
How to organize the perfect picnic: important tips. How to have a family picnic


How does everything usually go? On the weekends, we throw bags with vessels, cuts and bottles into the trunk, drive to the nearest forest plantation and, sitting on the grass, discuss the problems of everyday work with friends. It turns out that we practically spent this day at work, just the boss went on a business trip and there was an opportunity to “let go of the reins” a little. Meanwhile, in order to be successful, you need to act differently. How to have a picnic?


Agree, there is nothing complicated in organizing a picnic, even a family one. But real rest is guaranteed.


1) Appetizer of pasta,

2) Focaccia with chicken breast and bacon,

3) Grilled fish with vegetables,

4) Pie with apples and cherries,

5) Grilled vegetables with sauce,

6) Appetizer with shrimp,

7) Croissants,

8) Poppy roll.


>In the UK, the tradition of picnics emerged in the 17th century. Having driven the game, the aristocrats enjoyed the trophies right in nature. Now the British gather on the beaches and in the parks, the main thing is that there is water nearby. They do not like to sit on the grass, eating sandwiches on specially installed benches.

>In Japan, seafood is strung on skewers, and ginger is always put on a plate - it absorbs the smell of a fire. In Japan, forays into nature mark the time of cherry blossoms.

>In Brazil, they prefer to bake one large piece of meat, from which everyone cuts slices for themselves.

>The French rarely use barbecues - for gatherings they have enough cheeses, sandwiches and vegetables.


Even church ministers know that a good place is half the success of an orgy. What can we say about a picnic! Look for clusters of stumps, fallen trees or stones, as you will have to sit on them: a traditional picnic does not tolerate plastic tables and chairs. “I would recommend taking knitted or woven “seats” from the “furniture,” Tatyana suggests. It is better to choose a place on a hill, hillock or slope, from where a view worthy of the ongoing action opens (besides, the whole area is perfectly shot from there). Plus, you will need a few trees between which you can secure the awning in case of rain. You will find them right on the spot, but it is better to take a tent-tent and a rope with you.


Experience shows that the optimal number of live guests at a picnic is from three to nine. More than nine people is already a small crowd that is difficult to manage, but in the case of two participants, the picnic becomes romantic, with different rules. Clothing should be simple and loose, made from natural materials. “If you maintain the style, then it is better to choose linen clothes. And exclude the paraphernalia of modern life, such as smartphones, for a while, ”recommends Tatyana Kuznetsova. Anyone who dares to show up in a doghouse or, God forbid, in a swimsuit, you have every right to drive in the neck.

Pal Signey-Mersche, "Picnic in May", 1873 Accessories

“The tablecloth should be white and certainly made of natural material - linen or canvas,” Tatyana advises. Choose cloth napkins, knives - sharply sharpened, with wooden handles. Bury disposable dishes in a disposable pit - let the serving be worthy of a restaurant. To scare away insects from the tablecloth, who love to flop into plates and wine glasses with a devilish laugh, put an aromatic lamp with lavender oil in its center.


Put cheeses, bread, butter in a clay pot, wicker baskets with vegetables and fruits on the tablecloth. Set aside strong and fortified drinks until the next holiday. Light wine and cool fruit drinks - what you really need! And to keep them cool, a portable crypt or a cooler bag will help you. Leave the brazier and grill in the garage this time: a traditional picnic does not tolerate cooking meat and fish! So stock up on plenty of roast beef, basturma or boiled lamb or goat meat with garlic and herbs.

seating arrangement

A picnic is not an excuse to eat your fill in the fresh air. The meaning of a traditional picnic is to contemplate the beauty of nature and relax from the bustle of the city. To avoid unnecessary talk about problems, seat the guests in a row, rather than face to face. And now that everything is ready, you can enjoy the first warm days of this year.

Menu (per person)

Meat (each type) - 100 g
Bread - 100 g
Butter - 50 g
Vegetables and fruits - 150-200 g
Pickles and marinades - 100 g
Wine - 450 ml
Cold drinks - 300 ml

natural calculator

See what it looks like and how much everything you need for a real picnic looks like.

Tablecloth, 150 rubles.

Cooler bag, 2000 rubles

Summer is a great time for picnics and all sorts of outings in nature. The sun, warmth, green grass, the first fresh fruits and vegetables, berries, delicious shish kebab… Everything is conducive to meeting a warm group of friends. But an interesting picnic is not only about food, it is also important to come up with entertainment for the whole company so that your meeting is remembered and leaves a pleasant impression. What to do during the holidays, in addition to eating delicious food, you need to think in advance, and then the picnic will leave not only a feeling of satiety, but also positive emotions and memories.

