
What is the name of the citrus hybrid of lemon and orange. What is the name of the hybrid of mandarin and orange

Evgeniya V.

What are the hybrids of orange and tangerine? How do they differ from each other?

Breeders have long and successfully engaged in intraspecific crosses of citrus crops, obtaining new plant hybrids. At the beginning of the 20th century, the priest father Clement, crossing mandarin and orange, received a new citrus hybrid - clementine. The plant got its name in honor of this breeder. Another interesting citrus is obtained from crossing a tangerine and a grapefruit, it is called mineola.

In the photo, the differences between the hybrids are quite difficult to notice, but they are. This article is a detailed description of hybrid citrus fruits.

Clementine - description of the hybrid and variety

In appearance, the fruits of this citrus, known since the beginning of the twentieth century, resemble tangerines. The pulp of the juicy fruit has a sweet taste. The clementine peel is hard, bright orange, but quite thin. Compared to mandarin, clementine has a more flattened fruit shape.


The leaves of the plant are dense, dense green in color and small in size. There are small notches along the edge of the leaf blade, and short spikes in the axils of the leaves of the orange-mandarin hybrid.

In total, there are three types of hybrid clementines, which differ in the number of seeds and the size of the fruit:

  • Corsican clementine - has a bright, rich color, orange peel. The pulp is very fragrant, the fruit has no seeds.
  • Spanish - is divided into two varieties, differing in size. Each fruit can contain up to 10 seeds.
  • Montreal clementine - cultivated mainly in Spain. The fruit contains up to 10 seeds, has a delicate aromatic pulp. This species belongs to rare clementine hybrids.


Tangerine - a hybrid from crossing a mandarin and a bitter orange

Tangerine is the most common hybrid from crossing an orange with a tangerine. The shape of this citrus is slightly elongated. The peel of the fruit has a loose structure, it is very easy to clean. The color of the skin of tangerine approaches an intense orange-red hue. The fruits are distinguished by great juiciness and aroma, but the fruits are not large in size. The peel of the fruit has a peculiar strong smell of citrus. Tangerine does not contain many seeds.

Tangerine has been used in breeding work to develop the hybrid citrus mineola.

This hybrid got its name in honor of the port of Tangier in Morocco, from where the juicy fruits were exported to different parts of the globe.

In addition, it is worth mentioning a rare hybrid of an ordinary orange with a tangerine, called tangor. This citrus is quite rare.

Attention! All bred hybrids of mandarin and orange are distinguished by high useful properties. Fruits contain vitamin C, folic acid, help in the treatment and prevention of colds.

The work of breeders to create new hybrid forms of citrus fruits is aimed at improving the beneficial properties, as well as increasing the shelf life of healthy and tasty fruits.

Types of citrus fruits: video

The fruit of a mandarin crossed with an orange cannot be called exotic. Almost any orange hybrid has not only high taste characteristics, but also brings great benefits to your body. That is why it is worth including this fruit in your diet. But don't limit yourself to oranges and tangerines. There are many more varieties in this category than you might imagine. So it is worth expanding your knowledge about such exotic fruits.

What's with the unfamiliar name? Quite simply, a clementine is a tangerine crossed with an orange. In 1902, the French priest Clement was able to successfully breed a new variety of mandarin. That is, according to external characteristics, it was still a tangerine, which can be easily peeled. But its flesh has become much sweeter.

It is noteworthy that clementine is a common fruit in the Mediterranean. It is grown almost everywhere there. It is also exported to European countries. What is remarkable about such a fruit, in addition to its taste characteristics, and why is it recommended to use it? A hybrid of orange and tangerine withstands low temperatures well and is stored well and for a long time. But most importantly, it contains a large amount of vitamins A and C.

Such fruits are sold mostly in their pure form. However, sometimes in European supermarkets you can see clementine with two leaves that are not cut from the base of the fruit. Is this fruit used in cooking? Certainly, and quite widely. A marinade is often prepared from it, and various liquors and brandies insist on it. Growing such an orange at home is not so easy, usually the fruits of this hybrid are bought in stores.

Types of hybrid

This fruit includes several varieties at once. Which of them are considered the most popular, and how do they differ from each other? It is worth finding out more about this. A hybrid of mandarin and orange is divided into several of the following types:

  • Spanish. The fruits of this variety can be both small and quite large. In each copy there are several bones;
  • Montreal. This type of clementine is the most rare. It is mostly grown in Spain and Algeria. Each of the fruits, as a rule, can contain about 12 seeds-grains;
  • Corsican. What is the difference between this variety of clementine? First of all, the color of the peel, it is orange-red. A notable advantage of this species is that it has no bones.

