
How to find a good waiter tips. Simple tips for waiters

Coming to a restaurant or cafe, we do not think about how a new dish appears in front of us or a used plate disappears. But all this would not have happened if it were not for the people, without whose participation it is impossible to imagine the process of work of such institutions. We are talking about waiters, who are the "face" and "soul" of any public catering establishment, creating the emotional background of the institution and the mood of visitors.

Coming to a restaurant or cafe, we quite often do not even notice who makes our lunch, dinner or celebration convenient and comfortable. We do not think about how a new dish appears in front of us or a used plate disappears. But all this would not have happened if it were not for the people, without whose participation it is impossible to imagine the process of work of such institutions. We are talking about waiters, which are the "face" and "soul" of any catering establishment, creating the emotional background of the institution and the mood of visitors.

Moreover, not only the mood of the customers depends on the waiter, but also the profitability of the restaurant or cafe. After all, if the visitor leaves in a good mood, and he will remember dinner for a long time, then he will come to the same institution more and more often.

It should be noted that various entertainment and drinking establishments, including cafes and restaurants of various classes, in Russia are becoming more and more every day. Accordingly, new vacancies are constantly opening up, and the profession of a waiter is becoming more and more in demand.

It would seem that we have a good idea of ​​what the waiter does: what is his job, what does he do. But our knowledge covers only those aspects of the professional activity of waiters that lie on the surface. In fact, the work of a waiter is not as easy as it might seem, and becoming a good waiter is just as difficult as becoming a good specialist in any other profession. What are the features waiter work, which the average layman does not even know about? Today we will try to lift the veil of secrecy, and tell you about all the nuances of this profession.

What is a waiter?

Waiter - an employee of a public catering enterprise engaged in direct customer service. In some restaurants, waiters are called "waiters". True, it is stipulated that in addition to serving visitors, the restaurant employee is also responsible for creating the most comfortable environment (including the location of visitors, taking into account their requirements).

The name of the profession comes from the Latin officiantis (employee). Based on this, it can be understood that the main task of the waiter, as well as the officer, whose profession name comes from the same root, is to serve. Only officers serve in the army, and waiters in restaurants, bars and cafes. Waiter Profession originated in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece a very long time ago, at the time when the first establishments appeared, designed to feed people. In Rus', the first waiters appeared along with inns, taverns and taverns. Here, representatives of this profession were called sexual, since their duties also included washing the floors.

Since modern catering establishments are different both in purpose and in class, the work of a waiter can also be very different. What is meant? A small democratic cafe with simple cuisine, affordable prices is one thing, but a very expensive and luxurious restaurant is quite another. And the service requirements are also different. In the first case, work can be available to everyone, especially young people who just want to earn extra money. In the second case, the waiter is required to have certain knowledge and skills (for example, knowledge of foreign languages, serving techniques, cuisine features, special customer service techniques, etc.).

But in any case, the professional duties of a waiter include:

  • serving visitors in the dining room of cafes, restaurants and other catering establishments, including banquet services;
  • cleaning the table after visitors;
  • table setting for the reception of the following clients;
  • settlement with the client.

What personal qualities should a waiter have?

Waiter job This is an activity that involves a lot of physical activity. Therefore, one of the most important requirements for workers serving visitors is physical health and endurance. In addition, personal qualities are of great importance, allowing to achieve the location of visitors. In other words, the waiter must be:

  • sociable,
  • polite
  • neat,
  • neat,
  • stress resistant
  • tolerant
  • enterprising,
  • non-conflict
  • cultural.

A good memory is also important for a waiter. It is necessary not only to know the features of all dishes from the menu, but also to remember those whom you serve. The waiter is a “quick” profession, so you need not only to endure physical activity well, but also to deliver dishes very quickly. A slow-moving waiter is ridiculed at best, annoyed at worst. At the same time, it is very important to bring the dish to the visitor safe and sound, which means that the coordination of movements also plays an important role, which the waiter must have very good.

Benefits of being a waiter

Benefits of being a waiter are, first of all, in the ability to work without having a special education. This is often used by young people, especially students, to earn extra money. In addition, the free schedule is convenient enough to combine study and work.