First you need to decide on the venue of the event - it can be a park, someone's summer house or, perhaps, the meeting will take place in the forest, or you can also go to the shore of a nearby lake.

So, we have decided on the place. Now we make a list of necessary things that you need to take with you. If you invite friends to your country house, then the issues with accommodation, table and dishes are much easier to solve. If you decide to go to the forest, then you need to think about what will replace the table on which you will sit. Or you want to go to the lake, then in this case, do not forget about swimwear and sunscreen. You can also take your fishing rods to the lake to fish. For children, take air mattresses and circles.

It is necessary to make a list of products according to the number of guests, marinate meat in advance, wash vegetables and fruits, and purchase disposable dishes. It also does not hurt to take rugs with you (thermal insulation would be ideal), a blanket, an awning in case it suddenly rains. If there is no small folding table, a disposable tablecloth can easily replace it. Do not forget about napkins, they will not take up much space, and without them it will be difficult. All these are the basic components of a picnic in nature. Well, now you need to think about how to entertain friends during this very picnic.

If the company is small, then it is advisable to choose one entertainment for everyone. It will not be difficult to do this, since you are well acquainted and perfectly aware of the tastes and preferences of your friends. And for a large company, you can come up with several activities. Someone will prefer outdoor activities, for example, playing badminton or ball, someone cannot imagine a picnic without songs with a guitar, and someone will like gambling - cards, backgammon and the like. Therefore, you can take playing cards, a board game, a guitar, tennis rackets with you. After all, our main task is to ensure that no one is bored.

If children will be present at the picnic, then you need to think separately about their pastime. After all, a picnic with children is somewhat different from a picnic, which is attended exclusively by adults. It is necessary to think in advance how and with what you will entertain the children, because one guitar will not do here. If you only eat and drink, your children will quickly become discouraged from this and begin to whine that they are bored and want to go home. Therefore, you need to consider interesting outdoor games, for example, fun starts, dodgeball, young naturalists, treasure hunters, etc. Connect fantasy. Take sports equipment with you - a volleyball, badminton, toys familiar to children.

Think about the fact that if there are a lot of vacationers at the picnic, then it is unlikely that you will be able to really relax. It will be noisy, friends will break into groups, one will want to eat, the other - to drink, the third - to lie down on the grass. To prevent this from happening, take a Frisbee, a kite, the Twister game with you. Both adults and children can take part in all these amusements. All vacationers will unite together, it will be fun.

Relay competitions will also go with a bang in the open air, where many people can take part at once, and players can replace each other. For the winners of the competition, you need to buy small sweet prizes in order to make it even more interesting to play.

Sometimes, after a delicious barbecue, you don’t really jump with the ball anymore, then everyone can sit around the fire and play a board game, for example, Scrabble or checkers. It is also very interesting to split into 2 teams and play pantomime. One team guesses a plot, one participant shows with the help of facial expressions and gestures, and the other team must guess what was guessed.

You can also play “associations”, the host calls a word, and the rest of the participants say their associations that this word evokes in them. Entertaining and unobtrusive.

It will not be superfluous to take a camera with you to a picnic to capture your friends, take beautiful pictures in nature.

In order to organize an interesting picnic, there are many options, there are practically no restrictions. Let your imagination run wild, come up with interesting games together.

The main thing is that everyone should be comfortable and have fun, and your meeting will certainly leave behind only pleasant memories!

Going out into the countryside, escaping from a dusty metropolis, admiring the scenery and just having a good rest is the dream of every city dweller. Who among us refuses to spend the whole day in the company of loved ones in the forest, near a river or in the mountains? A picnic can bring a lot of pleasure, but only if you carefully prepare for it and take into account all the little things. Depending on the composition of the participants in such an event, special nuances should be taken into account that will make outdoor recreation unforgettable.

family picnic

If you intend not just to feed your family in nature, but to have fun, we advise you to adhere to the following rules. First of all, it is necessary to warn all household members about the picnic in advance so that they can adjust their plans. If the family has small children, and you do not want to ruin the day by listening to their whims, you should not choose a place that is far from home for relaxation. The best option in this case would be a nearby park; find out in advance whether it is possible to have picnics in it.

