
How to start your own salt cave business. Additional sources of income for the salt room

Explore the features of this service. Ideally, the owner of this business should be a doctor with the appropriate specialization. If you do not have the necessary education, invite a therapist to co-found or lead.

Find out all about the competitors. If there are health centers in your city that offer halotherapy services, it is important to consider their advantages and disadvantages. Your goal is to offer the best service. If there is competition, you will have to make adjustments in finding the location of your salon. Try to choose a room at the maximum distance.

Main risks

The popularity of halotherapy is growing, but most potential clients have not even heard of this wellness procedure. It is in demand in large cities, which are characterized by serious air pollution. But even in this case, it is necessary to invest heavily in popularizing not only the salon, but also the procedure itself. If you decide to work in a small town, you will have to expand the range of services. Otherwise, you will not be able to create a profitable business.

The halotherapy procedure is characterized by an impressive list of contraindications. You should not only warn clients about the possible negative consequences in the presence of certain diseases, but also try to reduce the risk of harm by carrying out the procedure. Many halotherapy salons cooperate with clinics and recommend that potential clients undergo an examination before the course of procedures. Having permission from a doctor significantly reduces the risk.

The demand for the procedure increases during the cold season and decreases significantly in the summer. It is important to take this factor into account when planning profits and provide options for expanding the range of services or discounts for the summer recession.


The most important factor is customer convenience. The ideal option is the central streets and the location as close as possible to public transport stops. To organize a salon, a room of 50 m² is enough. Special equipment occupies approximately 5 m². It should be located in a separate room.

The remaining space is divided into several zones:

  • Halochamber.
  • Waiting room with reception desk.
  • Staff room.
  • Toilet.

There are many requirements for the arrangement of a halochamber. It is important to ensure the correct temperature regime, the absence of excessive moisture and reliable waterproofing, a modern ventilation system and air filters. This room should not be connected to the sewer system and water supply.

Whitewashing or painting is not allowed on the walls and ceiling. The most common option is cladding with pressed sea salt blocks. In this case, a concrete floor with a minimum load of 0.5 t per m² is required. You can clad the walls and ceiling with salt bricks, decorate the halochamber in the form of a natural salt cave. The design with scattered crystals of sea salt looks great.

To carry out repair work and bring the premises in line with the requirements, a minimum of 300,000 rubles will be required.


The most expensive and important device is the halogenerator. It is installed in the room next to the halochamber and is used to spray the saline solution of the desired concentration. Also, this device maintains the temperature within 20 ° C and humidity at 50%.

There are different types of halogen generators. Manufacturers of medical equipment offer portable models for individual procedures. There are options with high power for large rooms. Some models are controlled via the Internet, have a help system in memory and the ability to save a history of procedures. The basic set of equipment for a full-fledged halochamber with a starter set of related consumables costs at least 250,000 rubles.

Additionally, it is necessary to provide for expenses within 100,000 rubles for the installation and configuration of equipment. It is very complex and should not be installed on your own. Some manufacturers provide free services, including equipment installation.

It is worth thinking about special lighting. It plays a very important role, because your customers come not only for healing air. For many, visiting a salt cave is a great opportunity to relax and take a break from the frantic pace of city life. It is also necessary to provide pleasant neutral music. Offer various options for musical accompaniment - classical, oriental instrumental music, sounds of nature.

It is important to choose comfortable furniture. For a salt cave, soft comfortable sun loungers are enough, in which you can sit reclining. Also of great importance is the design and furniture in the waiting room.

The front desk should be equipped with a computer to keep track of sessions and record clients.


Four employees are enough to ensure the work of the salon:

  1. Administrator. His responsibilities include all organizational issues. Registration of those who wish and the formation of groups, payment acceptance.
  2. Consultant. This employee must have a medical background. He must find out whether clients have contraindications to halotherapy. The consultant should also tell visitors about the benefits of the procedure, explain the rules for staying in the salt room. He must be highly qualified, sufficient to answer any questions and provide medical assistance in an emergency.
  3. Operator. This employee is responsible for the operation of the equipment. Manufacturers offer training on halogen generators, but specific education is highly desirable for this position. Also, the duties of the operator include the selection of background music, maintenance of other equipment.

You should also hire a marketer as soon as possible. Constant and active search for new customers, popularization of the service requires a lot of effort. It is better that one person is responsible for this area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork.

It is worth thinking about security. Installing an alarm and video surveillance system will not solve the problem. It is better to hire a security guard or conclude an agreement with a special service. On a stratum, the maintenance of financial records can be entrusted to a part-time accountant or this part of the work can be outsourced.

Documents and licenses

The form of registration depends on the number of founders. If the owner of the business is one, you can issue an IP. If your company has several founders, it is better to stop at registering a legal entity. For this business, it is possible to choose a simplified taxation system - 6% of profits. OKVD - 2 93.29 other services in the field of recreation and entertainment.

Registration of a license costs within 6,000 rubles. But its receipt is associated with high requirements and the need to draw up a lot of documents. Everything will be much easier if the leader is a certified doctor. It is recommended to entrust this part of the organizational hassle to a special law firm.

Quite high requirements for a halotherapy salon are made by fire supervision and SES. The requirements of these services must be known in advance.


In the first months of operation, a workload of 30% is considered normal. With the right organization of the marketing policy, the salon will be visited by new customers. A feature of this service is the need for a cycle of procedures. The number of sessions depends on the disease and the recommendations of the attending physician. If, after 3-4 months of work, the workload increases to 45%, this is a good result.

The cost of one session is 200 rubles. The procedure lasts 40 minutes, 20 - a break. The standard halochamber is designed for 10 people. With a load of 30%, you will serve three people per hour. One working day, on average, brings a profit of 4,800 rubles. This is a very approximate amount, because the number of clients may be greater. You should also take into account the discount for those who purchase a subscription for a month.

An analysis of the results of successful halotherapy salons shows that even with a workload of 30%, the payback comes in 8-10 months.


Promote your services by any means possible. Advertising in the media gives a good effect, but it is not cheap. An excellent option is cooperation with clinics and hospitals. If, in the presence of indications, doctors will recommend your salon to their patients, a constant flow of customers is guaranteed.

The website of the company gives a great effect. Description of the procedure and its benefits, advantageous offers for regular customers, the ability to sign up for the procedure online will definitely attract new visitors. Popularizing the site will take some time and is associated with costs, but these measures will give results.

Work weekends - they bring the highest profits to many salons. In the summer, it is advisable to pay attention to office workers who are forced to spend in a dusty and hot city. For this category, you should create appropriate advertisements. You should also think about expanding the range of services. You can gradually develop and create a complete wellness center with various procedures.


The organization of a halotherapy salon requires significant investments. But with the right organization of work and an active marketing policy, you can achieve excellent results.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

750 000 ₽

Starting investments

360 000 ₽

190 000 ₽

Net profit

4 months

Payback period

The salt room is a passive business that does not require special experience and sophisticated equipment. A salt cave can be opened even in a small town, and advertising is the main success factor.

The salt room is one of the most popular spa procedures designed for a wide audience and aimed at general healing and strengthening of the human body. Creating such a business does not require special experience or skills. The installation of the salt room can be carried out both on your own and with the help of a contractor offering ready-made turnkey design solutions for every taste.