Despite the fact that the work of a waiter is not highly paid, the income of such a specialist can be quite decent. The fact is that every waiter receives a tip - this is the generally accepted world practice. The amount of the tip is sometimes included in the bill, sometimes it is received directly by the employee. In any case, this is an important source of income, sometimes several times exceeding the salary. The higher the class of the restaurant and the professionalism of the waiter, the more serious the tip amount. And there is no upper limit.

An important advantage of this profession can also be considered a variety of activities (although at first glance it can show that the work of a waiter is somewhat monotonous). Since the waiter meets and communicates with a huge number of different people every day, he does not have to be bored at work. And a working day full of various events (either a wedding needs to be served, or a corporate event, or a banquet dedicated to a birthday) also fills the work of a waiter with notes of fun and unpredictability.

Disadvantages of being a waiter

chief lack of profession of a waiter, of course, are great physical activity. According to research, a waiter travels an average of about 30 km daily, while the weight of a tray can reach 10 kg. Therefore, this profession has a huge number of medical contraindications. These are diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, skin diseases and diseases of the nervous system. As a result of work, these diseases can worsen.

It should also be taken into account that not only cultured and intelligent people dine and dine in restaurants. Often among visitors there are frank boors who consider insulting the attendants to be the norm. But professional ethics and duties do not allow the waiter to show his true feelings, even if he feels mortally offended. The waiter must work according to the principle "the customer is always right", and keep a smile on his face under any circumstances.

Where can you get a job as a waiter?

As already mentioned above, become a waiter possible without special education. At the same time, in some cases (for example, to work in inexpensive canteens or cafes), you do not even need to have work experience or professional knowledge gained through self-education. However, if you want to get a job in a prestigious and expensive restaurant, then you still have to study: at least in special courses that work on the basis of public catering enterprises.

Of course, courses at a restaurant will open the doors for you to the institution on the basis of which they work. But in order to be guaranteed a job in any cafe or restaurant and have great prospects for career growth, it is best to give preference to studying at one of the Russian educational institutions (technical school, college or university), where training in the specialty "hotel business" is carried out. TO the best educational institutions in Russia This specialty includes:

  • St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics;
  • Pokrovsky College of Business Technologies;
  • Humanitarian College "Tsaritsyno", Moscow;
  • Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University;
  • College of Construction Industry and Municipal Economy in St. Petersburg.

The key to success and profit in the restaurant business is delicious food and excellent service. And both these points are inseparable. In the hospitality industry, the pursuit of profit will never bring success. You should always take care of your reputation and the wishes of your customers first. And today we will talk about serving your guests.

Focus on the visitor and hospitality

It is very important to please every Guest, and leaving your restaurant should leave only a good impression. Believe me, if you pay more attention to each client individually, then at the end of the day you will see that you have made a good cash register.

Tipping plan for waiters

Many waiters set a daily goal for themselves to earn money, and they get very upset if they don’t fulfill their plan at the end of the work shift, and this is reflected in their mood and the atmosphere of the restaurant. Solving this problem is very simple - talk to your colleagues, and if you are an Administrator, then instruct the staff on planning their income not for a day, but for two weeks or a month. Everything is very simple, if they do not collect the amount in one working day, they will more than compensate for it on the next, and within the framework of the goal, everything will be in order. Good mood and motivation of employees are very important for the harmonious work of the institution.

There is such a thing as "caring". Taking care of guests is the key to success. It is very important that the waiters do not get upset at the sight of empty tables, or have the imprudence to show emotions about the fact that there are few guests in the hall, or they have only one visitor in service. They must strictly fulfill their duties for all visitors, regardless of the expected profit.

Individual approach to each visitor of the restaurant

The waiter must know what the target audience of the institution where he works is, and what these people expect from employees. It is very important to feel the line between obsession and the fact that people will wait for you for 20 minutes, hoping to order desserts. There are two completely opposite groups of waiters who definitely should not work with Guests. The first group consists of waiters, who look like robots, who smile artificially, and communicate with all visitors as if they have a disk inside them, which they impartially repeat to each visitor. But the second group is also not losing ground, and the waiters are so diligent in their duties that a person begins to feel very uncomfortable when napkins are removed from him every 15 seconds and novelties and desserts are offered from the waiter, whose smile begins to frighten more than bring good emotions.

