
What is the name of a fruit that looks like a tomato. Exotic fruits

Have you ever wondered what a rich assortment of citrus fruits are? The list, of course, is not endless, but very long. Each variety has its own unique taste, unusual appearance and application. One thing unites all types of citrus fruits - the incredible smell of flowers and fruits. Fruits vary in color, shape, pulp, brightness of taste, but a bright aroma is their calling card.

It is believed that representatives of the citrus family were formed as a result of interspecific crossing. Some citrus fruits are obtained naturally, others have appeared thanks to the labors of breeders. Lime, mandarin, citron and are considered the progenitors of citruses. Various combinations of properties and qualities of these fruits have created the whole variety of sweet and sour, sunny citrus fruits.

Ugli (Uglifruit)

This citrus fruit is a successful hybrid of a mandarin and an orange. J. Sharp grafted a cutting of an unprepossessing plant into sour oranges and obtained a fruit superior in sweetness. He continued grafting until he developed a sugar variety with a minimum number of seeds. 15-20 years after the first experiment, Ugli fell in love in European countries. Today the citrus fruit is grown in Jamaica and Florida from December to April.

The name comes from the English "ugly" and means "ugly". We can safely say that this is the very case when you should not judge by appearance. A yellowish-green wrinkled peel with large pores and orange spots hides a juicy, sweet flesh underneath. The citrus fruit is easy to peel and separates into orange slices with a pleasant bitterness. The taste can be imagined as a combination of cloying mandarin with a noble note of grapefruit bitterness.

Uglifrut grows up to 10-15 cm in diameter. Ripe fruit should be heavy in weight. If, when you click on the spots, the fruit is strongly deformed, it means that it is overripe and has already begun to deteriorate. A special difference is the manufacturer's label or trademark printed on the peel. By the way, for decorative purposes, the tree is grown in tubs around the world, including in Russia.

Agli is eaten fresh. In cooking, it is used to make marmalade, jams, preserves, salads, yogurt, ice cream, sauces and candied fruits. Juice is used to flavor drinks and create cocktails.

It's hard to believe, but a citrus familiar from childhood is a natural hybrid of mandarin and pomelo. The plant was first discovered as early as 2500 BC. Its homeland is China, from where hundreds of years later the fruit spread to European countries. For this, the orange is also called the Chinese apple. The orange round fruit is protected by a dense skin that hides large grains of pulp.

It is known that lemon and orange are the most consumed and common citrus fruits. Unlike its sour counterpart, the sunny fruit is more often eaten in its natural form, and is also used in cooking for the preparation of candied fruits, salads, desserts, marmalade, jam, as a filling in chocolates and pastries. It is impossible to remain silent about the delicious orange juice, which is one of the most popular drinks in the world. The peel of the fruit is also used in the production of beverages, although alcoholic ones, such as wine or liquor.

Of course, we are mostly familiar with sweet oranges, but there are also bitter (orange), which you will learn about a little later.

King orange or red orange

In addition to the usual, orange, there are bloody oranges. They look very exotic, they are often called beetles. Citrus fruits owe their unusual name to red-colored pulp: from light to saturated. The point is the anthocyanin pigment and its concentration in various varieties. Outwardly, the beetle looks like an orange, it is smaller and has red-orange spots on the porous peel. The pulp contains practically no seeds. The slices are easily separated from each other.

The fruit is a natural mutation of the orange and is similar in taste. Red citrus is eaten fresh or used in salads, smoothies and sweet desserts. Rich juice looks attractive. Most varieties of blood fruit are grown in Mediterranean countries. The most famous of them are Moro, Sanguinello and Tarocco.

Fragrant bergamot is a descendant of bitter orange (orange) and lemon. The birthplace of the fruit is considered to be Southeast Asia. It is named after the Italian city of Bergamo, where the citrus was domesticated.

The pear-shaped, roundish fruit of dark green color is protected by a dense wrinkled peel. Due to the specific bitter-sour taste, fresh fruit is not often eaten. Marmalade and candied fruits are prepared from it, teas and confectionery are flavored. Essential oil with a pleasant refreshing aroma is used in perfumery.

A citrus fruit native to India, a descendant of the citron and lemon. Outwardly, it looks like a round, portly lemon. When rubbed, the leaves exude a delicious smell, similar to the spice of ginger and the freshness of eucalyptus. The yellow-sand smooth peel covers a pale, almost transparent, sour pulp with numerous small bones. Due to its spicy taste, Gayanima is a popular ingredient in marinades in Indian cuisine.

Scientists have long argued as to which citrus fruits were the ancestors of the grapefruit. Ultimately, it is believed that this is a natural hybrid of orange and pomelo. First, the plant was discovered in Barbados in 1650, and a little later in Jamaica, in 1814. Today, citrus has spread to most countries with a suitable subtropical climate. The name comes from the word "grape", which means "grapes". When ripe, the fruits of grapefruit closely gather side by side, resembling bunches of grapes.

A large rounded fruit reaches 10-15 cm in diameter, weighs about 300-500 g. The flesh is hidden under a dense orange shell, divided by bitter partitions. This variety of citrus fruits is varied in the color of sweet grains: from yellow to deep red. It is believed that the redder the flesh, the tastier it is. The number of small bones is minimal, there are representatives with their complete absence.

When choosing a grapefruit, give preference to heavy fruits. The fruit, unlike other citrus fruits, can retain its taste properties for a long time, even during heat treatment. Grapefruit is eaten fresh, used as an ingredient in dishes and drinks: salads, desserts, liqueurs and jams. Delicious spicy candied fruits are made from the peel. The fruit is peeled and freed from partitions, or cut across, after which the pulp is eaten out with a small spoon. The fruit, like juice, due to its composition, is included in the list of products for weight loss.

An intraspecific hybrid of tangerines - dekopon, which is also referred to as sumo, was discovered in Nagasaki in 1972. Citrus is native to Japan, South Korea, Brazil and some US states and is grown in large greenhouses. Fruits mainly in winter. Unlike its ancestors, the citrus fruit is larger in size and is decorated with a large, elongated tubercle at the top. The orange peel is easily separated and peeled off. Beneath it are hidden sweet, poured pitted pulp.

From the name it is clear that citrus comes from India. Outwardly, it looks like a voluminous tangerine with a relief peel and brightly defined slices. The fruit is used in folk medicine and in spiritual rituals. This is one of the oldest ancestors of citrus fruits. Currently considered endangered.

Yekan or anadomican, whose homeland is Japan, is still a mystery to breeders. Many are inclined to believe that this is a hybrid of pomelo and tangerine. The fruit was first discovered in 1886, and has been bred in China for some time.

Yekan can be compared to a grapefruit. The fruits are similar in size, weight and ways of eating. The fruit also has a slight bitterness of the partitions, but the pulp itself is much sweeter. Bright orange, sometimes red anadomican fell in love with the inhabitants of Asia. Farmers have even learned to grow citrus with five corners.

The second name of citrus fruit is estrogen. A separate type of citron, practically does not contain pulp, is used in religious ceremonies. Very large, grows 1.5-2 times the size of a human palm, slightly tapering from the base. The peel is massive, bumpy, elastic. The pulp is slightly sugary, does not have a pronounced aroma.

Indian lime comes from the country of the same name. Also called Palestinian and Colombian limes. The fruit is considered a hybrid of Mexican lime and sweet citron. According to other sources, this is the result of crossing lime and lime. Unfortunately, attempts by scientists to breed this variety in the laboratory have not been successful.

Light yellow fruits are spherical, or vice versa, slightly elongated. Thin smooth peel has a light, subtle smell. The pulp is transparent yellow, slightly sweet, even a little bland in taste, due to the absence of acids. The fruits of this plant are not edible. The tree is used as a rootstock.

Ichandarin (Yuzu)

A very interesting result of the hybridization of sour mandarin (sunki) and Ichan lemon. The ancient citrus plant of China and Tibet is considered an essential ingredient of the national cuisine. Outwardly, Ichandarin (aka Yunos or Yuzu) looks like a green, spherical lemon. The pulp is very sour, with a light tangerine flavor and a refreshing aroma. In cooking, it is used as an alternative to lemon or lime.

The citrus fruit is also called kabusu. It is a hybrid of bitter orange with primitive citrus fruits (papedas). Kabosu is native to China, but the people of Japan also cultivate this plant. The fruit is plucked from the tree as soon as it turns bright green. Outwardly, it is very similar to a lemon. And if you leave it on a branch, the kabusu turns yellow and becomes completely indistinguishable from its citrus counterpart.

Sour fruit - the owner of a transparent amber pulp with a slight lemon aroma and a large number of small, bitter seeds. Vinegar, marinades for fish and meat, seasonings, desserts, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are prepared from citrus. Zest is used to flavor confectionery.

Calamansi or musky lime is a citrus fruit, similar in shape to a miniature spherical lime. The taste is clearly felt a combination of mandarin and lemon. It is considered the oldest citrus fruit, which served as an ancestor for many representatives. Valued in the Philippines. The fruit is used in cooking as an alternative to lemon or lime.

Calamondin (Citrofortunella)

Despite the fact that the plant is also called the dwarf orange, there is no direct relationship between citruses. The citrus fruit comes from the mandarin and the kumquat. The tree was discovered in Southeast Asia, spread throughout the world due to its unpretentiousness to temperature conditions. Citrofortunella can be grown at home as an ornamental plant. The fruits are small, round, similar to a small tangerine. Everything in this fruit is edible, even the orange thin peel that protects the sugar pulp. Jam and candied fruits are prepared from juicy mini-citrus with an unusual taste. Juice acts as an excellent marinade and addition to second courses.

The citrus fruit is called the sour orange, for its appearance and properties inherited from its ancestors: lemon and orange. Citrus looks like a weighty wrinkled lemon. Beneath the thick, warm yellow rind is orange flesh with a subtle, subtle citrus scent. Due to the unusual bitter-sour taste, the fruit is not eaten raw. Candied fruits and marmalade are prepared from it, juice is used as a seasoning. Seeds, leaves, flowers and rinds are used as raw materials for the preparation of oils used in cooking and perfumery.

The plant often decorates the urban landscape, or citrus fruits with an underdeveloped root system are moved to it. In folk medicine, karna is considered a drug against diseases of the circulatory, respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract.

