
How to pickle squash. How to pickle large squash - cooking features

The unusual shape, bizarre name and rather neutral taste have led to the fact that patissons for the winter are not as popular with us as their cultural counterparts - zucchini and cucumbers. And in vain! Unlike cucumbers, patissons are not so whimsical in watering, and they are distinguished from zucchini by more tender flesh and a crispy crust. In addition, it is a pleasure to prepare squash for the winter - quickly, simply and very tasty. It is also a sin to complain about the variety of squash recipes: both pickled and canned in jars, and with the addition of other vegetables. Just lick your fingers! Also, patissons for winter can be harvested with and without sterilization. Many recipes for blanks with photos of the most underestimated pumpkin - squash, you will find in our today's article.

Squash for the winter in jars - a delicious recipe with step by step photos

The simplest, but at the same time one of the most delicious recipes for preparing squash for the winter is squash marinated in jars. They are prepared with the addition of bell pepper and a large amount of aromatic spices, so they end up with a very rich and rich taste. Learn how to cook delicious squash in jars for the winter from the step-by-step recipe below.

Ingredients for a delicious squash recipe in jars for the winter

  • squash - 1 kg
  • bell pepper - 5-6 pcs.
  • onions - 4-5 pcs.
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs.
  • basil - 6 pcs.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.
  • cloves - 6 pcs.
  • vinegar - 100 ml.
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 250 gr.
  • greenery

Instructions for a recipe for delicious patissons for the winter in jars

  1. This recipe is very simple. First, wash all the vegetables thoroughly. Then peel the onion from the husk and cut into rings. If the onions are very large, then it is better to cut into half rings.
  2. Cut the patissons into small cubes. For pickling, young fruits are best suited, which do not even need to be peeled and seeds.
  3. After we cut the bell pepper into medium rings and finely chop the hot pepper. We also cut the lemon, along with the zest, into rings of medium thickness.
  4. At the bottom of the sterilized jar we lay out the greens - a couple of sprigs of parsley and basil. Then add one slice of lemon.
  5. After we add a couple of pieces of hot pepper and 3-4 circles of bell pepper.
  6. Then we fill the jar with squash. Add bay leaf and cloves.
  7. We turn to the preparation of the marinade: bring the water to a boil, add sugar, vinegar and salt. Boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat.
  8. Fill our jars with squash with marinade to the top.
  9. We cover with sterile lids and send to a water bath for sterilization. Sterilization time for half-liter jars is 10 minutes.

    On a note! Be sure to line the bottom of the pot with a kitchen towel so the jars don't burst during sterilization. Also, pour hot water into the pan so that there are no temperature fluctuations.

  10. After sterilization, carefully take out the jars with pickled squash for the winter from the pan, wipe and close with a can opener. Then turn upside down and wrap with a warm cloth until cool.

Squash for the winter with zucchini "Lick your fingers", recipe step by step

Squash for the winter can be successfully marinated with other vegetables, such as zucchini. This option is just a godsend when you need to roll up the remains of a crop from different crops for the winter. This recipe for squash with zucchini for the winter called "Lick your fingers" has a rich and interesting taste. Learn how to cook marinated squash with zucchini for the winter “Lick your fingers” from the step-by-step recipe below.

Necessary ingredients for squash with zucchini for the winter "Lick your fingers"

  • squash - 1 kg
  • zucchini - 1 kg
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves
  • bay leaf -2-3 pcs.
  • peppercorns - 4-6 pcs.
  • carnation -2-3 pcs.
  • vinegar - 100 ml
  • sugar - 150 gr.
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • greenery

Instructions for cooking squash with zucchini for the winter "Lick your fingers"

  1. Cut the washed vegetables into cubes. Squash and zucchini for this recipe should be young, so we will not clean them. But if you plan to preserve overripe fruits, then be sure to peel them and remove the seeds.
  2. We clean the garlic and lightly press down with the flat side of the knife so that it better gives its taste and aroma to our preparation for the winter.
  3. We spread greens on the bottom of sterile jars - a couple of sprigs of fresh parsley, a little dill, basil.
  4. Add garlic and spices. After we fill the jars to the top with vegetables, alternating between a layer of squash and zucchini.
  5. Fill with boiling water and cover with lids. Let it brew for 5-7 minutes. After that, pour the water back into the pan and cook the marinade: after boiling, add sugar and salt, pour in the vinegar. Boil for literally five minutes and remove from heat.
  6. Fill jars with blanks with boiling brine and cork. Such heat treatment is quite enough and the recipe does not need additional sterilization.