It is very important not to overdo it, but also not to turn into a sad machine for serving dishes. Find an individual approach to each guest, and knowing the target audience, you can easily compare it with the average bill in your establishment and your guests will really like it. Believe me, it is much more pleasant to be honest and attentive, receive a good tip, and by the end of the working day feel that you have done your job perfectly than grit your teeth, serve a table with an order of one coffee, and wonder why the guest did not leave you anything for tea.

Remember: That sad guy at the end of the hall, sipping his coffee languidly, may come tomorrow with a big group and make a big order. Take care of him!

Don't use waiters' catchphrases

Many visitors want to hear recommendations about the menu, and it is not worth having a dozen prepared phrases for this occasion. Asking you a question, the client wants to hear that you understand him and offer the most suitable solution for him. Communicate with visitors using as little as possible fake smiles and hackneyed phrases “Would you like to try our new cheesecake?”. No, he won't!

“What if I spoil something if I offer a guest something that he doesn’t want at all?” The very principle of selling must necessarily include a certain percentage of failure, which will not have anything to do with you personally, as a service personnel.

Without the initiative and desire to communicate with people, you will not be able to get good recommendations and climb the career ladder.

How to sell additional dishes

The profit of the waiter depends on sales. Therefore, another fear that may arise is insecurity. “What if I spoil something if I offer a guest something that he doesn’t want at all?” The very principle of selling must necessarily include a certain percentage of failure, which will not have anything to do with you personally, as a service personnel. You should not chase a large number of sales, first of all, you should remember that you do not work in a store, and visitors come to you to relax.

A very good way of selling is the offer of choice. You probably have items on your menu that are not selling in the best way. After listening to the client's order, simply offer him a choice instead of the position that he wants the one you need to sell. Believe me, guests love it if the waiter gives recommendations. Such a simple way will allow you to win the trust of the guest and get regular customers.

If you determine for yourself that you could recommend the same thing to your friend, then you are doing everything right. Do not forget that when people ask you or ask for advice, they want to hear your opinion, not the sales manager. Your recommendations must be based on personal experience.

The key to successful table service is to serve the client's interests, not your own. Don't try to sell a guest a dessert or a milkshake if you see that he has taken a beer and an appetizer. This will not be logical, and the guest will be upset that they do not understand him. Next time, he will go to a place where he will be offered to repeat his order, or will recommend branded chips.

Working in a restaurant is teamwork

Problems with scheduling and irregular schedules that are constantly changing are usually the case in the service industry. But try not to make a big deal out of it. Your mood will be reflected not only in your tips, but also in the people with whom you will work that day.

No one wants to work under pressure with a person who will spoil the working environment and walk around with a sad face. It is worth considering whether you often change the schedule, and maybe you are the person with whom it is quite difficult to work.

Stay calm and relaxed

How to set a good example and gain respect among your team. The restaurant business is directly related to people and emotions. If one of the cooks is not in a good mood today, or one of the waiters has problems in the family, this should not interfere with work. It is very important that the atmosphere in the kitchen and in the hall is light and positive, this will be passed on to all employees and your guests.

How to stay calm during rush hour? Ignore the panic that your colleagues will raise. Be a good example and show that even with a full blockage and a huge number of orders, you remain a good employee. One person can change the entire work environment. Become the one who makes everyone feel good and do your job with joy. Trust me, your colleagues will be happy to follow your example.

Compliment your colleagues in a restaurant

Making a simple compliment to the chef about his appearance, you will see how much better he will feel, and believe me, working with him will become much more comfortable. Learn to communicate with people. Saying nice things is very easy, and in return you will get a great mood and a working atmosphere.

Everyone knows that a good waiter's profit does not depend on the rate, but on the tips received. And this means that your income directly depends on how you serve guests. Your income will be significantly different on calm days, when there are not so many visitors, and during rush hour. You have to be prepared for this and you should not dream of writing a statement every time you have one table. In the field of hospitality, every day is not like the previous one, and you can only find out how successfully you have worked by the end of the day, having received and counted all the tips.

A good waiter serves all tables equally

Experienced waiters know that you should not relax and score on a lonely guest at a distant table. Firstly, all people share their impressions with friends, and your guest may leave a negative review about your restaurant, and directly about your service, and secondly, this is your reputation, which must always be respected without calculating possible tips in your head.

Pessimists in the team spoil the mood for everyone, be positive

Almost every restaurant or bar has an employee who is famous for his pessimism and criticism. He is always dissatisfied with profits, work, guests, his team, and so on. Such people will always have a reason to be upset, and spoil the mood of others. Even getting good tea, he will find something to complain about.

