
How to drink corn oil for medicinal purposes. Corn oil: harm and contraindications

Corn oil, which is present on the shelves of stores, buyers have ceased to be surprised. Many have heard about its positive properties and are ready to give preference to it.

The composition of corn oil is saturated with many substances that benefit our body. At the same time, they can adversely affect health. Before abandoning the usual oils in favor of corn, it is worth finding out its positive and negative role for the human body.

What is useful in corn oil?

The advantage of corn oil over other types of oils is its fat content. The dose of vitamin E, unlike sunflower and olive, is twice as high in composition, so that the body is not threatened by rapid wear and aging. This vitamin has a positive effect on the sex glands, normalizes their activity. It also helps to normalize the endocrine system, adrenal glands, pituitary gland.

The health benefits of corn oil can be due to the following properties:

  • antimutagenic,
  • protecting
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • supportive.
It does not allow cells to mutate, supports the body in resistance to infections and diseases. Corn oil contributes to the removal of harmful substances, as well as the stabilization of normal cholesterol levels.

Confirmed great benefit from the use of corn oil for pregnant women. During this period, they need to get enough vitamins. The oil is able to fill the need for vitamins F, A, PP, K3, as well as minerals - phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper, nickel. In addition, unsaturated acids that prevent the penetration of viruses and pathogens.

The rich vitamin composition gives the oil dietary properties. Many minerals provide prevention from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, normalize the hematopoietic function.

This oil is vegetable and can have laxative properties. This is facilitated by a slight stimulation of processes in the intestines.

With the use of corn oil, muscle tone increases, which is so important for withstanding increased physical exertion.

The positive properties of the oil help in the fight against diseases associated with the bladder, kidneys, and liver. It has been shown to be beneficial in diabetes.

With the help of this product, the immune system is strengthened, potency increases, milk production in lactating women increases. When exposed to it, the work of the gallbladder is adjusted.

The oil obtained from corn brings great benefits to the child's body. It does not cause allergies and absorption difficulties. It contains all the substances necessary for the normal growth and development of the child.

Is there any harm?

It is noted that Omega-3 acids are practically absent in the composition of corn oil, and the content of Omega-6 acids is high. With this ratio, prerequisites are created for the appearance of inflammatory processes. There is also a risk of cancer.

Corn oil has a drastically reduced shelf life if it has been exposed to sunlight and heat. If storage conditions are violated, free radicals begin to increase rapidly, which is fraught with detrimental consequences for humans.

Application of corn oil

Corn oil is used in various industries:

In cooking

In cooking, corn oil is an excellent deep fryer. It is also used to make dough, or bakery products. With this oil, pastries please with their splendor and aroma.

One of the constituent substances of the oil is lecithin. The antioxidants present in lecithin have the ability to prevent aging of culinary products.

Oil is added when the meat is stewed. Mistresses note that with its addition it becomes especially soft.

This product is widely used for dressing salads. Since the oil does not have a specific taste, it is not able to interrupt the natural taste of the constituent ingredients.

Using corn oil, you can prepare a variety of sauces - both cold and hot.

It is also used in industrial production - it can often be seen in the composition of various margarines.

In cosmetics

Corn oil is preferred to be used in the production of cosmetics. It is a common ingredient included in the formulation of hair care products.

They are often supplemented with various recipes for masks designed to improve the condition of the skin on the face. Heated bath oil is also used as a caring agent for hands and nails.

Corn oil, with the addition of certain types of essential oils, allows masseurs to use it for work. It is able to accelerate the healing of small wounds and eliminate the manifestation of allergic reactions on the skin.

In industrial sectors

Corn oil is used as a feedstock for the production of biodiesel. It is a constituent element in various paints and ointments.

As an auxiliary material, oil is used by workers in the textile industry. In pharmaceuticals, it is used to obtain nitroglycerin and other pharmaceutical preparations. In chemical production - insecticides.

In folk medicine

The oil from corn seeds and germs is used to treat allergic rhinitis, burns, and various skin lesions.

It is not excluded its use for preventive purposes. By eating it, you can prevent atherosclerosis and insomnia. It can also help to avoid migraines and hay fever. With the inclusion of oil in the diet, it becomes possible to cure the gallbladder and achieve an increase in its tone.

It is useful to add it to dishes for those who have depression, loss of strength and fatigue.