Think about what you will do with children in nature. Outdoor games are best suited for this, so do not forget to bring badminton, balls, and, if possible, bicycles. Babies are more likely to get dirty, so make sure you have a spare set of clothes.

Experienced parents know that children in the open air do not suffer from a lack of appetite, but rather the opposite. It is advisable to choose products from which sandwiches can be made, and it is better to cook several types, combining ingredients in different ways. Do not forget about sweets - children will definitely remind you of it, so it is better to prepare in advance. Take cookies, buns, buns and other goodies. Supplement snacks in the air can be vegetables and fruits.

Friendly picnic

The main difficulty in organizing a picnic with friends is choosing the date of this event. It is best to agree on it in advance, at least a week in advance. In addition, it is important to discuss in advance how you will get to the place of rest. If it's far away, you might want to think about public transport or taking a minibus. It is unfair to deprive friends - drivers of cars of the opportunity to appreciate noble drinks.

Select the main organizer and leader of the picnic, who will distribute the responsibilities of each participant. In this age of technology, this is quite simple to do - in one of the social networks, you can create a meeting and post a list there, where it will be indicated who is responsible for what.

An interesting option is a themed picnic, but only if everyone supports such an idea. You should not impose your vision of rest on a large company. For a friendly picnic, a place in nature with free space is perfect. It can be a forest or a meadow near a river or lake.

If you don’t want to bother too much, take disposable plates and cups with you. However, if you want to create a festive atmosphere, colorful plastic reusable tableware is perfect; besides, it is much stronger (and therefore more convenient) disposable.

romantic picnic

Romantic outdoor recreation is an exciting and responsible event. Even the smallest details and nuances are very important here, which, with the right approach, can make a picnic unforgettable, but in case of mistakes, they can ruin not only the day off.

You can create a festive atmosphere with the help of beautiful dishes, glasses and cutlery. It must be remembered that all these things are very fragile, so it is best to transport them in a special basket where it is possible to fix them. If you do not attach importance to such details, then choose disposable tableware that is more convenient to use in nature.

You do not rule out that the picnic may drag on until late? Then think about candles. The best option in such conditions would be LED, which will not burn through the bedspread or napkins, unlike conventional ones.

For alcoholic drinks, give preference to wine, as drinking champagne under the scorching sun will make your picnic too short. It is advisable to provide a way to cool the drink: if there is no cooler bag, wrap the bottle in a towel, thus creating the effect of a thermos. Just do not forget to put a corkscrew in your bag - the process of pushing the cork into a bottle of expensive wine does not look very romantic.

Be sure to take napkins with you, but not ordinary ones, but large and beautiful ones. It would be nice to learn how to fold them in an interesting way to surprise your loved one. If you don’t already know how, it’s time to acquire this skill - there are many types of such “napkin” art.

It is very difficult to foresee everything and not forget anything when preparing a picnic, but you can try to avoid the most common mistakes by listening to some tips:

  • Tip 1. Make a list of everything you need

A few days before your planned vacation, think about what things you might need, from bedspreads to toys for the child. Most often, all sorts of little things are forgotten at home: napkins, garbage bags, a first aid kit, plain water, a camera. In order not to join the ranks of unfortunate vacationers, gather strictly according to the list.

  • Tip 2: Find the right place

For an impromptu table, choose a flat surface, without bumps and stumps. Directly on the ground you need to put a disposable tablecloth, and already on top of it you can cover it with a beautiful bedspread. 4.8 out of 5 (28 votes)

May holidays are ahead (and this is 4 days off!), so if the weather is warm and sunny, it is simply necessary to relax in nature with barbecue!

Organizational moment for a picnic

Whatever company you are going to nature with - you will be much more comfortable if you make preparations in advance. Therefore, it is worth finding a person in the company who is ready to take on the organization of recreation.

Before a picnic, be sure to take care of the following things:
- equipment that will be needed in nature;
- food that can be cooked in nature;
- leisure and entertainment at a picnic.

Make a list of groceries or prepared meals (salads, sandwiches, snacks, casseroles, etc.) and distribute who buys and takes what. Or centrally purchase the necessary products.

What to take for a picnic?

If you didn’t manage to organize in advance, don’t be discouraged, because usually everyone takes food “for himself and for his neighbor”. The only danger is taking some food home.

