
How to get the blue cream color for the cake. Natural food coloring at home

Today in stores you can easily find a fabulous variety of food colors that will decorate any pastry in all the colors of the rainbow. That's just the chemical composition of these dyes often calls for concern. Especially when it comes to sweets for children, when you need to make or order a birthday cake for a toddler.

The following are ways to prepare natural dyes for creams and glazes.

Light pink dye

Pale pink icing and cream are created using raspberries.

In this case, you can make a completely raspberry cream. In this case, the cake will require 180 ml of raspberries. Or you can just paint the cream or glaze with raspberry paint. To do this, take 2 teaspoons of concentrated raspberry juice for 1 cup of cream.

White-pink color

Created with strawberries.

Everything is exactly the same as with raspberries. 180 ml of strawberries per volume of cream or glaze for one cake. And then it's pure strawberry cream. Or 4 teaspoons of concentrated strawberry juice per cup of cream or frosting.

intense pink

Many people are afraid to paint beetroot cakes. But what if instead of cake you end up with beetroot salad? Do not be afraid. Will not work. The beetroot glaze will be red and will not endow the dessert with the aroma of borscht.

Beets should be baked in foil until tender. But you can also just boil it. Who is more comfortable. The main thing is that the vegetable does not lose its color. Then grate on a fine grater.

The exact amount needed to color the crushed beets is determined by how intense the color you want to achieve. Usually the ratio of beets: icing is enough - 1 to 8.

Do not be afraid. The icing will become intensely pink, but not beetroot in taste.

Pink purple shade

Creams and glazes of a similar color are obtained using blackberries.

The recipe is similar to using raspberries and strawberries.

True Blackberry Cream requires 120 ml of blackberries per serving. For tinting, you can take 4 teaspoons of concentrated juice per glass of cream or glaze.

orange paint

Orange creams and glazes are as easy to obtain as red ones. Sometimes it is advised to add citruses, mainly orange, for orange coloring. But this method is not very efficient.

A much brighter orange color is acquired by creams and glazes in which carrot juice is present.

And again, do not be afraid that the carrot juice will make a carrot cake out of the cake. Won't. The juice has a rich color, and you need very little of it.

The standard dosage is 3.5 tablespoons of carrot juice per 1 cup of cream or glaze.

yellow dye

Glaze or yellow cream is very easy to make. It is enough to add a little turmeric to them.

But you have to be very careful with turmeric, as this spice is spicy. And unlike the harmless beet, it gives the glaze a sharpness and its own specific taste. Therefore, if you put it a little more than required, you can easily spoil the pastries.

To prevent such an incident, turmeric should not be added immediately to the icing or cream itself, but to the amount of liquid that is planned to be added to them.

The best ratio is ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder to 2 tablespoons of liquid (preferably milk). Next, the liquid with turmeric dissolved in it must be added to 1 glass of cream or glaze.

Green color

As for the coloring of the cream and glaze in green, then not everything is clear.

The most effective way is to add chopped spinach leaves in a blender. It's just that the color is not too intense.

For example, the icing of this cake required the use of two whole cups of chopped spinach for its coloring. It is clear that such a large amount of greens can give a cream or glaze its own flavor, which is completely inappropriate for sweet pastries.

Therefore, other bright flavors, for example, a large amount of mint, have to be added to green creams and glazes with spinach.

Still, some people can't eat this kind of spinach cake. It is said that sweetness leaves behind a nasty aftertaste.

yellow green shade

This shade is achieved by adding 8 teaspoons of mashed avocado pulp to 1 cup of cream (glaze) in a cream or glaze.

But the food turns out to be an amateur, since the taste of avocado is felt distinctly.

It can be seen that even spinach, even avocado, the dye is not too bright and has its own taste unsuitable for dessert.

Light lilac color

Light lilac, white-lilac are obtained using blueberries.

For blueberry cream (glaze), take 120 ml of blueberries per serving (per cake). For a simple touch-up, use 8 teaspoons of concentrated blueberry juice per glass of cream. But in this case, the color is not so bright.

Violet and blue dyes

For all their apparent artificiality, dyes for cream in purple and blue glazes may well be natural. True, their preparation is quite troublesome.

