
How best to bake chicken legs in the oven. How to quickly and tasty cook chicken legs in the oven

Juicy and tender chicken legs covered with a crispy fragrant crust, garnished with fresh vegetables, potatoes or crumbly rice... I think everyone has already imagined this appetizing dish in front of them on a plate. You can cook such a chicken in a pan, in a slow cooker, on an open fire. However, for lovers of baked products, I would like to advise exactly the recipe for chicken legs in the oven.

Today you can find dozens of varieties of this dish - an Italian version using honey, and much, much more.

If you have never cooked legs in the oven, then you should opt for the classic recipe.

For those who prefer to spend a minimum of time in the kitchen, we can advise you to cook "lazy" chicken legs. In any case, if you follow the recipe, you will get an amazing dish that will be a great idea for dinner or a festive lunch.

Before you cook the legs in the oven, they must be thawed. It is better to put the meat for several hours in cold water. When the chicken is tender, pat dry with paper or kitchen towels to remove excess moisture. Only after that you can start cooking.

To prepare 1-2 servings of the dish, you will need the following ingredients:

The chicken parts are washed, dried, put in a bowl, sprinkled with spices and salt, left to marinate for 15 minutes. At this time, garlic is peeled, crushed and. The legs are treated with the resulting mass, covered with a film and sent to the refrigerator for half an hour. During this time, the meat will become more tender, acquire a magnificent garlic flavor.

After the lapse of time, the chicken is pulled out, the baking dish is greased with vegetable or butter, and the legs are placed in it. Cook the dish for 50 minutes in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Bon appetit!

Recipe number 2, or a dish for the lazy

If you do not like to stand at the stove for a long time, then this recipe for chicken legs in the oven will appeal to you. For the dish you will need:

The chicken is washed, allowed to dry and treated with spices. We pass the onion in a pan, add carrots to it, and when the frying is ready, we pour corn into it. , put in a fried vegetable mixture so that the cereal absorbs its aroma and delicate taste.

At the same time, grease a baking sheet or baking dish with oil, transfer all the ingredients of the dish (the meat should be on top). Add water, a couple of leaves of lavrushka and put everything in the oven, heated to 180–200 degrees. After 50 minutes, you can serve the dish on the table!

Recipe number 3. Chicken in honey mustard sauce

Juicy legs in the oven can also be cooked with an unusual marinade. You will need the following ingredients:

Mix honey, vinegar and mustard in a separate bowl, bring to a homogeneous consistency. We put the washed chicken in a plastic bag, pre-treating the meat with marinade. We remove the bird for 1-1.5 hours in the refrigerator. After that, the legs are laid out on oiled foil, the envelope is carefully sealed and sent to the oven for half an hour. Then the dish is turned over and baked for another 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Delicious chicken legs are ready! They can be served alone or with a side dish of rice, assorted fresh vegetables.

Getting delicious, fried and at the same time juicy, baked in the oven is the dream of every housewife, because no one will refuse such a chicken. Without fried, any holiday table will seem incomplete.

But by no means, instead of the expected result, the output is either excessively dry or almost boiled chicken. I will not hide it, a few years ago my attempts to cook delicious crispy chicken legs ended in complete failure. Only over time I learned how to cook them deliciously.

How to cook crispy chicken

Now I can say with confidence that the marinade plays a decisive role in whether you get really golden chicken legs with a crispy crust in the oven. There is no one-size-fits-all marinade for crispy chicken. You can get it using many marinades, but not all. Marinades that give such a crust must contain some ingredients.

Such ingredients include sugar-containing components - honey, balsamic vinegar, wine, vegetable oils, bright-colored spices. A crispy crust can be obtained on (on any of its parts) using mustard-honey marinade, honey-soy marinade, mayonnaise-based marinade, sour cream. Today I want to suggest marinating chicken legs to get a crispy marinade based on soy sauce, honey, wine and olive oil.

Thanks to these components, chicken legs will acquire a crispy crust and a sweet and sour taste.

Now let's look at how to cook chicken legs in the oven with a crispy crust step by step recipe. And finally, I want to say that in this marinade you can also successfully marinate chicken for cooking it in the microwave or in a slow cooker. The main thing is to correctly set the desired cooking modes, and you will be provided with a crispy crust.


