
How to paint Easter eggs in an original way. Easter food coloring

Dyeing eggs for Easter is an integral ritual of one of the main Christian holidays, symbolizing the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This holiday is beautiful and solemn, with well-established centuries-old traditions. In addition to a deep religious meaning, Easter is associated with the purification of the soul and home, with delicious Easter cakes and Easter dishes.

The egg is rightfully considered a symbol of the birth of life, and the Easter painted egg means the resurrection from the dead and eternal life. It turns out that painted eggs were found in Egyptian and Sumerian tombs, which were built as early as the 3rd millennium BC. e. It is even difficult to imagine how many years such a tradition has existed.

Orthodox paint eggs during Holy Week on Maundy Thursday or Red Saturday. In 2019, these are April 26 and 28, respectively. Painted eggs are consecrated in the church at a festive service, and the first meal after Lent begins with eggs.

Do-it-yourself painting eggs for Easter has become not only a family art, but also a kind of competition - whose eggs are the most beautiful. And there are a lot of ways to paint eggs. You can, of course, paint eggs for Easter with paints, but this is still harmful chemistry, and food paints are not always on sale. I offer you natural ways to dye eggs at home.

Coloring eggs with onion skins - the traditional way

This is my favorite and most reliable way to color eggs. With this method, the eggs are always a beautiful color. I start harvesting onion peel a few months before Easter - I collect it in a separate bag. To make the color of the eggs saturated, there should be a lot of onion peel.

Pour the onion peel into a saucepan and cover with cold water. Put on the stove and bring to a boil.

Choose a worse pot, because the husk will paint the sides of the pot so that it will be difficult to clean.

Pour the eggs in a separate bowl with cold water and leave for 10 minutes.

Water with onion peel boils at this time, we reduce the fire so that the eggs do not crack. Add 1 tablespoon of salt to the pan and carefully drop the eggs one at a time. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

If you want a more intense color, remove the pan from the heat and leave the eggs in this solution for a while.

After removing from the pan, let the eggs cool slightly and rub them with sunflower oil with a paper towel to shine.

Now the eggs “played” with paint, you can put them in a basket and bring them to the church to consecrate. I try to bless the eggs every Easter, and then treat my family, friends and neighbors.

How to dye eggs in onion skins with a pattern

If in the first recipe it was possible to use any eggs - white or brown, then white eggs are suitable for painting with onion peel with a pattern.

To decorate the eggs, we prepare the leaves of the plants in advance. Before Easter, fresh leaves are not always there, because this holiday can be in March, when nature is still sleeping. Therefore, you can use fresh herbs from the store - parsley, basil, dill, mint or lemon balm.

Birch leaves look beautiful. You can put a few branches in a vase of water in advance, and when the leaves bloom, use a few to decorate Easter eggs.

Lace, woolen threads are also suitable for coloring eggs with a pattern.

Also, you will need to prepare clean old stockings, tights or gauze in advance. You will also need thread.

So let's color the eggs.

Pour onion peel with cold water and bring to a boil.

We wash the eggs, dry them with a paper towel and wipe each egg with a cloth with vinegar.

We put a leaf or other decor on the egg, press it tightly and wrap the egg in a piece of stocking fabric or gauze.

To make the leaf adhere more tightly to the egg, it can be slightly moistened with water.

We tie a nylon or gauze fabric with a thread.

You can beautifully and originally paint eggs with lace and onion peel. It's simple - cut off the lace of the desired length and wrap the egg around it. We tie the ends with a thread and cut off all the excess.

You can also decorate the egg with woolen threads. Just randomly wrap the egg with string.

So that the eggs do not crack, pour 1 tbsp into the broth. l. salt. Carefully lower the eggs into the broth with onion peel and cook for 10-15 minutes. After that, the eggs are carefully immersed in cold water.

We remove the decor from the cooled eggs and wipe the eggs with vegetable oil.

Marble eggs with greenery

And this is my favorite method. Eggs are unusually beautiful, with marble stains. I will share one secret of this method - the more we chop the onion peel, the more beautiful the drawing will turn out. You can even try to grind the husk in a coffee grinder. I like to grind the husk with scissors.

To make the husks stick well to the eggs, moisten them with water, then roll each egg in the onion skins. In a piece of gauze or stocking, put some more husks, place the egg inside and wrap around. Tie the ends with thread. Put to boil in a saucepan, adding 1 tsp. salt. 5 minutes after boiling, pour in 2 tsp. greens and cook for another 5 minutes. Then pour over the eggs with cold water and remove the gauze, remove the husk. Rub eggs with sunflower oil.