Additional fruit names are Kombava citrus. This citrus with inedible sour pulp reaches about 4 cm in diameter. The dense wrinkled lime-colored zest is extremely rarely used in cooking. It may seem that citrus fruit does not have special significance for humans. This is wrong. The plant is valued mainly for its dark green foliage. Traditional Thai, Indonesian, Cambodian, and also Malay dishes cannot do without it. Tom Yum soup is not possible without fragrant leaves with spicy sourness.

A Japanese citrus fruit grown as an ornamental plant. Bitter orange or canaliculata is the result of crossing an orange and a grapefruit. The sandy-orange fruits are considered inedible for their strong sour and unpleasant bitter taste.

This is the sweetest hybrid of mandarin and orange created by Pierre Clementin in the early 20th century. Outwardly, citrus is similar to tangerine, it is distinguished by a rich saffron color and a matte smoothness of the peel. Juicy, fragrant pulp surpasses its ancestors in sweetness, contains many seeds. The fruits are consumed fresh, in cooking they are used similarly to ancestral fruits.

An unusual citrus fruit is a hybrid of Fingerlime and limandarin Rangupr. Citrus was first discovered in Australia in 1990. Small fruits have a rich red-burgundy color. Blood limes are slightly sweeter than lemons and are eaten fresh and cooked.

Citrus is also called Australian, which is associated with the place of growth. Rounded greenish fruits, thick skin, light, almost transparent flesh. Candied fruit is prepared from the fruit, drinks are decorated and essential oil is obtained.

A miniature citrus fruit classified as a separate subgenus Fortunella. , or Kinkan reaches only 4 cm in length and 2 cm in diameter. Citrus originated in Southeast Asia, earning it the name Japanese and Golden orange. In fact, it looks like a small lemon with a rounded top. The slightly sour pulp is paired with an edible honey rind. The fruit is eaten as an independent product, added to sweet dishes and baked with other products.

Most often, it is the Mexican lime that is mistaken for a representative of this citrus. It is depicted on the labels of drinks and products that include lime. Lime green neat fruit with a very acidic, translucent pulp. much more acidic than lemon, used in cooking for similar purposes. A fragrant essential oil is extracted from the zest and seeds. Ripe fruits always look weighty for their size.

Limetta is still a subject of controversy among breeders and citrus lovers. It is not known which fruits belong to the ancestors of citrus. Sweet or Italian lime is classified as both a lime and a lemon. It is possible that limetta originated from these fruits. The spherical pink-orange fruit is slightly flattened, pointed at the tip. The pulp is sweet, sour, pleasant in aroma. Drinks are prepared from citrus fruit, including alcoholic drinks, canned or turned into dried fruits.

A colorful citrus fruit, also called limonella, is a delicious hybrid of lime and kumquat, obtained in the early 20th century. Small, yellow-green oval fruit originated in China. The peel is edible sweet, the pulp with appetizing bitterness. Citrus makes refreshing drinks, lean dishes with an incredibly pleasant aroma.

Habitual and familiar to everyone, yellow, sour citrus is an ancient natural hybrid, originally from South Asia. There are versions that lemons are descended from lime and citron or orange and lime. In any case, these are healthy citruses - sources of vitamin C. The fruits are oval, yellow, with a narrowed top. Pulp with bones. Acidity varies by variety and growing conditions. There are many options for consuming citrus: eaten raw, preparing marinades, sauces, added to many dishes.

A beautiful, fragrant lemon got its name in honor of the Chinese city of Yichang. This is one of the rare types of citrus fruits that adorn the cities of Europe. Citrus fruit is resistant to adverse climatic conditions, decorated with yellow, light green and orange-orange fruits. Greenish beautiful foliage fits perfectly into the urban landscape. Flat fruits, similar to Kaffir lime, have a rich sour taste, so they are rarely eaten raw. In cooking, it replaces the usual lemon.

Meyer lemon (Meyer) or Chinese lemon is a hybrid of an ordinary lemon with an orange. It was discovered by Frank Meyer at the beginning of the 20th century. In China, citrus fruit is grown at home. Meyer lemon is distinguished by its large size, rich warm color and pleasant taste, appreciated by gourmets around the world.

Limandarin Rangpur

From the name it is clear that this is a hybrid of lemon and tangerine, from which it inherited its taste and appearance, respectively. First found in the city of Rangpur. The plant is used as a rootstock and decorates the urban interior with it. In cooking, it is used as a lemon, serves as an ingredient for the preparation of candied fruits and marmalade, and is added to juices for flavoring.

Otahite is a sweet rangpur discovered in Tahiti in 1813. It has a cloying taste when compared with other limandarins.

Sweet mandarin - a guest from southern China, is now grown in Asia and the Mediterranean countries. The fruit is round, slightly flattened, with a saffron-orange thin skin and sugary flesh. Depending on the variety, color and taste vary. The fruit is eaten fresh, many dishes, sauces and desserts are prepared, drinks and pastries are flavored.

Noble mandarin or royal mandarin

A citrus fruit with a noticeable, memorable appearance. It is a tangor - a hybrid of mandarin and sweet orange. Kunenbo or Cambodian mandarin came from Southwest China and Northeast India. Outwardly, it looks like an “aged” tangerine, a dark orange wrinkled, porous peel fits snugly to the slices, slightly outlining their contour. Rarely found on our shelves. The pulp is very sweet, with a lot of juice and a pleasant aroma. Noble mandarin is eaten on its own, or added to drinks and canned. The peel is used to flavor sweets and liqueurs.

Mandarin Unshio

Like many tangerines, Unshio (Inshiu, Satsuma) appeared in China, from where it spread to the countries of Southeast Asia. Citrus fruit is productive and adapts to low temperatures, therefore it is presented in European countries as an element of landscape design. Many mandarins imported to Russia belong to this variety.

The fruit is yellow-orange in color, round, slightly flattened from the top. The juicy pulp easily separates from a peel, does not contain seeds. Yingshiu is sweeter than regular tangerine, similar in use.

A hybrid of mandarin and kumquat is also called Orangequat. An attractive plant with an alluring sweet fragrance. The fruits are oval in shape, slightly elongated, similar to a kumquat enlarged at times. The sweet, edible rind ranges from orange to deep red-pink. The pulp is juicy, with a pleasant sour taste and slight bitterness. Mandarinokvat has a unique taste, which gives scope for gastronomic use. Marmalade and candied fruits are prepared from it, alcohol is flavored.

One of the representatives of the citron, which will be discussed later. It has a pleasant sweetness and less acidity. Growing in Morocco, ideal for making marmalade and candied fruit.

Delicious citrus fruit, obtained by the labors of breeders in 1931. Named after the city of the same name where it was bred. We can safely say that this is an excellent combination of tangerine and grapefruit. Rounded red-orange fruits with a slightly elongated top, reminiscent in shape. The skin is thin, but strong, easily peeled off. The pulp is sweet and sour, with a small amount of seeds. - a storehouse of folic acid, necessary for human health. Eaten fresh, squeeze the juice and add to pastries. Essential oil and peel flavor alcoholic beverages.

Citrus with a "murmuring name" is also referred to as honey. Murcott or Marcott was developed by scientists in the United States almost 100 years ago by crossing an orange with a tangerine. Today, the sweet citrus fruit has spread throughout the world and is even grown at home. The fruit is identical to the tangerine, surpassing it in sweetness and aroma. The only drawback is the excessive number of seeds, of which there are about 30. It is mainly used fresh.

Natural descendant of bitter orange and pomelo, found in the 17th century in the land of the rising sun. It looks like a large, elongated pear-shaped lemon. The crusts are light yellow, dense, easy to peel off. The filling is not juicy enough, with a persistent sour taste. Despite the strange gastronomic combination, citrus fruit can be eaten as an independent product.

Despite the name, citrus is not a grapefruit at all. Presumably, this is a descendant of pomelo and grapefruit or natural tangelo. The place of origin is also unknown.

Compared to grapefruit, the fruit is smaller and much sweeter. Thin light green-yellow skin with slight wrinkles, easily removed, exposing fragrant orange-pink flesh. Citrus makes delicious juice. The addition of citrus enriches the taste of dishes with a light, subtle bitterness.

So called the descendants of grapefruit and orange. The most popular representative is Chironha, discovered in the mountains of Puerto Rico in the fifties of the last century. The fruits are lemon-orange in color, the size of a grapefruit, slightly elongated. The pulp is very close to orange in taste. The fruit is canned, candied fruits are made from it, or the pulp is eaten with a small spoon, after cutting it in half.

The famous tangor is the result of a mixture of tangerine and orange, found in 1920 in Jamaica. Citrus fruit is also called tambor and mandora. The fruit is larger than a tangerine, with a thick orange-reddish skin. Pulp with a lot of juice and seeds, at the same time combines the taste qualities of predecessor fruits. Eaten fresh and used in cooking.

One of the memorable, unusual plants, originally from Eastern Australia. Fingerlime resembles a finger or a small thin cucumber: an oval, oblong fruit, about 10 cm. Under the thin skin of different colors (from transparent yellow to red-pink), the flesh of the corresponding shade is hidden. The shape of the contents is similar to fish eggs, has a sour taste and a persistent citrus aroma. The original is added to ready-made dishes and decorate them.

Ancient plants that scientists believe are the ancestors of many citrus fruits, including the kumquat and lime. Green fruits with thick wrinkled skin are covered with dark spots. The pulp is dense, rich in aromatic oil, therefore it is inedible. Papeda is resistant to frost, often used for citrus rootstocks with an underdeveloped root system.

A plant with a very interesting origin. Tahiti lime, as it is also called, is the result of crossing three fruits: sweet lemon, grapefruit and micro-citrus. A small rich green oval-shaped fruit with yellow-green flesh. First discovered in the United States, grown in countries with a subtropical climate. Persian lime is used to flavor confectionery and alcoholic products.

A large citrus that came from the shores of Asia and China. It is also called Pompelmus (Portuguese for "swollen lemon") and Sheddock (after the captain who brought the seeds to western India).

The fruit is large, yellow, similar to grapefruit, reaches 10 kg in weight. Under the thick fragrant and oily peel contains a dryish pulp, separated by bitter partitions. The contents are yellow, light green and red. Pompelmus is much sweeter than grapefruit. It is eaten fresh, included as an ingredient in various dishes. For example, the national cuisine of China and Thailand is not complete without this product.

