sediment. Cover tightly with a lid. This product will contain approximately 15% sea buckthorn oil. To get a more concentrated oil, repeat the complete cooking process again, several times - the percentage of berries will be maximum. Each time, pour a new portion of cake with the product already infused with sea buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn oil from pomace and seeds

For 4 cups of fresh berries you will need half a liter of vegetable oil. You can take olive oil. The method is good in that the healing agent can be prepared at any time, even in winter, if the cooked one is over, since frozen berries are used in the preparation.

  1. Sort the berries carefully, rinse, dry, laying them out on paper, and place them in the freezer for 4-5 days. Then defrost. Defrost extremely slowly, first put the berries from the freezer in the refrigerator, then continue to defrost at room temperature.
  2. When the berries are completely melted, squeeze the juice with a juicer (another available method). Put the juice in the refrigerator for a while, it will come in handy later, and dry the remaining cake. When it dries, separate the seeds and grind the cake in a coffee grinder.
  3. Combine crushed seeds with crushed cake, put in a bowl with a volume of at least 2 liters. Pour in the juice and add vegetable oil. Mix well.
  4. Take a large saucepan, put a small metal lid on the bottom (any other support), put a two-liter saucepan and pour water into the first, larger one. Boil the mass in a water bath over low heat for about 3 hours.
  5. Remove from heat, put the container in a secluded place for three days at room temperature. A layer of oil forms on the surface, which is carefully removed with a spoon and poured into a separate glass dish.
  6. Let the remaining oil stand for 3 days and again carefully collect the oil that forms on the surface. Repeat the process 3-4 more times. To make the oil easier to collect, pour the residue into a narrower container.

Sea buckthorn seed oil - recipe

Many do not know, but the most valuable is the sea buckthorn medicinal product from the seeds, and not from the cake. I offer home cooking. Moreover, you do not need to use a whole berry, we will get the seeds from the cake after squeezing the sea buckthorn juice.

  1. Separate the seeds from the cake to make the process easier, dry the cake a little by spreading it on paper in a ventilated and warm place.
  2. The bones will easily separate if you take a handful of dry cake and rub it a little between your palms.
  3. Grind the bones in a coffee grinder to make flour.
  4. Pour the flour with olive oil, wrap the neck of the jar with paper and place in a dark place for 2 months. Shake the mixture from time to time. After two months, strain - the oil is ready for treatment.

Do not be surprised if the oil turns out to be quite light, this happened, since there is no carotene in the seeds, which turns the sea buckthorn berry orange.

Homemade sea buckthorn oil from juice - recipe

The easiest and least time-consuming way to get the product. Wash the berries, squeeze out the juice, pour into a wide bowl and put in a secluded place for a day. Then, with a spoon, scoop up the oil that forms a film on the surface of the pan. You will recognize it, it will be an oily consistency. Pour into a glass dish and store tightly closed in the refrigerator.

The oil obtained by this method is considered to be of incredibly high quality, of the highest concentration. The only drawback of the option is that the product is quite small.

Sea buckthorn oil - medicinal properties

In folk medicine, sea buckthorn oil is used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Check out a short list.

  • Diseases of the digestive system. Improves the functioning of the pancreas, improves digestion, regulates the secretion of gastric juice, enhances intestinal motility. It has a wound-healing effect in cases of gastric and duodenal ulcers. It is indicated for duodenitis, fatty degeneration of the liver, cholelithiasis.
  • Skin diseases. Being an excellent bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent, it improves the processes of healing, epithelization. It is used for dermatitis, acne, neurodermatitis, lichen, eczema, boils, burns, frostbite, cuts and cracks (for example - follow the link and you can find out how to treat), other difficult to heal wounds.
  • Vision. Reduces the risk of developing diseases of the mucous membrane of the eyes, cornea. Clouding of the lens is prevented, intraocular pressure decreases, and inflammatory processes pass. It is used for burns and eye injuries, conjunctivitis, trachoma, blepharitis. Used to prevent glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity. It is used in the treatment of periodontal disease, pulpitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, for wound healing after removal.
  • Colds. Helps with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, laryngitis.
  • The cardiovascular system. By regularly using sea buckthorn, you will lower cholesterol, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and normalize blood pressure. The oil helps prevent the occurrence of blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Diabetes and obesity. With the help of the tool, sugar levels are regulated and lipid metabolism improves.
  • Recuperation after operations and serious illnesses.
  • Immunity boost.
  • Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis of vitamins A and E.