It is also widely used:

  1. to combat vitamin deficiencies;
  2. as a prophylactic in the fight against viruses;
  3. to regulate the hormonal background in the body;
  4. to cleanse the body of toxic substances;
  5. to prevent the formation of gallstones.


While useful, in some cases, corn oil can have negative health effects. It is forbidden to introduce this oil into the diet of people suffering from increased blood clotting. Many substances that increase coagulability create a dangerous situation in diseases:
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • thrombosis,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • varicose veins.
It is not recommended to use oil in diseases where prothrombin has elevated rates.

The high calorie content of the oil will not benefit those suffering from excess weight. It is also not advised to use it in food for underweight people, as it contributes to a lack of appetite.

Which one to choose - refined or unrefined?

In order to produce unrefined oil, pressing, or extraction, is used. During pressing, the oil is obtained mechanically, during extraction - chemically. Pressing does not allow its complete extraction, so the process is usually completed by extraction. It implies the maximum extraction of oil, which provides heating and organic solvents. After extracting the oil with which the raw material was saturated, the solvents are removed.

The refining method allows you to improve the appearance of the oil, its quality, and extend the life of the oil.

Useful and harmful properties of unrefined oil

The maximum amount of beneficial substances is found in unrefined oil. Usefulness is preserved in the absence of chemical exposure, the benefit is provided by pressing without heating.

On the other hand, this type of oil is subject to rapid deterioration, becomes cloudy and bitter. It must be stored only in a cold place in order to preserve freshness at least for a short time.

Heating of unrefined oil is not allowed. This means that frying, stewing, baking are excluded. It is preferable to use it cold, avoiding the heating process. Only in this way can the formation of aldehydes, ketones, free radicals, which act on the body with their toxic and carcinogenic properties, be avoided.

Useful and harmful properties of refined oil

Oil that has been exposed to a chemical method is not harmful to health. In its production, they achieve the complete absence of all substances with which refined oil was obtained.

Such a product can be safely used for the heat treatment of ingredients. It allows stewing, roasting and other thermal processes. Since it has no taste, it is not able to interfere with the perception of cooked foods.

The disadvantage of this oil is that the loss of vitamins does not contribute to its usefulness. In this case, unrefined oil is more useful.

Unrefined and refined oil has its positive and negative properties. Each type can be used strictly for its intended purpose, then the maximum benefit for the body will be ensured.

Corn oil, being a vegetable oil, has many good and useful features. Using it in acceptable doses, no more than 100 g per day, you can not be afraid to get harm to health.

Against the background of other vegetable oils, corn oil favorably stands out for its composition, breadth of application, healing properties, and effect on the body. Therefore, today on the site, we will talk about corn oil, its benefits and harms, calories, refined and unrefined types, useful properties for folk treatment, methods of application and the right choice of a quality product.

Corn oil - how they do it, what happens

Corn oil is obtained from the germ of corn kernels. For the first time it began to be produced on the American continent at the very end of the 19th century.

There are 2 technologies for the production of corn oil − wet and dry. When using the second method, the oil turns out to be of higher quality, but due to the high proportion of starch in the germ, the pressing method is not suitable for it.

Requires a special extraction technique - extraction. This is a progressive and profitable mechanism for obtaining corn oil, based on the property of vegetable fats to be absorbed by certain substances, such as gasoline. This method yields a product of excellent quality and a dry component, meal.

With the wet method of processing the embryos, the press technique is used. During it, the source material is heat treated, moistened, cut and pressed under pressure.

Corn oil is unrefined and refined.

  1. Unrefined or the unrefined version retains the maximum amount of vitamins, trace elements, and nutrients in the product. Thanks to minimal processing, its composition remains virtually unchanged. This fragrant oil is bright orange in color, cloudy, and may have sediment. It is important to remember that this type of oil is by no means suitable for frying. It is completely unsuitable for heat treatment, during which it releases toxins and smells unpleasant.
  2. Refined type of oil light and transparent in appearance, and completely useless in terms of healing qualities. As a result of multi-stage purification, not only harmful, but also useful substances disappear from it. At the same time, it is perfect for frying food.
  3. Refined corn oil has a subspecies - deodorized product. To obtain it, the technology of strong heating is used, after which it will not be possible to enjoy the taste or aroma of the oil. This oil is intended exclusively for cooking.
  4. There is a variant of vegetable corn oil, according to the processing method opposite to the previous one - cold pressed oil. Unlike the thermal method, the cold method of cleansing retains all the beneficial substances and vitamins in the oil.