So we got to the bitter orange, which is also called Bigaradia and Chinotto. This is a natural hybrid of mandarin and pomelo, inedible due to the specific sour taste. The Asian citrus fruit is mainly valued for its aromatic zest. Today it is grown in the Mediterranean, found only as a cultivated plant. In many countries, the orange has been domesticated and planted in pots, decorate houses and apartments. Round, shriveled fruits are covered with a red-orange skin. It peels off easily, releasing a pleasant lemon-orange flesh. Jam and marmalade are prepared from the fruit, drinks and pastries are flavored with zest. The ground peel is used as a spicy spice. Essential oil is used in medicine, cosmetology, and perfumery.

Citrus fruit is considered the most delicious tangerine in the world, also referred to as Suntara or Golden Citrus. Born in the mountains of India and widely distributed in countries with a suitable hot climate. In some countries it is grown as a houseplant for decoration. Orange smooth fruit with a thin skin and sugar, incredibly fragrant pulp. Eat and use like a normal tangerine.

This plant is the closest relative of the lemon, also called Trifoliata, the wild and rough-skinned lemon. Since ancient times, poncirus has grown in northern China. Frost resistant, often used as rootstock. Small yellow fruits are covered with soft fluff. Elastic, dense skin is peeled off badly. The pulp is oily, strongly bitter, therefore it is not used in cooking.

Rangeron (Tashkent lemon)

A variety of lemons bred in Tashkent, for which it is also called the Tashkent lemon. Smooth, rounded fruit has a pleasant citrus smell with a slight hint of pine needles. Inside and out, the fruit is painted in a warm, rich orange color. The skin is sweet and edible. It tastes like an orange with a delicate sourness.

In fact, these are the names of different fruits. Oroblanco was bred in the USA in 1970 by hybridizing pomelo and grapefruit. In 1984, Israeli scientists recrossed the new plant with a grapefruit and produced a fruit that was superior in sweetness, after which they named Sweety. Both citrus fruits are also referred to as pomelit.

Light yellow or greenish fruits are covered with a bitter, thick peel. The pulp of a delicate, yellow-beige color is divided into slices and framed by a bitter film. Virtually no seeds. Sweets are eaten like a grapefruit, cut in half and taking out sweet grains with a teaspoon. Like many citrus fruits, it is used to prepare unusual dishes and candied fruits. Essential oil is popular for making perfume compositions.

The fruit belongs to the bitter oranges, grows in Seville. Outwardly similar to a mandarin, slightly larger in size. It is not consumed on its own due to an unpleasant taste. It is used for the preparation of marmalade, flavoring of alcoholic products, and also as a rootstock.

Japanese citrus fruit obtained by combining paped and tangerine. Sudachi looks like a slightly rounded, green mandarin, covered with a dense peel. The pulp is comparable to a lime: light green, juicy, overly acidic. Juice is used instead of vinegar, marinades and sauces are prepared from it, drinks and desserts are flavored.

A very sour tangerine that comes from China. Small citrus fruits are flattened, packed in an orange-yellow thin skin. The pulp is very acidic, therefore it is not used in its natural form, it serves as a product for the preparation of desserts, marinades and candied fruits. The Sunkata tree is used as a rootstock.

A group of citrus fruits derived from sweet mandarin (tangerine) and orange is called Tangor. The most famous representatives - Ortanik and Murcott are described in detail in the article.

It is worth saying that "tangerine" does not apply to botanical terms and plant classification. This is a variety of very sweet tangerines grown in China and the United States. The fruit is rich orange in color, easily peeled from a thin peel. The pulp is juicy, pitted. Eat and use like a normal tangerine.

Citrus fruits, which appeared from tangerine (sweet tangerine) and grapefruit, are called Tangelo. The first plant was obtained in 1897 in the states. One of the brightest representatives is Mineola. Most Tangelos do not grow naturally and require hand pollination. All fruits are large in size and have a sweet taste.

Descendant of orange and mandarin, bred on the island of Taiwan. It is considered the most delicious oriental citrus. Tankan differs from mandarin in bright red color. The skin is thin and easy to peel off. The pulp is slightly sugary, juicy, smells delicious. Citrus fruit is used in Japanese cuisine.

Thomasville (Citranzhquat)

The name itself indicates the ancestors of the plant. Obviously, this is a descendant of kumquat and citrange. The first fruits were obtained in 1923, in the US city of the same name. The citrus fruit looks like a small, pear-shaped lemon with a thin skin. It can be used in different ways, depending on the degree of maturity. Ripe fruits, similar in taste to lime, are used in a similar way. Replace lemon with green citranium.

African cherry oranges are also called Citropsis, Frocitrus. The plant lives in Africa. Small orange fruits resemble tangerines, they smell very tasty. The pulp hides from 1 to 3 large seeds. Citrus fruit is consumed like mandarin, used in folk medicine in Africa. Also, this plant is considered the strongest aphrodisiac.

The result of the hybridization of lemon and tangerine, the appearance and taste of which confuses many people. The fruit looks like an orange lemon, and tastes like a sweet and sour tangerine. Like both parents, it is used in cooking.

Another interesting citrus fruit derived from sweet orange and poncirus. Citrange is similar to citrandarine, slightly larger, with a smooth surface. The taste is not the most pleasant, so the fruit is not eaten fresh. It serves as a raw material for the preparation of jam and marmalade.

One of the oldest citrus fruits with the largest fruits and thickest skin. Cedrat, as it is called, was the first citrus brought to Europe.

The citrus fruit looks like a large, elongated lemon with a characteristic soft color. The peel reaches 2-5 cm, occupies about half of the volume. The pulp is sour, cloying or slightly bitter can be felt. Fresh fruit is usually not eaten. The filling is suitable for making jam, and the massive shell goes for candied fruits. An essential oil is also obtained from citron, which is used in many industries.

The original and memorable citron "Buddha's fingers". Due to an unknown anomaly, the fruit sprouts do not fuse together, forming a fruit that looks like a human hand. Fruits of yellow-beige color contain many seeds and a minimum of pulp. The fruit smells very good. Candied fruits, marmalade and jam are prepared from the zest, grind it and add it as a seasoning to the main dishes.

Japanese citrus with a very interesting taste, the result of crossing tangerine and grapefruit. Large lemon-colored fruits with a very thick skin. The pulp is sour, does not have sweetness, but on the contrary, it is slightly bitter due to partitions. The fruit is eaten fresh, like grapefruit.

Citrus halimii

Citrus halimii (Mountain Citron) is a very little known fruit from Southeast Asia. It grows in the Malaysian peninsula and the adjacent peninsula of Thailand and some isolated Indonesian islands. It contains sour fruits. In Thailand, it grows in the rain forests of the southern regions between altitudes of 900 to 1800 m. In fact, this fruit was identified by botanists not so long ago. It was described for the first time in 1973.

List of green fruits you can find anywhere. Some fruits are well known, and some are known only in places of rest, in resorts. Others are generally not known to ordinary people. But these fruits have one thing in common - they are all green.

Of course, some fruits may have a different color, for example, yellow, orange, red, etc., but this already depends on the variety and type of fruit and the ripening time.

This is a fruit that looks more like a vegetable than a fruit. Avocado pulp is very rich in vitamins. You can find out more about him.

Annona scaly, sugar apple

The fruits are 5-10 centimeters in diameter. The skin is covered with scales. The pulp has a sweet taste. The seeds are poisonous.

This fruit has very soft flesh. She is edible. Various products are made from the fruit. The seeds are poisonous. Widespread in the tropics.

A pineapple


Everyone knows this fruit. You can find out more about him.


Everyone knows this fruit. You can find out more about him.

The pulp of the white sap is juicy, with a sour taste. The fruits are like an apple. They are eaten raw. Grows in the subtropics.


Delicious berries that are well known in post-Soviet countries.

Voavanga berries are small in size 5x4.5 centimeters. Ripe woavanga has a sweet and sour taste. Voavanga is grown in warm countries, mainly in tropical Africa.

Guava fruits are eaten raw. They also make various products. Guava berries range in size from 4 to 12 centimeters. Today, guava is grown in the subtropics and subtropics. There are many different varieties that differ in many ways.

This fruit has huge fruits. It can reach a weight of up to 25 kilograms. The taste of jackfruit is peculiar with a fresh-sweet taste. A sweet smell emanates from it.

Durian is an unforgettable fruit or "King among fruits". You can read a detailed article about durian.

Cainito, star apple

Cainito berries reach sizes up to 10 centimeters. Cainito grows in warm countries. It mainly grows in Central and South America. The pulp is eaten with a spoon. The bark is inedible.

Carambola fruit in cross section resembles a star, and this is what it is mostly remembered for. Carambola should be eaten with caution, because there are contraindications to certain types of diseases.

Coconut palm

Everyone knows what a coconut is. Fresh coconut is green. A variety of food products are made from coconut. Juice is drunk from an unripe coconut by making a hole in the coconut. Not only the drupe of the palm is used, but all parts. So, for example, wine, vodka, vinegar, syrup and sugar are made from palm sap. Coconut grows in the tropics around the world.

Corilla, cyclantera

It is a climbing tree up to 5 meters long. Berries are up to 23x7 centimeters in size. The pulp is juicy with a pleasant taste similar to cucumber. It grows in the tropics on the mountains and subtropics.


Lucuma is a tree up to 15 meters high. Turkish delight berries like tomatoes, 10 centimeters in diameter. The flesh is not very juicy, but it tastes sweet. The collected ripe fruits are kept for several days and then only they are eaten. Grows in South and Central America.

Mango is one of the most delicious fruits. Each variety has its own unique taste. You can read more about it.

passion fruit

Passion fruit is mostly brown in color, but it also has greenish varieties. It grows throughout the world in the tropics and subtropics. You can read more.

Momordica, bitter cucumber

Momordica is a climbing plant. Cucumber-like fruits are harvested in their unripe green form. When the fruit ripens, it becomes bright yellow or orange. It is more of a vegetable than a fruit. The fruits are bitter, they are first processed and only then cooked. The sap of the plant is poisonous in its raw form. This fruit grows in Russia, follow the link and find out where. Grows throughout the world with warm climates.

This is a small tree up to 6 meters. Fruits up to 15 centimeters in size. Unripe fruits are eaten raw, they do not taste very good. Grows in the tropical zone.

