
How to open a coconut with your hands. In the freezer

Many Russians remember very well the time when coconut was a real shortage, some kind of exotic delicacy inaccessible to the average person. Today, dry drupe is sold everywhere, and almost everyone can buy it.

Coconut is a storehouse of vitamins

It should be emphasized that coconut pulp contains a huge amount of useful substances, vitamins and microelements, including iodine, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc. Coconut juice perfectly quenches thirst and enriches the body with mineral salts necessary for its vital activity. The pulp of the fruit is rich in copper, so men and women who are prone to early graying should eat coconut regularly.

As a rule, the fruits grow quite large (length - about 30 cm), besides, they are also weighty. Under the shell (approximately 1.5 cm thick) is a pulp containing coconut milk.

Coconut must be opened carefully

So, you have purchased the above exotic fruit from your local supermarket. You immediately face the question of how to open a coconut at home. You suddenly realize that this is not so easy to do, for the simple reason that the shell is very dense. Even not every man can quickly cope with this task. Thinking about how to open a coconut at home, you also realize that if you act carelessly and carelessly, you can lose healthy milk, which will simply spill.

Surely your thoughts boil down to the following: “First you need to learn how to open a coconut so that not a single drop of exotic liquid flows out of it, after which you need to figure out how to crack a nut in order to extract the pulp from it.”

We will consider all these issues in more detail.

However, one should not think that the question of how to open a coconut at home has difficult and intricate solutions. On the contrary, you just need to stock up on patience, a certain set of tools, and, well, make some efforts.

Before the procedure for splitting the fetus, do not forget to take hygiene measures, namely, wash it under running water.

So, let's consider the practical side of the question of how to open a coconut at home.

Option number 1. We use a drill

First of all, you must find on the surface of the nut three small marks of a dark shade, through which it was one with the palm tree and thus received nutrition. You should know that this is the most vulnerable point on the fruit, acting on which, you can easily solve the problem of how to open a coconut.

Using a drill or an ordinary knife, we make small holes in the place where the above marks are located, and thus “empty” the fruit. Don't forget to substitute the container for coconut milk.

At the next stage, you begin to solve the problem of extracting the pulp from the nut. At the same time, you absolutely do not know how to properly open a coconut. What to do?

First you should measure about 3-4 mm from the holes made and hit this area with a heavy and large knife. After a crack appears on the nut, you should use a screwdriver or the same cleaver to make an effort to divide the coconut into two halves, and ultimately extract the pulp, which can not only be eaten, but also used in cooking to prepare a huge number of delicious and savory dishes. Chips are easily obtained if you “skip” the pulp through a regular grater.

Option number 2. Hatchet

It would seem that something simpler: he took a huge hammer, hit a dry drupe several times with force - and the fruit would split into “one, two, three”.

However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Please note that this method is unacceptable for the simple reason that the nut will “scatter” into pieces that you will be forced to collect throughout the kitchen. But how do you open a coconut without a hammer? Is it possible? Yes, there is still a way out of such a non-standard situation. To do this, you need a regular plastic bag and a kitchen hatchet. Wrap the fruit in cellophane, and then hit the center of the fruit with the butt of the "tool" until it breaks into two parts. After that, you will need to carefully remove the pulp with a knife. It is optimal to carry out this procedure over the kitchen sink.

But how to break an exotic fruit if there is no tool at hand? Instead of a hatchet, you can use an ordinary stone.

Option number 3. The easiest

Don't know how to open a coconut at home? There is the easiest way, although it is not the most correct in terms of hygiene. You just have to crack open a dry drupe by throwing it on the floor or on the ground. The fruit hits a hard surface and cracks. As soon as this happens, you need to immediately take care that the milk does not flow onto the floor, but into a previously prepared container.

Option number 4. Heating

If you are in the walls of an apartment or house, then you can try another way. However, before proceeding with it, you must first extract milk from the fetus.

Next, you need to put the nut in an oven or microwave preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. As a result, the shell should crack. Well, then "arm yourself" with a knife and peel off the pulp from the peel.


Everyone can crack a coconut at home, and without outside help. The main thing, as already emphasized, is to be patient and find at least a minimal set of tools in your apartment. And, of course, do not forget about the precautions when handling sharp objects, so as not to get hurt.