True, there is an opinion that in addition to many vitamins, pesticides used in commercially grown corn can also partially pass into this type of oil.

The price of unrefined corn oil ranges from 220 rubles per quarter liter, the refined budget option - from 120 rubles per liter.

Composition and calorie content of corn oil, photo

The chemical composition of the oil depends on the raw material from which it is squeezed.

Corn oil has a rich vitamin composition. First of all, its value lies in its high content (18.7 mg). By the amount of this element in the composition, corn oil loses only to sunflower oil. Other vitamins contained in corn oil are B1 and B3, PP, provitamin A.

The mineral composition of this product is indicated by the presence of phosphorus, nickel, potassium, copper, iron. In the composition of corn oil, the most valuable components are saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The latter, being the most useful of them, make up to 85% of the composition of unrefined corn oil.

The oil contains up to 99.9% fat, while there are no proteins and carbohydrates in its composition.

corn oil calories leaves 899 kcal. A tablespoon of the product is equal in calories to 152.8 kcal, a teaspoon - 45 kcal.
And yet, the type of processing significantly affects the calorie content of the oil.

Useful properties of corn oil

  1. Corn oil is very good for the heart due to the content of phytosterols and fatty acids. They minimize cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks, and increase immunity.
  2. Oleic acid promotes fat burning, which also has a beneficial effect on heart health. The product is indispensable for blood vessels, reduces the risk of thrombosis, promotes blood thinning.
  3. Fatty acids promote wound healing, inflammation relief, tissue regeneration. They improve metabolism.
  4. Vitamin E slows down the aging process, improves the function of the gonads, helps with the risk of miscarriage, increases endurance. The same can be said about another substance, tocopherol.
  5. Protects the body from ionizing radiation, is the prevention of gene mutations.
  6. There are pronounced antioxidant and regenerating properties.
  7. With regular use, it lowers blood sugar levels, useful for patients with diabetes.
  8. Thiamine has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves metabolic processes in the body.
  9. responsible for the health of the digestive tract.
  10. Corn elixir also has a choleretic effect, heals liver cells.

The benefits and uses of corn oil in traditional medicine, cosmetology and cooking

What are the benefits of corn oil for human health? For medical purposes corn oil is used for:

  • regulation of the endocrine function and the genitourinary system;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • maintaining the immune system;
  • protection of the body from the influence of harmful substances;
  • fight against viral and infectious diseases;
  • cleansing of blood vessels;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • fight against obesity;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • reducing the risk of tumor formation;
  • normal course of pregnancy;
  • regulation of the digestive system;
  • activation of the functions of the biliary system;
  • opposition to atherosclerosis and psoriasis;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes.

The benefits of corn oil for the human body do not end here ...

In cosmetology corn oil is used for:

  • strengthening hair follicles, preventing baldness;
  • reduction of hair fragility;
  • increase the softness and smoothness of the hair;
  • restoration of the hair structure;
  • helps fight dandruff.

For the skin of the face, corn will also be healing, it is noted:

  • reduction of cracks and wrinkles;
  • reduction of inflammation and redness;
  • treatment of burn surfaces;
  • fight against acne, age spots;
  • increase in skin tone and elasticity;
  • slowing down the aging process in skin cells, fighting mimic wrinkles.
  • also used for massage, .
  • With the systematic treatment of nail beds with this oil, the delamination of the nail stops, they become stronger and healthier.

In cooking refined corn oil is indispensable for:

  • deep fat;
  • adding to the dough;
  • preparation of sauces, side dishes and first courses.

The deodorized version is widely used in baby and diet food.

Can you fry with corn oil?? It is possible on refined oil, since this oil does not foam during cooking, does not burn at an average burner temperature, does not emit carcinogens, its smoke point is 232 degrees versus 178 degrees of its unrefined counterpart, which is important for our health.

Unrefined corn oil is suitable for dressing salads.

On an industrial scale, corn oil is used in the production of sauces, margarine, pastries, mayonnaise, dough.

