
How to arrange a table for the new year. How to decorate a festive table for the New Year: practical tips

On the nose is the year of the fiery monkey, known for its cheerful disposition, recklessness and love for tropical fruits.

To honor the symbol of the coming 12 months, it is worth decorating the New Year's table 2016 especially brightly, elegantly and with thematic reservations.

The monkey, like an extravagant lady, loves to be greeted with noise, laughter and a richly laid table. Prefers colors in warm colors - ocher, gold, orange, yellow, red.

You can dilute this flame with blue or green, achieving elegant Christmas motifs and making a reference to the lush tropical jungle and the blue of the sea coast.

Thinking about how to decorate the New Year's table 2016, think: maybe have a Hawaiian or African themed party?

And the Brazilian carnival will surely please the smiling shaggy guest.

The more colors - the better, this time you can not follow the canons of minimalism and not be afraid to pass for a parrot.

To please the symbol of the year 2016, decorate the appetizers with tropical motifs.

Monkey cake, coconut shell smoothies, salads garnished with cucumber palms, avocados and black olives…

Cupcakes in the form of monkey faces and fruit platters laid out on dishes with "tropical landscapes" will be relevant.

How else can you decorate the New Year's table 2016? A variety of flames will come in handy: the glow of a burning fireplace, floating candles in glasses, Christmas arrangements of cones, branches and ribbons in red, gold and yellow tones, themed napkins for each guest.

What to cook for the New Year 2016

An obligatory attribute of the evening is fresh fruits and nuts. Of course, a modern person can hardly imagine a holiday without meat and fish delicacies, so we do not suggest that he become a vegetarian (or even a fruitarian).

However, coconuts, grapes, bananas and all sorts of exotics (papaya, pineapple, pamelo, passion fruit, lychee, kiwi, grapefruit, kumquat) can spice up your celebration.

Do not refuse traditional tangerines either. Prepare a portioned fruit salad - the young audience will be delighted. Separately, you can serve bowls with nuts - Brazilian, cashew, coconut.

A special place on the New Year's table 2016 should be occupied by seafood. Shrimp salads, squid rings, salmon and caviar canapés, oysters and scallops…

This dinner will be easy and memorable. As an appetizer, place a cheese plate garnished with grapes, honey, kiwi and nuts in the center of the table.

What to expect in the year of the red fire monkey

It will fly by swiftly, boldly, recklessly and cheerfully. But, most likely, all clear plans will go down the drain: our sudden primacy does not like stability, schedules and routines.

You have to go with the flow and enjoy the whirlpools.

You can emphasize these ideas at the New Year's Eve 2016 dinner: no strict serving, a buffet assortment, freedom of choice and an abundance of light snacks at any time.

In addition, the sociable monkey has a friendly disposition, which means that it loves noisy companies and friendly hugs.

It is better not to meet the upcoming holiday alone or in a narrow intimate circle. The more relatives and friends you gather, the more successful the year will be!

All of us, without exception, are waiting for the approach of the New Year holidays, because for each of us this time is full of magic and some mystery. After all, during this period of time, not only children, but also adults in their hearts hope for the fulfillment of all their cherished dreams and wishes, which have not yet been able to come true. In the coming year, which will be hosted by the White Metal Rat, each of us has such a huge chance, because this animal has a peaceful and sympathetic character. She can freely assist us in all our undertakings and aspirations.

However, in order to secure reliable support for this symbol of the year, great efforts should be made. First of all, this concerns his solemn meeting. You should not let everything take its course, they say, as it will be, so it will be. The Rat will not tolerate such a careless and disrespectful attitude. Even if you have heard that she is a kind animal, rather friendly and picky, you still should not, as they say, get on your nerves. Create coziness and comfort in your home, fill it with an atmosphere of peace, warmth and goodwill, organize a fun, relaxed atmosphere with your family, and most importantly, make an appropriate decoration for the festive table, which will take center stage at the celebration.