During the procedure for splitting the drupe, it will not be superfluous to put the fruit on a towel - this way you will ensure better stability. Instead of a knife, you can also use a chisel.

Before you buy a nut, shake it - if a splash is clearly heard inside it, then you have a quality product in your hands.

Also remember that the ripe fruit has a dense and dry shell. The unripe fruit has a lot of milk, but little pulp. As it matures, the amount of milk decreases and the layer of pulp becomes larger. This is one of the important selection criteria.

After buying an exotic nut, the inevitable question arises: how to open it. I do not want the coconut to remain a decoration of the kitchen table. Moreover, its pulp and milk are healthy and palatable. At home, it can be opened and cut in many ways, and then immediately used for food or stored.

Coconut on our table

Coconut is one of the most exotic nuts that has ever conquered the hearts of gourmets around the world. It grows on a palm tree and has a fleecy shell, thin skin and fragrant white pulp, which is consumed fresh, frozen and dried. When buying a coconut, you need to choose without cracks and chips, since if the nut is cracked, it begins to rot quickly. Coconut is a high calorie food. 100 g of pulp accounts for:

  • 33.5 g fat;
  • 6.2 g carbohydrates;
  • 3.5 g proteins;
  • 2 g of ash;
  • 11.5 g of water.

But not only aroma and taste attract buyers. Coconut is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. For the sake of all these qualities, it is worth working hard in the kitchen, opening the nut.

The fastest and easiest way to open a coconut - instructions

It does not require serious effort, great for opening a ripe nut. We will need:

  • coconut;
  • cup.

Operating procedure:

  1. We put the coconut on the work surface - a cutting board or kitchen table. You can put a towel over the nut to keep it from slipping.
  2. We take a large knife, turn it upside down and tap the nut around the circle with the blunt side.
  3. When the coconut cracks, drain the juice into a glass and crack open the nut.

Other ways to open a nut

There are many ways to open coconuts, because the nut does not always give in the first time. If the coconut is not very ripe, then you will have to try to taste it. First of all, we need a towel. Putting a nut on it, we will avoid slipping on the table or board. The towel can be replaced with cling film or a plastic bag. For opening use:

  • hammer;
  • hand saw;
  • drill with a drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • rolling pin;
  • big knife.

How to make a hole in a coconut - video

How to open a coconut with a knife

In one of the so-called eyes, you need to make a hole. You can drill in any part of the nut, but at the location of the eye, the thickness of the shell is thinner. Any sharp object is suitable: a screwdriver, scissors or a knife.

  1. In the place where the eye is located, we begin to scrape the shell.
  2. As soon as there is a recess, we screw the tip of the knife into the coconut.
  3. Throw away sawdust from the shell when we make a hole.
  4. Pour the liquid out of the coconut.

How to crack an exotic nut shell with a potato peeler

The shell can be removed with a potato peeler.

  1. Cut off the shell with a knife. Despite its hardness, it is only slightly more difficult to remove than a potato peel.
  2. We go through the knife several times, removing several layers, until we get to the nut.

Using the oven

Another non-traditional way to open a coconut, when no effort is needed at all, is to use the oven.

  1. Crack the nut and drain off the liquid.
  2. Put the coconut on a baking sheet.
  3. Put in the oven and set the temperature to 180 degrees.
  4. Keep in the oven for 20 minutes.
  5. The shell itself will burst, it remains only to remove it.

Using a corkscrew and hammer

  1. We make a hole in the coconut by screwing the corkscrew. Expand a little with a small knife.
  2. Pour coconut juice into a glass.
  3. We tap the nut with a hammer, applying force. You can knock both around the circumference and along: from the top of the coconut to the bottom.
  4. The shell is cracking. We clean the coconut.

Ways to open a coconut - video

How to split a nut evenly

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here. That's just the shell and the nut crack in a way that we don't need. I would like to keep a beautiful appearance, but then the crack went diagonally. To prevent this from happening, you need to chop coconuts correctly.

Hand saw use

You need to saw the coconut along its central seam: if you look closely, we will see it between the eyes. We mark a line with a marker and cut it.