Contraindications, harm of corn oil

  1. The use of corn oil is contraindicated for allergy sufferers and people with individual intolerance to its components.
  2. Vegetable corn oil with prolonged excessive use can disrupt blood clotting, increase the risk of blood clots.
  3. Its excess in the diet weakens the immune system.
  4. Do not abuse them for obesity.

Maximum daily intake of corn oil- two or three tablespoons.

How to take corn oil, use it correctly for treatment

Corn oil is an easily digestible and very useful product. But its beneficial effect on the body will be maximum if certain rules of admission are observed. Here they are:

  1. with high blood pressure, heart disease, atherosclerosis - twice a day, one tablespoon. The duration of the course is one month;
  2. - twice a day, one tablespoon 30 minutes before meals;
  3. and eczema - one tablespoon with meals. Multiplicity of reception - twice a day. Wash down the oil with water with the addition of apple cider vinegar;
  4. for skin lesions, hay fever - three times a day, 25 ml 30 minutes before meals.

Choosing the Best Corn Oil

In order for corn oil to bring maximum benefit and enrich the taste of your dishes, when choosing it, be guided by the following rules:

  1. choose oil from trusted manufacturers;
  2. the product must be bottled in glass;
  3. in refined oil, sediment and heterogeneity are unacceptable;
  4. check the shelf life of the goods;
  5. for the price, choose an average level oil;
  6. for baby food, buy a product with the letter "D" on the package;
  7. the color of corn oil is yellow or amber;
  8. choose a product with a shelf life of no more than four months;
  9. pay attention to storage conditions. The oil should not stand in the light and be stored in an excessively warm place;
  10. when shaking the bottle, no sediment should appear.

Which oil is better corn or sunflower

What can not be said about and - here the content in sunflower oil exceeds that of corn oil by 9%.

In recent years, corn oil has earned increasing recognition, overshadowed by the usefulness and availability of olive and sunflower comrades. And this is quite understandable, because the valuable properties of corn oil significantly exceed those of competitors. It is only necessary to wisely approach the issue of choosing a product and its use.

Corn oil today is distributed all over the world and is widely used in various fields: cooking, cosmetology, medicine. This is a wonderful plant little, which has a rich chemical composition. For the first time it was received in 1898 in the US state of Indiana, gradually it began to be called the gold of the west, it turned out to be so valuable and in demand.

Today, many people use corn oil for variety and health, it comes to us only in a refined form, it has absolutely no smell, the color is light yellow. High-end cooks prefer cooking with corn oil, which is great for frying and deep-frying because it withstands high temperatures without producing carcinogens, smoking or burning.

The composition and useful properties of corn oil

Corn oil is just a storehouse of vitamin E. Yes, all oils are rich in them, but it is in it that the content of this vitamin is several times higher. - this is one of the most effective and common antioxidants, it is also called the vitamin of youth, growth and beauty. It is necessary to maintain the elasticity of all tissues - skin, hair, nails, vessel walls. It removes free radicals from the body, which are one of the causes of early or excessive aging.

Vitamin E is needed by the endocrine system of the body, which is responsible for the functioning of the pituitary gland, sex glands, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands. Hormonal balance is the key to health and well-being.

Vitamin E is indicated for many vascular problems. It helps maintain elasticity and prevent vascular fragility. It also protects a person from cellular mutations, cancers.

Corn oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. These are very valuable and useful substances for humans, because they help maintain a healthy immune system- the body's main defense against all kinds of infections and diseases. Also, unsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides and lecithin remove harmful cholesterol from the body, thereby also ensuring vascular health.

Corn oil has a choleretic effect, it is useful for those who suffer from gallbladder diseases.

Another chemical composition of corn oil shows the presence of such rare vitamins as B1, B2, PP, K3. High content and provitamin A, which makes corn oil good for vision and skin.

In folk medicine, corn oil is used:

- to increase vitality and relieve the syndrome of constant fatigue;
- in the fight against muscle weakness;
- for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis;
- in the treatment of gallstone disease;
- for the treatment of beriberi;
- in the fight against early skin aging;
- in the fight against acne, dry skin;
- with skin diseases;
- for the prevention of viral diseases;
- to maintain the immune system;
- with hormonal disorders;
- to cleanse the body of toxins.