Salt room: description, benefits and contraindications

The salt room, otherwise called a salt cave, halochamber or speleotherapy, is a specially equipped room in which the surfaces are lined with salt blocks, and the air is saturated with salt particles using a special generator, which creates an optimal ionic composition of the air for a person, combined with a favorable temperature, humidity and pressure. Additionally, the air in the salt room is cleaned of germs, allergens and dust.

Staying in a salt room has been compared to staying at a seaside resort. Some experts compare one session in the salt room with a 4-day stay at the seaside.

Saturation of air with microparticles of salt does not occur naturally, but with the help of a halogenerator, it is he who sprays a fine aerosol of dry sodium chloride, which is the main therapeutic component. Please note that laying out the walls with salt blocks is more of a decorative and psychological nature, and it is the halogenerator that creates a beneficial effect in the salt cave. Positive results during the procedure are based on the inhalation of salt particles that are sprayed in the room and, due to their small size, easily penetrate the human body.

Halotherapy sessions are very simple. From 15 minutes to an hour a person spends in a salt room. As a rule, quiet music plays, some salt rooms have a corner with toys for children or a TV. Visitors are often seated in light sun loungers or armchairs.

It is believed that halotherapy helps in the treatment of certain diseases, and also improves immunity and body tone. Even a short stay in a salt room can help allergy sufferers, as even a short stay in an allergen-free room will make it easier to endure an aggravation of the disease. Consider in what cases and to whom salt treatment is indicated:

    People with frequent respiratory problems.

    People with allergic diseases in the period of exacerbation.

    People with weakened immune systems.

In some cases, it is believed that a visit to the salt room can also help people suffering from dermatological conditions who want to speed up their metabolism or lose weight. It should be noted that the effect on the body in these cases has not been scientifically proven.

Official medicine considers pulmonary tuberculosis, SARS or influenza in the acute period, as well as children under the age of three, to be contraindications to visiting the salt room. Note that not all doctors believe that halotherapy is beneficial. Some compare its effect on a person with a short walk in the fresh air.

In halotherapy, two methods are used: dry and wet. Some experts deny the usefulness of the wet method of halotherapy and even consider it harmful, causing relapses of diseases.

What equipment is needed for a salt room

The heart of the salt room is the halogenerator, which creates the saturation of the air with salts.

The principle of operation of the halogenerator is as follows. The halogen generator compressor forces air into a special chamber. Air enters the working chamber, namely, into the lower bowl containing crushed salt and hermetically sealed by the upper bowl. In a container with salt under air pressure, a phenomenon called a fluidized bed is created: particles of dry matter move randomly in the air relative to each other at high speed. When they collide with each other, there is friction between them. Under the action of friction forces, the particles are crushed as much as possible and, moreover, become electrically charged. Small negatively charged salt particles enter the exit window and are released into the surrounding air. The process lasts a certain amount of time, depending on the set mode, all stages are automated. As a result, the air in the room becomes rich in ionized tiny dry salt particles. You can set several modes that provide different concentrations of salt in the air.

From the point of view of the legal justification for the operation of a salt room, two types of halogenerators are distinguished: those produced on the basis of medical equipment, and, accordingly, work on it requires a medical license, and those with household certificates, work on which does not require a license. That is, when choosing a device, at the first stage you need to familiarize yourself with its certificate, in which the scope of its application is called - as a medical or household appliance.

Ready-made ideas for your business

We will not consider the purchase of a medical halogenerator, for the use of which it is necessary to obtain a medical license, since for a small business a medical license is not justified in terms of costs.

Please note that in the advertising materials of the salt cave, which operates without a medical license, in accordance with the Federal Law of 13.03.2006 N 38-FZ "On Advertising", with the latest changes (introduced by the Federal Law of 03.08.2018 N 325-FZ ), you can not specify some terms that relate to medical services. It is necessary to formulate certain positive effects of visiting the salt room in promotional materials very carefully, preferably only after consulting a lawyer.

As we wrote above, halogenerators are divided into dry and wet. Wet-type halogenerators split the solution and, under the influence of ultrasound, turn it into hydrochloric vapor. Dry-type halogenerators are divided, in turn, into two more types: adjustable and non-adjustable. The regulated method of the dry microclimate of a salt cave differs from the unregulated method by the presence of salt concentration sensors, the set parameters of which determine the operating mode of the halogenerator.

Halogenerators also differ in power, depending on the volume and area of ​​the air saturation room. The smallest devices saturate up to 30 m3 of the room, which on average is about 12 m2 of the room area. More powerful devices are used with a room volume of up to 50 m3 (about 20 m2 of the room). The most powerful halogenerators are installed in caves up to 200 m3 in volume.

The type of installation of the halogenerator also differs: halogenerators installed in the salt room itself, and halogenerators installed in a separate room (operator's room).

Ready-made ideas for your business

Halogenerators are produced by various companies, both in Russia and abroad. Among the Russian manufacturers, we can distinguish the companies "AEROMED", "Ramora" and others. There are also offers from Ukrainian manufacturers on the market.

The cost of halogenerators depends on the manufacturer and the functions offered. For example, the AGG-03 halogenerator from the Sal-Terra company with a room volume of up to 100 m3 will cost 240 thousand rubles. Salt generator (halogenerator) ultrasonic "Aerovita" costs about 250 thousand rubles. Halogenerator Brizsol-1 model 1, used for domestic purposes, in rooms up to 100 m3 costs about 225 thousand rubles.

Turnkey salt room: offers and costs

A number of companies offer the complete furnishing of the salt room, that is, including salt block cladding, decorative finishes, necessary equipment, lighting, ventilation system equipment and installation.

Prices for such rooms depend on its area. A salt room (halo-cabin) with an area of ​​7 to 12 m2 with a full set of IONNA equipment from the Galit company will cost about 204 thousand rubles. Salt room "Standard +", with an area of ​​20 sq.m. with a full set of equipment is offered from 405,000 rubles. Salt room "Standard" from 20 to 30 m2 with a complete set of Aerovita/COM/Brizsol equipment is offered at a price of 596,000 rubles.

SZTs SOM LLC offers Standard class salt caves with an area of ​​up to 30 m2 at a price of 498 thousand rubles. The price includes Apparatus BRIZSOLE®-1, application of salt coating, "Standard" design with decorative structures, installation of all equipment on a turnkey basis, halosol (500 pieces), music center, programs on CD-ROMs (for children and adults), Himalayan salt lamps (4 pieces) and an armchair with a removable mattress (5 pieces).

Salt cave with an area of ​​23 m2 "Fairytale Country" from the company "Solidar PRO" costs about 380 thousand rubles, and the following elements are included in the kit: stretch ceiling, multilayer salt coating of walls, salt coating of the floor, design elements, two lamps made of rock salt, ventilation system, electrical work, halogenerator installation, audio system.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The turnkey salt room construction period will be about two to three weeks. Take a look at the different finishes that vendors offer for wall and floor cladding. They have a different origin and application technology, but it is better to consult about this already when choosing a specific artist. Do not forget to require certificates for all types of materials, including cladding, used by suppliers.