The amazing aroma and unusual taste of the fruits of this hybrid, no matter what kind of variety, will appeal to all lovers of exotic fruits. But this is not all the advantages of the species. Few people know that clementine is called an effective antidepressant. It is worth stocking up on such a “medicine” for nerves. In addition, do not worry that the fruit will quickly deteriorate. You can keep it for a long time. To do this, simply put it in the drawer of the refrigerator - and it will not lose its taste properties for another whole month.

Beneficial features

Many have heard and know the name of the hybrid of orange and tangerine. But could you imagine how many vitamins are contained in one such fruit? In the meantime, there is something to pay attention to. The composition of the fruit contains a large amount of water, fiber, fat, and protein. Among the additional nutrients, copper, ascorbic acid, titanium, etc. can also be distinguished. It is also important that clementine contains a small amount of sugar. And it doesn't affect the sweetness.

In order for you to better understand the weight spectrum of the benefits of this fruit, it is worth highlighting for which health problems experts recommend eating clementine:

  • in case of malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for the treatment of colds;
  • as a prophylaxis of influenza and other viral infections;
  • to activate metabolism;
  • with insomnia and constant stress;
  • for various skin problems - cellulite, the presence of warts, stretch marks.

In general, for those who want to give beauty and a healthy look to their skin, the use of tangerine, which was crossed with an orange, is simply necessary.

Other citrus hybrids

Breeders at one time crossed many exotic fruits with each other. Each of them has improved taste and appearance characteristics, some of these plants can even be grown indoors. Among the most notable specimens, it is worth highlighting the following fruits:

  • tangerine - tangerine with sweet orange flesh. Its skin is quite thin and easy to peel;
  • Mineola is a hybrid obtained by crossing a tangerine with a grapefruit. The taste of this fruit is sweet and sour. It is mainly grown in Israel and the USA;
  • limandrin (limonia). This kind of exotic fruit appeared due to the combination of the species characteristics of tangerines and lemons. The peel of this fruit resembles tangerine, but sourness prevails in taste, and this is already a characteristic feature of lemon. It is quite difficult to eat such a fruit in its pure form, but in China, for example, it is considered very popular;
  • They will significantly improve your health and at the same time diversify your daily menu. Lemon crossed with tangerine or tangerine with grapefruit is a real treat. Diversify your diet and let your healthy food taste even better. Now lemon, tangerine or orange will not be the only exotic fruits on your table.

Many flower growers sooner or later begin to grow citrus fruits at home. Firstly, these are really spectacular shrubs. And secondly, if you already know how to intuitively recognize the needs of plants, you can achieve fruiting. One of the rare guests in our homes is a lemon crossed with an orange.

What is the hybrid of lemon and orange called?

There is enough controversy around this plant, or rather around its alleged origin. As for the question, what is the name of the hybrid of lemon and orange, he received the name in honor of his researcher Meyer.

At one time, this plant was found in, later spread far beyond the country. According to one opinion, this is just one of the varieties of lemon. Others tend to believe that the plant was obtained by crossing an orange with a lemon. One way or another, and with its modest size, the bush is able to surprise.

Hybrid of orange and Meyer lemon

Oddly enough, but one of the shortest plants among citrus fruits, it can produce an impressive harvest. With proper care, you you can get up to ten fruits per season. And these are not small and sour citruses, but quite pleasant-tasting lemons.

A hybrid of lemon and orange loves an annual transplant only in the first few years of life. When the plant reaches adulthood, it cannot be disturbed so often, and it is enough just to pick up a larger pot every five years.

A lemon crossed with an orange has some external differences from similar citrus fruits. First, you will see the shape of the leaf, noticeably more correct. And the foliage has its own recognizable, slightly specific smell. It cannot be said that the hybrid of lemon and orange is too whimsical pet in a flowerpot. But be prepared for a constant fight against fungal diseases, and the most common pests.


New Year holidays are always associated with tangerines. These juicy, sweet, fragrant citrus fruits are a must for the New Year's table.

However, few people know what is the use of this fruit, can it harm, how to choose and store it correctly. We have collected all the most interesting about tangerines for you.

Properties tangerine

Homeland tangerine - China. Tangerines have been known to be grown in China and Japan for over 3,000 years. At present, these delicious citrus fruits have taken root well after cultivation in Georgia, Abkhazia, Turkey, Greece, southern France, Portugal and Spain.