My dear readers, share the recipes with your friends in the social. networks, let them learn how to make sea buckthorn oil at home - a valuable product, in my opinion, should be in everyone's home. I suggest watching an interesting video about the benefits of berries, how to choose and prepare them. With love… Galina Nekrasova.

Sea buckthorn is a small tree or shrub of the goat family. The leaves are narrow and long. The tree blooms in early - mid-May. Fruit - small, about 0.5 cm, yellow berries. Sea buckthorn berries are unique in their chemical composition. They contain a large amount of organic acids, vitamin C, B1, B2 (only 8 vitamins), carotene, boron, iron, manganese, folic acid, trace elements, serotonin, etc. Therefore, sea buckthorn has always been very popular with housewives. After all, having prepared jams, preserves, compotes from this berry, you can provide your family with vitamins for the whole winter. And you can also prepare the most valuable oil from sea buckthorn, which will not only replenish the lack of vitamins in the body, but also help in the treatment of many diseases. In addition, it is a wonderful cosmetic product. This article will tell you how to make sea buckthorn oil at home. But first, let's talk about why this oil is so useful, and why it is simply necessary to have it in your home first aid kit.

The effect of sea buckthorn oil on the human body

This oil is used not only in medicine, but also in cooking. Dishes seasoned with such vitamin oil acquire a piquant taste. They can not only fill salads, but also use for frying. In medicine, it is used as a powerful multivitamin, analgesic and wound healing agent. In addition, it strengthens the immune system.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home. Method number 1

In this way, the highest quality oil is obtained. To do this, wash and dry the berries on a towel, and then squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer, or simply mash with a pestle. Drain the juice into a wide but shallow bowl (it is better to use glassware for this) and leave in a dark place for a day. The next day you will see how the oil has collected on the surface, it will be a lighter color. Collect it carefully with a spoon or pipette. Store the resulting product in a cool, dark place. It should be noted that with this method, very little oil comes out, but it will be of the highest quality.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home. Method number 2

Wash and dry the berries. Lay them out on a baking sheet and put them in the oven. And dry the berries at a low temperature, they should become absolutely firm. Then grind them into powder through a coffee grinder. Fold the resulting sea buckthorn flour into a glass vessel and pour in oil. Ideally, you should use olive, but sunflower may well fit. Infuse the berries for seven days, periodically shaking the bottle. After a week, drain the resulting oil and store in a cool place.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home. Method number 3

This method is somewhat troublesome, but the result will please you very much. Take four cups of pre-washed and dried berries and place them in the freezer for five days. After the expiration date, defrost the berries very slowly. Mash the thawed sea buckthorn and strain the juice.

Pour the juice into a jar and refrigerate. Spread the resulting cake on paper and dry at room temperature. When the pomace is dried, separate the bones from the remaining pulp and grind into flour (in a coffee grinder).

Then pour the resulting bone powder, the remaining cake, juice and half a liter into a small saucepan. Cover it all with a lid and put it in a water bath for three hours. After the specified time, remove the pan in a dark place for three days. During this time, a layer of oil will form on the surface, which will be lighter in color. Carefully remove it, and pour the remaining liquid into a saucepan of a smaller diameter and leave it again for three days. After removing the next portion of sea buckthorn oil, drain the rest into an even narrower saucepan. And so three or four times. As you can see, obtaining sea buckthorn oil is not such a difficult matter. Be always healthy!

Demand for oil is increasing every year, but production volumes are growing much more slowly. It is almost impossible to buy sea buckthorn oil in pharmacies, and in the bazaars the prices, to put it mildly, bite, and it is not known what you will buy.