Dozens of companies are engaged in the installation of turnkey salt rooms. As a rule, the area of ​​such a room does not exceed 30 m2. Depending on the company, the installation of a salt room, including design and all necessary equipment, will cost from 400 to 600 thousand rubles.

The cost of a salt room can be increased by the use and development of unique design elements and additional equipment. If necessary, all elements of the salt room can be ordered from the supplier and mounted independently, installation is not particularly difficult.

The salt room must be at least 6 square meters. It is desirable that the room is adjacent to the outer wall of the building, which will simplify the installation of ventilation. It is not allowed to place salt rooms in rooms with a high level of humidity, which should be no more than 60%. It is not desirable that the salt room is adjacent to rooms that can create unnecessary noise or vibration, as well as to wet rooms.

It is advisable to provide heating directly in the salt room in the form of underfloor heating.

The salt room should be ventilated after each session. It should maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity. The halogenerator should be cleaned and cleaned daily. When entering the salt room, visitors are advised to provide shoe covers and medical gowns.

It is better to locate a salt room in sleeping areas, as its main clients will be women with children. It is optimal if kindergartens and schools are located in the immediate vicinity. At the same time, the presence of parking near the building of the salt room will be a plus. As for competition, even in small towns, several entrepreneurs whose business is focused on salt treatment may well coexist without taking each other's income.

Legal registration of the salt room

If you provide health services within the company, then you do not need to obtain a medical license. If the company plans to provide medical services, then a license is required. The type of services provided depends on the type of halogen generator used in the salt room. You can find out what type of services the equipment provides from the certificate for it.

If there is no need to obtain a medical certificate, then it is enough to simply open a limited liability company or register as an individual entrepreneur (IP).

In the case we are considering, it is better to register an individual entrepreneur, since it is somewhat easier to register and in terms of reporting.

It is necessary to comply with the requirements of the fire inspectorate, SES and Rospotrebnadzor. As a rule, separate permits for this type of activity are not required from these organizations, but in some regions special requirements may apply, so it is better to consult the advising departments in addition. Moreover, the absence of the need to obtain permits does not exempt from the requirements for compliance with firefighters (fire alarm, evacuation plan, fire extinguishers, appointment of a person responsible for fire safety, etc.) and sanitary and epidemiological requirements, and checks from these departments can come at any time.

In some cases, in order to obtain permission to conduct sports and recreation activities, a certificate from the police about the absence of a criminal record is required. No additional special permissions are required. The most important thing is that all certificates for equipment and consumables are in order.

Used OKVED 96.04 "Sports and recreation activities." If you will be selling related products, you must include in the list advising OKVED codes.

Let us analyze the question of the form of taxation of the salt room. According to experts, this business does not fall under the single tax on imputed income (UTII). Some entrepreneurs initially make such a mistake, which after a while can lead to big problems. However, there is no consensus on this matter, the opinions of various regional tax inspectorates may not coincide. Therefore, we recommend either using the simplified taxation system (STS), or sending an official request to the tax service at the place of registration for the possibility of using UTII for this type of business. In case of a positive answer, such a request should be kept, as it may have to be used in a dispute with the tax authorities.

A notification for the application of the simplified tax system can be submitted together with a package of documents for registration or no later than 30 days after its completion. Don't miss this moment.

As an object of taxation, "income" or "income minus expenses" are applied. Taking into account the fact that the current expenses for the functioning of the salt room are small, we recommend that you immediately indicate the object of taxation "income". The rate for this object of taxation will be 6%.

It is necessary to use a cash register when accepting funds both with the help of bank cards and cash. If earlier it was possible to get by with strict reporting forms, now the tax authorities strictly control the use of cash registers. The complex of cash equipment, together with the package of necessary software, will cost about 15 thousand rubles.

Salt Therapy Room Financial Performance

At the first stage, we calculate the possible revenue of our business.

As initial data, let's assume that the salt room has an area of ​​30 m2. If we take into account the allocation of a small children's corner with toys and drawing devices, as well as the possibility of comfortable accommodation for clients, then such a room can accommodate about 8 visitors, including children.

Let's take the average cost of a session for one adult visitor as 250 rubles. Visits by children and pensioners cost an average of 200 rubles per session. Children under seven years old visit the salt room free of charge, but accompanied by adults. The average duration of a session, taking into account the time for cleaning and maintenance of equipment, will be 1 hour.

We will accept the work schedule as 12 hours, as it will be convenient for some clients to visit the salt room before work or sending their children to kindergarten, and for others - in the evening or after school.

With maximum load throughout the day, revenue can reach up to 24 thousand rubles. However, such a download is unlikely. In this business, there will be both peak hours of visitors and "dead" hours. And there will be more "dead" hours. The loading of the salt room should be planned at a level of no more than 50%. Under this condition, the revenue will be 12 thousand rubles a day or 360 thousand rubles a month. Halotherapy is recommended for 10 sessions twice a year.

Consider the list of maintenance costs for the salt room. Salt for the halogenerator is a consumable item and is quite inexpensive. For one session, it is necessary for the amount of 10-15 rubles, depending on the type and quality of salt. The monthly cost of salt will not exceed 5.5 thousand rubles.

Two administrators are required to maintain the salt room. The salary of an administrator in the regions is about 25 thousand rubles. The administrators will perform the functions of receiving cash, accounting for customers, maintaining the halogen generator (cleaning, adding salt) and cleaning. The monthly cost of staff salaries, taking into account accruals, will amount to about 70 thousand rubles.

Other expenses, which include utility bills, bookkeeping, cash register maintenance, banking services, advertising and other operating expenses, will amount to about 30,000 rubles per month.

The cost of renting a room depends on its location, on average they will amount to 40 thousand rubles per month for the regions. Even if you already own the property, in order to accurately assess the performance of the business, you need to deduct the estimated rent, as if you were renting it out to an outside tenant.

Tax payments will amount to about 22 thousand rubles on a monthly basis. Total operating costs for maintenance of the salt room will amount to 167 thousand rubles.

Monthly profit is planned at the level of about 190 thousand rubles or 2.3 million rubles in annual terms. With the total cost of building a salt room, which we estimate at about 750 thousand rubles, the payback period of the project will be about 4 months.

Additional sources of income for the salt room

The halotherapy business itself is quite profitable, but if there is an opportunity to earn extra money, this should be used. There are opportunities for this business.

First of all, these are oxygen cocktails that children like and help to achieve a better healing effect. They increase the tone of the human body, remove toxins and improve his well-being. Their cost can be included in the price of the visit or offered for a fee. High-quality equipment for preparing an oxygen cocktail costs about 50 thousand rubles.

The average cost of selling such a cocktail is about 100 rubles. The cost of its preparation is about 5 rubles. Thus, it is easy to calculate that the oxygen cocktail preparation equipment will pay off within one to two months.

If it is possible to allocate an additional room in the building where the salt room is located, then as an additional service, you can offer customers a steam SPA capsule. In such a capsule, it is possible to offer such strengthening and healing treatments as hay therapy, steam baths, hammam, thalassotherapy and other treatments with natural mixtures of algae, therapeutic mud, flowers, wine and aromas. The cost of such a capsule will be from 50 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on its functionality.