If you are not particularly knowledgeable in the field of serving, and it is unthinkable for you to create something from decor at home, then we will certainly come to your aid, dear friends. We advise you to read our interesting article, in which you will learn about 126 photo ideas on how to decorate the table for the New Year 2020 beautifully and on a budget with your own hands, without spending a lot of effort and money on it. Our invaluable advice and current master classes will reveal to you all the secrets regarding successful preparation for the upcoming holidays. Remember, everything must go at the highest level, then the Pig will deign to please you with good luck and prosperity.

Festive decor and New Year's table setting

If you are tired of the usual boring feasts, you lack brightness, freshness and novelty, then make every effort to highlight the New Year 2020 from the series of all annual holidays, diluting it with modernity and expressiveness. Just take a look, every woman today, who loves beauty and ideality in everything, strives not only to cook delicious dishes, but also to decorate the table as best as possible with her own hands. The desire to surpass all her acquaintances and girlfriends in this matter kindles in her a deep interest in aesthetics.

The fairer sex, for the most part, before starting the organizational part of their feast, look through a lot of photos presented in glossy magazines, looking for interesting serving ideas and any decorations for this purpose. Everything is studied down to the smallest detail: a colorful tablecloth, bright napkins, colorful tableware, sophisticated glasses, a whole variety of cutlery, luxury and an abundance of additional decorative elements, such as candles, various compositions of fir branches, cones, Christmas tree decorations, candlesticks, mini " clothes" for forks, spoons and knives, elegant coasters for dishes, Christmas table wreaths, "suits" for bottles, figurines in the New Year's spirit and much more. In general, everything that, mainly, constitutes a holistic harmonious picture of a chic table decoration is taken into account.

To achieve the sophistication inherent in foreign European countries and perfection, let's take a closer look at all the details and subtleties of the transformation in our video tutorial.

Master class on decorating and serving a festive table

Christmas tablecloth and napkins

An important and integral part when decorating a festive table for the New Year 2020 is, of course, an elegant tablecloth and fabric napkins, as in the photo. With their dazzling beauty and originality, they predetermine the festive mood at the very beginning of the organization of the celebration. Without these components, your decoration will look dull and gray. To avoid this, we recommend that you start looking for suitable options as early as possible, made from high-quality and soft materials with an excellent New Year's print that amuses not only the eye, but also the soul. Of course, if you have a lot of free time, and besides, you have sewing skills, why not take advantage of this and create a beautiful tablecloth and napkins with your own hands. It is only necessary to take into account the color scheme inherent in the symbolism of 2020. Among the most preferred by the White Rat will be:

  • yellow;
  • beige;
  • gold;
  • silver;
  • muted red and all its shades;
  • blue;
  • brown;
  • grey;
  • orange and all its derivatives;
  • terracotta;
  • graphite;
  • blue;
  • green;
  • pink;
  • burgundy;
  • white;
  • purple and more.

A wide range of colors will inspire you to be creative and help you transform your table for the New Year 2020 with your own hands in a short time. And to make the tablecloth and napkins look livelier and richer, complement them with some decorations, for example, embroidered New Year ornaments, congratulatory inscriptions, flowers and leaves of the "Christmas star", beads, beads, shiny pebbles, elegant ribbons and much more. By the way, a napkin will look great if you roll it up and secure it with a luxurious ring made of felt, silk, cardboard or some kind of chic rope with a cool trinket. Your imagination in this regard is limitless. And the result of such creative work depends only on you.

Browse our photo ideas that will give you a huge choice in this area.

Here is such a wonderful decoration you can make yourself at home. Watch our instructional video and find out how to do it easily and simply.

Gorgeous holiday crockery

So that for the New Year 2020 your table will be full of and amuse the surroundings gathered for the holiday, you should also find interesting colorful dishes, as in the photo. The abundance of plates, cups, glasses and other assortment of various shapes, sizes and colors in the supermarket chain will provide you with a great opportunity to please yourself and your loved ones with this dazzling beauty. Treat the process of decorating and serving as responsibly as possible, because the more colors you bring into your home for the New Year holidays, the brighter and richer the whole coming year will be for you. Moreover, such spectacularity will appeal to the White Rat itself, which loves to feel comfort and coziness everywhere and in everything.