Harm and contraindications to the use of corn oil

People with bleeding disorders should avoid corn oil. Substances contained in corn oil can increase clotting, which is dangerous for thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins (any disease associated with an increased level of prothrombin).

The calorie content of corn oil is equal to that of sunflower oil., so people with obesity should also refrain from it or use it in a limited amount.

There is also an individual intolerance to corn oil.

Traditional medicine and cosmetology recipes with corn oil

With baldness, for beauty and good hair growth

To make your hair thick, strong and healthy, you can use a corn oil mask. The oil is not applied to the hair, but is actively rubbed into the scalp. A cap or bag is put on the head, wrapped with a towel on top. Wash off after an hour. This mask is done before washing your hair for six months.

For gallbladder health

To increase the outflow of bile and improve the functioning of the gallbladder, it is recommended to add corn oil to your daily diet. It is best added to porridge or fresh salads. You can also drink one and a half tablespoons of corn oil on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. The course is 2 weeks, a break of 10 days, after - repeat.

With peeling skin

To make the skin smooth and beautiful, you need to drink a teaspoon of corn oil on an empty stomach, and also lubricate the damaged areas with oil at night.

For insomnia

If you can't sleep, then actively rub your temples and the back of your head with corn oil.

For joint pain

If your joints hurt, then corn oil will help. It must be rubbed into the affected areas, wrapped with a woolen cloth on top, lie under the covers for at least 2 hours, and preferably at night.

For bites, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema

For these problems, use a 50:50 mixture of corn and dill oils. Lubricate the skin three times a day until the lesions disappear.

Corn oil was first obtained at the end of the 19th century. It was eaten and actively used in the field of pharmaceuticals, cosmetology and the textile industry. This product is easily digestible, characterized by a neutral taste and contains a huge amount of vitamins and other useful substances. It is included in the composition of dietary and baby food, used in the manufacture of various snacks, sauces, and cosmetic preparations are made on its basis, which help maintain youth and beauty.

Corn oil is a versatile product that has become a valuable component of home cosmetics, folk health recipes and is actively used in the field of cooking.

Beneficial features

Natural corn oil is made from corn germ. It has a light yellow color, a transparent structure, its taste is neutral, and the smell is practically absent. It contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and lecithin, which provide invaluable benefits to our body, skin and hair.

Health impact

The main benefit of corn oil for the body is the high percentage of vitamin E in its composition. Thanks to this substance, which is a powerful antioxidant, the following happens:

  • aging processes are slowed down;
  • the work of the gonads is normalized;
  • the endocrine system begins to function much better;
  • metabolic processes return to normal;
  • improves bowel activity;
  • the work of the gallbladder and liver is improving;
  • cholesterol level decreases.

The presence of vitamin K makes corn oil beneficial for the cardiovascular system. It improves the work of the heart muscle, restores the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and helps to cleanse and strengthen them.
Linoleic acid acts as a shield that protects the body from various kinds of diseases, and is also responsible for blood clotting.

Thanks to this product, brain activity improves and excretory function is regulated, immunity is strengthened and the development of tumors is prevented. With regular use of corn oil, insomnia disappears, mood and general well-being improve.

On a note! On sale you can find refined and unrefined corn germ oil! The first will have a light shade and a neutral taste, the second will be somewhat darker and can interrupt the taste of other ingredients in the finished dish. However, in terms of the content of useful substances, the unrefined product is significantly superior to that which was subjected to chemical processes during the preparation process!

Benefits for skin and hair

Corn oil is quite actively used in cosmetology. Vitamin E, which is twice as much in this product as in olive and sunflower oils, helps fight premature aging by eliminating fine lines and smoothing the skin. With this tool, you can remove age spots, peeling and significantly improve complexion.

Corn germ oil will provide invaluable benefits to your hair. It will get rid of dandruff, strengthen the roots and restore the natural shine to the strands, making them obedient and silky.

This product is often added to massage mixtures, used for healing wraps and revitalizing baths. After a complex of such procedures, the skin of the body becomes smooth, tender and at the same time toned and elastic.


Corn oil can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent in such cases:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • burns;
  • small wounds;
  • hair loss;
  • dandruff;
  • peeling on the skin;
  • disruption of the intestines;
  • hay fever;
  • migraine;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • liver disease;
  • muscle dysfunction;
  • blood clotting disorder.