Massage chairs are another way to increase revenue and expand the range of services offered to customers for the salt room. The cost of such a chair ranges from 60 to 500 thousand rubles. Of course, there is no need to purchase an expensive elite massage chair, since even budget models look quite attractive and elegant, while at the same time providing a good relaxing and restorative effect. The cost of 10 minutes of massage on such a chair will be about 100 rubles.

How to Attract Salt Room Clients

Ensuring a constant flow of customers is the basis of the effectiveness of the salt room business. Consider how to provide it as quickly as possible.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that the salt room is a regional, local scale business. Most of your clients will live within walking distance of the salt room location. Therefore, in order for clients to learn about a new useful procedure that has appeared in their area, it is necessary to organize an advertising campaign for the distribution of leaflets and booklets near kindergartens, schools, clinics and children's leisure centers located near the salt room.

Offer various promotions that can attract customers. First of all, make discounts for a subscription for several visits to the salt room. Organize a promotion with a toy store or children's center that will offer a free trial visit to the salt room.

If the salt room is located near a road with good traffic, then outdoor advertising will also work well. Colorful advertising will surely attract the attention of passing motorists.

You definitely need a website where you can talk about the benefits of the salt room and pay attention to promotions held to attract customers. Be sure to create company pages on social networks. You can offer a free visit to the salt room for liking or sharing your offer on social networks. Such advertising, made on behalf of the user, is more individual and personal in nature and is sure to attract the attention of friends. You can transfer free visits to “dead” hours, in terms of visits. In this case, such advertising will not cost you practically anything.

Every day, the health and beauty industry pleases its consumers with the latest offers in the cosmetology field. At present, many people, without a trip to the resort and visits to sanatorium and treatment centers, can rejuvenate and improve their shaky health. Of course, for many businessmen, there are great opportunities in this area for creating a successful business! The most important thing in this matter is to correctly determine the direction of activity. A great idea at the moment is to create a salt cave. There is a very high demand for this type of service today. It should be noted that there is not much competition. Many experts have long been able to identify contraindications and indications of the salt cave. And people, in turn, were able to appreciate the main advantages of this procedure. Of course, if this business idea is approached correctly, it will be possible to make good profits in the future. This article should talk about . We hope that you will be able to draw a lot of useful knowledge from this article.

Salt cave as a business. What to Consider

Speleotherapy is a non-drug treatment of the respiratory system. It involves the inhalation of microparticles by a person of potassium chloride. This substance is capable of killing a large number of bacteria. These sessions are usually held near resort areas, in which many grottoes with deposits of natural salt could naturally appear. But as for the course of treatment itself, it involves a very long duration. Many residents of megacities are unfortunately deprived of this opportunity. Then, they have only one option - attending halotherapy sessions. We can safely say that this procedure to some extent is also speleotherapy. But people create the grottoes with salt deposits by hand. This is how a business is created. The entrepreneur opens a salt room, with all the conditions for a person's recovery. What is so difficult about creating a salt cave for yourself to visit? In this case, a businessman will need to think through a lot of different nuances.

First of all, this area is quite new for many consumers. It is imperative to get their attention.

And secondly, you will need to deal with the design of a huge amount of different documentation, and think about purchasing high-quality equipment. So, how should you open a salt room or cave from scratch? So that you can start your own business and get a good income in the future?

Our business valuation:

  • The initial investment will be from 500,000 rubles.
  • Very low market saturation.
  • Difficulty in creating a business - 4/10

What documents need to be prepared

Naturally, a salt cave as a business may require the entrepreneur to have certain documents. In the event that you decide to open this business alone, then you should register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, there will be much less tax deductions, and you will spend less of your time on processing various paperwork. If you are going to create a spa that has a huge list of services? Then you should open an LLC.

A halotherapy center can be registered under various OKVED codes 93.29 - Recreation and entertainment services, 93.4 Sports and recreation activities. The most important thing in this case is not to be registered as a clinic that provides medical services. This area is quite different, and involves a large number of inspections, experienced personnel and serious financial investments. It is worth noting that the costs of opening this activity will not be very high if you open an individual entrepreneur - no more than 10,000 thousand rubles. For this line of business, you should choose a simplified taxation system. You will constantly make deductions to the tax office in the amount of six percent of your total income.

Franchise or own brand

Due to the fact that this type is very popular, a lot of different offers have appeared on the domestic market from franchisors - networks of salt rooms offering entrepreneurs to create their own business under a popular brand. The salt room franchise consists in the full support of the businessman by the owner of the chosen brand. Working under a franchise agreement, an entrepreneur will save a lot of time for starting a business and its subsequent promotion. He will not need to search for a tedious room, think about conducting a competent advertising company. In addition, most companies offer an entrepreneur to undergo training in doing business - starting with his organization, ending with the necessary calculations of tax deductions. According to practice, a turnkey salt cave from a franchisor company can pay off much faster. In general, a salt cave franchise will prove to be the best solution.

If you decide to franchise a salt cave? You should definitely pay attention to the following organizations operating under a franchise agreement:

  • Galomed,
  • Salt+,
  • Vita Breeze,
  • halofort,
  • Speleon.

Before giving preference in favor of any franchise, you should compare the conditions for further cooperation - which organization has its own pitfalls and nuances in the service agreement! In order to create a salt room franchise, you will need 500,000-1,500,000 rubles. The amount will depend on the conditions of a particular brand. Of course, during the cooperation, the entrepreneur will need to pay a certain percentage of his own income to the franchisor. If a businessman decides to open a salt room or a cave under a personal brand, then he will face the same expenses as with a franchise. In addition, he will have the opportunity to spend less money, since the entrepreneur himself is selecting the necessary equipment. But you should definitely take into account the fact that you will have to be well versed in all the emerging nuances - to plan an advertising strategy, branding a future company, and think carefully about the interior design of the premises. But it is worth noting that in the future, if a businessman can promote his own business, he can safely start selling a personal brand franchise.

What is the right place to do business?

While the entrepreneur is engaged in resolving all legal issues, it is possible in parallel to this case to select the necessary premises, where the future halocenter will be located. If a businessman can carefully think over the successful location of this institution, then a constant flow of customers will be provided to him. The most important rule in this case is a large cross! As a rule, a room located next to children's development centers, educational and educational institutions, and sports clubs is best suited. Most businessmen open such rooms in the buildings of large shopping or business centers. There will also be a nearby parking lot. According to sanitary standards, for 1 visitor to the salt cave, three square meters of free space will be required. It follows that when choosing a suitable room, you should definitely take into account the patency of the institution! According to practice, 50 sq.m. will be more complete to open a salon. In addition, the area of ​​the salt room itself will take no more than 25 sq.m. But you will also need an area for the reception desk, a service room for staff and visitors. Novice businessmen should not buy premises to create their own salt room or cave. It will be much easier to rent an area - much less expenses at the initial start, and there is no need to apply for huge loans from banks.

Preparation of the premises and necessary equipment

It is simply unrealistic to do the arrangement of the salt room on your own - in this case, you will definitely need the help of specialized organizations. Try to monitor the market and find those companies whose activities will be aimed at equipping halocentres. There are a large number of requirements for the functioning of a salt cave. Unfortunately, in this case, an entrepreneur cannot do without the help of specialists. In order to convert the premises into a salt room and purchase the equipment necessary for this, a businessman will need to spend at least 450 thousand rubles. You should look for those organizations that provide services with the best price-quality ratio. Most likely, the entrepreneur will seek help from those companies that are located in other localities. In this case, transport costs should also be taken into account.