An easy way to peel a young nut

Lovers of beautifully designed coconuts are advised to clean the young fruit like this:

Young coconuts can be split by any of the suggested methods. The main thing is not to throw them on the floor - you can break the tile or laminate. Among other things, a coconut can be broken on a sharp stone by holding it firmly with your hands.

The right way to cut a coconut and extract the pulp at home

  1. Before tasting a coconut, we must separate the flesh from the skin. If the nut is young, it will not be difficult. It has a softer and more tender flesh than older coconuts. Therefore, you can use a tablespoon. We pry a small amount of pulp with the sharp edge of a spoon and cut it off. You can simply scrape the coconut out of the skin with a spoon.
  2. You can also separate the peel with a screwdriver (not a cross-shaped one) or a corkscrew. We insert the tool into the gap between the shell and the pulp, separate.
  3. A spoon will not cope with old coconuts. Here you will need a small and sharp knife. We cut the pulp to the full thickness to the peel in small squares or triangles. We pry a piece with a knife and separate it from the peel with our fingers.

The white flesh on the other side is covered with skin. You can remove it with an ordinary vegetable knife.

What can be done from a coconut shell with your own hands: life hacks

In fact, a lot of interesting things can be made from the shell. Someone creates carved vases, others put zippers on glue and make unique handbags out of the shell, turning it into unusual candles.

shell candles

We will need:

  • shell;
  • cinders of colored candles;
  • wick (can be twisted from thick threads and soaked in wax);
  • fine sandpaper;
  • wood varnish.


Vases, bolsters and shell mugs - reviews of crafts

Good mugs are obtained from coconut - in the manner of those from which it is customary to drink (in the sense - a metal "harness" of the same design). In addition, the coconut shell is not bad, it cuts very well as a material for small reliefs, medallions, bones of fortune-telling runes (I made three sets at one time, it turned out very beautifully) Only the only “BUT”: the shell flows through the capillary pathways in the thickness (small and slowly , but nevertheless), so I soaked my mug with wax over the fire. I like it - exclusive and kosher, no one has it.


I made a knife with birch bark, but the bolster is just made of coconut. Two pieces of shell + ash glued with epoxy. Soaked in wax. Polished looks nothing.



I made a vase from two halves. Lacquered, looks great!


Precautionary measures

Coconut has a strong shell, which is quite difficult to open. Mostly used tools that are suitable for repair work. We offer some tips on how to make your work easier and not get hurt when opening a coconut.

  1. If we decide not to tap the coconut, namely to break it with a hammer, we need to wrap it with a kitchen towel. This will soften the blow, and the hammer will not bounce sharply from the surface of the shell.
  2. Instead of a towel, you can wrap the coconut with cling film in several layers and leave the tip by which we will hold the wrapper.
  3. When making holes in the "eyes", it is better to fix the coconut. After all, if we punch holes with a screwdriver and a hammer, the nut can bounce off, and the screwdriver can injure the hand. We tightly wrap the bottom of the coconut with a towel and ask one of the adult inhabitants of the house to hold the fruit. In addition, a coconut can be tightly clamped with your knees while sitting on a chair.
  4. When sawing a walnut with a hand saw, you need to carefully monitor that your fingers do not get under the tool.
  5. So that the saw does not slip off the surface, we outline the place of the cut. To do this, lightly press the blade several times and scratch the shell along the markings. A shallow groove is created, but the saw will no longer pop out of it and will stick to the edges.

Where and how long is the product stored

It is possible to store coconut for some time without losing its taste, but it is worth remembering that the period depends not only on the temperature, but also on how we bought it in the store. Coconut can get on the counter already too ripe or spoiled.

The opened nut can be put in the refrigerator, but not more than 48 hours. It must be stored at a temperature of +5 degrees. If it is lower, the nut will lose its unique taste. At temperatures above +5, coconut begins to rot. When we put it in the refrigerator, we need to make sure that there are no foods that contain ethylene, such as apples or bananas, in the neighborhood. These fruits are used to speed up the ripening process of others. You should not experiment with the temperature regime, changing the values. This will only speed up the process of spoiling the nut. Coconut must be kept at a constant temperature.

The pulp after extraction from a peel quickly loses moisture. Therefore, before placing the coconut in the refrigerator, you need to fill the pulp with water.