Papeda is a tree up to 12 meters high. Papeda fruits are 7 centimeters in diameter. The flesh of the fruit has a sour or bitter taste. It looks like a lime. Grown in South and Southeast Asia.

A pomelo tree up to 15 meters high. The fruits can be up to 50 centimeters in diameter. The fruits do not taste bitter, even pleasant. Grows in the tropics and subtropics.

This tree is up to 20 meters high. The fruits are 15 centimeters in diameter, they are very tasty. This fruit is considered one of the best tropical fruits. Grows in Central and South America.

The plant reaches a height of 3-8 meters. The fruit reaches sizes up to 25x5 centimeters. The pulp has the taste of peas. Grows in Central America.

Closely related to chayote. The fruits are not large. It tastes like cucumber. Cooked like vegetables.

pumpkin tree, tree calabash

The tree reaches a height of 10 meters. The fruits are round, up to 40 centimeters in size. The pulp of young fruits is marinated in vinegar. The seeds are roasted and eaten. Fresh fruits can not be eaten, they are poisoned. Grows in Central America. Earlier, dishes were made from the shell, but now plastic has replaced it.

Philippine rose apple

The tree reaches a height of 40 meters. The fruits are 6 cm in diameter. The fruits are eaten raw and cooked. It grows in the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

The fruit of this plant is similar to the durian. The fruits are delicious and are considered a staple food in the tropics. Grows in the tropics.

Chayote, Mexican cucumber

Chayote is a climbing plant up to 20 meters. Berries reach a length of 7 to 20 centimeters. The flesh is like a cucumber. It is used throughout the world as a vegetable, in tropical and subtropical areas.

Cherimoya, Annona cherimola

Distributed throughout the mountainous regions of the tropics, in subtropical and Mediterranean climates. This fruit has a delicious taste. It is eaten cut into two parts and the inner pulp is eaten with a spoon. The seeds are poisonous. Cherimoya is used to make various dishes and products.

Black sapote or black persimmon

Tree up to 25 meters high. The berry is similar to a tomato, 10x13 centimeters in size. It has a mild sweet nutty taste. Grows in tropical countries.

Not just a fruit with the first letter of the alphabet, but a fruit in general that served as an incentive for the creation of this page (later it turned out that it was a vegetable). It can be fully classified as exotic, since it is not found on ordinary street stalls, only in supermarkets, and I have not heard that it was known to many (by taste). In Vladimir, it costs about 140+ rubles / kg (according to data at the beginning of May 2006), in particular, the copy shown on the left cost me 32 rubles. This specimen, as you can see, looks like an ordinary domestic pear, dark green and pimply. In fact, in connection with this, I had the idea that they eat it in the same way as a pear. I was stopped in time in this impulse by a knowledgeable person, saying that his skin is not eaten, and recommending that he be cut first. Which I did, finding inside a light green, as if immature pulp and just a huge bone (or rather, a bone), which immediately did not fail to slip out (being wet). Well, then the process of cutting out pieces of pulp and absorbing them began ... To be honest, it didn’t last much for me ... Taste - no. Not sour, not sweet, none. Just like eating something neutral plant-based. It reminded me of something, but I couldn't remember exactly what. In general, since I expected something indescribably tasty, I was very disappointed. People, don't buy avocados! (Or do I not understand why it is needed?) And read this page sometimes - so as not to waste money in vain.

Overall rating: 2 / 5.

Quince (quince)

I remember that for the first time I tried this fruit as a child, when we lived in Central Asian Kyrgyzstan, but since then I have managed to forget its taste. Now I am publishing “on fresh tracks”, having just updated my taste memories.

This particular fruit (pictured in the photo) was personally plucked by my relatives in one of the gardens in Moldova, so I have no idea how much quince costs in general on the market.

The appearance of quince most of all resembles an apple, only the skin is a little hairy in places (and the leaves are generally like velvet on one side). After washing, the “hairiness” of the fetus is either washed off, or felt less.

In terms of taste, quince reminded me most of all of the same apple, only very dry, dehydrated, and a little astringent. Although there is one taste paradox here: initially astringent dryness when chewing is replaced by noticeable juiciness. And this juiciness, together with a pleasant sourness, is refreshing.

Overall rating: 4 / 5.

Pineapple (pineapple)

Pomegranate (pomegranate)

Pomegranate can be called an exotic fruit very conditionally - it also grows in our country, in the south. They sell mainly Azerbaijani ones and only in winter (apparently, pomegranates ripen there only by winter). It is known that caring for a pomegranate tree is not easy, in particular, by the time of ripening, the tip of each (!) Fruit must be covered with clay in order to prevent the penetration of some type of harmful insects into it, which is what specially hired workers do. By the way, in the same place, in the south, it is more often used as a seasoning for dishes - added to pilaf, sauces, etc. in the form of juice, which was always available in Soviet cafeterias. Today (January 2007) this rather large, very juicy, dark red fruit costs about 90 rubles/kg in Vladimir. After peeling the thin peel (the easiest way to do this is by cutting it in several places and breaking the fruit), they eat small berries with seeds. The taste of a pomegranate varies from very sour (an unripe fruit practically does not differ in appearance from a ripe one) to very sweet. The pomegranate does not have a special aroma, but the taste is special - perhaps incomparable to anything. You can eat it for quite a long time, picking out one grain at a time, which is also interesting and peculiar. In general, in winter it is a good alternative to citrus and. Moreover, due to its composition, pomegranate is considered very useful for anemia (it seems that it increases the hemoglobin content in the blood) and as a general tonic for colds (thanks to vitamin C).

Overall rating: 4 / 5.

Grapefruit (grapefruit)

Another “citrus comrade”, which primarily stands out for its strange name: “grape” in English means “grapes”, and “fruit” means “fruit”, but how grapefruit resembles grapes is completely unclear. Only one thing is clear: that this fairly large citrus (about 10-15 cm in diameter) of various external colors (sometimes green, yellow, orange, red) and internal colors (white, yellow, red) is not so common (on our tables) , as, for example, or , but follows in terms of prevalence right behind them, while clearly standing out from the general series by the presence of “bitterness” in its taste. Actually, it was precisely thanks to this bitter (but moderately pleasant) taste that he formed the basis of a drink called tonic (note that it is not at all necessary to associate and mix it with alcoholic gin ;-) - you can drink it just like lemonade). In the “whole fruit” form, the absorption of even one fruit by one person can be difficult: firstly, the fruit itself is large (the last time we ate one for two), and secondly, it is not so easy to peel - a thick peel and inedible interlobular partitions clearly distinguish it from the previously listed citrus counterparts, and thirdly, “bitterness” in large volumes may seem bitter to someone. The approximate price in Vladimir in the slushy winter of 2007 is about 60 rubles / kg (the weight of one fruit may well reach up to 1 kg).

Overall rating: 5 / 5.

Guava (guava)

The appearance of the fruit initially led my wife to the assumption that it was some kind of representative of the citrus family - the pimply green peel most of all resembled. But for some reason it seemed to me that it should not be citrus, but some other fruit ... I turned out to be right, but it would be better if I was wrong - then the overall rating of this fruit could be higher. Inside, it turned out that the green skin is thin, followed by a fleshy white pulp, and in the core - a jelly-like mass with a bunch of small bones. At first, with a photographed teaspoon, we tried to eat this particular core, but, firstly, it turned out to be almost tasteless, and secondly, due to the large number of hard-to-separate and very hard bones, the process of eating was not very pleasant. With grief in half having coped with the core, we proceeded to the rest. Timidly, slowly, but we came to the conclusion that the fleshy pulp can be eaten with the skin, and all this together tastes almost the same as an ordinary domestic pear (which is green and hard). Is it worth 700 rubles/kg (in one of Vladimir's supermarkets in December 2007)?..

Overall rating: 3 / 5.

Durian (durian)

The only fruit that I tried not directly, but indirectly, namely: the fruit itself, presented in the first two photographs, was captured, bought and tasted in Thailand by my relatives, and they brought me to Vladimir only impressions of it, sweets from it (two top in the third photo) and his puree (large "candy" at the bottom in the third photo). Due to the specific unpleasant smell, it was impossible to bring the fruit itself, moreover, even in Thailand it is forbidden to bring it to the hotel after buying it (but my relatives did it anyway). :-) Now we will debunk the myth that durian is the "king of fruits", or, as the locals say, "the smell of durian causes visions of hell, and the taste - heavenly delights" ...

First - the impressions of my relatives from fresh fruit bought in the place of growth (I specify this for commentators who reproached me for the substandard tasting fruit), I quote literally:

They photographed durian, bought peeled, brought ... Stink !!! Rotten onions, rotten garbage, the smell of a large coverage, that is, the whole room stinks instantly. Taste as well as smell, [to put it mildly] Not good. Soft, almost creamy flesh, like a core in the middle. Sweet, almost without sourness - in short, I took it in my mouth, I could not swallow it. I wrapped it in 3 bags, took it out into the trash. The "King of Fruits" turned out to be inedible for me. 30 minutes have passed, and everything smells of the "king" ... I tried durian candy - the result is the same.

Well, now my own impressions of the same brought sweets and mashed durian pulp: rare muck! :-O Being warned about the smell, I went outside to taste it, but even the fresh wind could not carry away the unpleasant smell ... which did not remind me of either rotten onions or garbage, rather, some kind of technical smell, but hefty unpleasant. For some reason, I didn’t succeed in trying the taste without smell, that is, plugging my nose, and therefore there was a feeling that I should eat some kind of oily rags ... brrr! .. :-O The first candy was still tolerable (maybe because that it was, judging by the inscription on it, “milk candy”), although he could not finish it either; the second, close to mashed potatoes - disgusting, which he immediately spat out; the third, puree, was the worst of all - even a small dose almost caused me to gag. :O

In short, we saw such a “king of fruits” ... :-O Let the locals enjoy it “heavenly”, and in my collection of exotic fruits, he became the first to receive 1 point out of 5 possible and the title of the most disgusting fruit among the tried exotic fruit-vegetables (currently out of 46)! Even the one cursed by me is just a darling compared to this ... spirit! .. :-O

Overall rating: 1 / 5.

Ziziphus (ziziphus)

This for once, a new fruit in my collection (it has not been replenished for a long time) was brought from India by relatives. Accordingly, there it is more called "", although in the world it is also known as "jujube", "(Chinese)", "" and "". Of the incomprehensible words in this list ("jujube", "jujuba" and "unabi"), I like the funny "jujube" the most :-), and of the understandable words, nothing fits - "plum" and "date" is only because the only large bone inside.