How to equip artificial salt rooms:

Halogenerator. This device is the very first necessary equipment. It can provide the halochamber with salt aerosol of the required concentration. In addition, it maintains the desired humidity (50%) and temperature (18-20 degrees) in the room. Before purchasing salt room equipment, you should first decide what kind of halogen generator you need. There are several types of installations. Some devices work on the ultrasonic principle, and some grind large salt particles. As for the first option, it is much better than the first one, since the device is much quieter and produces the smallest salt particles.

Backlight. For most people, the salt room is not only a place to improve their own health. Many of them visit these rooms in order to just relax and unwind a little. As for lighting in such a room, it must definitely play an important role. It is best to equip the room with a light that can adjust the brightness, thus creating either subdued twilight or bright lighting. Lighting equipment should be installed on the baseboards, and on the ceiling, and on the walls.

Creating three-dimensional reliefs in the room . In order for the design of the room to fully correspond to the natural salt cave, it is necessary to build up stalagmites and stalactites in this place. For this, many specialists use professional equipment.

Musical equipment. Calm music in the salt room pacifies and soothes. For this, speakers should be installed in the room. The cost of equipment for a salt room will directly depend on its capacity, brand, and configuration. The biggest expense will be the purchase of a halogen generator.

  • Approximately, the average price of a generator for a salt cave is from 250,000 thousand rubles.
  • To arrange lighting, you will need at least 70,000 thousand rubles.
  • In order for music to play in the salt cave, you will have to spend 10,000 thousand rubles. You can buy salt for the salt room from a large number of suppliers.

You should pay attention to the quality of this product. The company selling this type of product must have the necessary documents that confirm the composition and origin of the salt. And the whole point is that this business requires special products - the use of Himalayan or sea salt in halotherapy is not approved by the technique! We should also not forget about the furniture that needs to be installed in the salt room. Basically, in small halocentres, the salt cave is designed for 6-7 people. It follows that you only need to purchase the right amount of comfortable sun loungers and chairs, as well as footrests. To purchase the entire set of furniture, it will take you approximately 30,000 thousand rubles.

Organization of work of the halocenter

The harm and benefits of the salt room have long been known to the great potential of the audience. Based on this, this type of activity is also good because you will not need to hire professional and highly qualified specialists. All issues related to the organization of work in the salon can be resolved by the administrator. In the future, after your business is established and its popularity grows, you can hire a general practitioner. This specialist will provide your clients with various recommendations for the treatment of diseases.

There are a number of features when creating wellness sessions that must be taken into account. Namely:

Each halotherapy session must be held at the scheduled time. You will need to make a daily schedule. In this case, the total number of clients wishing to visit the salt cave and the time of the session should be taken into account. And the whole point is that after 40 minutes of work, the halogenerator must be reconfigured. This process takes approximately 20-25 minutes. You should not force visitors to wait for their session. For this reason, all procedures must be planned in advance. Approximately, for one 8-hour day of work, halotherapy sessions can be performed every hour. It should also be taken into account that on weekdays your client groups will not be fully staffed.

Those clients who for some reason did not have time to visit the salt room should not be allowed into the room. If you open the door to this room, the internal microclimate will be disturbed. And the client will not benefit from such a session. You should agree in advance with the client about the time of the procedure, in order not to lose your earnings. You also need to think about what is the best price for a halotherapy session. Many firms offer customers different prices, everything will depend on the location of this halo salon. The average cost of a session varies from 200 to 300 rubles. Reduced price for children.

How to develop a business.

The salt cave is great, but it's worth knowing how to open it correctly. In addition, you also need to promote your business in order to get more profit.

After you receive a license for this type of activity, and the halocenter is completely ready for opening, you need to think about promoting this institution. The more people can learn about healthy procedures, the more income you can earn. Publication of ads in various thematic magazines, advertising on TV and radio. Try to use all kinds of marketing tools. A good return will be observed if you enter into cooperation with various educational and medical institutions. Here you can leave all kinds of brochures, brochures, which will talk about the benefits of halotherapy. It will be good if you can negotiate with the doctors. Let these experts provide their patients with recommendations about the benefits of your institution. You should also consider creating your own website. Attracting customers is not that hard. It's much harder to make them permanent for yourself.

The following factors must be taken into account:

The administrator of the salt room must provide clients with detailed advice, try to explain to them the main features of the session.

Try to offer visitors promotions and discounts. For example, during weekdays or early hours, you can offer a lower price for visiting a salt cave. Thus, you will be able to develop the loyalty of your customers to your company in a short period of time.

A great idea would be to sell gift certificates that all visitors to your salon can buy.

Very often, halotherapy procedures are visited by mothers with their children. A salt cave for kids will be not only useful, but also interesting. It is also necessary to think about discounts for a certain category of citizens - for example, veterans, people with disabilities, pensioners. If you have already managed to create 2-3 groups in social networks, constantly hold draws among the participants, where the winner will get a discount coupon and various gifts. You can also hold free seminars in which doctors will talk about the benefits of visiting salt caves.

What profit can be expected from this business

The net income that you will receive from your business depends on the set price for the procedures and the total number of visitors. In order to purchase a halogenerator and other equipment for a salt cave, to carry out repairs in the premises and to debug the work of the institution, you will need at least 500,000 rubles. If the salt cave is designed for 6-7 people, and each session is fully staffed, you can earn 1400 rubles. And this at a cost of 200 rubles. And for an 8-hour day you can get 11,200 rubles. monthly income in this case will be 336,000 rubles. and the profit may be even greater if the working day is 12 hours long.

What equipment is required for a salt cave - a sought-after healing room that is gaining popularity among children and adults? Salt treatment or halotherapy is a procedure that is useful for respiratory diseases or their prevention, as well as for a general increase in immunity. We tell you what you need to organize your own salt cave and how much you can earn from it.

Why a salt cave can bring good profit to the owner

For those who want to create their own business, a salt cave will be quite a promising option. This is not the easiest business to organize, requiring some specific knowledge and quite serious costs. On the other side, competition in this area is not yet high enough, and demand is constantly increasing. Therefore, even start-up entrepreneurs who do not have experience in the provision of services have a good chance of finding their own niche.

The number of potential clients of salt caves is very large: these are children and adults of all ages who decide to be treated with salt for medical reasons or for the sake of prevention and a general increase in immunity. There are not so many contraindications to visiting such procedures: metabolic disorders, mental disorders, oncology, acute stages of chronic diseases. They reduce the number of visitors very slightly.

For those who want to create their own business, a salt cave will be quite a promising option.

What is useful in a salt cave

To create a successful business in your own salt room, you need to understand exactly how it works and how the healing effect is achieved. Such knowledge will help to properly organize the work of the cave and build a successful marketing campaign.

A certain microclimate is recreated in the halochamber, which has the characteristics of humidity, pressure, ionic environment that are useful for humans, the complete absence of harmful bacteria and, most importantly, salt particles. These microparticles (from 1 to 5 microns) enter the human body when inhaled, fight inflammation and destroy infections.