Such a valuable product as corn oil is quite actively used by folk healers. It's useful, affordable, and very easy to use. It is used as an internal and external agent, used both individually and as an additional ingredient.

  • To eliminate headaches, it is recommended to consume 10 ml of oil three times a day before meals.
  • Skin diseases, such as dermatitis and eczema, will heal faster if, in parallel with local therapy, 2 times a day, eat one tablespoon of this product.
  • To cure burns, corn oil is used externally as compresses - it is heated in a water bath, a piece of gauze is moistened in it and applied to the affected areas. An hour later, the compress is updated.
  • To improve the functions of the gallbladder, this product is consumed orally - a tablespoon 40 minutes before a meal will be enough.

Important! The daily dose of ingestion of corn oil should not exceed 75 ml!


Corn oil is the perfect product to help you take care of your skin and hair.

  • If cracks appear on the lips or the skin is very weathered, then a mask made from pure corn germ oil works well. They lubricate the lips twice a day.
  • If the skin on the heels, knees and elbows has become too dry, then to renew it, it is necessary to wipe these areas with corn oil, massaging them for 5 minutes.
  • To improve the condition of the skin, soften it and make it tender, it is enough to add this product to the water with each bath. It is mixed with ordinary sea salt and diluted in warm water.
  • If your skin needs extra nutrition, then corn oil can be combined with orange and lemon essential oils, 2-3 drops each, and massaged once a week.
  • When the skin is dry, it is applied to problem areas and rubbed with massaging movements until completely absorbed. Excess can be removed with a paper towel, then rinse the skin with warm water.
  • To strengthen the hair, corn oil is rubbed into the roots, then a towel soaked in hot water is wrapped around the head and left for 10-15 minutes. The compress is changed 2-3 times, after which the hair is washed with a neutral shampoo.
  • To eliminate age spots, the skin is wiped with pure corn germ oil and a peach pulp mask is applied. Thanks to this procedure, the skin tone is gradually leveled.
  • When small wrinkles appear, you can prepare the following composition: combine an equal amount of corn oil with liquid honey, stir and add raw yolk. The mask is kept on the skin for a quarter of an hour, after which it is removed with a cotton swab.
  • Hand and nail skin care consists in preparing a warm bath based on natural oil and 3 drops of iodine. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Advice! If the skin is very dry, then before going to bed, in addition to the baths, it is advisable to lubricate your hands with clean oil and put on cotton gloves, leaving this mask until the morning!


Corn oil brings invaluable benefits to our body, but in some situations it can also cause harm. From its use and external use should be abandoned in such cases:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • if bitterness is felt in the taste;
  • when the oil becomes cloudy or a precipitate appears.

In addition, the shelf life of corn oil is significantly reduced if its storage conditions have been violated and the product has been exposed to overheating or prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. In such cases, the amount of free radicals in its composition will be increased, which will have a very detrimental effect on health.

Corn oil is produced not from the grains themselves, but from the germs, the mass of which is only 10% of the weight of the grain itself. At the same time, the embryos are waste products, which in some way reduces the cost of its production in the factory. This leads to a price that is higher than the most common sunflower, but much lower than sesame, olive or linseed.

There are two processes for obtaining corn germ - extraction and pressing. There are downsides to both methods.

Extraction (wet or wet) production method- gives lower quality oil. This is not about the fact that corn oil does any harm after such manufacture, but it does. A relative drop in quality can be seen in its clarity and taste, which will not be as bland.

Dry press production method- at the same time, the dry pressing method gives too much starch in the composition of cereal germs. The more starch they contain, the lower their oiliness and, accordingly, the amount of the resulting “elixir”.

The color of corn oil can be from light yellow to reddish, or brownish shades.


Corn oil harm

There is no product that is 100% useful for absolutely everyone. This is especially different if it is used for medical and cosmetic purposes. So, for example, vegetables and fruits as part of a regular diet may not manifest themselves as allergens for the same person, but they will immediately cause a reaction in him, being part of a rich cosmetic product.

Accordingly, corn oil can also be harmful in large quantities or if it is an individual allergen for humans. And, of course, rancid and expired, it cannot be useful in any way.

Due to the fact that corn oil accelerates blood clotting, it should be used with great caution in people who have an increased level of prothrombin. However, we are not talking about the fact that thrombophlebitis or thrombosis can be caused by eating salads with corn oil.