Having a positive attitude will help you love your job, build great relationships with co-workers, and win loyal customers. You can never predict how much tea you will get today, or how many people will visit your restaurant, but by maintaining a good mood, you, along with other staff, can have fun and survive the huge influx of people and bad days.

In restaurant business, there is no point in making assumptions, and every visitor is a new story. All you need is to find an approach to the client and enjoy the fact that guests liked your recommendations. Love your job and your visitors' trust will reward you with great tips.

After a person gets into the cycle of the restaurant business, he understands that everything looks a little different from the inside than from the outside. For example, it seems to many that the waiters will certainly finish the dishes after the guests. In fact, they can be punished for this. In addition, they feed their employees in restaurants quite well. But this article will not be about that. Many waiters would like to know how to become a good waiter?

The main thing here is to understand that only a person who strives for this can become a good waiter. You need to see how the best of colleagues work. You can also ask the leader to give a master class or send to courses. However, you can sign up for any courses yourself. But the most important thing is to gain experience. After all, the first tables taken by a beginner will not be served very well. But after a couple of months, the waiter's guest service will be much better.

Any person can try himself in the role of a garcon. So how do you get a job as a waiter? First of all, you need to prepare for the interview. Clothes can be simple, but clean and ironed. Girls should not have loose hair. Hands must be well-groomed. In addition, the employer may be interested in the education of the applicant, as well as whether he knows foreign languages. The latter would be a big plus.

There are no books written about how a waiter can get good tips. but nevertheless this question often arises among beginners. To do this, the waiter must be attentive and polite towards his customers. In addition, the waiter can show his sense of humor, but only in moderation. There are cases when the waiter was given a tip precisely because of this quality. The main thing here is to please the client.

Needless to say, how to work as a waiter is not easy. Although it is probably worth it, because there are people who believe that this work is easy and everyone can do it. Actually it is not. A person who goes to work as a waiter must be balanced and not quick-tempered. Visitors are people too and all have their own characters, sometimes difficult and unbearable, and they should be endured. As for physical labor, it is also present here. Sometimes restaurant workers have to run all day without even sitting down.

Thus, it becomes clear how to become a waiter. In the understanding of many, a waiter is an attractive, slender, well-groomed person. He should not smell unpleasant, his hands should be well-groomed. His voice is soft and he always has a smile on his face. What is going on inside him is a secret for everyone, especially for the client. After all, smiling sweetly, the waiter does not always feel a sense of joy in relation to the guest. But etiquette is the rules for everyone. Called himself a waiter - be him!

Expert advice

In this article, we will tell our readers about the waiters who officially earn $ 8 per hour. And also about what is really hidden behind the smile of the staff. Here are some tips on how to prove yourself a good customer during your first visit to a restaurant or cafe.

1. Waiters are secretly forbidden to tell the truth about any dish from the menu. Even if they know for sure that it is not fresh. If you randomly point to any item on the menu, you will be told that this is one of the most popular dishes in this restaurant.

2. If a visitor orders a cocktail that is difficult to prepare, and the waiter or bartender is simply too lazy to make it, then most likely they will tell you that they have run out of the necessary ingredients. This is done in the hope that you will order another drink that is easier to make.

You can correct the situation as follows. Don't choose anything in return. Instead, order a glass of plain water. You will see, all the necessary components for your order will be found in an instant. Because no waiter wants to lose money.

3. This incident was told by one of the employees of a restaurant in Manhattan. It is no secret that restaurant and cafe workers do not have a lunch break during which they can sit down and eat thoroughly. “From the very beginning of the working day, we were all armed with forks, which we always carried in the pocket of our aprons. Once in the kitchen, we took everything that was possible with them. Snacking in this way "on the go." When one of the visitors in the hall dropped his fork on the floor, then any person from the attendants immediately offered him a “new” one with a smile, which had already been used more than once that day.

4. A patron who starts a fight because his soup is cold may no longer hope for good service. In some restaurants, he can not only overheat this soup, but also heat up a spoon. All subsequent dishes will be served in the same style so that such a visitor does not lose the feeling of "warmth" in this institution.