Staying in a salt cave is similar in its healing effect to relaxing on the sea coast, but has a much more pronounced effect due to the saturated concentration of salt in the air. The purified air of the halochamber contributes to a general increase in immunity, rejuvenation of the body and relaxation.

One session of halotherapy lasts from 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the wishes or medical indications of the clients. A visit to the cell is combined with relaxation, listening to pleasant music, isolation from the noise of ordinary life and other stressful factors.

How to start preparing for the opening of the halochamber

First of all, it is necessary to assess how popular this area of ​​services will be and draw up a business plan, which reflects the purpose of creating a salt room, the ratio of costs and income, the expected payback period, the main risks and methods to overcome them.

To do this, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the population of the city and the area where the discovery of the cave is planned? How many people can become clients of the halochamber? Is there a massive need for such services?
  2. Are there organizations in the city that provide exactly the same or similar services? How long have they been working, how successful are they? Will it be difficult to compete with them?

The answers to these questions will help to present a more realistic picture of reality and form an objective idea of ​​the prospects for a salt chamber business in a particular city or region. The decision to open your own business should be taken only after weighing all the prospects and risks.

The list of what you need for a salt cave is quite impressive.

What you need to open your own salt cave: a list of expenses

The list of what is needed for a salt cave is very impressive and will cost at least 500 thousand rubles. To open the halochamber you will need:

  1. Rent of premises with clear zoning with an area of ​​at least 50 square meters (at least a "waiting area" and the halochamber itself). In addition to the possibility of zoning, there are special requirements for repairs (see the relevant section). You will have to spend about 50-100 thousand rubles a month on rent (possibly much more). Repair will require 100-200 thousand rubles.
  2. Purchase of the necessary equipment for the cave itself, namely a halogen generator, furniture (armchairs, sofas or deck chairs), a music center and a lighting system. On average, about 500 thousand rubles will be required.
  3. The design of the "waiting area": ​​the administrator's desk and a laptop for him, chairs for waiting visitors, a dressing room. You can meet 40-60 thousand rubles.
  4. Advertising and promotion costs (optional, but significantly increase the number of customers, and hence the profit of the institution). The amount depends solely on the capabilities and wishes of the entrepreneur.

Thus, the total cost of opening your own salt cave will be 500-700 thousand, if necessary, significant repairs and re-equipment - up to 1 million rubles. These are quite serious investments, for the payback of which it is necessary to organize the work of the institution competently from the first weeks.

Permissive documents for the salt chamber

Before opening your own salt room, you will have to officially register (as an individual entrepreneur or LLC), as well as obtain a number of permits from the fire and sanitary and epidemiological services. Since halotherapy is a medical service, a medical license is required for the legal operation of the company.

Requirements for the premises for halotherapy: area, renovation, zoning

How to open a salt cave from scratch? First of all, it is necessary to find a suitable room for halotherapy procedures. This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because the premises must meet a number of requirements.

  1. The area of ​​the cave itself should be at least 12-18 square meters. In such a chamber, 5-6 people can be present at the session at the same time. The cave should not be connected to water supply and sewerage, but should be equipped with a good ventilation system. Please note that the equipment is installed in a separate small room up to 5 square meters.
  2. Walls and ceilings should not be whitewashed and painted - these coating options will not withstand constant humidity, and the content of such particles in the air is not very useful for visitors. The best finishing option is pressed sea salt blocks.
  3. The entire premises of the institution should be divided into several zones: a cave and a room with equipment, a waiting area, a restroom and a place for staff to rest.

First of all, it is necessary to find a suitable room for halotherapy procedures.

How to choose a halogenerator at the best price

The most important part of the equipment, on which the quality of services will depend, and, accordingly, their demand, is the halogenerator. This is the name of the apparatus that creates and sprays a cloud of salt indoors. They are installed in a small room adjacent to the chamber, as the salt concentration in the immediate vicinity of the apparatus is too high.

Currently, there are several types of devices that generate salt evaporation: compressor, ultrasonic and steam. The first two options are considered the most advanced, since steam generators create too little concentration of active substances in the air (below the healing effect). Some models of halogen generators require a medical license to operate.

Prices for salt generators start at 80 thousand and can reach up to 500-600 thousand rubles. They differ in spraying power, the spectrum of particles created, and stability of operation. For the entrepreneur, the portability of the halogen generator and ease of maintenance will be important characteristics.

Advanced halogenerators not only spray salt and active ingredients, but also regulate the level of humidity (about 50%) and room temperature (about 20 degrees). Modern devices are controlled remotely and store the history of sessions. In any case, you should not expect to spend less than 250 thousand rubles in this direction.

Creating a cozy atmosphere is the key to the success of a salt cave

Most visitors will come to halotherapy not for medical reasons, but for relaxation and a change of scenery. Therefore, it is important to create a cozy atmosphere in the cave. In a room from 12 to 18 square meters, 5-6 clients can comfortably attend one session.

To accommodate visitors, soft chairs or deck chairs are installed, in which you can relax reclining. It is worth creating a system of soft lighting and non-irritating color music in the camera. Relaxing music is played during sessions.- classical, slow, melodic, filled with the sounds of nature. For the duration of the session, clients turn off their mobile phones and concentrate on their breathing.

Salt cave staff: composition and basic requirements

To maintain a small salt cave, the following workers will be required:

  1. Administrators (2 people). They register visitors for procedures, sell one-time visits and subscriptions, keep order. Their professional skills and personal qualities (first of all, benevolence) determine the impression of clients from visiting the institution. The salary in the regions of Russia is usually 15-25 thousand rubles.
  2. Operators (2 people). Responsible for the operation of the halogenerator. Special education is not required, a training course and compliance with the requirements for the operation of equipment are sufficient. The salary is approximately equal to the payment of administrators - 15-25 thousand rubles.
  3. Consultant. This is a specialist with a medical education who will identify contraindications for visiting a salt cave, draw up courses and explain to potential clients the benefits of halotherapy. Not all institutions have such professionals, but their presence in the state significantly increases the authority of the organization. You can invite such an employee for hours or form a reward based on the number of consultations.

To accommodate visitors, soft chairs or deck chairs are installed, in which you can relax reclining.

When will the investment pay off

The profitability of the institution and the payback period of the first investments directly depend on the stability and growth of the flow of customers. On average, one session of halotherapy costs from 200 to 500 rubles and lasts 40 minutes. After each regular session, a twenty-minute airing of the cave is necessary.

For an 8-hour working day, 8 sessions can be performed. If the cave accommodates 6 visitors at the same time, then in 1 day you can:

  • serve up to 48 people;
  • earn from 9,600 to 24,000 rubles.

Most likely, these are the limit values ​​for small towns. It is practically impossible to ensure a constant full load. Even a 50% workload is considered a good result and can provide payback in 8-14 months.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

1 014 000 ₽

Starting investments

11 months

Payback period

497 000 ₽


Profitability of sales

Salt caves are one of the most promising types of small business in the field of recreational and health services. This is a simple and understandable business model, small investments and low competition.

1. Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a salt cave operating on the principle of a halochamber in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

The demand for halotherapy services in the selected region is high. According to statistics, respiratory diseases are one of the most common. The potential audience is expanding thanks to people visiting the salt room as a means of preventing respiratory, skin diseases, diseases of the nervous system.