Moderation is the key concept in relation to this contraindication. A modest measure in dressings and frying (and this is just extremely harmful for people with blood and heart diseases) allows you to taste any vegetable oil. The only unconditional reason to say that corn oil is harmful, not beneficial, is an individual allergy.


Benefits of corn oil

It’s worth starting with the fact that, being a product of vegetable origin, corn oil does not contain those dangerous elements found in animal fats. Its composition in its unrefined form is somewhat inferior to the replicated olive oil and even soybean, which has become overgrown with myths, but all the same, corn oil is very rich in terms of the number of species and the concentration of nutrients.

It contains:

  • About 85% oleic and linoleic acids
  • Approximately 10% stearic and palmitic acids
  • Vitamin F
  • Tocopherol (Vitamin E)
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1)
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP)

Already from this list, it becomes clear how useful corn oil is. The same vitamin E, which is responsible for preserving the youth of a person, is almost twice as much in its composition than in olive oil.

Tocopherol has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine glands and is especially necessary for pregnant women. Vitamin F stimulates regenerative processes in the tissues of the body and balances the metabolism, which has a healthy effect on the cardiovascular system as a whole. A particularly valuable nicotinic acid improves digestion.

Corn oil is especially rich in vitamin E, which helps to strengthen the human immune system. It is an antioxidant - it slows down the aging of the body, from this vitamin E began to rightly be called the vitamin of youth. It has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, on the level of cholesterol in the blood. It also improves the functions of the liver and gallbladder, as well as the intestines. Vitamin E also helps with nervous disorders.

Those who regularly follow diets for weight loss know better than anyone how useful corn oil is. The fatty saturated and unsaturated acids contained in it are vital for the body "on a dry diet". In addition to preventing atherosclerosis and accelerating the burning of harmful fats, they also have a very simple benefit that people forget about in their "hot" desire to lose weight.

For active functioning, the body needs energy, which it receives from calories. Contrary to popular belief, "deferred reserves" will not be enough for him to do this. Corn oil provides the most digestible fats that are not deposited and do not harm, but are entirely used to maintain human vitality.

In medicine, corn oil is used in the manufacture of medicines for the treatment of sclerotic processes.

It is unrefined corn oil that has been used since ancient times in the treatment of asthma, runny nose and migraines.

How to choose and store corn oil

Store corn oil (like any other vegetable oil) in a dark place, preferably cool. Direct sunlight is detrimental to its good. The harm of rancid corn oil is that it disrupts normal metabolism and impairs digestion.

It is optimal if the container is made of glass, since plastic bottles tend to release harmful chemicals into their contents over time.

For dressing salads and any other ready-made dishes, of course, fragrant and tasty unrefined oil is suitable. It contains in its composition the maximum concentration of minerals. You need to add it in small portions in order to comply with a safe measure.

But for frying, it is best to choose other oils that have a much higher smoke point - this is, for example, coconut oil.

The smoke point of refined corn oil is 232°C. Unrefined corn oil has 177°C.

In refined (purified) corn oil, the concentration of useful elements is lost. Indeed, during the refining process, the destruction of those most valuable elements for which we use the product occurs.

Corn oil in baby food

Already knowing how useful corn oil is, it is not surprising that it is actively used not only in the production of dietary products, but also in baby food. The beneficial properties of its composition make it possible to saturate food with fats as much as possible without resorting to products of animal origin. At the same time, the smell and taste of corn oil is less pronounced than that of the same olive oil, so it is much easier for children to eat it.

Corn oil in cosmetology

For non-edible purposes, corn oil has a slightly different benefit-to-harm ratio. Since external allergies to natural oils are somewhat more common. Before adding vegetable oil to a mask or buying a ready-made cream with it, you need to make sure that it is tolerated.

In general, this storehouse of antioxidants and vitamins is indispensable for dry and aging skin.

Beauticians note a mild soothing effect, which is important for dehydrated or irritated dry skin. Corn oil not only relieves the feeling of tight skin, but also removes redness and flaking due to its regenerative functions.

Deep age folds cannot be removed with vegetable fats, but masks based on them are very effective against mimic wrinkles. The basis of such skin changes is wilting, loss of turgor and dryness of the epidermis, namely, these three phenomena are actively combated by corn oil.