Pickled squash for the winter like mushrooms, step by step recipe

Squash, like zucchini, has a rather neutral taste and tender flesh, which makes it possible, for example, to marinate them “under mushrooms”. False mushrooms are usually made from zucchini or blue ones, but with squash, such a preparation turns out to be much juicier and more tender. To taste, pickled squash for the winter like mushrooms (step-by-step recipe below) resemble milk mushrooms.

Necessary ingredients for marinated squash like mushrooms for the winter

  • squash - 3 kg
  • carrots - 2-3 pcs.
  • garlic - 1/2 cup
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 1 cup
  • vinegar - 1 glass
  • dill and parsley

Instructions for the recipe for pickled squash for mushrooms for the winter

  1. We cut the patissons into small cubes, cut the carrots into thin rings, chop the greens and garlic.
  2. We spread all the vegetable blanks in a saucepan, add spices, sugar and vinegar. Salt and leave for 3 hours to marinate.
  3. Three hours later, lay out the finished pickled salad in clean jars. We send to a water bath and sterilize for 15 minutes.
  4. Close with a can opener and turn over. Let cool under a warm blanket.

How to cook salted whole squash for the winter without sterilization, recipe

Small "milk" patissons can be salted for the winter right in their entirety and without sterilization. Such a salty snack tastes like canned cucumbers or zucchini for the winter. Learn how to cook whole salted patissons for the winter without sterilization from the recipe below.

Necessary ingredients for salted squash without sterilization for the winter

  • squash - 2 kg
  • dill - 100 gr.
  • celery root - 30 gr.
  • garlic - 3-4 pcs.
  • hot peppers
  • horseradish leaves

Instructions on how to cook whole squash for the winter without sterilization

  1. Place clean squash mixed with spices in a non-enameled bowl.
  2. We cook the brine at the rate of 60 grams of salt per 1 liter of water.
  3. Pour the squash with hot brine. Cover with a large plate or lid and set oppression.
  4. We leave the squash for salting for 10 days. The finished snack can be transferred along with the brine to clean jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Squash caviar for the winter, video recipe

Squash caviar for the winter tastes very similar to "overseas" eggplant. This appetizing preparation is prepared as quickly and simply as squash for the winter with mushrooms, and in terms of its taste it can safely claim the name “You will lick your fingers”. Unlike many salted and some squash marinated in jars, this recipe does not require additional sterilization.


Often on the market you can find amazing multi-colored vegetable baskets, these are squash, the closest "relatives" of zucchini from the pumpkin family. Pickled squash without sterilization received the greatest popularity in cooking, the recipes of which were known to our grandparents. Preparations from these vegetables are crispy and savory.

yellow pattysons

For preservation, only young, not overripe fruits are needed, otherwise after cooking they will turn out to be quite tough. If you want to pickle whole vegetables, then pick up squash with a diameter of about 5 cm, they will easily pass through the neck of a standard jar. Before making preparations, take a sufficient amount of time to wash vegetables, especially for ribbed edges. It is not necessary to remove the skin of the patisson, it is very thin and tender.

The only thing is that you will need to remove the attachment point of the stem, making a round hole with a diameter of no more than 2 cm, and cut off the back of the vegetable. Immediately before placing the patissons in jars, they must be blanched in boiling water for at least 5-7 minutes, then immersed in cool water with ice for better color preservation. There are important details even after the seaming of the winter harvest. So, the usual way to wrap jars in a warm blanket after sterilization is not suitable for squash. They will quickly overheat, become flabby and completely tasteless. Moreover, it is recommended to cool the preservation as soon as possible in a natural way, without drafts.

Recipes that don't require the extra time to sterilize jars are gaining popularity. This conservation is no exception. Patissons, thanks to the addition of a large amount of spicy spices and fragrant leaves to the preservation, are very crispy and delicate in taste.

  • small patissons - 6 pcs.;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • a couple of dill umbrellas;
  • three sprigs of parsley;
  • one small leaf of horseradish, currant, cherry;
  • two bay leaves;
  • peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • a quarter of a chili pepper without seeds;
  • a sprig of tarragon, thyme, basil - optional.

Squash ready to be marinated

For 1 liter of brine:

  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.

We wash the patissons well under cool water, after which we will definitely blanch them in boiling water for seven minutes. We send the patissons to a bowl with ice and wait until they are completely cool. In the meantime, prepare the brine. Depending on the amount of water, add the desired proportions of sugar and salt, after which we send the liquid to the fire along with the bulk ingredients, waiting until they are completely dissolved. At the bottom of the sterilized jar we put all the fragrant ingredients: horseradish leaves, currants, cherries, garlic cloves, dill and parsley sprigs, chili peppers and peas, as well as sprigs of tarragon, basil and thyme, if desired. So that all these components do not take up much space in the jar, you can literally scald them with a couple of tablespoons of boiling water to shrink.