Beautiful marble eggs are ready!

How to dye eggs with onion skins and rice

Another simple and wonderful option for dyeing eggs in natural ways. The rice sticks to the eggs and the result is a pattern in the form of droplets. This method is very simple, try it. In addition to rice, you can also use peas.

Pour grains of rice or peas into a stocking, place an egg there, distribute the grain with your fingers around the entire circumference of the egg. We tie the fabric, and dip the eggs into the prepared broth with onion peel. Cook for 10 minutes, wash the eggs under running cold water and remove the stocking or gauze and grains. After the eggs have cooled down a bit, rub them with vegetable oil.

Coloring eggs with natural dyes

I already wrote that it is fundamentally against chemistry and coloring eggs with paints. Yes, it is beautiful and brighter, but health is more important. Moreover, there is a good replacement in the form of natural and harmless dyes from natural ingredients. Of course, these are all kinds of juices - beetroot, blueberry juice, red cabbage juice, spinach juice and others. From the juice of cranberries, raspberries and beets you get a pink color, from the juice of blueberries, pomegranate or blackcurrant - purple, and if you want to get blue or blue, then use the juice of red cabbage. Turmeric gives you a rich yellow color, while black tea or coffee gives you brown hues. After boiling the bark and branches of the cherry, you get reddish-raspberry eggs. I want to warn you that bright colors are not always obtained in this way. To make the color brighter, after boiling the eggs, you need to keep them in the broth for at least 4 hours, and it is better to leave them overnight.

Coloring eggs with beets

If you want to get the pink color of eggs, then beetroot juice is suitable for this coloring method. Dyeing eggs in a natural way takes a little more tinkering than regular paints, but if you care about your health, then this work will pay off handsomely.

Beets need to be prepared in such a way that more juice is obtained. To do this, grate the beets, pour water and cook for 5-7 minutes. You can boil eggs in the same broth. Then we wipe the beets through a strainer, we get a rich burgundy juice. Pour eggs with this juice in a separate bowl, pour 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and leave for 4-8 hours.

Coloring eggs with red cabbage juice

Red cabbage will give the eggs a blue color.

The coloring method is similar to the previous one. We cut the cabbage into large pieces, fill it with water, cook for 5-7 minutes together with the eggs, decant the hot broth into a separate bowl. Add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and keep eggs in this broth for 4-8 hours.

How to dye eggs with turmeric

Turmeric gives perhaps the most intense color of all natural dyes. Eggs are beautiful, bright yellow.

For such painting, pour a bag of turmeric (15 gr.) into boiling water, stir and add 1 tsp. salt. We put eggs in this solution and cook for 10 minutes. In order for the paint to be brighter, leave the eggs in this solution for several hours. For shine, rub with sunflower oil.

Coloring eggs with coffee or tea

I want to warn you right away that with the help of coffee or tea, you get a not very saturated, but delicate beige color of eggs.

You can use both natural and instant coffee or black tea. For coloring, we prepare a solution - put 4-5 tbsp in boiling water. l. coffee in 0.5 liters of water. If you use tea, you will also need 4-5 tbsp. l. black tea for brewing. Cook for 5 minutes, add 1 tsp. salt and omit the eggs. Cook for another 7 minutes. And as always for natural dyes, it is advisable to keep it in the solution longer, at least 5 hours.

How to dye eggs with blueberry juice

The blueberry coloring method is similar to the previous ones. The eggs come out a beautiful purple color.

For 1 liter of water you will need 2.5-3 cups of frozen blueberries. Berries need to be boiled a little (5 minutes), pour 1 tsp. salt and omit the eggs. You can rub the blueberries through a strainer after cooking, get pure juice without berries. But I don’t bother, I just boil eggs with berries. Cook for another 3-4 minutes, pour 1 tbsp. l. vinegar to fix the color. You can leave the eggs in the pot overnight.

Decoupage Easter eggs

I learned about this method of decorating eggs quite recently, a couple of years ago, and it has become my favorite. After all, there are a lot of napkins with a variety of beautiful patterns in our stores now, you need to choose the brighter one, and then you get very beautiful and original eggs.

  1. Napkins for decoupage should be chosen with a medium-sized pattern to fit on the egg.
  2. We select white eggs for decoupage.
  3. It is better to choose napkins on a white background, then the pattern will not have to be cut very carefully with scissors.
  4. The best way to stick napkins is with egg white.