To create purple and blue food coloring, we need a large head of red cabbage.

It must be cut into large pieces, pour water and put to boil. Water should be poured as little as possible so that it only covers the cabbage.

Boil the cabbage for 15-40 minutes. Depends on the variety. The main thing is that the cabbage broth acquires an intense purple hue.

As soon as this happened, we take out the cabbage from it. And the broth itself continues to boil until evaporation. It will take quite a long time to boil. Since, after all, the broth from under one large head of cabbage should turn into only ¼ cup of dye.

This is how it should look like in the end.

Or just add the resulting purple dye to the icing or cream, and end up with purple pastries.

Or add a pinch of baking soda to purple dyes, which instantly turns purple dye blue.

From which you can then easily prepare any blue cream.

And don't be afraid to spoil the taste of baking with cabbage spirit. He won't.

Glaze is an invention that literally turned the world of cooking upside down. It is as simple as it is irreplaceable.

The icing is applied to cakes, gingerbread, pastries, sweets, cupcakes, marshmallows, etc. The sweet mass not only makes them more beautiful and tastier, but also increases the energy value. And this despite the fact that, in essence, glaze is a combination of protein and sugar, tinted and brought to a certain consistency.

Various additives - juice, cocoa, vanillin, low-fat cream, butter, etc. - make it glossy or matte, sweet or sour, transparent or colored

Be that as it may, colored glaze is not the lot of only professional confectioners. Any housewife can cook it at home.

Colored glaze: basic principles

There are two ways to prepare colored glaze: with and without heat treatment, since not all confectionery products require baking. The taste of the glaze will differ slightly, the difference is only in technology and ingredients.

1. Glaze in the absence of processing. You will need: powdered sugar, colored fruit or vegetable juice, lemon, egg whites. The powder must first be sifted, mixed with lemon juice and protein. Add fruit juice depending on the desired color. All components should be mixed and applied to baking.

2. Finished glaze. You will need: water, granulated sugar and colored juice. Water with sugar is put on fire and boiled until it begins to thicken. After waiting for the syrup to form in the pan, it is removed and dyed with colored juice. This frosting hardens as it cools.

Colored glaze for painting

This is the most common type. Most often it can be seen in those pastries where you want to draw decorative elements with color. It may seem that such a glaze is similar to what we are used to seeing on Easter cakes, but this is not there. It is important that it is dense, has an even structure and does not crumble.


Chicken egg protein - one piece or more, depending on the surface for decoration;

Powdered sugar - for one protein 200 grams, then in proportion;

A tablespoon of lemon juice.

Food colorings.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly inspect the protein, rid it of excess fibers, otherwise it will ruin the whole thing.

2. Pass the powder through a sieve. Gradually mix with protein, not forgetting to beat. It needs to be white.

3. Drop lemon juice and beat for a few more minutes. It is possible to draw thin lines only with thick glaze. You can add more powdered sugar.

4. Add dye. It is best to apply the coating with a confectionery syringe, you can use a plastic bag or a parchment bag

Gingerbread colored glaze with vanilla

Gingerbread glaze is translucent. White stains are visible inside. It is she who puts the final touch and makes the gingerbread cookies exactly, and not some other pastries. The composition of the glaze is very simple. Here it is very important to properly prepare and apply.


A glass of sand;

Half a glass of water;

Vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Boil water mixed with granulated sugar until large transparent bubbles appear. This usually happens after the syrup reaches a temperature of more than one hundred degrees.

2. Remove the decoction from the heat and cool. Add vanilla or rum or other flavors. It is applied to gingerbread when it will be possible to dip a finger into the icing without the risk of getting burned.

3. Gingerbreads and gingerbreads of large size are best glazed with a brush. Small ones - immerse completely and pull out with a slotted spoon.

4. Put the products on the wire rack and leave for several hours. Excess glaze will drip off and it will harden.

Professional colored glaze

It is so called because it is widely used by professional confectioners. This type of colored glaze has a dense structure, perfectly retains colors, hardens, but does not peel off or break.


Almond extract - half a teaspoon. You can buy it in pastry shops;

corn syrup;

Two glasses of sand (you can powder);

Milk in the amount of 4 tablespoons;


Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly mix powdered sugar (or sugar) with milk. You will get a mass that looks like a viscous paste.