In fact, jujube externally most similar to a small apple. Like apples, jujubes come in different colors, which do not necessarily indicate their maturity: green, yellow, red - we were brought green. I was warned in advance about the presence of a large bone inside (although this is not quite according to the rules of this collection), therefore, in order not to break my teeth about this “unexpected surprise” in the middle of the “apple”, I immediately cut the fruit in half (more precisely, I cut it in a circle and tore it apart with his hands so that a whole bone remained in one half), removed the bone (assuming it was inedible) and ate halves from pure pulp. The taste is a little like an apple (except for crispy freshness and sourness), but it does not look like a plum and a date even more so. Most of all, the taste of jujube seemed to me similar to (which is also not really an apple), (which is also called "" - a coincidence? . Although, for some reason, the youngest son liked it - he ate several fruits, although he is very conservative in food, and most often treats exotic fruits and vegetables with hostility. :-)

Overall rating: 4 / 5.

Figs (fig)

Also known as a fig (fig) - the fruit of a fig (and not a fig :-) tree - the very one whose leaves covered the shameful places of Adam and Eve, who knew shame after they ate from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil ... Since then, the fig has been nothing special and did not become famous, except perhaps for the phenomenon of the homonym of the Russian language, another meaning of which is a synonym for "duli". :-) As a fruit, for some reason, it is more common in dried form, but in this, fresh form, I first tried it during a vacation in Adler-Sochi in July 2007 (therefore, contrary to usual, photographed without a teaspoon). There, he, it seems, matures naturally, and costs nothing, 10 rubles / pc. A pear-shaped fruit about 5-6 cm long, lilac skin with a glossy sheen, and inside - such a fleshy pulp with a bunch of small seeds (a la caraway seeds), which didn’t impress me very much ... Sweetish and that’s it, nothing special. For some reason, in connection with this, it is remembered, but here the pulp is not astringent.

Overall rating: 3 / 5.

Cantelupe (cantaloupe)

This unusual melon was bought for me by my wife, who knows about my "exotic-fruit" hobby. But it is unusual only at first glance - this is when you don’t immediately guess that this “minke whale” is generally a melon (although it was honestly written on the price tag: “melon, cantelupe”). And so her closest “relative” is a small round yellow melon of the “kolkhoz woman” variety, which is very common in our country. Only this one inside is bright orange, and a little sweeter, otherwise everything is the same. Well, except that I forgot about a much more expensive price - 135 rubles / kg in July 2007 in Vladimir.

Overall rating: 4 / 5.

Carambola (carambola)

Tasting No. 1

Time: March 2007.

Where to buy fruit: Russia, city of Vladimir.

For some reason, when buying this fruit of the sour family (I already learned this after the fact), also known as "" (starfruit), I was afraid that it would turn out not to be a fruit at all, but some kind of vegetable (as I once made a mistake with) - He looked very unusual. And in the same way, it was completely incomprehensible how to eat it (in particular, is it possible to eat the peel). In the end, it was carefully cut along the borders of the slices, and the tasting began first with the pulp (although later it turned out that the peel can also be eaten - like an apple). The flesh turned out to be quite strong, crispy, but at the same time Very juicy - for some reason I immediately remembered the sour leaves that we collected and ate when we lived in Kyrgyzstan. The taste is also very similar to sour - a sort of refreshing mixture of sour and sweet, quite pleasant. However, it is unlikely to be suitable as a “thirst quencher”, since it is not cheap - 49 rubles / piece. (in March 2007 in Vladimir). Be that as it may, I can safely call it one of the most delicious truly exotic (new to me) fruits.

Overall score: 4 / 5.

Tasting No. 2

Time: September 2015.

Where to buy fruit: Thailand, Phuket island.

So far, the only case when repeated tasting of the “correct” fruit, that is, quickly brought straight from the places of growth (in this case, Thailand), did not improve its overall perception in any way - I gave it the same rating. Taste sensations are also the same: very juicy, very fresh, but almost tasteless ("grass", as the wife noted); At the same time, I noticed that if you still eat it without upper dense skin, the taste becomes a little more saturated and pleasant. But what the repeated tasting definitely improved was the photos of the fruit - I replaced them with new ones, in which the fruit looks more “presentable” and fresher.

Overall score: not changed, 4/5.


Recently, chestnuts were suddenly discovered in Magnit near the house at 160 rubles per kilogram. I had only seen them before in Moscow in a fried form (and each time something prevented me from buying), and those that grow here, alas, are inedible.

I put it in a frying pan, fried it until each side darkened (about 15 minutes), some of the chestnuts burst in the process. When opening, the top thin hard shell was first removed, then another layer pressed against the core itself (it was quite easy to break with hands - again, unlike the hard shells of those that grow with us). As a result, a small wrinkled core remains, very soft, a small void is found on the break inside, apparently, the core consists of two halves (but does not easily separate).

Taste like sweet potatoes! But not like frozen, but a more pleasant, whole taste. Nothing like that, but again, it only makes sense if these chestnuts grow right under the window, went out, scored and roasted.

Overall rating: 3 / 5.


This miracle-not-that-fruit-not-that-vegetable was given to me by my wife, who knew that I had not replenished this collection of mine for a long time. :-) It was sold in one of the Vladimir hypermarkets called “kivano”, and now Wikipedia told me that it is also called “horned melon” (I agree, with its oval shape it looks a bit like a “torpedo” melon, but small; to taste, however, nothing to do with melon - more on that below) or "African cucumber" (but this is closer in shape, size, and even taste), and that it is still a vegetable.

The peel is hard and, apparently, inedible (the wife honestly tried to bite her - it is bitter). Inside there is a sweetish, as it were, jelly with large seeds that can either be swallowed or spit out, sucking the jelly from them. In total, the taste is most reminiscent of an ordinary domestic cucumber, only which is large, overripe and watery, with large seeds. Well, something else reminded me of Turkish.

Overall rating: 2 / 5.

Kiwi (kiwi)

These are not the hairy eggs that the Australian bird of the same name lays, and not even the hairy radioactive gooseberry, as you might think. :-D Although this fruit is somewhat similar in taste to gooseberries, but in terms of its internal structure, in terms of the type of pulp, it is more similar to. For some reason, kiwi is found on domestic holiday tables less often, although it is freely available for sale (in Vladimir at a price of about 70 rubles / kg or, if by the piece, 7 rubles / piece) and I personally consider it quite tasty (although sometimes it is too sour - apparently contains a lot of vitamin C). Perhaps its not very popular is due to the fact that without a knife it is not so easy to peel it (no one seems to eat the hairy skin), and after cleaning it is not always easy to take the slippery pulp with your hands - it turns out that kiwi is best served on the table for guests already peeled, cut into slices (artificial, because kiwi has no “natural” slices) and with forks. :-) Yes, and I also recently began to notice cakes, the components of which (mainly for the top decoration) include kiwi, the green pieces of which delight the green-loving human eye. :-)

P. S. Much later, in 2017, my sister taught me how to eat kiwi in the most convenient way: the fruit is cut into halves, the half is taken in one hand, with a green cut up, and a teaspoon is taken in the other hand, with which you need to scoop out the pulp from the peel in the same way as eat a boiled egg. :-) True, this is really convenient for ripe fruits with soft pulp.

Overall rating: 5 / 5.


I've been dreaming of trying coconut since the first time I saw an advertisement for the "Bounty" candy bar (that's the power of TV zombies!). I managed to try dry coconut flakes quickly - in the same chocolate bars with the mentioned name, on some pastries, cakes and other confectionery products - they ceased to be a rarity and in general I liked them. But I always wanted to try the “live” coconut. By that time, I already knew that they don’t grow on palm trees, but coconuts, both in advertising and in life, really grow on palm trees. Only one advertising stereotype deceived me very much :-) - when falling to the ground, the coconut does not split exactly into halves, and it does not have a “thread” to gently “fold” it with your hands and turn it into two halves in the same way. :-) In general, we had to fiddle with a “usual” kitchen hacksaw :-O, and the process was extremely “low-tech”: three adults held a coconut fidgeting along the bottom of a deep bowl (we were afraid that the precious coconut would spill milk :-), and one of them sawed with zeal; at the same time, the hairy husk of this giant nut (about 10 cm in diameter) climbed into the gap formed and mixed with milk; then the edges of the bowl began to make it very difficult for us to saw further ... well, etc. In general, it was terrible - our inexperience clearly affected (surely someone knows how to open a coconut “by the mind”). Be that as it may, as a result we got two halves and several puddles of precious moisture ... brown in color (due to dust and husk mixed in the process of sawing) and, moreover, not very pleasant in taste. The white flesh hidden under the 5mm shell of the nut, for some reason, also turned out to be not very similar to advertising - it was too hard to just scrape with a spoon. However, with a fork and/or knife, it could be chopped off and eaten - it tasted almost like a regular hazelnut, only with a faint aftertaste of ... coconut flakes! :-) At a price of about 25 rubles / piece. (in the winter of 2006 in Vladimir) it seems like a good savings for those who want to nibble on hazelnuts. :-)

Overall rating: 3 / 5.

Kudret nari (kudret nari)

I thought it was a fruit, but it turned out to be a vegetable (which is why I had to expand the title of this page). Be that as it may, at one time it was sold to us in Turkey (in August 2004) rather as a fruit that looked very unusual for staring tourists. So unusual (orange pimply cucumber) that I, deciding that I would never see such a miracle again, decided to pay 2 dollars for it (then it was about 54 rubles). In Turkish it is called “kudret nari”, and they tried to translate it into Russian as “pomegranate apple” (although for some reason it still seems to me that something else is called that). Fortunately, we were immediately explained how to eat it, and that the outer shell is not used (although if you look closely at the edge in the second picture, it is slightly bitten off - I tasted it and found that it was bitter and tasteless). The opened fruit looks even more vivid and unusual - inside there are small red berries with seeds (it is they that resemble pomegranate seeds). These berries are sweet and slightly tart in taste, and most of all they resemble ... ordinary domestic green peas. So my taste sensations did not match the anticipation created by the appearance of this miracle vegetable, and next time I would not buy it for anything.

Overall rating: 2 / 5.

