
How to store flour at home. Three important storage rules - temperature, humidity, packaging

In every home, flour is an indispensable product. Any housewife uses it for a variety of pastries, homemade noodles or dumplings, sauces and side dishes. That is why flour is bought immediately in large quantities, and the question of its proper and long-term storage without loss of quality is always relevant.

This product, despite the long shelf life, needs to create certain conditions, the violation of which can lead to the loss of its organoleptic properties and even the appearance of unpleasant insects. To prevent this from happening, you should learn how to properly store flour, and then your home will always have delicious buns, dumplings and other favorite foods.

Basic requirements for storage conditions

The two main parameters that affect the preservation of flour are the temperature and humidity of the environment.

Flour is perfectly preserved for a long time at low air humidity. This indicator should ideally be 60%, in extreme cases - no more than 70%.

Storage temperature should not exceed 20 °C, but for long-term storage it is desirable to provide temperature conditions in the range from 5 to 15 °C.

This product does not like sudden changes in temperature, as a result, condensation forms inside and the humidity rises significantly, which contributes to the development of molds and the appearance of insects.

How long can you store

As you know, there are several types of flour: rye, wheat, corn, soy. Each of these species has its own shelf life. For example, corn, soy and rye flour are stored the least - up to six months. A little longer, up to 8 months, wheat flour can retain its properties, but deodorized soy flour can be stored for a whole year. Other species can also spend 12 months or more in storage, provided that a constant temperature of 0 ° C is maintained there.

How to choose

When buying flour planned for storage, you should carefully inspect the product for the presence of worms, black dots or sticky lumps in it. Unfortunately, when purchasing flour in a store, we are often deprived of such an opportunity because of the opaque container in which it is packaged. In this case, it remains only to carefully examine the packaging, checking its integrity, as well as the release date and shelf life.

What is the best way to store

Container for storing flour is also of no small importance. It is best to choose hermetically sealed glass or plastic containers. An alternative would be linen bags, metal cans or paper bags that do not block the access of air and, therefore, moisture to the product. Therefore, they are less preferred, and the flour stored in them requires additional control of its condition. If you store flour in paper bags, it's best to store it in the refrigerator.

Storage nuances

When storing flour, it is important to know not only about the requirements for temperature and humidity in the room, but also about some other factors that can affect the safety of the product.

For example, flour can be negatively affected by direct Sun rays Therefore, it should be stored either in an opaque package or in a place protected from light.

Flour very fast absorbs odors nearby substances and products, so it must be removed away from any sources of strong odor (coffee, spices, tea, household chemicals, etc.), preferably on a separate shelf, in a personal box or locker.

In order to prevent unwanted guests from appearing in the flour, there are many folk remedies invented by our ancestors. If you store flour in linen bags, soak them first in a strong saline solution. They perfectly repel bugs and at the same time do not spoil the taste of the product if a clove of garlic, bay leaf or chili pepper placed in flour is used. Pests will not get into the flour if the paper or canvas bag with it is put into a box with dried calendula flowers.

As a rule, flour refers to those products that it is customary to stock up in an apartment or house for a long time. But proper storage of flour in an apartment is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. Indeed, flour has a long shelf life, but improper storage conditions almost always cause unpleasant living creatures to appear in the flour, which makes the entire stored stock unusable. And the most unpleasant thing is that flour or cereals that are stored in bags not far from that bag or other container with flour, where pests have already started, will also be spoiled in a very short period of time. Alas, until now, not everyone knows how to properly store flour for a long time so that such "evil spirits" do not get to it, and even the owners of large-scale commercial stocks of flour do not always do it right.

How to properly store flour

Storage temperature

Favorable temperature - from +5 to +15 ° C. At temperatures below 0 ° C, flour can be stored for 2 years or more.

First of all, before storing flour, you should carefully inspect it at the time of purchase. Of course, every experienced seller knows how to store flour for a long time so as not to risk his own money, because if bugs appear in flour bags, you will have to get rid of more than a dozen kilograms of the product and suffer considerable losses. Ideally, flour should be stored in whole bags or packages at low humidity in a store warehouse. All that the buyer can do to protect himself from spoiled flour is to check if the flour in the bags has stuck together from moisture, and if there are black dots, worms or bugs in it. Unpleasant, but often the flour is sold in opaque or paper packages, which makes such verification impossible. Well, in this case, it remains only to check the integrity of the package, the release date and specifically how much flour of this manufacturer can be stored.