The squash has already cooled down, they need to be blotted with a cotton towel, put into jars and poured with a ready-made marinade. Preservation should be allowed to brew for 10-15 minutes, covering the container with a loosely sterilized lid. After this time, drain the brine, taste it for bitterness and spices. If necessary, reduce the amount of hot pepper and add the missing seasonings. Boil the marinade again and, after removing from heat, add table vinegar to the brine, at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. per liter of liquid. While the marinade has not cooled down, fill it with the contents of the jars up to the neck and tightly roll them up with sterile lids. We send blanks with patissons to a cool place, without covering them with a warm cloth on top.

This recipe can be considered not just a preparation, but a real salad for the winter, thanks to the presence of at least two vegetables in it - squash and cherry tomatoes. As in the previous preservation option, it is not necessary to sterilize the blanks in the container.

For cooking you will need:

  • squash (small) - 1.5 kg;
  • cherry tomatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt and sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • table vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • star anise flowers - 2 pcs.
  • cumin seeds - 3 g;
  • peppercorns (white) - 6 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.

cherry tomatoes for pickling

Rinse the patissons thoroughly under running cool water, and then boil them in boiling water for 5 minutes, then cool the vegetables in a container with ice. Rinse the cherry tomatoes, remove the tails and pierce them at the place where the stalks grow several times with a toothpick. This must be done so that the tender skin of the tomato does not crack under the pressure of boiling water. At the bottom of well-sterilized jars, lay out star anise flowers, garlic and add all the necessary spices. Then we tightly stack small patissons, if they are large, cut them into several parts, and carefully place the tomatoes on top.

Now it's the turn to pour boiling water over this fragrant vegetable mixture and leave the vegetables alone for 20 minutes. After this time, drain the water, put it on the fire and bring to a boil.

Again, fill everything with boiling liquid, leaving the vegetables in this state for another 15 minutes, not forgetting to cover the jars with a sterile lid. We drain the water for the last time and now add the indicated amount of salt and sugar per liter of liquid. Boil the brine until it boils and turn off the heat. Pour the squash with tomatoes with the finished marinade, add two tablespoons of vinegar to a liter jar and roll up the lids. Crispy preparations for the winter are ready. Now you need to let them cool in a cool place and put them in the cellar. You will find a very similar recipe in the article.

We offer you recipes with two unchanged main ingredients, but different in taste. The first recipe is suitable for preservation for the winter and will delight you in the midst of winter cold, the second option can also be prepared in the summer season, using the usual fresh salads as an alternative. To prepare winter preservation, take a kilogram of squash and half a kilogram of fresh apples, rinse them thoroughly under water and remove the stalks. Try to choose fruits and vegetables that are about the same size. Cut the squash into several equal parts, depending on the size, and divide the apples in half, removing the core.

Pickled squash

Place aromatic ingredients at the bottom of sterilized jars: three cloves of garlic, a couple of black peppercorns, a couple of sprigs of parsley and dill, as well as hot chilli without grains, adjusting its amount according to your taste preferences. Next, we begin to lay out the chopped ingredients in layers (squash-apples), making between them a thin layer of fresh herbs and, if desired, hot chili peppers. We make a brine at the rate of two tablespoons of salt and a tablespoon of sugar per liter of water. As usual, bring the mixture to a boil, pour it into jars and add a tablespoon of 9% vinegar to each of them. Final touches - roll up the jars tightly and send them to a cool place.

The recipe for a daily snack without jarring is soaked squash with apples. Prepare small Antonovka apples, small squash, as well as currant, lemongrass and cherry leaves. Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly under water and place them alternately in layers in a clean plastic barrel or bucket, making a thin "cushion" of fragrant leaves between each layer. At the end, prepare a cold marinade, following the same proportions as in the previous recipe. To stimulate the fermentation process in the marinade, we also pour a tablespoon of rye flour without a slide. Pour the contents of the container with the finished brine, cover it with a lid and put it under oppression. The best place for fermentation and cooking would be a cellar or refrigerator. The aging period is 21 days, and you can taste it.

Patissons are healthy and tasty vegetables. Preparations for the winter of them are a real culinary masterpiece. There are many quick and easy canning recipes. Patissons are salted and marinated, they make excellent winter salads, stews and caviar. They go great with other vegetables. By adhering to the carefully selected recipes below, you will make perfect squash preparations for the winter.

Quick and tasty recipes for the winter from squash - general principles

Choose slightly unripe fruits for salting and pickling, they will remain elastic and crispy in any brine.