Kumquat (kumquat)

A fruit of the citrus family, the closest "relative" (I would even say, "younger brother"), both in its "physiology" and in taste. The oblong fruits are very small (from 2 to 4 cm) - apparently due to the fact that they are called Japanese oranges, and in Japan everything is miniature. But the price of these babies is not at all small - 300 rubles / kg (according to the data at the beginning of the summer of 2006), despite the fact that ordinary oranges cost about 30-40 rubles / kg (that is, kumquats are almost 10 (!) times more expensive). I'm not sure, oh, how I'm not sure that exotic sizes should be so many times more expensive, but the taste of kumquat is, well, the same orange, maybe a little more sour. Although he has one more small feature - the thin peel is edible and quite pleasant to the taste, moreover, it somewhat compensates for the acidity of the pulp. Just do not forget to wash these fruits before eating with the peel! ;-) Well, you should not forget about the fact that even in such babies sometimes there are quite ordinary orange seeds-seeds. In general, a fruit for lovers of exotic sizes, and even then try it once.

Overall rating: 5 / 5.

Lime (lime)

Stanislav: the fruit was brought from Thailand by a colleague Sergey, so they also tasted it at work, with the whole micro-collective. They didn’t eat the peel, since Sergey suggested that they don’t eat it, but simply pry it off with a fingernail or knife, after which it is easily removed (it is quite thin and relatively soft). Inside - something like a grape, some specimens with a slight taste of fermentation. Even deeper, inside the “grape” itself, there is a hard and also inedible bone. In general, the lychee is really the closest "relative", judging by the device and taste.

Colleague Sergey I didn’t immediately remember the name of this fruit, but with the help of the Internet and pictures, I nevertheless figured it out - this is longan, also known as lam-yai or “dragon’s eye”. Well, a little later, I remembered what else this fruit reminded me of besides lychee - a strange fruit, tested 8 months before by SPQR.

Stanislav: a copy brought in April 2016 by relatives already from India (the third fruit that opens the replenishment of the collection from there), more precisely, several berries on the branches, was very fond of the eldest son, and my impressions of this fruit improved by 1 point.

Overall rating: 4 / 5.

Longcon (longkong)

Before writing these lines, I mistakenly believed that lonkon (aka longkong) is just another name, a synonym for the previously described Thai fruit. But my relatives brought it to me from Thailand (nicknamed “potato” for its external similarity), and we were able to make sure that it was, if related, but still a different fruit. Yes, outwardly it looks the same as longan, yes, it is just as easy to clean (thin soft skin), but inside there is not one big “grape” - “eye” with a brown bone - “pupil” inside, but 4 slices like garlic cloves boiled to a transparent state, one of which may contain a light stone. The taste is also close to longan, but due to either the absence of an inconvenient and inedible bone, or the fact that it was a “correct” fruit, that is, quickly brought straight from the places of growth, I liked longan (g) con (g) more. There were even taste associations with sweet, that is, as if its "seeds" were increased to the size of garlic cloves. (All associations with garlic are only in form, not in taste!)

Overall rating: 5 / 5.

Mandarin (mandarin)

Only here it is not necessary to say that this is not an exotic fruit! Although we see it in Russia and eat it no less than, nevertheless, for our climatic conditions it is still an exotic fruit. When our country was still called the USSR, and it included hospitable and warm Georgia, we ate their (well, or Abkhazian) tangerines with pleasure. Now, when these southern brothers of ours preferred to communicate with another, “most democratic” power, problems arose with tangerines, which is a pity ... We, for example, only Moroccan and Turkish tangerines remained on the shelves, and the former, in my opinion, are easier peeled (less hard), much tastier (sweeter) and almost pitted. The copy shown on the right is just a typical Moroccan mandarin, at a price of 52 rubles / kg (at the beginning of May 2006). And for the first time I "met" with tangerines in childhood, in the Far East, and then it was either Chinese or Vietnamese fruits, in any case - delicious. In general, any tangerine is a “younger brother”, which is usually smaller in “growth” and sweeter in taste. Like any other citrus fruit, it has a high content of vitamin C, so when eaten in the morning, it maintains tone throughout the day. My personal experience also says: peeled tangerines, mashed about halfway with honey and eaten right there, are great for removing colds from the body. And, of course, it is impossible not to mention that mandarin is a traditional dessert on our holidays, from birthdays to New Year's.

Overall rating: 5 / 5.


Another pear-shaped fruit, but "prone to fullness" (to spherical). A specimen bought from a Russian supermarket (presumably unripe) was very hard, with smooth green-red skin, and smelled oddly of pine needles; the sample bought and brought from Egypt was much softer, greener and almost did not smell of needles. An attempt to cut the mango in half was unsuccessful - I stumbled upon a large hard bone in the middle, somewhat similar to a peach bone, only the pulp could not be separated from it, I had to cut it in layers (in general, eating a mango without a knife is problematic). Inside it is a rich yellow color, while the "local" sample was hard, and the Egyptian one was soft and juicy, both fibrous (Egyptian - almost imperceptibly), but juicy at the same time. It already smells less of needles inside and in general it starts to resemble something, not that carrot (especially the yellow Uzbek one; although the juicy and soft Egyptian mango almost did not resemble carrots), either by smell, or by taste, or simply by tactile bite sensations. I did not find a direct taste analogue, but I came to the unequivocal conclusion that of the last three fruits and vegetables I tried (,, mango), this one is the most delicious, although not as delicious as the same pineapple. Mango is also cheaper than avocado and papaya, about 100 rubles / kg (in May 2006 in central Russia), but still its price / taste ratio does not allow it to become quite popular with us.

Overall rating: 5 / 5.


Tasting No. 1

Time: December 2007.

Where to buy fruit: Russia, city of Vladimir.

Due to the fact that this time we were in such a hurry to try this exotic fruit that I forgot to put a teaspoon next to it when photographing (so that you can estimate the size), I will have to describe the appearance and dimensions verbally: this is such a “petrified apple” (hard shell, like a nut) with a diameter of about 4 cm. As we immediately guessed, neither the leaves nor the shell need to be eaten :-), so we just cut it in half and saw ... maggots!:-O Yes, yes, such nasty white worms, slugs, from the mere sight of which it’s already sick ... We didn’t even immediately understand whether they were alive or not (you never know, the “worms” climbed the “apple” to eat) ... :-O and try This we did not venture right away ... But nevertheless, we decided and found that “the devil is not so terrible as he is painted” - this white, cloudy pulp turned out to taste almost exactly the same as that of the “ordinary”, that is, “grape-shaped”, with the only remark that, due to a certain fibrous structure, it was difficult to eat it to the end. Price - 400 rubles / kg (in one of Vladimir's supermarkets in early December 2007).

Overall score: 3 / 5.

Tasting No. 2

Time: September 2015.

Where to buy fruit: Thailand, Phuket island.

The “correct” fruit, that is, quickly brought straight from the place of growth (in this case, Thailand), improves photographs, visual and taste impressions (in this case, by as much as 1 point, to a “good” rating). :-) And there are no “maggots” there, but easily extractable white cloves, similar to boiled garlic cloves, but with the taste of sweet and sour grapes. :-)

Overall score: increased, up to 4/5.

Passion fruit (maracuya)

Tasting No. 1

Time: May 2008.

Where to buy fruit: Russia, city of Vladimir.

I've been looking for this exotic fruit (also known as "passiflora"/"passiflora" or "passion fruit") for a long time, being the last one on my "must try" list (of those whose names are heard). And for a long time I could not find it in our city of Vladimir, perhaps due to the fact that I had little idea of ​​how it should look like. And finally, my friend Nikolai (who is now a co-author-naturalist) quite by chance came to visit me and brought him as a gift, and not one, but three whole fruits (despite the high cost - 400+ rubles / kg in May - 2008)! :-) It was thanks to this that I found out that outwardly passion fruit is most similar to (maybe that's why I didn’t notice it, mistakenly believing that I had already tried it), and inside it’s closest to ... Although this time the inner flesh is the color of “childish surprise » with stones did not resemble red currants - except perhaps only for its sourness. On the whole, we were not able to find a similar taste in our taste memory (the taste of passion fruit juices is not considered), although this one in itself turned out to be not very memorable. As Nikolai rightly summed up, "the product is of little value." :-)

Overall score: 3 / 5.

Tasting No. 2

Time: April 2016.

Where to buy fruit: India, Goa.

The second fruit that opens the replenishment of the collection straight from India. And again, an example of the correctness of my critics, when a specimen promptly brought from the places of growth, in terms of its taste sensations, turns out to be better than a “Russian” specimen of an unknown condition. Pleasant, refreshing taste of sweet and sour pulp - "mucus", enveloping the bones, which do not need to be separated and spit out - they are easily eaten without spoiling the taste, but unusually crunching.

Overall score: increased, up to 4/5.

Medlar (loquat)

While in Rome, Nikolai and his wife went to a grocery store, where, in addition to the stalls with ordinary (and surprisingly cheap) fruits, Nikolai found a box with, as he first thought, apricots, but then he saw that it was not at all. It was not possible to identify on the move, so I took heels for testing. It was written on the label that it was “Nespole” (I don’t remember the price, but it’s inexpensive).

Before eating, first cut. Inside, two slippery bones were found tightly pressed against each other, easily separated from the rest of the mass. It is also easy, in three or four movements, the outer skin is removed, although you can eat it right in it, it is not much tougher than the same apricot. The taste, rather, can be compared with a peach - pleasantly sweet and sour. We ate it with pleasure, but didn’t buy it with us - the next morning, brownish spots from bruises appeared on the left pair of fruits, and we quickly finished them.

Overall rating: 5 / 5.

Papaya (papaya)

Outwardly, it looks like, and, therefore, like an ordinary domestic pear. But inside everything is completely unexpected - the reddish pulp is more like a watermelon, and in combination with black beads of oily seeds, it generally looks like ... black caviar in red fish. All this did not cause me an appetite, but I decided to take a chance. Intuitively guessing that neither the skin nor the bone can be absorbed, I immediately proceeded to the pulp. The taste sensations are strange, it is difficult to compare with something; something similar to (although someone draws analogies with pumpkin, quince and even peach), but does not knit. In any case, it is somewhat tastier than avocado, but it did not cause me much enthusiasm. And even more so, it is not clear to whom and why it is needed for such a price (200+ rubles in May 2006). Once again I come to the conclusion that "exotic" is not synonymous with "surprisingly delicious" ...