To get beautiful and whole Easter eggs, you need to remember 7 basic rules:

  1. Before boiling eggs, they need to be removed from the refrigerator a few hours in advance. Eggs should not be cold!
  2. Eggs should be boiled over low heat, avoiding cracking.
  3. So that the eggs do not burst, you need to put in water with eggs 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  4. To fix the pigment in the paint, pour 1 tsp into the coloring solution. vinegar, the color will become brighter.
  5. If you want a more intense color when coloring eggs with natural dyes, leave the eggs in the broth overnight.
  6. Wipe the dyed eggs gently with a paper towel.
  7. For shine and beauty, wipe the cooled eggs with sunflower oil.

I wish you a beautiful and delicious holiday. After all, Easter personifies the resurrection of life, nature, bright feelings. May this light come into every home and fill hearts with joy.

The main Christian holiday is approaching - Holy Resurrection of Christ. Since ancient times, on Easter day, people gave gifts to each other colored eggs, gathered at the festive table to taste Easter dishes: Easter cake and Easter. We offer you the most interesting ways to color Easter eggs.

  • Eggs dyed in patches

Eggs are dyed in pieces of silk or other material that sheds well. The shreds should be cut, wrapped around each egg, tied with thread and dipped in hot water. Cook from the moment of boiling for 10 minutes. You can wrap the egg with threads that shed well - then the thread pattern will remain on the egg.

  • Eggs dyed in onion skins

For coloring eggs, it is best to use onion peel, which is harvested in advance. Depending on the color of the husk, the color of the eggs is from light red to dark brown. If you want the color to be more saturated, you need to take more husks and cook it for about half an hour before lowering the eggs into the broth.
Cool the prepared broth and dip the cleanly washed eggs into the infusion, bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes. Take out, cool

  • In some families, there is a custom to paint eggs "speckled". For this, wet eggs are rolled in dry rice,

wrapped in gauze or stocking (the ends of the gauze must be tightly tied with a thread or secured with a rubber band so that the rice sticks to the egg)

  • Striped Easter egg

We take a raw egg and tie it with stationery rubber bands. Cook in onion skins for 10 minutes.

  • Leaf print on an Easter egg

We take a raw egg and cover it with leaves. It can be any leaves that come to your hand. For example, a leaf of any houseplant. Next, tightly fix the leaves with gauze.

  • Eggs dyed with ink

Wash the eggs, wipe them, wrap them in a cloth or stocking, tie them with a thread, drip ink on top in some places with a pipette or a wooden stick, put them in a saucepan with warm water, cook after boiling for 10 minutes, remove, cool, remove the fabric.

  • Natural dyes:

In order to receive green eggs, you can use young greens of winter shoots or frozen spinach and nettle as a dye.

IN bronze color eggs will be stained by oak bark

in gold- saffron or yellow mignonette.

in purple- alder flowers stocked from last spring.

Blue: red cabbage leaves

Beets allow you to dye eggs in a wide range of colors: light pink to burgundy. Take freshly squeezed beetroot juice and place hard-boiled eggs in it. The longer you hold it, the more intense the light will be. Eggs can be left overnight in the refrigerator in a bowl of juice, then they will turn out to be a rich burgundy color.

Light yellow: oranges or lemons, carrots
Yellow: turmeric roots, walnut shell

Beige or brown: coffee

Dye the eggs in the dye solution, and then leave the eggs with the paint overnight in the refrigerator. The color will be brighter.

  • To obtain bicolor eggs

Hard-boil the eggs and cool slightly (warm eggs are best). In each bowl, dilute the paint according to the instructions, add 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and stir. While holding with a spoon, dip a few eggs into each bowl and leave, turning for even coloring. Take out and dry on a paper towel. Now take each colored egg with 2 fingers and dip halfway into the contrasting paint. Hold for 1 minute until the paint is taken, and then remove and dry on a towel.

  • food coloring

You can also dye eggs with food coloring. To do this, they are boiled in steep, the paint (usually red) is dissolved in hot water. Hot eggs are immersed in the solution, vinegar is added, incubated for 15-20 minutes. Take out and lay out on paper to dry.

  • marble effect

To get a marble effect, you need to wrap the eggs in onion skins and tie them on top with some cotton material, the folds of which will be imprinted on the surface of the shell.