Choose the most suitable dishes for your style and mood, which will be not just necessary elements of a feast, as we are used to seeing them, but an integral part of your decor. Creating a magical feast with your own hands is not at all difficult, you just have to connect your imagination and excellent taste to this business, which, of course, is present in the entire beautiful half of humanity. By means of simple and seemingly elementary things, you will turn your feast into an aristocratic dinner, where everything is so elegant, clear and harmonious. By the way, if you are planning a children's party, then we recommend turning it into a fairy-tale world. This can be achieved, firstly, by picking up all the necessary fabric attributes in rainbow colors with diverse and all kinds of prints in the form of your favorite cartoon Christmas characters, gifts, sweets in the form of European multi-colored canes, snowflakes, deer with a sleigh and something else that you will look the most. Secondly, buy cool dishes in the store that are designed specifically for your kids. Believe me, it is so colorful and funny that a holiday is inconceivable without it at all.

Look for dishes with convex figures of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, the Snowman, you can Pigs and the like. Such a move will be very popular with your children, who tend not only to admire something breathtaking, but also curious to feel various prikolyushki. Thirdly, make sure that among the plates, glasses and other utensils there are various New Year figurines supporting either napkins or cocktail tubes. Fourthly, place, preferably on both sides, three-tier candy bowls and fruit bowls. The final part and the most important, of course, will be decorations in the form of delicious dishes and a cool birthday cake. Well, it's optional! In general, referring to the tastes of your child, organize a real party at home.

View our photo ideas on how to decorate the table for the New Year 2020 with your own hands using bright dishes.

Children's champagne, transformed by means of decoupage technique, will also help to perfectly decorate your child's party in the New Year's spirit. You just have to pick up bright rice napkins with an interesting pattern in the store, and the rest is up to your skillful hands. If this is your first time encountering such creativity, then watch our video tutorial that will solve all your difficulties.

Master class on New Year's decoupage of children's champagne

New Year's glasses, glasses and glasses

In addition to chic plates, bowls, salad bowls and other sets of dishes, glasses, glasses and glasses must be present on the New Year's table. Naturally, not a single festival can do without them, so many families prefer to significantly modify them at least for the New Year, giving them a more solemn look with their own hands. To do this, stained glass and acrylic paints of various bright colors, glitters and beads, multi-colored sugar, nut, chocolate and candy powders, scraps of fabric with an interesting print that matches your style of New Year's decoration, original compositions of small cones, spruce branches, artificial berries , satin ribbons, twine, salt dough figures, elegant ropes and more. From all this variety for New Year's Eve 2020, you can quite interestingly create any decoration for your glasses, glasses and glasses. After all, it is much more fun and pleasant to drink champagne or some other drink of this kind of sophistication and originality. If you have a burning desire and want to decorate your table in an unusual way, then we advise you to pay attention to our photo ideas that we provide you with for clarity.

As you can see, such chic works look quite attractive. Every person who is not indifferent to art will certainly want to hold such a charm in their hands on New Year's Eve. In order to surprise your friends at the holiday, create your own creations in this area. To make your job easier, we have prepared our tutorial video for you, which will provide you with some simple New Year glass decor ideas.

Master class on decorating New Year's glasses in three versions

Elegant cutlery

How do you look at making DIY cutlery decorations? Do not be surprised, because forks, spoons and knives also want to look beautiful on your festive table for the New Year 2020. And this is a great idea, because this type of decor is quite simple to make at home. You just have to find the appropriate material, it can be either fabric or paper, some accessories that will later complement and emphasize your product, and, in general, that’s all. Armed with a sewing machine or a simple needle, you can create fun pockets for every taste. These can be ordinary envelopes, Santa's clothes, boots, funny Snowmen, deer, mittens, caps, or, just beautifully folded napkins in the form of a rectangle, on which cutlery polished to a shine is neatly laid out and decorated with mother-of-pearl satin ribbon with some a decorative element in the form of an artificial leaf or flower, berries, metal buckles. To make such a miracle, you should first see the existing options for these works, which we have selected for you in our selection of photo ideas.