2. Add almond extract and corn syrup. Beat until the mass becomes shiny.

3. Arrange the icing in molds. Add dye of the desired color to each. Juice can be used the same way. To draw thin elements, use a syringe, to cover a large area - a brush.

Creamy colored glaze

According to this cooking algorithm, the glaze comes out not particularly hard, but not soft either. It can be dyed or used in its natural form.


Powdered sugar - two glasses;

Cream - a little less sugar;

A spoonful of butter;

Vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the cream into a bowl for cooking. Put the butter in there and heat until it melts.

2. Add powdered sugar and vanilla.

3. Beat with a mixer until the desired consistency is formed. If desired, you can tint with dye.

Fruit colored glaze

The process for making raspberry glaze is described below. In fact, it can be virtually anything: orange, apple, cranberry, strawberry, and even beetroot, carrot, etc. It is important to use only natural juice.


Raspberry juice - half a liter;

Sugar - 650 or 700 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Rub raspberries through a sieve or squeeze with a juicer. You should get pure juice without stones.

2. Boil with sugar so that a thick syrup is obtained.

3. Pour into glassware. As it cools, the glaze will begin to thicken. It is important to catch the right moment to apply.

Cookies with colored icing

There are thousands of cookie recipes. Most of them can be applied to any of the types of glaze described above. Housewives usually like to decorate with colored icing children's cookies, baked especially for the holidays. Bright and colorful slices are pleasing to the eye and create a festive atmosphere on the table.


Flour - 3 cups;

Powdered sugar or granulated sugar - 1.5 cups;

Baking powder - one and a half tablespoons;

Soft butter for cookies and a quarter cup for glaze;

Low-fat cream - 3 tablespoons;

Salt, vanilla;

Cooking method:

1. Mix dry ingredients, add butter, eggs. Cool down.

2. Knead a small piece of text, roll it out to a thickness of 8 mm. Cut into pieces and arrange them on a baking sheet.

3. Bake at 200 degrees. Cool down after baking.

4. Mix cream, milk, butter and sugar. Beat until the mixture becomes thick and homogeneous. Add dyes if necessary.

5. Dip the biscuit pieces into the icing and leave to harden.

Yogurt cake with colored icing

The glaze here is raspberry, although you can use different flavors depending on the yogurt that will form the basis of the cake.


Flour - three glasses;

Thick raspberry yogurt - two glasses;

Two glasses of powder or sand;

chicken egg;

For glaze:

Freshly squeezed juice - a large cup;

200 grams of sand;

A tablespoon of semolina.

Cooking method:

1. Mix flour with soda, add soda. Separately, add eggs, at the end - yogurt. Mix everything so that the consistency is homogeneous.

2. Put the dough in a pan or in a mold and bake at 180 degrees.

3. Squeeze juice from raspberries. Add sugar to it and boil. Put semolina and cook for a few more minutes, so that the glaze acquires its final density.

4. Cool the pie and pour over the icing. So that it does not drain, you can not cool it, but immediately after application put it in the oven for two minutes.

Orange scones with colored citrus icing

This dessert is perfect for breakfast. It is light, very tasty, everything else, completely natural.


One and a half glasses of flour and sugar. Flour can then be added;

Melted butter - about 100 grams;

Milk or cream of low fat content - a little less than a glass;

orange and lemon zest;

Baking powder and salt.

For glaze:

Powder - a glass;

Orange juice - 2-3 tablespoons;

Cooking method:

1. Pour baking powder into flour, salt, add sugar and butter. Chop and mix everything.

2. Peel off the fruit. Squeeze out lemon juice;

3. Pour cream, lemon juice into the first mixture and put finely chopped zest. Knead the dough thoroughly.

4. Form a rectangular cake. Cut it into 6 pieces. Each will be in the shape of a square. Cut the squares diagonally, and the resulting triangles - again in half. Please note that during baking, the scones will increase noticeably.

5. Bake triangles for about half an hour.

6. Peel the orange and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix juice, zest and powdered sugar. The mixture should be similar in consistency to sour cream. You can adjust the density with powder.