The main services of the salt cave are:

    Conducting aerosol therapy sessions for adults and the elderly;

    Carrying out sessions of aerosol therapy for children.

An assessment of the factors and phenomena influencing the development of the project, as well as an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the project, showed that its implementation is a profitable investment. The total investment will amount to 1.14 million rubles. According to the established sales plan, the indicator of 497 thousand rubles of monthly revenue is achieved for 3 months. work. The payback period is planned to reach 11 months of work.

2. Description of the industry and company

The purpose of the project is the construction of a salt cave (a room with a salt room with the principle of operation of a halochamber) in the city of Rostov-on-Don. The halochamber imitates a natural salt cave and is used for recreational and recreational purposes. The main therapeutic value is the air of the salt cave, which in a certain concentration is saturated with a finely dispersed salt aerosol.

The advantage of a salt cave is that its creation does not require binding to any medical institution, SPA-salon or sports complex. To organize it, you do not need to obtain a medical license, as well as hiring personnel with higher medical education - you do not need to have any special skills and abilities to work. The salt cave is focused on a wide target audience. The business is family owned. The main clients are mothers with children, families and elderly people suffering from broncho-pulmonary, skin diseases, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, or who wish to carry out prophylaxis to prevent these diseases and strengthen general and local immunity.

The salt cave market is considered one of the most promising areas in the field of recreational and health services and is at the stage of its formation. This explains the rapid capture of free market zones by network projects. The competition in this area of ​​business is still low. Basically, salt rooms operate at medical and SPA centers and are one of the components of a whole range of services, which makes it difficult to position salt caves as an independent business.

Speleotherapy is more popular in the middle zone of the country, where the level of competition among salt caves is much higher than in the South. In part, this can be explained by competition with wildlife - the Don region does not experience a lack of recreation. However, in such a large metropolis as Rostov-on-Don, a relatively new and unfamiliar way of recovery and recreation for the general population seems to be underestimated. A big city means polluted air, large crowds of people, chronic fatigue of the population. The problem for citizens is that people do not go to hospitals with such problems, preferring to rest at home instead of queues and wasting nerves. Consequently, an institution that offers health and recreational services at a low price, but radically differs from the image of a hospital halochamber by a high level of effect from the services provided due to the unique atmosphere created by the institution, will be popular.

The salt cave itself is a room with a total area of ​​40 sq. meters, located on the ground floor of a multi-storey building and has a separate entrance. Area of ​​20 sq. meter is directly occupied by the salt room, where aerosol therapy sessions take place. 11 sq. meters is occupied by the reception and waiting area. 5 sq. meters falls on the technical area - the so-called "operator's room", where the halogenerator is located and aerosol reserves are stored. Another 4 sq. meters occupies a bathroom. The location of the salt cave is a large multi-storey residential area with the expectation of 100 thousand people per salt cave. Location 150 m from a public transport stop, with parking available for visitors.

The management structure of the salt room is simple. Management is carried out by the owner of the project, who can manage the business without a permanent presence at the point. Most of the functions are performed by the administrator, who prepares the provision of the halotherapy service, advises visitors on emerging issues, keeps records and records of visits and receives incoming calls. The work schedule of employees is in shifts, in 2/2 mode, full time from 10:00 to 22:00.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Investment costs for the repair and decoration of the salt cave are calculated based on the average market prices of companies involved in the construction of salt caves - and amount to 530 thousand rubles. The cost of equipping the salt room, the reception area and the technical area and the bathroom is 410 thousand rubles. Total, together with the cost of delivery - 1.14 million rubles, which are taken from personal savings (loan funds are not used).

As a form of ownership, an individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system was chosen (the object of taxation is income). The main commercial and management functions are assigned to the owner.

3. Description of salt cave services

First of all, the salt cave is designed to provide services for the provision of healing and relaxation procedures, which are carried out in a salt room, designed for 6 visitors per session. The break between sessions is 20 minutes. The duration of one session is 40 minutes. The salt cave is open 7 days a week, sessions are held at the beginning of every hour. There are 12 sessions per day. The salt chamber is open 358 days a year (the salt cave is closed on January 1-3, February 23, March 8, May 1 and 9). As a competitive advantage, visitors are provided with a number of additional services that do not require significant costs. For customers, there is the possibility of both one-time visits and the possibility of buying subscriptions at a discount. The average check of the institution is 300 rubles. The full list of services is presented in Table. 1. The project operates in the middle price segment and is available to a wide category of the population.

Table 1. List of salt cave services

Name Description Cost, rub.

Aerosol therapy session for adults

1 visit


Aerosol therapy session for children under 3 years old

for free

Aerosol therapy session for children from 3 to 7 years old

1 visit. Accompanied by adults


Aerosol therapy session for children from 7 to 15 years old

1 visit. Upon presentation of an identity document or student


Aerosol therapy session for an adult + a child up to 3 years old

1 visit


Aerosol therapy session for an adult + a child from 3 to 7 years old

1 visit


Aerosol therapy session for an adult + 2 children from 3 to 7 years old

1 visit


Subscription "10+1"

10 sessions+1 session for free

2 500

Subscription "15+1"

15 sessions+1 session for free

3 900

Subscription "20+2"

20 sessions+2 sessions for free

5 000

Salt room rental

For 1 session

2 100

Using a massage chair cover

Provided in addition to the standard session


This type of service does not require a medical license, as it involves the use of household equipment (halogen generator), which is installed in fitness complexes and spa centers. Business is registered under OKPD 2 93.29 - Other entertainment and recreation services. Despite the direction of activity related to the health of the population, the business does not claim to be medical, does not give professional medical advice, does not prescribe any prescriptions and courses, focusing only on disease prevention, strengthening immunity, providing relaxation services and entertaining customers.

4. Salt room sales and marketing

According to Rostovstat for a five-year period (from 2010 to 2014), the most “popular” type of disease in the region is respiratory diseases. As of 2014, 1,512,300 people suffering from such diseases were recorded in the region. On average, this is 357 cases per 1000 population. In addition, the services of salt rooms can be useful for people suffering from diseases of the nervous system and skin diseases. They affect 97,480 and 137,200 people respectively (i.e. 22 and 39 people per 1,000 people). That is, more than 1.7 million residents of the Rostov region can be potential clients of salt caves, making up the bulk of the client flow.

The target audience can be divided into several categories. Firstly, these are children suffering from allergies, bronchopulmonary and ENT diseases, which are now widespread. Secondly, these are elderly people from 55 years old who want to improve their well-being and slow down the aging process of the body. Thirdly, these are middle-aged people (35-55 years old) who visit salt caves to relax with their family or in company, “cleanse themselves” and strengthen their immunity. Also, visitors to the salt rooms can be pregnant women, athletes, people who monitor their tone and health, smokers who cannot give up their addiction, etc. In this business, the share of returning customers is high, which, with a positive effect from the sessions, can reach 60%.

Among the competitors in the region under consideration are two large SPA-centers, which include a visit to the salt room, several salt caves within the city and beyond, as well as halochambers as part of the sanatorium, dispensary and health-improving center. Among the disadvantages of competitors, one can single out the relative “closedness” of salt rooms for the general population (available only to clients of SPA centers), the simplicity of cave design, and a weak marketing policy.