If you do not have the desire or time to sew wonderful New Year's pockets to transform your table with your own hands, and the store assortment does not particularly please you, then watch our video, in which you will get acquainted with another type of decoration that does not require a machine to create or hand stitch.

Master class on making a decorative pocket from a fabric napkin for the New Year 2020

New Year's decor of bottles

When decorating the table for the New Year 2020, do not forget to decorate bottles of alcohol, because on a festive night everything should look magical. Take your time to think about what kind of decor you would like to see on your favorite drinks that relax the body and soul. Maybe it's the usual rain or tinsel wrapped around champagne, or some interesting composition created from small cones, tiny berries, mini Christmas decorations and satin ribbons that securely fasten your creations to a bottle of wine? However, if you have excellent drawing abilities, then it will not be difficult for you to skillfully transform anything with your own hands in the New Year spirit, even vodka or cognac. You just need to get a cheerful variety of colors of acrylic paints, as well as sparkles, artificial snow, rainbow confetti, rhinestones, beads, shiny pebbles, which will give your product a pronounced superiority and visual appeal. To cheer up your loved ones and friends, you should pay attention to the variety of quirky outfits in the form of miniature sweaters, hats and scarves that will delight any person. Such jokes are created with their own hands by sewing, knitting or drawing. Here, everyone chooses which method is more suitable for him both in terms of finances and skills.

Check out our selection of photo ideas to see if you need to decorate bottles with adult and children's drinks for your feast. Collected works of extraordinary beauty, which you will now familiarize yourself with, will direct you in the right direction of creativity.

Our video tutorial will help you arrange champagne or any other drink in the form of Santa Claus from felt and fur. Such a decoration for the New Year 2020 will make your table irresistible and solemn.

Master class on decorating New Year's champagne with your own hands

Variety of Christmas compositions and decorations for the table

To make the festive table for the New Year 2020 perfect and fit perfectly into the interior of the home, most families transform it with beautiful figurines, figurines, Christmas tree decorations, beads, snowflakes, houses made from Christmas gingerbread or from ordinary colored cardboard diluted with various decorative elements. Cones, both spruce and pine, twigs of any coniferous tree, artificial snow, sparkles, candles in chic candlesticks and much more become a wonderful decoration.

Each hostess prefers in this matter to achieve her individuality through all sorts of tricks. So many of them create real ekibans with their own hands, for example, as in the photo, from various branches painted in silver or gold with the help of decorative sprays, flowers and leaves of the Christmas Star, indoor Ficus, graceful Spathiphyllum vegetation, popularly known as "Women's Happiness", branches of "Thuja", "Juniper" with purple miniature fruits, "Holly" with colorful clusters of berries, luxurious colored bird feathers, dried and fresh fruits in an inseparable composition of fragrant spices, candles. From all this wealth, women form wonderful New Year's bouquets, which are subsequently set somewhere in the center of the table among mouth-watering and colorful dishes. And this creation looks amazing! And if all the rooms in the house are revived with this method, then the atmosphere is instantly saturated with the joy of celebration and fun inherent in American families in preparation for the New Year and Christmas holidays.

New Year Ekibana in a basket

If you are interested in this type of table decoration for the New Year 2020, then try to make it yourself at home, using the following materials for this purpose:

  • small wicker basket, as in the photo;
  • floral sponge;
  • wire;
  • Red roses;
  • leaves;
  • fir branches;
  • berries;
  • dried oranges and apples for decoration;
  • Christmas balls;
  • scissors.


  1. We take the basket of your choice and put a floral sponge soaked in water in it. It is desirable that it occupy all the empty space. If this does not work out because of the small size of the foam, then take two pieces and place them so that they fit snugly together.
  2. We begin the design with spruce branches. We place them along the edges of the basket, capturing the entire circumference, and then the central part.
  3. We add the leaves of indoor or outdoor plants that you like, branches with clusters of berries to the ekibana.
  4. After that, we proceed to the design with rosebuds. First, we cut off their long stems, leaving a small size, the size of the bud itself, and then we dilute the general background of our New Year's composition with these flowers.
  5. To make our ekibana look more chic and rich, we should enrich it with dried fruits - slices of oranges and apples. And for this, we need to securely fasten them on small pieces of floral wire, and then insert them into the washcloth located in the center of the basket.
  6. It remains to attach Christmas balls to our product, which should be selected in medium sizes and acceptable colors for the New Year 2020. So, for example, red, golden and silver shades will be perfectly combined. But in order to create a support for these toys with your own hands, you need to remove a metal cap from them that holds a thread for hanging on a Christmas tree. We have formed a hole into which even cuttings of rose stems should be inserted. After making sure that the balls are firmly seated on their mounting base, we reunite them with our composition.