5. When restaurants prepare treats for children, they put more sugar in them. And they even put it in the dough for children's pizza. Thus, children ask for more and want to visit such a restaurant again and again.
What drives maintenance staff crazy

6. When diners try to call waiters over with finger snaps, whistles, or other similar gestures. Of course, such customers are paid attention, but much less than polite people.

7. The surest way to piss off a waiter is to ask for hot tea. Why? - you ask. The reason is simple. Modern technology has simplified many kitchen processes, but they have not reached the point of making tea. Like a hundred years ago, for this you need to boil water, cut a lemon, put honey in a jar, prepare a teaspoon. All this must be put on a tray and brought to the visitor with a smile. Imagine how much time and effort for a cheap cup of tea. Who will like it?
What do we need to know

8. In the case when a visitor behaves exceptionally politely and respectfully, the waiter will sincerely do for such a person everything that depends only on him. The main thing is that such a client gives a good tip. Experienced waiters immediately see people open and generous. Actually, just like the evil and greedy.

9. As a rule, the staff of a restaurant or cafe tries to make visitors like them. Because the tip you leave to the waiter is shared among the other members of the team.

If one of the customers begins to express dissatisfaction without raising a scandal, then one of the restaurant workers will immediately appear at the next table. He will start adding sugar, adding pepper, salt, changing napkins. While doing his job, he hears the grumbling of the visitor and thus finds out the cause of dissatisfaction. After that, he tells others about it.
The reaction of the staff is not long in coming. Having the necessary information, the right people approach the grumbler and thus almost any problem is solved in a matter of minutes.
How to become a good customer

10. First of all, you need to address those who serve you, only by name. As a rule, when a waiter approaches you for the first time, he introduces himself. His name is desirable to remember. And try not to use words such as “girl”, “boyfriend” or “hey you” in relation to employees of restaurants and cafes. Show respect and reverence, then your lunch or dinner will be really enjoyable.

11. Trust your waiter. Say something like "Hello. This is our first time in your restaurant. We expect to spend no more than sixty dollars. What would you advise us?" Be sure that you will get excellent service and a decent set of dishes.

What you need to know about tips

12. Waiters often complain about customers who, when paying with a card, indicate the size of the tip on the check, sign and ... take it with them. They leave an unsigned check on the table. In this case, the waiter and others who served you that evening do not receive anything.

No matter how hard we try to save money and eat exclusively at home, sometimes there is a desire to sit in a cozy cafe with friends or a loved one. We hope that our tips will help make your trip to a restaurant or cafe enjoyable for both you and those around you.

A waiter is not just a person who brings dishes and cleans dirty dishes. He must know the basics of psychology, understand the art of cooking. How to be a good waiter and become a professional?

How to be a good waiter?

Good waiter: professional skills

The higher the level of the catering establishment, the higher the requirements for the waiters, it is on them that the visitor's impression of the restaurant largely depends.

The main task of the waiter is to provide guests with a pleasant pastime. A professional in his field is well versed in the intricacies of cooking, knows all the menus, and will be able to advise suitable alcoholic drinks.

A professional waiter does not separate visitors according to their ability to pay. He is always close to the guest, but at the same time unobtrusive.

Waiter Responsibilities:

  • preparation of tables, cutlery for the arrival of the first visitors;
  • keeping the working area clean;
  • hospitable meeting of guests;
  • the ability to offer the visitor a dish, to help with the choice;
  • taking the order, transferring it to the kitchen, taking into account all the wishes of the guest.

The waiter must be able to set tables, know the basics of etiquette, be able to tell the guest which device to use for a particular dish. In high-level institutions, service personnel must know at least one foreign language.

The uniform and shoes of the waiter must always be perfectly clean. It is not recommended to use a perfume with an intense, pungent smell.

How to become a good waiter: personal qualities

Disposable appearance, neat appearance, clear speech, goodwill are the main qualities of a good waiter. Guests do not want to return to an institution with indifferent staff.

Working with people requires communication skills, good intuition, knowledge of the basics of psychology.

Requirements for a professional waiter:

  • good memory that needs to be constantly trained;
  • speech should be not only clear, but also rich and expressive;
  • the ability to do everything with a smile, to enjoy your own work.

A professional waiter gets along well with colleagues, cooks, knows how to find a common language with administrators and managers.

Working as a waiter is not only a way to earn extra money during the summer holidays for students. In this profession, you can successfully build a career - many successful managers and administrators of prestigious restaurants began their journey as a waiter.