A little trick will also make them crispy: before salting, pour boiling water over the squash for a couple of minutes, then dip it in cold water.

Ripe fruits are also suitable for salads and caviar.

To taste, you can additionally put other vegetables in any of the preservation: onions, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes.

Small patissons can be salted whole, large ones are better cut.

Before cooking, the patissons are thoroughly washed, the stalk is carefully cut off. There is no need to peel vegetables - their peel is thin.

1. Patissons, canned in pieces, a delicious and quick recipe for the winter


8 medium patissons;

Dill with umbrellas - 10 pcs.;

Horseradish - 5 small roots;

2 chili peppers;

Garlic - 7 cloves;

Bay leaf - 5 pcs.;

A pack of allspice;

Water - 4 liters;

Salt, sugar - 130 g each;

9% vinegar - 30 ml per one liter jar.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the squash, cut off the stem, peel.

2. Put the squash in a deep large container, pour boiling water over it, let stand for several minutes.

3. Put in a colander, rinse lightly with water, cut into medium cubes.

4. Rinse the jars with soda solution, sterilize. In each put a dill umbrella, two peppercorns, a small piece of chili pepper, a peeled garlic clove and half a horseradish root.

5. Lay the jars to the very top with squash cubes.

6. Pour in vinegar, shake.

7. Boil the marinade: pour sugar, salt into the water, let it boil and pour over the squash.

8. Roll up, turn over, cool in a warm blanket.

9. Store jars in the cellar until winter.

2. A quick and tasty recipe for pickled squash for the winter without seaming


Squash - 2.5 kilograms (small size);

Garlic - 8 cloves;

7 bay leaves;

Vinegar 6% - 20 ml per 1 liter jar;

50 grams of salt and sugar (per liter of water);

6 pieces of allspice and cloves;

Water - 6 liters.

Way cooking:

1. Wash the squash, cut out the stem.

2. Put the patissons in a deep metal container (preferably a wide basin), pour hot water over it, adjust the heat to medium and boil for about five minutes, drain the water.

3. For the marinade: pour water into a large saucepan, add salt, sugar and bring to a boil, stirring constantly, over low heat.

4. Pour vinegar into the marinade, put cloves, peppercorns.

5. Cut the peeled garlic into slices and put them in the marinade in the same way.

6. Wash, sterilize two-liter jars, lay squash (you can put half a horseradish root, a sprig of green dill on the bottom).

7. Put one leaf of parsley on top and pour over the marinade.

8. Close the jars with plastic lids, cool and refrigerate until winter.

3. Pickled patissons: a quick and tasty recipe for the winter with cucumbers and carrots


7 medium cucumbers;

3 small patissons;

3 carrots;

3 leaves of horseradish;

6 bay leaves;

5 peas of allspice;

Carnation - 4 pcs.;

8 cloves of garlic;

40 grams of salt;

Sugar - 20 grams;

Vinegar - 10 ml per half liter of water;

Bow head.

Cooking method:

1. Wash cucumbers (cucumbers must be fresh, not spoiled), pour water and leave for several hours.

2. Wash the peeled carrots, cut into long plates (you can take sweet peppers instead of carrots).

3. Chop the peeled onion into thin strips.

4. Wash the horseradish leaves, tear them into arbitrary pieces with your hands, peel the garlic, cut into slices.

5. In prepared glass jars, put one leaf of bay leaf, a piece of horseradish leaf, 2 peppercorns, cloves, two pieces of garlic.

6. Put mixed patissons, cucumbers, carrots and chopped onions, pour hot water.

7. Pour salt, sugar on top, add vinegar (1 teaspoon per liter of water).

8. Roll up with sterilized lids, store in the cellar until winter.

4. A quick recipe for squash for the winter: delicious caviar


4 kilograms of squash;

Tomato puree - one small jar;

4 bulbs;

Carrot - 4 pieces;

Sugar, salt - 4 large spoons each;

Garlic - 8 cloves;

Vegetable oil - 130 grams;

Black pepper - 15 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the peeled onions with carrots, chop the onions into thin strips, carrots on a grater with large teeth. Fry in a frying pan in hot oil over medium heat for ten minutes.

2. Peel the garlic, squeeze it through the garlic and put it in the pan with the vegetables, fry for another three minutes.

3. Cut the prepared patissons into medium cubes and put them in the pan at the same time as the tomato puree, mix everything thoroughly and fry for three minutes.

4. Add sugar, salt, allspice, about four tablespoons of water and simmer under the lid for a little more than half an hour.