This decorative ekibana will be a worthy decoration of your holiday table. For more of these creations, check out our selection of photo ideas for your ultimate inspiration.

If you do not have the slightest skills in creating such decor, then we recommend that you watch our video tutorial, thanks to which you will achieve success in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bcreativity.

Master class: do-it-yourself New Year's composition

holiday candles

If you don’t know how to decorate the table for the New Year 2020 with your own hands quickly and on a budget, then we advise you to use candles of different shapes and colors. Today, a network of various supermarkets provides a wide selection of these products, which are not only able to charm with their beauty, but also with their aroma. Get the most colorful species and build whole New Year's compositions from them from spruce branches, multi-colored cones, fresh tangerines, carambola, walnuts in a bouquet with fragrant cinnamon sticks and cloves. Add sparkle and glamor to your art with shimmery glitter, rhinestones and a scattering of mother-of-pearl beads.

If you want to see more greenery, then place three large colored candles in the center of a wide dish, place a small amount of bright cones, beads, candies in colorful wrappers on the sides and crown the whole composition with artificial moss. The juniper branches collected in a kind of wreath will also look interesting enough. Gorgeous purple berries that look like beads will be an excellent decoration and express the candles so clearly that all your guests will notice them.

View our photo ideas and you will see for yourself that this type of transformation of your table looks quite advantageous.

Having seen all the variety of these New Year's compositions made for the New Year 2020 with your own hands, you can freely start your creativity. However, if it was not possible to find original candles, we advise you to try your luck and create them at home.

Vases, Christmas trees and houses on the festive table

An excellent table decoration for the New Year 2020 will be all kinds of vases filled to the top with Christmas balls, cones, sweets and tangerines. Decorated with sparkling rain or variously shaped decorative beads. To achieve magic and mystery, you can take a transparent vase and put walnuts in it, painted with your own hands in golden and silver colors, the contents of which, of course, must be carefully removed, and instead of the core, put small pieces of paper with wishes or upcoming gifts, fix two shells glue and, mixed with tinsel, put in a container of your choice. When the chimes strike, your relatives and guests, as an entertainment, will each take out a nut, open it and become the owners of small pleasant souvenirs, the names of which you write by hand in advance.

A Christmas tree made of shortcrust pastry, colored cardboard, pompoms, chenille wire, and tinsel will also look quite interesting. Having created several types of such decor, you should place it in front of plates and glasses so that everyone admires their beauty and unusualness. Somewhere in the center of the table, if you want, you can place a house made of porcelain or gingerbread, surrounding it with a mound of artificial snow and snowflakes, sprinkled with confetti and sparkles for a heightened effect. In general, give free rein to your imagination and create a real fairy-tale world at home.

View our photo ideas on this topic.

If you are interested in the idea of ​​​​a gingerbread house, then check out our video tutorial to make it yourself for a festive feast on New Year's Eve.

Master class: gingerbread house for New Year's table decor

Tangerine New Year's table decor

One of the most popular lately handmade decorations for the festive table has become pomanders. This is a kind of composition, as in the photo, created thanks to citrus and other types of fruits, combined with spices and fragrant spices, mainly cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, violet root and more. Such a decor for the New Year 2020 will perfectly decorate your home, while exuding a pleasant aroma that is so familiar to us from childhood. Inhaling it and enjoying it, you will significantly improve your health, because citruses have long been valued for their healing properties, they kill pathogenic microbes, relieve irritability and nervousness, have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, improve mood and simply delight us. In addition, it is quite easy to form such a fragrant decor, you just need to get a little familiar with the technique of making it at home.