Coconut flakes are made from the pulp, or copra in another way. It can be stored not in the refrigerator, but in any dark and cool place. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight on the product. Cooking shavings is quite simple.

  1. We rub the pulp on a fine grater, lay it on a baking sheet.
  2. Dry in the oven for 2-3 hours at a temperature not lower than 50 degrees.
  3. Shelf life with proper storage is 12 months.

It is better to pack the chips in cloth bags or ceramic jars. It is not worth using plastic packaging, as condensation may accumulate in them over time due to temperature changes in the kitchen. As for storing a whole coconut, a refrigerator or any cool place is suitable for this. At a stable temperature of +5 degrees, the nut can be stored for 2-3 months.

Coconut pulp can be dried in the form of shavings

Pulp freezing

Freezing will also perfectly preserve the flesh of the coconut.

  1. Cut the pulp into small pieces.
  2. Arrange them on a cutting board and place in the freezer.
  3. When the pieces are frozen, pour them into a bag and put them in the freezer. Then proceed to the next batch.

When frozen, the pulp is stored for 6-8 months. There is also coconut liquid, which many people are happy to use for cosmetic procedures or in cooking. It can also be frozen by pouring into ice molds. It will keep in the freezer for up to 3 months. After the ice will begin to lose taste properties. Fresh, without the use of freezing, the milk is stored in the refrigerator for a week.

Following the tips and proven instructions will help you quickly and without any hassle to deal with the opening and cutting of an exotic nut. You can fully enjoy its taste and aroma not only at the festive table, but also prolong the pleasure for a long time.

Having bought a coconut for the first time and decided to open it, most people have doubts that it will turn out quickly and beautifully. Still would! After all, a coconut has a very dense, thick, fibrous shell that reliably protects the contents. However, it is enough to repeat the experience of opening a coconut 2-4 times, and you will become a real master of cutting these nuts. And to make the process go easier and faster, follow a certain sequence of actions.

How and how to open a coconut at home? Coconut is a favorite fruit of fans of exotic fruits and light natural drinks. This is a real temptation for housewives who constantly pamper their family with delicious pastries.

Therefore, you need to use the contents of the nut to the fullest. First you need to free it from coconut milk. To do this, carefully inspect the coconut and find three dark spots on its nasal (more pointed) part. These are traces from three cuttings, with which the fruit was attached to the palm tree during growth and through which it received nutrients. It is clear that these places in the nut are the most vulnerable. Take any sharp object: an awl, a screwdriver, a corkscrew and carefully make holes in these places. By inserting a straw into one of them, you can enjoy a delicious drink straight from the nut. Or you can turn the nut upside down, placing it securely on a jar or other container, and let the contents drain into a container.

After the coconut has become empty, you can start splitting to get to the fragrant pulp. There are two ways to do this. The easiest way to open a coconut at home is to place the nut in a clean bag and hit it hard with a hammer a couple of times. The coconut shell will crack and you will only have to separate it from the pulp, which, unfortunately, also most often cracks and falls apart from blows.

The second method is more complicated and requires some skill. But it's so beautiful that once you've mastered it, you'll literally "get the applause" when you do it in front of friends or family. So, taking a coconut in your left hand, determine its "equator". Now step back 2-3 cm from the "equator" closer to the spout, in which there are holes. With the back of a strong, heavy knife, strike this place several times across the nut. A crack will appear. It remains to insert a knife into it and split the shell in half. You will have a whole, intact coconut in your hands. And two halves of its shell, from which you can make great crafts.

Coconut pulp deserves special attention. After cutting the coconut into large pieces, remove the peel with a knife or a regular vegetable peeler. Ripe coconut can be eaten cut into small pieces. An overripe coconut will be quite tough and is best used only in cooking. The most common way to use coconut in baking is with coconut flakes, which are made with a regular grater.

Shavings can be added to cakes, pastries and even buns and pancakes. This is the perfect dressing for . And if you have accumulated a lot of chips, you can make amazing airy cookies from it, fragrant, very tender and tasty.

There is no person who has not tried coconut at least once in his life, since products with the addition of coconut flakes or milk are available in any supermarket. But not everyone can boast that he was lucky enough to taste such exotic in its natural form. Having bought an unusual fruit for the first time, most people do not know how to get to its contents, that is, how to split a coconut. Indeed, the nut has a very hard and thick skin. You don't know how to step up.