Our great-grandmothers also knew how to store flour in an apartment in order to protect its pests. A glass jar is the best way to store flour in an apartment, our ancestors thought so and were absolutely right. Tightness is what will protect any product from unwanted living creatures. Many will say that the shape and size of glass containers do not always allow for economical use of space in the apartment, but today there is a huge selection of sealed containers made of various materials that are an excellent alternative to glass containers. It is entirely possible to place flour for long term storage in such a glass or plastic container fitted with rubber seals to keep the lid tight. It should be noted that metal containers are not suitable for storing flour, since they are not leak-tight.

Where to store flour

How long to store flour

Wheat flour is stored for 6–8 months, rye flour for 4–6 months, and at low temperatures, flour can be stored for up to two years or more.

It is also important to know where to properly store flour, because the appearance of insects is not all that can spoil it. Firstly, the container with flour should not be in direct sunlight. Secondly, it has no place where dampness prevails. A dark, dry and cool place is ideal conditions for long-term storage of flour in an apartment. A small bag of salt, a clove of garlic, a bay leaf or chili pepper in a container where the flour will be stored for more than one month will not be superfluous. It does not matter whether flour is stored in bags in a warehouse or in a special container in an apartment, the main thing is that it is not subjected to sudden changes in temperature. It should not be placed near it products with intense aromas, including coffee, spices, tea, and cleaning products.

It is also important to know not only what to store flour at home, but also how long you can do it. Every product has an expiration date and should be adhered to. So, under acceptable conditions, light flour can be stored in bags or containers for up to one year, and light flour for up to 9 months. Wholemeal flour is characterized by storage for six months. But homemade flour should be used as soon as possible, namely within two weeks.

Flour storage is troublesome only if the basic rules and technological features of the process are completely disregarded, despite the fact that the product is quite demanding on environmental conditions. At pathologically high humidity and temperature, its quality noticeably suffers.

The use of inappropriate containers will lead to bugs in the dry composition. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to initially choose the best place in the apartment for storing flour and monitor its quality. It will not be possible to restore a damaged product even by sifting and steaming, it will have to be thrown away.

Basic rules and terms of food product storage

At home, you need to adjust two indicators in order to store flour without fear of spoilage - these are humidity and temperature. The component loves dry rooms, so the humidity should not exceed 70%, it is better if it is at the level of 60%. The temperature must be kept within 10-18ºС. Only in such conditions, bugs will not start in the flour, and signs of mold will not appear.

Wheat flour

Tip: Sudden changes in temperature adversely affect the quality of the flour. You should not constantly carry the entire package with the product from the pantry to the kitchen, it is better to collect it as needed. This is troublesome, but safe for the component.

For safe and full use of the product, you need not only to know how to store flour, but also how much it can be done. If you keep the flour in the refrigerator, in a compartment with a positive temperature, then the indicators will be as follows:

  • Wheat - about 8 months.
  • Rye - less than 6 months.
  • Corn and soy (not deodorized) - no more than 5 months.
  • Corn and soy (deodorized) - about a year.

As the temperature rises, these figures decrease markedly. If some sky-high figures are given on the package with flour, then you should not buy such a product.

Corn flour

Features of the choice of containers and rules for the care of the component

Unfortunately, only some housewives pay attention to the form in which flour is stored at home. The rest leave the powder in a paper bag. In this form, the component can only be kept in the refrigerator until the tightness of the package is broken. With opened flour, proceed as follows:

  1. First, dry the composition to get rid of excess moisture and prevent mold. To do this, sprinkle the flour with a thin layer on parchment paper and wait at least half an hour.
  2. Then pour the product into a glass, metal or plastic jar with a tightly ground lid.
  3. For a container, a shelf at floor level is ideal, but not on the upper tiers of cabinets.
  4. It is not recommended to keep strongly smelling ingredients near the flour. The dry composition actively absorbs foreign aromas, from which its taste and properties change.

soy flour

From time to time, the component must be poured, dried and checked for traces of moisture so that mold does not appear. If there are bugs in the product, then it is best to get rid of the ingredient, rinse the dirty container, dry it and douse it with steam. After that, you need to purchase a new product and this time pay special attention not to the prevention of the phenomenon.

What should be done to prevent the appearance of insects?

To prevent the ubiquitous ants, bugs and other pests from starting in the flour, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for storing the component and, if possible, use the following recommendations:

insects in flour

  • You can shift the composition from the usual container into fabric bags. They must first be soaked in saline, which is also an excellent natural preservative.
  • Some housewives put peeled garlic cloves in a container with a product whose pungent smell repels insects. True, specific notes may be attached to the product.
  • A good effect is the placement of a container with a component in a bag or bag lined with dried calendula petals.

In addition, there are quite original methods of repelling insects. Since ancient times, long nails were stuck vertically into a container with a dry mass, after which the insects no longer appeared.

Every time before using the powder, you need to check its quality. A spoiled product acquires a sour smell and uncharacteristic bitterness. If the dry composition pulls cold, this indicates an increased moisture content in it. Before use, the mass must be dried on parchment paper, otherwise the result will be unpredictable.