Mandarins tend to grow on tree or shrub up to 4 m in height. They are densely covered with small green leaves. When tangerines ripen, the fruit turns orange.

The shade of the ripe fruit depends on the variety and varies from yellow-orange to dark orange.

Distinctive property tangerine lies in the fact that when peeling, a stable and strong aroma is felt in the air. This smell is created by essential oils that are contained in the peel of the fruit.

At present, the tangerines that we buy are hybrid (that is, crossed with other citrus fruits) and are as follows:

1. Mandarin with grapefruit called tangerine. This tangerine is lightweight and easy to peel.

2. There is also a hybrid of mandarin and grapefruit, which is called natsumikan. It has a sweet taste.

3. A tangerine crossed with an orange is called tangor. The tangora has bright orange flesh, a flattened shape and a sweet taste.

4. A hybrid of mandarin and lemon is called citrandarine and has a sour taste.

5. Mandarin crossed with icang citrus is called ichandarin. This variety has a small size and a sour taste.

6. A hybrid of mandarin and citrus kumquat is called calamondin. This tangerines tend to be very small.

7. Another variety of mandarin, crossed with an orange (variety of kinglets), is called clementine. These are the most common tangerines with a very sweet taste.

Benefits of Mandarin

Tangerines beckon us with their unique and familiar flavor from childhood. But it is worth eating one tangerine, as very soon they all disappear. Why do we love tangerines so much? The answer is very simple: benefit tangerine obvious and undeniable.

Benefits of Mandarin:

  • It is a source of magnesium and vitamin C
  • Tangerines are a decongestant
  • Tangerines can lower blood sugar levels, so these fruits are recommended for diabetics.
  • For colds and fever, tangerines act as an antipyretic
  • These citrus fruits improve metabolic processes in the body.
  • Tangerines improve appetite
  • The benefit of tangerine lies in the fact that they improve expectoration for colds, or rather, their peel has this property.
  • The benefits of tangerine are used even for cosmetic purposes for skin diseases (some fungi and acne are eliminated through this fruit)
  • Mandarin oil is used as an anti-cellulite agent
  • These fruits contain vitamin B12, which reduces the appearance of gray hair and prevents hair loss.

Harm tangerine

1. If speak about harm tangerine, then this mainly applies to pregnant women who are advised to consume no more than 1-2 tangerines per day, since these citrus fruits can cause diathesis in an unborn child.

2. Eating these citrus fruits in large quantities is undesirable for those people who have diseases. gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, colitis, cholecystitis, kidney disease, gastritis or others).

3. The harm of mandarin lies in the fact that, like other citrus fruits, they are strong allergen, therefore, they should not be consumed by those who are allergic to citrus fruits. This is especially true for children who often develop diathesis, various redness and rash appear. It should be noted that with age, an allergy to citrus fruits often disappears.

Calorie tangerine

Calorie tangerine(per 100 g) is about 37 Kcal, which provides 31% of the daily requirement of vitamin C. That is why the tangerine diet has become so popular.

Also 100g tangerine contains:

  • Proteins - 0.8 g
  • Fats - 0.2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 7.2 g
  • Dietary fiber - 1.9 g.

Tangerines for the New Year

It is known that tangerines for the New Year's table first appeared in China. It was in this country that the tradition of giving tangerines for the new year.

The Chinese consider these fruits to be the personification of financial well-being. Therefore, when they come to visit for the New Year, they always give two tangerines the owners of the house. Seeing off the guest, the owners of the house, in turn, also present two other tangerines to the guests. Thus, they wish each other financial well-being.

So we, in the former USSR, have taken root in the tradition of exhibiting tangerines for the New Year holidays without fail. Although for a long time in the Soviet Union people never saw these citrus fruits - this applies to the post-war 50s.

At the dawn of the Soviet Empire, the first tangerines for the New Year appeared in Abkhazia, where they were successfully grown. It was the Abkhaz fruits that ripened in December and were distributed throughout the USSR on the main holiday of the country.

How to choose tangerines

We all love tangerines and willingly buy them. But what is our disappointment when we bring fruits home, start peeling them and ... what a horror! Tangerines rotten, frozen, not ripe or with a fungus, that is not subject to eating.

Have you been in such a situation? Then check out our tips on how to how to choose tangerines.

It should be noted that the tangerine season is winter. However, these citrus fruits can be seen on the shelves all year round, as improved methods their cultivation and storage.