7. Spoon frosting onto scones. After a few minutes it will harden, dessert can be eaten.

Homemade peanuts in colored glaze

A delicacy known to everyone since childhood does not have to be bought in a store. It can be easily and very quickly prepared at home.


Peanuts - the desired amount. Standard - half a kilo;

Corn starch - a tablespoon.

Sugar - a tablespoon;

Cooking method:

1. Fry the nuts in a pan without oil. Can be dried in the microwave or oven.

2. Pour sugar into the pan and add water. You should get a syrup, which must be boiled until thick.

3. Pour peanuts into the syrup. Add starch and mix thoroughly.

4. If necessary, add food coloring, then the glaze will be colored.

5. Cool down.

1. In order not to roll off the surface, the glaze should not be liquid or thick. You can regulate this with sugar, juice or water. Flowing glaze is good for watering cookies, donuts, pies. Thick is used for drawing, as well as to glue parts together, for example, in gingerbread houses.

2. Powder does not have to be bought ready-made. You can make it at home by grinding sugar in a coffee grinder. It takes a few minutes to grind. After opening the lid, a light smoke should escape from the inside. It is better to sift the resulting powder, this will save it from lumps.

3. Lemon juice can be a great alternative to water. It can also be used to remove excessive sweetness in taste if the pastries accidentally turned out to be too cloying.

4. The smoothest and most uniform glaze is obtained if eggs are added to the composition, and not only the protein, but also the yolk. They add shade, make colored glaze dense. However, it is best to dry it in the oven, although sometimes this is not mentioned in the recipe. Salmonella, which lovers of raw eggs are so afraid of, dies already at 70 degrees.

5. If the surface of the cake or cake is smeared with jam before applying the glaze, it will lie very evenly, in addition, it will acquire a noticeable shine.

6. If chocolate is included in the glaze, then it is better to take classic rather than porous. One tablespoon of cocoa can greatly increase the consistency of the taste.

7. Food coloring is the easiest way to color frosting. It is also the longest shelf life of the finished product. However, you can give the desired color without the use of chemistry. For example, by adding jam, which, moreover, is also fragrant. If you want a bright orange frosting, then the best coloring is turmeric mixed with a piece of butter.

If you look closely at the composition of many products, you can often find artificial ingredients there. Fortunately, many of them can be replaced with natural ones when cooking. The quality of the food will not change, but rather get better. Thus, at home, you can prepare a safe natural dye.

In cooked dishes, not only taste is important, but also appearance. That is why professional chefs pay special attention to their decoration. Of course, most of all culinary specialists try on desserts and sweets. Beautiful curls of cream, patterns of sprinkles are easy enough to reproduce at home, as well as color cakes and cream.

As dyes, it is better to use not purchased, but prepared with your own hands. The result is also colorful, but safer for health. Food coloring at home can be used to color creams, mastic, jellies, cakes, sauces.

Food coloring at home: cooking methods

Food coloring at home can be obtained from various vegetables and berries. For this, juice is squeezed out of them.

Pink and red shades are obtained from fresh or boiled beets. A small root crop is rubbed on a coarse grater and transferred to a saucepan. Grated beets are poured with water so that it barely covers the vegetable. Boil over low heat for 50-60 minutes. The beets are thrown through a sieve, draining the juice into a separate container. Add citric acid to the resulting liquid at the tip of the knife - so the color will be more resistant.

Pink shades can also be obtained from berries. Suitable for this: strawberries, raspberries, currants, cranberries. Usually they are kneaded, after which the juice is filtered through cheesecloth.

For coloring second courses, chopped tomatoes or tomato paste are usually used. You can adjust the color saturation with sour cream or cream.

How to make green dye? To do this, stock up on spinach. It is usually sold fresh in bunches or frozen in small bags. Fresh spinach is more suitable for dyeing. It must be washed, cut and put in a blender. Chop the spinach, put on cheesecloth and squeeze the juice out of it.

In a similar way, green dye at home is prepared from watercress. By the way, it can be used not only for desserts, but also for savory dishes. So spinach juice is used in the preparation of the traditional Chinese dish Bao Tzu. Spinach is added to the yeast dough, in which the salty filling is then wrapped. The result is green round pies.