Flour is an indispensable product in the kitchen of any housewife. Bread, pies are baked from it, it is added to desserts and many other favorite dishes. Flour is usually stocked up for future use so that it is always at hand. This product has a long shelf life. But in order for it to lie for as long as the manufacturer indicated on the package, you need to know about the basic rules for storing flour and optimal conditions.

Basic Rules

When buying flour, be sure to inspect it for debris or bugs. Often it is sold in opaque bags, which prevents inspection of the product. In this case, carefully examine the packaging. It should be intact, without damage and signs of dampness. Pay attention to the production date: the fresher the flour, the longer it will lie at home. Constantly check the condition of the product by tasting it and sifting it through your fingers. Damp flour can be dried on parchment, but a bitter or sour product must be discarded.


For wheat flour, use the original paper packaging or cloth bag. If you have not yet opened the package, you can put it in the refrigerator. Flour can also be stored in glass or plastic jars with tight-fitting lids. So moisture and odors will not penetrate inside. Do not keep container open. Flour quickly absorbs moisture and can become covered with dust, making it unusable. Also, it is impossible to store the product in a plastic bag or metal cans for a long time, since flour will lie no more than 4–6 weeks in unsealed conditions.

The necessary conditions

Properly keep the product in a dark and cool place. Perfect cabinet in the kitchen, pantry or niche. In the room where the flour lies, the humidity level should not exceed 60-65%. The optimum storage temperature for this product is +5 to +20 °C. If you are going to keep the flour as long as possible, then you will succeed at a temperature of +15 ° C. Under such conditions, wheat flour will last up to 2 years, deodorized soy flour - 12 months, rye and corn flour - up to six months. Constantly monitor the room temperature with a thermometer. Do not expose the product to temperature fluctuations. Because of this, its taste is lost. When the humidity rises, warm the room, then dry the flour on parchment and pour it into an airtight container.

What to do so that the bugs do not start

At the optimum temperature and in an airtight container, flour will never suffer from bugs. But if it is not possible to store it in suitable conditions, you can secure the product in a different way. Soak a specially prepared cloth bag, preferably made of linen, for several minutes in saline solution. Preparing it is very simple: in 1 liter of water, add 2 tbsp. l. table, not iodized, salt and stir. After soaking, dry the bag and pour flour into it.

In a container with flour, you can also put means that will repel pests. For example, 2-3 garlic cloves or 1-2 bay leaves. This method is not very practical, because the flour will absorb the smells of the products. Instead, put in some stainless steel nails. You can also prevent the appearance of bugs with the help of calendula. Collect dry flowers in a small cloth bag and place in flour.

Now you know how much and where you can store flour so that it retains its taste. Always pack it properly and store it in a dark, cool place. Flour will not spoil for a long time if it is stored at a temperature not exceeding +20 ° C. Avoid temperature fluctuations and do not freeze the product.

Flour is considered an essential ingredient in the preparation of many foods.

Traditionally, flour is obtained by grinding grains of various cereals. The composition of flour contains carbohydrates, due to which it is considered one of the most valuable products in terms of nutritional value.

There are many tips and tricks for storing flour at home. As a rule, flour for the home is bought in small quantities, since it is not always easy to provide a place and conditions for its storage.

It is best to store flour in a dry, well-ventilated area at a temperature of +5-+20 degrees. Under such conditions, flour can be stored for 12-18 months.

When storing flour, avoid places near products with strong odors. Such products are various spices and spices, as well as tea and coffee. Flour easily absorbs odors and becomes unsuitable for further use.

Often, flour is sold in paper packaging. In order to avoid moisture ingress during storage at home, it is necessary to place a sealed paper bag with flour in polyethylene.

If the package has already been opened, it is best to pour the flour contained in it into a glass or metal container with a tight lid. Often, canvas bags are used to store flour.

If the flour is stored for a long enough time, then in order to avoid its souring or mold, it is recommended to dry it from time to time, having previously scattered it on a sheet of paper with a thin layer. It is best to then pour the flour into a new bag, but if it is not there, you must first dry the old one.

It is very important when storing flour at home to avoid the appearance of various insects in it, such as bugs, mealworms and other pests. Insects can simply eat part of the flour, and spoil the rest of it with the products of their vital activity. If insects are still wound up in the flour, it must be carefully sifted and poured into new bags.

In order to prevent the appearance of insects, a rather effective folk method is often used: a few unpeeled cloves of garlic are simply added to the container in which the flour is stored.

Special substances, phytoncides, secreted by garlic, repel insects without harming the flour itself. Dried calendula flowers can also be used for these purposes.