For ten years, I have experienced many ways and their options for making butter at home, and settled on two. I try to make butter from golden varieties of sea buckthorn. If I don’t have time to immediately process fresh fruits, I freeze them, and then I cook butter from them.

Fresh fruit preparation

My ripe fruits and crush with a juicer. I put the resulting juice for settling. During this, oil floats to the surface of the juice, which I choose in a separate bowl. The remaining juice is pasteurized. By the way, sea buckthorn juice with honey is an excellent cough remedy.

Sea buckthorn pomace is washed with water and dried on a central heating battery. If the heating is not yet connected - in a dark place at temperatures up to 60 °. I twist the dried pomace in a coffee grinder, pour the resulting powder into an enameled pan, pour refined sunflower oil (200 g of oil per 200 g of powder), cover with a lid and leave to infuse. After 2 days, I pour the oil into another dish (enamelled, glass, porcelain or faience, but always with a lid) with a new portion of dry pomace and continue to insist for another 2-3 days. To increase the concentration of biologically active substances in the oil, this operation must be repeated three times.

I merge all the extracts obtained during the infusion, add the oil that has surfaced during the infusion of the juice; I filter through cheesecloth, folded in 3 layers, and pour into dry, clean dark glass bottles. I store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months.

I want to note: if you cook oil in enameled dishes, then the enamel must be intact.

Method for preparing sea buckthorn oil from frozen fruits

I get oil from frozen sea buckthorn fruits as follows: I pour a kilogram of fruits into an enameled pan, pour in a liter of oil, cover with a lid and put in a large pot of boiling water (the so-called water bath). After 30 minutes, I filter the mass through gauze, pour the oil into a dry bottle, and pour the pomace again with a fresh portion of sunflower oil and put it in a water bath. I repeat this operation again. That is, one portion of pomace is extracted with three portions of oil.

The oil obtained as a result of three extractions is poured into an enamel pan (preferably in a dark glass dish) and left for a day at room temperature. During settling, the oil floats up, and the juice remains at the bottom. Carefully pour the oil into a dark glass bottle. I keep it in the refrigerator.

Sea buckthorn oil is a high concentrate of vitamins and microelements contained in this berry. The use of sea buckthorn oil concerns many areas - this is cosmetology, medicine, and everyday life. And here make sea buckthorn oil- a biologically active product, not so simple.

Sea buckthorn oil is extracted from berries and seeds by repeated pressing. One of the first to obtain and describe in detail sea buckthorn oil was biochemist V. Ruchkin at the beginning of the 20th century. It was found that the oil from the berries (pulp) of sea buckthorn is orange-red in color, with a characteristic smell of sea buckthorn. While the oil obtained from the seeds is colorless. This is due to the fact that there is no carotene in sea buckthorn seeds, but linolenic acid is contained in a sufficiently high concentration.

To obtain sea buckthorn oil, only mature fruits are used, which are dried in the shade or oven at a minimum temperature. Technologically, in order to make sea buckthorn oil, the fruits are first squeezed, then driven under pressure, subjected to mixing with vegetable oil and diffusion.

At the end of this process, vegetable oil displaces sea buckthorn oil, resulting in a valuable vitamin product. The resulting sea buckthorn oil must comply with the established indicators and standards.

Of course, the whole process for obtaining oil is quite laborious, and is unlikely to be repeated at home. But there are simplified ways to get sea buckthorn oil at home. What will be needed for this? Sea buckthorn fruits, vegetable oil, patience and time.

How to make sea buckthorn oil?

To obtain oil, mature, dried fruits are used. Dry the fruits in a warm room (not in the sun!) Or in an oven at a temperature of 40-50. The impact on the berries of higher temperatures will lead to the destruction of the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn. The resulting oil is recommended to be stored in a tightly closed glass container in the refrigerator.

  • Sea buckthorn oil at home - method number 1.

To prepare sea buckthorn oil, in the simplest way, juice is squeezed out of dry sea buckthorn berries. Juice can be drunk. Good for health and beauty.