  • crack eggs

In this way, very original Easter eggs are obtained. This idea takes its origins when people came up with the idea of ​​boiling cracked boiled eggs in tea. Today bright food coloring has taken over.
We take the eggs boiled in the shell, gently tap them with a spoon, this must be done very carefully. If you overdo it, you will get spots, not cracks. We dilute the food coloring in a container, while we do not add vinegar !!! we put our cracked eggs there, and send them to the refrigerator for 3-5 hours, during which time the eggs will be well colored. Ready eggs, clean, dip with a napkin to remove moisture. All is ready!

One of the brightest and kindest holidays is Easter. Orthodox and Catholics prepare for it in advance. The main attribute of the holiday is the Easter egg. There are many ways to color eggs. We offer many interesting and original ways to decorate Easter eggs. You can create by yourself, or you can do it with your kids. So, we look at the options and choose the most-most.

We paint eggs for Easter beautifully with food coloring or watercolor

If you love everything tender, sensual, then this way of painting eggs is for you. You don't have to be a professional artist to do this. You just need to follow our instructions. And if you show creativity, then it's just wonderful, you will get a masterpiece.

Easter eggs painted with food coloring in the style of "watercolor"

For work we need:
- liquid food coloring or watercolors;
- brush;
- black marker
- small disposable cups

Pour 25 drops of food coloring into a small disposable cup. Add some water to make the paint more fluid.

In the work we will use red, yellow, blue and green paint. Do not dilute a lot of dyes, 5 ml will be enough.

We paint eggs in the style of "watercolor". To do this, we put a dot on the egg with a brush with food coloring or watercolor. Then we smear it. Next, we do the same again on the painted surface, but do not touch the edges. So we create an imitation of flower petals.

We wait until the paint dries and in the center we draw the core of the flower with yellow paint. Remove excess dye with a dry cloth. Thus, we draw three flowers of different colors: red (as in the photo), yellow and blue. Then we draw green leaves.

With a marker we draw the contours of the flowers. Draw pistils and stamens in the middle of the flower.

After the paints have completely dried, we carry out the final stage - drawing small details and contours of flowers with a marker. And do not worry if you once again go beyond the contour or draw the line unevenly, on the contrary, it will be even more interesting. Because it doesn't have to be perfect. There is only creativity here.

Watercolor flower drawing is the answer to the question: How to paint eggs in an original way for Easter?

So we got beautiful picturesque eggs for Easter in watercolor style.

Bright and unusual eggs. Coloring with food coloring

This is an interesting way to color eggs for Easter, thanks to which the holiday eggs will turn out to be bright, colorful. The painting process itself will be very popular with children. And what, you will understand for yourself when you watch it to the end.

Bright eggs for Easter in the style of "batik"

To paint eggs, we need:
- hard-boiled eggs;
- liquid food coloring;
- vinegar;
- water;
- paper towels;
- rubber bands, gloves, sprayer, glass baking dish.

Pour water and vinegar into the sprayer in a ratio of 50 to 50%.

Place three paper towels in a glass baking dish. We spray the top with pre-diluted vinegar and water in equal proportions.

Wrap the egg in the top paper towel. We fix it with an elastic band. Drip food coloring onto a damp towel. The dye spreads over the paper surface, goes into all the folds. Feel free to add other colors. Next, spray the dyed towel again with water and vinegar. Then we take the egg in our hands and squeeze it so that the paint fills all the voids and the whole egg is colored.

And now we stock up on patience and leave the eggs in paper towels for 1 hour. The more eggs lay, the brighter the color will be.

We remove the finished egg from the napkin. If there are white spots on it, then simply rub the egg with the remnants of a paper towel. Here we have such a textured batik-style egg.

Beautiful starry sky on Easter eggs

A very deep and rich color that resembles a starry sky and we are not even afraid of this word - GALAXY. For work, plastic eggs were used. You can, of course, use real eggs, but the work on the transformation is long and painstaking. And it will be a pity to “destroy” her so quickly at the festive table.

How unusual to paint eggs for Easter. Deep rich pattern on Easter eggs

We will briefly describe and show how to make eggs for Easter with your own hands with a photo. See more detailed instructions.
For work you will need:
- plastic eggs;
- acrylic paints of different colors;
- hard brush, sponge.

Photo collage "How to paint eggs for Easter"

We paint the eggs black with acrylic paints, apply 2 layers, it will take about 15 minutes. The palette shows the paints that we will use. We paint the eggs with blue, blue paint. We tried to make each egg its own unique pattern. You can make whirlwinds with a brush, apply paint in different directions, do not drive a lot with a brush, otherwise the pattern will turn out to be cloudy.