Overall rating: 2 / 5.

Pepino (pepino)

This exotic fruit was unexpectedly bought for me by my wife Julia. It cost "crazy" money - as much as 114 rubles / piece. (copy in the photo) at the beginning of June 2007 in Vladimir (although I don’t think that the price for it changes much during the year), and who knows how much a kilogram costs ... In appearance - a smooth-skinned yellow pear, therefore, inside we they assumed something like that ... And suddenly there was ... a melon inside! fringe of bones), and the skin is somewhat similar (thin, easily separated). They ate it with a clear effort - the fruit did not cause taste delight, although it turned out to be not as disgusting as it was. Nevertheless, we assumed that perhaps we underestimated it because it may not be a fruit, but a vegetable, but then this question was specifically clarified - no, it is a fruit, and very popular among the inhabitants of South America. And what did they find in it?

Overall rating: 3 / 5.

P.S. A couple of copies of the same were brought to me by relatives in 2013 from Cyprus, unripe, along with instructions in English to what extent they should ripen (to a yellowish color and a noticeable smell). When they were ripe, we tried them again and felt exactly the same thing as five and a half years ago: a barely sweet melon, which I called "Pepin's undermelon". :-) Of the family, for some reason, only the eldest son especially liked it.


Tasting No. 1

Time: December 2007.

Where to buy fruit: Russia, city of Vladimir.

In the supermarket, this fruit was for some reason signed in Russian as "pitahaya" (pitahaya). Then we were in such a hurry to try it that I forgot to put a teaspoon next to it when photographing, and I had to describe the appearance and dimensions verbally: an oblong red fruit about 10-12 cm long, all so leathery and with processes in the form of "scales" which really explains its "dragon-like" nature of one of its names ("dragon fruit" in English). The transparent jelly-like pulp, a little cloudy, resembles a large number of its small black bones, and even tastes somewhat like it, although not sweet at all, and barely sour - almost tasteless. We ate the pulp with teaspoons from a dense and inedible (more precisely, tasteless) peel - the process of eating itself was convenient, what can we deny - but only because someone had to eat up, and it didn’t cause us much enthusiasm at all ... What can we say about the price of 600 rubles / kg (in one of Vladimir's supermarkets in early December 2007) ...

Overall score: 2 / 5.

Tasting No. 2

Time: September 2015.

Where to buy fruit: Thailand, Phuket island.

Responding to the criticism of many

An integral part of any trip is foreign cuisine, special dishes and unusual tastings. And if you choose this type of tourism as gastronomic, then atypical treats are literally a must. In particular, we are talking about fruits. But not everyone, going somewhere to warm lands, is well aware of exotic tropical fruits and their names. We will try to introduce you to the most interesting desserts of the foreign world.

Guava is the sister of the Ukrainian pear

Very similar to our pear and slightly sour in taste, guava is a tropical fruit native to Mexico, South America, India, and parts of Southeast Asia. Outwardly, it looks like a 10-14 cm oval of yellow-green color. The fruits ripen on small deciduous shrubs.

Eating stale guava is just as dangerous as eating other fruits. At the very least, you're at risk of indigestion. In addition, unripe guava is quite sour and unpleasant, astringent in taste. When these exotic fruits reach the “necessary condition”, they will become tasty and quite healthy.

Guava is recommended for use in case of intoxication, as well as for weight loss and all kinds of minor inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. And freshly squeezed guava juice and its seeds have a positive effect on the work of the stomach. You can eat the fruit along with the peel, but we recommend that diabetics be careful with this, as it increases the level of glucose in the body.

Dragon eye - a fruit with an abundance of vitamins

Such an exotic name was given to an unusual-looking and slightly melon-like fruit. In everyday life, the dragon's eye is called longan, which grows in Thailand on tall 10-meter trees. Lush crowns of trees hide round yellow fruits in their thick. If you remove the peel from them, you will see white flesh inside. It is extremely useful due to the high content of trace elements. In particular, we are talking about organic acids, protein, calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, iron and much more.

Due to the original sweetish taste, the fruit is extremely popular among locals and tourists. It is either peeled and eaten raw or cooked as part of rice dishes. Served with stewed cereal and coconut milk. Also, local craftsmen make sauces from longan, and even ice cream. No negative properties of the fruit were noticed, but we still do not recommend overeating the dragon's eye.

Carambola is a star in your plate

Carambola is an extremely popular and well-known fruit not only in Asian countries, but also in Ukraine. Due to its unusual appearance, carambola is used as an element of decor for haute cuisine dishes. The size of the fruit is a large goose egg, the color is yellow, and in the context of carambola it resembles an asterisk.

You can eat both the pulp and the peel. This fruit is useful both raw and fried. It can taste both slightly sour and sweet. Tourists cannot agree on what carambola tastes like, what it looks like. It reminds someone of a plum, someone of a grape, someone of an apple. But everyone unanimously says that the fruit is extremely tasty. The fruit contains sodium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins of groups B and C. Carambola is either served raw or deep-fried, and can also be boiled in sweet syrup.

Eggplant or mangosteen?

This fruit has several names - mangkut, garcinia, mangosteen and, of course, mangosteen. It grows in South Asia, in Vietnam, Thailand, India. This berry looks like a rounded purple-burgundy eggplant. It weighs up to 200 grams, and when cut it looks like white flesh. The inner part of the fruit is soft, melting and zephyr-like. Very sweet in taste, mangosteen is a fruit that serves as the basis for various jams, desserts, nectars, syrups and juices. Also, the popularity of the fruit is based on the versatility of flavors - culinary experts note echoes of peach, pineapple and lychee in garcinia.

The peel is also popular, which is used in traditional medicine. But we strongly do not recommend eating fruit during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And also in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

Sugar apple noina

Another name for the fruit is sugar apple, which is really very sweet. However, the taste is more reminiscent of a late apricot, which does not make this treat less popular and tasty. Noina grows in the tropical zone, and is used from roots to fruits. Decoctions and tinctures from leaves, roots and bark help with fever and even dysentery.

When choosing noina on the market, be careful, it is important to buy exactly ripe fruit, otherwise you risk poisoning. Noina should be greenish, heavy in feel and soft to the touch. And, of course, the fruit should smell very good and tasty. When eating the fruit, do not eat the seeds - they are useful only in the field of cosmetology and exclusively in the form of oil.

This prickly cone may not be noticed on the branch, but it is very popular with Asian gourmets. Another name for this tropical delicacy is soursop. It has a sweet and sour taste and contains many useful elements. Researchers massively claim that sirsak is able to treat cancer. In Chinese medicine, dried fruit powders are added to medicines and tablets.

European scientists in the course of research have found that the fetus actually stops the spread of the disease and reduces the activity of cancer cells. Sirsak cannot fully replace chemotherapy, but it can help prevent the disease. But, despite the pleasant taste and useful properties, do not overdo it with tasting. Excess fruit can lead to intoxication and even hallucinations.

chocolate chicu

Chiku fruit has a second name - sepodilla. It looks like beige or brownish balls, inside - orange pulp and large black oblong bones. Chica is eaten raw, separated from the bitter skin and hard seeds. The fruit has a caramel flavor, and some varieties have coffee and chocolate flavors.

The texture of the chiku is soft and should be quite large. Before use, sepodilla is recommended to be cooled, cut in half or into slices. The pulp can be eaten with a spoon, or just bite off the peel like a watermelon or melon.

Pitahaya - dragon fruit

Unusual, beautiful, bright, called the heart of the dragon, the fruit is widely known to the public. But few people know what it tastes like. Pitahaya looks different depending on the variety. White has pink skin and white flesh, red has pink skin and red flesh, yellow has yellow skin and white flesh respectively. All of them are popular in their own way and unusual in taste, as well as extremely useful. In particular, due to the high content of fiber and antioxidants. Pitahaya is also recommended for diabetics, as the fruit lowers the level of sugar in your blood.

Desserts and juices are prepared from the fruit, and the pulp is added to salads and light dishes. It can be eaten raw by cutting it in half and eating the pulp with a spoon. The peel is beautiful, but not edible. Often "bowls" of fruit peel are used as decoration.

Of the side effects, only an allergic reaction is observed, as well as indigestion when overeating.

exotic fruit lychee

This is a Chinese plum that grows in clusters and has a pinkish-reddish color. The fruits are covered with a peel with convex pimples, inside - soft light pulp and a small bone. The taste of lychee is similar to grapes, in texture - to hardened jelly.

You can eat these fruits, they are tasty and memorable. When choosing a plum, be sure to feel the berries themselves, they should not be too soft or darkened. If the lychee is maroon in color, then this means that it has been on sale for a long time and is no longer particularly fresh. Alternatively, you can try dried lychee. Syrups are made from it, jelly is rolled up and even added to ice cream.

The abundance of potassium, magnesium and vitamins of group C helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Chinese doctors also recommend lychee for those who suffer from high cholesterol.

Cucumber melon kiwano

Horned melon occupies one of the leading steps in the list of the most beautiful tropical fruits. Yellow-green prickly peel, as well as green flesh, similar in texture to citrus fruits. This fruit definitely deserves a place both on your plate and on the Instagram feed.

Another variant of the name kivano is horned or Antillean cucumber. It grows in New Zealand, central Africa and California. To taste, the melon has a cucumber-banana-melon flavor, with a slight kiwi flavor. Agree, this is certainly an unforgettable combination!

Do not overdo it with tasting and at the same time remember that, within reasonable limits, the melon enriches the body with vitamins B and C. Cut it in half and eat the pulp right along with the seeds.

Ripe black sapote

Unusual in appearance, but original in taste, the fruit is extremely popular in Central America and Mexico. The size of the ripe fruit reaches ten centimeters in diameter. Inside - sticky, slightly viscous pulp, as well as several large seeds. Sapota's main feature is its chocolate flavor. Really chocolatey!

The peel of the fruit has a green color, while inside the flesh is black-brown. This fruit is rich in vitamin C and calcium, and it is also very suitable for those who are on a diet, as it contains almost zero fat content.

prickly snake fruit

Another black and strange fruit that protects itself from unwanted hands. The fact is that the fruit is tasty and soft inside, from the outside it is covered with snake skin - a prickly brown-black peel. This is exactly what he is, an unusual herring or snake fruit.