The mass of sea buckthorn pulp is dried naturally and poured with refined sunflower or in a ratio of 1:1. It is necessary that the oil slightly covers the fruits of sea buckthorn. The oil is infused at room temperature for 3 weeks, stirring occasionally.

At the end, the liquid part of the oil is drained. The resulting product is a mixture of sea buckthorn and selected vegetable oil, therefore, in home cosmetology, it is better to use olive oil rather than sunflower oil to prepare oil.

  • How to make sea buckthorn oil - method number 2.

A similar way to obtain sea buckthorn oil. Its advantage is less (in comparison with the first recipe) time costs. Similarly to the first recipe, dry sea buckthorn fruits are pressed and the juice is separated. The resulting mass (pulp) is poured with olive oil. The mixture is heated in a water bath to 50-55º. The oil is infused in a water bath at a temperature of 50º for a day, after which the oil is squeezed out and poured into a glass container.

  • Sea buckthorn oil at home - method number 3.

This method is a continuation of the previous one and allows make sea buckthorn oil higher
concentration and high quality.

To prepare it, mashed sea buckthorn fruits (separated from the juice) are poured not with vegetable oil, but with oil prepared in the second recipe! (prepared with a mixture of olive and sea buckthorn oil). Similarly, the oil is infused in a water bath at a temperature of 50-55º for 20-24 hours. Finally, the oil is squeezed out.

The product obtained in this way is superior in useful properties to the analogue of the second recipe. Repeating this procedure two or three times will result in high-quality sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn fruits are used new each time to obtain pulp.

  • Obtaining sea buckthorn oil - method number 4.

Dried sea buckthorn fruits are carefully ground (for example, in a coffee grinder). The resulting mass is poured with refined (sunflower or olive) oil. Vegetable oil is preheated to a temperature of 45-50º. The oil should completely cover the fruit. The resulting mass is infused at room temperature for 5-7 days. The mixture is stirred periodically.

In the process of "infusion" vegetable oil replaces sea buckthorn. After a week, the oil is filtered and allowed to stand for a few more days, after which it is filtered again. The resulting product contains about 5-10% pure sea buckthorn oil. Well, how to increase the concentration of the product, you probably already guess ...

  • How to cook sea buckthorn oil - method number 5.

The oil obtained in the 4th recipe is heated to a temperature of 45-50º and a new batch of crushed sea buckthorn fruits is poured into it. The oil is similarly infused for a week, squeezed and filtered. Sea buckthorn oil extracted in this way is more concentrated. Each repetition of this procedure increases the concentration of sea buckthorn oil by 1.5-2 times.

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Sea buckthorn is a medicinal plant that is popular both in our country and abroad. It helps to get rid of many diseases, well strengthens the immune system and enhances it. The oil from its fruits is especially valued; it is used to treat diseases of the digestive system and skin. This article provides all the detailed information about sea buckthorn oil and its medicinal properties.

Application features

Sea buckthorn oil will help restore the skin from any damage.

Sea buckthorn oil is used for medicinal purposes. It is effective for:

  • ulcers in the stomach;
  • gastritis;
  • wounds or burns on the body;
  • eye cataract and conjunctivitis;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • colpitis.

Important! Everyone is able to cook sea buckthorn oil at home, for this you need to know just a few simple recipes.


Dentists recommend using an oil medicine for severe pain in the teeth, stomatitis and bleeding gums. Tampons impregnated with the agent must be applied to the sore spot for a while (the active substance helps to relieve pain, stops the inflammatory process).

In cosmetology, sea buckthorn oil is used for both skin and hair.


The miraculous properties of sea buckthorn were also noted by cosmetologists. The oil helps to quickly restore and soften the skin, makes it more elastic, fills it with useful substances.

Important! Extracts from the fruits of a medicinal plant are added to the composition of cosmetics, which once again shows its benefits for the body.


The oil is also indispensable for the treatment of eye diseases. It is used for severe burns and corneal defects, conjunctivitis, keratitis and radiation damage to the eyes. Ophthalmologists noted the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment process.