Now an ordinary sponge will come into play. Blot it into the darkest color - navy blue - and leave marks on the egg. We wait until the painted places dry out and with a lighter paint we do the same, we also grab the unpainted places. We move on to pink paint, then to gold. Then we dip the brush into black paint and with light movements, not strokes, we put specks. Small black islands are obtained. The last stage remains - work with white paint. We apply the paint with a spray (we dip the brush into the paint, then we spray it on the egg. You can use an old toothbrush and a comb with fine teeth. We dip the brush into the paint and run it over the comb, and small splashes from the drops cover the egg).

Galactic Eggs for Easter

We decorate eggs for Easter with confectionery beads

Children love these eggs. And even more they like to decorate them. After all, the decoration is based on confectionery powder. Colors may vary, yellow prevails.

Easter eggs decorated with confectionery beads

For work, we take boiled eggs, PVA glue, confectionery powder. All stages are visible in the photo below. The only thing that needs to be explained to the children is that you can’t eat the shell, and what is left after decorating the eggs, because it came into contact with the glue.

Easter eggs and decorative tape

This way of decorating Easter eggs does not require food coloring. You can call it clean, but not fast. It takes imagination to work.

Easter eggs decorated with decorative tape

For work, we take pre-cooked eggs, decorative tape, scissors. We cut out various shapes from adhesive tape and glue it to the egg.

Golden Easter eggs and golden marble effect

Very spectacular and chic eggs are obtained. The method, of course, is not easy, long, but the result is worth it.

Golden eggs for Easter

Very beautiful and unusual eggs for Easter. The work is long, painstaking, but as a result we get a gorgeous result and rave reviews from friends.

Easter eggs with golden marble effect.

For work, take foam, matches, boiled eggs, food coloring, vinegar, gold leaf, glue.

We will need polystyrene and matches in order to dry the painted eggs.

Remember to add two tablespoons of vinegar to the food coloring water to set the food coloring.

After the eggs are completely dry, we begin the painstaking work. Tear the golden leaf into small pieces, because for the marbled effect you need to partially cover the egg. We smear the egg with glue, but not the entire surface.

Glue the pieces of gold leaf to the egg and smooth them carefully. We are waiting for complete drying. That's all, beautiful and spectacular eggs are ready.

Easter eggs in gilding. original article and photo.

Marble eggs for Easter

The decoration is based on ordinary nail polish. Everything is very simple, but at the same time beautiful.

Marbled nail polish eggs on eggs

The process of dyeing eggs is very simple. We take a plastic cup, which is not a pity to get dirty. Pour water at room temperature. We add a few drops of varnish to the water, it will not sink and mix with water, but will lie on it with a thin film. We mix the varnish with a stick, make vortices, patterns and dip the egg.

In the work, you can use one varnish or several. You can take a wide variety of colors and shades. We spied the idea with blue marble eggs

Easter eggs with geometric patterns

A very simple and not painstaking way to decorate Easter eggs. You can use colored eggs, or you can use regular eggs with a dark shell. For work, we take a white marker, or you can use a corrector pencil, with which we draw various patterns.

To create a festive mood for children, it is enough to color raw eggs and put them back in the tray in the refrigerator. Children will be happy to open the refrigerator and look for new painted eggs.

Painting eggs with children with acrylic paints

This is the simplest idea you can think of. Suitable for babies! This the perfect way to dye Easter eggs for toddlers, even from 9 months. Quick, easy, and most importantly purely. No stains on clothes and carpet, and most importantly, a happy baby and mother.

Everything is very simple. In a plastic bag we put a pre-boiled egg and a teaspoon of acrylic paint (one or two colors). We seal the package and give it to the baby.

There are no dirty hands, no cups, spoons, puddles of water. Only clean hands and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

And also crushing the package, the child develops fine motor skills, tactile sensations. Develops observation and color perception.

When the whole egg is covered with paint, take it out and leave to dry.

If desired, you can stick curly stickers on the eggs before dyeing. Once the paint is dry, just peel them off.

How to dye eggs in baking soda?

Next method coloring eggs for easter kids will love it very much. After all, the basis of staining is chemical reactions, safe and interesting.

So, how to paint eggs, and even in baking soda? And very simple!
For this we need:
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
— Dry food paints
- Container for staining
- Hard-boiled eggs.

Pour baking soda into the container. You can take several containers at once. Next, add dry food coloring, about 1 tablespoon per container. The more paint, the richer the color will be. Mix soda and paint until a uniform color.