5. Cool the resulting vegetable mixture and grind in a blender to a mushy mass, put in a deep metal container, sprinkle with black pepper, put on the stove, adjust the heat to moderate and boil.

6. Arrange in jars (pre-sterilize them), roll them up with lids, wrap them in a blanket to cool, and lower them into the cellar for storage.

5. A quick recipe for delicious patissons for the winter


5 large patissons;

3 bunches of parsley and dill;

One pack of allspice;

7 cloves of garlic;

4 umbrellas of dill;

Sugar - 20 grams;

Salt - 3 large spoons;

Water - 12 glasses;

3 bay leaves;

Ketchup - 3 large spoons;

Vinegar with medium acidity.

The recipe does not indicate the exact amount of vinegar, focus on the number of cans (the ratio per liter of water is half a tablespoon).

Cooking method:

1. Wash jars, sterilize.

2. Wash parsley, dill, disassemble into branches.

3. Peel the garlic, cut into slices.

4. In jars, put three peppercorns, dill umbrellas, three sprigs of herbs, two pieces of garlic.

5. Wash the squash, free from the stalk, cut in half (if small, you can lay it whole).

6. For the marinade, pour water, acetic acid into a deep saucepan, add sugar, salt, tomato ketchup (if you need a spicy marinade, you can use chili ketchup or add additional red ground pepper), mix everything well and boil.

7. Pour the marinade into jars with prepared spices and squash.

8. Cover the jars with metal lids, put in a wide metal basin and sterilize for ten minutes.

9. Roll up the jars, cool them upside down under a warm blanket and put them in the cellar until winter.

6. Squash marinated with cauliflower, a quick and tasty recipe for the winter


8 small patissons;

Cauliflower - 1 head;

7 cherry tomatoes;

A pod of hot pepper;

Salt - 45 grams;

Sugar - 2 large spoons;

25 ml of vinegar;

7 pieces of cloves;

5 dill umbrellas;

Garlic - one head.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the cabbage, separate the inflorescences, pour hot water over it and leave for ten minutes, drain the water.

2. Wash glass jars thoroughly. Put an umbrella of dill, three cloves in each jar.

3. Wash squash, cut in half.

4. Wash cherry tomatoes, cut the stalk, make several punctures on their surface with a fork so that they do not burst.

5. Wash the chili pepper, free from seeds and stalk, cut into strips.

6. Put the patissons in the jars first, then the cabbage inflorescences, whole cherry tomatoes (if there are no cherry tomatoes, you can use large tomatoes, only they need to be cut into slices) and a little hot pepper.

7. For the marinade: pour water into a deep saucepan, add sugar, salt, stir well until they are completely dissolved, boil over moderate heat for several minutes.

8. Pour vinegar into the marinade, stir.

9. Put a clove of garlic and a few strips of hot pepper in jars on top, pour everything with marinade.

10. Put the jars in a wide bowl and sterilize for about half an hour.

11. Roll up the lids.

12. Turn the lid down, wrap in a warm blanket and leave overnight.

13. Store jars in the cellar until winter.

7. Delicious squash lecho for the winter: a quick recipe


1.5 kg of squash;

1.5 kg of ripe tomatoes;

7 bulbs;

40 ml of vinegar;

7-8 pcs. bell pepper;

A glass of vegetable oil;


Half a glass of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and peel all vegetables.

2. Divide the garlic into cloves, chop. Cut the onion and pepper into strips, squash into cubes.

3. Put the tomatoes in a blender bowl and puree.

4. Pour oil into a large cauldron, heat up.

5. Put the onion, stirring, fry for 2-3 minutes.

6. Add pepper, after 5-7 minutes put squash. Fry 10 minutes.

7. Pour in the tomato puree, add salt and sugar, throw in the peppercorns.

8. Simmer, stirring, for half an hour.

9. For a few minutes, put the garlic, pour in the vinegar.

10. Pour into a sterile container, roll up.

Squash: quick and tasty recipes for the winter - advice

Put spices to taste in preservation: use bay leaves, black and allspice peas, dill umbrellas, dill and parsley leaves, horseradish root, chili pepper, garlic. Adjust the amount of ingredients used according to your preference. Bon appetit.

The popularity of canned squash for the winter is growing every day. Cute, elastic and juicy vegetables, reminiscent of the appearance of flying saucers, are made in marinades, salted in jars, put on caviar or used for all kinds of salads. Squash recipes for the winter with photos are simple. Many of them suggest how to make blanks quickly, without tedious and time-consuming sterilization. You just have to choose the appropriate option from our collection and on snowy, cold days your table will be decorated with beautiful, bright, fragrant and delicious homemade vegetable snacks.