A delicate lilac color can be obtained from red cabbage. It is finely chopped, stewed with a small amount of water. After that, they are crushed with a blender and the juice is passed through gauze.

The added cocoa will help color the cakes brown. It is also added to creams. Dr. a way to get a sweet brown filling is chocolate ganache. It is prepared very simply and, in fact, is a cream that can be used to layer cakes and stuff cakes.

For ganache, 200 ml of cream (preferably fat, from 33 percent) is heated to a boil and poured over 200 g of broken dark chocolate. The mixture is stirred until the chocolate is completely melted. Chocolate ganache is left at room temperature for 40-60 minutes and then used for its intended purpose.

In another way, a brownish tint can be obtained using roasted sugar. To do this, sugar is mixed with water in a ratio of 5 to 1. The resulting mixture is heated in a small saucepan until the sugar dissolves. The mixture should turn brownish (while making sure that the solution does not burn, otherwise it will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste). The resulting solution is used for coloring desserts and sweet dishes.

Orange color is obtained with the help of carrots. To do this, it is rubbed on a grater and fried in a small amount of butter until it reaches full readiness. Then the carrots are filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting liquid will be the dye.

Also, the saffron spice will help to give a yellowish tint to the dough.

Sweet creams for cakes and pastries can be colored in pastel colors with jam. Currants, raspberries, strawberries are suitable for this.

Dyes for mastic: recipes

Dyes are almost always used to create jewelry from mastic. They can give color to individual pieces of fondant, from which flower meadows, decorative patterns, stripes, and various figures are then molded. Basically, purchased concentrated food coloring is used for these purposes. Just a few drops are enough to give the mastic a rich color.

Home dyes are used a little differently. The fact is that for saturation of coloring, you need to use a very large amount of juice of beets, carrots and other vegetables and berries. In this case, the mastic becomes liquid and for density you need to constantly stir in powdered sugar.

Of course, you can get a bright mastic by staining with juice, but then there is another minus - the finished figures will taste like vegetables or berries. It turns out that homemade dyes are not quite suitable for a rich color. On the other hand, they are indispensable if you want to give pastel shades to the pastel. All you need is some juice.

Mastic: recipe

In order for the mastic to be painted more evenly, it is better to make it yourself.


  • American marshmallow marshmallow - 200 g
  • Powdered sugar -250 g
  • Lemon juice -2 cl. l.
  • Butter -2 tbsp. l.


  1. Put all the ingredients in one container and put in the microwave. Heat until everything is melted.
  2. From the resulting soft mass, reminiscent of plasticine, you can immediately sculpt or pre-paint it.
  3. For coloring, it is better to divide the mastic into small portions. On small pieces, you can choose the right shade by mixing the juices of beets, carrots, spinach. Having picked up the desired color, the juice is dripped onto the mastic and they begin to carefully mix and change the piece.

Dyes for mastic can be used not only for uniform coloring, but also for creating beautiful effects.

With a few drops of juice, you can give the mastic marble shades. To do this, apply a few drops of dye to the mastic in different places. Then pull it into a sausage and connect the edges. Next, you should continue to add the dye and then stretch and connect the mastic. Remember that the amount of dye to create marble patterns should be small. Also, do not knead the fondant for a long time - you can get a monochromatic color.

Homemade dyes are absolutely safe and can be used to color creams, sauces, and pastries. With their help, some tint mastic and homemade yogurt. The preparation of dyes comes down to the fact that juice or a solution is obtained from certain products, which are then used for coloring.

When decorating cakes, pastries, cookies and other sweets, color plays a huge, one might even say a key role. Therefore, having considered what the appearance of, for example, a cake will be, it is necessary to move on to coloring the cream. You must immediately decide how many flowers you will use and divide the pre-prepared cream into this number of parts. We have already written about the fact that there are dyes of plant origin and synthetic ones. It is much easier to use synthetic ones, and often, it is with the help of them that confectioners give the cream a particular color.