To keep tangerines for a long time, they are covered with wax. Wax itself is harmless to us, but it can hide defects at the fruit.

Signs of a ripe tangerine

1. Ripe fruits have a thin skin and are easy to peel.

2. Many sellers let you try their product. Do not be lazy and eat 1-2 tangerine slices. Make sure the fruit has tender and sweet orange flesh (but remember that depending on the variety, the mandarin may contain seeds).

3. Do not buy fruits with spots, very soft or empty fruits inside.

Store tangerines after purchase in a closed container and in the refrigerator. In this state, they almost do not lose their properties within a week. But it's best to eat them as quickly as possible to get the most out of the taste and nutrients of the tangerine.

Recipes with tangerines

We offer several popular recipes with tangerines.

Mandarin salad


  • 600 g mandarin
  • Thinly sliced ​​bell pepper
  • 2 large coarsely grated carrots
  • 60 g green peas
  • 3 chopped onions
  • 90 g chopped walnuts
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • Greenery.

You won't surprise anyone anymore. Oranges, grapefruits, lemons are already quite familiar; and tangerines in general remind many of childhood and the New Year. But now more and more often, even in summer, you can find tangerines that were once really sold closer to the New Year. A hybrid of orange and tangerine is generally a frequent guest on the table. It is true that it is he, few people know. And some sellers are also unaware of this - they were also sold it as tangerines.

And yet, this citrus has its own name - clementine. Nice and unusual name. A hybrid of orange and tangerine was bred at the beginning of the 20th century. Breeder Father Clement (he was a priest) gave him his name. But it is rarely seen on price tags. The fact is that this hybrid of a mandarin with a king orange is very similar to a mandarin. Even outwardly they are easy to confuse. And yet, there are differences.

First of all, the peel of a clementine is tougher than that of a tangerine. Its color is more saturated and fiery orange, and the progenitor is just orange. Peeling this citrus is somewhat more difficult, and its surface is more even, without friability. A hybrid of orange and tangerine may be seedless. Its leaves are smaller and tougher. But, of course, it is not easy to meet citruses with leaves, so few people know what kind of tangerines they have.

At the present stage of breeding, 3 types of clementine have been bred: originally from Corsica - it is seedless, Spanish can contain from 2 to 10 seeds, and Montreal - 10-12. So, the mandarin-orange hybrid continues to be bred and has several distinctive features. By the way, in terms of taste, clementine is much more appreciated. If the fruit is really ripe, then it will amaze with its sweetness, but the aroma is not as strong as that of a mandarin. And if your hybrid of orange and tangerine did not have time to ripen, it will be as sour as a lemon. But at the same time, its peel will be quite bright, like a ripe one. If you compare 2 citruses, then the taste is more like a tangerine.

A significant advantage of citrus fruits is that they are absolutely unpretentious to the temperature regime of storage. Just 2-3°C of heat is enough and they will lie unharmed for about 3-4 months. At the same time, thanks to the hard peel, clementine is less susceptible to mechanical damage. And most importantly, these fruits absolutely do not need nitrates, which means that you should not be afraid in this regard. But keep in mind that vitamin C from citrus does not disappear anywhere, and its excess can lead to allergic reactions.

In addition, a hybrid of mandarin with tangor orange is distinguished. In this case, the orange was a regular orange, and in the case of the clementine, it was a blood orange. Although tangor is very rare. But you can often see tangerine, which is very similar to tangerine, but still it is a separate citrus fruit. There is a hybrid of mandarin and wild lemon (poncirus), which is called citrandarine. They also mixed tangerine with grapefruit and got 2 different types: natsumikan and tangelo. But when crossing tangerines and kumquats, they got an unusual fruit, calamondin. We also often meet him, but we still call him the same mandarin.

I would like to note that all citrus fruits are of great importance for our body, so it is simply necessary to use them. Especially in winter, when from the whole variety of domestic fruits you can find only a fresh apple or pear. First of all, citruses have a strengthening effect on the immune system and blood vessels. Normalize blood pressure, cholesterol, digestion and bowel function. For those who want to lose weight, it will not be superfluous to know that tangerines, oranges, their hybrids and varieties remove excess water from the body. And, most importantly for everyone - with overwork, these fruits help restore strength.

These are such difficult, but familiar and beloved citrus fruits that we have at home. Although, whatever you call them, they will remain tasty and healthy, and tangerines will also smell like the New Year.

Have a good mood and well-being with "tangerines" on the table!