For work you will need:

  • tangerines, oranges or other types of citrus;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • wooden skewer;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • clove seeds;
  • red satin ribbons.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Before you start this creative work, you need to know that pomanders must be created in advance - two weeks before the holiday. Otherwise, it will not fully open and will not smell as it should. We take a tangerine and, after washing it thoroughly, dry it with a paper towel.
  2. After that, we mark our future pattern on this fruit with a felt-tip pen.
  3. We take the seeds of a clove or some other plant and use them to make decor along the outlined lines of the drawing, sticking them into the peel. If you wish, you can cut thin strips with the tip of a knife, removing only the orange cover and trying not to disturb the surface of the fruit. In this way, the transformation will turn out to be quite effective and original.
  4. After the work done, we need to use ground cinnamon. With its wonderful spicy powder, we lightly sprinkle our composition and leave it to open for two weeks in a dark, warm place.
  5. Before the onset of the New Year 2020, we take out our creation and supplement each tangerine individually with red satin ribbons with our own hands, tying them completely around the fruit and tying a bow. Here is such a piece of jewelry, collected on a large dish or in a wicker vase, can adequately sit on your holiday table, delighting the whole environment.

Be sure to check out our photo ideas to let your imagination run wild. This will help you create your excellent work.

Watch our tutorial video and create another tangerine composition yourself.

Master class on making New Year's decor from mandarin

Topiary for table decoration

The original decoration of your table for the New Year 2020 will be a do-it-yourself topiary made from Christmas balls and branches of artificial spruce. Its iridescent and sparkling appearance, as in the photo, is so captivating and alluring that New Year's Eve is simply unthinkable without it. You can place this charm anywhere, but if you put a few of these options among beautifully decorated dishes, then the serving will be complete and perfect. To make such a miracle at home, you will need:

  • Christmas balls of small size;
  • feathers;
  • miniature golden bows;
  • sprigs of artificial spruce;
  • artificial moss;
  • snowflakes;
  • a straight or branched stick for the trunk;
  • flower pot or other container;
  • corrugated golden paper;
  • foam ball for the base;
  • glue for foam;
  • gypsum mortar;
  • scissors.


  1. We take our foam ball and, using some sharp object, cut out a small indentation that we need to secure the barrel. Then we proceed to the direct decoration with the help of Christmas balls. Having selected the most suitable for you in color and size, using foam glue, we attach them separately, leaving a small distance between them for other transformation elements.
  2. After you have designed the whole ball, complete this creation with small spruce branches. They should be glued near each ball or as you like more.
  3. The final touch in the transformation of the ball will be bright feathers. With them you must fill in all the voids and errors. This process will also require a special foam adhesive.
  4. We create with our own hands a mounting base for our New Year's topiary. For this purpose, we need a flower pot that will match the size of the ball. We fill it with gypsum mortar and immediately immerse our trunk in it, which you previously painted, covered with silk ribbon or wrapped in bright corrugated paper.
  5. When the trunk is well fixed, its top should be treated with glue and immediately put our decorated ball on it.
  6. If the flower pot does not please with its solemnity, then golden corrugated paper will come to your rescue. Carefully wrap the container around it and secure with glue or double-sided tape so that it does not unfold.
  7. To make the gypsum mortar not particularly noticeable, use artificial moss, tinsel, rain or confetti. Tastefully lay out small souvenir gifts in shiny packages and Christmas decorations.

In this way, you can easily create an excellent decoration with which to decorate your table for the New Year 2020. Remember, a friendly atmosphere in your home depends only on you. Imagine, create and live, enjoying! And first, look at our photo ideas that will not be superfluous for you.

Before the New Year 2016, we are carefully preparing how to decorate our home and bring beauty to it for the holiday. Just a few details on the walls and windows can transform a room beyond recognition, changing the atmosphere in it. But it is important not only to decorate the Christmas tree and hang garlands, but also to pay due attention to the New Year's table decor, at which the whole family will gather.