  • Chicken legs - 1 kg.,
  • Soy sauce - 100 ml.,
  • Garlic - 1 head,
  • Turmeric - 1 teaspoon,
  • Red wine - 100-150 ml.,
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.

Crispy Chicken Legs - Recipe

Having prepared all of the above ingredients, you can start preparing the marinade. It is best to prepare it in a small salad bowl. Pour soy sauce into a bowl.

Squeeze garlic into it.

Add turmeric.

Pour in red wine.

Add honey.

Pour the olive oil into the chicken marinade.

At the end of cooking, salt the marinade lightly to taste. Stir.

Prepare . Frozen chicken legs must be thawed before marinating, otherwise they will not marinate well. Rinse them under cold water. Let the water drain.

Place in a bowl and pour over the marinade.

With wine, marinate in a cold place for 3-5 hours. During marinade, it is advisable to turn the chicken legs 1-2 times so that the marinade soaks them evenly. Chicken legs soaked and infused in the marinade can begin to fry. The ideal oven temperature is 175-180 C.

As for the baking dish, it is advisable to give preference to a form with a side, since the chicken will release juice during frying. You can immediately lay out chicken legs in a glass or ceramic form, a Teflon-coated form, it is advisable to cover it with baking paper.

To obtain delicious chicken legs with a crispy crust, while baking, pour them (1-2 times) with the marinade that remained in the plate. Thus, the marinade, under the influence of temperature, will make the skin crispy and golden.

And one more small nuance - you can adjust the degree of frying at your discretion. If you want a drier and crispier crust, bake the legs in the oven longer.

Crispy Chicken Legs. Photo

Chicken has no equal in its popularity, since such a product has a very affordable cost, and there are quite a few options for preparing poultry dishes. Among the individual parts of the bird, the drumsticks are most in demand, from which you can cook a full-fledged, tasty and very nutritious dish in the oven, appropriate for an everyday lunch or a festive dinner.

How to choose shins?

Chicken legs are a full-fledged meat product, which is obtained during the cutting of poultry at the factory, the value of the resulting product is due to the high palatability of chicken drumstick meat, which becomes very juicy and soft during cooking.

Today, the legs are very often used as part of dishes, and are also used as an independent snack, which they prefer to serve with a delicious crispy crust. In addition, this category of meat product has a very affordable price, which makes it available for culinary experiments. Chicken drumsticks can be served with a regular daily meal or as a main course for a gala dinner, and you can cook meat and get a golden crust in the oven if you fry the drumsticks in a pan, bake on a grill or grill. In addition, the legs are quite small, so they fit perfectly in a home air grill or slow cooker.

As for the chemical composition of this product, even taking into account the presence of fat in the chicken, drumsticks (when properly prepared) can be safely classified as products suitable for PN and weight loss diets.

However, chicken legs will be tasty and healthy only if the meat product is initially selected correctly in a supermarket or market. Spoiled meat can seriously harm your health, so the choice of product must be approached with all responsibility.

The drumstick on meat counters is sold in two forms: in a frozen or chilled state. The latter option is preferred for subsequent cooking, in addition, it is much easier to determine the quality of such a product by a number of characteristic features. It will be much more difficult to verify the quality of frozen chicken meat, so you will have to completely trust the integrity of the brand and the grocery chain.

But you can understand that the meat product has already been repeatedly frozen by the amount of ice and snow present inside the package - the more it is, the more times the product has undergone changes in state, which will negatively affect its taste.

There are a number of mandatory features that allow you to determine the quality of the proposed products.

  • Chilled chicken should be free of off-flavours. If a vinegar aroma comes from the product, then the purchase of such drumsticks should be discarded.
  • Chicken legs, according to GOST, are classified into several varieties: the first type is distinguished by large sizes and an impressive amount of meat, for the second grade, these figures will be slightly lower.
  • It is important to pay attention not only to the smell, but also to the shade of chicken meat. Generally speaking, a quality chicken will be a soft pink, but a slight yellow tinge of fat is acceptable.