Marinated squash for the winter in slices without sterilization in jars - a recipe with a photo

Following this recipe with a photo, you can cook delicious squash slices for the winter without sterilization. The dish will turn out to be quite spicy and even slightly burning due to the fact that bitter chili peppers are included in the composition. Such a bright and juicy appetizer on cold days will pleasantly diversify the daily menu, and it will not go unnoticed on the festive table.

Necessary ingredients for a recipe for harvesting marinated squash for the winter in jars

  • squash - 2 kg
  • dill (twigs) - ½ bunch
  • dill (umbrellas) - 3 pcs
  • parsley - 1/3 bunch
  • tarragon - 1 sprig
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs
  • hot chili pepper - 1 pod
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • horseradish leaf - 2 pcs
  • water - 2 l
  • salt - 100 g
  • table vinegar 9% - 8 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for squash marinated for the winter in slices without sterilization in jars

Squash caviar for the winter with mayonnaise in jars - a simple recipe with a photo without sterilization

This simple recipe with a photo suggests preparing squash caviar with mayonnaise for the winter without sterilization. The finished dish pleases with a very pleasant, delicate taste and a delicate, unobtrusive aroma. Light creamy notes of the workpiece are added by mayonnaise, which is part of the composition. If you want to strengthen this shade, you need to take the maximum fat mayonnaise, and if, on the contrary, weaken it, then use the lightest or ordinary store-bought sour cream.

Necessary ingredients for a simple recipe for squash caviar without jar sterilization

  • squash - 4.5 kg
  • onion - 2.25
  • garlic - 15 teeth
  • mayonnaise - 375 ml
  • tomato paste - 450 ml
  • vegetable oil - 225 ml
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 4 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions for a simple recipe with a photo of winter squash caviar with mayonnaise without sterilization

  1. Rinse the squash, cut into circles of the same thickness and fry in vegetable oil until a pleasant, light golden hue.
  2. Peel the onion from the husk, chop finely, simmer until soft in a pan, then transfer to the squash and simmer under the lid for about 15 minutes.
  3. Add garlic, passed through a press, salt, sugar, tomato paste and mayonnaise. Stir gently, simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  4. Pour hot caviar into jars, roll up with iron lids and cool, turning upside down and wrapping in a warm blanket. Store in a cellar or basement.

How to salt patissons for the winter in jars - a recipe for harvesting with a photo

How to salt patissons in jars for the winter, this recipe with a photo will tell. The process is very simple and almost identical to the classic way of pickling cucumbers. It is quite acceptable to change the composition and quantity of spices for yourself, adding or, conversely, removing some positions. For example, many housewives do not like to put a currant leaf in conservation, believing that it gives the rolls a specific flavor and aroma. Those who are in solidarity with this position, it is quite possible to confine ourselves to horseradish leaves only. Or, to enhance the crunchiness of the patissons, add horseradish root chopped into rings.

Necessary ingredients for a recipe for pickling squash for the winter in jars

  • squash - 4 kg
  • garlic - 16 cloves
  • water - 3 l
  • dill - 4 umbrellas
  • horseradish and black currant leaves - 3 pcs each
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs
  • salt - 6 tbsp
  • mustard seeds - 10 pcs
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs
  • vinegar - 100 ml

Step-by-step instructions for a blank recipe, how to salt squash in jars for the winter

  1. Carefully sort out the squash and leave the same unspoiled fruits of medium size. Wash thoroughly and drain in a colander to drain excess moisture.
  2. Put garlic, currant and horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas, laurel, black peppercorns and mustard seeds on the bottom of dry sterilized jars. Then fill the jar with patissons, trying to lay them out as tightly as possible.
  3. Bring water to a boil over medium heat, add salt and cook until it dissolves completely. Then pour boiling brine into jars, cover with lids and leave at room temperature for three days.
  4. After the time has elapsed, return the old brine to the pan again and boil. When the liquid begins to boil strongly, reduce the heating level and cook for 10 minutes. At the end, pour in the vinegar, mix, fill the jars with squash with brine almost to the neck, roll up with metal lids, turn upside down and leave until completely cooled under a warm blanket or blanket. For winter storage, send to the basement or cellar.

Squash salad for the winter - step by step recipe with photo

Following the tips and tricks of this step-by-step recipe with a photo, you can make a very juicy and fragrant squash preparation for the winter. The consistency of the dish most of all resembles a vegetable salad, but it also looks quite good as a soup dressing. The taste is distinguished by tenderness and pleasant tomato notes, but it does not sour at all, since there is no vinegar in the composition.