Decorators offer inspiration for the New Year's interior not in glossy catalogs, but in the winter forest. Let this approach not surprise you, because this season natural materials have become the most fashionable items that can find a new life in the New Year's decor 2016.

The most important detail is spruce branches, which will become the basic part of New Year's crafts. It also does not hurt you to stock up on twigs with red years - it can be viburnum, rosehip, and barberry. It is also important not to forget one of the main elements that will unite almost all parts of the New Year's decor in 2016 together - this is a coil of natural rope. It is called flax twine, and it consists of twisted strands of flax fibers. It is interesting that now it is often used as a packaging material, and earlier it was found practical use in the economy.

Particular attention should be paid to table setting before the gala dinner. It is necessary to twist the fabric napkins into a tube and tie them with a thread or ribbon, pinning a natural twig to them. You can also tie a cinnamon stick, which will be a pleasant shock absorber in the apartment.

There are a lot of such options for setting the New Year's table, and you can supplement it with cookies in the form of fairy-tale characters or cardboard figures.

The New Year is coming soon, so it’s time to start the most active preparations for the holiday now. Now we will look at the basic principles of setting the New Year's table in 2016, the correct serving of dishes and, of course, the color scheme of your festive New Year's dinner. We will learn how to please our guests and family, and of course, without offending the main hero of the occasion - the Fire Monkey

If you spent the year before last the Horse, as befits a freedom-loving horse, at a gallop, moving from one guest to another, with a calm and balanced goat, the New Year was celebrated at home, this does not mean at all that the Monkey will definitely want something loud, she is very not even against home comfort. But this does not mean that the atmosphere should be chamber, the Fire Monkey is an artistic nature and loves when there is a lot of fun around.

But back to our New Year's table setting. Each New Year's table should be original and memorable, if not for life, then at least for next year for sure.

We will pick up a tablecloth and napkins for the table

Let's start with the simplest - choosing the color of napkins and tablecloths. The New Year itself already suggests which of the tones is better to prefer when setting the table for the New Year 2016. A turquoise, blue, blue and even purple tablecloth will be just right, the same applies to napkins. If it’s bad at home with these flowers, then you can use a white, snowy theme - it is universal and fits any New Year’s table.

The main thing is not to arrange a traffic light on the table and try to keep the tablecloth and napkins in the same color scheme.

Napkins - an element of New Year's table setting

The material of the napkins also does not matter, both fabric and paper will do. It will be interesting if they get a New Year's decoration, maybe snowflakes, Christmas trees or even Santa Claus will look great on plain napkins. It is enough to wrap them nicely in a tube and put them on a plate.

Plates, cutlery, etiquette

Now let's talk about etiquette. According to the rules, each guest must have two plates - one small, dining room, and on it a small snack bar. Make sure that the guests' plates do not stand close to each other, and they do not push with their elbows. Keep a distance of at least 80 cm between adjacent plates. It is good if the size of the table and the number of guests allow you to do this.

If you plan several appliances, then you need to put them at different distances from the plate, the earlier the dish is served, the farther from the plate should be knives, forks and spoons, consider this when setting the New Year's table 2016.

Don't forget to put the pie plate

Feast, so tastefully. Make sure that there is a plate for pies in front of the appetizer plates. Put it a little to the left. And already in front of the pie shop, you can arrange glasses and glasses, depending on your preferred drinks.

New Year's table setting 2016. Fruits

Especially for fruits, it is better to prepare vases. The fruits themselves are more convenient to eat already cut, and the cores on the plates will not embarrass anyone.

If you serve grapes, then divide it into approximately equal brushes, cut citrus fruits into rings, but if the fruit is too large, you can cut the ring in half again. Fruit cutting is a real art, which is taught in various cooking courses.

Table setting for the New Year. We arrange common dishes

Dishes for everyone, as a rule, are numerous salads, should be in the most convenient and accessible place for everyone. If there are many guests and the table is also large, it is better to put the same salad in different places on the table. And if necessary, duplicate this or that salad again. Guests will thank you for saving them from their favorite and traditional New Year's game: "Pass the salad."

Or maybe better organize a buffet table?