So, on the tip of a toothpick, draw a tiny amount of dye, because it is in a very concentrated state, and immerse it in the cream. Stir the cream with a pastry spatula or a regular spoon. If you need some complex color that requires the addition of another dye, then you need to introduce it with a clean (new) toothpick to avoid contamination of one dye with another. Next, you need to stir the colored cream very carefully until the color heterogeneity disappears.
Now a very important point- prepare a sufficient amount of cream (you can even with a small margin). You must be sure that the prepared colored cream is enough to decorate your cake or other confectionery. Remember that it is very difficult, almost impossible, to prepare exactly the same shade as the one you made before, even if you are sure that you remember the proportions of the dyes added to the cream.

To give the effect of natural light, or iridescence to your decorative elements, you can use a fairly simple technique. Using a brush, apply concentrated dye of the desired colors to the walls of the pastry bag, from the end to the level where the bag is filled with cream. Then, using a spatula, fill the bag in the usual way that we covered in the last lesson. Now, when you deposit the cream, the decorations will turn out to be very interesting and attractive. Be sure to experiment with this technique and you will see how ingenious it is.

To get any color, it is not necessary to have many jars with different shades. You just need to have three primary colors. With only three colors - blue, red, and yellow, you can get the whole variety of colors. This palette clearly shows what colors are obtained by mixing the main ones. Red+blue=purple. Red+yellow=orange. And so on. You can also easily achieve different color saturation by varying the amount of dye added to the cream.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you of harmony. Color must be used very wisely to prevent frivolity and to avoid bad taste. If you have any doubts about which color combinations are harmonious and which are not, you will always find the answer simply by looking around. Everything in nature is harmonious and beautiful. Nature is an eternal source of inspiration not only for artists, but also for confectioners, because confectionery is not called art for nothing.

Baking, decorated with multi-colored cream, not only pleases the eye, but also stimulates the appetite. Often, housewives add artificial dyes bought in a store to creams.

However, the abuse of products of non-natural origin can adversely affect health.

I suggest making dyes at home using the juice of some plants and other ingredients borrowed from nature.

Today you will learn how to make green cream cake (or blue), as well as learn how to make various natural dyes with your own hands.

How to decorate a cake with buttercream

Baking a cake for a significant event is not an easy task. But you can also deal with it if you show imagination and follow the recommendations of the confectionery art guru. To get started, stock up on the necessary ingredients.

50 g of condensed milk (made according to GOST); 0.5 packs of butter (good quality); vanilla - a pinch.


  1. Soften the butter. You can cut it into pieces and leave at room temperature for 40-50 minutes. Another way, it is faster, involves the use of a microwave oven, where the oil will be ready in 2-4 minutes.
  2. Using a mixer, beat the softened butter, remembering to add vanilla.
  3. Pour the condensed milk in stages to get the desired consistency. It is possible that the declared amount of condensed milk will be too much.

Condensed milk will add sweetness to the cream for the cake, but you need to work with a touch separately. If you want to give the cream a chocolate color, add cocoa powder.

The intensity of the color depends on the amount of powder, and it is in your power to change it both up and down.

The finished cream can be transferred to a pastry bag with a suitable nozzle. But if it is not there, use improvised means and build something similar.

For example, from a dense plastic bag. It is enough to fill it with cream, and then cut off the corner.

You will get a small hole through which you will squeeze blue or any other colored cream for dessert, making various inscriptions or other elements.

A swivel stand will be a good help in the work. You will not need to be distracted by turning the dish with the cake in different directions.

With a slight movement of the hand, you can quickly turn the dessert and apply the next element with cream.

How to decorate a cake with protein cream

Protein cream cake decorations look no less beautiful and elegant. The main thing you need to remember is the absolute cleanliness of the dishes and appliances involved in the preparation of the cream.

First things first, separate the whites from the yolks. In order not to spoil the entire batch of eggs, break each unit over a clean cup, and only then pour the protein into a common bowl.

It is advisable to send the proteins to the refrigerator, they are better whipped at a low temperature.

Wash the whisk and the dishes in which you will whip the cream and pour over with boiling water.

The slightest traces of fat will not allow you to achieve splendor, which means that your work will be in vain. Drops of water on the dishes are also unacceptable; after processing, thoroughly wipe the bowl and whisk with a paper towel.

In the process of whipping, add a pinch of salt and soda to the proteins. This will save both time and your energy. In addition, citric acid will make the mixture not so sugary-sweet.