Surgery and dermatology

For quick healing of sutures after operations, abscesses and wounds, surgeons recommend using an oil solution. It is also indispensable during the treatment of psoriasis, thermal and chemical burns, dermatitis.

Quality oil should have a rich orange color.


Sea buckthorn oil is also used in gastroenterology. The tool helps to relieve inflammation, heals damage to the mucous membranes. In complex therapy, it is used to treat gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, and tumors in the digestive system. In addition, the use of an oily substance leads to a decrease in the level of acidity in the stomach.

Contraindications for medicinal use

Although the drug helps to get rid of a large number of diseases, it can also cause harm to health.

The use of sea buckthorn oil is contraindicated and ineffective in:

  • acute diseases of the stomach;
  • pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
  • liver diseases;

Before using sea buckthorn oil, be sure to read the contraindications

  • indigestion;
  • intolerance to the active substance;
  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • increased acidity.

Instructions for use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes

Gynecological diseases:

  • with colpitis and endocervicitis, it is recommended to treat the walls of the vagina and uterus with sea buckthorn oil (soaked with cotton balls or tampons);
  • tampons impregnated with an oily drug help with cervical erosion (they are inserted into the vagina), the duration of the treatment course is 10-12 days.

Sea buckthorn oil helps in the treatment of gynecological diseases

For problems with digestive system it is necessary to take oil 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day. It will be effective in the case of complex treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The tool promotes the rapid healing of the affected areas of the mucous membrane and the resulting ulcers.

For burns and skin damage apply dressings impregnated with oil. It is applied to previously cleansed skin areas, changed as needed (every 2 days).

Technology for making sea buckthorn oil at home

If sea buckthorn grows in a summer cottage, then making a medicine from its fruits will not cause difficulties. There are several recipes that will help you make homemade sea buckthorn oil.

Before making butter, the berries must be thoroughly washed and dried.

Recipe number 1 "Classic"

  1. Sea buckthorn fruits are washed under running water.
  2. Dry to remove excess moisture (lay out the berries on a paper or cotton towel).
  3. Squeezing out juice.
  4. The resulting liquid is poured into a small container, put for a day in a dark place.
  5. Separated oil is collected from the surface of the juice with a pipette (it is used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, stored in a refrigerator or other cool place).

Recipe #2

This recipe will help you get a healthy oil that is used for external or internal use.


  • 4 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn;
    500 ml of unrefined sunflower oil (or any other, but vegetable).

Sea buckthorn juice


  1. Berries are placed in the freezer compartment for 4-6 days, then transferred to the refrigerator for slow melting.
  2. Melted berries (room temperature) are thoroughly washed.
  3. Squeezing out juice.
  4. Pour it into a bowl or bottle and refrigerate.
  5. The resulting cake is thoroughly dried, the grains are removed, and ground in a coffee grinder.
  6. The crushed cake, juice and oil are mixed, poured into a saucepan, put in a water bath (for 3-3.5 hours).
  7. The resulting mixture is infused for 3 days, then the resulting oil is removed from its surface, poured into a jar. The procedure is repeated at least two or three times, after each of them the substance is poured into a container of a smaller volume.

Recipe #3

To prepare the drug according to this recipe, you will need:

  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • sunflower (olive or corn) oil.

Butter is made from ripe sea buckthorn berries.


  1. The fruits are thoroughly washed from dust and dirt.
  2. Dry in the oven or on a towel (the berries must be completely dry).
  3. Sea buckthorn is crushed in a mortar, transferred to a jar.
  4. The oil is heated, poured into a jar, insisted for 5-7 days (periodically shaken).
  5. Filter from the cake, insist again until the oil becomes transparent.
  6. The resulting substance is filtered into another container (the sediment should not get into the new jar), stored in the refrigerator.

Sea buckthorn oil is a universal remedy for the treatment of many diseases. Its medicinal properties will help to quickly restore the skin after damage or burns, as well as get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Try sea buckthorn medicine, and you can evaluate its effectiveness from your own experience.

The benefits of sea buckthorn oil: video

The use of sea buckthorn oil: photo