If you want to be more modern, and not burden yourself with long preparations and sitting at the table, and in some cases under the table, you can organize a stylish buffet. Guests do not sit as if tied to their seats and move freely around the apartment or house. When needed, they approach the large, communal table of snacks and drinks and take whatever they want. Comfortable and democratic.

The buffet table is best placed on the edge of the room, moving it against the wall. Cover it with a massive and wide tablecloth so that its margins barely reach the floor. You can make the buffet table multi-tiered, placing drinks or food on each level.

Buffet table setting for New Year's Eve 2016

It is worth dividing the dishes on the table by type, for example, place seafood on the left, meat and vegetable snacks a little to the right, leave fruits in the middle or, if possible, occupy one of the tiers with them. And do not forget about clean napkins, plates and cutlery.

If you are the owner of the house, then be sure to place another table next to the table - a smaller one, for bones, dirty napkins and dirty dishes.

Candles are perfect for a buffet table - beautiful, romantic, and truly festive. The main thing is to keep an eye on the guests and correctly calculate the most tired, so that during the laying of dishes, they do not touch the candles with their hands and do not start a fire. Maybe you should give preference to electric candles or garlands. Fresh flowers, spruce branches and, of course, figurines of the symbol of 2016 - the Fire Monkey are suitable for table decoration.

Rules of etiquette at the buffet table

According to the rules of etiquette, you should first pick up cutlery and a napkin, and then go for a clean plate. Take your time and don't get greedy by loading everything on your plate at once. It will be difficult for you to maneuver with a whole mountain of treats along the guests. It's better to take several approaches.

Just around the corner, many have decided, or on holiday. However, I want to follow traditions in everything and appease the hostess of the year not only with food, but also with the correct serving of the New Year's table. In fact, there are no specific rules here and you can rely entirely on your imagination in the design, and we will suggest beautiful jewelry options.

Serving in red

As we remember, it is red, which means that it will be an excellent option to decorate the New Year's table in red:

Simple and tasteful
Red glasses are an original solution for decorating the table for the New Year 2016. The monkey will be happy!
Red candles will add a New Year's atmosphere to your table.
The table can also be decorated with decorative toys.
A red tablecloth will help make a New Year's table out of an ordinary table

Serving in golden (fiery) colors

Do not forget that our Monkey is not only red, but also fiery. So, if you decorate the table in fiery (yellow, golden, orange) colors, then we can earn its favor and patronage for the whole 2016 year!

The easiest and fastest option
Live fire and a tree - a great decoration for the New Year's table
The table can be decorated with "fiery" toys More fire!
Useful golden tablecloth
Serving New Year's Eve Plates
Cozy family version of "fiery" serving
You can also add artificial lighting

Chinese style serving

It is according to the eastern (Chinese) horoscope that our New Year 2016 is the year of the Monkey. So it would be unfair not to consider traditional oriental-style serving.

A lot of red and order in everything - the invariable attributes of the Chinese festive table
Even more red!

Feng Shui New Year's table setting 2016

Feng Shui is a well-known Chinese teaching that helps to achieve harmony and well-being in everything. Consider truly feng shui options:

Feng Shui table setting for the New Year of the Monkey
Here, too, order matters.

Classic New Year's table setting

Or maybe you want something less bright and more classic? Please!

And don't forget Santa Claus
Table decoration in simple style
Too strict, but already more fun
And here's even more fun

Snowy New Year

Since we have touched on the classics, we will also consider options that remind us that in our latitudes, snow is the main decoration of nature for the New Year.

New Year's table with a snowball
And a few more details

Bright serving for the New Year 2016

New Year is first and foremost a fun holiday. So it should be celebrated brightly and cheerfully. The festive decoration of the table will not be an exception.

Multi-colored toys will set the atmosphere
What is the New Year without flowers?
Even more flowers!
Bright serving with a focus on red
It will be useful to decorate the New Year's holiday table with decorative Christmas trees.
A mixture of strict and bright styles
Spring table decoration for the Year of the Monkey

We hope you enjoyed the proposed serving and decoration options. We wish you a happy holiday and good luck in the new year!