Have your child carefully place the egg into the container. Then pour the vinegar into a glass and ask them to slowly pour it over the egg. The child will be amazed when he sees what will happen. Vinegar and soda will enter into a chemical reaction, forming a sea of ​​​​bubbles and a slight hiss. We are waiting for the bubbles to go away, take out the painted egg and put it to dry.

After complete drying, specks will remain on the egg, which will give the Easter egg an interesting texture.

How to paint eggs with wax crayons?

It turns out to be very easy and simple to paint eggs with ordinary wax crayons. The method is simple and at the same time Easter eggs are bright, original.

We boil the eggs, take them out, put them in a tray and proceed to coloring. The egg must be dry and hot. Wax crayon melts on the egg, leaving beautiful, rich colors. Then put the eggs in the refrigerator for 2 hours. After we clean the egg from small pieces of wax. That's all.

You can complicate this process a little and get this picture.

To do this, just dip the eggs in liquid food coloring. Mini master class on dyeing Easter eggs in the photo below.

Here is another interesting option for coloring eggs for Easter.

On a hot hard-boiled egg, draw with white chalk. Then put the eggs in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. After that, we moisten the egg in vinegar and, until it is dry, pour liquid food coloring. This is how beautiful eggs with a white, unpainted trace are obtained.

Here are some interesting ideas for dyeing Easter eggs. The main thing is a good mood and your imagination. Create for health and be happy!

Easter- a bright and clean holiday for all believers. On Easter, it is customary to bake Easter cakes, give Easter souvenirs to loved ones, and also paint eggs. Easter eggs and dyeing eggs for Easter, a traditional family-unifying tradition.

In this article, you will learn why eggs are dyed for Easter, how to dye eggs with natural dyes, how to decorate them beautifully with your own hands.

Why are eggs painted for Easter?

According to church canons, eggs are dyed on Maundy Thursday, on this day it is customary to clean the houses, wash yourself and cut your hair. Colored eggs at the festive table are eaten first. Also, colored eggs are usually given to each other, because they represent a talisman. By tradition, Easter eggs are distributed to the poor and brought to church.

How to paint eggs for Easter

Currently, on the eve of Easter, there are many food colorings, films, glitters, stickers and other items for decorating Easter eggs with your own hands on the shelves.

There are also the usual improvised means for these purposes, these are natural products: onion peel, beet juice, red cabbage juice. Let's discuss in more detail all the natural dyes option:

  • Onion peel. Peel the husk from several onions, pour water over it, put it on low heat for 40 minutes. Strain the broth and boil eggs in it for 10 minutes after boiling water. The color of the eggshell will turn yellow-brown.
  • Nettle or greenery. If you want green-colored eggs, boil them in a saucepan along with nettles. Nettles can be dried. Green eggs can be obtained by holding them, already boiled, in brilliant green.
  • Turmeric and violet. If you want a beautiful golden hue of the shell, add turmeric seasoning to the water where the eggs will be boiled.
  • Walnut shell. If you boil eggs together with walnut shells, they will turn out to be a beautiful beige color.
  • Coffee. The brown color of the shell can be obtained if you brew coffee, and then hold an already boiled egg in the broth.
  • Beet juice. you will get a glamorous pink egg with the help of these products. To do this, boil the beets and add vinegar. Then put the eggs in the broth and boil them.
  • Cranberry. Rinse the berries, squeeze out the juice, and boil the eggs in the juice.
  • Carrot juice. Peel the carrots, squeeze out the juice, boil the eggs in the juice.
  • Hibiscus tea If you boil eggs with hibiscus tea, you will achieve a pink shell color.
  • Mint. Eggs boiled with mint will have a pistachio hue.

Natural dyes are good because they are harmless to humans.

You can adjust the degree of brightness of the eggshell, if you want to get a brighter color, do not remove the eggs from the broth until the water has cooled.

Carefully remove the dyed eggs and water and put to cool on a plate. You can leave the eggs plain, or you can do their further decor.

If you use non-natural dyes, do not use the egg as food, it is better to pre-blow the egg out of the shell, so it will please your eye as a souvenir.

Tip: before painting the eggs, they need to be washed and degreased with alcohol, the paint will lie more evenly.

After dyeing the eggs, coat the shell with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil, the eggs will shine beautifully and become brighter.

Tip: To prevent the egg from cracking, add a teaspoon of salt to the solution.