Sales are made by prior telephone appointment. Visits without registration are subject to availability. In marketing promotion, the main emphasis is on social networks and the promotion of groups through outsourcing. Key platforms are Facebook, Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. This is the development of groups and publics, targeted advertising in communities dedicated to health and a healthy lifestyle. It is planned to allocate an average of 30,000 rubles per month for advertising purposes. The budget will change seasonally, presumably increasing before and at the end of the summer period. Additional clients (up to 15-25%) are attracted by intermediaries - employees of medical institutions who recommend the services of a salt cave and receive a reward in the form of a percentage for each client brought.

5. Production plan

Geographically, the salt cave is located in a large area of ​​the city of Rostov-on-Don with a population of more than 150 thousand people, on a high-traffic street, 150 meters from a public transport stop, from where you can get to various parts of the city. The rented premises have a total area of ​​40 sq. meters, two rooms, an area of ​​20 and 11 sq. meters, a utility room and a working bathroom, which is the best option for arranging a typical salt cave. The premises were originally supplied with electricity and a heating system, the walls, flooring and ceiling were repaired, which helps to reduce the cost of decorating the reception area.

Required costs for applying salt coating, halo design and building equipment - 940 thousand rubles. The area of ​​the salt room is 20 square meters. meters. The room is intended for a one-time visit of 6 people, which fits into the standards accepted in this business area of ​​​​2-3 square meters. meters per visitor.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Due to the specifics of the type of activity and its relative novelty, it is planned to attract a specialized organization for the construction of a salt cave with the installation of a salt cave on a turnkey basis. The criterion for choosing companies was the use of modern technologies and a rich case with a large number of high-quality work, as well as an affordable cost of services. As a competitive advantage, a halo design was chosen with a stream and wall decor that imitates the space of a cave with the formation of stalactites and stalagmites (it was decided to translate the word “cave” in the literal sense), faults between walls and ceiling. In Table. Figure 2 shows the costs for the halo design of a turnkey salt room.

Table 2. Repair and halo design costs

Name price, rub. Quantitative indicator Cost, rub.
Walls. Halodesign "Cave"
Salt tile walkway with curvilinear cladding
Ceiling. Halodesign "Cave"
Walls. Halo design mirror "Infinity"
Cosmetic renovation of the reception area
Facade works, installation of signs
Installation of a halogenerator
Light design
Acoustic room preparation
Installation of ventilation

The planned term for finishing the building is 30 days, after which it is actually possible to start work (training will not require long time costs). In addition to these expenses, minor expenses are also assumed, such as Internet access and other expenses.

The costs of equipping the salt cave are given in Table. 3. The list does not include the cost of delivery of equipment and finishing materials from Moscow, amounting to 200 thousand rubles, as well as the purchase of a starter kit of consumables - highly dispersed sodium chloride powder for the first 1000 sessions - 36 thousand rubles (variable costs).

Table 3. Salt cave equipment costs without salt coating

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Cost, rub.
1 Device for group aerosol therapy (halogenerator) with a voltage of 220 V, a frequency of 50 Hz, a power of up to 50 W, with an air filter 210 000 1 210 000

High back chair + footstool

9 500 4 38 000

Chaise lounge chair

5 000 5 25 000

Administrator computer

22 000 1 22 000

Set of children's toys

18 000 1 18 000

5.1 type speaker system

15 000 1 15 000

split system

13 500 1 13 500

Massage cape for chairs

3 000 4 12 000


10 000 1 10 000
10 9 000 1 9 000

salt lamp

3 500 2 7 000

Computer desk

6 000 1 6 000

Exhaust fan

4 000 1 4 000

Coffee table

2 500 1 2 500

office chair

1 700 1 1 700

Psychosuggestive programs on CD

250 4 1 000
17 800 1 800

Wall hanger

600 1 600

other expenses

up to 10% of the total cost 37 000
410 000

Responsibilities for ensuring the functioning are assigned to the project manager. Visitors are received by two administrators working in shifts (Table 4). The position of an administrator includes the combination of an operator and a consultant and does not require any special skills from employees. Equipment training is provided by the supplier on site after installation. Office employees and their family members (no more than 3 people) have the opportunity to use the services of the salt room for free 2 times a month, subject to availability. In case of illness, vacation and other circumstances, hired workers are involved. Accounting outsourced.

Table 4. Staffing and payroll

The main items of current expenses are rent (35 thousand rubles) and salaries of full-time employees (together with deductions - 65.1 thousand rubles). The variable part depends on the flow of visitors and the seasonality factor. This includes the purchase of consumables - a highly dispersed sodium chloride powder with a particle fraction of 1-5 microns (including delivery from Moscow, the cost of the powder for 1000 sessions will be 36 thousand rubles), spending on advertising promotion and maintaining groups on social networks (30 thousand rubles). rub.). The traditional decrease in demand for salt cave services occurs in the summer (up to 15-20%). It is expected that as the salt room is recognized, so will attendance. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume for the 3rd month of work. The seasonally adjusted sales plan is presented in the Appendices (see Statement of Financial Results).

6. Organizational plan

Management, commercial and marketing functions are carried out by the project owner. His activities include strategic planning, market research, interaction with intermediaries. In fact, he is the manager of the salt room. Due to the relative simplicity of the business and the small number of employees, no hierarchically complex structure is provided. Regular and hired employees are directly subordinate to the project owner.

7. Salt Cave Financial Plan

The investment period costs include investment costs for the construction and decoration of the premises, the purchase and delivery of equipment, which will amount to 1.14 million rubles. The costs of the main period include rent, payroll, housing and communal services, the purchase of sodium chloride powder, marketing expenses and interaction with intermediaries. All the main financial indicators of the project, including cash flow, profits, costs can be seen in the Annexes (see Report on financial results).

8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project

Despite its novelty, the project is characterized by a democratic level of costs, both investment and main period. The advantages of the project include a low level of fixed costs and the absence of impressive spending on consumables. In fact, the only such material is salt, which is used for sessions. For 1 session, 1 bottle of powder is required, costing 36 rubles. The payback period of the project is 11 months. Project performance indicators are presented in Table. 5.

Table 5. Project performance indicators

9. Risks and guarantees of the salt room business

The project to organize a salt cave cannot be called a tried and tested time. For the majority of the population, visiting artificially created salt caves may be a novelty, therefore, in order to minimize the risks, it is planned to undertake marketing training (social networks) even at the stage of opening the cave. Positioning of halotherapy as a useful way of recovery and relaxation “for everyone”, reaching the target audience through social platforms, as well as the availability of services, can significantly increase the planned occupancy rates, and in the future increase the cost of services by 15-20% without negative consequences for the elasticity of demand . The main risks are reflected in Table. 6

Table 6. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences

Risk Probability of occurrence The severity of the consequences Prevention measures
Increase in construction time and cost Conclusion of a contract with a fixed term for the construction of a halochamber and with a fixed estimate
Unprepared Audience Active marketing policy, more productive work with social networks and intermediaries
Increasing competition Provision of additional services, optimization of loyalty programs, use of all competitive advantages
Deterioration of the economic situation, decrease in the solvency of the population