  • The presence of feathers and other inclusions on the product is strictly not allowed.
  • The average weight of one leg should be about 100-150 grams.
  • One of the fundamental factors is the shelf life of the goods being sold. This nuance directly depends on the conditions in which the drumstick is stored after cutting the bird. At temperatures from 0 C to +2 C, meat products can be successfully stored for about five days. If the chicken is frozen and stored in a freezer where the temperature is from -18 C to -24 C, then the legs will be usable for one year.

Baking time and temperature

A distinctive feature of chicken legs is the ability to cook fairly quickly. As a rule, it will take no more than 40 minutes to make a full-fledged meat side dish. This applies to any chosen option for the heat treatment of the product: frying, stewing, baking or boiling. However, a golden and crispy crust on the drumstick will form only during frying or baking the dish.

To achieve this result, there are a number of nuances regarding the temperature of baking products in the oven.

  1. You should start baking the legs at a heating temperature of about 220 C - in this mode, frying takes no more than 5 minutes, however, exposure to this heat will dry the crust, which guarantees it an appetizing look and the desired crunch.
  2. After that, the temperature must be reduced to 170-180 C.
  3. Just before the end, add again to the maximum and additionally turn on the airflow of the chamber, if there is such a function.

A tasty and fried crust at the legs is formed if you use a regular grill in the oven. In this option, 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, it will be enough just to activate this mode.

If you first fry the legs in a pan, then you can achieve a golden color and a crunch at the lower leg by adhering to similar temperature manipulations. You should also let the product fry at the very beginning without a lid. After that, such legs can be sent for further baking in the oven.

Suitable marinade

The use of a variety of marinades for the meat product will help to positively affect the taste and the formation of an appetizing crust on top. There are so many options for a variety of marinades for roasting chicken legs. Ketchup and tomato paste, beer and dry wine, soy sauce, fermented milk products, honey, etc. are successfully used in cooking.

As for the set of spices, in this case there are no strict restrictions, each housewife selects a bouquet according to her personal taste. It can be ginger, paprika, nutmeg, garlic, herbs or coriander. It is important to create a composition that will have the most saturated organoleptic qualities that the meat product will absorb.

Before using the chicken marinade, it is recommended to try it in order to correct the amount of certain components and consistency, if necessary.

There are a number of the most popular and successful marinades for baked chicken legs.

  • Composition for meat based on dry wine- it includes, in addition to a warm drink, fresh lemon juice, salt and a mixture of peppers. In such a marinade, the drumsticks are soaked for about 50-60 minutes.
  • Marinade with garlic and sour cream. Before cooking, the legs are pre-coated with sauce, after which they are kept in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and then baked in the oven.
  • Soy honey marinade allows you to achieve a very appetizing and beautiful crust on the chicken. The sauce usually contains mustard and spices to taste. Before cooking, the drumsticks must be marinated in such a mixture for about 2-3 hours.

  • Cherry marinade is also used for the drumstick.- such a composition is prepared on the basis of berry jam with the addition of spices, mustard and soy sauce. Before heat treatment, the meat should be soaked in the marinade for about two hours.
  • Mustard-citrus marinade will be an excellent option for serving baked legs with a crust to the festive table. The meat is marinated in a mixture of sliced ​​​​oranges and tangerines (with the addition of seasonings and mustard).
  • To bake legs deliciously, you can use yogurt and ginger. The drumsticks are soaked in the product for a couple of hours, after which they are baked in a mold in the oven.
  • A simple option for a marinade for legs is to use mixtures of mayonnaise, tomato paste, onion and garlic.


To cook baked drumsticks with a crust, you can use the following cooking options.

in soy sauce

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • chicken legs;
  • pepper, salt;
  • soy sauce;
  • ginger.

Cooking technology

  • First of all, you should grind the ginger root and combine it in a convenient container with spices, honey and sauce. Process the garlic under pressure and include in the marinade. Thoroughly mix all products, salt.
  • Next, you need to put the marinade on the stove, boil, then reduce the temperature and simmer the composition for about 5 minutes. Remove from stove and let mixture cool.
  • When the mixture reaches room temperature, put the legs into it and let the meat soak in spices and spices for 2-3 hours.
  • After the time has passed, put the chicken in a mold, send it to a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then turn the drumsticks over, pour over them with the drained marinade, bake for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 C. During this time, the chicken will become juicy inside, and the skin will brown to a crisp.