Be careful when peeling the fruit. On small scales it is possible to cut yourself. But the pulp itself contains calcium, phosphorus, iron and beta-carotene.
But do not eat too much herring, despite the pleasant pineapple taste, if you overeat, it can cause an allergic reaction and poisoning.

Jaboticaba tree fruit

This fruit grows directly on the tree, even on the bark. Its main habitat is Brazil. It is here that the fruit is used as an ingredient in desserts, as well as raw materials for liqueurs and wine. Jaboticaba also helps with asthma, dysentery and disorders.

The peculiarity of these black fruits is that they spoil quickly enough. You need to eat the fruit within two to three days after it was plucked. That is why in shops and restaurants in Brazil you can mainly find jamoticaba jams, preserves and syrups.

chocolate creeper

This is truly a waste-free fruit that is used to the fullest. Chocolate liana or the more scientific name akebia is eaten literally all. Pear-shaped fruit is cut in half or a small incision is made. The white, slightly pearly flesh is scooped out with a spoon and served with the seeds as a dessert. And the purple peel is stuffed with meat or seafood, and then baked and served on the table. Even dried fruit leaves are served as a tea or condiment.

The taste of chocolate liana is similar to raspberries, but the smell of chocolate remains here. Fruit tree flowers also smell of chocolate. Therefore, it is worth taking a walk near the akebia tree during the flowering period to enjoy the aromas.

finger lime

This fruit reminds many people of rolls with red caviar. But in fact, this is lime caviar, which tastes absolutely identical to ordinary lime. Tourists are attracted by the appearance.
The oval dark fruits inside contain reddish and pinkish caviar balls filled with juice. It is the caviar itself that is used in the preparation of desserts and fish and meat dishes. The fruit is remarkable in that it contains many useful, tonic and regenerating enzymes.

But be careful, because overeating can cause allergies. Also, finger lime is not recommended for use by those who suffer from ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis and other intestinal diseases.

Melotria rough

The peculiarity of melotria is that it looks like small watermelons. But it tastes more like a sour cucumber with a lemon aftertaste. It grows on climbing shrubs and is a good prevention of cancer.

The skin of the fruit is hard, and the flesh really resembles a cucumber. It is important not to let the melotria oversing, fresh and timely picked fruits are very tasty and healthy. You can also pickle or pickle melotria like a regular cucumber. It is pickled that it is most often served in Asian restaurants.

It is recommended to consume this fruit a little every day, as it is useful in losing weight and is perfect for diabetics. But be careful those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and intestinal tract.

Musical biriba

The fruit looks like a yellow, slightly blackening ball. The peel has scales, while inside the pulp is white, the bones are small and black. The taste of biriba resembles lemon meringue, and it is harvested in the early stages, without waiting for full ripening. She is already ripening in boxes and on the shelves.

Biriba is mostly grown and sold in South America. The main indicator of maturity is a yellow, beginning to blacken peel. If overripe, the flesh will be inedible and bitter.

Ripe fruit is eaten raw, and sometimes juices, syrups and even wine are made from it. Dried fruits are used to make musical instruments!

Miraculous Berries

These berries are similar to barboris, they are red and quite large. They are called miraculous due to the unusual effect on taste buds. After tasting the berries, any food you eat will seem sweet to you. All this is due to the content of glycol-protein. It reduces the sensitivity of receptors responsible for all tastes except sweet. The effect of sweetness lasts up to two hours.

Don't overeat, of course. But some bizarre, miraculously useful and medical properties have not been found. Along with this, miracle berries are good for those who are currently on a diet, it will reduce the sugar intake in your diet.

Tamarillo or tomato?

Despite the fact that tamarillo is a fruit, it is similar in appearance and taste to a tomato. It has a red-orange color of the skin, and a red-burgundy color of the flesh. The bush itself, on which tamarillo grows, also looks like a tomato bush that has surpassed its dimensions.

Depending on the type, the fruit has a different taste and is used in different variations. Red is the most widely distributed and has orange sweet flesh, used as decoration and additions to main dishes. Yellow is sweeter and smaller in size, orange is less sweet and the most juicy of all representatives.

The skin of the fruit is not eaten, it is too hard and bland. The pulp, on the other hand, has a juicy texture of sweet taste, contains vitamins A, B and C. It is also low in sugar, so the fruit is suitable for diabetics. Peeling a tamarillo will not be easy, it is recommended to put it in boiling water for a few seconds or just cut it and eat it with a spoon.

Tropical fruits are an incredible variety of flavors, shapes and appearances. It is always very interesting to discover new and amazing dishes. But we recommend not only choosing the rarest fruits, but also making sure that you are tasting in the right and proven place.

Most of the inhabitants of Russia and Europe will no longer see bananas, pineapples and coconuts, as well as kiwi, avocados, mangoes. But still, not everyone is familiar with the look, smell and taste of fruits that are not exported from places of growth on a large scale.

Sugar apple (Annona scaly) This fruit is native to tropical America but is also grown in Pakistan, India and the Philippines.

The fruits are somewhat similar to a pine cone, their diameter is about 10 cm. The fruit, which has a light taste of custard, has white pulp inside and a small amount of seeds.

Mamea americana (American apricot) An evergreen tree native to South America, artificially planted in other regions of the world, including West Africa and Southeast Asia.

The berries, which are about 20 cm in diameter, have a thick outer skin and soft orange flesh inside - sweet and fragrant. In the center of the fruit there are up to 4 large grains.

Cherimoya (cream apple) Cherimoya is a deciduous plant native to the high mountainous regions of South America. The fruit of the tree has a rounded shape with 3 types of surface (lumpy, smooth or mixed).

The pulp of the fruit is creamy, very fragrant, white and juicy. The taste of the fruit is said to be similar to a combination of banana, passion fruit, papaya and pineapple. Mark Twain said in 1866, "Cherimoya is the most delicious fruit known."

Platonia wonderful Platonia is a large tree (reaches a height of up to 40 meters), growing in the rainforests of Brazil and Paraguay.

The fruit grows to the size of an orange, and when pressed, a yellow liquid oozes out. Inside the fruit there is a white pulp, enveloping several black seeds, which has a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Cocoon Another tropical fruit that can be found in the mountainous regions of South America, grows on small shrubs, and grows very quickly: in 9 months, fruits can be obtained from seeds, and after 2 months they will finally ripen.

The fruits are very similar to berries, and come in red, orange and yellow colors. Outwardly, they are very similar to tomatoes, but the taste is a cross between a tomato and a lemon.

Breadfruit Breadfruit belongs to the mulberry family and is native to the Philippines and the islands of Southeast Asia. The fruit tastes like a banana and can be eaten raw when fully ripe.

The ripe fruit is soft and sweet, the unripe fruit is dense and starchy, but it got its name from the fact that, when cooked unripe, it tastes very much like freshly baked bread.

Langsat Langsat or dooku are two very similar fruits found throughout Asia. They come from the same family, almost the same in appearance and taste, with only one difference.

The peel of langsat contains a latex substance, which is not poisonous, but because of it it is difficult to remove it, while the peel of dooku is easily separated. Inside the very sweet fruit, there are 5 segments, some of which contain several bitter seeds.

Dacryodes edible (African pear) Evergreen tree grows in the tropical rainforests of Africa, northern Nigeria and southern Angola. The fruits, which vary in color from dark blue to purple, are oblong in shape.

These fatty fruits have been claimed to end hunger in Africa as they are 48% essential fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and triglycerides.

It was calculated that from one hectare planted with these trees, 7-8 tons of oil can be obtained, while all parts of the plant can be used.

Jaboticaba (Brazilian Grape Tree) This very strange plant is native to the southeastern part of Brazil. The strangeness of the tree lies in the way fruits grow on it.

Initially, yellowish-white flowers appear on the entire trunk and large branches, then the flowers turn into fruits that are 3–4 cm in diameter.

The inside of the purple, round shaped fruit contains soft, gelatinous flesh with 1-4 black seeds. The fruit is very sweet, it can be eaten just like that, however, it is most often used to make wine or liquor.

Rambutan A strange-looking fruit that looks like a fluffy strawberry. Its homeland is Southeast Asia, but it is also widely distributed in other regions, especially in Costa Rica, where it is called the "Chinese sucker"

Fruits, 3-6 cm in diameter, have an oval shape. The flesh is a bit tough but easily peels off the skin, and rambutan tastes sweet and sour.

Noni This fruit is known by many names, including large moringa, Indian mulberry, etc., its homeland is throughout Southeast Asia and Australia, and it is widely cultivated in the tropics.

The tree bears fruit all year round, but as a rule, when the fruits ripen, the fruits have a very pungent odor. They can be eaten cooked or raw with salt.

Despite the smell, the fruit is high in fiber, vitamins, protein, iron, and calcium, and is a staple food in many Pacific countries.

Marula A deciduous tree native to Africa today, as its fruits are an important food source for the Bantu peoples, and the trees appeared throughout their migration route.

The green fruit ripens and turns yellow, and the white flesh inside is very juicy and has a pleasant aroma. After falling from the tree, the fruits begin to ferment almost immediately.

Cloudberry A source of vitamin C, which is 3 times more in berries than in oranges, grows in the middle zone of the European part of Russia, Siberia, the Far East, Belarus and the western coast of North America.

The fruit is similar to a raspberry, however, its color is more orange. They are very sweet, they are eaten both raw and processed into juice, wine, sweets and jams.

Salaka (snake fruit) Native to Indonesia, the fruit grows in clusters and gets its nickname from its reddish-brown, scaly skin that peels off easily.

Inside are 3 white sweet "segments", each containing small black inedible seeds. Fruits have a sweet and sour taste, similar in texture to apples.

Bail (stone apple) Bail, a smooth fruit with a woody skin that can be colored yellow, green or gray, is native to India but can be found throughout Southeast Asia.

The tough outer skin is so hard that the fruit can only be reached with a hammer. Inside is a yellow pulp with a few hairy seeds that can be eaten fresh or dried.

Ripe fruits are often used to make a drink called sharbat, which also includes water, sugar and lime juice with pulp. Only one large piece of fruit is needed to make 6 liters of sharbat.

Chrysophyllum (star apple) This fruit is native to the lowlands of Central America and Western India. The underside of the leaves of this evergreen tree shines a golden color, and the white or lilac flowers are sweetly scented.