Equipment you will need in nature

What exactly to take with you from the equipment depends on you, more precisely, on the format of the rest that you choose - it will be a civilized (in a gazebo with a barbecue or with a car), a picnic in a nearby park or away from civilization, with an overnight stay. And, of course, on whether you are going to make a fire.

civilized picnic

From the equipment it is worth taking a picnic table and folding chairs, or they can be replaced with a bedspread or mats, covering the top with a disposable tablecloth; barbecue, grill and skewers; matches, lighter, axe, lighter paper, firewood.

Outdoor Picnic: Essential Things

It is also worth taking a picnic basket - in it the products will keep a beautiful look. A cooler bag will also come in handy, and if there is none, then you can put a bottle of frozen water in a regular bag at the bottom, and all provisions on top. If the volume of the trunk of the car allows, throw an awning and a hammock there.

What to take on a civilized picnic

Also do not forget a few knives, a can opener, a corkscrew, a kitchen board. Picnic utensils can be both disposable and from home - plates, glasses, spoons, forks, several bowls for salads and plates for cutting.

And, of course, garbage bags to leave behind a clean clearing.

Picnic in the "neighbor park"

If you live in the city and your picnic is spontaneous, that is, you don’t have much time for it, take a backpack with goodies and go to nature.

In this case, you need a minimum of equipment: a mat or just a blanket and an umbrella from the sun or rain. If you have a hammock, it will perfectly complement the atmosphere of relaxation.

A hammock is never superfluous on a picnic

In the park, of course, you can not kindle a fire. Therefore, it is worth preparing some goodies in advance, pour coffee or tea into a thermos.

This picnic format can be reached both by public transport and by bicycle.

Usually people go to such picnics with an overnight stay. Therefore, pack a tent, a canopy or an awning in your backpack that will protect you from sudden rainfall or the scorching sun, a rug, a sleeping bag, a raincoat, a flashlight, dishes, a knife, an ax and matches or a lighter to start a fire.

Food to cook for a picnic

Well, barbecue, of course. Kebabs or meat on the fire or on the grill can be cooked from anything - pork, lamb, poultry or fish. An alternative would be tasty sausages that won't ruin your holiday.

Do not forget that it is advisable to marinate the meat skewers in advance. Then it will be fragrant and tasty.

Also a picnic classic - potatoes baked in foil with bacon, and vegetables on fire (mushrooms, sweet peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, etc.). And if you want to cook less and relax more at a picnic, grill pita bread with suluguni on the grill.

Also, you can not do without greens (parsley, dill, lettuce and green onions) and fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes), which should be washed at home, because it is inconvenient to do this in nature. Snacks are also best prepared in advance.

Be sure to take bread, juices for children and drinks for adults. If there is alcohol, then canned cucumbers and tomatoes are taken to it. For dessert, both fruits and homemade cakes, or sweets are perfect.

Well, do not forget to take regular drinking water, salt, spices, mayonnaise, sauces and vinegar (which can also come in handy in the fight against itching from insect bites).

For transporting food, it is best to choose plastic containers. And, probably, everyone will want to surprise the company with a delicious home-made dish or an exquisite drink.

Be careful with food that spoils quickly - it is better not to take this in order to avoid poisoning.

Clothing to bring to the outdoors

Picnic clothing must be comfortable. Also, do not forget to take a hat or cap, sunglasses, a windbreaker jacket. If you are planning a picnic near a lake or river, put another swimsuit / swimming trunks and a towel in your bag.

Attention! If you drink alcohol at a picnic, it is better to refuse to swim in the pond and play too actively in the sun.

For a successful picnic, bring comfortable clothing.

First aid kit and personal hygiene products

You can not do in nature without dry paper and wet sanitary napkins, soap and toilet paper.

In the first aid kit it is worth putting remedies for indigestion, activated charcoal; painkillers; heart drugs; antiallergic agents; sun and insect protection, cuts and burns: bandage, band-aid, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, as well as a special balm that heals wounds (for example, Rescuer ointment).

Be sure to take a first aid kit to the picnic

Also, don't forget your personal medicines and care and hygiene products.

Vacation with children

The safety of the child comes first. When going to nature, parents should remember that they will receive a very conditional rest - adults should not lose sight of their child for a minute.

The safety of children at a picnic is first and foremost

It is also worth telling children the elementary rules of behavior in nature: do not go far, do not approach water, fire, a cliff, a cave, etc. on your own and without permission.

Dress your child mainly in bright things made of natural fabrics with long sleeves so that he does not get burned, and also so that he can be easily seen if the baby moves too far.