You can decorate the dessert with a snow-white protein cream, it will look festive and elegant. Some confectioners prefer to color the mass, because flowers in the natural environment are found in the most incredible shades.

What can you make natural dyes at home

Taking into account consumer demand, professional confectioners decorate desserts with cream roses and inscriptions in different colors.

Housewives can use store-bought blue dye in their kitchen. But is it really safe for health?

Let us turn to the experience of our grandmothers, who managed to make dyes from available products. How and from what they did it, we will now figure it out.

The simplest and easiest way to color the cream is to add the boiled juice of some vegetables, berries or fruits to it.

It is known that the green color is obtained due to the presence of spinach juice, orange - carrots. Beetroot gives a red color and turmeric gives a yellow color.

By combining colors with each other, you can get other shades. For example, by combining yellow and green dye, you get a blue tint, which is also often used to decorate desserts.

Remember that the beets will not give the cream a bright red color. Even if it is boiled and mixed with a small amount of vinegar or citric acid, the result will be a brown or fuchsia color.

Before use, finely chop the carrots and saute for several minutes in butter. After rubbing the mass through a sieve, add to the cream, and you will get a carrot-colored decoration.

A rich orange tint will give you more likely not carrots, but orange peel. You will see this when you rub a piece of sugar on the peel of this citrus.

Sugar crystals quickly absorb flavors and any dye. Experiment with lemon, lime, and you will see how the sugar takes on a new color. By the way, an orange color can be achieved with an apricot boiled in syrup.

Turmeric, or rather its saturated aqueous solution, will make the cream not bright yellow, it will have a greenish tint.

If the decoration needs to be given a yellow sunny color, use saffron. An alternative to saffron would be sea buckthorn or pumpkin.

Red or deep pink dye is obtained from fresh or frozen raspberries, cranberries or lingonberries.

Strawberries, despite the bright color, will give the cream an ugly brown-red hue. Cherry juice mixed with cream will give him a cold red color with a purple tint.

If you need to get a deep purple, inky dye, use blackberries.

And add blackcurrant syrup to the protein mass before baking, the result is a pale blue meringue.

A couple of drops of syrup will be enough to color the dessert in a pleasant color. The saturation of the hue depends on the amount of dye, adding more than usual, you get a blue color.

Blueberries and blueberries will give you purple or cold lilac.

A delicate creamy shade is obtained by adding tomato paste. If you increase its concentration, the decoration of the cream will acquire a delicate orange tint.

Don't be afraid, the dessert won't take on a tomato flavor, the amount of dye is too low to affect anything other than the color.

A shade of spring greenery will give spinach, it is the leader among green natural dyes. It has a neutral taste, which means that your dessert, as before decorating with cream, will be sweet and thin out the vanilla flavor. An alternative to spinach is tarragon (tarragon) and mint leaves.

Brown dye is cocoa powder, melted chocolate and a saturated coffee solution (it can be either instant or ground).

How to make dyes at home

Syrups from various berries can be boiled in advance and kept in the refrigerator in a well-sealed container. If necessary, use to give the desired shade.

Frozen products are also in use. It is only necessary to defrost the berries, cover them with sugar (in a ratio of 1: 1) and boil over low heat. Strain the mass.

Wash and chop spinach. Pour in a little water and blanch for 5 minutes over low heat. Strain the green solution.

Clean the beets and cut into slices. Boil for 15-18 minutes in water and add a few crystals of citric acid. Use strained solution.

Mint and tarragon do not need to be cooked, otherwise they will turn brown. First, prepare hot sugar syrup, pour chopped grass into it and let it brew.

Pumpkin, as well as carrots, chop and sauté in butter before use.

When can natural dyes be added?

Coloring from pumpkin, carrots and saffron should not be added to the dough before baking (this does not apply to meringues and macaroons.

It is better to soak the finished cakes with syrup so that the dessert acquires the desired shade (green, blue, pink, red, and others).

Natural dyes are not added to the cream before whipping, as they do not contribute to the process. Add them at the very end and in the amount necessary to obtain the desired shade.

Multi-colored dough for dumplings, ravioli is prepared with dyes previously dissolved in water. This is necessary for uniform distribution throughout the mass.

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