Ingredients for the recipe for making squash salad for the winter

  • squash - 2 kg
  • onion - 700 g
  • bell pepper - 700 g
  • tomatoes - 700 g
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 3 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for harvesting delicious patissons for the winter

  1. Heat oil in a saucepan and fry finely chopped onion in it until transparent. Then add the Bulgarian pepper cut into thin short sticks and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring regularly.
  2. Wash the tomatoes, dry them, turn into a smooth puree in a food processor, add to the onion and pepper, mix well and simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. Chop the patissons into pieces, add to the saucepan with the rest of the vegetables, reduce the heating level to the minimum and simmer for about 40-45 minutes. At the end, salt, add sugar, mix and bring to a boil. Cook for another 2-3 minutes, then pack the salad in sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down and cool completely under a warm blanket. Send for storage in a cool room.

Squash for the winter You will lick your fingers - a recipe with video

Canned patissons for the winter are distinguished by a pleasant, elastic texture, delicate taste and delicate, subtle aroma. But, prepared in jars along with other vegetables, they acquire a completely new bright sound. The author of the video below suggests pickling squash in jars along with bell and hot peppers, onions, lemon and fresh herbs. The finished dish is quite spicy and goes well with various meat and fish dishes, potatoes or pasta. In addition, it can be consumed as a juicy snack or added to soup as a dressing. Well, for those who are not too fond of savory and salty vegetable preparations, we advise you to pay attention to the recipe with a photo of very tasty squash caviar, which can be prepared even without tedious sterilization.

Pickled squash for the winter is prepared by many. After all, the result is a very tasty snack. At the moment, there are many recipes for this dish. Squash, if they are small, can be pickled whole, or can be cut into pieces. Before rolling, this vegetable is very often blanched, kept for some time in boiling water, and then lowered into cold water. Even small squash require more time and heat to cook, as they are much denser than tomatoes.

Marinating without seaming

So, is it possible to pickle squash without seaming. The recipe for this dish is quite simple. The result is a natural, savory, juicy snack. At the same time, the cooking process proceeds without unnecessary hassle. To make pickled squash, you will need:

  1. Squash - two kilograms.
  2. Garlic - 5 cloves.
  3. Bay leaf - 4 pieces.
  4. Table vinegar - 60 ml.
  5. Sugar - a tablespoon.
  6. Salt - a tablespoon.
  7. Allspice - 4 pieces.
  8. Cloves - 4 pieces.

How to pickle squash without seaming

First you need to prepare the vegetables. To do this, the squash should be thoroughly washed, and then remove all the tails. Put prepared vegetables in a large refractory container and fill with water. Bring the contents of the pot to a boil and cook for three minutes. After that, the water should be drained.

While the boiled squash is cooling, you can prepare the marinade. To do this, pour water into a separate container and add salt and sugar to it. After that, the composition must be placed on fire and boil. In this case, the marinade should be constantly stirred so that the salt and sugar dissolve completely.

In the finished marinade, add cloves, allspice and vinegar. To make pickled squash for the winter delicious, you can use any seasoning that you personally like.

Garlic cloves should be peeled and then cut into equal parts. The containers in which pickled squash will be stored should be washed and sterilized in advance. In each jar, put ready-made vegetables, cut garlic cloves, bay leaf and pour it all over with ready-made hot marinade. If desired, you can put dill umbrellas or horseradish greens in the container.

Each jar should be closed with a nylon lid. Of course they need to be sterilized. Screw caps or vacuum caps can also be used. As you can see, it is not difficult to pickle patissons. The recipe for such an appetizer will appeal to many housewives.

with cucumbers

Pickled patissons with cucumbers are fragrant and tasty. Such a salad will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. Squash marinated with cucumbers are ideal for various meat dishes. For cooking you will need:

  1. 700 grams of squash.
  2. A kilogram of cucumbers.
  3. 300 grams of carrots. If necessary, you can replace the bell pepper.
  4. Various spices. It is best to add garlic, cloves, pepper, horseradish leaves to this dish.
  5. A half-liter jar needs a teaspoon of salt.
  6. Tablespoon of sugar.
  7. Acetic essence - 1/3 teaspoon.
  8. Onion head.

How to cook pickled squash with cucumbers

This appetizer is very easy to make. The whole process takes about an hour. To begin with, it is worth preparing all the products. Cucumbers should be carefully selected so that they do not have damage, as well as signs of disease. After that, the vegetables must be thoroughly washed, and then left soaked in water for another 12 hours. You can soak them overnight. Carrots should be peeled and then cut into slices. Large squash should be cut into pieces. You can add bell peppers and onions to the salad. They need to be cleaned and washed. Onions need to be chopped into rings, and bell peppers into strips.