With ketchup and mayonnaise

Rosy chicken drumsticks can be made in the oven when using the following ingredients:

  • chilled meat;
  • ketchup or tomato paste;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt, spices to taste;
  • spicy seasonings, ginger, turmeric, paprika;
  • vegetable oil.

Legs are prepared according to this recipe

  • First you need to mix mayonnaise with tomato. You can use any ketchup or tomato paste (both spicy and spicy). Then add salt and spices to the sauce, mix the products well with each other.
  • Dip the chicken in the mixture, leave to soak for a couple of hours.
  • Preheat the oven, grease a baking sheet or a baking dish with oil, put the drumsticks on the surface, bake at a temperature of 170-180 C for about 45 minutes.
  • After 15-20 minutes after the start of the heat treatment, it is recommended to turn the drumsticks over to the other side so that a golden crust covers them on both sides.

With honey

The legs will turn rosy and fried if they are baked in a marinade from the following components:

  • fresh lemon;
  • salt pepper;
  • garlic.

Step by step cooking technology

  • First of all, you should preheat the oven. The optimal temperature for this recipe is 190-200 C.
  • Put the chicken legs on a baking sheet, salt and pepper them, bake for about half an hour.
  • Then you need to combine citrus juice with honey and finely chopped garlic.
  • Remove the meat from the oven, pour over the resulting composition.
  • Cook at the same heating temperature for about 10 minutes.
  • After that, you need to turn the drumsticks over, once again pour over them with marinade and bake for no more than 5-10 minutes.

in yogurt

There is another recipe that allows you to bake chicken drumsticks. It will need the following ingredients:

  • chilled chicken product;
  • garlic;
  • salt, spices at will;
  • water;
  • flour;
  • baking powder;
  • Greek yogurt;
  • coriander.

Cooking scheme

  • Grind the onion and garlic, pour a small amount of water, bring to a boil. Cool and immerse the drumsticks in the marinade. Leave the meat in this composition in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Prepare the breading for the meat. To do this, flour is mixed with pepper, baking powder and coriander. If desired, you can salt the composition.
  • First, the legs must be fried in a pan with the addition of a large amount of oil. However, before this, the meat must be dipped in yogurt and rolled on both sides in loose breading. For heat treatment, it will take about 2-3 minutes.
  • Then the drumsticks should be laid out on a paper towel to remove excess fat, after which they should be baked in an oven preheated to 180 C on a baking sheet for about 15 minutes.


With a crispy crust, you can bake chicken legs, using the following set of products:

  • main ingredient;
  • cayenne pepper, salt;
  • paprika;
  • hops-suneli;
  • tkemali;
  • classic yogurt;
  • garlic;
  • sugar.

Cooking delicious chicken legs in the oven is a pleasure. Minimum effort, minimum time, but maximum positive emotions. It seems that the choice of dishes from chicken legs is small. This is not so, judge for yourself: chicken legs with potatoes in the oven, chicken legs in dough in the oven, chicken legs in sauce in the oven, chicken legs in mayonnaise in the oven, chicken legs with rice in the oven. Moreover, all these dishes can be cooked in three ways: chicken legs in a sleeve in the oven, chicken legs in foil in the oven and in an open way, when crispy chicken legs are obtained in the oven.

Well, now you know exactly how to cook chicken legs in the oven, you can bake chicken legs in the oven yourself. If baking chicken legs in the oven has become a simple and understandable process for you, we think it would not be out of place to look at a few tips on this topic:

To make the dish fragrant, hold the meat in the marinade prepared in advance for a couple of hours;

It is not necessary to add liquid to the dish with the product if there is already a certain amount of vegetables there. They will give the necessary juice;

You can add a little wine diluted with water to the marinade. This will make the meat softer. In addition, when the alcohol evaporates, the finished dish will have a piquant flavor;

If you take the dish out of the oven 10 minutes before the end of cooking and leave it at room temperature, then it will “reach” at the same time as it cools down and save you time;

To get chicken legs with a crust in the oven, it is enough to increase the temperature in the oven at the final stage and give direct access to the heat for a few minutes (remove the lid, remove the foil, cut the sleeve).