How to open a coconut at home

Opening a coconut

To begin with, wash it and only after that proceed to extract the tasty liquid and fragrant pulp from the impregnable fruit. Throwing the fruit on the floor or having the strength to hit it with a hammer will not be the best idea, because by splitting the coconut, this way you will lose the precious liquid. You need to extract it first.

The most vulnerable spot in a nut is its dark eyes. Find them on the dark fibrous surface of the shell and pierce them with a knife, nail, or make a hole with a drill. Pour carefully into prepared container. You can drink milk with a tube, sticking it into the hole.

How to split a coconut

To chop, you need a large knife. Mark a place on the nut closer to the eyes and stab it with the blunt side of the knife. In this place, the shell is not so hard and cracks easily. Insert a knife into it and cut the fruit in half, after which it can be split into as many parts as you need.

There is another effective way to open a coconut. Put the fruit in a preheated oven and hold it there for about 10 minutes. The “shell” is no longer so dense and can be easily opened.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about how to open a coconut at home.

We eat and enjoy!

By the way, not everyone will like the specific taste of milk, but for hostesses who love to pamper their homemade gourmet pastries, coconut flakes are a real find.

Craving exotic? Or do you want to know what coconut flakes are made of? Or are you preparing for a trip to a desert island where only coconut trees grow? In any case, it is important to know how easy it is to open a coconut at home.

The surest way to open a coconut

So, the ill-fated nut is washed and is waiting for reprisals against the shell. How to approach him?

Take a closer look at the coconut, it has three dark holes (by the way, it is possible that the inventor of the bowling ball was inspired by the shape of the coconut). These dark dots need to be perforated with something in order to pour out the coconut milk. Possible tools: a corkscrew, a sharp knife, a Chinese chopstick, or a screwdriver. After the holes are made, carefully pour out the coconut juice or drink it through a straw.

Got rid of the liquid. What's next? How to open a coconut correctly so as not to break everything around out of anger? Visually locate the coconut's equator (the line at the widest part of the coconut). Then arm yourself with a hammer and start tapping the equator of the nut with a tapering striker. After such a monotonous action, the shell will not withstand and will split into two parts. Now carefully remove the "lid" of the coconut. It is possible that the pulp will stick to the shell, then use a knife and carefully separate it. Congratulations, you managed to open a coconut!

But not only to open a coconut at home, you also need to know how to eat it.

Other Ways to Open a Coconut at Home

Couldn't find a corkscrew or a hammer in the apartment? Or just curious, how else can you just open a coconut? Then take a closer look at other methods of opening a coconut.

An option for those with strong hands. Wrap the coconut tightly in a plastic bag and hit it very hard with a hammer. The shell will crack upon impact. Be careful when removing the pieces of coconut, as you can spill liquid on yourself. Be sure to wash all the pulp before eating, as it will get dirty on the shell.

For the patient. To open a coconut, arm yourself with a hacksaw or hand saw and cut. Stress is an excellent way to relieve stress.

"Hunter" option. If you have a hunting knife, or a very large kitchen knife, or a machete, place the coconut on a cutting board and give it a good thump. The coconut will split into two neat pieces. Do not forget to first pour out the juice from the coconut by making the above holes.

The native way. Take a coconut in each hand and hit one nut against the other with all your strength. This is how the inhabitants of the islands open coconuts. What did you think? They do not have all the adaptations of civilization.

You can also take revenge on the neighbors for the "perforator" weekend. Put the coconut in the bag, go out to the stairwell and start hitting it on the steps. But keep in mind that not every resident of your house will like the way you get to the delicious coconut pulp.

How to eat coconut

After removing the shell, you will see that the white flesh is framed by a brown skin. It does not need to be removed, and the pulp should be eaten with it. The easiest way is to cut the pulp into cubes. You can, of course, make homemade coconut flakes and sprinkle sweet pastries on it. So, for example, Thais cook soups from milk and pulp, prepare interesting sauces, as well as many other exotic dishes.

We hope that at least one of the tips will help you, and you will enjoy the taste of such a healthy coconut.