Such a salad is rolled up in glass jars with a volume of half a liter. Not the bottom of each container should be put all the necessary spices, and then a leaf of horseradish. After that, you can start laying vegetables. When everything is ready, the jars must be filled to the top with boiling water. After the liquid has cooled, it must be drained. Then the jars should be filled with water again and add sugar and salt on top.

Pickled patissons are almost ready. Pour the required amount of vinegar essence into the jars. A half-liter container requires 1/3 teaspoon of this component. That's all it remains to close the jars with pre-sterilized lids. Now you know how to pickle squash with cucumbers. Store this salad in a cool place.

Without sterilization

Do you know how to make pickled squash without sterilization? Vegetables are crispy, tender and tasty. They go great with meat dishes. At the same time, the process of preparing such patissons takes a little time. Thanks to the marinade, vegetables get a special taste. They are not salty and not sweet, but slightly salted. You will need:

Cooking process

So, how to pickle patissons for the winter without sterilization. Almost every housewife has recipes for such a seaming. However, in most cases they require of course sterilization. And this takes a lot of time.

To make pickled patissons fragrant, it is necessary to put horseradish leaves, cherries and currants on the bottom of pre-prepared jars. Spices and peeled garlic cloves should also be put here. After that, hot peppers and patissons, previously cut into pieces, can be put in containers. When all the ingredients are stacked, the jars should be filled with boiling water. So they should stand for five minutes.

The liquid from the containers must be drained into a saucepan and make a marinade. One liter of water requires a tablespoon of sugar and two tablespoons of salt. Marinade must be brought to a boil. Pour 1/3 teaspoon of table vinegar into each container with patissons. After that, you can pour the finished marinade into the containers and roll up the lids. Banks need to be turned over and wrapped in a blanket until completely cooled. Pickled patissons are ready. It is better to store them in a cool place.

Pickled squash and zucchini

For cooking you need:

  1. Zucchini.
  2. Squash.
  3. Garlic.
  4. Onion.
  5. Dill and parsley.
  6. Hell leaves.
  7. Salt and sugar.
  8. Table vinegar 5%.

Cooking steps

So, how to pickle squash and zucchini. In fact, everything is very simple. To begin with, it is worth preparing all the components. Glass jars should be sterilized in advance. At the bottom of the prepared containers, it is necessary to lay out coarsely chopped horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas and parsley sprigs. The onion should be peeled, and then cut into half rings and put in a jar on top of the greens.

To prepare this salad, it is better to use young small zucchini. They need to be put in the bank as a whole. If this fails, then it can be cut into several parts. Squash is also better to take small ones. If there are none, then the vegetables should be cut into three or four parts. Put zucchini in a jar on a layer of onions, then garlic and a layer of squash.

This is how you can pickle squash for the winter in an original way. Recipes for this salad are different. The main difference is in the marinade. In this case, for its preparation you will need a liter of water, two tablespoons of sugar and salt. All ingredients must be mixed and brought to a boil. After that, add 4 tablespoons of 5% vinegar to the marinade. The container can be removed from the fire.

How to roll up

Prepared jars need to be filled with ready-made marinade. Lettuce containers should be placed in warm water and sterilized, having previously covered with lids. The time depends on the size of the jar. Containers with a volume of 0.7 liters must be sterilized within 12 minutes after boiling.

After that, the banks need to be rolled up and placed, turning them upside down. Cool pickled squash should be under a fur coat.

Squash with cabbage

For cooking you need:

  1. A kilogram of patissons.
  2. 700 grams of cauliflower.
  3. 7 cherry tomatoes.
  4. Bulgarian pepper.
  5. One pod of hot pepper.
  6. 50 grams of salt.
  7. Tablespoon of vinegar.
  8. 100 grams of sugar.
  9. Cloves - 8 pieces.
  10. Dill.
  11. Head of garlic.

Step by step cooking

At the bottom of sterilized jars it is worth laying out spices, dill. On top of these components, you need to put squash, and then whole tomatoes, piercing them at the base, cauliflower inflorescences and strips of bell pepper.

Now you can prepare the marinade. To do this, mix salt and sugar. The components should be poured with a liter of water and boiled until they dissolve. Marinade should be boiled for about five minutes, and then add vinegar to it.

In jars with patissons, it is worth putting a few cloves of garlic, as well as a small piece of hot pepper. Pour the hot marinade into the containers and cover them with lids. After that, the salad jars must be sterilized. It takes a little time. To do this, they need to be placed in warm water and, having brought to a boil, sterilized for about 15 minutes. After that, pickled squash with cabbage can be rolled up. Closed jars should be turned upside down and left in this position until completely cooled.