Which will include only simple and affordable products. But the result will definitely please with aroma, excellent appearance and, of course, taste.

What will be required:

  • A kilogram of chicken legs;
  • Three tablespoons of sour cream;
  • Three tablespoons of ordinary mustard;
  • Five cloves of garlic;
  • Salt and pepper, vegetable oil.

Rinse the legs in cold water and place on paper towels to absorb excess moisture. Cut the garlic into 4-5 pieces. Make cuts in the legs, into which to send the garlic cloves. Do not skip this stage, because garlic will give the meat a pleasant spicy taste and aroma. Make 4-5 cuts for each leg.

Now mix the sauce, to do this, combine sour cream and mustard, add salt and pepper. Transfer the legs to the sauce, mix and leave for a quarter of an hour, then put in the refrigerator for another 10 minutes. Grease a baking sheet with oil and put the legs on it. Send them to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes. Then put the legs into a mold and bake for another 20 minutes at the same temperature. Put the finished legs on a plate and serve with a side dish.

Advice! Rice, stewed or boiled vegetables, mashed potatoes or just a vegetable salad can be added as a side dish to these crispy chicken legs.

Recipe #2

This is a more complex recipe with a step-by-step photo of how to cook chicken legs in a crispy oven. The chicken will turn out tender and soft, fragrant. In this case, the legs are not soaked in the sauce, a special breading is made for them.

What do you need:

  • Half a kilogram of legs;
  • One chicken egg;
  • a tablespoon of cornmeal;
  • Half a glass of hard grated cheese;
  • Three tablespoons of breadcrumbs.

Wash and dry the legs. Salt each leg, pepper, set aside and start preparing the breading. To do this, mix the flour with cheese, add breadcrumbs there. Beat the egg in a separate bowl, add a little salt and pepper. Dip the leg in the egg, and then lower it into the breading.

When the legs are all breaded, then put them on a baking sheet and send them to the oven at 200 degrees. Bake for about half an hour. Well, such lightly breaded legs are combined with vegetables and herbs, they can be served as an appetizer for beer. All options.

Recipe #3

What do you need:

  • Three chicken legs;
  • One bulb;
  • A clove of garlic;
  • parsley greens;
  • Three tablespoons of vinegar, vegetable oil, spices.

Finely chop the garlic and parsley. Chop the onion into small cubes and put all three ingredients in a deep bowl. Grate the washed and dried legs with salt, your favorite spices and put in a container with parsley, onion and garlic. Add vinegar, oil (three tablespoons of vinegar and six tablespoons of oil) there. Now turn the legs over so that they are saturated with marinade on all sides. Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

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After this time, you will need to bake the legs in heated sunflower oil for 20 minutes. After 10 minutes, turn the legs over so that they are evenly baked on all sides.

Recipe #4

Chicken legs in the oven with a crispy crust, the recipe with a photo of this species has Spanish roots. The legs are cooked in a spicy sauce with the addition of tomato. The dish will be spicy.

What do you need:

  • Six chicken legs;
  • One bell pepper;
  • One chili pepper;
  • Half a can of pitted olives;
  • Half a liter of tomato juice;
  • a tablespoon of potato starch;
  • Half a glass of water;
  • 3 large spoons of vegetable oil;
  • Bay leaf and spices of your choice.

Rinse the legs, as usual, and dry a little. Grate the legs with spices, it is best to take salt and pepper, as well as curry. Leave the chicken for ten minutes. Wash both types of pepper, cut into strips and a thin circle, respectively. First, heat the pan with oil, fry the legs in it on each side for five minutes. Cover the pan with a lid: it is important that the meat is well steamed from the inside.

Starch is diluted separately with water, add tomato juice here. Pour this mixture into a frying pan, add pepper there and simmer everything for five minutes. After that, put the ingredients into an oven dish, put a bay leaf in the same place and cook the legs at 180 degrees for half an hour. Top the dish with green olives 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Very tasty .

We offer such interesting recipes to cook chicken legs with a crispy crust. Please note that each recipe is as healthy as possible so that the dish is not only tasty and aromatic, but also relatively dietary. Each recipe deserves attention and has a special taste. Therefore, include one of four recipes every week in your menu. Bon appetit!

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